Newspaper Page Text
^__HAi ARREST IDE IN $000 FORGED CHECK AFFAIR Corporal Lenz Is Charged With Having Had a Hand in Pass? ing of the Papsr, SOLDIER DENIES ACCUSATIONS Bankei and Merchant Though it is Said Failed to Recognize the Non? commissioned Officer as the One Who Cashed the Urdei Which Be Icnged to a Sergeant. Corporal Lenz, a member of Die 61.mIi company heavy ca.-.t artillery, if undci airesi at Frirl Miininc, charged with having .secured the niutiei nit tie- fiinu check which was cashed in Newport News a lew days ace. The details ?I the manner in which the money was secured oh the check was given in the Daily Press 'if yefeterriay iCorpnral l.enz denies the accuse tioii and he nays he will he ahl,. to prove that al L' If. o'clock on the day that the check was cashed in New? port News he was in lim Fort .Mon? roe hither shoji It is said that the mart who secured the money riiitorod the l'iist National Dank in Newport News Khorily before the closing hour on April fi. Corporal I.en/ i> said in have appeitred froiii the Tort on the .same day licit the cheek was cashed ami was -jh--,.( without leave for eight Mr, .1 .h \V;litii, of the liist "j tihhai Bans, and Mr, Ar. hip liistt! in. ii win h^ciiiupauii.1 the pi t':.r t.t.i... visited I.Ii I t.unn..- ttii'l lr.atit im attempt at recognizing iIip men wl.o irni m.nnioe.l Servian! Ii\ i .lit Ii ir - j i.l ti,t tliey wert' un able to Identirv any out of lbs eight coi';nralf pla.vil in line tut >re thou, i.'.t another tit an who seems id linn* i'ti.ttiiii.u .: the ili"air rero;tnl.?rd I ttijf as the man from ntr. . it. The i neck >?:.s f. r fO?T.K7 a;t'l ?t/s made pav9'le t.? Sergeant Ryrurri it is alleged ibsi (he check wit.1 Mittle? jrribi the iiialii htf.ife ii cumo to b'rrj t .<!)! Hvriitii ihe mall oidailv, KwIIzI?v v.'o h'j-S been ii.'^-..ill. Mine Mai . 'i S f.iii ol.tenl from hi- pnai ibity hut II If not i h out hi 1. ? iia-'i anything tri do ivl u the chehls affair \ Purchased H>'.V.'?rri!fl iviili Mr K I v i-. M yesterdav pur chsfcvil tin- buildings and machinery ct the ii iward \iil| in Armlsiead avenue, fiom Howard W. Satin tiers, irtthiet. for f??ij Furniture packed -.11111 crated ?I.. F. Hobbs 'Phone 90. apS-sn.tulm FACTS~ABOUT MtXiCO. Til ere are i:u vyicuaoss in Mexico. Mexico Lu5 a t'j.'.j; line of over U.??0 uiiiee. Mexico Las va.-; deposits of au.rx uud uiu'rbie. Mexico l?i3 fifty-blue i^L'.-s and great iasooas. The aiva of Mexico is about T3<j.(aaj bi;i.u;v niiies. Cotton factories in Mexico employ ever Jj.UUO people. The "valley" uf Mexico is 7,500 fett above the scu level. Mexico is about ten times larger tbau (treat Britain. Tiie traveler in Mexico Is seldom out of sight uf uiouutulus. The rainy season generally la.-is from May 10 .September. There ore probably 300,000 men em ployed In the mines of Mexico. Mexico is tlic richest mineral coun? try in the world, not excepting Pent. The largest state is Chihuahua, with an area of nearly tm.noii square miles. Quantities of sulphur are luiutil iu tiie craters of several extinct vok-u uoes ? M?llem Mexico. TuuhIiI III i" Huh Iu Dir. it was utter seelug Henry Irving net ab Meckel that a young Japanese study iug theology in ibis country said to n friend who look him: "I thank you very milch fur making me remain. You know, I may have to suffer some day tor holding lu what 1 believe to be ttie tr?tli, and 1 have often thought that I would never he u hie to play my part in the right way. I nun now On I .-hull never be troubled with such a thought, fur when the time comes I shall re? member tliui Henry Irving bus taught me llOW to die. Yes. I should like to die like Meckel." 'Ilms did Meckel in the tlt-sh and Tennyson, (he dramatist, and Irving, the actor, nerve the poten? tial Christian martyr that may be. - Boston Transcript. Social opinion. Social opinion Is like a sharp knife. There me foolish people who regard it only with terror Slid dare nut touch rr meddle with it; there are more foolish people Who, in rashness or defiance, Seize it by the blade und jre-! cut and iuuligicd tor their puiiis, mid there me wise people who grasp it discreetiy und boldly h> ibe handle und u?e it u laive on i ili- ii own pmpores. -Mrs. Jnniesuii. ?I..l.u:.l >i-.u r'? I i!I i. Hard, it you i?u< a scbolui and it guutle imiu ami maka liiiu do tue work of a uuryemaiti lor ibe waxes or .?. brick? layer's lauert r coupled with the treat: luebt ol a do;;, yuu then ?_?'' 'hat tiu Isbe? projt'.c-t of civilisation, vbe as? sistant master at tin EiisiUlt private school.?Barry Pain la Tatler. "The t-ditoi l.i.ic?. diiivi'Ucast. Y>''3 the untile, with bin.': ' "He received u letter yesterday iu furmin; lilt:) K.f a hi*, legacy. aaJ in the rush In- replied, 'Declined with tb&uki. " Svi tuiluus ta Picea*. Neptune- i -ay Koreas, if you tepp ju bioy.ike Ilk* i-..'t you'll i^ct yourself iiU)ik.:d. BjiVus tVLut do i care? :t j*n-t in;, business ta furnish popular tilti.?Mudcrii So?tity. iii|iis'iip8 (In 'sqqoH 'a "i Sit) """'Id. - p^.Mitu diiaiu-sna Want It hauled ??'Phone ?6.?L. F Hobbs. jp t su.filial I Oll SALE A !inacre TRUCK Fann w'ili dwelling ami nni-honses, nn the ts.v.n - Swamp itoad ab.ui i i :? miles frahi either (lampion or Ne i ? i NeWs '.ii e>:?;eilent oppniiutiiry for wie interested in truck? ing ii pij-fltry iiiii ? ihg ::' a i acres neat iii.*; Reihe1, in York County It! ,-infeh ami arable taiiiii.'-i in ????i woodland ail within ;i fetf hundred \anls: of the pi ?... .-. ?! ioiiie ol Mi- Kl.?C TlUC ItOAD io YOFliCT?M'N. Can ho ?...,.,L.,i i'bWp, i:ir> aero farm on tlio YOHl? RIVKH. Loir miles below V?>ItlC TOV.'N This Inhi ahoill llfi acres of o|ieii land and tin- balance in ; wOodiaiid lias iiltoin half a ml in of water Ironi on liio YORK 1 I IMVI2II. This en ii he had NOW for JH> per aero. Inn we will not guarantee ihe price for more than thirty days. CITY PROPERTY. A five room house and lot on County Street, Phoebus. Make us , j an i>ti< i i two nli(- lots at RUCKROI'J- Sinn eiieli. I Lots on Ittilclgh and Dare Avenues for $S*i and $!to. with terms 1 I of 20 per nein, cash; ha la lire on eaay payments; { TIM It Kit LANDS all through Ihe SOUTH and WEST, KIND, | I QUANTITY, and PliICK to suit you, GEQ. W. PHILLIPS Real Ebtate. Rentals, File Insurance, Loans, General Auctioneer and Notary Public. j 9 and 11 N. Klnrj Bt. 'Phone SO. HAMPTON, VA, f^RBSCRIRTIOlNS that's Our Business. We compound tliehi carefully and acourately and our drugs are always fresh and of* the liest, >>'o better place in Hampton if you want a prescription filled. TOIUKT ARI1CLHS We are, always ready lo supply you with the beet toilet articles and soaps. MURRAY'S PHARMACY FORMERLY HOWELL'S DRUG STORE. EAST QUEEN STREET. 'Phone 9. HAMPTON, VA. pBB MllM?MMMIMM?MIMM?imillll??MM????MC IN MA?S MEETING Mi 19 Will lie Held at 4 O'eioek Tills Afternoon lo Aid San Franciseoans, ?OWN COUNCIL Will MEET TOO Governor Swanson Requested the Mayor to Take Steps Towards As? sisting the Suffering People of the Stricken Eartttquake City and a Big Response is Expected. A!ayor Thornton F. Jones last night vsiwcl a call t<> the people of I lamp Ion io assemble In mass meeting in Ihe court house at -t o'clock this tifterndon to take steps towards isslstitig the people in S:in Franclsca, .lust before issuing the call for ho citizens' mass meeting the mayor <ent out a call for ri special meeting if tlie Hampton town council a'. Hi o'clock this morning to consider ivhni mentis tin* town government, will take in behalf of the stricken ?Ity. The mayor's call was due to a tele, (rani received by ? lit 111 from Clover iiiir ('lande A. Swan sou. which is i;iven ln?low: "Richmond, \'a.; April 21, 1906. "The Mayor, "Hampton. Vit. "I telegraph you a copy of tin ad ilrelss to the people of Virginia in ?ounecilon with ihe Sail Francisco iisiisier.lTope you will appoiiti n rem iti'itiee in solicit subscriptions, jikI >;iv> a of this address to each initiisie) hi your city with the refines* 1 lull he make ti collection for this purpose Sunday. Tlie Mayor's Call. iM'eyor Jones' call i.-. js follows. "Horn plop, Vn. April SI, 10.u;. "To Tue people of Hampton. "In compliance with the very ur? gent telegraphic request of (Inventor Swanson u maERineeiing nf the . i-i zens of Hampton u called Io iissini \i\e in the eoiirihnn-p 111 1 n'einel: Sunday aflernnoii, April ?2, Hun., in order Id make arrange in 1 ins to as? sist in alleviating the suffering people ? San Francisco, I most urgently lerpie&i r-vrrv citizen in he present in ihi- knass-mceting and also desire and urge th3i the ministers of the lov/u will announce ihe meeting i'roni i'neij' piiipiis Sunday morning. "THORNTOM F JONES, ??Mayor nl Hampton." Hampton will make a ready re s;io-..-c 0. the appeal. Uf-sia Vt-il..>. Kil.>:\r*il iiilll iic VVUV :..l eliiiii-sS ex P. ";il'i-. ?Vith i.O piiit ili iiiy bad'.. Tiiiv i- the ret of Gliding every day i:f\v I'.id dc-liglntui To be bound down t;.i n-iupiied ye.*t?rday, io os ?.:Uie ti..n fbiujrs riii..-1 teriaihly be $0 luffttiiiie they I1.1v* ijivvays been so. is tj limit life to narrow 1 undoes, 'i i.d ioj r>f nii.-ts'i.- v U to cackle every d.i.? .1 r'tvfl) ?Irohlriii Who knows wbal it ii..;i) tii"i:;_ tlirtii'.' .Nothing prevents I'tir.ii living it in :? it entirely 11 en v. ay. a* ir yesterday had never been 11.ii tomorrow i.. he bain pciiM by n > precedent, cowed by no fiiaf. is to strike out mi fresh trails and find new; delight daily, Exchange. ? ai'tl Murk*. if Is coiijecturcil by some writers on the subject that tlie murks upon (be curds designating the four kinds in a puck were originally symbolical und intended to signify the different class i\s of society. According to this stippo nit Ion, ihe hearts represented the cler? gy, spades tlie nobility, some old pucks uf earns beurlng a sword or lande bend iustead of a spade; clubs the serfs and iiiuiuuiida the burghers or citizen classes. 1 it Etarir. "The boss usked me what made me loot so tired." said Galley, tlie clerk, I "and 1 told let 1 ? 1 I was up early this morning." "Hub!" snorted the bookkeeper. "You never got Up early in your life." "1 didn't suy that 1 got up. I said I was up " I ?Jf.i^luk lii-in.l. v. Lilll lut a soiree, wblsperingi ? What ha? become of A nut Lucie's habitual smile": Erna?it is at tlie dentist's.? Tit-Bits. Haul anything?'Phone DO?l. F. Mohlis . np 8 311,1 It 1 Ul Lots Near New Car Barns for $l7fi. If sold at once. See M. O. lackey. it ' Small boiler and engine for sale? L. F. Hobbs- aP 8-su,tulm ?style, comfort anf3 ka?? La Fr?rice Oxfords ? FOE WOMfrN Co L Crockett h Co. 5 Gu?pm Street i hampton, ? Virginia D ISPA RTM BNT STORE HAMPTON, VA. SHEER LINEN LAWN 25c. 40c SOc. 6O0. 7.1c. $1.00 Yd. If you look over 1 nr line of Linen Lawns' it will he at once ap? parent tlttit we enjoy advantages tiiid t an t-iv>- inducements tioi possi? ble in other stores. 'linen" lawn" LINEN LAWN .16 inches. Kvery thread pure inen for OK* i.du LINEN LAWN 36 inches. Fine evenly woven thread ; beautiful quality? ?U? yard. IWBXttBSS?S?O^BSMBSSSWiSSL BBU&KQS230 3G inches. A very fine, evenly wovon liiieii, very good for "SHAD? OW" work? ?5c yard. ? }IILNI(Y L SCIIMLLI, THANK W. DARLING, I 5? i President. Vice-President. * THE ?MK OF HAMPTON ; HAMPTON- VI IN I A, 3 I Is the Oldest und Largest in i llher Hampton ^ ', or Newport M \ CAPITAL, - - - - pQOMOM | ; UflU'lUS & PROSITS, $W().oiH) (iO i ; OFPOSiTH 0\ini Our miiiiuN tumAtt$. ~. = The only design a ten" Drtpot-ilory in the Stale of ~ ? giiiia in Eastern Virginia. We rntiUe loan* on Keai T. : TSfilate?fl?f rVoJiiiJiTeiJSie til? National Uniike. T r ? , ../ ? NTX'Ulli '.'>, (it.OOZlfr, Cannier. jXH.flJ-ILi_fl.JI Q_iLfl B ft ll J itiLH itJtil 0!l U V U i: II ? u 1/ 'j 1: 11 _ u st u u w u . u u u u 11 Mi 'Call Monda and ,ee iviy pattcini*. VViil sell tvlia. i have i fiat cost. Shapes avid ivady-io-mar hau very cheap. Gall and be convinced ilial I \;. 11 save you ihon.-y. i Luve mi .1 tistic trim in r and in th^r. MRS. I, M. STACEY NO. 39 EAST QUEEN STREET. liub?lNS 9IOCK, 21 W. Queen St., Hamilton, Va. F?RNITU Ii ? RU<fS J.A AI I'S STOVIS8 CLOCKS TRUNKS MATTINGS C$ KT A INS IT CT ? RES EVERYTHING-THE ?OUvSK CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS Office Phone 100. iJfiY 1 0(1 R?l(Jjenr,e J^hone 3-10. JiUA l OJ s. j- watson, jr; 8-LECYR>CAL CONTftflCTor. Estimates Given on All Kinds of .Electrical Work No. 6 KINO ST. HAMPTON. roti the best or everything in Whiskies Wines and Beers j*njjj|2& .?VIHIT? W. 0. DOBSON'S SALOON, Two Doors below Conic King and Queen Street. ttOUTH KING STREET, 'Phone 23B. HAMPTON, VA. We supply family trade and solicit (he patronage of every house? keeper in Hampton. 'Phone orders promptly attended to. Our lunch counter Is always tilled with the best Ihn market nf fords. Kverything new ami clean. Ounlness men will find our lunc? counter a splendid place for eecuring the midnight lunch. Are jrbii thinking of buying a horns, or have you nine to make money on hu i nve si in em'? if su, it will pay y?u to call, and see my liht of properties, ?riilier as an investment or a dusiiahla home in any locality yon desire. Sev? eral very desirable dwellings on Hampton river. One HI-room dwell? ing all modern conveniences, fine lot fronting on I be water 12U feet, shads and fruit tiees, $0,000, much less than buildings coat u few years ago. 9 room dwelling, comparatively new, on the water, 1 1U acre lot, young orch? ard and shade . trees, i l,i no. house cniiuld not hn built for what we ask for tlie entire property. Another S rooin dwelling on the water, excellent condition, fine lot, price (3,000. Two very desirable lots oil the water 6?X ISO, will sell on easy terms, fftSO each. Unrgalna In any location in cftj ui county, W. E. L&wson No. IS N. King St. Hampton. Va We invite eVey housekeeper in Hampton to call at our store and get ti Baut pie can of JAPA LAC, >he ?'great floor stainer"? FREE. Retter call early and get ihe aampls W. Queen Street. Hampton. 1 - ? C t at Sale RECEIVERS' SALE r.F BOILERS. ENGINES, LUMBER, EUILD lloiK. ETC. I luve t<ii i'ilt a lot ot I.limber, Sash Ulliidb, Rollers, lilagines ami Buildings oil iiie loi formerly used l>y J. f. ? Howard in .-.hiding a Saw Mill on -ui. siea.l Avenue, in Ihr. Town .if liswipinh, ?ylitcli i w'iii \m glad to crtl iiiivalrlv 'inis piopjuy ..-an he ex ad.ti ??>' -.e; ?ie^i.ii.u id pur chhtt I! ?i.t - It |?l>Hit! . |ii e.? i.iiis to $f. i it-il- . .'Iii liioii, tilS sA.i.c i ill iie s'.l'i it piil.l!.: 4M .Ii..11 nl Hectiver If or J. I Howard i < ant fitire P&jUvt Is vastly different from other psiuis: It caiiies a signed aiialysll and guarantee -.n every pa.-Lage, hence ii is now ticiiii: recommend t.l ?.;-? conscientious Painiers ana specified by well-posted architects ail over this country. FOR SALE BY KANSQNH (lardware Company, HAMPTON, VA. Lots 30x1 in Victoria Avenue, near La Salb-, $2?0. 30xl-in lirwlrt Street. $150. 25x1-1.1 Moore Strei-I. ilOO. Also lots in Hampton und PhoebUaL nil on small monthly payments. Rent Two Victoria Avenue dwellings? modern in every respect, $30.00 and $35.00. , Cottages nt Diiclrrne Reach. 6-rodm bouse near ('.& O, depot. $19. fi room house, Jackson Street. $10. ii-room house on Washington St.. $9 4-r.iom ITiidgiiis Street, $11.00. J, Real Estate, Rental and Fire Insurance. 1U fi. King St., Hampton. 10 N. Mellen St.. Phoebus. RFLIAnLE HARNESS Is the kind to buy. Thai's the kind LOVVRV makes from Pure Oak Tanne I Leather?tba best kind. LOWRY, The Harness and Vehicle Man, No. 125 Vv'eat Queen Street.