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> 1 ??? !? J-U lllWWfW J1L MIIW?I? VOL. XL, NO. 93 FiiiiTcoHTRor; LOSS IS ENORMOUS Estimated That Properly Worth From $300,000,000 lo $500,000,000 Burned. TOO GREAT TO BE CALCULATED Fully a Mile of Wharfage Buildings I ! Destroyed by the Devastating Flames?Mission Dolores, 130 Years Old. Is Saved?Two Looters Re- [ ported Hanged. lilt AXHMI'IH l?Ml f'rpa? ? SAN FRANCISCO. CAL.. April 21. ?Again uaiue the appearance this morning that the fire bad burned It? self out. Last night the flames came from Nob Hill ridge, making their way to the big sea wall sheds, docks and warehouses. Reports of damage done nre conflicting. One statement is thai moat of the valuable properly <di the extreme shore line escaped. Mile of Wharfage Gone. A Bulletin reporter who had skirl? ed the water front in a tug this morn? ing, says that everything except four docks had been swept clean from Fisherman's wharf, at the fcot of' Powell si reel, to a poiut around west-1 erly almost to the ferry building, This means that nearly a mile of train sheds, docks und Wharves have been added lo the general destruc? tion . Loss Half Billion Dollars. Holla V. Watt, manager of the Royal and. Queen Insurance Com pa? il lei, .says: .-- -?-r ? "My idea is that the loss Is some? thing like ?2O0.OO0.0OO. I have heard 'other Insurance men place tlte loss at. $500.000.000. Wo don't know. It Is simply loo big, for any human head to figure out at' this time." Mission Dolores Saved. Mission Dolores church, the oldest building in the city, erected 130 years ago by Hie Spanish missionaries, sur? vived the earthquake shocks and was saved from the rire. It Is constructed of adobe blocks. There are persistent but unconfirm? ed rumors of the bunging of two mcu iu Jefferson Square hist night. It is reported that two Japanese were shot and killed by soldiers. MANY RESIGNS FOR VIRGINIA SILVER SERVICE SMIHEO J. R. Sprague. the Local Jeweller. Among Those Whose Bids Are Being Considered. Mr. J. R. Sprague. of this city, went to Richmond yesterday to pre? sent, to . the legislative commission which lias in charge the matter of purchasing a silver service for the battleship Virginia, bis design and bid in connection with that work. Abottl a dozen bids and designs were submitted from various sections of the State and all of them were of artistic merit. In the design presented by Mr. Sprague there are forty-five pieces and his bid was for $1,500, the sum set apart, for the service. The bunch bowl will show "Vir? ginia, Mother of States and States? men." and the heads, iu bas-rellcf, of Washington. Jefferson,, Henry. Jackson. Marshall. Madison and Monroe, and the seal of Virginia and of I ho navy department . The seal of Virginia will appear on each of the twenty-four punch cups and on Ihn punch ladle. On the large tray there Is etched n map of the United States, showing the territory given by Virginia to the federal government. The seal of Vir? ginia and of the navy department will appear on this piece also around the handle openings. Tlie tureen will show the seal of Virginia and the navy department, the new capitol and the house of bur? gesses. On the top an eagle in full flight, surmounting a glubo will be shown. The vegetable dishes are the same as the tureen, except the etchings, which will show Mount Vernon and Montlcello. The same design Is carried out In the butter dishes, save that the etch? ing shows Capt. John Smith's ships. The comports each carry the seal of Virginia and of ? the navy depart? ment and nn etching of the Monitor and Merrlmac. The fruit dishes carry the seal of Vlrslnla and of the navy department and etchings of the home of Lee, and University of Virginia buildings. The pitcher carries the seal of Vir? ginia and bf the' navy department, etchings of the Natural Bridge and of William and Mary College. The four candlesticks esch carry NEW the seal of Virginia and the navy de purtniunt, and etchings of the York town monument and the monument, to Mary Washington at Fredcrieksburg. The salad bowl shows the seals of Virginia und the navy department and etchings of* the battleship Virginia and of the surrender of Cornwallls. Tlte salad spoon and fork and tlte soup ladle each carry the seal of Vir? ginia. The gravy boats carry the seals of Virginia ami of the nnvy department and etchings or tin; battle of York town und of the burning of .laiuos town. Tlte whole design is in exttcl re? production of the silver used by the Virginians of early Colonial times, and the method of construction would be the same, no tile work to bo used, each piece to he beaten out by band exactly as the colonial silversanil)i shaped his creations. After examining the designs pre? sented the commission announced that each one showed such high order of merit that it would be impossible t<> decide the matter at once, and an? nounced that a deci^ou probably would be reached by the latter part j of this week. PERSONAL MESSAGES DELAYED. Telegraph Offices are Swamped With Calls from the Eeast. OAKLAND. April 21.?Many resi? dent? of Eastern Stales are at? tempting to get word to their friends hui it is almost Impossible to gel a ^message sent before a 21 bottr call. The telegraph unices are more than a day behind with messages, so people who have relations and friends here should not worry if they get no word for several days. The chamber of commerce, churches, newspaper offices and re? lief headiiuarlers have provided registers for refugees and are aiding in the work of finding friends and relatives for distracted survivors. MILLION DOLLARS MORE House Quickly Responds to Presi? dent's Appeal. THE SENATE FAILS TO CONCUR Nation Through Act of Congress Comes to the Assistance of the Sufferers Out in California?no Opposition is Manifested. (By Associated Pi ess.) WASHINGTON. April 21.?An ad? ditional appropriation of $1,000.000 fo<" the sufferers of San Francisco and other California cities was the dis? tinctive feature of the legislation enacted today by the House. A message from the President and a letter from the Secretary of War prepared the House for the action of ?ills committee of appropriation tn repotting another joint resolution in? creasing the amount of federal aid to two millions and baring a general In? quiry as to the manner in which the money would be expended, the resolu? tion passed without 'debate. ?Mr. Bartlett (Ga.), was made one of I lie House conferees on the quaran? tine bill iu place of Mr. Davey (La.) The District of Columbia appro? priation bill was completed and passed. The House adjourned until tomorrow when eulogies will be de? livered. > Senate is Slow. WASHINGTON. April 21.?Aside from listening to a dozen address in eulogy of the late Senator O. H. Platt, of Connecticut, the Senate transacted no business today beyond authorizing a response to the Brazil? ian Senate's condolences over the San Francisco catastrophe, which was don0 on n motion made by Mr. Perkins. Pythians Give $5,000. WILMINGTON, N. C. April 21.? Supreme Master of Exchequer T. D. Mears, of this city, today received authority from the supreme council of the Knights of Pytihias in the United States to at once forward check for $5,000 toward the general relief of the San Francisco sufferers. Willlamsburg Raises $50. WILLI A MSB URO. April 21.?The city council last night appropriated $50 for the San Francisco destitute, ?and a union meeting lias been called at the Methodist church to raise additional fund3. port News, va., f?u ILLNESS AND INSANITY IN THE STRICKEN CITY Many Persons Break Down Aller Excitement Has Given Way to Realization of losses. PLENTY OF SUPPLIES ON HAND Order and System is Gradually Being Wrought Out of Chaos?III are Be? ing Cared For In Army Hospitals? Soldiers Shoot All Men Who Fail to Obey Orders. (By Assoclal, d Press.) SAIN FRANCISCO. April 21.?The terrible sufferings of the last four 'days is beginning to have effect on the people. The reaction has conic and suspense over missing relatives and friends Is causing ill? ness and in some cases Insanity. At Central avenue and Oak street a man today became insue ami at? tempted lb kill his wile with a cleaver. Religious Services to be Held. ICpiscopal clergyman today decided to bold religious services ill the dif? ferent camps tomorrow. Order and system are gradually being wrought out of the indescrib? able confusion which has prevailed '.n this city for the last three days. I The hungry thousands are being plentifully fed wherever they are camped_~*_. a--- ?' Sjck In Army Hospitals. ?The sick and Injured are being cared for at the general hospital in the Presidio and at various other hospitals as well as at emergency "hospitals established by the Bed Cross at widely separated points. There Is plenty of food in sight for a few days a least. Fires All Burned Out. iLutu this afternoon a journey along the northern water front of the city showed (Ires in only two places and these were hardly capable of spread? ing unless a severe gale, should spring up. in tlie last three days, 'il Chinese and whites have been buried iu Portsmouth Square. Pew of the bodies were Identified. Squads searching for bodies met with some success today. In one ruin in bodies were recovered. Soldier Murders Young Man. A son of T. P. Riordau, a real es? tate dealer, was shot and instantly killed a lew feet from his residence. Young Riordau was on his way home ami had a hottle of whiskey in Iiis coat pocket. The soldier ordered him to stop ami throw the whiskey away and when Riordan refused, the soldier shot him dead. HONOLULO SINKING. Alarming Reports Received from Hawaiin Islands. SAN FRANCISCO .April 21.?The Oriental liner China arrived last night. A report, which cannot he confirmed, is to the effect that Hie wireless telegraph system at Dia? mond Head. Honolulu, was in brief communication with the China last, evening, ami reported that Honolulu was slipping into the sea. Lrtttle credence is placed In tlie j report, which may be one of the niany I rumors which have spread since Wednesday. EARTHQOAKES ALARM ITALY. Tuscan City Panic Stricken as Build? ings are Wrecked. ROME. April 21.-1:15 p. m ? Thirteen earth shocks were felt. In succession this morning in the pro? vince of Siena. Tuscany. Several buildings were damaged, including the city hall at Pogglbonsi. nineteen miles south of Florence. The inhabitants of Pogibonsi were panic-stricken. It is not yet known whether Siena was damaged. $8,200 in Jacksonville. .TACKSONVHjIjE, FLA.. April 21.? Jacksonville yesterday and today lia; raised $8,200 for the relief of the San Francisco sufferers which lias been forwarded to Governor Pardce, of California. 'IMDAY, APRIL 2S\ 19 REFUGEES TELL TALE ! OF GREAT SUFFERING Parly That Escaped From the Pal? ace Hotel Finally Arrives in Los Angeles. MEN SEEN IN THEIR PAJAMAS Doctor Who Managed to Get Out In Time Describes the Wierd Sensa tions That He Felt While in Big Building While it Writhed Like a Snake. (Bv Associated Press) LOS ANGIflLlES, CALL. April 21.? \ ftfiustt thrilling or all slorics yet re? lated of adventures in stricken San Francisco during the days of horror and nights of terror, is that of a party or four, t wo women and two men who arrived 'here yesterday after having spent a night and the greater portion of two days on the hills about Golden Gate Park. This party was composed of Mrs. Frauds Winter. Miss Bessie Mnrley. Dr. Crnest W. Fleming and Oliver Pcsoy, all local people. All were guests at. the Palace Tuesday night. They returned with feet swollen and bruised from miles of walking over ragged. Iirokcn streets and with flesh st art il and blistered from elude, and dame. Party Formed in tlite Street. The parly was fin mud' tn?0 ' fhi streets of San Francisco 'Wednesday morning after the secotid shock; bail made the Palace Hotel untenable They wer? sttangeis until then. To a reporter Dr. Heining told of Iiis adventure.s. "I was sleeping in a ro'in on the t'lllrd Door of the hotel," suhl Dr. Heining, "when the first shock occurred. An earthquake in San Francisco wiis no sens-it ion to me. I was there In IXUS, then -t 'joy o in years, when the lirst great earth quake came. Bui thai wa? a gentle rocking of the ?reih: to Hie one of Wednesday. "I awoke to the groaning of tim? bers, th" grinding creaking sound, then came the louring plastering ami wall decorations fell. The sensa? tion was as though the buildings were stretching ami writhing like a snake. Darkness Intense. "The darkness was intense. Shrieks of women, higher, shriller than that of the creeking timbers cut the air. I tumbled from the bed and crawled, scrambling toward the door. The twisting and writhing appeared to increase. The air was oppressive. "I seemed to 'be saying to myself, will it never, never stop, i wrenched the lock, the door of the room swung back, against my shoulder. Just. Phen the building seemed to breathe, stag Iger and right. Itself "But 1 tied from that building as if from a falling wall. 1 could uot be? lieve It could endure such a shock and still stand. Men Clad in Pajamas. "The next I remember I was stand? ing in the street laughing at the un? holy apearauce of half hundred men clad dii pajamas?and the women were in their night, clothes. They made a better appearance than the men. The street was a rainbow of colors in the early ^morning light. There was raiment of every 'hue? and in many cases raiment never intended to be seen outside a bou? doir. "I looked at a man at my side; he was laughing at me. Then foi the first 'time I 'became aware that I was in pajamas myself. I turned and fled back to my room. "There I dressed, packed my grip artkl batoned back to the street. AI' the big buildings on Market street toward the ferry were standing bit' I marked four separate fires. The front of the small buildings had fuller out Into the streets and at somt places the debris had broken througl the sidewalk into the area way." FOOD COOKED IN STREETS. Breakfast Cooked in tlte Open bj TRose Who Had Food. SAN FRANCISCO, April 2L Every person left Id San Francisco on. tbiiiy i.-n ik.aste'l on food cooked in >ii open sli "I ;. lib tires being alle1 viid in thi hvist's. A few bricks ???? !?'??:'<!; i:i into a sbnibhnco of a furuace with a few dry sticks beneath cues or kettles was the Improvised kitchen In which the food of the millionaire, as well as the humble workman, was prepared, All through the fine residence sec-' lion or Pacific Heights, people sat on the sidewalks and took their black coffee, dry bread, crackers, and many cases eggs and bitcon. In the parks and along the North Beach or where were camped the rebel' stations handed out food sufficient to relieve the. situation. There wore probably few persons who did not receive some sort of food today. The gravest question to tie met Is the sanitary situation. The ferry station is still open and is not thou gld lo be in danger, fur Hie lire is more than half a mile iiurlb it. Shelters for the Homeleao. LOS AiNOKLfc-S, April 21.?AH the minuses of this city determined yesterday to offer to open their church buildings for the shelter of the destitute women and children who may arrive here from San Fran? cisco. The ideas of the ministers in ex? cluding men from their shelter is that able bodied men are needed in rescue work in and about the devastated districts. London Americans Liberal. LONDON. April 21.?Ton thousand dollars has becu cabled to the Bed Cross at Washington and as the first Instalment of the American fund be ?i>; raised here In mid of the suJTcr ng people of San Francisco. CLOSE Bflllill nonpareil Bask!I Ball Cham;im. at I I C. A. IEAT SURS III FASI GAME '_ar(je Crowd Grew Enthusiastic Over Contest in Which Winner Could Not Be Picked Until the Finish Was at Hand. The basket hall tournament which hat attracted attention at the Young Men's Christian Association since early hi Hie winter, cauie to a close last night, when Hie Nonpareils won tile association championship by de? feating tile Stars. The gallic bly wa^ ih<.' bust ami most hotly con? tested played at the association dur? ing the season and much enthusiasm was displayed by Hie large crowd which gathered to witness the fin? ish. When ilie Whistle blev\ at the end of the first naif the score sto-d 2 lo .? in juviir .:f' lue Nonpareils. There was no change In the score until near the finish; when the play became de? cidedly last. The Nonpareils scored four mote points and the Stars man? aged to make two. H. B. Hughes was the star player if the game, showing exceptional skill it hitting the' basket from the field. 3everal other members of Ihe teams tppcared to good advantage. The champions finished the tourua neut witli a good record, having won dx out of eight games played. Until last night the Stars ami Nonpareils lad eacli won five out of seven games luring the season. The teams lined up for the closing contest as follows: Nonpareils. Stars. f. C. Lens.I. Edwards Center T. M. Meanlcy.N. Scott Right forward. I. B. Hughes.A. B. Hughes Left forward. t. H. Meanloy . J. Wilson Left guard. I. C. Ould . I'.. Laud Right guard. Referee. Lynch; umpire, Untier vood; timekeeper and scorer, John iamilton. Time of halves: First, '.'0 tilnutcs; second, 15 minutes. Savannah Raises $12,500. SAVANNAH. OA.?iA mass meeting f citizens today subscribed $5,000 i twenty minutes for the California dlef fund. The amount with the 5,000 given 'by the city treasurer nil other subscriptions makes the urn subscribed thus for $12,500. ''his will be Increased to $15.000 ,, iy Monday. THE WEATHER Fair, cooler Sunday; Mand?y fair; fresh northwest to north winde. PRICE TWO CENTS GOLDEN STREAM POURS INTO SAN FRANCISCO New Kork City Atone Is liaising Fully Three Million Dollars (or the Distressed. $10,000,000 ALREADY IN SIGHT Rich Are Not Alone In Giving of Their Wealth to Relieve Suffering on the Pacific Coast?Bay State Proposes to Send $3.000,000 to Cal? ifornia, ? ? ? ^ - ??.'. >-? ij (Ry Associated Press.) NEW YORK, April 21.?The voice? less appeal of Sau Francisco has been heard throughout the civilized world. Krom the Incompetent figures which have been made it Is estimated tonight the San Francisco fund is rapidly nearlng the total of $10.000.000 and will have passed that figure by Monday, when the United States Con? gress, it is announced will add an? other $1,0011.000 to the $1.000.000 ap? propriation already made from the treasury at Washington. v Gotham in the Lead. In the burst of generous contribu? tors New York ranks next to the government n I bids fair to far ev cecd the federal eontrlbntl'ii, To? night Cue New York contribution's amo'Mii i| ?pnr-ixliiiHtely u? $2.000. 000. with contributions coming In fast. Tlic State of .Massachusetts has tin lierlakeu !-? raise $3-.000.000 and. with Boston's genure-us help, is well on the way .to the goal. .Chicago's fund, spontaneously so? rer I bed. 1? approaching $i,oon."(io arid, pi u in ist; s to go 'beyond ' that sum. .Philadelphia will send $,',00.000. Thea? ore but a lew of the larger sums. M.O0O Raised in Richmond. RICHMOND, v'A.. April 21.?Abcut i was raided in a few hours in Richmond today for the Sau Krau Cisco sufferers. This sum will be very greatly lue f .isud. Charleston Give-. $7.000. CHARLESTON. S. C. April 21.? Charleston's subscription to the Sin Fraiiciscu sufferers has so far figured up lo about $7.000. North State is Generous. DURHAM. N. C April Iii.?Tonight that Durham chamber of commerce subscribed $ 1.500 for the California sufferers. Chattanooga $24,000 CHATTANOOGA, TI5NN.. April 20. ?Chattanooga raised over $24.000 for i the San Francisco surrcrers. FUNERAL OF MR. SCRIMGEOUR. Body of Former Shipyard Foreman to Be Interred at Slmwood. The funeral of the laie William Scrlmgeour, who died Friday at the Sarah Leigh hospital, Norfolk, will he. held this pfteruouti from his former residence in Portsmouth. Tie* body "Pi bo interred at Clmwood ceme? tery1. Mr. Scrlmgeour wns formerly a f"f2im<n al the shipyard and he has five neppe.v..- Ilvht^ here now ? .lames. Roheit. Andrew. Da? vid ami William Scriuigeonr. Ther.a together with Messrs. Wilkie. Me Calltim, Shanklantl am) Watt will go over this aftemuou to attend the funeral. BASEBALL. American League. At St. Louis? St. Louis. 5 8. 1; Cleveland, 1. 8, 2. At Washington?Washington, 4. (I. 0; Boston, II. 5. f>. At Chicago?Chicago. 3. G. t; De? troit. 4. 10. 3. At Philadelphia?Athletics. 3. 6. 2; New York. 1, 2. 1. National League. At Boston?Boston. 8. 10. lit; Phila? delphia. 18, 11. 2. At. New York?New York, 2. 7. 0; Brooklyn. 1, 5, 1. At. Pittsburg? Pittsburg. 5. 8. 2; Cincinnati, 3, 5. 0. At Chicago?Chicago, r., 11. 0; St. Louis. 2, 7, 2. Saw Mill Burned. (Bt asoclated Press.1 BRKWTON. ALA.. April 21.?Fire at the Lindsay Lumber Company's saw mill in Pellard tonight destroyed the plant ami contents, entailing s loss of $125.000, with small Insurance. U. S. Sub-Treasurer Safe. WASHINGTON, April 21.?(Assis? tant treasurer of the United States, Joseph Jacobs, at San Francisco, for whose safety fears were euter talned. 1$ safe.