Newspaper Page Text
PERSONALS AND- BRIEFS. The Coining and Going of People You Know, i'.lr. H. P. Jones, of Eastville, Ii the guest of Mr. George W. Ashby, in Newpoit News avenue. Mrs R. S. Hudgins, accompanied by Miss Rmli Schmelz, will start Monday for New Orleans, from which point she will go to Texas to visit Mr. and Airs! Francis Causey. ?? Mrs. Oha ies H. Hall, of Port? lucuth, is the guest of Mrs. Arthur E Hall, in King street. Mrs. William Brandon Kudd is en tei tabling her sister, Mrs. Morgan Stepherd, of Ashland. . Colored Man Drops Dead, While at work yesterday morning, Thornton Holmes, colored, who was employed in the engineer's depart? ment at Fort Monroe, dropped dead. D'. Vnnderslice, the coroner, gave a certificate Of death from natural causes-?.- . Buckroe Beach Home, rdrectlv on the water front; easv. See M. O. LACKEY. terms it 5 ODD FELLOWS' BAZAAR Closes Monday night. April Supper will be served and mat.} other features will be offered. All goods left over will be disposed of at AUCTION During the Evening. LOST?FRIDAY, AT OLD POINT, three rings. A liberal reward of lered and no questions asked, for their return to CHARLES W. SEY? MOUR, News Depot. ap 21-31 FOR SALE. FOR SALE.?A HANDSOME SODA water fountain. Twelve spigots Apply to C. MATAR & BRO., the Ice Cream Manufacturer. Phoc-bus Va. 17-lw NOTICE: All persons having watches, clocks, or other articles in my store for re? pair will rlesse call and get them, otherwise they will be sold to pay charges, as I wish to close my busi? ness in Hampton in short time. F. W. ANSLEY. Notice to the Public and fiy Patrona: Please take notice that we are going out of the Pawnbroking Business by the 1st of April. All those that have pledges in our place will please re? deem same until above date. Unredeemed pledges or all kinds for sale cheap. Ru Shinkowitz, tO W. QUEEN 8TREET, HAMPTON. virginia. FOR MEN Private Diseases Checkt in 6 hours, fifOBi Cures the most difficult cases in three days. Used by hospital* and clinics. Sold l.y GORSUCH'S DRUG STORES 3?4 Main Street. Norfolk, Va. 3023 Washington Avenue, Newport New?, Va. . S*nl by *>iprct> on racalpt ol price, t I ,00 ENHYROYAL PILLS ^r?"~v j . i Original and Oalf Ocvuloa. . Alw.,1 Ladt?., tit t.ji;?<1.l CHICUKSTEK'S F.Nvi I.ISII ItKl) .bd itold mll.lUa toitl. ? in, Lim ritun. Takenos?icr. Uefuis n.uueroa. Mub.tltuUon, ami Imita? tion.. Huy cf j.Li lit, .r if?d 4t. U ? '?I.p. fb, I'arUCHlBrs, 1'eJllMotil.ll "I " Ilsllcf for I.B.IIr^," ,n UMtr, bj re. lam Mall. 1O.00U '1 ? Hold t? -Sf- ...?!^t?h??lerOh.?.l??lC?_ DR. LaFRANCOS COMPOUND. Suf?, spcpdi regulator; 45 cents, pru?irluti or mall. Booklet fr?r. OP LkPP &N0O. PhllaneU, >U ?. fd. MENANDWOMLI*. C?o Big o for unnatural dtacliargea.lnflaiiiinatloDa, Irrltatiooe or nlcerations of mucoui membrane,. ?<au Cuta|tw. Palnleea, and not attrlo* iTHtEV.MtCHtMICAlCa. gent or polaonoua. Sold by Tjrosclil*. 'or iont in,plain wrapper, br aapraii, prapald, for SI .no. or 1 bottles S..7S. Circular saut on rwaaeii. and WHISKEY HABITS cured at home with? out pain. Book of par _ ticuiars sent FRr?, c:r --ttt^ssb.m.woolley,m.d. Atlanta, ??r. OtEce 104 N. Pryor Street. UPTON, PH OBOER OF EAGLES 10 AID DISTRESSED Edict Imposing Assessment ol 25 Cents on Eaoti Bernte for Son Francisco.. EAGLES IN MIA NUMBER 5,000 Hampton Arie Responded Promptly to the Request from State Deputy Worthy, president, C. G. Pleasant, for Funds?Entire Order in State Will Send $1,200. In order that it may do its share towards alleviating the terrible suf? fering in San Francisco, the fia tnder of Eagles, throughout Virginia, has deteimined to assess euch member the sum of twenty-five cents for the special relief fund. Mr. Frank W. Moore, treasurer ol Hi mpton Aetie. yesterday moruinr; received a telegram from Mr. O. G. Pleasant, of Petersburg, the state deputy grand worthy president of Virginia, informing him of the edict and Mr. Moore immediately took action in the premises. Hampton A^rle has a membership in good standing of about 170 and it wiil be seen that the order of Eeagles throughout the United States, will tie enabled to render valuable assistance to the people of the stricken Golden Gate .City. It is estimated that, there are 5,000 Eagles in Virginia and the assess? ment order means that. Virginia Eagles will contribute at least $1, 2(10 to the relief fund. As is well understood there will be many members of the Eagles who will give larger contributions than the order of the State Deputy Worthy imposes upon them. Hampton Boy Weds. Alfred Johnson, formerly of Hamp? ton, but now of Warrenton, and Miss Flora Willis, were married in Liberty yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will arrive here tomorrow to visit Mrs. C. T. Holtzclaw, a rela? tive of the bride. Mrs. Lee is Well. Atelegram received by Mr. Arthur Lee, from Rev Baker P. Lee, yes? terday stated that Mrs. Baker P. Lee and Miss Bessie Booker, who are visiting him in Los Angeles, Cal., are well and that Ixis Angeles did not Suffer from the earthquake shock. Called to Johnstown Y. M. C. A. Mr. W. Arthur Dunnmore, who has been visiting in Pennsylvania, has returned to Hampton. >Mr. Dunn more has been called to the assistant secretaryship of the Young Men's Christian Association in Johnstown. Pa. tHe will announce his decision in a few days. Mr. Lynch at Y. M. C. A. Mr. W. ft. Lynch, who is now con? sidering a preposition to become the I secretary of the Hampton Associa? tion, will address the meeting for men at the Y. M. C. A., at 3 o'clock this afternoon. 'Mr. Lynch has been here since Friday and will likely de? cide to come here permanently. "Hoodoos vs. "None-Such." The "Hoo-doos" basket ball team, composed of society young ladies, will play the '?None-Such" team of Wil liamsbnrg in armory hall next Friday evening. Deaths at the Home. John Weaver, 05 years old, com? pany B, sixth district, of Columbia infantry; John Montgomery, G8 years old, Company F, sixty-fifth Michigan infantry have died. 'Mrs. Charles J. Faulkner, wife of former Senator Faulkner, of Mar? tinsburg, W. Va., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. William G. Young, in Victoria avenue. Mrs. S. S. Phoebus, of Atlantic City, is visiting Mrs. Harrison Phoe? bus, at Roseland. Want it hauled??'Phone 9C?L. F. IHobbs. ap 8-su.tulm HICKS' r QA'PUDINE fmmtdjATixT coats HEADACHES rcato up 001,1)$ in e to is riouaa<| OBBUS AN1 REV. a. J. GRAVATT AT OLD ET, JOHN'S Farmer Hector to Occupy His Old Pulpit at toe Services Til's Morning. DR. ESTILL TO Ali ENI) CONVOCATION "Some Lessons from the San Fran? cisco Conflagration," Will be the Theme of. RtrV, E. Pendleton Jones, D. D., at the Hampton Bap? tist church Tonight. Mev. Reverdy Estill, D. D , rector of Sc. John's Episcopal church, j will start Tuesday for Onancock to attend the convocation of Norfolk, which convenes there oh Tuesday evening for a three days session. St. John's Episcopal. Rev. J. J. Gravatt, D. D., of Rich? mond, former rector here, will occupy the pulpit at. St. John's Episcopal church this morning, and the after? noon services will be conducted by the rector, Rev. Reverdy Estill, D. D Hampton Baptist. . At the Hapton Baptist church this morning. Rev. E. Pendleton Jones, D. D, will take as his subject. "Negle,'' and tonight lie has an? nounced that he will preach on, "Some Lessons Fr?tim the San Fran Cisco iConflngration." Dr. Jonefa starts tomorrow for War ten ton, where he will assist Rev. Frank Boston, D. D., in a series of revival services. At Memorial Church. "How the Church Grew." will he the theme of ltev. T. Ryland San Memorial Baptist church. Mr. 'San ford in his morning sermon at Central Methodist. Tonight the Odd Fellows will cele? brate the eighty-eighth anniversary of their order in Central Methodist church. Rev. Asa Driscoll preach? ing a special sermon to them. Mr. DrlseoH's subject this morning will be "Bread ?Its Source, Supply and Use." Presbyterian Church. In the Presbyterian church the eervlces will he in charge of the pastor, the Abner C. Hopkins, Jr. "TEMSE" AND "THAMES." Sriffla of the Sr.jina About Setting the River un Fire. Sometimes when a person wants to make an unpleasant remark in a pleas lint sort of way ubout a dull boy he will say, "That bey will never set the river on fire." Now, that is all very true,.for even the smartest man in the world could never set a stream of wa? ter on fire, and so perhaps many ot you who bnve heard this expression hare wondered what Is meant by set? ting the river on fire. In England many, many years ago, before the millers bad machinery for sifting flour, each family was obliged to sift its own flour. For dolug tbis It wits necessary to use a sieve, called a temse, which was so fixed that it could be turned round nud round In the top of a barrel. If it wus turned too fn6t the friction would sometimes cause it to catch fire, aud as it was only the smart, hardworking boys wlto could make It go so fnst tite people got into the way of pointing out a lazy boy by saying that he would never set the temse on fire. After nwhile these sieves went out of use, but as there were still plenty of stupid boys In the world people kept on saying that they would never set the temse on fire. Now, the name of the river Thames la pronounced exactly like the word temse, and so after many years thuso persons who bnd never seen or heard of the old fnshloned sieve thought that "setting the temse on fire" meant set? ting tbe river Thames on fire. Tills expression beenme very popular and traveled fn*' and wide until tbe people living near other streams did not see why it was any harder for a slothful boy to set the Thames on fire than any other river, and so the name of the river was dropped, aud everybody after that simply said "the river." meaning tbe river of his particular city or town, and thnt is how. it i9 that people today talk of setting tbe river on fire. Don't discuss your maladies. Tour guest will forget you and remember only your disease.?Schoolmaster. Education Is an ornament in prosper? ity and n tefuge In adversity?Aris? totle. Furniture moved?L. F. Hobbs, 'Phone 96. ? ap 8-tu.sulm Dally Press "Want Ads." bring che desired results. . . Haul anything?'Phone 96?L. P. Hobbs. tte_ ap 8-su,tul'n OLD P?INT-Cohtinued WANTED wo Cvtioges to famish, Cash or ' Credit, The Store That Sells ..What It Advertises.. YOUR 0RICJ)IT IS GOOD AT :/CH.t8 S'TORF, The great home Senii^Annnal Hous^-Gleaning' time in the naturally suggests many new pieces of Houseturiiisliing. VOUI . and As a good housekeeper, you are proud of your home and its rnriilshliigs. Yon d? all i power to make it cozy, neat and attractive. Von no ttoulii Itttow of a great many pieces you in it may be that you would like to hare credit, if so why not lake advantage of our liberal credit s,.? s tem? A CREDIT PLAN that brushes awny* all doubt and anxiety It gives yon instant puasessiou of everything that helps to make thp home more beautiful and comfortable, and at prices as low as reliable furniture cun usually bo bought at any cash store. Our spring slocks arc now at thoir best. Mattings, Refrigerators, tSo-CnriH. Summer Furnitur?, etc., are showu in unlimited assortment. Why not buy now while stoeks are unbroken und selections at their best. JAP MATTINGS AND SUMMER FLOOR COVERINGS are here in stich splendid as? sortment, that we grow enthu? siastic over the telling, and the prices and terms are such tliat as soon' as you have inspected our stock you will be sure to place your order. Pretty, clean, new goods, fresh from the Orient this sea? son. No old stock here. You inniId not. get a bad piece even if you tried. Prices. 10c, 12 1-2c, 16c, 20c, 25c, 35c, up. Laid free. Ou easy terms if you like. INC GO-CART, 12 1-2 pounds. Although tills little cart is 'MOTHER'S FRIEND' RECLIN (induced by us only a few weeks since; because of Its light - weight, convenience t<> handle, und durability, it has sprung Into instant, popularity. Made of metal, nicely painted in a rich, dork green. Seat and back neatly upholstered in en? amel cloth. Good springs, re? clining back?folds Into a very small package and only weighs 12,1-2 pounds. BUY A "NORTH STAR" Get the Best. When you buy n "North Star" Refrigerator that's exact net ly what you got?the liest made. Scientific In construction? pure dry air?economical in the use Of ice?perfect food pre? servers . * Big Stores Norfolk, Portsmouth, Hampton. THE HAMPTON STORE WiHisSmitlhCrall Co., Inc Hampton's Largest Home Furnishers. CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS New York. April 21. 1906. fiL S. THOMPSON Hampton, Va. "The Giema Falls Insurance Company advises loss at San Francisco will not exceed one million dollars. We will have a net surplus of a million and a halt', after paying San Francisco claims. Many other companies will likely fail. Advise your customers to insure in a strong company like the "olrl and tried" Glens Falls. 8Wt36NEV, "Special Agent. Monday Sale SUc Cocoa Door Mats at Best (uiality. uke -j Q p Stunds S.'ic Glass- Fruit Stands . 11)8 Four-feet White Curtain ? fl Poles, with fixtures _Ob Worth 19c. See our line of Ice Tea 1(1?, Glasses at Sc and .... lUu THE POPULAR PRICED CLOTHIER. 'V_ _sjp?, Hats and Furnis!iin|s >3&aB^i&ti?ra FOR MEN AND BOYS. sT| ? | > r.? \ t \fj The new styles in Men's Hats, in the latest shapes and shades, _60c to $3.00. f*dfc???flM?*>'. ????* ' The Height of Fashion. MEN'S SUITS?Stylish, newest patterns; ranging from $5.00 lo $25.00. COMPLETE OUTFITTER FOR MEN AND BOYS. 18 and 20 West Queen Street, Hampton, Va. Our Baby Caps and Mats have arrived; also Children's Whi'.e Duck Hats and 'I ain-o'-Shanters. W. N> HONOR THE CORNER STORE, Hudgins' Block, Hampton. ?Phone 261. I HAVE FOR SALE Country and Jordan's Hams, purs Butter, Canned Vegetables and Fruits, imported Olive Oil (ball' pints and Quirts), Canned Meats, Chicken, Fish and Soups. Olives (plain aud 63utfed). Canned Plum Puddings, Cream da month, plain and with cherrries. Mar? aschino Cherries; all brands of Whis? keys, Wines, Hums, Gins, Brandies, Ale, Porter and Beor, for family aud medicinal use. Fresh Garden and Field Seed. Goods sent to any part of thu county at short 'phone notice. No. 10 Queen St. 'Phone 486. GBO. fc. WQQp, Storage fcr furniture? I.. F. Ilobb*. 'Phone yfi. ap 8-su.tulia