Newspaper Page Text
A S I fin Unustiailu J I NIG6 I t House? * per* sale, I 4 Between Washington and La fi ^ fayette Avenues. ^ ? fast Location 4 I Price .$2,600 OO A ^ $1,50 >.00 Cash <| Balance on easy terms * f MULFORD & EDMUNDS? 9 IS5 Jgtli Stritt ^ S. J. ?rou/n & Co Dealers In Lane!. Oflice ml Residence Opposite Poplar ' Avenue, Phoebus, Virginia. NOTARY WITH SEAL. Lock Box 22.", Hampton. Va. On the Back River Road to the Right 2nd feet from the C. & O. Railroad tracks, signs 11 around it. we have ino Lots or more graded. laid out in streets. MOO trees planted; look at it We call it I-f you want an honest bargain in lots, to speculate. or build, see Mr. Heinickel. the Raker of Phoebus, or I come to me. Either of us will put you on the ground floor, as to prices. There can be no "handicaps" or "back caps" about this. We will tell the tirst few lots at cost, and give you your own terms. This property is owned by A. [ Heinickel and the undersigned, S. J.Brown<&Co., FIIONK 4S3 PHOEBUS. VA. LOCK BOX 225 H AFVJ PTO M , VIRGINIA Follow Up the Plan it runs through your mind. Insure nr property at once. Real estate or rsonaity is all the same to us. We you know the cheapest rates, you y your premiums. 5f course wo know that the chances lire or remote but then?be sure to on the safe side. MARYE & BOYENTON, Room X'o. 1 Braxton Building. J Don'i Leave Home I It is not necessary this Christmas. J have) been to New York,| Philadelphia and Bal? timore and selected a| line of novelties that is sure to please both I votir fancy and pocket! book. I have nothing but. the best goods,' and the juices are right. j Watch this space and I will keep you posted as to the varie? ty I have. Better still j to call at my store, where I shall bepleas-j ed to show you my j stock. Some rare bar Win. G, Bugess Warwick Pharmacy De La Salle Institute Hampton Roada. Grand Boulevard and De La Salle Ave. For young men and boys. Commercial. Scientific and Literary. Also Military Tactics. Half car fare from Newport News to La Salle Ave. For particulars apply at the institute. oc2-3m. V IRGINIA. At a meeting of the Board of Super? visors for the county of Warwick held at the courthouse thereof on Monday, the 7th day of November. A. D.. 1S0S: Sealed proposals for the purchase of Warwick county. Virginia, bonds will be received by the Board of Supervisors thereof on or before twelve (12) o'clock M., on Monday, the 2Sth day of Novem? ber. ISDN, at the courthouse thereof. The same being Coupon Bonds in the total 'irni of $8.000.00. in denominations of $100.00. payable at treasurer's office of said county, in United States curren? cy, eight years after date, redeemable at option of county after expiration of four years, and bearing interest of f, per centum per annum, payable semi-an nually at said treasurer's office, said proposals shall be sealed and in follow? ing language, to-wit: "I (we) bid ..'.... dollars for $. of the eight thousand dollar issue of Warwick county 5 per | cent. Jail bonds. Bonds to be delivered and money paid at some bank in the city of Newport News, Virginia." Only such proposals as are accom? panied by a certified check, payable un? conditionally to the treasurer of War? wick county, in a sum equal to ? per cent, of the amount of the bid, will be considered. Said Board of Super visors reserves the right to reject any or all bids. * A Copy?Teste: D. G. SMITH, Clerk. By W. C BUNHAM. D. C. _n? 13-2W._ Wanted-B?arders BY MRS. M, R DOSWELL, No. 105 *7th Strest. First class table and pleasant rooms. Terms reasonable, ll-25tf. Be Famous JUST IN SEASON -F"OR A new lot of handsome and durable $10 overcoats, which we will oiler for $7.50 AVe have reduced the price on ten lots of Men's Cassimere Suits, which had been selling at $12.50, and they now go at ^9.90 Men's Furni hir^s. Fifty dozen Men's Vn laundered Shirts, with every point usually conllm d to the 75 cent grade, this week for 43c Men's Underwear, in Me? rino, ribbed, llnece lined, camel's hair and scarlet at fully one third les-; than the actual value. 30 W. Queen St., Hampton, \Z? For Sajs have ten acres of land on Hampton i'reck, near town, with a new 5-room house on it, that we will sell at'a bar? gain and on easy terms. Also a few more nice houses in town on the install? ment plan. Call at once to see us. GiaiDoniB Bros., Heal F.state Agents, King street, Hamilton, V'a. By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court .,r the city or Newport News pro? nounced on Sept. 17th, 1SUS, in tin- c ause ;>f Turnbull vs. Harris 1 shall, on WEDNESDAY, NOV. XOTH 1S9S. at 1- .''clock M., in the premises, in the city of Newport News, proceed to sell, by public auction, that certain lot of ground, with tlie Im? provements thereon, situate in the city of Newport News and known and de? scribed as lot Nu. In in block No. !i on E. K. McLean's map of tin- said cit>. The building on this lot has 12 rooms atul rents well and is now owned by Cornelius Harris. TERMS?One-third in cash and the remainder on a credit of six and twelve months from day of sale. Purchaser to execute his bonds for deferred payments hearing interest from day of sale and the title t.. be retained till the further order of the court. A. i'. GARRETT. Special ' Nunmissioner. City of Newport News, to-wit: li D. O. Smith, clerk of the Circuit Court fur the city of Newport News, do certify that the bond required by the commissioner in the above suit hits been duly executed. Given under my hand this Tilth day of November, 1S?S. P. G. SMITH. Clerk. By C. C. MARGRAVE. D. C. nov 20-td. Hofe! Warwick. J. R. SWINERTON, Manager. SPECIAL RATES TO COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. V*. Transportation Co W. R. SCULL. Matth:-:. Storage Warehouse Freight, Baggage. Safes I rnl ure carefully and promptly moved AIL kinds of nauiir.? done at low *tes. P -ne 2!tf2. - " BOX 141. Silnian nlllnj 5) Charleston, W. Va. Manufacturers of and Wholesale Deal? ers in Higji Grade Flour an 1 Mea. All Kinds of Feed and Hay * Full Roller Mills "F. F. V." FLOUn OUR LEADER. Daily capacity 200 barrels. Grain and Hay delivered to all points a specialty. Market Quotations From the Leading Business Centers. NRW YORK MONEY MARKET. NEW YORK. Nov. S3.?Money-on call steady at 2{T2 1-2 per cent.: last loan. -1-2 per cent.: prime mercantile paper, MK-'o l 1-2 per cent.: sterling exchange, weak, with actual business in hankers' bills at $4.85 l-i fur demand, and at) $4.Si 1-4 Tor sixty days: posted rales. $4.SS l-2if?4.S3 and $4.SC 1-2: commercial bills. Jl.Split.SI 1-2: silver certillcates. CO l-2<iit;i 1-i: bar silver. CO l-i: Mexican dollars.. 47: government bonds, srong: slate bonds, easier: railroad bonds, ir rgular. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. NEW YORK, Nov. 2:!.?The sm storm in the West, with its obstruct! to trallic. and reports of damage to li stock, was a discouragement to advanc? ing prices on the stock exchange toda There was rather less assurance f. also that the Northern Pacific-Oregon Navigation imbroltgo was to be patched up ami Northern Pacific stocks and oth? er.-, concerned turned downward. Weak? ness in a number of tin- specialties. tably tobacco, on reports of the charac? ter of the opposition in the cigarette branch, accentuated the prevailing ten dem y. People's Oas dropped off at . lime 1 1-2 ami Federal Steel comtuued to droop. There was a marked fall'.lg off in the Atichison preferred, probably dm- t.i the pressing inlluence of othei stocks. There was a very bullish spirit latent in the market nevertheless anil it turned from lia s,- centres of depression and from tin- region of the snow storm to other specialties and the eastern rail? roads. Tin- in iv.-mi nt was most mark? ed in the coalers and bad its inception in Hi,- Reading issues. Tb.- buying of these securities was attributed to the banking interest, which yesterday ad? vanced Sourliern preferred. I low far yesterday's manipulation of Southern preferred and todav of tie- Reading se? curities is designed In sustain the weak sp ds elsewhere in the common interest of the manipulator can only be a mat? ter of surmise. There was a very active demand for li:,. greatei part of the day ror Manhat? tan. Louisville. New York. Ontario ami Western and a number of other eastern railways enjoyed I heir period of strength and aided" towards the late re? covery and the firm close nt a level gen? erativ above vosterday's price.-.. Tin- total sales of stocks today were I1C 10(1 shares. The leading slocks closed as follows: .vr.c.i.isi.ti . P'i Baltimore &? < >hio . 54 Canada Paclic . MI Cauada Rout hern .. . 54|t Chesapeake & Ohio. 234 Chicago ifc Alton. l'>2 ?Chicago, Burlington i Qnincy . 11!) C. 0. 0. & St. I,. Hi 1 do do pref'd. Delaware & Hudson. hoi | Delaware, & W. '.-ill Krie (new). lei Furt Wayne. 174 Great Northern pref'd. 18 3 Illinois Central.ex div !12i Lake Shore . V.r. Louisville & Nashville. f.l?l Manhattan 1,. it'ig | Michigan Central. Rio Missouri Pacific. :<!ii Mobile & olii...... New Jersey I leuttal. New York" Central. Sing | Norfolk & Western. 13 Northern Paciiie. 40* do pref'd. 70 Pittsburg. 172 "iCciWft* ?"..'! .'...i ?"?'.'v.'."?*fr| Rock Island. lOSj St. Paul. im do prel'd . 1U3| Southern Pac.ilic. 25J Soutliern Railway. 10'i do pref'd. 401 ; Texas & Paciiie. 151 Union Paciiie; ju-td'd.,- 35 Adams Express. 108 Express. 145 United States Ex;.rest-. 4411 Wells Fargo Express. i Americ i.uTobacco. 13'-j do pref'd . 127 People's Gas. 1104 ' Cousoiidated Was . 187 t-reueia! Electric. 82 Paciiie Mail. '?'???i Pullman Pttl div 13? Silver Certilicates. On* Sugar . lv'ii do pret'd . illS Tennessee Coal &. iron. 30$! Western Uniou. Ulli Chicago Northwestern. 141| | do pref'd. . IS'.i Chicago Wreat Western. 15* CHICACO PRODUCE MARKET. CHICAGO, Nov. 2?..?There was a .parently a g.-ncral desire today in . lb.- board of trade pits to even up ov lb.- holiday. Prices declined in cons quence. Wheat closed 1 3-Stfi'l 1-2: co: declined l-2@r.-S; oats :i-Sffii-2, and pr visions ??'7 1-2. The leading futures ranged as follow WHEAT? Opeu High Low Close, j Nov Dec 084 118! 07! 11711 Mhv 074 074 0?3 Oils j CORN Nov :'.::? 33} 3JJ J)ec 3?4 334 8S| May 34, Si 344 OATS Dec '-'Iii '.'OJ 25$ Mav 203 2lij 2tii PCTtfc? Dec 8.0. 8.0> 7.87J 7 ?021 Jan 11.27$ ?.30 U.lSj i'.iS LA KD? Dec 5.05 5.05 4.05 4.?7j Jan 5.1 li 5.15 5.05 5.00 U1BS Jan -1 57j 4.57} 4.55 4.v, Dec -1.12s 4.721 4.07J 5 071 Cash quotations were as follows, j flour easy; No. 3 soring wheat. 0'!@00; No. 2 red, 074<&084; No. 2, corn, 33|; No. 2 oats, 8; N'. 2 white, 2'.i5; No. 3 white, 2Sj ?204; rye, 524; No. 2 barley, 35 <&4i>; No. 1 llax seed, '.ISA; prime Kiuothv seed, 2.20; mess pi rk per barrel 7 '. 0 ?7 '.15; lard, per 10U pounds. I5.05@5 12; short rib' sides, loose, 4ifi0@4S>; dry salted sL- Uhlers, boxed, 4i@j; short clear sides, [boxed, 4'.I0<??.00; No. 2 yellow oru, BALTIMORE PRODUCE MARKET. BALTIMORE. Nov. 23.?Flour?Dull; unchanged. What ? Firmer; spot and month. 72^1) 73 1-1: December. 7:1 .-X<fi7:i 1-4: January. 74 bid; Soutliern wheat, by sample, f.stfe 74. Corn?Strong and higher: spot and month, 39<f7>39 1-4; December, 39 l-4@ ::;> I-S; new or old, November or Decem? ber, 34@34 5-S: January. 3js7-S@39: Feb? ruary, 38 1-4; Southern white corn, 3f. 1-2 (u 39. Oats?Firmer; No. 2. while. 32(fii33. Ryi?Strong; No.2, nearby. 5G5-S; No. 2, Western, ?s 5-8. Sugar?Strong; unchanged. Butler?Steady. Eggs?Firm. Cheese?Steady. Lettuce?75 cents per bushel box. Whiskey?Unchanged. COTTON FUTUR KS. NEW YORK, Nov. 23.?Cotton futures opened steady at the Nov.. , 5.30; Dec. 5.25; Jan.. 5.29; Feb.. 5.33; j March. 5.37: April, 5.43; May, 5.4f.'; June, ?.49; July, 5.51; Aug., 5.C4; Oct., 5.53. H AM PTON NEWS. Hampton Bureau of DaUij Press, Phoebus Bauk Building, Kiug Street. Telephone No. 18. All news letters for publication In this department should be addressed to Dally Press Bureau. Hampton. The Dally Press will be found for sale every mornlnx at the following places: Hampton?Shield's book store. Quean street, and at the o?lce c .* the paper on King street. Old Point- Baulcb's stationery and b ook store, Hygela Hotel, Chamberlln Hotel. HAMPTON BUDGET Preparation for the Obser? vance of Thanksgiving Day. INTERESTING WEDDING UticlpUm of llrliihiiinjouiiK Sei k Couverlf) In MurniiiiiUin, lii?t?ll?ll<in or Kui iiiliiuut CciittimiKlpr Woorilin i>y Um T. ui|iUrB. Today is the date set apart by pro? clamations ,,i the Governor and Presi? dent as a day of thanksgiving and prayer for the mercies of God to the nation and tu the commonwealth. It is a national holiday, and. as such, will 1.bsetvoil as usual by the closing of the banks and the observance of the usual holiday hours at the postolliee. The Clerk's oflice and other county of tiees will he closed and many business men will observe the day as a holi? day. The principal public observance of tin day will be at lite churches, where ap? propriate services will be held. At St. John's I'. I-:, church, tin- special ser? vices will he held at 11 o'clock A. M.. conducted by the rector, Rev. t'. I:. Itryan, assisted by Rev. Mr. Walkelcy. chaplain of the Josiah Simpson Hos? pital. I lev. Mr. Walkley will preach the sermon. At Emmanuel Protestant Episcopal chapel. Phoebus, Rev. Flournoy Itouldin \> ill conduct Thanksgiving services at t p. ?<y At the Mampton Presbyterian church aprpopriate services will be held, con? ducted by the pastor. Rev. M. W. Mc? Laughlin, .ttldresses will be made by the pastor and by Professor Dudley II. t'owles, principal of the Hampton graded school. At the Hampton Christian church, the pastor. Rev. A. J. llentorth, will conduct special services in the evening a I 7:::0 P. M. There are no entertainments sched? uled for the day in Hamilton, but a large numbor will go on the special I rain to Richmond to spend the day and many of -'.hem will witness the foot? ball game between the Universities of Virginia and North Carolina. Others will co to Riverview Park to see the go. between the Newport News and Richmond College teams. Tie- match trotting race between I., i'lark's bay mare Babe, and Peter Bar den's bay gelding Connor, is scheduled ill' ' enthusi?stists and* sporting ehaSft^rs will attend the .race. Big Thanksgiving dinners will be served at the National Home for Dis? abled Veteran Soldiers and at the Nor? mal School, and special menus will lie spread at the various hotels. INTERESTS IN NICARAGUA. Hamptonians Who Have a Claim to Extensive Properties. M. ssrs. George and Marshall Booker, of Hampton, have just returned from Philadelphia, where the attended a meeting of the Central American Com? pany, which was organized October 1?, is.".",. The company was organized on a basis of 22..r.00,000 acres of land and a capital of $5,62?,000. The Messrs. Book? er, whose father, George Booker, was one of tin- directors of the company formed ?);> years ago. brought with them from Philadelphia an old prospectus printed in IS.",.",, which gives an" interest? ing history of the company, its rights and properties and how acquired. The revival of the old company is due to the agitation of the Nicarauga canal pro? ject, which, it is said, is proposed to be bttiit upon the lands owned by this old company, or certainly near them. The 22.fi00.00l) acres owned by the company constitute a large pan of the Mosquito territory or Mosquito kingdom, which c ommences at Cape Honduras, the ex? treme northwestern part of the territory and runs thence easterly by the sea least io Cape Gratias, thence southerly by said coast to King Buppan Rock, ad? joining New Grenada, then southwest wardly to the rang,- of mountains divid? ing the two oceans, thence northwardly and thence north to Cape Honduras, containing about 71.000 square miles. Tl'.e history of the acquisition of the territory described is interestingly traced from a grant made by the King of Mos? quito to Peter and Samuel Shepherd, citizens of the United States, in Janu? ary, 1839, and confirmed in November of the same year. Deeds of conveyance were executed by the king to the Shep? herds, conveying the lands free from taxation forever. The lands were con? veyed by the granters to the Central American Company. The prospectus describes in glowing terms-, the rivets, forests, mineral resources, climate, pro? ducts, etc. The $i!.6fi0,000 constituting the capital of the company is divided into 22S.000 shares of the value- of $2.1 each, each share of stock representing one hundred acres of land. The company was under the direction of a board of directors of twenty-one persons. Hon. Joseph Coop? er, United States Senator from Penn? sylvania, was president. Two of the directors were Virginian^ viz.: David P. Keeling. Norfolk. Va., and George Booker. Hampton, Va. The revival of the old company Is for the purpose of protecting its claims to the property, the value of which is increased by the pro? position to build the Nicaragua canal. MORMON MISSIONARIES. Latter Day Saints Will Hold Evangel? istic Services Tonight. Two clean-shaven gentlemen in cler? ical garb, who have been on the streets for several davs are Mormon elders, or. as they prefer to be called, evangelists of the" Church of Latter Day Saints. They are Messrs., or Revs. Samuel 1-;. Taylor and D. H. Saunders. They have been distributing tracts containing an exposition of their faith and doctrines, and will conduct evangelistic- services at 7:30 o'clock this evening at the county courthouse. Messrs. Taylor and Saunders travel without money or scrip, in an apostol? ic fashion, depending upon the hospi? tality of those whom tin y meet to ena? ble them to solve the problem as to what they shall eat and wherewithal they shall be; clothed. Judging from appearances, they have fared exceed? ingly well. They repudiate the doc? trine of polygamy, so generally charg? ed against them, and are preaching to make converts to their faith. DEATHS AND FUNERALS. Mrs. Caroline V. Carter died yester? day morning at her home on west Queen street, after a protracted lllnesa of rheumatism. Mrs. Carter was 70 years of age ami an esteemed lady. She j was the mother of Mrs. T. .1. Kichard son. of this city. The hodv of the de- I .eased will be shipped today !.. her former home at Columbia, Va., for in? terment: The body of Sergeant Ire Wright, of Battery K, Fourth United States Ar? tillery, who died in the post hospital at Fort .Monroe of fever Monday night, w ill he shipped to New York today for burial. The Sergeant had been station? ed at Fort Monroe for the past six years and was well known and very popular among civilians. Margaret C. Wailt. the infant child or Sergeant Waitt. United States Ar tilterv. died Tuesdav night ai Fori Monroe and was buried yesterday in the National Cemetery. N() V EM I'.EI: W EDD1 NGS. Mi-. Raymond Nathaniel Vernon Johnson and .Miss Fannie Felton. both of Phoebus., wer,- married in that place on Saturday. November lit. Mr. Charles K.-mp.-r Metealf and Miss Bessie Renoir Murrav were mar ricd in Hampton on Monday. The couple are unite young, the bride being but li'. years of age. Mr. Metcalf is a w.-ll known pprinter. Lie.-uses were issued yesterday by the County Clerk to two colored cou? ld, s. one to w.-d last night, the other to day. MR. SAG Kit BAILER. A. D. Saget-, who was convicted ?rues day in Ib.- county court of selling liquor without license and lined SjT.". and costs, has been bailed for his ap? pearance at the Decembei term of the county court, when a motion to :-<*. aside the verdict will be argued The bond was fixed at $7no and Mrs. Florence Saget-and Mr. Joseph Daly are the sureties on the bond. Mr. I-:. P. Montague will formally ask Judge I. to s,- aside tin- veldicl as contrary to the law and the evi? dence. It is also claimed by ille de? fense that time was not given them to prepare for trial. Any statement as to the final disposition of the case is purely speculative. I NSTALLATK >N EX ERi MS KS. The i.tlicers of tin- Grand ijimmuiiil. cry. Knights Templar, of the State of Virginia, will assemble this evening' at tin. Hampton Commandery to ihstiil Eminent I'oinmander, Colonel P. T. Woodlln, of thai Coi.tindery, into the highest otli.e within the gift of the Knights Templar of this Slat.-, to which In- was elected al the Richmond meet? ing of the C.rand Commandery, No? vember in. In his absence, be being un? able to attend on account of illness. TiianKSQivina! ?ps. Consonirrfc.,:, _ "Royal. Cream of Chicken a laReinoM FISH. Boiled Rock Fish Oyster Sane.;. Fillet of Sol.-. Matrl d'Hotel. Sliced Cucumbers. Potatoes a la Duchesse. Pa >ILED. Young Capon Egg Sauce. Corned Beef with Cabbage. R( lAS'l'S. Prime Ribs of Beef an Jus. Young Sucking Pigs. Apple Same. P( 111 LT R Y. Young Turkey Stuffed With Oysters, i 'ranberry Sam e. Wil.l Coose With Curranl Jelly REM? O ES Tenderloin of Beef Larded. With Mushroons. Roasl Possum, with Sweet Potatoes. Tumbles or Macaroni a la Windsor, i thicken Patties a la 1 vy. PUNCH. Virginia Punch. Claret Crup. SALADS. Lobster Salad. Tomatoes Wilb Mayonnaise VEGETABLES. Mashed White Potatoes. String Beans St.-we.l Corn. Buttered Beets. PASTRY. Pumpkin Pie, Old Fashion Mime Pic. English Plum Pudding. Brandy Sauce. DESSERT. Fruit Cake. Pound Cake, Assorted Cake. ICES. Roman Punch, Neapolitan Ice < 'ream. FBI ITS. Oranges. Bananas, Nuts and Raisins. SALTED ALMONDS. Rochefort with Water Wafers. DINNER FROM 12 To 3:20 P. M. J. A. LYONS, Manager rn HIC JOSIAH SIMPSON GENER 1 eral Hospital, near Fori Monroe, Va.. Office of Assistant Quartermaster. .Nov. 22d. ISPS. Sealed proposals, in tri plate. will be received hen? until 12 o'clock noon. December 1st. 1898. ami then opened in .presence of bidders, for the construction of live fS) additional buildings at the above hospital. In? formation and specifications furnished I upon application. The United States reserves the right to accept any or re? ject any or all proposals or any pari thereof. Envelopes should be indorsed "Proposals for constructing buildings" land addressed to Lieut. -I. I'". Howcll. A. !. M? K. S. A.. Fort Monroe. Va. n-2:s-st. FAMOUS FRENCH REMEDY FSever Fails. ENDORSED BY THOUSANDS >f Indies as a'periodical resruiator without, an .ticccosful vfhsn Cotton Ruot, 1'cnnyroya., Frsot.elc . javcuiovcn .vor th less. S45 twj-ctnt stamps 'jri:.^ tria. jick:ikc. ard convinces the most skeptical ai *iieir won ijrful propertL-;. Send -t cents in ?taini>* ior p.Miip...e"* ;o!:ta:ntnff va.'iy.ble information lor ladies- Aui>tsi .?Clair Pill Co.. U.S. Agents, lioston. Ma?* Nr. H.- Ail correspondence coulid.ntial aud rsturnsc vith trial pavk-ij'o. For In Newport Newa W. p Eoer?ers?Wanted BY FRANCIS M. ELLISON No- 114 Thlrtu-first Street. Also furnished rooms for rent, with lt,r without t- aid. 'JL'tu - r< :,|p. Well we hupe It Is. but we Know that summer and hot weather win be with us for some time to come and if | you have not already availed yourself j ?f the chance to get a good Detroit Jewel (las Range you have missed one if your best friends and more, you have missed the comfort that i an o: be had from the use of gas fuel, which brings deligb' and happiness vvherevci it is In use. Talk is cheap you ma> say and a gas man must "gas." ami who cun blame him. lie knows a good thing ?he wants to push It along, and he is w illing thai his ft lends shoul'J share in the procession. Generous sou' that he Is, he gives his advice fr. e. is no trouble to sing the praises of gas for fuel and as for light, Its beaut} shines so be who runs may be impress? ed. Gas for'fuel at $1.00 is tic cheapest ."..I if It Is economically used. Are you economical ? You are. prudent and ?vise. Therefore get a gas range. \\ t will tell you something next week about heating that will surprise you. Call No. Ill on either phone If you can act . ill. Rut conic if you can Newport News Gas Company, W. S. BO WEN. Stint. Good Shoe Making Good styles, a big variety an.! prices to suit the masses, make Muglcr's shoes a popular shoe for men, women and children. We strive to satisfy patrons. We appreciate every cent spent with us. Try us on,-,.' and s e how well we treat you. Good rpiali y and low p - make our store a popular resort t . M-n's Furnishings, Hals. etc. We make a specialty of Neckwear] and Underwear. Segler 8ii0?& Hat Co., Strict attention paid to mall orders. 701 Washington Avenue. ?R\vs VIRGINIA. . labiif. a and ~^Bnctlioiy caused by over indul? gence. , . ,, It destroys the *?petlte for oV-colioU.? ana all intoxicating beverages, and leaves man as be ritould be It c*n be j administered without the knowledge c. the patient where necessary. Se. j foi pamphlet. Kloi^s Druy Stores. New? port News. Va Etat tat "LACKEYS . .-? . RCSTAUR?N7 . Meals at nil hours. Flrst-etuss nil j ner.SOc, from 11:30 to 2 P. M. Break 'asr. from 5:30 to 8:30. 25';. Supper ast from f.:3t) to 8:30. 25c. Supper from lo 7:30 P. M. The best the market a.\ ?rds in every respect. Game in season 5t:..tiers furnished to parties on shori notice. UP-STAIR.. Geot jre l.ohee A'f ra } 1j (.Mem. A. S. M. K.) M?G?anical and Civil Entjlueer Installation and lests of gas and steam ?ngincs, boilers and electrical maehin ?ry. Surveys, maps, plats, estimates on exeaval ions and grading. "Phone 123. HAMPTON. VA. ~. V* . JOHNSON Contkactok and Uuildki NEWPORT NEWS. VA. nlans and Specifications Prepared >c Short Notice. HOUSF, WORK A SPECIALTY FOR SAlE, The Board of School Trustees. Newport News Va.. Oct. 24> 1S93. Scaled bids will be received by the un? dersigned until 12 o'clock M. November 24th, 1S9S, for the purchase of the public: school property herein mentioned and described. Bidders will state their own terms. The board rea. rves the right lo reject any ami all hi.Is. Two lots. Nos. 11 and 12, block 131, and bouses thereon known as the 2Slh street while public school. Two lots. f>1 and .',2, block 13. and houses thereon, known as the K .<k etts Colored Public School. Two lots. Nos. 15 and Itl. block ISC. map made by C M. Braxton, civil engineer, and houses on said I ds. known as the Dake ville White Public School. JNO. SHELDON JONES, Clerk of Board, 129 Twenty-seventh street. 1 oc25-lm. and Family Liquor Store &SV?BUKSflED IN 1888. Is the place for yon to buy your vVities ami !.ii|t!ors for Cooking ancJ Medicinal purposes. TUgsg are tiie Rules oUlie Gate and Saloon inside*. GO JSTo Loud Talking or .Singing, discuss? ing oi' i'oiitics, JN'a tionality or Keli gion. Ail who caiuiot comply with these ruif-n are re? quested to 6pend their time and mon? ey elsewhere. receive prompt iL ? (Yl 2312 WASHINGTON AVENUE. Box 10. N12WPORT NEWS, VA Si EitCH A N T>. .>.? M1 N EHS TKANS POIITATKi.N CtVS STEAMSHIP BINES ECU BOSTON, PROVTDENCH I a ml BALTIMORE. Leave Newport News, via Norfolk for ' iusloti every Monday.Wednesday and Friday. Leaves for Providence every 'uesilay. Tliursday and Saturday, sali? ne from Noi folk at il P. M. Leave Neu port News for Baltimore tally. Tuesdays excepted, at 5 F. M-, ?onucctiny for Washington, Philadel ? hi Ni 11. Nov. 2, 11. carry pas Fare to Baltimore, cue way, 53; roundl trip; 55, including stateroom berth. Ac? commodations and cuisine un? equalled. FreJght and passengers, taken for all points north and south. For further Information apply to L. C. SAUNDERS. Agent. Newport News. Va. W. P. TURNER, G. P. A. J. C. WHITNEY. T. M. General office. Baltimore. Md. HE NORFOLK & WASHINGs < TON STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Tl:-> New and Powerful Iron Palacs I earners Newport Newa Washington nd Norfolk -vi 11 leave dally ae toll lows: _^ NORTH BOUND, -learners leave Portsmouth, foot of North street at . 6:00 p. j Leave Norfolk, foot ot Mathews street at . 5:45 p. m. Leute old Point at . 0:45 p. m. Arrive Washington at . 7:00 a. no. B. &. O. R. R. PENN., R. "R. I.v Washington at.. S:00 a m..S:00am Ar. Philadelphia at. 11:00 a m. 10: SO am Ar. New York at.. .. 1:25 p in..2:15 p m South bound. B. & O. R. R. Penn. R. R. l.v. New York at_11.3., a m..1:00 n m Lv. Philadelphia at. 1:33 p m..3:18 p m Ar. In Washington .. 4:30 p in..6:18 p nt ?learners leave Washington at 6:30 pm Vrrlve Fortress Monroe at_7:00 am vrrivc Norfolk at . 8:00 am Arrive at Portsmouth at.8:30 ?..n The trip down the historic Potomae r. ver and Chesapeake Bay on the ele? gant steamers of this company Is ua ?SJ?.sed. The steamers are compar javing been built In 1891. jp in the most luxurl elcctrlc lights, caU ThTJTWM?^ ?KHJJ!TOa"^vlth every de? licacy of "(S'Tiluson from the market, of Washington and Norfolk. For further Information apply to D. J. CALLAHAN Acog^ Norfolk. Va. Oysters Now is the. lime to try them. Fresh every day at FRIED. STEWED. BROILED, STEAMED and on the HALF SHELL Also one of those nice din? ners is just the thing at noon time. Tii6 Lunch Counter always loaded with chicken and trukey sanuwitches at .:.10c. All the rest at.Sc. Pastry of all kinds, at.5c. Milk. Tea, let or cold, nt .5c. French-drip cortee, uneuuuled at....5c. JORDAN and LANDER Nectar for the Gods Never refreshed and strengthed ike our pure Bourbon Whiskey. For in aid lo digestion, preventive of colds, ?uro for chills and specific for grip it is unrivalled. R, j. MAGKEY' w A Good juwge of Fue!0 will never burn anything but our high grade coal. It is not only satisfactory for cooking and heating purposes, but Its intense heat and long continued combustion makes It economical In tha household. C. C. SMITH <i CO AUCTION SALE.