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Image provided by: Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA
Newspaper Page Text
Hin rnn tut fMirrrnrnPl11^ p^opi? are homeless ami iiestuute fi ll Hin inr hllrrrKrKh,or 1ue mcaus of subsistence. Never fllU I VII Ulk UU! I UliMIUj ,)efore ,? our h|Story has there been -a greater demand upon our sympathy I or a greater necessity tor immediate Mayor Duxlon Expecls Ttiis City?11 ??fctf??*. <*? ^ ???rermg lo Contribute Liberally. TELEGRAM FROM GOV. SWANSOH Virginia's Executive Makes Urgent Appeal for Material Assistant for the Homeless People of Stricken San Francisco. Mayor Buxton is anxious lo have this city contribute liberally to the fund which is being rulsed through? out Virginia by Governor Swnnson for lliu aid of the San Francisco suf? fers. The <inayor seconds Governor Swaiisun's urgent request that all churches and secret organizations take collections for the bind and it is probable that he-will tomorrow aj point a local commission to b?ndle money collected here. Yesterday the mayor received the. following telegram Trout the gover nor: "The Mayor of Newport. News, Va. "I telegraph you a copy, of an ail dress to the people of Vlrgiuia In connection with the San Francisco disaster. Hope you will appoint committee to solicit, subscriptions and give a' copy of this address to each minister in your city with the request that lie make a collection for this purpose Sunday: ?'An appalling disaster has befallen our fellow citizens of San Francisco. One of 1hc most beautiful ami pros? perous cities of our country has iheen absolutely destroyed; and 300,000 of 1 feel that, the people or Virginia will be glad to express thoir sympathy I by making contributions lo alleviate the present frightful distress of our | fellow countrymen. Therefore, Governor of tills' Stiff.'. I do earnestly request that the people of all the Mies, towns, villages, and counties of Virginia, either in muss-meeting or by private subscription, will make such contributions as they are able to Hie relief of these afTilcted people. I do further earnestly request that the people at their several places of worship on Sunday next, or at their earliest meeting, and that all fra? ternal orders likewise, will make col? lections for this purpose. Let each give as Iiis conscience may direct, or his means justify. The earlier these collections are made the better. The necessities of these people are urgent and Immediate. Let each com? munity, organization or person send funds direct to the mayor of San Francisco, or to Hie committee here? in named. I appoint as n committee In reeotvo any contributions that may be made in pursuance of this request: John I?. Brunch, John B. I'll reel I, Joseph Bryan. L. Z. Morris and James N. Uoyd, all of Richmond, Va.. to| cither one of whom remittances may he made. Virginia has been pe? culiarly blessed and 1 hope that in Hie days of her prosperity she will generously aid those in misfortune. Vchy respectlfully, "CLAUDE A. SWANSON. "Governor." Dredging Between Piers. A contract has been let by the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company to the Coastwise Dredging Company, of Norfolk, for dredging hetwecu the Company's piers here. pecials For This Week o^inrTmmnro^^ White China Silks, 1!) inches witle. only .25c yard Lot of Fancy Silks. 1!) inches wide, only . 25c yard. Lot of Fancy Silks. 10 inches wide, only .48c yarj Fancv Silk Waist Patterns. f> yard pieces.$2.48 per pattern Worth $3.00. Black Taffoth Silk, 36 inches; wide, great, value at.75c yard Black Taffeta Silk, :it> Inches wide, only 89c yard; worth $1.00. Black Tarreta Silk, :Mi inches wide, only 98c yard, worth $1.25. White China Silks. JU inches wide, only 50c yard: worm U5c. onnmmnr^ FINE LINE OF LADIES' LINEN AND SILK PARASOLS JUST RECEIVED Lot White.and Black Parasols. 98c, worth $1.25. y ,. ' Lot White and Black Parasols. $1.23; worth $1.50. White and Black Parasols, $1.48; worth $2.U0. V I-ot White and Black Parasols. $1.94; worth $2.00. Lot Colored Parasols, $2.48; worth $3.00. inrinnprrittr^ ft a be a BIG LINE -OF LADIES' FANCY COLLARS, VER/ PRETTY AND EXTRA GOOD VALUES; RANGING IM PRICE FROM 10c to 48o. . i LARGEST STOCK OF White Goods, Embroid? eries and Laces. in the city. Prices always 10 to 2fi per cent. below all competl lion. Lot of beautiful Embroidered Shirt Waist Patterns. Prices from 08c' lo $2.48. ennnmro a a a a awo"o~o"(nnnnrB g trryrToTroimroi^^ Big Stock of Underwear Hosiery, Etc. Ladies' Drop Stitch Hose, 12 1-2c. 23c. 48c and 73c nair. Ladles' Oauze Vest*, extra value; 10c. 12 1-2c. 23c and 48c. New line of Baby Caps just received. Some oeautlful goods at 24c, 48c, 73c and 98c. g-g g ?oWrTYrrrvoHro^^ a" a a "a" iinrinnnnrinr^iriinriii' v 'w h GREAT VALUES' IN Shoes, Slippers and Oxfords ~" PniCES ALWAY3 THE LOWE3T. " a as B o aTaxirg'gTryo'TnroTf^ 2712 WASHINGTON AVENUE. The Wertheimer N&me Is a Guarantee Of Excellence HTC FASHIONS that will be made this season are own in all the new fabrics and patterns. It is a recognized tact that the WERTHEIMER style is always correct, and the quality of Workmanship dependable Our $12 and $15 Suits For Men The new shades of Grey and Grey M " * Lures and all Fancy Patterns. The variety is so great that every taste nan he suited. Large line of Slim and Stout Suits. Our $16,$18, $20 Suits For Men This line of Suits has been our leaders for years. They are all Hand-Tailored, and consist of Imported Fabrics, both single and Double-Breasted. Black, Blue, and Fancy Worsteds. Greatest variety of Men's Pants shown in the city, exclusive patterns, Hand-Tailored, Grey Mixtures and Fancy Worsteds, Full Peg Legs with Form (M jn <F? CA Fitting Waists. Every pair Guaranteed ?P* ((]?pD?0U You will profit on your Boys' and Children's Clothes by coming to us, the only score in the city having an exclusive department for Boys and Children, all the novelties as well as the. staple found ^ STETSON and HOWARD HATS In All the New Shapes and Shades TWO BIO STORES WERTHEIMER & COMPANY CORNER WASHINGTON AVE. AT 26TH STREET 2206 JEFFERSON AVENUE COUNT BONI'S LAST CIGAR Caricature of Frenchman by Gertfex creates Sensation In Paris Salon PA HIS. April 21.?The sensation of Countess the Salou. which opened today, is a picture by Gcrvex entitled "His last a cigar which a -waiter has just Count Bonl has applied for nermls Cigar." handed to him. Tho Intimation of sion lo havu his action against the The painting represents Count the title of the painting is that Bonl Count, which has already been be Bonl De Uasteliana with his wife, tho will never be able to afford another Run, postponed until al'-ler the dl i\nne. mi a terrace at "Raguldcau." ' vorco suit of tho Countess has been Monte Carlo. Count nonl Is lighting One of the principal creditors of settled. Bankrupt Stock at Auction 23d, J(h30 a. itt. I will begin to sell the immense stock of Stores, Heating Apparatus Gas Fixtures Plumbers' Tools and Machinery Cash Register? Typewriter IDtc*t Etc* Formerly belonging to Sale begins promptly at store No. 2908 Washington Ave* W. B. COLONNA TRUSTEN To the Public: Tlic .lamestown Exposition Company has contracted with Mr. Albert Hess to publish an official magazine for the. Ex? position, to be known as the Jamestown Magazine. This publication alone has the official sanction of the Company and is to be issued under the Company's super? vision. It will contain full infor? mation concerning the pro? gress of the Exposition work and other matters of interest ' relating to the subject. G. BROOKS JOHNSON, Chairman,Board of Governors From fl Parcel To An Engine. rRBIOHT, BAOOAGS, N1TURH AND SAFES CARJ1FUU T AND PltOMPTJLT MOTBD. Storage Warehouse 5W-52Q 27th St REASONABLE RATES Virginia Transportation Company (Signed