Newspaper Page Text
n :or Quarantine Officer of the Port of Newport News. MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE Ji Was Not a Love Feast. Four of tut Members Left iu the Midst of the . Proceedings, and Dr. Jones Ten? dered Resignation as Cltalrman. fiDr. S. W. Hobson, formerly assistant' quarantine officer under Dr. A. C. Jones, j has been endorsed oy the Democratic j xecutive Committee for the position cf : uarantine officer. It must not be supposed that this en- \ ?rsement was arrived at with any ex ordin?ry unanimity. The committee j eeting last night will not go down in ory as the most peaceful in the his- \ ry of the organization, nor the most j eventful. the result of the meeting, Dr. i ooson stands endorsed. Chairman Jones, of the committee, has; ndered his resignation of the office. Secretary Reynolds, by leaving the ssion of the committee, has probably aced himself in a position to be voted t of the position, should a majority of, e emmittee see lit. ? j here will be another meeting of the m mit lee next Thursday night for the' rpose of considering the resignation, ther matters may come up. nounced and predicted that' would not be a love feast.' 'eld behind closed doors, say, the doors were closed j'hen the minority contingent 'were very tightly closed so far newspaper reporters were con fed. A representative of the Daily bs sought admittance, and was per (ptorily told that the press was not nted. 'Secretary Reynolds kindly voluiueer 'ed later on to tell said representative all about it. Mr. Reynolds told who oresenL That was all. That was nearlyNui Mr. Reynolds knew?not quite?forSje left before the proceedings were completed, and did not return un? til after adjournment. Nevertheless, ithe Daily Press, in spite of the star-charnberness of the affair, and the limited exTeTSV Of the info./ma j,Ward. Mr. Watson; Fourth Ward. Mr. fUy; Fifth Ward, Messrs. Jones and' ('holds: Sixth Ward, Messrs. Hickeyj . Booker; Seventh Ward, Messrs. j and Murphy. This makes twelve i "511, counting the chairman, who had vote only in case of a tie. The commute was met presumably \ for the purpose of endorsing a candidate' 'for the position of quarantine officer for! the port of Newport News. Opposition i to such action was unexpected, yet |when Mr.,Weston moved that the com- j mittee proceed to vote for the endorse- ! jinent of a candidate, dropping the low-j est man after each ballot, convention ] ( style, the motion being seconded by Mr. I 'Hickey. Chairman Jones immediately! I opposed the motion. In doing so, he I I stated as his reason, that some eigh-l teen months ago (before he became aj member of the committee) he had sign- | cd a petition asking for the appoint- j ment of Dr. Cooper for the position. He .declared that by that, action, he was j pledged to .Dr. Cooper, and should 'the committee endorse another, under the! motion offered, he could not consistently Attach his signature to !he endorsement, j tie (lien stated to the committee that inj ' the event of the passage of the motion,; ihe should hand in bis resignation asj (chairman of the committee. I Mr. Reynolds also opposed the mo-j |tion upon the same grounds that Mr. j did. He had also attached hisj tature to the document asking fori appointment of Dr. Cooper. He] argued from another standpoint, inadvisability of bringing about :-h a condition as would compel the Signalton of Mr. Jones, who was an and efficient chairman, corn confidence and respect of Ujnmittee. and Watson stoutly biotion. What on earth j met for. I hey asked,! ? u candidate? Was: n tlie capacity of Mr. ! fics or the chairman of the commit- I Did Mr. Jo it's mean to say that; he endorsed Dr. Cooper before he Jones) became a member of the littee, that he pledged himself to! Dore than his utmost tor him? I [not Mr. Jones' duty to his man I fed wheti he had done all he could! Him in the committee? In any! the committee to be tied up| ppprived of the right to endorse a just because Mr. Jones had a can that he had pledged himself to, Jwould not bring before Ihe coin-] That was evidently, they said. I ". Jones intended when he hnpi to resign if any action were! So far a.i they were concerned, I lad a candidate, too, and would! 'for them in the committee as long I was a chance for them to win.j some other candidate had more J^rength. then let the strongest man' jure the endorsement. They would! make unanimous the endorse-j ithfi^rnan receiving the highest. ites. aid that he would be wil- j a statement endorsing alii ? before the committee as men, but he would not] vote for the motion, and could not sup? port any applicant but Dr. Cooper. Fully an hour was spent in discussing this motion, and then it was put to a vote. It caried. seven members voting aye, and four no. Those voting for the motion were Messrs. Lenz. Watson, Kel? ly, Hiekey. Booker, Riley and Murphy. Those voting against It were Messrs. Powell. Weston. Barham and Reynolds. The motion carried, the four gentle? men who voted against the motion left the room. They had their own reasons for leaving. Mr. Reynolds said after? ward that he merely "stepped out.'' Whatever their motive, they did not re? turn, and the business of the commit? tee proceeded without them, ho motion to adjourn because of the diminished number of those present being forth? coming. Mr. Jones offered his resignation in accordance with his original determina? tion. Ke was urged to reconsider his action, and heartily commended for his efficiency as chairman, as well as his personal traits which endeared him to the committee. But Mr. Jones was obdurate. Mr. Kelly then moved that the resignation be tabled, raising the point that it should be in writing. The point was well taken. The motion car? ried. It was decided that no further nomi? nations should be mad-.', but that each one of the remaining members shouW vote for the man of his choice, the lowest name to be dropped after each ballot, in accordance with the previous motion. Slips of paper were according? ly distributed among the members, and a ballot taken. The vote showed that but two naires had been voted on. Dr. Hobson and Dr. Gary. The former re? ceived four votes; the latter Ihre.-. This result raises the interesting sup? position thai, had the advocates of Dr. Cooper remained, they might have bad their man endorsed, for supposing the four had voted for him, this would have tied Cooper and Hobson. and Gary would have been dropped. No one knows what the result of the next bal? lot would have been, but it is fair to be? lieve that Dr. Cooper would have stood just as much show for a majority as Dr. Hobson. He might have stood more. He might have stood less. Just what would have happened must for? ever remain a mystery; but fine thing is certain, and that is. that if those four members who left the committee room, thought they were doing their man a service, there is a grave possibility that they were laboring under a delusion.' 'However, that may be, as soon as the ballot was announced a motion to make the endorsement unanimous was made, and carried, after which the commit? tee adjourned to meet again next Thursday night. CITY NEWS IN ?RIEF. tfewsy Locals auil Pointed Paragraphs Prepared for Hurried F.eulers. Miss Emma Manning, of Washington, will arrive in the city today, and will be the euest of Mrs H. B. Bailev? Ed. M. Holt, on Twenty-sixth street. Mr. and .Mrs. E. L. Andrews, of Bris? tol, Tenn., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Andrews, in East End. Mr. M. B. Jones. Commissioner of Revenue, is busy preparing his semi? annual report for the Auditor. Christmas Entertainment. The Christmas entertainment of the First Preshyterian church Sunday school was given in the lecture room of the church last night. There was no formal program, the teachers and pupils of the school simply meeting to? gether and spending the evening in pleasant conversation and the harmless games. The children (some of them grown ones) pinned the donkey's tail on in more or less conspicuously incon? venient places, provoking a good deal of mirth among the onlookers, and the games furnished amusement for those present. The entertainment was brought to a close by the distribution of confection erics among the pupils of the school. {Stive Slim a Thrashing. Banks .Met'raw. a colored youth, was in the Police Court yesterday charged with trespass on the railroad proper? ty. He was found guilty and the court permitted his mother to thrash him iafher than see him go to jail. The little black boy was stripped in the engine room of the courthouse and his mother save him a good thresh? ing with a cowhide. The lad yelled out with pain several times, but the mother did not relax her vigorous punishment, laying the stripes on more heavily. Finally the policeman who was superintending the job cried ?'enough" and the hoy was permitted to don his clothes and go home with his mother. Tlx- Lost Found. Tlie Daily Press yesterday morning published a letter from .Mr. W. < >. Bow? ers, el' Lambert's Point, enquiring for the falber of a boy named Bud Cur? tis. The fat her, who works \U Hamilton, saw the item and promptly notified Chief Harwood, of the Newport News police. 'He will probably semi for hi sbn. American SScononiisis Ai'journ, (By Telegraph.) NEW HAVEN. CONN.. Dec. 29.?At the closing session of the American Economic Association Convention, now being held in this city, the report <>f (tie special committee on banking and cur? rency was presented by the committee, consisting <>f Professor F. M. Taylor, of the University of Michigan, chair? man; Prof. S. W. Tussing, of Harvard. J. W. Jenks, of Cornell University: Sidney Sherwood, of Johns Hopkins and David Klnelly, of the University of Il? linois. Roosevelt's Plurality. (By Telegraph.) ALBANY, N. Y., 1 Dec. 29.?The offi? cial canvass of the vote cast for gov? ernor at the election last month gives Theodore Roosevelt (Rep.), a plurality of 17,7X0 over Augustus Van Wyek (Dem.). THE LAST CHAPTER Colonel Castleman Writes Con= cerning Private Reffett. SENTRY WAS JUSTIFIED There Will be No Military Investigation and the Whole Tragedy is a Closed Incident. The Colonel Saw the Wound Dressed, Down in the cemetery at the Soldiers' Hume is the grave that holds all that is mortal of Private Henry Reffett, Company I, First Kentucky Regiment, killed on the day that he was to start for the home from which he had been absent three months in Porto Rico. And now the last chapter is to be recorded in this sad tragedy. Some fifteen days ago Dr. u. R. Gary, in his capacity of coroner, wrote to Colonel John B. Castleman, of the First Ken? tucky, telling him, officially, of the death of Reffett, asking him for infor? mation regarding it. and at the same time- requesting him to inform him whether there would be a military in? vestigation. To this letter. Dr. Gary yesterday received the following succinct and comprehensive re ply: "Headquarters, First Kentucky Infan? try. Louisville, Ky.. Dec. 27. 1S!)S. "Dr. B. R. Gary. 129 Thirty-third street. Newport News, Va. "My Dear Sir: 1 have the honor to own the receipt of your valued favor of the 17th in'St., and bog to advise that Private Henry Reffett, of Company 1. First Kentucky Infantry, was injured while resisting guard and in disobedi? ence of orders. 1 saw his wounds dressed and they did not seem to be serious. I regret to iearn of his death. "I am, defljr sir, very truly yours, "JOHN B. CASTLEMAN, "Colonel Commanding." Tin's is the end of it all. The case is a peculiarly sad one, in view of the home-coming of the troops. The man had been turned loose after being coop? ed up in the army for so long, and given the freedom of the city. He abused it: got drunk, and not knowing what he was doing, went to his death. There has always been an impression that his life might have been saved by proper treatment. The man had his skull frac? tured, and the injury was treated as though it were some minor hurt. Col. Castleman says he saw the wound dressed and did not consider it- serious. The colonel was not supposed to know, but 'the surgeon, it seems. ought to know a fracture from a scalp wound. Reffett never knew. He was dying. prominent yoUng ladies and gentlemen. The club has spared no expense to make the german a., conspicuous success and it is expected that it will ead any similar event given here in some time. I During the interval at midnight, a light luncheon will be served, arrange- | ments having been made to satisfy the inner wants of all who have been invi? ted to attend, i The dancers tonight will represent the i best known society people of Newport News. Hampton and Old Point, as well I as many from Richmond, Norfolk, i Smithfield and Wiliamsburg. ! A special orchestra has been engaged : I to discourse music while the dancers j trip the light fantastic on the floor be j low. it is expected ithat quite a rium I ber of prominent people who will not I dance will he present to watch the ger j man from the gallery. News and Opinions OF NATIONAL. IMPORTANCE ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily by mail.....$6.00 a year Daily and Sunday by mail..$S.00 a year ISTfjc Stin?og Sun IS THE GREATEST SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD. Price.5 cents a copy. By mail.$2.00 a year. Address THE SUN, New York. PENSIONS Bounties. Arrears of Pay, Patents, Land Warrants, Duplicate Discharges, &c. &c. SPANISH WAR CLAIMS SETTLED. JOSEPH THELON, Attorney, (late of Wasbngton, D. C.) Address National Soldiers' Home "Va. P. O. Box 255. 11-13-tf. E. R. WHITLOW has removed to 233 Twenty-fifth street, where I am prepar? ed to do all kinds of SIGN AND HOUSE PAINTING, graining, papering and decorating. Give me a call when in need of any of the above work R. WHITLOW. 231 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET. Many a Yen Strike Through the burning of your r^nico =r,-..-k furniture, etc.. can be re MAR YE & BOYENTON, Room No. 1 Braxton Building. Encourage Home Industry Dealers car. increase their sales 50 per cent by pushing the celebrated EL MflRGO, The best 5 cent cigar on earth. New? port News Cigar Co. Factory, No. 2402 Washington avenue. P. O. Box 95. LABi ES na mo to ls- 'j&$f CS?. FELIX LE BRUrS'S $r Steel | Pennyroyal . . original vti r.xJsr 5 iu?NCL ?fe end rel-.V.-it nzira on tho roar (cot. price. WMi; sect by iniiil : Genuine Sole: onlv bv Per sale by XLOR'S DRUG STORES. Necraort New*. Ti. our j for their liberal patronage and wish them, [one and all, a happy and prosperous New I Year, assuring them that we will try to de= serve a largely increased trade from them for the coming year, ours ./ The Reliable ylothien Shoer and Matter. EW DANK i N ATIONAL D U1LDING 899 INVESTiMENTSr-^IIEAD! Jefferson avenue, on 27th street, renting for $600 per annum; .price $3,500. T\vo lots, four houses, on 23rd street, renting for $750 per annum. Price $3,000. This property is new and is recommended as an especially handsome investment. Modern house on 34th street near West avenue, for $5,000. A beautiful . " and well-built residence. Nice lot oh 35th street With southern exposure, at a very attractive figure, ready to build on. Good business lot on Washington avenue for $4,000?cheapest thing, on the avenue. Lot on Jefferson avenue near 27th street for $800?a good business stand. Ten-room house on s?rd street near West avenue for ?5,000; terms, $1,000 cash, balance monthly. Lots on all desirable streets above the shipyard with northern or south? ern exposure, at reasonable prices and on terms to suit you. Brick store and dwelling in heartof business centre of Washington ave? nue; price $10,000. Lots below the C. &0. piers, in the new section?Dawson City, they call it?from $100 up. Four lots and buildings thereon, corner of Lafayette avenue and 28th street, rents $90 per month, fine business property, price on application. In the centre of the business section of 2Sth street we have a lot'- for $4,000 that's a good thing to buy. Lot on Lafayette avenue near 2Sth street at a bargain. Lafayette avenue property is enhancing every day. The oldest and one of the best equipped lumber establishments in the city is in our hands for sale. A live and energetic man can do a splendid busi? ness with it. It is paying present owner, who desires to retire from business, handsomely. This is one of the best opportunities for entering we know of. IRWIN TUCKER & CO., HEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Washington avenue and Twenty-eighth street. Ol.TR STOCK OF MEN'S BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING THAT WAS DAMAGED BY WATER ON DECEMBER 20TH MUST BE CLOSED OUT REGARDLESS OF COST AT ONCE TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR INCOMING STOCK. 2714 WASHIN GTON AVENUE. BUREAU SCARES, SHAMS, &C. . Applique Bureau Scarfs and Shams to match; the regular 50c ones will ba sold during this week for. 25c a piece. Applique Shams and Scarfs to match h in the better grades that are worth 75e, during this week will be sold for.5Qc a piece A complete line in better goods "at low prices and will make a handsome and useful present. Chinile Table Covers, 4-4. for 25c; ,vorth 50c. ..' Chenile Table Covers, 6-4, for 75c, worth $1.00. Chenile Table covers, 8-4, for $1.4S, worth $2.00. Tapestry Covers in all kinds and grads: 4-4 tapestry covers worth 75c for. 50o An extra grade of Tapestry Covers in 6-4, usual price $2.00, our price_$1.48 In 12-4. usual price $5.00. our price.$2.69 \ In 12-4, usual price $3.00, our price.$3.98 Bleached Table Linen, a regular 35c grade; it will be sold dnring Christ- ' mas week for.25c a yard A All Linen Half Bleached Table Damask with red border, fast color, and is ?? worth 40c, will be sold during the week for .29c a yard ?] A Handsome Bleached All Linen Table Damask; a regular 75c quality; holi-? day price.*..??.50c{$ Table Napkins, IS inch square, alUiicen, worth $1.50 dozen. Holiday: price, SI.00 a dozen. ' x Red or Blue Bordered Doylies, worth 75c a dozen, Holiday price, 50c a doz;. Full size all white or Red bordered Doylies, splendid value, Holiday 'r/riee, ?1.00 a dozen. Marseilles Spreads, extra heavy, worth $2.50; Holiday price, $1.69. Heavy Spreads, full size, worth $1.25. Holiday price, $1.13. White spreads, hemmed, full size worth 75c; Holiday price, 59c. Black Kersey Coats, lined throughout with twilled silk; a regular $10.0ft jacket now at....$5.08 Black Cloth Jackets in the newest cut, well made, half lined; a regular .?5.00 Jacket at.;.$3.9S 6 extra quality Kersey Cloth Capes to close. They are all the $10.00 grade. Your choice of any of them for..'.$4.98 An extra long Plush Cape, edged with Thibet fur, in plain or braided, and beaded. Ones we have sold for $10.00.$6.98 K AN DKFRCHI EES. WHERE Ilk- will buyl9c worth of quality?500 Ladies' Handkerchiefs sonic lace-trimmed, others scolloped, embroidered or plain linen hem? stitched. 10c 25 dozen Ladies' H.emstiched Initial handkerchiefs, 3 in a fancy box....25c 100 dozen Ladies' Handkerchiefs, with lace trimmed, worked corners; plain hem-stitched, mourning or colored borders.,5c 25 dozen Handkerchiefs, extra quality, embroidered edge at 13c. These nro a special good value. ....13c The handsomest line of 25c Handkerchiefs that were ever shown?goods of remarkable quality, in all styles?ones with lace edge, point embroidery embroidered hems. Handkerchiefs that are sold in other stores for three for $1; our price......:25c Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs, with embroidered corners at 10c; the usual 15c ones.?..10c Initial Silk Handkerchiefs in tiny 1 - ever been shown for the money; full setter you may desire; the best that has . Extra large size silk handkerchiefize, 25c. , ? at 50c. s with initials, the regular 75e grade Men's Mufflers, popular gift, and a ; price is half the value, 50c. popular mufller to give. That' tko Children's Jackets. Children's Jackets from 4 to 12 years; a present worth while giving a child! You can get one for $1.09; arc worth $2.50. Red. Royal Blue and Green Astrachan Jackets for children from 4 to 12 years; a regular $5.00 one; a Christmas present at less than half, $3.48. We invite your attention to our magnificent display of Holiday goods, Handkerchiefs, Collarettes, Applique, Bureau Scarfs and Shams, Table Covers, etc. Our prices are as low as is consistent with good qualities. Make your selections now* be? fore the rush begins. Below is a partial list of Holiday Sugges? tions. .on se ZBIO Y$ashingtori ?veneu.