Newspaper Page Text
iTiie Second Week \ of the sale of $11,000 assigned stock D of Dry Goods and Shoe3 of W"ebb & Mears, is ^ now begun. Yon will bear in mind that this 5 entires stock must be turned into cash, every 6 article at and belowcosi !j Men's Shoes that sold for $5, now.$3 75 D Men's Shoes that sold for $1.50,now. 3 50 j Men's Shoes that sold for $ 1, now. 2 50 j Men's Shoes that sold for $3 now. 2 25 j Men's Shoes that sold for $2.50,now. 1 75 ?? Ladies' Shoes that sold for $3, now. 2 25 ') Ladies' Shoes that sold for $2.50, now. 1 '.5 j Ladies' Shoes that sold for $2, now. 1 50 5 Ladies' Shoes that sold for $1.50, now. 1 15 ) Ladies' Shoes that sold for $1.25, now. 95 i J. F. ROWE, I 23 Queen Street. > Hampton. Ya. S When Visltlno Phoebus C>a!l at TflOS. ft. DOUGHTY, PROPRIETOR. g Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ? Meals at all hours. Lodging. S Ladies''and Gents' Dining Par g lore up stairs. 8 IHeilen street, near Mallory. ? Music every afternoon f and night. ? ?????*t<C?#????**?,?1??? ***** Hampton College Classical school for Girls and Young Ladies. Session begin September 29th. For catalogue, &c, address, ?MISS FITCHETT, Hampton, Va. For Rare Bargain* in Call on King St. Hampton, Va. Farms, houses and lots in town and county for sale. Window Screens That Really Protect froni the flies and other sum ists are the sort of screens you llade to fit your window snugly. " warp, nor crack, nor wear at giges of the wire netting?that's fort of screens we sell at the price of the fall-to-pieces kind. Geo. n. Richter No. 9 Queen Street, Hampton. Va. Dealers in band. A. Helnlckel, of Phoebus, well known as a thorough business man and of sterling integrity and honor, has bought the right, title and interest of C. B Hoagland of about 130 lots called "Hoagland," three blocks from Queen .-street. Hampton, and it will be known hereafter as "HEINICKEL." Mr. S. J. Brown owns one-third of the same and A. Heinickel two-thirds, having also bought out J. Davis Reed, of Norfolk. These lots will be sold very cheap. The investment of one or more lots, if bought now, will pay a tremendous per eerr%ige to the buyer, and we have four farms with oyster water fronts one mile from Hampton, 17 acres each. "Address, S.J. Brown <SCo., LOCK BOX 225. HAMPTON, VIRGINIA JV\e\cleim Arno?, The celebrated Spiritual, Trance and Business Medium. Reads life past, present and future with absolute cor? rectness. Gives valuable advice In bus? iness and harmony to the family, circle. Every one in trouble should cal ?on her, 2511 Virginia Avenue, opposite the ESec tric Light Plant. _aug 18tf from healthy cow* ??table a* clean as a house and al? ways open for insrpeotioa?6 coast* ? Quart or 3 cents & pint. Milk foors Jer? sey cow 8 cents ft quart or i canto a pint to gtaea bottle*. Delivered any whoa* to fib* cSty. J, 85E. Langslow Hampton News 60 | For School Books, 1 School Supplies, Fine Sia' I tionery of all kinds, Ma' ? gazines, Books, and News * papers. I Gome id examine our I stock. I Maso lie ?olldino, f Hampton, Ya. f P. B. MESSENGER, General Carpenter, -MANt'FACTIIKKB OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES, rames, Sash, Blinds & Doors Vlantels and Mouldings. JtlEEN SREETT, HAMPTON VA. P. O. BOX 103 1 Eat tat MACKEY'S . . . RESTAURANT. Meals at all hours. Fi rat-class D!n ner.30c, from U:3? to 2 P. M. Break- 1 fast from 6:30 to 8:30, 25c Supper fast from 5: SO to 8:30, 25c. Supper from I C to 7:30 P. M. The beat the market af- ' fords in every respect. Game in season. I Supper3 furnished to parties on short | notice. UP-STAIRa. I George Lohse, Manager I FIRE The cost of securing yourself against loss by fire is so small that it is not wise to be without a policy. Tou may never be burned out, but. if such a mis? fortune occurs it is well to be able to draw a few thousand dollars with which to again prct you on your feet. Don't you think so? MARYE & BOYENT0N, Roor.-. No ' Rrn.xtnti Building. On September 8,1898, /VII^S & H.GLARKE Will open in Newport News a Select Day School for Girls, number limited, hour oral lesson In French (Parisian ac? cent) will be given daily to the whole school free t>f charge. For particulars apply to MISSELIZABETH H. CLARKE, 107 Twenty-seventh Street, Newport News Patronize home Industry Having doubled our force we are now prepared to fill all orders promptly for the celebrated EL MARCO CIGARS Factory, No. 2,402 Washington ave? nue, over old Armory. jyi!t-6m NEWPORT NEWS OIGAB CO., P.O. Box S5 A M PT ON NB WS Phoebus Bank Building, King Street. Telephone No. 18. fill news letters for publication n this department should be addressed to Ufilly Press Bureau. Hampton. {The Dally Press will be found for sale every morning at the following prices: Jampton?Shield's book store. Quean street, and at. the o21ce of the paper i King street. )id Point? Bauich's stationery and b ook store, Hygela Hotel, Chamberlln pteL Yesterday's Meetings Re? markably Harmonious. THE MEETING TOMORROW ItlaSaUl Tbat the D^legatet tu Today's County ConveutloD Are Sollt! for I.lbbey for tin- C'ougresMoual Nomination. Yesterday's Republican precinct meetings in the two districts heard from broke all political records in this county in the matter of harmony. They were impressively lamblike from start to finish, and in many respects reminded one of so many saintly Dun kur.ds assembled in solemn conclave? begging pardon of the Dunkards. After all, .however, it was not at all strange that; the dove of factional peace should hov?r over the day's proceedings. As the jmatter in hand was a Wise affair it was deemed the part of wisdom to secure a sinch upon brotherly love, whloti was very successfully accom? plished iby placing the meetings in the I hand's of competent men. Th& Hampton convention was held in i Samjritan Hall, on King street, and, I consl?ering the unusual hour at which it ws^s called?1 o'clock?was well at I tendqd. It was called to order by An I drew I Williams, chairman of the dis i trict ^committee, who delivered a brief I address which was well received. R. Watsbn then placed Thomas Kennedy I in nomination tor permanent chairman, ' making, in the course of his remarks, J a number of happy hits which brought 'down! the house. No other name'was presejnted and Kennedy received the I unanimous vote of the body. R. W. Browjn was elected secretary. A com? mittee of live \yas then appointed to recommend six delegates to the county convention, and after an absence of ten njiinutes reported the following namefe: T. H. Kennedy, M. T. Walker, I. T. ?Tones, Andrew Williams, R. Wat? son amd Robert Brown. The report was adopted without dissent, and with it the wlork of the meeting ended. Befolre the convention adjourned, I howevler, ringing speeches were made by Anjdrew Williams, William Graves I and RJ Earle Kohl, a visiting Republi? can from Pennsylvania. The speech of the Peimsylvanian was interesting. He said hi had never been in the South until me stepped from the steamer at Fort ifvonroe yesterday morning. His home is in Bucks county, where he had the/ honor of being the first negro summoned in the State to sit on a jury. Subsequently he held the office of deputy sheriff. His speech was tempo rate and| sensible. The mlee'ting in. Wythe district was held at! the polling place known as Slash. J; H. Robinson pres.ued and Justice T\ H. Saunders was made sec? retary, f-jike the Hampton gathering it was aiU affair of unruffled oarmony. The attendance was large. But half an hour hvas required for both speech making sind the selection of delegates. The following were chosen: E. G. Jones, A.1, W. Truehart, T. H. Saun rs, A. 42. Williams, Isaac B. Smith I and John ?H. Gray. The worl * of both meetings is favora? bly eomirn >nted upon. While nothing was said < :oncerning the choice of a candidate for Congress, it is known that the i nen selected to attend the county cori vention today are for mr. Libbey^ Ir i ease he cannot be nomina? ted they will support Dr. Wise, al? though it is said that several favor the endorsement of Sir. Holland. The names of trae Chesapeake district dele? gates could) n'ot be learned, but it is stated that Jthey also are supporters of Mr. Libbey.f ODD] SUITS IN COURT. Amusing ^Features of Judge Black ] stone's Docket. In going! over the long list of un? settled cas*9 on the docket of the Cir? cuit Court,lieft as an unwelcome lega? cy to Judtge Blackstone when he as? sumed thej duties of the bench, that popular jufrlst yesterday called several which cneated considerable amuse: ment. I One of (them was a divorce case which haci been filed years ago. The name of JMr. Collier appeared as at? torney for! one of the parties, and Judge Blackston? asked what disposition of ft he desirecy. The commonwealth's at? torney wats, luckily, abseht, and a friend perf-formed for him the embar? rassing dfljty of explaining that both parties to Jthe suit had been dead a long time. Another case was that of a couple wlfto had fallen out some eight or ten yeritrs ago and quarreled them? selves in'ttj) court. His honor's question yesterday! as to what should be done with the i case brought out the reply that that( the couple had settled their difference^ and ?are living together again. Mseantime the suit for divorce had been Jhummlng along -on legal time from one '(term to another. A third case of domes&ic infelicity was that of a man who,} after entering suit, had ibeen sent to tjhe penitentiary. COMMITTEES NAMED. Men Wh( Preside: Men's C pointed mittees are com Execut; mlng, c Ronsone, Fi nan ehairma: W. H. Bj Educai Grant, c Bulifant. Entert Cheyne, Paul S. Auditi chairm; LaCross Libra! ehairma Religt Benthalj M. C F. LaC D. W. M R. B. T< Recept chairm ai lison, H ston, H Syphe Invitai lett, ch; James Si Athlet ehairma Eiam, MRS.j Passed Mrs. late Boi Will Do T. M. C. A. Work For a Tear, it Heffelfinger, of the Young hrlstian Association, has ap 'he following standing com ir the ensuing year. .These It'tees of the board: jve Committee?W. J. A. Cum irman: R. L. Tennis, A. T. C. E. Cheyne, J. W. Rowe. Committee?M. C. Ronsone. J. )^,Rowe, R. B. Tennis, 'en ton. Iinal Committee?Paul S. ilrman; J. F. LaCrosse. A. L. ? nment Committee?C. E. hairman: R. R.^ Richardson, Irant. Committee?R. L. Tennis, W. J. A. Cumrmng, J. F. i Committee.?J. Heffelfinger, A. T. Ransone, R. B. Tennis. Work Committee?T. N. bhairman; Fred Cunningham, jnsone, R. R. Richardson, J. Bse, Dr. W. A. Peckler, Capt. jer, C. W. Hall, R. L. Tennis, lulls. |m Committee?A. T. Ransone. Ben. B. Bartlett, George El bert Grant, Walter M. John iry Clarke, Oscar Gilbert, vis. on Committee?Ben. B. Bart rman; Walter M. Johnston, lith. Walter Hudgins. Committee?L. S. Grant, John Weymouth, E. G. |R. Addison. tMCARY WHITING DEAD, uletly Away After a Long . lioness, lary L. Whiting, wife of the Whiting, died at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, at her residence on Locust street, after a long illness. She was about 71 years old. The causa of death was paralysis. Mrs. Whiting was highly esteemed by those who knew her. She had been for many years a member of the Method? ist Episcopal church. She is survived by a son. William H. Whiting, a mem? ber of Company D, Fourth Virginia regiment, who is now at Jacksonville, and a daughter. Mrs. Annie Dnrden, who has resided with, her some time. The funeral will not take place until tomorrow, 1n order to afford time to her son to make the journey from Jack? sonville. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The public schools in this city were opened yesterday with an unusually large enrollment for the first day of the term, and it is feared that many applicants will have to be turned away. In one room there are more than sixty children, nearly double the number that should be there. In all of the rooms the attendance was equal to that at any period during last year's session. BRIEF ITEMS. Judge Blackstone yesterday granted a decree of absolute divorce In the case of Annie M. Sager against A. D. Kl?ger. A colored laborer named Lewis, em? ployed by the government at Fort Monroe, was painfully injured yester? day morning by an iron wedge, which Hew from a stone into which it was being driven and struck him on the head. Mrs. H. D. Knight and daughter, Miss Joste, left yesterday for their home in Greensboro, N. C, after a very pleasant visit to the family of Mr. A. S. Hall, on Back River. PERSONAL NOTES. Major T. C. Tupper, who died re? cently at Cleveland, O., was on the active list of the army for thirty-two years, having enlisted as a private in the Sixth United States Cavalry in 1862. Some effort is being made by Repub? licans to Induce George Gould to run for State Senator In New Jersey. He does not seek the nomination, but might accept It if it were tendered without opposition. S. A. Knapp, LL. D., to whom the , United States government has given j the unique title of "agricultural ex? plorer." has sailed for Japan. He is to visit Japan. China and possibly' the Philippine Islands In the Interest of the department of agriculture.and will be gone about five months. Sir Thomas Lipton. the millionaire London tea dealer, who intends to race his yacht, the Shamrock, for theAmer Ica's cup. is carefully calculating chances. He has sent William Fife, designer of his yacht, to this country to study weather conditions on the At? lantic coast, where the race will be sailed. The proprietor of the large metal works at Berndorf. Austria, has had a special theatre constructed for his workmen by the architects Helmer and Felimer. It is to be formally opened in a few weeks in the presence of the emperor, and thereafter a theatrical company from Baden will give a per? formance twice a week. Miss Minnie Scarff and Miss Mamie Kenseft, the Baltimore girls through whose efforts money has '2>e?n raised for the purchase of a handsome flag to be presented to theuruiser- Baltimore, will accompany the mayor of their city to Washington to arrange with the navy department for the forwarding JOt the ensign to Manila. The latest titled recruit to the ranks of professional nurses is Lady Her mione Blackwood, the daughter of the marquis and marchioness of Dufferin. She has entered the hospital as a pro? bationer with the sanction of her mother, who has done more than any other woman to advocate professional nursing abroad, especially In India. The young earl of Seafleld has taken to himself a wife, a Miss Townsend, daughter of a New Zealand doctor. There are now four countesses of Sea field?his lordship's wife mother, grand-stepmother and grandaunt. The last is Caroline, countess of Seafleld, who owns the estates. Two countesses of Seafleld live in Scotland and two In New Zealand. t When the Eighth New Tork regi? ment was on the way home from Chickamauga the train was stopped at several places for supplies which peo? ple bought. At one of these stops the conductor roughly informed Major Neff that he would start . in half an hour. "If you start before these sup? plies of milk, ice. etc.. for the sick men are on board," said the major, "I give you my word that I'll shoot you dead." The train remained over an hour. Just as the Dreyfus scandal is open? ing again comes the news from Vienna that Baron Alexander Von Marschfield, a colonel on the staff of the Austrian army, has been quietly tried, convicted, deprived of his commission and also his nobilitary title and sentenced to ten years of penal servitude for selling to the military attache of the Russian embassy at Vienna the plans of Aus? tria for the defense of Galicia and for the mobilization of the Austrian army. The Russian military attache has been recalled. A STORY OF GEN. BURT. To the series of anecdotes about Brig. Gen. "Andy" Burt's marksman? ship now current, acorrespondentof the Philadelphia Record, who .served un? der that gallant soldier during the civil war, adds a new one. It seems that when Burt was a captain. In the Eigh? teenth United States Infantry, in April, 1864, the companies had daily target practice, the man making the best shot of the day being excused from any duty for twenty-four hours. One day a six-footer from Indiana named Brown made a bull's eye the first shot. "Load your rifle for me," said Capt. Burt. "and if I don't duplicate your shot I'll excuse you from a camp guard for a week." Brown, unobserved, tore two cartridges and poured the charges of both into his w.eapon, then dropped in the two balls, point foremost, and ram? med them home. Burt took the gun, squatted down, resting his elbows oh his knee and aimed long and deliber? ately. When he pulled the trigger the recoil threw him flat on his back. When he opened his eyes the company wag shouted: "Better lie still, Capt. Burt: The d?d gun is kicking yet!" And Capt. Burt's reply, according to our correspondent, would have done credit to "Fighting Bob" Evans. THE PRINCE OF WALES' JOKE. I heard a good story about the -Prince and it was well vouched for, says a writer in the ProvldenAe Journal. In the eighties, when the J Radicals were more than ever clamorius and active, a young lord said to hijn: "Sir, have you ever ffhought of the possibility of this becoming a republic, and you losing your tltfc and income?" "Yes, I have." said thfe Prince. "And have you thouflfcit of what you would do?" the young ?rd persisted. "Why, yes," saidJ&A. Prince, "there would always be adfnance to lecture in America." jf Lorenzo Perofflf the Italian musician, is a Roman CaJHollc priest, having been I ordained in ygfi. Sf &s?r*abSe Advice for these cool fall days and nights. We would advise the chanqe from the ex? treme liqht weight underwear for the more comfortable medium weight garments, which we are offerinq the public in natural and fawn colored, merino weaves, at excep? tionally low prices. Fall OtfercotvflTs have become a necessity, Our showing of these garments is interest? ing in that they are high grade tailor made top coats at phenomenally low prices. Stop in and see them. Boys' School and Dress Suits. Boys' School and Dress Shoes. Boys' Extra Pants. Mothers' Friend Shirt Waists. Just what you are looking for at this season. /?*npt^ The Reliable Clothier. Shoer ana ^f^^hj^FMM^^^^ \]HW DANK ^p*^853**51?^^ 1 NATIONAL HUILDING INANGt AND COMMERCE Market Quotations From the Leading Business Centers. NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK, Sept. 20.?Money on call firm, at 4 l-2@6 per cent.; last loan, 6 per cent.; prime mercantile paper. 4<?'5 per cent.; sterling exchange heavy, with actual business in bankers' bills at 4.83 3-4@4.S4 for demand, and at 4.81 3-4@4.82 for sixty days; posted rates, 4.83@l-2 and 4.85@l-2; commercial bills, 4.80 1-2@4.S1; silver certificates, 61@62: Mexican dollars, 47 3-8; government bonds, weak. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. NEW YORK, Sept. 20.?The stock I market today presented all the charac? teristics of genuine reaction. Last week's sharp recovery eliminated the short interests very largely and the forced liquidation of profits had been mostly completed during the previous continued decline. The market was thus freed to a great extent from tech? nical influences, and in condition to respond to the prospects for general business in the country. Its failure to do so yesterday was attributed to the unsettling Influence of the slump in sugar. The bears were evidently tim? id about continuing their campaign fur? ther against sugar, and were Inclined to cover so that this intluence toward re? action was removed. Nevertheless.the market drooped heavily toward lower basis with one or two exceptions in the list and closed on 'barely steady at a level generally 1 per cent, "or more below last night's level. The demand for stocks was very small all day, and prices went down easily under com? paratively light offerings. Weakness was practically manifest In tobacco, the grangers and Pacifies. The sharpest break in the market was coincident of , the marking' up of call loans to 6 per I cent. This flurry in the money market was a disappointment to bull opera? tors, especially in views of the engage? ment of over $2,000.000 in gold for im? port and mailing from the Treasury Department yesterday of checks for in? terest on registered four per cent bonds due October 1, amounting to $4,1)10,000. which are payable immediately. The sub-treasury's debit balance at the clearing house also ran up today' to I $1,261,458. reflecting a large increase in I government expenditures. Call money in London is 1-2 per cent, against 6 per I cent, here today. London discount is 3-4 to 1 7-8. against 4 pei? cent. here. It is a fact that a part of the day's gold engagements were made by bullion dealers here who are shipping silver in response to the existing active demand attributed to Spanish account. There is not sufficient demand for the ex? change against silver shipment to make a market, and there is * better profit in importing gold. Exchange Is thus I clearly demonstrated to be at the gold import point, and the question arises I what has been done with the country's credits abroad that they do not bring a larger gold movement. The imme I diate future of the local money market however, clearly toward greater I ease. Total sales of stocks today were 452, i 100 shares. AtcliiBon. 18 Baltimore Sc Ohio. 43i Canada, Pact lie. 804 Canada Southern. 584 Chesapeake & Ohio. 23i Chicago & Alton. . 150 Chicago, Burlington & Quintfy.. 114i C. C. C. & St. L. 40J do do pref'd. 80 Delaware & Hudson. 10U Delaware, Lack. & W. 149 Erie (new)... 13J : Fort Wayne..?. 171 I Great Northern prefd. 184 Illinois Central.ex div 111! Lake Shore . 102* i Louisville & Nashville. 80? Manhattan L. 90* j Michigan Central. 105 S Missouri Pacific. 83* Mobile & Ohio. 274 New*Jersey Central. 03 New York Central. 115J Norfolk & Western. 14 Northern Pacific. 40K do pref'd. 7?4 Pittsburg. 100 Reading. 188 Rock Island. 1014 St. Panl. l?8l do pref'd.156 Southern Pacific. 221 Southern Railway. 84 do pref'd. 33i Texas & Pacific. ibj Union Pacific pref'd,. C4j Adams Express. 114 American Express. 130 United States Express. 41 Wells Panto Express. 120 American Tobacco. 140f do pref'd. 130 People's Gas. 10H Consolidated Gas. 179 General Electric. 478 Pacific Mail. 33 Pullman Palace. . .es div 187 Silver Certificates. 01 Sugar. Ilflt do pref'd . 109 Tennessee Coal & Iron. 28ft Western Union. us Chicago Northwestern. 180| do pref'd. 175 Chicago Great Western. 15 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. CHICAGO, Sept. 20.?Strong outside cash markets and light northwest re? ceipts were factors In a sharp advance in wheat today. December closed 1 1-Se higher and September 1 3-4c higher. Corn and oats were both favorably af? fected by wheat, and advanced about l-4c each. Provisions were weak early, but uirned strong and closed at slight advances all around. WHEAT? Opeu High Low Close. Sept 05* 008 (55 ?0J Dec ?38 ?34 (12 J (18} May 04 4 04i (14 04$ CORN? Sept 298 29 i 294 20J Doc 298 29g 291 29$ OATS Sept 20? 21* 200 2U Dec 20? 208 20* 208 POUK? Sept 8.17A, 8.171 8.174 8.174 Oct 8.15 8.80 8.15 8.271 LARD? Sept 4.65 4.70 , 4.05 4.70 Oct 4.75 4.774 " 4.75 4.774 UIBS? Sept 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.274 Oct 5.221 5.25 5.224 5.25 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull; JSo- 8 spring wlieat. 02@05i; No. 2 red, ?0; No. 2 corn, 30(330i: Ko. 2 oats, 23*: No. 2 white, 24@24i; No. 3 white, 241; No. 2 rye, 47; No. 2 barley, 31 @44; No. 1 flax seed, 874; prime timothy seed, 2.45; mess pork per barrel 8.22ig8.27; lard, per 100 pounds, 4.75ftii4.77i; short ribs sides, loose, 5 15<2i5.85; dry salted - bL. ulders, boxed, 44@S; short clear sides, boxed, 5.524@5.U0;No. 2 yellow corn, 304. BALTIMORE PRODUCE MARKET. BALTIMORE, Sept. 20.?Flour?Dull; unchanged. Wheat?Firm; spot and month, 70(g) 1-4; October, 69 3-4@70; December. 68 3-4@69; southern wheat by sample. 64 @71. Corn?Easy; spot and month, 33@ 1-4; October. 33 l-4@3-4, new or old; Novem? ber or Decem!ber, 32@33 3-4: southern white corn, 34@36. Oats?Firm; No. 2 white western, 26 l-2@27. Rye?Finn; No. 2 nearby. 49 sales; No. 2 western, 51. Sugar?Strong: unchanged. Butter?Steady; unchanged. Eggs?Firm; unchanged. Cheese?Steady; unchanged. Lettuce?Unchanged. Whiskey?Unchanged. NEW YORK COTTON FUTURES. NEW YORK, Sept. 20.?Cotton . fu? tures opened quiet. October, 5.32; No? vember, 5.35; December, 5.39: January, 5.44: February, 5.47; March, 5.52; April, 5.56; May, 5.59; June, 5.62. is I War M Well we hope It Is, but we kcow that summer and hot weather will be with us for some time to come and if you have not already availed yourself of the chance to get a good Detroit Jewel Qas Range you hsve missed one of your best friends and more, you have missed the comfort that can only be had from the use of gas fuel, which brlngB delight and happiness wherever it is In use. Talk Is cheap you may say and a gas man must "gas," and who can blame him. He knows a good (hing?he wants to push it along, and he is wining that his friends should share in the procession. Generous soul that he is, he gives his advice free. It is no trouble to sing the praises of gas for fua? and as for light, its beauty shines so he who runs may be impress? ed. Oas for fuel at $1.00 is the cheapest fuel if it is economically used. Are you economical ? You are-prudent and wise. Therefore get a gas range. We will tell you something next week about heating that will surprise you. Call No. 34 "on either phone if you can not call. But come if you can. Newport News Gas Company, W. S. BO WEN? SupU Classical School for Girls and Young Ladies. Full corps of efficient teachers, repre? senting the best colleges of the North and South. Unusual advantages In Art, Music and Elocution, Conservatory course in music, Business course. TERMS REASONABLE. Your patronage solicited. Apply to MRS. M. W. HARWOOD, 225 29th St., Newport News, Va. aue27-lm. and Family Liquor Store B8TflBbl8?ED IN 1888. Is the place for you to buy your Wines and Liquors for Cooking and Medicinal purposes. itiese Qre ine Rules 01 me Gare and mo INSIDE: IB No Loud Talking or Singing, discuss? ing of Politics, Na? tionality or Keli gion. Ail who cannot comply with these rules are re? quested to spend their time and mon? ey elsewhere. All orders t?y ma'l trill raealva grosses* attenttea. No. tSll WASHINGTON AVJ?NU?, P. O. Box It. NEWPORT NEWS, VA. (?t HESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY J FOR RICHMOND, WASHING I TON, LYNCHBURG, CINCINNATI. LOUISVILLE, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, &C. MOUNTAIN RESORTS AND SUMMER HOMES. Schedule in effect June 26, 1898. WESTBOUND, j LvNewport News j Ar Richmond_ Lv Richmond .... Ar Lynch burg ... Ar Lexington, Va. Ar IJat'l Bridge .. j Ar Clifton Forge I Lv Richmond_ Ar Charlottesville Ar Staunton . Ar Clifton Forge i Ar Va. Hot Spr'gs1 Ar White Sulphur: Ar Cincinnati I Ar Louisville I Ar Chicago . I Ar St. Louis I 5 & 1 I No. 1 j No. 8 8 00a| 10 15a| 10 30a 3 50p *6 2?p 6 22p 7 30p '10 20a| ' 145p| ? 3 3Sp ? 5 4flp 4 35p 6 50p e 2Sp 21Sp 5 4-1 p 7 08p 8 57p <J fjjp 9 28p 7 55a U 00a 5 30p 10 3Op 2 43a 4 22a 6 28a 7 25a 705? S15p 8 00p 7 16a < ana. i 'Daily except Sundays Other tlma daily. Noe. 5 and 1 Mountain Reeorts trails daily to Richmond and except Sunday, motimond to Ronceverte, Parlor Car Old Point to Ronceverta without change. No. 1 with Pullman daily Richmond to Cincinnati. Louisvllla and St. Louis. No. 3 with Pullman daily Old Point to Hinton, Cincinnati and Louisville. Meals served on dining cars on Nos. 1 and 3 west of Gordonsville. TRAINS LEAVE NEWPORT NEWS FOR OLD POINT Week days 10 30 a, 1115 a and 1. 3, 6, 6 05 and 6 15 p m. Sundays only 11 15 a and 1, 3, 6, 6 OS, 7, 8 and 9 pm. FOR NORFOLK. lExtralNo.- 2JNo. 4 I Trip. 1 dal. [ dai. Lv. Newport News .1 8 20a 111 15a| 6 05p Ar Norfolk. 9 16a 12 15p 7 06p At Portsmouth .. ...|v |l2 28p| 7 20p Steamer Louise leaves Portsmouth dally (40 a m and 300 p m. Leaves Norfolk 7 00 a m, 9 35 a m and 3 30 p nt for Newport NewB. For tickets and other information ap? ply to E. W. ROBINSON, Ticket Agent, Newport News. JOHN D. POTTS. Asst. Gen. Passenger Agt, Richmond, Va, rp HE NORFOLK & WASKINO -L TON STEAMBOAT COMPANY. The New and Powerful Iron Palaca Steamers Newport News, Washington d Norfolk will leave dally as fol? lows: NORTH BOUND, learners leave Portsmouth, foot of North street at. 5:00 p. m. Leave Norfolk, foot of Mathews street at.-6:45 p. m. Leave Old Point at. 6:45 p. m, " rrivo Washington at.7:00 a. m. B. &. O. R. R. PENN., R. R. - Lv. Washington at.. 8:00 a m..8:00am Ar. Philadelphia at.11:00 a m. 10:50 am Ar. New York at.. .. 1:25 p m..2:15 p m South bound, B. & O. R- R, Penn. R. R. Lv. New York at_11:30 a m... 1:00 p m Lv. Philadelphia at. 1:33 p m..3:18 p m Ar. in Washington .. 4:30 p m..6:18 p m Steamers leave Washington at 6:30 p m ' rrive Fortress Monroe at.... 7:00am Arrive Norfolk at . 8:00 a m Arrive at Portsmouth at. 8:30 a m The trip down the historic Potomao vet and Chesapeake Bay on the ele? gant steamers of this company Is un? surpassed. The steamers are compar? atively new, having been built In 1891. and are fitted up In the most luxuri? ant manner, with electric lights, call bell, and steam beat In each room. The tables are supplied with every de? licacy of the season from the markets of Washington and Norfolk. For further information apply to D. J. CALLAHAN, Agent. _Norfolk, V? OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. DAILY SERVICE BETWEEN NEW YORK AND VIRGINIA POINTS. The elegant passenger steamships j Jamestown, Guyandotte, Princess Ann? I and Old Dominion leave New York every day except Sunday at 3:30 j P. M., for Norfolk and Newport News, i touching at Fortress Monroe on ttio j south bound trip. The ships of this line leave Norfolk for New York direct every day except i Sunday at 5:30 P. M. A short, delightful and Invigorating I vojsage. i FARES: Ftrst-clase, straight, including meals and berth .? 8.W I First-class, round trip. Including meals and berth . $13.06 i Steerage, without subaistance.... C60 Steamer Luray arrives from Smith field and leaves for Norfolk dally ex? cept Sunday at 8:00 A. M. Retufhlng l leaves Norfolk from Bay Line wharf I every day except Sunday at 3:00 P. M, ~M. B. CROWELL, Agent. t,| ERCHANTS & MINERS TRANS , LV1 PORTATION CO.'S STEAMSHIP. LINES FOR BOSTON. PROVIDENCE i and BALTIMORE. Leave Newport News, via Norfolk foe Boston every Monday,Wednesday and Friday, sailing from Norfolk at 5>30 P. M. Leaves for Provldenoe Tuesdays,/ Fridays and Sundays at 5:30 P. M. r Leave Newport News for Baltimore Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sun? days at 5 P. M.. connecting for Wash? ington, Philadelphia and New York. Fare to Baltimore, one way, J3; round trip; $5, including stateroom berth, Ac I commodatlons and cuisine ua I equalled. Freight and passengers ] taken for all points north and south. For further information apply to L. C. SAUNDER?,-Agent, Newport News, Va. W. P. TURNER, G. P. A. J. C. WHITNEY, T. M. General office, Baltimore, Md. THE STEAMER a A. iPCALIJ will leave Newport News wita both freight and passengers for Peters? burg every Monday, Wednesday and Friday about 7:15 A. M., and will leava Newport News for Norf oik every Tues? day. Thursday and Saturday about 3:tt P. M. . . * -sjal vvnl leave Norfolk every Monday? Wednesday and Friday at 6KH) A. M. I sharp. J. W._ PHILIPPS,