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THt DAILY PHJ&S is the only newspaper In Newport News that receives full. Associated v Frees report. VOL. XL, NO. 92 NEWT FLAMES SPREA TO WATER Just As the Fighters 'Thought They Had Hie Demon Under Control high Winds Add To Terror FERRY LANDING IN NEW PATH OF FIRE Relief Camps Are Crowded With Destitute and homeless Who Are Suffering From Lack of Food.aNo Estimate Placed On Proper? ty Loss As Yet?riilitary to Stop Overcharging. - (Rv Associated PifSS/t I SAN FRANCISCO, April 20. 10 p. m.?Wind of high velocity i8 blowing from the northwest over the fire 6tricken districts tonight, along the water front and is threatening to cjt cff communication with Oakland an 1 Berkeley. <? General Kastor has ordered out a squadron of men to endeavor to keep back the flames which threaten the Union ferry depot, the otdy means of egress from the city. The water front emergency hospital is endangered and the officials In charge are prepared to move from their quarters. The wind is of such velocity that brick and granite walls weakened by the,earthquake and the subsequent fire are. falling Into the Street. FERRY IN DANGER. Market street, the principal avenue of escape from the city to the ferry buildings may be blocked, thus shut? ting off the only ready means of es? cape to the ferries. It was reported tonight that 35 white men had been shot to death while attempting to work their wiy into the ruins of the United States cub-treasury on Commercial street, Two Chinamen were shot and killed on Market street for refusing to obey orders of the soldiery. BABIES BORN IN CAMP. ? Reports of Babies born in the refu? gee camps were frequently received. Five babies were born in Golden Gate Park. Tonight the main remaining fire was confined to the east of Van Ness avenue and north of Union street, but was burning its way to the shore. ' OVERCHARGING STOPPED. Mayor of Oakland Will Confiscate Food Supplies. OAKLAND. CAL., April 20.?Mayor Moft. tn(|ay issued a proclamation re? questing lodgings and fond to be sohl ar usual rates. If exorbitant prices are demanded for lodgings or food, military authori? ties will be given power to take pos? session of such lodging houses or sup? plies, compensation for same |o he determined later by the courts. Fl UNDER' CONTROL RESTORES HOPE TO SAN FRAHGISCOAHS Regardless of Enormou? Losses Stricken People Look on Bright Side and to the Future. SAN FRANCISCO. April 2(1.?SBn Francisco's darkest hour |yas dawned into a day of. hope. Its time of overwhelming disaster and peril has ended and its future is now a subject of general considera? tion. Tire fire Is practically under con? trol. A clear ?ky over the Mission district shows that the fire there has been extinguished. The spread of the flames lownril ihr? western addition, the best of the Mly remain? ing has been stayed and the only portions of the conflagration Hint, demands the attention of the urninen is Telegraph Hill section down to the northwestern part of the wator front. The western addition danger-was averted at 2:30 o'clock this mnrniwg hy the use ol gun cotton, dynamite anil I wn streams of water. The explosives were lntuille.l by the chief gunner of the Mare lst.iml navy yard nnd his accomplishments proved him to he a master of his profession. Relief Work in hand. The work of relief was started An'fly Ittday. A big bakery in the saved district .-tatted its ovens ami arranged to halo- .".n.inni loaves of bread bet?re night. Thousands of pocple wir,' in line t his morning be? fore the California bakery. The notice and military were present in force ami each person was allowed only one leaf. The homeless people in the parks and vacant lots were provided for today as speedily as was possible. Destruction Is Indescribable. The ties! I Intimi and suffering is indescribable. Women and children who had comfortable homes a few 3?IdTesTeI~ in three hotels l:i One Lodging House Fully 125 Bodies ?fe Id Sight, 75 Have Been Recovered. II POSTAL CLERKS ARE HESCUED Men Had Lived For Three Oays in j the Wrecked Federal Building I Without Food or Water?Many per? sons Drop Dead From the Intense' Hea.t in the Streets. <Rv Associated Press) RAN FRANCISCO. CAI... April 20.1 ? From a three story lodging house at Fifth and Minna streets, w.hich *!ol lapsetl Wednesday morning more than! bodies were laken out today. There are fitly tuber dead bodies In slghr. in the ruins. This building was one of the first to lake fire on Fifth! si reef. At least Hit) persons worn killed Iii] the Cosmopolitan on Fourth street. The only hitUdlng standing between Mission. Hast and ?ttew'nrt streets Is the San Pablo hotel which Is occupied ami running Big Works Destroyed. The shot tower at. First and How? ard streets is gone. This landmark was built forty years ago. The R|3 don Iron Works Is partly destroyed. The Croat Western Smelting and Refining Works escaped damage, also the Mutual Electric Cight Works. Un American Rubber Company, lite Vista Otts Engine Company and Folger Brothers coffee and spice house. Many persons dropped dead today of heat ami suffocation. More than 150 persons are reported dead in the Brunswick hotel, Seventh nnd Mission streets. 11 Postal Clerks Rescued. Eleven postal clerks, all alive, were taken from the debris of the postof. flee today. All at first were ihmjgnt lo lie dead, but it was foun I thai, although they were bulled In broken stone, every one was alive. The/ had been for three days without .food or water. All the mall )n the postofflce was saved. 'ORT NEWS, VA., SA1 ?lays ago slept last nielli?IT sleep came aV all?on hay on the wharves, on iIig sand Uns near North Heach shine of ihem under Ihn illII?? tents made of sheeting which poorly pro? tected ilieni from chilling ocean winds. 'I hp people In - the parks are pos? sibly heiter off in -tlu? matter of shel? ter, for liiey lefi Iheir home's hot? ter prepared. Stores Broken Open for Supplies. Instruct ions were Issued |?y Mayor SellinIIx inlay to break oppti every store containing provisions and to distribute them to the ihntisunds un? der police supervision. The Young Men's Hebrew Asso? ciation Hall, near Golden (Sate l'ark has been stocked wltb provisions for the use of needy victims in the ad? jacent fields. ?Both I he Mayor and Ohlei of Police Hinan when asked for statements expressed themselves sir thankful that tin- lire was virtually controlled.'' Good Order Maintained, tthlef hinan said' that the order .maintained fairly astonished him. Ho I thought it due to rurly severe meas? ures taken by the soldiers and police in shooting down offenders. Two men were shot and killed this morning. Policeman Flood on entering Ids home encountered a i i ranger who attacked hint. Flood i hot him dead. Special Policeman Snidrr killed a man but the details nie not known. I One Bank Uninjured. The only bank In the huge ruin district- that cscuped-deslruction -%^8 tbe Market street bank at the cor? ner of Seventh ?ml Market streets. It is in the gutted Grand building hut the firemen saved the ground tli 01. it will pay <iui money jusr .is soon as it hears from the clear ' ing house. I A corner of the city near the Pie i lie mail wharves as far as Second and flrannan streets was not ruined and the Sailors' Home is in? tact. Cahle Service Restored. The Postal Telegraph Company to? day restored Its cable connection with tin- orient by establishing a situ Ion id Ocean Heach. ^?in Hip re j is no service yet for delivering tries i sages there. j Thousands of members of families are separated and with no mean-' (d learning one numbers wlirr.n bouts. The police today opened a bureau of registration to bring relatives to? gether, i Teamsters Reaping Golden Harvest. j It is impossible to secure a vehicle except mi e.xhorbltnnl prices. One ' merchant .yesterday engaged a team I sie'r and horses ami wagon agri e |hg to pay |M) an hour, ('barges of PUR DAY, APRIL 21, 1 $ im ii.r carrying trunks a tew blocks was common. | The jiolice and military sei/.?1 loams wherever they rei|iiire thelii, their wishes being enforced at revolver point if the owner proves Indisposed to comply with demands. Bhj Camps Planned. . Throughout the entire western por? tion of the peninsu?ir enniily of Ran l'*raneisco, refugees camps are local* (id. The in mi lei pa I safety eommlfleen has had plans for concentrating this unfortunate people in sevenal great camps, but unless they aro forcibly ? herded together like cattle this scheine seems impossible of accom? plishment. .1. .1. Mcl<cover, of the Called States Army has been npolitied com? mandant of the camps -and with .his staff of assistants was today try I Ihg tu bring siune sort of system and order on* of <he chanllc situniion. His first ihoiighi Is to fond and water ami then arrange sanitary measures. I Herrled Tocjether Like Cattle. ? These throngs of people are crowd I id elbow to el how in the open lots an.I Heids without conveniences that are naturally demanded and are threatened with an epidemic of di? sease unless some wise precaution's; tire speedily observed ind the au? thorities even as early as yesterday I hail men constructing necessary out - houses; (hind order and fellowship seem In prevail in these impromptu ami common ruin and poverty has made all of .t.lie Unfortunates akin. No Distinctions Are Drawn, in buildings close to Ilia camps, /.iie pnli,ee. arc MlorJng.a vaiKhle .food I slufl's and bed clothes for convenient I delivery. There will be n just and equal distribution of supplies', is 1 evident from the temper of the elly's lodminislradon. No distinctions are drawn ami only few favors shown. I The grave t?test ion is. bow soon ' will an adeiiuate supply of food ar? rive In in outside points'? There Is little food in Sau Francisco oiiin|r|e of what Utile .each person possesses and. Oils . cannot last .mnr.u that a few days. An Isolated City. ?San Francisco Is, geographically, an Isolated city. Its nearest large neigh* ;l>Or on the south Is l.os Angeles, Slid ? mil; s away. To the north In Port land, nearly 800 miles distant l and Iis nearest slsier to the east is Salt lake City. 1.000 away. These cities and all of the less populated nearer towns are making sacrifices for the iIchIHilles here, Inn it is In the big cities of the nation thai San Francisco looks with anxious eyes for relief. Roosevelt Gives $10.000. WASHINGTON, April L'O.-Presl 'dent Roosevelt today sent a check fq'i $in,0()tl to the Red Cross for relief i eari hrptakc. sufferers. ? ^Bodies Recovered Front Ruins; Many Drop Dead From Heat 10 p. m.?names fanned by a gale are sweeping along the water front. Fire under control at last except along the water front. ! 11 postal clerks have been rescued alive from postoffice. | All mall matter in the building has been saved. ' I In three hotels 375 dead bodies have been discovered. 19 dead in the city of San Jose; business section destroyed. I 110 Insane dead and 70 injured by collapse of asylum. I Score of looters shot down by police and soldiers. Many persons drop dead from inteVise heat in San Francisco. I Millions of dollars for relief work being rushed into the city. ! | Authorities are In dread least an epidemic should break out in j refuge camps. .Groceries are being confiecated to feed the destitute. I President Roosevejt who has given $10,000 has reftised offers I of assistance from loreign countries. Conreid's Grand Opera company escaped wrth only loss of property. One bank escaped destruction in the flames. Navy yard gunner uses gun cotton and stops flames at Octa. via Street. Famine adds to the horror and distress* of the homeless. Mayor of Oakland puts a ?top to exorbitant prices for food. Southern Railway Will carry everything free for sufferers. Five babies born In the camp in Golden Gate Park. 1906. PRICE TWO CENTS A RESPONDS *Y FOR SUCCOR From All parts of the Country Money and Supplies are Being Rushed Into the Stricken City. FOOD AND CLOTHING IN GREATEST NEED , p? Harriman Railroads Alone Give $200,000? Small and Big Cities Open Their Purse Strings And Let Flow a River of Qold To Aid in Rescue Work. (Hv Assorts I. ri Press.) RICHMOND, VA., April 20.?Gover? nor-Claude A, Swanson tonight issued a proclamation to the people of Vir? ginia urging them to subscribe from their means for the assistance of the victims of the San Francisco earth? quake. The ministers of all denominations are urged to preach upon the subject from their pulpits on Sunday and to have special collections taken up for the purpose. Lodges and secret organizations are specially asked to subscribe from their treasuries. A macs meeting of the citizens of Richmond was held tonight, upon the call of Mayer McCarthy, for the pur? pose ?of devising means for raising a fund for the relief of the sufferers from the California earthquake. L.GOTHAM RAISES A.--WULUON. - It Is Expected That at Least $3,000, I 000 Will Be Subscribed. 1 NRW YORK. April 2b.?More than $1.(10(1.000 was subscribed In this eliy today toward ihe relief of file suf iioTn?Tn ii"" . OF WRECKED ASYLUM In Sao Jose 19 Persons Killed and Business Section o[ City Is Destroyed. NO LOSS OF LIFE IN SANTA ROSA Martial Law Proclaimed and the May? or Has Issued Strict Orders to Kill on Sight all Crooks?Mori Soldiers Needed to Preserve Order and Pro ' "tect Property. Mi? AasntMntefl freaiM SAN JOSE'. CAL.i April 20.?Nine I teen persons were killed In San .lose hv the earthuake of Wednesday and Ihe entire business quarter was wrecked. The damage is $?.000,000. One bundled and ten persons wee killed and 7<> were Injured, most I v patients at Agtiows Insane Asylum near San .lose. The asylum was ruin? ed. A company of mithin is In charge of the city. The damage to Ihe Pacific Milling Company at Santa Clara, a suburb of San .lose. Is $150,000. The total loss in Santa Clara Is $500.000. No loss of life. At Cilrov. $5011,0(10 damage* none dead. At I [fillister, one man killed, $1H0, 000 damage. Strictest mania! law is In force In San .lose. Mayor VVorswick hats asked Governor Pardee for m<>re 'aomtara to maintain order. A vigilance committee has been or? ganized and placards posted through otii tin? tally Dial any person stealing or committing'any lawless or act of violence will be summarily executed. 1 No one Is allowed in the street., af? ter dark. The Mnreland Academy, a Catholic institution at Wnlsonville, wa t (inm |nged, but im Uvea.were lost. ! Santa Clara College and Were I name convent were not damaged. Provisions are running short iii San Jose and residents are excited over stories that thousands of hn'f starved persons are naming from San Francisco. I ferers In fan Francisco and other California eiilea. The mayor's com mil lee of eil l/ens announced a total of subscriptions received of $137,113. Of this sum $2fi.oon came anony? mously from a friend of humanity." ! The chamber of commerce announc? ed that It had received $.'141.1120 today including a gift of $100.1100 from An? drew Curncglp. Win. Waldorf As ipr cabled a subscript ion of $100,000. The Unheil Slates Steel Corporation subscribed $11111.000 to bp expended in relief work, The Standard Oil Company directed that a Hue sum be spent, .lohn D. Rockefeller yesterday personally subscribed $100.000. The Merchants' Association of New York received $4 27.500 as a result or Us day's ef? forts and the Stute Society of the National lied Cross received $415,155. .Other orgatiiy.iitions-.iind several news ! papers received subscript lona. There was no way tonight, of reckoning the exuet sum subscribed here. Conser? vative estimates Indicate that the to? tal of contributions from this city will not bo less than $3,000,000. Funds raised by the mayor's committee will be sent direct. $200,000 from HARRIMAN, Railruads Controlled by Him Gives Liberally to San Francisco \ OMAHIA, NF.H.. April JO.?B. H. Harriman, on behalf of the IJniou Pacific ibe Oregon Railroad and N?vi gallon Company. Ibei Oregon Short i lue and tbe Southern Pacific today authorized the expenditure of f200,-' (hlO in relief work in Ran Francisco. In addition to this nil the above jines will haul all relief supplier! free of charge and In many cases they will forward forward on pos senger trains with expedited services. BANK VAULTS ARE SAFE. Money and Papers Not Harmed by the Intense Heat. OAKLAND, April 20.?-At a meet? ing of hankers this morning Mr. Lynch of the First National Hank re? ported thai a co'mmlltcp bad examin? ed (be I .on It and safe deposit vaults in San Francisco and found them all Intact. 'Ibis mokes ii certain ihat the money and papers on deposit are all safe. It was also reported that the books and records In the San Francisco j Lull of records also escaped serious Injury; I' _ j LEGAL HOLIDAY DECLARED. j California's Governor Closes the Banks for one Day. SACR.VMFNTO. CAjLl.i April 20 ? Governor I'ardee issued a proclama? tion declaring tomorrow (Saturday) it Ugal holiday "in the Interest of , ibe public welfare" and In ronce i|iienee no legal business can ha l I tu n sac ted and all banks will remain closed. j NORFOLK TO GIVE $5,000 Sister City Quick to Respond to Call for Aid. NORFOLK. VA., April 2ft.?The ab? sence of councilman from the city prevented a special session tonight. Resolutions appropriating $5.000 for the relief of San Francisco snffererB have been prepared. Catholic Churches Respond. ST. AUGUSTINK. FLA., April 20. ?Right Rpv. Rlshop .1. M. Kenny, of Hie dincese of St. Augustine, has ordered a special collection to be tak? en in all the Catholic churches of the diocese for the benefit of CalifouiA . earthquake and fire suiferers.