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Newspaper Page Text
3fc NAVAL MYSTERIES. SVnr Venne]? of tlieCnlted Stnte? Tbai Have Disappeared. Curious disappearances and accident* to our war.-hipe characterized the early hi gory of our navy, and In spite of nil the LOT I efforts of tb.' navy deportment to explain i trie e.-uise of ihe disasters many of them sre as absolute n:ystories '??dar as when if they ha; pened. Wiiuu the eovernmont built ten new gunboats to prosecute the war against I Tripoli in lijUS, ttiny wen. sent our, a* as thev were finished und before they ti? the were n. her am nt Ogelvie she I.; I:e seal of tl w York July I'D. \f md of l.iiiuciuinc s leared Sandy II..ok I ? teartl from agnin. j q til on board before ! > ' ? dinary accident was thr-.t Mononga ita Cruz in 1807. While at a! .'nor in the harbor a tremen? dous tidal wave lifted her upon its crest and carried her clean over tho town of again without .. the boat to any gr< tit Ihib I extent. Tin receding wavo landed lier tin this ? the beach instead of in the deep water of Nc I the harbor, and it cost our government ml her again. Fully as strange was the fate of thu sloop-of-wnr tvern I Wnturce. Sim was anchored in the harbor lone! of Arien, 1'eru, in IStiS, when a hugu ti? the dal wave swept and liooded the jverf ' whole r.ty 'i he wave carried tho sloop several miles inland and liluilly hiedu-l her in the midst of 11 tropical lorot. It was impossible to release her from such a pcculial position, and t he government sold h.-r for a nominal sum. Tho purchasers turned tho vessel into a hotel, and the re? mains of that once formidable war vessel loom up in tho tropical forest today as u monument to the power of tidal waves. Among other ruses of disaster which uro attributed to t ho -, iolt.nco of the waves or weather there is none more interesting than that of the strange fate of the Sara? toga. When s'.-.o sailed from Philadelphia in October, ITso. under the command of Captain James Young, there was no liner or handsomer war viesel nlloat. That the was as formidable, as she was nt tract? ive w-is soon demonstrated in a practical way. After emitting around a short time she enptured three british vessels in suc? cession, ami then, witli her prizes, she Sturmi to return to Philadelphia, but. oil the Delaware rapes she enroiintercd it British sliip of the line. As tlin Saratoga carried only is "tins i\u. Intrepid Wim a 71 gun ship, Captain Y./ung considered it safer to run away. The enemy did not chase her far, but returned to protect ami recapture the British prizes. The Suru tcga sailed away in the very teeth of a storm, and she was never heard from again. Did she founder at sea in t tie gale, or was she blown up by her own mtgarlncs-?Leslie's Weekly. I ? Great f t Variety t ! Presents I ? To Suit All Purses. | : Bric-a-brac. Beautiful articles ul' ? irrides;:ent trlass. Quaint ? shapes in lite newly ini ls ported Aller Vale ware, '"oultoii tobaccojars tint! iscs. Articles in Lini & Ojios. Koyal Bonn., etc. I Leather (ioods. 6 seful Holiday Presents as Is lul Si Only two w eeks in which to select your lloll rlay I'l-eselHS. A l'tieles -eiet I ? il now Will !>?? r ".-et veil ami delivered as inst l'llcl ed, \\ e :? i. m am ee Ine .--t, i.i ii-i--; J'or nigh yrade gooOf. C< !o?sai ? ll'er* in ?Ja eke is. (' ties ami V!an Tailored Suits. Wean .??nll.h'ui \.?u i-au iiutt ii6wliere in Newport News vaiucs in !,;.;!'.??- Mar? in eh tsits here. at. the priefs quoted below. We earnest? ly at.lvise every lady who has not made her winter pur? chase in this line to makd a careful examination of this stock. tr.oaoiiii ai. r \.0 tt gin ,111 it it r= itiuii [ron. hin? kei A line line of lathes , purses, rani cases, etc 5 Pot^etbooks. card cases. ? Iht^ks. etc.. lor gentle < men. ('hoice hooks, pic- ^ 3 t it res and cut irlass. Gain- ^ ^ eras and musical instru- f^ t> incuts. ? ? ROCK-STORt-. I { \C2?> 26th St 1 e Ladies' Jackets. Ladies' Black Kersey Cloth Jackets, lood Quality Silk Face. Actual Value, S.'JO. Our price $4.')8 Wrappers. Ail-Wool Flannel Waists. Trimmed Nicely and Well Mad,-, worth $2.00. Our Six Vorteile? of .VHl.ei.liifi. There is probably no product of Inor? ganic nature about which there is so much popular mystery anil misconception us Rshestus. It. is vaguely understood that the principal claim of this remarkable product is that it cannot, be consumed by lire. There urc, imwrnrr, no less thau six varieties of ushcslits, each of which pos? sesses qualities peculiar to Itself. They may be classified as follows: A ninnt bus, in wiii.ii ihe -ire so exceedingly j long, flexible and clastic that they may be i woven Into'cloth; common asbestos, with j the libers much less ilcxihli?it is heavier I will give the I) g (I i tlol I in n.y window on Xnia-i morning to t he iit i le girl who secures thegr^atej-t Hin?ber of signa ?tires from grown jieople inside of city by December 2-1 th. (io to work and secure t he tioll. Get yon a book and a.-k everybody \ iui see to w rite their name and ad? dress in it. ladies' Black Kersey Cloth Jackets.! in Extra G.! Quality, Lined Through with Silk: never sold under $10.00. i Jur price $7.98 Venetian Suits, all Lending Shades, Doubl. Single Breasted B >>: Jack. Is. Bound Corner*: Jacket Silk Lined , Throughout. Skirt Per alin- Lined, Act? ual Vain.- Sl?.?O. < ?ur price $ I OAS I Ladies' Tight-Fitting Suits. Made of j Good Quality of Ladies' Cloth. Lined Well, and Fit ttuaranleed: this Is an Extra Value, $10.00. I >ur price Sl.'to j $1.23 rth $i.'jr,. th Braid tin. leite Wrappe did Fitting, Trim d Itufll.i Shoii worth $l.Jf.. Our ]jr Well med o'lt 48 c r i Bade striped Ihiderskirts at 89c Ladies' Underwear. Underskirts. Striped I'nderskirts. a Special at By inspecting our low ?> pvice-s on high grade Footwear. ? Hats and Gent's Furnishings. And ^ are positive we will astonish the % most conservative buyers. The ? ? above facts are illustrated by the fol- ? % lowing: [ ? mi " I % i i % % I lilies' Felt Flannel Linkd. So,.-i Leather Soles and Coui\t crs Lace Shoes, regular valt $l.2S Ladles' Hand Sewed. Import? ed Via Kid. silk titled, very soft or flexible. Lace and But? ton Shoes, regular value $3.00, Ladies' Dongola Lace Shoes, i V Men's Fleece Lined Under Flannel Lined, very soft and! \wt...-r Heavy Weight, regular \ tlexible. a perfect shoe for com- , V-aiue 75C. ?J fort; former price SI.00. V. , ^10 Vv ? ?hir^.trn- A ve tier of fact, nearly till vr.rlct.ics linv? re or less tho nppearanoo of fossilized id. Asbestus has been found in nearly [iarts of the globe. ? New York Ledger. you can well anoro to nave il ?uiie ike old clothes look like new ones, tne and be convinced. You'll he glad it. i;ni>Ieu?iii>< Choice. traveler through southern swamps I pnONE 219. ns ninny tilings from his guide?cau i among the rest. no mini, noticing that his guide lap with his foot each hollow log uno up in a certain pathway before stop ; on or pusc it. inquired the reason. Looking out for snakes, " was thu ro RRIEDBEKG 221 27th stree fttiukJ6.l o Liquor ?tin .in :ito e What kind of snr.kcsy" asked the trav , with un unpleasant sensation along spine. Moccasins," returned tho guido. | lit the place for What makes you walk on tho logs or t AVInes und Licuor lose to i-heui, then?" dcmnndcil tho tin | Me.ilclnnl puiKises. l^h^L^Z^'^ on jTius? are, tne, Rules of the HZ kick at-I \ Gate and Saloon Snsidc ?t ? ? You n.oughtn't sink iO /D. imy Five I )olb>rs ami Sts\eiity-iive rents w if. good business, suit in dni'k, gtay ami ilrab Six Dollars wiU buy an ill \\<;ol b'ack or blue Che viot suit. Nine 1)< will buy a line Worsted suit. Ten Dollars ami Eighty (Jems will bnv a hue ported Llay suit; round or rqutue sack, or cut? away frock-. W-EN'S OUTFITTING DrP? "TMENT ?iison's ileiimiu:! in this ilepart of the gtioils. so tliat unlj Ii e pjiroved merit nie presenltd No lotitl lalkiuo oiiiti. discussino' ilics. nationality io'ion. All of or Wilt), . j t_ caitnol ciiuipU' with ^ t?> In the preparntion of rite llb'itl meat great care has iloininateil the sole liiu classes ul' u iTC.llM.nilise 'inil those t)nr iiivariali'e low prices will prevail Men's holiilnv N. cliweiir. in tmlTs. itu| . rials, fecks, li etc Silk Mispel.ilers. Silk and l.n.-ii handkerchiefs Shins, colored or white. Men's Silt> I'm' rcllas. Drews Gloves in the Muules. "Muck. Tan and Fnimv Ho-tcry. Mufflers: Special attention is called lo?-iir -t. ck of we'd Selected Holiday ,).? All goods bought liow will be laid n.-ii s. foiir-iii-linnd Pajamas. Die are re oo (put.stetl to spend their .." i lime ami nitmey else 4 ; U here. by mail will re t/3 i_ prompt i Vk UGLEK Biiglisli II L'he kings ami tjn. ; always styled "his" or"l utter the pattern of that b Jtoriu, "iici most gracioi nry IV was styled "bis g "his most cxce'le." gn "high und iui*:ity pri I ' ids grace unit b'.s majesty," Henry ? ? - II "his high,, W and afterward "hij 0 L>. ^ A T iL H ?1?O ft, '??iqu/fjtly the J-nglish king id upon ijesty." Henry L.i V... WASHINGTON AVENUE, o. Box 10. NEW POUT NEWS, VA. BI CH .M OND, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. REPA IK WORK A SPBCIALTY. 2S01) Wushington avenue. Reliable Clothing House -271-4 Washirgton /\\/einsJ&. ^ Sf y?? want a busld?n^ lot ^ ? Old Dominion Land Company. | nuuvon JUST RECEIVED good many bargains which the people saw and could not resist the tempting prices. /P" U A \/?T ^bll 1 a line a-sortmeiit of goods left, consistini; of Watches, Sterling Silverware. Clocks and Cut Glass. Ev er}'piece a bargain at o on price we sell it. a line assortment of Diamond Rings from $5 to $75. We also have other ringa set with vitriou-. kinds of precious stonej. We are daily receivhiic fresh consignments of goods to keep up the rapid depletion of our !'<-sonmenr, Piea^e call ami make your choice. We will be pleased to put aside for you any? thing you will select. ?Id I & Co? Wafchmakers'and Jewelers, 2319 Wash no'on Mveiiu ?, Be;wein 38Ui'at|J 2?5h 5' ???; Fin? repiiiringa Specialty. iM^M MM! Lots ft tale cm easy term city. in ail sections of the Schmelz Brothers, Bankers, newpokt news. va. ; Offer- Their- Customers livery Accommoda? tion Consistent ViVtth Safe Banking, Accounts of individuals, firms and corporations solicited. Collections raa.? on all parts of the country. Foreign drafts issued on all parts of the world. ?imebaving Department Deposits received from 10 eents to $5,000, and interest allowed at the rate of FOUR PER CENT. PER ANNUM. S.f\ c'ETY Dtl OUT BOXbis H~OR RENT. Only Sinr?ty Qox?a In ths. C.t\r ?ecured bv T>?rm? I .rclt re vied "his A I ?.- I't.r II. Mamie?Only think. Fntl ?en Carrie Maure u diumu /einent riri^. ?teve?That's a!) ri^ht. ( u painu.-!' and glazier. II come in handy in i Trauscript. rndcrs haa lor au tu ie's father The diamond busines?.?Bus Berlin has a restaurant w here a beet ak prepared in the highest style of cu ary art costfi 44.00, and thu waiter ex .-ts a tip ol 0(J cents. Attorney-at-Law; | Oflice Citizens and Marine Hank I hull Hub. Hell 'phone V.C. Refers to .1. I Taylor Hllyson, Iticlimoiid, Va.; W. A. und McD. 1.. Wrenn. Norfolk, Va., and G rge A. Schmelz, banker, Newport Ni i s. Va. no26-6m. | Oc La italic Institute] Hampton Roads, Grand Boulevard and le- La Salb- Ave. For young men! ami beys. Commercial, Scientific and Literary. Also Military Tactics. H ilf car fare from Newport News to La Kalle Ave. Kor particulars apply at the I in.-1.tute. oc2-3m. Finely "located busineftf?. lots on Washington Ave. Farms lor sale or rent in Elizabeth C'ty, War? wick . nd York Counties. ?Sr! Dominion Lvand Ciimipany? ftCOrir. NO li. FIRST NATIONAL &i\t\i\ BOiLu'l 'G. OFFICE OPEK UNTIL 8 P. W. W. A. Post. President; J. K. Swinerton, VIce-Presldent; J. A. Wlllett, Cashier. F^Ir-st National Bank OF NEWPORT NEWS, VA. GnPlfflL $100,000- SUKPLUS5 30 000 DIRECTORS: W. A. Post. J. R. Swinerton. M. B. Crowell. M. V. Doughty, It. G. Bickford, C. B. Orcutt. I. Eugene White, J. A. Wille?. Accounts of banks, corporations, merchants, individuals and firms Invited. We offer depositors every accommodation which their balances, business and responsibility warrant. Sell our own drafts drawn on all principal cities of the world. W A I? IJ TV rvron .it ^ ?