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SCHEMES OP THIEVES TRICKS Or THOSE WHO OPERATE IN JEWELRY STORES. The War VJne Place IVej Com)>Ietcl7 Cicuacd v.ut? Ho*.7 Siicvr Wiutlo?"* i Are Broiiea?Gettina u Safe That V?'u? Buttel! tu the riourlas. A number of jewelers were dining to g< ther uuil wiiii tbe cigars tbe tuik' turned v.;. jeweiry tkic-ves mill liieii methods. ? Tbt first story wa3 told of an in? dividual who s seen lounging :Lf piate front wiuduw of a Jewelry store. 'So particular attention was paid to the iunu at tbe time, but the citri.? recalled tbe incident after the robbi ry, In tin* iustiince the man ap? peared a number of times in front or the store. One eveniug soon afiur dark their was a sudden crush, iiud u rob ber was actively engaged in scooping lu jewels with a hooked stiel:. In tbirt;> seconds be was done und away. Bystanders stood as it petrltied until the man struck out at a run. Then the store people and the bystiiudcrs realised what had occurred und about iug "Thief!" started after the man. Ttie uiuu dropped Iiis bag. The pur suers stopped and seized the bug. i hey returned to the store with tbe bug in high pUi-, remarking incidentally that there was n.? need in chuslug ib.- thief In-:.:ause hi re ? ere itu- goods. The pro? prium Ol Hi - store and nil the clerks had followed, but, liiivlng farther to go thau tbe crowd, were behind and wbrc met by ttu- people \yitli the bag. Proud I.\ the ikij; was opened, it eon talued a brlcki The thlet had mopped it to check the pursuit. Realizing the trick ban succeeded, the crowd, bead? ed bj the Salesmen and proprietor, went back to im- store, only to discover that tbe wiuduw bad beeu cleaued of stock um.i tin' iouiiiers ivera bare of u uuniuer of cost I j art hies. A poiicuujun ou uiii? .-aid after tbe proprietor uud clerks ot tue store lau for the departing thief a neatly dressed geutieuuin, with ail Uie un s of u ?ieuiber of the briu, gave directions to two othel uieu to yet the stuff out of the windows and told him (ttie bin cerj that tills was being done us u pre? caution agaiust theft while the win dow was broken In some lirst class stores there is a regulai dnuger signal arranged, aud the men are drilled each week: When the danger gbug sounds vac uiau tubes ills place ..t Uie door, auointt ..i the leicpboiie to send word to the police, another with ruiining (jviaiitie.- maUi-j tor lbs dooi iu readi? ness to piirsue .....i ?u ou , Amoui. other stories ioia were souie relating t.i in. tricks aud devices of the jeweirj thieves, 'ius. robbei oitcii works at uhjbi or sometimes diiriug a crov.u bj cutting out ti dUk of glass uv*ir wuei'J ?oute t oittiy goods are shown. Lie may reach lit iiud secure something aud be off before detected If be is iji'.tch. sometimes he bus a long iiietnuae?t bidden under ids coat, so that lie i .tu reach iu and pick tip u WRicb. Often again he uses a simple stick wlib u slightly turned eitd, book lug Into a ring, The process of crushing iu u plate frout during lit? intervals of the pa? trol ot turf police, at tu.' suuie time xuakiui: no l.^i.jc, is tmae by pasting cloth or be..;. i^.j.^r Ou u.e l/u.s-s. A wood mallet is used, tbe bummer cuds being securely bound up iu a Lea. y wooltn Jut/...- stuff*d with excelsior or kindred material. With ibis ?ort bead ed mullet it is possible to liuug away noiselessly at the glass until the pane begins to crumble, L'ule&s tue plute is Usually tbiiil; tin opening can ba mad? (without much trouble. Iu recent .><.-ais jewelry thieves, like bauk robbers, have rented ijuartets year the pi... e they iatended to rob and lived there long enough to study toe Situation, in one case u room was bircu bvtir a jevi'elry store uud en? trance effc-cttd to the store by lneuus of u rope bidder dropped from the win? dow of tbe room to a window leading to a hail hi the store portion, lu an? other i use the bar spreader was used to open the bars of a window; This device consists of a spirally threaded shaft titled iuvo two nloeks, with a central piece with a tun (or turning. The blockti uie adjusted between two bars, tiu- centrill piece turucd, where? upon the spiral shaft causes the blocks) to expand sidewise, forcing the barB open. Then the intruder can pass in. A story was told ?w the removal of a safe in which tiiu proprietor of n Jewel? ry stole -,\:is accustomed to put his costly stock each night. It was not u iaigo sale, but exceedingly strong, mid because of its light weight u number of boils were put through the flour uud connected witu the safe bottom. Tbe proprietor often said that thieves could aot t&ke the tuie unless they took tiool tad alt. Not loug lifter tbo store wus .' eutered, nod, behold, the thieves hud JtOifcli-liUl the-, section oX,tbe_JLQyC. ?J fflBSmn mim&iimmmiim.b. Every Cant yon earn. Provide for your retiring age by opening -u sayings account with this bank aud depositing part ?,i your earnings each pay day. In lerest credited setui annually at the rate of four per cent. Dusiness hours, it a. m. to 3 p m and Saturdays until 9 p. in. -THE . Savings Bank OF NEWPORT HEWS 2711 WASHINGTON AVENUE, which the safe wns nxed. The safe was bouud up with rope, the latter passed under the separated section \.-t tiooi-lug. and, when the boards were sawed through, safe, floor aud all were lowered into the basement and readily moved out through the basement door, put Into tin express wugun and carted off.?Jewelers' Circular-Weekly. llcuiuret. "Don't you occasionally have com? pany tit the Uuuse that bores you?" "Often, but we buve a remedy. We always let our little Johnnie recite."? Milwaukee Sentluel. Defined. Teacher?Who knows what triplet* are7 Teacher's Pet?I know. Two twins und one left over.?Woman's Lloiiie Couipunioti. Idleness walks so slowly that pover? ty has no trouble In catching up with it. .4 Ship'* Speed. A ship's speed is reckoned by kuots. a knot being u geographical mile, ur oue-*i\tieth of u degree. Six geograph? ic i miles are about etinul to seven statute milvc. und a .-hip that sails 12 Lij.-i- therefore i? really moving at the lute ot fourteen statute miles ab hour, it should ui remembered that it is lb collect to say *u ,ma?y "L;.o'is ?in hour, simply gg many knots, for . knot u;?,'.H- ? one mile tin hour." ??fttriussiui;" Hi:a; A Stuart yauug fellow culled out to a farmer who wa's sowing seeil in lilt I fiiio. "Well dons, old felioW. You suw. I re:ip the fib\ts." ?'Maybe yoji will,'' said the farmer, "tot i;t. sdr.'iug hemp." ?? Kitrper s Weekiy Railj Ksd V?"i;cj. "ii; eu;i;. tluuvi tilt- lauding scutes- j web were tbost who split rails." "Bui we have aoae save wire fences totJay.v ''A:ul the leuder* are ecus *o,u?utl? lb?**- who pull .Tir?^'?Philadelphia Bulletin. X.i r.i \ u;: ?.-. in insuicr? of our father: Gone Join oiipei.di.v his toitsiU. bis uii.ic .toryt nerve, bis kiiliiey hU ear?r-thi nud u leg prviiiutureiy removed by a hosplijtl surgeon -..i,v7 craved ths e>:pe rleuctf.*?-\"p\vfboy's Magazine. If you tccoivt to do rjgjjt you will :aoon do wisely, but resolve only to U.o wisely aiitl jo.; .. iii uV.-ej do r;gut.? Rysklu. DIED. VVARlilSN? Ai Hi. .lames Hospital. April 2lBtj hi 7:15 I'. M., Miss Mary Fitea Warren id' Wurriugton. .lames City County, Va. Richmond. Norfolk and bktenton. N. <.'., papers please copy. it HCniMOBOIJR?At Sarah Leigh Hos? pital, Norfolk, Friiinv, April 20. 19IM>, nl s:f.u P. M , WILLIAM SCRIM (IROIJR. ol il2 Harrison Street. Portrait.mth, ay.ed titi years. Funer? al ironi residence THIS (Sunday) AFTERNOON at :i o'clock. It HELP WANTED?MALE. Mi OPPOHTUMITY f?r. . k Mm.) mttl t.,11 tu ?iictfeud ttirbil ltt U.V ... i .,...< . litt>. We lack Oieiijjl.t i.ien lo nil I.UHoit.uoi l.,.'u rr?'leiM>|HirtllliblM II0WO? uui IVbliav il tivr, ( Truilliinl r.i,.| Sjknr.?.i i..?!ii.,.|t Uli/? Iiik tioiM?l,(X)ui.)|.\t>uO? y,.ur which Mt,n t,< rin.'.i ?i ?.nit. ti j.iu w^ut tu nrtur yuurcuuJiiluu Hit!,- iai pun ? Om?*j Iii 12, Ii;?. fUPQUOtiS (lacA. Df&lu Braken 1G01 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Wedding Gifts From PALMERS' are always appreciated, because of their beauty, elegance of dg~4gu and undoubted finality. Before you decide on a gift come and glance at the etunniua things that we can provide, for even the mos: conservative 'jpproprlatlota. Our prices wlK d*rnoustrota quite clearly that we are satisft6?i with a moderate profit. L I. Palmers' Sons THE LEADING JEWELERS, ESTABLISHED-1891 WANTED. WANTED?VOU TO LOOK AT these cheap lots we are offering at the Exposition grounds. STEWART . it MIDGE i"l ?. No. 133 Twenty fifth Street. ap 22-3t WANTED?A QUICK PURCHASER for house ami lot uicriy located East End; only $1,100; must be] sold at once. STEWART & MID QETTE, iNo. 133 I weuty fifth' Street. ap 22-3i WANTED ? AN EXPERIENCED Real Estate and Insurance Man; call Monday. STEW Alt'! ?!. MID 11 ETTE, No. 133 Twenty-fifth Street. 22-11 WANTED?YOU TO KNOW WE nave for sale, on Twenty-ninth | Street, lacing the park, u three story brick dwelliug, all modern im? provements; a bargain for the one| who acts at ottce. Call and see us. W. B. S. VAUGHN & CO.. 2(..on | Washington Avenue. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and Investment! Bonds: 22-lt WANTED?THE PUBLIC TO KNOW that the most enchanting trio In tin- visible universe Is a cloudless sprint; morning, a pretty woman und ;i well-built man went lug one of T. P. KEATING'S Tailor made Suits. 221 Twenty filth Street. ap 22-lf WaNTKD?TWO BRIGHT YOUNG ladies, of good appearance as sales? ladies, to travel with party of Indies under manager's care. Prefer young girls; steady employment; expenses advanced. Address "X." this of? fice, an 2i-2t WANTED?TO LET MY FRIENDS know 1 am at home now and wish to bid nn any cement or paving work they want done. A. H. TEMPLE. ap 20-3t WANTED?TO RENT FURNISHED house by party without children;] can give oily references. Address. A. U C . Press Office, ap 20-12t MEYERS PROS. REQUIRE FIVE Trimmers ami two Salesladies tor their Millinery Department. Apply at once. np 20-31 | WANTED ?APPRENTICES IN MIL llnery Department. Apply A. .I?O' & co.. 29011 Washington Avenue. ap 2lt-2t WANTED?YOUNG OR MIDDLE-1 aged white woman to nurse an in? valid Experience not required. Ap piy to M RS T. H . SOUTH A LI.- 41 South King Street, Hampton. ap tH ir WANTED?AN EXPERIENCED WO-. u:an to <io cooking and general housekeeping. Apply 231 Forty eighth Street. up lit tit WANTED?B?ARQERS; TABLE OR roomers. Table hoarders a special? ly. 120 Thirtieth Sweet aptHifl VVE VVAN'l THE PUBLIC TO SEE, our stuck of top; and open, law ! wheel, rubber ibe BiiteicS. Dust I proof axles, hickory wheels* bttn.i forced steel axies and oil ieinpeied springs; MILLER & g lea SON Tweuty-eiahtb Sticet. ap 7-tf S>! A NTI"D?TO FURNISH VOU t?0 N .-iete hiiilding block I'^r your bouse or foundation. We make a specially | of laying sidewalks and fountain j work, cash ?. Vaughn. 2000, Washington Avenue, -or Twenty ninth Street and Virginia Avenue ap IS tr W ANT E b ? OCCUPANTS FOR from room,with alcove silting room, gentlemen preferred. 230 Forty-sev? en ih Street. ap 19-ih,sa.s.i3i WA NTED?SliSV ER A L QOOD HAH ness makers. MILLER & QLEA SON, Hamilton, Va. ap lit WANTED ? CLOTHES OF ANY j kind or description to be cleaned, , pressed, scoured, dyed, alteren or re? paired. Work rlie best. Prices the' lowest; satisfaction guaranteed. The Hub Clean. & Press. Co., 211 33rd St Citz. 'phone 328. J. H. Wheeler. Pion. WANTED -BUYERS FOR OLD PA pens at 10c per hundred. Apply at Daily Press Office. tf AGENTS WANTED. 1.000 AGENTS WANTED?ONLY Au? thentic honk on ''.Sail Francisco Ca? lamity." Highest commission. Out? fit free. THE JOHN C. WINSTON CO., lOtii; Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ap 21-f.t FOR SALE. FOR SALE?GOOD SINGING CANA? ries, p. j. McCarthy. 222 Forty-fifth Street. ap 2ll-3t LOTS FOR SALE OR LEASE IN ALL parts of the city. Call and get prices. OLD DOMINION LAND CO.. Hotel Warwick Building. FOR SALE?HALF INTEREST IN oyster business. Including boats,etc , obo?> fifty acres of ground, half natitri' seed rock In James River; about 10,000 bushel oysters on band at present time. Business at present is paying good; with more capital can bei made an excellent investment. Address A. R. DAW SON. Menehvllle, Va. tnh 25-lru FOR SALE ? TWO DESIRABLE lots, In the heart of Rivervlew, on electric car line. Price fSf.O cash. These lots are Nos. 5 aud 6, in block No. 9, as shown on map of River view, made by O. W, FltchetL civil engineer. They have a frontage of 30 feet each on Electric avenue and run hack 120 feet. Address "RIVER VIEW," care Dally Press. tf FOR SALE. FOR SALE?ONE HORSE. WHICH can tie seen at MILLER & GLk'A SON S on Wednesday from y to 10 a. m. ap 22-lt rort sale?launch 20 feet long. 5 feet wide; will seat 8 people; new 2,1-2 H. P. Barker engine; can be seen at Power House; Hamp? ton. Va. up 22-lt FOR SaLE?SCHOONER YACHT ?'l.-AD.V EVELYN." Length over ail 106 feet; length water line. 94.5; heam ?8.01-2; draught. 10.61-2. Will he delivered in commission wich complete furnishings for $4,000; This is ?' splendid opportunity to make money during the exposition. Pur further particulars, address L>R. it. LEE ROBINSON. ap 22-64 FOR SALE-ONE FIRST-CLASS Draft Horse, seven years old; sound as a dollar; works kind everywhere. Fine si/e. good looking, all right every way. Also one cheap work Horse, Apply B?LLING GROCERY COMPANY, 324 Twenty-elghtu Street, City, up 21-21 FOR SALE ? SODA FOUNTAIN IN line condition; marble slab and silver glass hohler; will sell cheap. Apply lo It. E. GATE WOOD, box 177, Phoebus. Va. up 2L6t FOR RENT. FOR RENT?TWO-STORY BRICK I residence; eight, rooms und bath; No. 33UI West live.; possesslou given | May iuUii, Apply to 1<:. PEYSER, 271 ? Washington avenue. -i-3-if. FOR RENT?FOR SAL.E OR RUNT, | new nine-room house, 2i0 Fiftieth; Apply 231 Thtr'v-seeond. 7-12'. SPECIAL NOTICE. I ODD FELLOWS, ATTENTION.? Members of Silver Link Lodge, mi,] Yon are hereby notified to be pres? ent at the hall on next Wednesday, April 2:V without fail. A. It. CRAW turd ap 22-iI WE HAVE A PEW MORE OF THOSE t.T.n am) $300 lots at Exposition | Grounds; suitable for stands, ei STEWART ? MIDGETTE, No. 1331 Twenty-fIIIh Street. ap 22-31 I NOTlOF. TO FARMERS?THE WELLI bred Stallion, "Twelfth Night," will | make this season, through Warwick, York and Elizabeth City Couhtit Lor particulars and pedigree address | Dick Richardson, I6S W. Queen, St llar.ipion, Va. hp 13-lni see OUR LARGE stock of cus? tom made Harne.s buying. Mil l.ER 6 gleason, Newport Neu s, Va :*(> l-if 1 MONEY TO LOAN, I MONEY TG LOAN IN SUMS OF $6? to * 1,000, b per cent. Merchant* ! Mechanics Savings Association .tl i laii f.i Jones. Secretsiy and Ann. ley Fi>M National hau' Rutkitua UNUEKlAJMiKIi W. P. ROUSE KOR GoonSEKViCE, and fine hacks 231 ?J.l? T-.ct.. lifiu ecfe.M 'i-'ij.'-c- iia J . H. C?FFEB SOW, 33Hf.l ST and Huntington AVft. Botti 'pauuei Ho. i; residence tfeit '?ihwtic n Kt?S I AD KAN I S YO? CaN always Gtii tOME it.Hit good to ->it at in 26m rit HOME COOKING TKAN?KEK OUMPAMlh'.s OLD DOMINION BAGGaQL THANH fer: office C. ft O. Station, 'l'l.nne?: Bell Mos. KM and 135; Citz., No. 12. TIM Standard S?]f>jily fipa*iy, Inc. No 2608 Huntington Av?nu?. J Willie i;tiaf,.i]oi, n. ii biiK?noon P.eal.leiit. rJerictal, J I'. (tuylg TTej.-uirti Don't fcrgei ?he (i I ace wl.r.e ym can buy Studebaker Wagons of evci y style. We curry u full line of Ruualiouta, Surreys, Trip Buggies, Grocery Wdf | ons, und many otbnr spring vehicles. Harness and Horse Furnishings, liar j Hess Repairing u special fealuie? I good work assured. Farm Implements, Including Hie ml lowing well-known makes: Oliver Chill Plows, Deerlng & McCorrnick Mowers and Rakes, Disc Harrows, Disc Culti? vators. Farmer's friend Corn Plant, era, Planter Juniors, and munyolhcru. Agents for Austin-Western Road Machinery, Armour's Fertilizers--but I torn prices for CASH. The biggest line ever offered In our city. Call and look it over before buying. We want your business. Houses and Lots in all parts of the city for cash or on easy terms. Also some small lots suitable for stands at Exhibition grounds. Stewart & liiigelie 133 Twenty-fifth St., NEWPORT NEWS VA. and with it the usual house cleaning. You may perhaps need some Oil Cioih, Linoleum. Carpet or Furniture or some kind. You vriil had all of tittle and a lot M jJ I 4VtH more at the Big Store. I"i II? Bed R^om Suits New ones just arrived in Mahogany colonial design. Others in Oak quartered, fawed, Golden Oak finish, also Bird s Eye Maple. Bank Mattresses For Ships More of those Special Bunk Mattresses at $\M Each Buffets and Sideboards You will find a beautiful line in Golden Oak and Weathered Oak at the usual low prices. Oil Cloth We have them in 1, 11-2 and 2 yards wide at 25c. 35c. and 50c per square yard. Linoleums ? We have the printed Linoleum at 60c, 70c. and 88c. per square yard, and the kind the color goet? all the way through and never wears out for. Si.25, $1.50 and $1.75 per square yard. All Oil Cloth and Linoleum laid free ex? cept where it has to be eemente<1. M New Mattings Are Arriving fVL 8 1. L,ASH 7??3 0^07 Wa&itin^ioil ?V8 KifWjioii tfeWS, V"? l ?TS ffl>H TiAlM Iii Ail Parts of the City, OLD DOMINION LAND CO., Hotel VVai'wh'U. Building,'. A Mighty Showing of HAIS FOR MEN ft. doesn't matter what kind of a f lat, you want, IT'S HERE. A large, or medium shape, flat set or curled brim, in a shape that will become you, in a quality above, suspicion. It's a mighty showing that we a re very proud of and one that we will be very glad to have you look through whether y?u purchase or not. DERBIES & SOFT HATS $LSG, $2.00 UNiON MADE BP AC UP-TO-DATE H A 1TIR ii\JD?, 2106 12 Wash. Ave. Next Door Newport News Natn'l Bank PERFECTION, has tiefen reached In the equip? ment of our new saloon?up-to date in every respect. Many a time, no doubt, you would like to have had a cool glass of beer or a palatahle drink of liquor, but the environment of the ordinary saloon was such that the desire was not gratified. Here a drink can be enjoyed to the fullest ex? tern, where saultatloa god serv? ice reign supreme. O. W. TODDi 813 Twenty-eighth Street. WANTED WHITE GIRLS AND BOYS TO LEARN CIGAR MAKING. Learuera paid while under ln etructiou. Steady work; tfooa pay. Apply The American Tobacco Company* 34th Street and Virginia Avs.