Newspaper Page Text
^tte i a?B Press ' c. E. THACKER, Editor and Manager. ?UDLISHED every m?~rnTng EXCEPT MONDAY IiY tue -^ailv Press Company tg? limited. |! POSTOFFICE BUILDING. The Daily Press may be obtained every morning at the following places-. Crossley Bros. Washington avenue. J. A. Corey. Acre. Chesapeake & Ohio Restaurant. Charles Robinson. No. 7 Ivy avenue. > Parties otner th..n those having led? ger accounts with the paper, civic so? cieties and military organizations, are required to pay for transient adver? tisements in advance. An increase of 33 1-3 per cent, will be charged for tran .-- sient advertisements not paid for in advance and no transient advertise? ment will be booked for less space than one inch. To illustrate: one-half inch is 50 cents, one inch 75 cents for one time, when paid in advance: but they will be $1.00 If charged. Tran? sient advertisers will save money by remembering this notice, applies in all cases, irrespective of financial responsibility. Advertising rates furnished on appli? cation. Contractors are not allowed to exceed their space or advertise other than their legitimate business, except by paying especially for the same-. Ad? vertisements discontinued before tin expiration of contract will be charged for at transient rates for the time in? serted. SUBSCRIPTIONS. Daily, twelve months . $4.0( ^Daily. six months . $2.In ?Daily, one month. .41 Dally, one week .1( All business, news letters or tele graphic dispatches should be address.-i DAILY PRESS. beul 'phone .251' citizens' 'phone . U Entered at the Postoffice at Newpor! News, Va., as second-class matter. djust Hint If lie t biding ? in tin lit Iis SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 11?. 1898. |l; j! ?HIHI ivu^Ymrnincod that the Attorney General of the United States is looking :; into the recent race troubles in South and North Carolina, with a view to de? ciding whether or not Federal interfer? ence in tile matter is necessary. In :i perfunctory and formal way such an investigation is probably all right, but it is to be hoped that it will nm result decision to interfere in an affair which had much better lie left itself. Then, loo, li seems ti the Attorney General should i partial in his investigations, paper reports may be believed there ai more serious complications in Illino than in North and South Carolina. I the Prairie State, mob law has not onl taken the place of the legally i-instili ted authority in some places, but tl governor of the State overrides lb.i stitulion of the United States with in puity. Naturally, .very law Southerner regrets tl.ecui-rem Carolinas?regret that they wei sary?hut it can at least be sin the officials of the comi ferred to not only did not partiell ? the troubles, but did everything ii power to restore order. So far punishment of those concerned riotous condui t is concerned, evi telligent person must realize thii is well" nigh an impossibility to secure sufficient evidence to convict in such cases, whether Uncle Sam or lb,. Stale stands as protector. It is unn.ssary to go back to the "Boston Tea I'ally" in order to verify this statement. This being the case, it would evidently lie the part of wisdom to let the matter diop. Then- has been lots or talk about the ? closing up of the bloody chasm between the North and the South, and Die people of "Dixie" hailed friendly protestations of their ancient with gladness Is this partiality on the part of ib.- Attor? ney General of the United States one of the first fruiis of lb., reunion of the sections? Will not the South be justi? fied in treating these protestations with suspicion if South and North Carolina are to be rebuked and coerced because of the actions of irresponsible mobs, while the governor of Illinois is allowed to abrogate the rights of American cit? izenship without protest on the part of the national government? thai In advertising, as in any other branch of business, the man who has space to seil, usually has an adequate idea of its value, and'no one with an lota of busi? ness sense can for a moment expect that cheap advertising rates justify the ex? pectation of good results from an adver? tisement. When a man pays shoddy prices for a suit of clothes he expects to get shoddy goods; that is business. When a man pays shoddy advertising 'rates he should expect shoddy results; but whether he expects them or nm they . what he gets. -ind now it announced that New York jjrts to have a cat show. We know very i : Jlttle about the Gothem feline, but if its - voice is constructed on the same plan .'and has the same pitch us that of the I Newport News tabbies, we feel that the ; ;New York people are making a big mis? take in agreeing to give the animal a show To civr them ;< loaded club 1 won i sn>' trouble 111 the long run. While it is :i mile unreasonable to suppose thai Spain can gel any very pleasing results out ol the peace nego? tiations, ii is (|Uite likely that lin y will learn th. lesson that old debts are not considt red a valuable ass. t according !?> latter day business methods'. THKV I ? 'N T LIK K IT. Disagreeable Situation in I'.attory A. Philadelphia. A special dispatch from Philadelphia to the rtaltimore Sim says: '?When the members ot" battery A. which includes a large proportion of society men, assembled at their armory equipment in their possessions and to sign the pav-rolls thev were surprised to find an order posted by Capl. Hard ly Warburtnn staling that the battery is hide >ted to Montgomery, liaird <K Hln.des for t2.C?r..S0. which they ad? vanced through ''. & II. Boric, bankers. 'To meet this guarantee fund each man who r.iced boots and Khaki uni? form will be charged Sr.".'!".. and ea<'h man receiving onlv the uniform w ill be charged if tic battery iiad not I.n furnished through th.- kind? ness "f Montgomery. Bail.I & Ithodes. il was staled. Ill" supplies would have been furnished by th" government and charged against the individual clothing account of each man. ' In regard to the mess fund, t h" bat? tery, il was staled, is indebted to Us captain for $.".7S.22. and tin- Individual subscription is JS.70. covering the period from August I to September 10. in ? elusive. ?The became indignant, saying thev would nol pay Hie lulls, esi.ialiy Hie item of $:;.70 charged against them individually for the mess fund. Tin y state that during the period mentioned Ihoy not only ... . not receive any extra rations, but that during lb" campaign in Port.. Itico they railed to gel even their fall share of government rations. "Regarding the uniforms, for which $10.0." is charged, the tii"n say He y wer. led to believe that thev were a gift l< the battery. The government .price fot such a uniform is slightly over $7. and the voting artillerymen will make a strong -'kick" against paying $10.'.. The boots, for which they are charge. $M. are regarded In the same light; us I a gift, and if not, as loo expensive." Batterv A n will be remembered, wa encamped here r.,r foiu months durint Hie war. being stationed above t h. shipyard as a guard to tli ? government': interests there. Tl?. Phiadolphiniis mad, i number of friends here, who einer mined them on numerous occasions The present difficulty in the ranks o I ho gentlemen soldi, rs will be bean lo re with considerable surprise. Til E Ft it'I ITH VIRGINIA. , I leeid. d That ' mi- 11 undh d Soldier Will He Mustered ? int. Ii has been at last deltnlU-ly decide ' that men from the Second and Thir ' i eglments will be enlisted in this Fourl i ' says the Dispatch, and that a larg number from the taller regiment wi be era.,t.-.l discharges. General l.oo will, in n short whih order to officers from ih 1 Fourth Iteglmenl for the purpose of en * listing men In the Fourth. I hi a few days discharges will b > granted to about one hundred men i ' the Fourth Regiment, and their plaei : w ill be supplied by the i.mils. 1 Th.- foregoing Is the result of a co, ference which Governor Tyler had wit . Secretary Alger In Washing!,. I Wednesday afternoon. The Govern. 1 informed the Secretary of War of ll large number of applications for dis ' charges now being made by men in tl Fourth Regiment. Tie also told lib that, in his opinion many of the eas. wer.- meritorious, and thai the me r,!)!'?t?'- hftjjHfioharBed /XWlegiJnenTVn^ ? in their "placcH.""He slated to Ilm Go\ . ernor lhat General I.e.- would be .1 ' rooted tosend recruiting d.-iails to Vh ginlfi at once, to enlist the men neede. The Sc-cretary said |., ih,- Govern,, thai he would limit the number of dis ? barges to one hundred men. The Governor pit! in one of Hie busies lays of his administration milking up the list of one hundred f, hose dis. barges he will ask. The Governor took with him to Sa .annah a list ,,f the men who had writ '?n him. asking his aid in securin discharges, and also th, Ki?ii?.Is up,, w hich the applications were based. Tbl list was submitted to Colonel Tavloi with the re,pi,-si that he examine Im Mio eases and r.-porl lo 111.- Governor a soon as possible. Colonel Tavlor re ported yesler.lay. The number of dis charges recommended by him is no submitted." The total number receive, by the Governor was upwards of I w, hundred, il is tinders.I Colonel Tay? lor and his company officers approve, those of only about sixty-five. All ap plications for discharge must be ap proved by the captain and colonel. Th.- Governor's mail contains linh else S.,Ve lettelS ffOtll Soldi,MS, Ol" tllOS. dependent upon th.-ni, asking for dis charges. Some of the letters reveal ter? rible conditions existing in homes fron which sons ,,r fathers w.-nl to enlist. NAVAL ORDERS. Surgeon .1. c. Brynes lias . u de lache,I from the Cincinnati and order? ed hom,. Assistant Surg.-on D. It. Korr ordered to the Kankton. Assistant Sui'g.-on W. If. Bell. de. tached from i In- Naval Hospital at Philadelphia and ordered lo the Naval 1 iospital at Washington. Assistant Surgeon V. I.. Ben ton, de? tached from tin- navy yard at Wash? ing. und ordered lo the Naval IIos pitnl at Washington. Assistant Surgeon 'I'. I., lib,.ados' res ignn. has been accepted. chief Engineer C. J. MacCoiinell or d--red to th.- Conlinenilal Iron Works Chief ICngi.r A. Ii. Able relieved as a member ,,f the Examining Board at Philadelphia and placed on waiting orders. Lieutenant B. \v. Wells. Lieutenant .1. II. Sears and Ensign I-:. Mci'auley detached from the Newark and order.',' home. Rear Admiral W. S. Scliley. detached rrom connection witli ib.- Evacuation Commission and ordere,I home. chief Engii.r , '. An,bad,., n-lievcil from duly as recorder of the Examin? ing Board and ordered to continue duly as a member. chief Engineer S. L. I'. A vres. de. Inched from duly as a mctnbem of lb. Examining Board and ordered to dut\ at Mi.hale Sle.-I Company. Assistant Surge.,,, \y. jj nish de? tached from ib.- Vankton and ordered f. the Naval Hospital at Philadelphia. Ensign E. Lind, detached from the Lancaster and ordered home. Lieutenant M. Niles. detached from th.- Hydrographie Office and ordered home. Ensign S. M. Ease, detached from the I- ish Commission steamer Pish Hawk am! o,,|. i.-d home. Assistant Engineer W. H. Messenger detached i,on; the Cincinnati and or? dered ho.,.,. Assist.-,?1 Engineer H. c. Cooper de? tached from the Norfolk yard ami or? dered to the Cincinnati. Lieutenant F. S. Boyee and Lieuten? ant .'s. N. ICayne are honorably dis? charged: Till': PRINCETON The gunboat Princeton left the navy yard at 11 o'clock Thursday for Hamp? ton Roads, where she will join the Hag ship New V'ork. The Princeton has b.-en thoroughly overhauled, is funy manned and pjrovisioned. It is thought j that the squadron, under Commodore Philip, will be completed in a few days. Mr. J. E. Sills left Thursday for Win? ston. N. C. whither he has been trans? ferred for hi* health. LIKE IT I ? ORLANDO-As I ren.emUr, li *as jpintlis I I ,ashicn- 4 ? 11 !?! 111. AND Till: DONKEY MAN'. OKI Philip Sewell is an c.l.l time .hu ki v. his hair .1* gray ami Hie recollee lnn ,.| slavery days is slill vivid in his mind. Phil Is a groat ruvorite wit Ii the boys in the shipyard ami uns elected, ???'nie I wo years back, as "chief scout." I Whenever a ship hailing from foreign I nails came in for repairs Phil's duty I was t" explore the inner recesses of lie-. crews lockers for curios and liquor and I report thereon. Mom,, few months ago a I ?team, r hailing from Jamaica c;. in or repaiis. She had strati.??! some ,her.i the West India ?ail and lany were tin- tab s ein ulnteil as to Ihe im wines said to be in possession of the row. Philip, with a look of expei la? id forth to invi stignte. He had I.n ni'iirnic.1 that He- "donkey mail" was In- man ? In. ki pi lie- best ami the pro. .? r to approach rust. Tlie let in donkey man" is given to lie- fireman vhn tiros tin- auxiliary boilers, which ,r.- used for light steaming purposes vhen the main boilers an- undergoing .-pans. Phil was unacquainted wllh his term and unfortunately for him and o his untter disgust ib.- cri u ivere all j Spanish. lb- returned unsuccessful: I "What lin k Phil?" quotjj the buys. An did noI strike lie- light man." one fel I [ow observ d. "Did en talk to Ib.- don Ic-v man?" Phi) cast at him a ie I pr?achful look, straighten, d himself ami replied: "Well. I guess I doll" been j rnun' her,- long enough, chile, in know a donk.-v man when I sees him. "But w,. don't bell, ve yon saw. Phil." . aid the bovs. "II"? did >oii dislln I niisii him?" i'iiil griiiiii d ami scratch? ed his head. "Well you see. il was rlirs vav gemmeii. I went aboard ami d. ?,.', ':, browii-face Jackie, an' I ask him I,ether Ii, done g,,i any scorpion Juici ,, in. , I ,i lies, lie look .il me an' den hi holt, hi, b.a.l like Peter 'I'a.vlor's old iiule bin lie ain'i say notbiii'. I 'at t ow I know Ii-- was de donkey man." Till-: IH IT El, CLERK. The hotel clerk is a soi l of l'-l low v. ,ih .. manner engaging mm bland. Each comer does he greet will, a smile 11,al is sweet and a .i-dlyiiig grasp of ,1,.. |,;,nil. lb- sl-/.es up his man as only .an. an.. knows in iniiiule Ih'a\,' apariuieliV"i.i Igbl und elleei y. or ' "l"le s"au animated encyclope.f in 11 n ulh ,1 b Kb I i?. i, Iis hm !?? knows, like ili? head? light pin in bis shirt. I le can pick out *. I the hers- that w ill win .In- eoiirse. ,,U noii wh-ii f. drop, or stand pal. or dra.,: be i.- pastel well on scandals, curreiil news and all lie- "."s sip.~ lalks theology and p..lilies ami law. i Hi. the hotel clerk is an all right sort ,,C fellow. May he long by his registel chewing toothpicks, swapping -toil, s. till this mini.lam- sphere in a.iie is: then. oh. then may In- read lie- llapp> Siran.I. there tu lind Mir 1,7 borrow : w here the drummer and I hi . . , lim,* i] 11 fr.' the town of Wesi Mei?nlv lo blow .nil the hot or cob; ..illy visit ng ii .. iNews. tells tiiis-rtitnry at tin expense of Lord Charles lieresford now Admiral of the British navy. Some years ago. while acting as ex? ecutive Olli.-er of m.f ||er Majts ty's ships, during a review at Ports? mouth. In- was mi the bridge ilirectinf, sun.volution, Just al . of ih, ' l ilic:.ints in i be ia, t les, an old muii scow, in coming out of the harbor, rat afoul of the battleship's bow. Lieutenant I'.eresfnrd called out an? grily:^ "I.k there, with your ok! Wiicr.,oii the man aboard of her v, ho was I,oib captain ami crew of hi, ?rait, answer,-,!: "Are you the captali of that ship?" "No." said jteresford. "Then. ,1 you. talk Id vein- equals, l">" 11.aplain of tliis' vessel." _ Till-: RACONTEUR. 11? Ij P ? I n \f y y hue. le claim's ?mm mum remedy flever FaSSs. ENDORSED MY THOUSANDS Nectar for the Gods Never refreshed and slrengihe,: like "'it pure Bourbon Whiskey. For an aid I,, digestion, preventive of cold-, cure for chills and specific lor grip it is linri vailed. As Winter* is ciose at L. ml, now is the time In look over your last winter's Mm and overcoat: have ii thoroughly ' "':'.I. 'l.v.-d and repaired by compe? tent workmen and made to look like new. I have been in the business for several years and am prepared to do all kinds oi repairing, and at reasonable rales. Give me a trial and satisfy yourself. W, RRtEDBERG PHONE ?lii. Wilmink's Old rtand 22! 271 h street. "J RICHMOND, f ? BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY 2&09 waihington aveaue. NRW ADVERTISEMENTS. I ?on SALE?I .INK SINGING IMPQRrl ed Canary birds. Linnets & Cold- I nnelies: fresh seeds, plain <>r mixed, for all of birds. Also cages, all sizes, lilt."- fixtures and material for cages. All birds guaranteed. G. ALBERT LENZ, to jiiti -. 2:"."" Jefferson Avenue. ?FOR SALE?RESTAURANT DOING a good business; will sell for $U00 cash, or t.i a good manager will sell hair in? terest ror ?:!00. Em- further informa? tion inquire .it 1-1 Twenty-third street Newport News, Va. 11 lS-lw* FOUND?SMALL JERSEY COW. owner can get same by paying charges W. F. Hopkins. Back River. -16-:st? Wanted-Boarders BY MRS. M. E DOSWELL, ?o. 105 html. First class table and pleasant rooms. Terms reasonable U-25tf. madam f\met&. The celebrated Spiritual. Trance and Susincss Medium. Reads lire past, [.resent and ruture with absolute cor- ] redness. Gives valuable advice in bus? iness and harmony to the family circle. Every one in trouble should cal 'on her. J511 Virginia Avenue, opposite the Elec -O. ? l-r' ? ?||- '?u PENSIONS Bunnies. Arrears or Bay. Patents. Land Warrants, Duplicate Discharges, SPANISH WAR ?'LAIMS SETTLED. JOSEPH THELON. Attorney, (lute of Washngton. 1 >. C.) Address National Soldiers' Home. P. ( I. Box 255. n-;::-tr. SiccHioldt r's Mcctirg. KOTIGE?The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Newpo. t News Supply Company will be held at the ollloe or the company on Tuesday, Dec? ember 0. 1S98 at 8 P. M. T. H. GOIiDON. w.?-1ito. President. EoEr?ers?nt?? BY FRANCIS M. ELLISON No 114 Tliirtij-flrst ST.r?e.t Also furnished rooms for rent, with kkkii |; Well we hope It la, but we kp.ow * '.hat summer and hot weather will be ( with us for some time to come and If 4 you have not already availed youiself , of the chance to Ret a good Detroit Jewel Gas Range you have missed one of your best 'rlends and more, you have missed the comfort that can o be had from the use of gas fuel, which brings delight and happiness wherever it is in use. Talk is cheap you may say and a gas man must "gas," and who can blame him. He knows a good ihing?he wants to push it along, and he is willing that his friends should share In the procession. Generous soul lhat he is, he gives ins advice fne. it Is nD trouble to sing the praises of gas for fuel and as for light, its oeauty shines so he who runs may be Impress? ed. Gas for fuel at $1.(10 is the cheapest " ...i if it is economically used. Are you economical ? You are prudent and wise. Therefore get a gas range. \Ve will tell you something next week about heating that will surprise you. Call No. 34 on either phone if you can net call. Rut come if you ean Newport News Gas Company, W S ROWEN. Supt NOTICE I To the tax payers of the city of New? port News: 1 am ready to receive taxes for i he year 18?S. and will be in my ot lice in the Courthouse building on the 18th, 17lh. 18th and 19th of this month for that purpose. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 4 ]'. M. I Five per cent, added to all taxes not I paid prior to December 1st. I J. M. CURTIS. Nov. 2. 189S. City Treasurer. nov-fi-2 wks. $7.50. ?$7.50 H. Lash, and 2305 Washington;Ave ra 1 eautifi I Conch, upholstered in a fine qu?l? et, worth $32X0, for 10 da "s on I- $7.50 Cash or Credit. $7-5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ if you want a building lot Buy it of the Dominion Land Company Lets for sale on easy terms in all sections of the city. F inely located business lots on Washington ave. Farms io'r sale or rent in Elizabeth City, War? wick and York Counties. Old Dominion L>and Company? ROOM NO. 11. f.KST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. OFFICE OPEN UNTIL 8PM Tl.e public lias Ions since learned thai the statements made by Hirshberg, the Banner Ciother, can be relied upon. There is so much deception ami fraud In advertising methods that the pub.ic usually take advertiser's statements w 11 h if salt. Hirshberg always endeavors to tell a straight story, and the results have proven that plain truth tells. This week we are offering a line of men's Dark Blue fancy worsted suits at $8.75, that arc so well made, and such splendid fabrics, that they would justify pretty loud praise. Double breasted sack suits, worin $l2.?0, for $875. There's Others worsted suits, overcoats, Single breasted black worth SI5.00. for $|i."5. I ?lack and blue Heaver worth $15.00, for fl.75. Hltie and black Kersey overcoats, worth $12.00. for $7.r,o. These goods are more than ordinary bargains, as they were bought by us in the last few days at very much less than actual value. THE BENINER CLOTHER - 606 Washington avenue. Sommers Big Values For Ltfffe Money Fop This Weck Ladies' genuine vici kid, vary soft and flexi? ble, in lace or button, in all style toes. Regular value #2.00. Ladies' imported vici kid, hand sewed, pat- ^ ent tip or tip of same, in lace or button, in all the ^ lutest shapes. Regular value $3.00. Roys' satin calf, solid leather throughout, school Ahoes. Regular value $1.50. Men's satin calf shoes, every piir guaranteed to be all solid leather, in all tojs, in lace or Con ???ress. Regular value $2.00. Men'*, tin and boxcalf", heavy sole, winter weight, in lace or C .nuc.pss, made with outside back t-tay, in all style toes. Men's hand sewed tan, winter weight bals, in Ke^ular v; Kg bull dog or all the leading ? toes. 2i>0(5 VV'asnington Ave., Newport News, Va. tS^JLElec,ric L? I u f l Bell Wiring done I GOLD STORAGE. on short notice. f\RG LIGHTS* Inspection guar^ Incandescent Litjius, anteed. Hf?T?(! or CONTRACT No Dirt, No Odor, motor i ins oi Factory Prices . oo wpd ' I No Matches. f^U XX hilt, i -PHONE 2B1B. Peninsula Electric Light and Power Co. SEWI'ORT iVEKS, K4. (Board of Directors meet third Tuesday in each month.) DENT/ST. t Washl ngtoa avenue and Twenty-eighth ?treet, over Ideal Pharmacy 4 Office Houn > A. M. to S P. M. Sundays, J A. M. to 11 M. ' 4 Open Evenings 7 to a. & j VITALIZED AIR F?R PA1>LESS EXTRACTIN? Z 5 GOOD SET.TPPTI4.6 DOLLARS * 4 BEST SET.8 Lf i 11.8 DOLLARS? * PARTIAL SETS.5 *-?- 111 .IN PROPORTION ? 5 No charge for extracting when teetli are ordered. ? q Extracting . .2ac^ Painless extracting; with local auasthetie.!.!.50ck Silver lillin <.???????? .v:.v::::::::;:;.#i.?? UP > j I cetii Cleaned. .75c \ ^ Kridge work and crowns. 22 karat gold, $5 per tooth.? 4 ALL WORK GUARANTEED. ^ SCHMELZ BROS., BANKERS NfcvvPfjRT NEWS. VA. Offers Their Customers Every AccotnmoaEi tioi? Consistent \AVitH Safe Banking, . Accounts of individuals, firms and corporations solicited. Collection made on all parts of the country. Foreign drafts issued on all purts ot the world IN OUR DIME SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits received from 10 cents to $5,000 and interest allowed at the rate of FOUR PER CENT. PER A SN I'M. SWEETY DEPOSIT BOXES EOF? RENT Oi-ly afety Boxes in the City So Oy Time Loo W. A. Post, President. J. R. Swinerton, Vice-President. J. A. Willett Cashier J OF NEWPORT NEWS GftPITflU $100,000. SURPLUS $30 000 DIRBC TOR8 : W. A. Post, J. 5L Swinerton, M. B. Crow^U, M. V. Doughty R. O. Blckford. C. B. Orcutt. I. Eugene White, J. A. Willett. Accounts of hanks, carporatlons, merchants, individuals and firms invited. We otter depositors every accommodat ion which their balances. businem an? r<?rousihiitty warrant. Sell ou 'wn drafts drawn oa all principal cities ?f "b* 'vorid. -: SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR KENT G. H. West. President. D. S. J->nes, Vice-President. W. B. Vest, Cashlnr. Citizens and Marine Bank OF NEWPORT NEWS, VA. CAPITAL $50,000. SURPLUS $15 OO J PAID IN DIVIDENDS, $15,500. A general banking business. Every facility offered for cafe aafl prompt transaction of business on favorable terms. The accounts of Corporations, Firms and Individuals solleltfcd. Special attention given o collections. Drifts Irswn on all parts of the world. A SPECIAL SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS OP %i if:D UPWARD. ?TT ?IRECTORS ? Q. B. West. H. E. Parker, T. M. Benson, J. 3. T?nnings, L. '_. Stsarnes, EJ. T. Ivy, D. ft. Jone?. A. C. Qarrstt, J. M. Curtis.