Associated I
VOL. Ill, JNO. 280.
Newport News Contest on the
Gridiron Today.
Good Material In Mutli Elevens, and a
S< rappy Game May lie Looked for.
Prospect of a Large Attendance.
Those Who WIU Participate.
The event of the day will he the
Thanksgiving football game which will
be played at Riverview Park today
between the Newport News eleven and
the Richmond College team. The game
will be called at 3:30 shaip and there
is every indication that the crowd will
be a large one. It is true that New?
port News, Hampton, Phoebus and Old
Point will all send big delegations to
the Virginia-North Carolina contest in
Richmond, but there will b? enough
of the enthusiastic lovers of the sport
left to more than test the capacity of
the park. Every arrangement has been
made, and even with the poorest ex?
cuse in the way of decent weither, the
day will be a great success.
Roth teams are confident, and th.
game is likely to be one of the hottest
v -messed here for a long time
Following is the line-up of the two
teams, subject, of course, to change:
Newport News. Pos. Richmond.
Dera i ge ..
Wa rren...
Newkirk .
Dai ley _
Scull .
Jones .
left end...
.. ..left tackle .
..lert guard .
.centre _
-right guard
. ..right tackle
..right end .. .
.quarter hack ..
left hand back
. right half back.
. Pope.
... Rloxton.
.. Langford.
it will be
ews eleven
Tar-heels lulled up against Georgia on
November 12. makes the Virginians
shiver, ami they have gone to work in
earnest to save themselves from defeat.
Virginia's line this year is the strongest
since that of '?4. but her backs are not
up to the standard, with the exception
of Moore, whose brilliant runs and line
bucking against Georgetown, have
made him renown among Southern
Carolina's backs are far above the
standard, and. unless Virginia's ends
play phenomenally, some sensational
end runs may be expected. Virginia
this year departed from her usual
course of coaching, and left this entire?
ly to her alumni, who have distinguish?
ed themselves on the gridiron. Mike
Johnson, 1'. S. N., Mac. Pope. Bob
Mudd and Arlie Jones, all of the team
.if 'A4: Archie Haxton, of the tvains of
'95 and '96: Porter Parker, of the teams
of '92 and '113. and "Ike" Massie, of the
team of '93, the crack guard of the
Hampton team of that year, have had
the team under their control at differ?
ent times, and Thanksgiving Day will
show the result of this system.
will line up as follows:
Pierce .
Collier (cap.)
Shlbley .
Griffin .
Moore .
Elsom .
,.L. E.
. L. T.
.. .. Gregory.
.i'u n ningham.
. Klutz
vn Held ai
evee Vesterd
wn had an intere:
ilice Court yesten
occupied with th
of gambling mad
iy. The
of Phil Mahr.
. It was disi
Richardson.. ..full back
From the above line-up
seen that the Newport I
will l.e no sinecure to down.
Howard, at the left end will be all
righl, as demonstrated by his practice
work. He is a new man here, out not
a new man on the gridiron, as he has
played r^th Lehigh. as well as other
crack teams. DeFarge as an old 'tin.
and a good 'un. at that. In his old
position at left tackle, he will do his
share of the work satisfactorily. War?
ren. at*left guard, is another new man.
He, too. has shown that he can play
fcotball when he gets his blood warm?
ed up to the occasion.
Last year's center is this year's cen?
ter. Dan Waterman knows how to
take care of the center of the line and
will show Commack a thing or two.
Another old standby is Newkirk, who
plays right guard again. Dailey will
play right end all right and next to
Dailey will be Scull?some wiil ask,
'Who is Scull?" but the majority of
Those who don't know
after today's game. Scull is home from
Savannah on furlough. He came up
especially to take his old position with
the Newport News team.
Back of the line, the locals v. ill have
four "beauts." who know their busi?
ness. Curtis, though a new man, is a
good one, and caught on lo the re?
quirements of his responsible office at
quarter in short order.
Damon ami Jones makes a strong
team of half-backs, and their splendid
work of last year makes it certain that
they will not be found wanting tomor?
row. Richardson, who played full back
last season, is again slated for that
territory. He came back to Newport
News especially to play on the team
this season. He is a good all-round
player, and the team has been greatly
strengthened by his return to the city.
Mr. Allan D. Jones, of tffis city, is
manager of the college team. He will
arrive with sixteen players and a crowd
of footers on the 11:15 train this morn?
ing. While here thev will be quartered
at the Warwick Hotel.
The college team has been very suc?
cessful, having won a majority of the
games played. The only team that has
so far proven too strong for them was
the Virginia Military Institute eleven
True, the college lost to Washington
and Lee the first game they placed
them, by a score of 6 to 0; but in Rich?
mond, oq,, tb,e 14th of November, the
college won from the same team, on a
slippery field, by a score of 10 to 0.
Randolph-Macon and William and
Mary College suffered defeat at their
hands, 15 to 0 being the score in each
instance. Early in the year they play?
ed Hampdcn-Sidney to a standstill, the
score being 6 to 6.
The "Spiders," as the Richmond team
is commonly known, are indeed spiders
in point of weight, ^averaging only
156 1-2 pounds: but like their name?
sakes, they are exceedingly active and
lively, and, by playing quick, snappy
ball, they hope to hold the heavy New?
port News to a much closer score than
they did the Hampton team last year,
when the college lost by a score of 32
to 0.
The line up contains many players of
the '97 team. McNiel will "be at full
back. His superb tackling in the
Hampton game will be remembered by
manv. Lankford (Captain) and Blax
ton right and left-half-backs are good
groumi-gainers and hit the line hard.
Pope, Scott and Robinson play the ends,
the latter being a substitute. All run
well with the ball and know how to
break up their opponents interference
Powell and Stone will be in at tackle
and both are hard. heavy players.
Duke and Fleming flank the centre
Cammack. All three of these are new
men on the team but that does not
mean that they don't know the game.
Little Bagby at quarter weighs only
140, yet he never fails to be in every
scrimmage. The sub-quarter. Doug
Ellyson. gave a good account of himself
in the Williams-Mary game on the kick
off, running through a beaken field for
seventy yards.
Hall, Moore. Thraws and Watson are
the substitutes. The first named stands
six feet, four inches in his socks and
weighs 175.
All of the officials have not been se
lected. Mr. James Biekford. of Hamp
ton, will referee. He is a selection of
the Richmond College. Mr. Kaufman
will be one of the time-keepers and Mr.
Ellyson one of the linesmen. Both
College men.
Justice Un
sion of the V
morning win
of the chargi
several negr
ago. the case
the test cast
Lookins w:is charged by Officer S. W.
Giddings with conducting a disorderly
place and selling liquor on Sunday. The
case w-as partially heard, and during
the testimony it was stated that a great
deal of Sunday liquor selling had been
going on in that section. The case was
continued until next Tuesday for new
evidence. After the examination. Offi?
cer Biddings and Mr. Lookins became
involved in :i personal difficulty which
eventuated in the former knocking the
latter down. This ease will also come
up for hearing Tuesday.
While ibis examination was going on.
Officer Giddings made a significant
statement, which will probably lead to
developments. While testifying against
Mabry, Iheollicer said that the Sunday
liquor law bail been persistently vio?
lated during the past six months by
Lookins. Asked why In- bad not re?
ported it. he said he had several times,
to the Chief of Police.
Another witness. Peter Allen, stated
that while he did not know anything
about the particular case under dis?
cussion, he had reason to believe that
??very saloon on the other side, except
one. was doing a Sunday business, say?
ing he knew, because he had bought
liquor from them
Sensational Arrest of a Blood
field Negro.
The Prisoner U Charged with Trying to
Hum the Uiiin? of the Woman He
Was Engaged to Marry. Al?
leged Ctr<'Uiu?taucMi.
?dfield probably holds the
thai of Frank
le novel
a w.
Ella .lames, with whom, ii is "said
Christian was in love and was engaged
to. It appears from information in the
hands of the P.looelfield police, that,
whatever may have been Ella's reelings
toward the man at one time, she had
recently discarded him. TmT'lover took
his dismissal to heart, it seems: at any
rate, it is the house that this woman
lives in which Christian is charged
with attempting to burn.
It is charged that two attempts were
made: that th.. first lime. Christian had
saturated a lot or inflammable mate?
rial with oil and placed it where it
would be likely to communicate
when lighted. with the build?
ing, and actually struck a match to it:
that at this critical juncture he was
seen by his inamorata, who came out.
put out the incipient blaze, and chased
the disappointed lover away.
It is further charged, by Chief Boat
wright. who made the arrest, that
Christian .ami- back the next day to
effect the same purpose, but that before
he had an opportunity to do so. he
was nabbed by the law. lie is now in
jail and will have a hearing Friday.
Chief Boatwright says that he has a
strong case against tin. man. ami that
he will be able to prove that he was
caught in the act. The arrest created
i great sensation in Bloodlield. and I he
developments are awaited with consid?
erable interest by the population of
that section.
Phil Mabry. the man who had the
row with Frank Durfy in Bloodlield the
other night over a game of cards, was
apprehended by Officer Giddings. and
is now- hehl as a witness in the gamb?
ling case which comes up before Jus
tice Brown Tuesday.
tion o
lead it
as it v
probably oe an investiga
these statements which may
some sensational developments,
ill evidently be in order for the
to prove that he notified the
f the Sunday liquor selling, and
for the Chief to explain his attitude in
the matter.
Justice llrown disposed of the follow?
ing docket:
William Irvin (whit.), drunk; fined $2
ind costs.
The trial of Sam Hall, who is now
confined in the Warwick cmintv jail at
Denbigh on the charge of shooting one
private fatally and wounding another
Prikte of the 160th Indiana Voluntee
summer, will open before Judge Baker
P. Lee at Denbigh next Monday.
Commonwealth's Attorney Newton
has been busy summoning witnesses for
I his case and it is expected that a long
drawn out ami stubbornly fought legal
contest will result. Witnesses will
come all the way from Indiana to tes?
Attorneys Boykin and Lett have been
tuincd to defend him.
eond Annual Ball of the Old Domin?
ion Lodge Ii A. M.
The Casino last night was the scene
a very pretty andJ exceedingly en?
joyable affair?the second annual ball
of the Hid Dominion'Lodge. No. 137,
International Association of Machin?
ists. .
This well-known arid admirable or?
ganization has a membership of about
150. mostly taken from the ranks of
the shipyard employees. Its annual
Thanksgiving ball lastfiseason was a no?
table event, and this <?*\e was. if possi?
ble, even more so. thanks to the effi?
cient efforts of the cbmmltlee, which
consisted of Messrs. J.HB. Flynn,"Chair?
man; .1. .). O'DonnellTTMaster of Cere?
monies; George Shraiiess, W. J. Hcrr
man and William Getty.
The beautiful hall presented a very
entrancing scene, with its gay decora?
tions, its bright light*, and. above all.
the hosts of pretty gips and their gal?
lant escorts. Something like a hundred
couples were present.} Excellent music
was furnished by Anderson's orchestra,
and to its strains the merry hours were
danced away until 2130 o'clock in the
morning, when "Horrie, Sweet Home,"
reminded the reveler! that the second
annual ball uf Old Dominion Lodge was
a tiling of the past.f
The dancing program was an extend?
ed and well selected F one or twenty
three numbers, the ball opening with* a
grand march, which;} was led by Mr.
James O'Dunnell andiMiss Agnes Em
bach. The others wflo participated in
this grand march were. Mr. Clements
and Miss Emma Bri|selman. Mr. Me
Joint Session of Commis
ers Again Deferred.
Grath and Miss Florit Thumps
Gorman and Miss Miry Hoffman. Mr.
Reed and Miss Flounce Jones. Mr.
Daily and Miss Lizzie MeCulloch. Mr.
Rlack and Miss Tigfce. Mr. W. Herr?
mann and Miss AnnafHeld. Mr. Reagan
ir.d Miss Dora Reagan. Mr. P. O'Don
?nell and Miss Mae Sontag. Mr. Peck
and .Miss .Minnie Lindsay. Mr. Elliott
and Miss Evans, Mr. Gallagher and
Mrs. Gallagher. Mr. McKenna and Miss
Melville. Mr. Ita'mes'and Miss Maggie
O'Donnell. Mr. James and Miss Gertie
Partie, Mr. Claherty and Miss Bessie
Captain General Itetlres In Order to Avoid
the Umliooor of Surr, ndarlng the Gem
of the Antilles to Culled Slates.
Post Returns From the
TheUfpnltor Plans.
sidewalk: lined
Richard Sha
Dave Nickles.
fame: sentencec
iail a ml a bond
E. Bell (color.
? hired, not of gi
1 to twenty day;
of $200 for three
Dd). assault; tint
each in
d $5 and
$10 and
ssault; fined
B A R CL A Y - B R A XT O N.
Quiet Nuptials .of a Popular Newport
News Couple Yesterday.
Mr. Virginius B. Barclay and ?'Miss
Susie Braxton were quietly married at
the Episcopal church at 4:45 o'clock
vesterday afternoon, the rector. Rev.
j. F. Ribble, officiating. Only the im?
mediate friends of the happy couple
were present and the only attendant
was Mr. Edloe Moreeock. who officiat?
ed as best man. The bride was attired
in pure white.
At the conclusion or the ceremony,
Mr. and Mrs. Barclay went to Old
oint. where they took the boat for
Washington and other points in the
North. Their bridal trip will include
Niagara Falls.
The bride is the daughter of the late
Colonel Carter M. Braxton, and is r.
rent favorite among her host of
friends. The groom is connected with
the office of the Newport News Gas
Company, and is one of the most popu?
lar young men in the city.
At the Warwick: Ohas. A.
Cincinnati; H. B. Eagle. North Caroli?
na: Miss Ada Oilman. Charles H. Brad?
ford. Misses Mabel and Ethel Strick?
land. Forrest Seabury. W. C. Gregory.
W. A. Brennst. W. H. Tood. A. Steiner.
R. A. Clerke and Richard Walke, New
t the Metropolitan: H. B. Johnson.
Thos. Belton. Samuel T. Enler. J. M.
Tyler. S. T. Green, Baltimore: Thomas
Nelson. Richmond: Mrs. Friend. Chi?
cago: H. E. Shinn. Baltimore: Charles
Mitchell. New York; Luke Vroorman.
New York.
The Virginia League will m
lay at the new Ford's Hotel, in
Richmond, for an Important business
conference. President Cunningham,
who holds the Norfolk franchise, ac?
companied by Mr. John T. Brady, the
Portsmouth owner, will reach Rich?
mond this morning. and will lie
met by Mr. Lazarus, of Lynchburg: Mr.
Morris, of Roanoke. and Mr. Booker, of
this city.
Mr. Bradley, the Richmond owner,
has been quite busy of late, but has
round time to look after his interests.
Secretary Cardoza has received th"
most encouraging reports from all over
the circuit, and has letters from wel
known players, who want to get In th
new league.
Among the boats stored at the navy
yard is a whaleboat from the Spanish
cruiser Infanta Riena Mercedes. Th
boat is quite a curio and prized vet
The converted yacht Stranger, re?
cently assigned to the Louisiana naval
militia, is expected.to be ready to leave
the yard December 3. provided her
crew of naval militiamen arrive by
that time.
The collier Pompey is expected at th
navy yard Friday for the purpose of
being docked and having her bottom
.'leaned and painted.
IBhe wrecking steamer Potomac,
5-iA.yY,hieh is expected from Cat Island to.
, ..Viy or tomorrow, lias on hoard the
stern name-plate and scroll work of the
ia Teresa. The Vulcan, in com?
mand of Captain MeCulloch, is expected
Mr. Walter
Mr. Walter A. Posts General Superin?
tendent of the shipyard, returned ves?
terday from Washington, whither he
went on business. Nothing of a nature
suitable for publication occurred in
connection with the work here.
Vice-president Schjverin, of the Pa?
cific Mail Line wasf;ln the city Tues?
day and registered at the Hotel War?
wick. His presenceShere was believed
to be in connectionSwith the two new
ships that this yard Ivill probably build
for thai line. He left before the return
of .Superintendent Pcjpt, however, and it
is learned that tljerelhave been no new
levelopments in uiis^connection.
In commenting on$the presence of so
many shipbuilders fri Washington at
this time, yofcterday$ Post has the fol
lowing: -
?'Nearly all the fereat . shipbuilding
fins are represented;by their principles
- ,TrTshingtonji~* .? _
several m
on their part
were aware1
the contrac
make their
of the thin
good deal of co-operatic1
necessary In order to preverT _
e work. They are also here to giv
answer to the department's proposition
to modify the designs for the monitors
recently contracted for.
onslderable difference of opinion ex
isis among the members or the Board
iT Naval Bureau Chiefs as to the pos
ibility of enlarging the monitors on the
ines proposed in the modified plans,
within the limit of cost fixed by th.. ap?
propriation bill, and there are evidences
that the shipbuilders themselves are
not agreeing on this point. It will de?
pend upon tl-.e expert opinions rendered
by the shipbuilders whi ther or not the
department will seek io carry out its
plans relative to the modified monitors,
or go to Congress for an extension of
the cost limit."
(By Telegraph.)
PARIS. Nov. 23.?At the request of the
Spanish Peace Commissioners there w ill
he no joint session today pending in?
structions from Madrid. The date of
the next meeting is not fixed. The post?
ponement of today is regarded as a
hopeful sign that th0 treaty will be
signed. While the Madrid government
has not received the text of the Ameri?
can ultimatum, the Spanish , ministers
received quite enough by telegraph on
Monday night to enable them to instruct
their commissioners to retire, were such
their intentions.
The belief was confidently expressed
by several of the American commis?
sioners, in conversation with the cor?
respondent of the Associated Press to?
day, that before the expiration of the
time fixed by the Americans, namely,
.Monday next, the Spaniards will acqui?
esce in the United States Philippine of?
fer and that, ultimately, the treaty wil
be signed by all the Spanish eommls
It is true that the course which Senior
Mnntero Rios, president of the Spanish
commission, will follow is still Oncer
tain, as be continues to play to the gal?
lery, but a lending member of the Amer?
ican commission believes he will sign
with the other Spaniards. Tn any ease
his place on the commission wil! be
speedily filled, probably by Senor Leon
y Castillo, the Spanish ambassador
Senor Meutern Rios sent a communi?
cation to the American commissioners
last evening asking a number uf ques?
tions. The most important of them, and
to get an answer to which the letter was
undoubtedly written, was tucked aw:i\
in the middle of the letter. H asked
in effect, if the Americans really meant
that th,. ultimatum must be answered
by Monday. The Spaniards were as?
sured that such was the intent and th,
answer has cleared the air.
A member of the Spanish commission
today assured the correspondent of th
Associated Press that the next mcetln;
of the commissioners will take place on
Friday or Saturday and that Spain's
cnsiver then will he the last she will
make and that It will be a definite con?
clusion of the matter in hand.
This utterance Is looked un
isla Rica's Chief Executive i
Major McKinley.
(By Telegraph.)
WASHINGTON. Nov. 23.-1'
Iglosins, of Costa Rica, arrlv.
this afternoon, and, although t
gnito. he was accorded all the he
befitting the visit of the president
vereign government and a sister i
public. Colonel Carter, of the Adjtihi
office, had met th.- preside
and his party at New York and acco
panied them to Washington, cm th
arrival here they were met at the si
by Colonel Ringham, as the 1?
il representative of the Preside
who escorted the party to carriages
ailing. President Iglosins und Min
il\ i
<la Ri
1 Ringham entered ibe
sirring,, ami were dri\
ton Hotel, where.the}
o remaining membei
Shortly after the pi
Secretary Porte" Calle
ould be agreeable fo
?ceive the President
States, who desired to
An immediate engage?]
md soon thereafter Pre
to the Arting
sldent McKi
'tnpunled b.
?I Ringham, the lattc
were met at the lb
Calvo and Colonel i
to President Iglesi;
The meeting of the
it-dial ami entirely
s They chimed
oid of formalities They chat
ether about live minutes exchangine.
ood wishes, and then President Mc?
Kinley bid President Igleslas good-bye.
fter wishing him a most pleasant visit
l this country. This official formality
like nature I'ol
.?r another one ?>
.eel when President
. McKiuley's call,
sident was aceomp;
use bv the officials
s received by Pie
lb another exchani
The i
Hied t.
is returnee
osia Rleati
i the Whit,
party, and
? of well wishes
ied to the hotel
.ed in their prl
A dinner will In
given at tile White House in honor o
the visiting president some time nex
''Lucky" Ba'dwin's Hotel
Consumed by Flames.
a Gaeiet, Who
. D.at h ou
the l'avnm i
(By Telegranh.)
I thin
?t San
financial loss ,
a hall' dollars
that n.u,uii
au replace.
is of life lias I..
I in the eu5?V
3 o'clock this
the property
leatre, totally
strueture, en
nearly a mil
hy destroying
of money or
?n remarkably
e iug occurred
White, a
lev en are
.here dinner
had be
cabinet coun
That nothing definite
billed on the subject ot
At Hotel Ivy
eo. C. Baven
Justis Harlow.
Taylor Kllyson
ney. with "My
M. Hades. Baltimore;
ort, Louisville. Ky.:
lednr Rapids. Mich.; J.
Ric hmond: E. C. Wor
Friend from India"
ompany; K. Borroughs, Baltimore
{. Carneal. Wilmington, Del.
City Treasurer J. M. Curtis has been
notified by the bank that the money
for the bridge bonds has been received
and has been placed to his credit.
This means that the new set of $40.000
bridge bonds which replaced the set
that bore a coupon dated ten years
back, was satisfactory to Rudolph
Kleybolte & Co.
The amount the bonds brought was
$41,400, which was a remarkably good
In Meyers Bros., south window a gen?
uine Thanksgiving dinner will be served
?today from 2 to 3 P. M. A lady cos?
tumed in one of their tailor-made suits,
and exhibiting sundry other items of
Indies' attire.', will dine with a gentle?
man, whose toilet is made' replete from
Meyers Bros.' men's furnishings depart?
ment. A shade of Africa will be waiter
Newport News people have been rich?
ly blessed during the past year and trail
well afford to enjoy Thanksgiving Day
amid plenty. Especially is this true
of that large number of Newport News
and outside people who are numbered
among our investing clients. Thousands
upon thousands of dollars invested for
them the past year?no losses?no
bother?nothing but more than satis?
factory returns on their investments.
Our long experience and best judgment
-.re at your service, friend, if you wish
to secure safe and remunerative in?
vestments. The Cottrell Real Estate
Company, 2706 Washington Avenue,
no 24-lt
The Great Football Event in Richmond
Large Crowd Will Attend.
A large crowd from this section will
take in the great game in Richmond
today between Virginia and North Car?
The unbroken record of the Carolinas,
coupled with the fact that they have
only been scored on once this year,
makes them confident and also gives
the Virginians a period of uncertainty.
The North Carolina people are backing
their team more than ever this year
and a bright prospect of winning makes
them jubilant.
The larjie score of 44 to 0, which the
Mr. Joseph Wilson and Miss Nellie
Widgen, (laughter of Mr. G. W. Wielgen.
were married at 3:30 o'clock yesterday
arternoon at the home of the bride or.
Twenty-fourth street, Rev. C. C. Cox of?
ficiating. Miss Edna Roberts was maid
of honor and Mr. Henry Bell, of Eastern
Shore, Va.. acted as best man. Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson left last evening via
Chesapeake & Ohio for a honeymoon in
the North.
Splendid Performance of an Amusing
Comedy by a Clever Company.
The initial performance of Du Sou
chet's famous farce comedy. "My
Friend From India." by Smyth and
Rice's comedians, at the Opera House
last night, was easily the event
the season. The play was the best of
its kind ever seen here: the company
the best of the kind ever seen here,
and the audience one of the largest and
most cultivated ever seen in the Opera
Performances similar to that or last
night are rare treats here, and a few
more of the same kind, with the pa?
tronage accorded "My Friend From
rndia." would convince some enterpris?
ing capitalist that Newport News Is a
1 show city and can support a cred?
itable house of amusement.
C. H. Bradshaw .was capital last
night as the returned pork packer
who, anxious to make a social hit in
New York, parades a barber as a the
osophist from India?a practical joke
worked by his son. who came home
with the barber on a "booze." George
Mac k as the barber?"The Prince of the
Yellow Robe"?was immense. Ernest
Wurde and Lute Vroman were clever
in the characters or the young lovers.
The most delightful and by far the
cleverest bit of work was done by Miss
Mabel Strickland, who was as natural
as could be desired and bewitching as
the unsophisticated Western girl in so?
ciety. A severe cold somewhat annoy,
fd Miss Strickland, hut did not detract
from her charming acting. Miss Ethel
Strickland, as the society lady, was also
very fine and carried her part very
Miss Louise Arnot made a good wid?
ow looking for "a third." and in the
mirror sc ene with the barber in dresses,
iirought down the house. Miss Ada
Oilman made a capital little German
servant, but her work was greatly
hampered by a bad cold that prevented
her speaking well.
The play was handsomely staged and
the ladies were handsomely costumed?
necessary adjuncts of a smooth per?
One-half dozen Mantollo PhotOB, 25
Alongside Citizens and Marine Bank,
Washington avenue. nov23-lt.
Those wishing Photographs taken
Thanksgiving Day will please come in
the morning and avoid the afternoon
rush, which would spoil their holiday.
C. E. Cheyne, Photographer, Hampton,
Va. nov23-2t.
The new tailor. Cleaning dying. r?
paring and altering. Suits made to
order. Ladies' waists and skirts made
to order. C. Elchhofer, 2915 Lafayette
avenue, cor. Thirtieth street. nc>23-tr.
Leave your orders at Newport News
Bakery today for lee Cream and
Charlotte Russe, to be secured Thanks?
giving Day. Finest in the city. nov-22tf.
Hot rolls every evening at Newport
News Bakery. no 10-tf
How It Will Be Observed in New?
port News.
Thanksgiving will be observed in this
city in the usual manner. In the morn?
ing there will special religious union
services at the Newport News Baptist
church, conducted by Rev. E. A.
Shenk, pastor of the Lutheran congre?
The various public offices and banks
will be closed. The shipyard will give
its employees holiday, and the major?
ity of them will attend the football
game. The post office will observe Sun?
day hours.
We sell you the Suit,
We give you the fit.
They'll make you look cute.
If you stand or you Bit
no 17-tf Woodward & Womble.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 23.?No s
prise is expressed in government i
cles here at the news of G.-aI HI
en's resignation. It is known thai some
time ago the general sought to resign
the office of captain general of Cuba
ami he was induced to retain the post
only by an appeal to his patriotism on
the part of the Madrid government. It
is supposed that his purpose is to avoid
what he may regard as the dishonor of
surrendering the Gem of the Antillles to
the United States. The captain general
of the Philippines took the same course
General Arolas, the second in command,
is likely lo have the unpleasant .Inly o!
surrendering Spanish sovereignty over
Cuba. It is believed that Blam e's ac?
tion will not In any way affect the
evacuation, save in the possibility it
contains or inciting trouble among the
Spanish troops.
TACOMA. WASH., Nov. 23.?The
Northern Pacific liner Olympia brings
the- following Oriental advices: e^
A telegram published by the Chuwo
state's that Sir Claude MacDonald, the
British minister at Pokin, will probably
make the following representations to
the Chinese government on the sub?
joined points at an early chili':
IkU" The treaty powers will not rec?
ognize the restoration of the regency
on so flimsy a pretext as the ill health
of the Emperor, which is not snfficien
to justify a change in the sovereignty.
2nd. The work of reform started by th
Emperor must not be suspended, not
only in the interests of peace in th.
east, but for the sake of the mainten
ance of the Chinese empire.
3rd. It is contrary to principles o
humanity to visit capital punishment
upon political antagonists and thi
?actice must be discontinued in future
4th. That the Chinese governmen
must take greater precautions to pre
vent assaults by natives on foreign res
idents in Pekln in broad daylight.
The British minister is now conduct?
ing negotiations with the ministe
ther pow.ers mi the subject, but n
ision has yet been arrived at.
MADRID, Nov. 23.?A semi-official
note, issued today, contains an a
lil Spaniards to furnish assistai
save the national credit "if they d
wish foreign capital to be withdrawn
from Spain."
The note adds:
"Some people believe Cuba ought
assume her own debt, no matter
whose bands is her sovereignty,
cause she possess: s the security there
in the form or the customs. If. how
ever, nobody will assume the debt
Spain must pay what Cuba cannot
cause' Spain made herself responsible.
The note continues:
"With respect to the debt of the Phil
ippine Islands Spain must await :i
definite treaty in order lo know what
conditions America will Impose upon
Spain through the Paris Commlssion
Employees In Powder Mill Blown to
A loins by Mysterious Explosion.
(By TelPgrnph.}
ST. LOUIS. MO.. Nov. 23.?A special
to the Republic from Quiney, Ills., says:
"A powder mill situated eighty miles
south of here, on the K' Line, and hair
i mile from Ashburg. blew up at 7:u5
A. M-. killing eight men and wounding
several others.
"The dead are: William Wilson, fore?
man and son of the manager, living
it Ashburg; Alfred Wenlzel. Albert
MilielV. Hannibal; D. M. Smith. Louis?
iana; William "t'ftatjoston and Jack
Hollinger, Ashburg, aim" r?iiio_others
have not been identified.
"The explosion occurred
lag room and was so terrific
^>r a-^distale t ???
Tinlon wine
everywhere buildings were
"The exac t cause or the explosion will
lever be known, as all the men in the
lacking house at the time were blown
lo atoms Something like 10.000 pounds
,f powder were usually kept in the
lacking house, which was a frame
structure. .
??lulling the day. men were engaged
with buckets gathering up such bits uf
llesh and boms as they could find. A
piece of spinal column was found half
mile from the scene of the explosion,
lose who were injured were employed
another building. Tin y were struck
? (lying debris, but nunc uf them was
tally 'hurl. Ther.- is always some
ose powder outside the packing room
id it is suppose.1 that something was
?untied upon it that caused it lo ex
Baldwin The
AS l.i iST.
ses are far-reaching,
ich ot commercial
'ctly affected. The
ie hotel was divided
stores and few of
ivcil anything worth
lajor'tty reporting to?
ol' the handsomest
n re gutted and their
(By Telegraph.)
LOUIS. Nov. 23.-At Klsberry
sixty-eight miles in
it. Louis, Keukuk
.t' he
rob the Linen
known how
? v obtained,
suit of rougl
m the robber:
hi watchm
John W. W:
>f the tt
n early hour to,
I. lying in the open air,
ad been left by the robbers,
lly frozen. When President
ey arrived at the bank this
ie found the vault doors
containing $10.000.
and he was
rt safe openei
? request of
is. bin this evening he
?lp, saying that he ?
ion the sate doors.
Until this is done tin
ill be unable to stale
ev have lost anything.
The bank was obliged t
ie day. but will reopen F
io Thanksgiving holiday
nt back fe
unable t
bank >
the rashiona
lile amusement place ot this city, was
totally destroyed with the rest or the
liuihling. am! the ??Secret Service" Com.
? inny. headed by William Gilette. now
flaying an engagement sit the theatre,
.osl ali its paraphernalia and aecoutre
neuts. Many ot' the members of the
?i.impany lost most of their belongings
iml trunks containing the official pa?
pers of the company were destroyed.
Th.- Humes were confined to the Bnid
win structure, but much adjoining
property was seriously damaged by wa
ter .1 smoke.
Th.- Columbia Theatre building, on
Powell sti.t. on the west side of the
Baldwin building, suffered considerably,
inii th.- basement of tin- Columbia The?
me, another fashionable playhouse,
ivas gutted and much valuable theat?
rical apparatus destroyed. The "Gay
Island" Company will lose con
upwards of 300 guests in
the fire was discovered
which followed beggar
? "u.tiRitman Jini1 J?syc?^
TTfiel employees worked no
irousing ilie sleeping residents,
sanguine hopes are expressed
? loss of life will not be added
the indications are that the
..II must increase.
sen by an Associated Press
italive, E. .1. Baldwin, proprle
manager of the hotel, said that
.1 not figure up his losses for
.lays y.-i, but said that the in
was light in comparison lo the
nsurance on the- building may
: 100,000. The insurance off the
s of the building, so far as
amounts to $77.600.
Baldwin has been re
'ire Department as the
lire trap in San Fran
is..1. six stories high,
narrow anil tortuous hallways. It
.v.miles' thai half of the people In
ot. l this morning escaped. In the
.lac, .! they were slow to awaken.
wetv ilazed and stupefied by the
c w lien the police, firemen and ho
nployees. hurrying through the
ays. kicked opi'n doors and notl
le.iple of the great danger,
en I hey managed to reach Win?
and lire escapes there were no
is. Many a templed to jump from
vindows to the streets, but wer?
...I not to do so by the crowds be
Then the firemen got up their lad
and commenced taking people to
tround, rescuing many in this
c ars tin
I mill
I he attic
women i
?h fn
(By Telegraph.)
BERLIN. Nov. 23. ? A disp
Killing, a seaport of West Prussia,
that an attempt was made on th
f the Czar while His Majesty w;
turning from Copenhagen. Just 1
Czar's special train crossed
bridge between Boehomenhoefen
Lagern, a switchman discovered
the bridge had been barricaded,
almost superhuman efforts, as a r<
..I' which he is now in the hospital, thi
switchman, it appears, succeeded in re
moving Ie obstacles sufficiently to per
mit of the passage of the imperial
t rain.
An investigation, which is being con?
ducted in secret, is still proceeding,
The Dorcas Circle of King's Daugh?
ters will meet in the Washington Ave?
nue Methodist church on Thanksgiving
Day from 10 to 12 A. M. to receive do?
nations of any kind for the poor. "He
that giveth to the poor, lendeth to the
Lord." no 22-2t*
Eave your Wheel re-enameled, $1 and
up, at Newport Newa Cvcle Co. 11-lfcf.
Accurate Bicycle Repairing,
est at Newport Maws Cycle Co.
Pure milk 6 cents a quart: 20 cents by
the gallon, from good, healthy cows, not
quarantined. A. L. Parker. 1l-4-1m
(Bv Telecraph.'j
COLUMBUS, o., Nov. 23.?Harrv ii.
Kubrick, the defaulting city clerk, fit
Fitzgerald. Gil., is locked up sviv await?
ing the arrival of officers to lake him
hack lo Georgia for trial. He was cap
lured at Springfield, O., after being
chased through Michigan, mdianu and
Ohio. He admits that he is ? defaulter.
? interior or the hotel, an ex?
it! the theatre caused that por
the building to cave in. This
n als., exlinguislied the electric
ighoul the building,
th.- streets below could see
ie rifts in the smoke along
oriiii es. forms of men and
niching and clinging to the
l-k, which was already begln
n i si
treatns from thirty engines were be
poured upon the blazing building
in every point of vantage, but w"b- ;
any apparent effect. Explosion fol
ed 'explosion.
'he death of White was most dramat
Tbree women appeared on the cor
. th.- fifth floor on the Market
,.,.t side of lie hotel. The firemen
ild t:..i reach them. Sudednly White
.ut of a window, carrying a small
.... With this he lowered the women
.. th.- arms ..f the firemen, who were
tiling at the windows of the next
ors. Tl:v;i In- started down the rope, '
ml ..ver h.. ,\>, ''//Jsjlf way down tha
spe Pi
Nice home in East End. on Chestnut
avenue, only $1,500. This is "dirt cheap."
Neat Cottage mi Twenty-sixth street.
East End. at a bargain. Rents readily.
The best dividend payer on the mar?
ket, corner of Lafayette avenue and
Forty-fourth street, .'it a bargain, lor a
week, when up goes the price'.
Beautiful Residential Lots, from For?
ty-fifth to Fiftieth streets, from Wash?
ington to Virginia avenues. Prices low
and terms in reach of all. These lots
are going like the proverbial "hot
??cakes." If you don't buy now, you
may buy later at more money. The
Cottrell Real Estate Company. 2706
Washington avenue. no 14-It
rted ant. s0'?i> V '//7^ had just
three lives -vj ?*> ^' ''/cv0. tha
. nt one hudreci'-. '/ W
?kv Baldwin" hno a narrow es
'rom perishing in his fire trap,
all the din he slept peacefully
his room was broken into and
n bed.
w. ll-known attor
jTged unconscious
He will recover,
ecu often stated that there
??? walis in the building, ex
inclosing the theatre, and
company would write
bail.ling, except for a
mount and for heavy premiums.
.nil.ling of the hotel began in
.1 was finished in 1ST7. its total
eluding ground and furniture.
treet floor of the immense build
s occupied by the hotel offices,.
that ii" insur
smbia Theatre and places ol
opposite the Baldwin, were;
by water to the extent of
laldwln is prostrated ^nd 19
tell much about his affairs
Luke, manager of the hotel,
to get out with his wife and
? says there were 302 guests