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Baltimore Directory. *" Through the courtesy of the hit thanls and manufacturers of Balti? more, the Baltimore city directory is Bow on Hie at Hotel Warwick. ,r Meeting of Odd f:cllow9. Silver Link Lodge. n0, lot. I. o. O. r., will hold a big mtiss meeting on the night of April 25 The object of the meeting Is to secure new para? phernalia and a largo attendance expected. MAY PROVE FATAL t ,_:_ When Will Newport Hews Ptcplfc Uam the Irnp?rtapce et If Backache 1? only a simple thine at tirst; But whfn you know 'Ii? from Up kidneys: That seri'iue t<i.lii~;.- troubles follow That diabetes. Blight's disease mat be the fatal end, You will gladly pt"flt. by the follow? ing experience. 'Tis the Mal?inent of a Newport News ell Iren. George R. Abbott, carpenter, of run ITwenly-nlnlh slreel says "I had Theum3t!sm in my legs so acute nie days thai 1 could baldly wallt n struck in'- thai if Dean's Kidney Pills performed bnlf wbal th?y pi.>mis<=-.t and were a Bptfcilic in removing uric acid from my system, ih'ov might help I was readily Induced lo e. Stearne"*' diuc stoie f<?i ?< box if 11 hud not nerformed < ett. what it promised l would be th?= l?*resident of Newport Nf s i" publlciy leeoui mend the- preparation " For salt bj a" rlealeis Price 50 cents Fristet Mi'burii Co., Buffalo', N. Y.. sr.'e necnlp for the United States. Remember th* nanie Doan's ^and take no ^b<-r Mich aviso us' SUITS THAT MERIT THE REQUIREMENTS OF PARTICULAR I) RESSERS Fo rriatier whal Iho i:ef|uirc rnent, or the Bin Mori you occupy, wf- are prepared (o dress yon well ;il moderate coft. Our clothing is made especially I"1' ,,fJ. find ao coi ding lo oiir h p cc i :i I instructions, by I he best, tailors of this country. Thcrj is an individuality about oil r Ready-to-We;ir Clothing not found in other garments :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: The average man thinks he knows whal 'r (he most stylish Spring Suit, yel he's the first to a file, ?? Is I his the latest?M I le 's wise. Unless you know your cloth ie'r. you run I he rink of get ling some? thing outlandish; thinking it really stylish :: :: :: :: This i* destined to be a gray season, of which color we have a profusion. Of course, we are showing all the newest mixed effects; also. Black and Blue Serges and Chev iot- :: :: :: :: :: :: You'll find that our prices are nol so cheap as tn It: suspicious, nor so large a? to be prohibitive. RJacli garment is priced at iis true value :: ;; :: :: :: :: :: Clothiers <{', To Hot a 260, WASHINGTON VVE. For Sate wti Ekohange Twenty lots at Fordham, near Buck roe Beach, between the car lines, size 40x120. Price, $1.000; will exchange for equity In rent produHng properly, Eight-room house on Twenty second Htreel between Madi? son s>nd Mat shall, rew'lug for $l?/>0 pet month Price $850. High lot or Twenty-second Stt?et, north sMf-. between Madison and Marshall avenues, price J.Wj; good term*. Desirable lot at Mr-nlmac, on car line. $150. Eight lots Ht North Newport New?. Price, 1200. I have tt.f- choice lots at Sew all's Poi"t. dose to the icy posi? tion grounds, ;it Hie right pi ice. Call or write. Et G. 4,?.. .-|. Real Estate. 2123 Madleon Avenue-, NEWPunt MF.W6, VIRGINIA Bell 'Phone 39/. THEATRICAL The following is .1 l>H r sketch ot '"The Plainsman," 111 * * imv foiji nri ?'((??na. which will Im r;l,,ii a' the A'M"'"ii,? lomcii iw nltflii .villi Vi. O-itii Jehinon in the tKi? part. It-' ?-r- Pali fax i i !-. I-*? on taut of the Virginia Fairfaxes, hut In his veins 1= a stCi'ii of Spanish ami a liohlei stream of Indian lined. II? 1? the 1 if i -*t man in Hi" county in Aii?oi>a where he liv*. ami la its sherilli Mr rhlea over his own broad acrf's lienil whole, fancy free; lion esl, thf ftlrml <f every mini, and 1? a potential influence In keeping Iii leash Hi" unipiiet Apa< he 1 1 io i3 11 1 int. healthy, vIImanl wltji th" |oy of livine. nud. although a tLuigcioii3 00111 when provoked, Ida imitinel Is all foil peace ami gdo<| r- llo.vsliip Wiiim one day he llndri a wohlan, ??a 1 ciy more than a girl, l<>i. ex hau led and in icspalr. Taking her '?> la Its home, whore she Is revived' I"- 1' in 11* that she is Dora Van S< linyler. dauglitei or Mayor Van Pii.u.visr. coinintindei uf th? lo-ate*' military pest, and i* ready In re? store lifr jo her family when to hi* he Iriiiv: ibai she i* k'ath i" return; 1 fr 1 fathci is it Vine to 10- e her liitri (i livlf** .n?lff.. ami sile tells 'i.iver all a'boul II ,.| .!,...? ..,* |.u IvprH t-, the hinyoi's dHtichivi and sh* rf.l.urn? hi* ntfeclioii. "I !??=->- inar 11- 1,!. AVhf-n h-r fiji^nd, MinMl-ile. ? I i- ehgsgei t? Ned V'a'ii Behijjiei. a soldier, and Dora's lirnftier, learns of I he romance. *bQ visits the ranch, eeei mpniiied b; h faithful ?crva-.?t. \.*<r. Mnioiie, ami there tii^y r.ln'y. ?The mayor Hihies'fo, hi* d.iugiilv. [(hole i* a seen? ami he disowns lier M.aintime. NTed Van Schuylc ? lias I fun'ilii with Id* superior olllt er -\' i<rl. ani in oriiei to sir .* 1 wo I 01:111 vjjui Wdikld I'" 1 oni|'rouii*ei in the c-venl uf ,1 couil iiuolial. lias de ei l.( ?! Without knowing -i hi . si-, '? s l',yventure Iii; lakcii eiiipjoyni'i'dl w'ltii i .liiii?. a" ' cvwhoy, iiiit tn'ny.n* < 11. Ii .in Invaluable aid that he is made 111 innger und r I lie name of I h i: .An-tin IVVheh hi- does meet his hinter ..h faints in the presence1 of her husband I ami I lion Me- at "il; "i' Jealously tiro sow.ii. Whih- Fairfax Is a'.'-iy icing his If' ii ; |o jirevpnl an Indian uprising; lose Alvern?., who Is hl-, 11 Mid was bis heir up lo He- Hui" of In innrriiige, does every Illing lie 1 .111 in compromise Dorii, and in a i;iil siloota le t brother. Tin- Hlsti'l naturally lakes I1I111 Inlo her house land nurses him. lb' Is there When Fairfax n't urns. Alvern/ i<i arrange affairs ?0 tie- husband tl KOfi his wife hiss the cowboy LITTLE CHIP. good-bye, as he has recovered and Is Koine 11 way. lie strides into his wife's presence accuses licr^ refuses to listen to lie explanations .lust at this niomcri! Nell bounces into the room, sho'.itlu; tliat she has obtained "Nod'.-- pardon." Noting the look of perplexity upon 1 the filed of Fairfax she explains. "Oh, you don't; Ned is Dich Austin: he's Dour* brother;" 'ih"iio>* Rroftdliursi i* th? author of "The Plainsman,'1 und he has given it an entirely new Ireal'imeht, very different from 'lie Conventional liofd 01 drama Messrs. Braden ani Point's tie pro (Continued en page 8.) SUNDAY EXCURSION To Richmond, Via C * O. Ry. $1.23 Roiind Trip. Ccminencing Sunday. AptII 2,"ith, the C. kr O. Ry.. ?III Inaugurate Sunday excursion trains to Richmond, Special tiain will leave Old Point 8.Mu .1. m.. Newport News. 9:Oft 11. >n , stops r>i>i\ at Phoebus. Hampton ani New? port News; returning leave* Rich-! mend at 7:30 p mi Rate. $1.25 rfiuud trip. ap 20 <*t CONVEY A FAIR IDEA OF THE CLASS OE ?OODS WE SELL Tliis nreeVc prowl great Interest display ings. continue (tint making comparison. ?., \,n men more Interesting than last. fi| by th? buying public in our special surmise That'!-, because shoppers have When comparisons are made the ourchaser The ol'fer beon uiva |K Leaders of Furniture Fashions^CHICAGO HOUSE FURNISHING COMPANY, Incjuaders of Furniture Fashions I I I I W t v I $ ft; rlnbly gee*;, to the Chicago House Furnishing Co. house. Tlte big broad thousands of f"ct of floor space glistening with beautiful exclusive pieces tagged at ?neu templing prices are more interesting than any store U> bo found We have wisely provided for the large spring de? mand by purchasing car loads from the best factories In the. land. Wo had this week five largo buyers (we know of) compare prices with (he most reputable dealers in Hie City and Norfolk, which we have Kohl, and they told us. "your prices and selections are the best w?< have seen." Every large purchaser goes Where Ihn liest selection can be found ami the lowest prices. No mater If il is only Stool you want, you should come here, where we arc busy on a cht is "i people who appreciate furniture just a 'little bolter than tli" best that ir. offered by some of the most reliable stores. To niiiko wise ones think, we are going to pick oil I a few of -he ninny bargains to just give you a hint. m n tecucii -m a root |SS raiting |^ # f I w t t \V w w w /*> j\\ i\\ $ w 9 \j> w V/ W i CGMBIIJ At fON BOOKCASES. made in solid quartered oak. hand polish* 'I exHl'tlj like nit fiU value; sp priced . ' ""! $20.00 OUR 'OLD ENGLISH" DIN I NO ROOM DESIGNS, means 'he most charming fur? niture imaginable. They mean the lightness and grace ami ('?i in He- delicacy of execution, the. simplicity - f finish thai eld Thomas Chippendale gives le. his designs Iwd centu? ries ?i ' They in?an richness c( .?? ! ,. whether in oak or ma hoganj See them, frsm $65 suitfc SBOOiOO MISSION DINING-ROOM SUITES, .lu-t i - -i r-d a very picturesque in pure nil--ion styl?, consisting ol t.ninn Closet. Side? board, t-fovl extension tattle, i>ii^ B'nte lable trlthined in copl }?-'< nit 1 ii ' lire bargain al $100: Bpei iniiy priced $67.50 Mns poll SP. pile WAR? ROBES, live d< sigh in tpitii let died ami i hilly ?d. d oak; 'e I. o-.m.iIii : <roo nn CHINA PRESS. Mail? of nolld liuorlerr hand polished, inirroi double ? serpent Ine ft tint, feel, hall hearing castors Mil real ' \ hide uity, l< ii oa k: top. claw in.I a. top; on OLUE FLAME WICKLESS OIL STOVES. Musi powerful lilui> flame, make mi smoke, no sinell. The stand? ard, absolutely pel feel. Ho not confound them with the makes thai ate oil Hi'- market al low prices that are dear al any price. Is a clock worth having thai will will not Keep lime.' It' so Iniy a cheap stove See lliis wonderful idove; iwo burners in <?7 f^ft the guaranteed stove. ?I? I tvJU PLA I E RACKS. hundred, purchased for thl* 'till rale; made in oak and i-ui; regular (]0., hi values for.*t\f It MEDICINE CABINETS. Math in two finishes?oak and Antwerp?with mirror dunr, lock, coinplete. Specially priced; regular S3.HO value. <? 1 qo for .$ I,jo RUGS. AH fir- newesl Filier Rugs jiisl nr lived, In all sizes, from the mat lo th.^ sixJ2 size Atmosphere of cool? ness is what the cottage calls for. The summer Rues will a;-sist yon. Malting rug SUMMER CROSS - STRIPED CURTAINS. All the newest stripes ami weaves, one lot Inn pairs, while 00, III lasi Other.-, to $3.r.0. ?ml ROPE PORTIERES, In all the newest shades and lengths; heavy cord; <fO Kfl specially priced at ...ijlfcHJU PORCH ROCKERS. Made in red and greei hotloin. securely braced: and roomy; specially priced slat, arge <t1 7r tp lr GO CAR I S AND CARRIAGES. BLOCH GO-CARTS and Carriages the bos I made; all I he lutcsl Improve? ments; porcelain handles, steel frame, cushion tires, .bicycle wheels The nice e".i| cream Imitation leather oil one side nf rusiiioii for summer and reverse the elegant carriage cloth for winter. Njii tno lan;e for inconve? nience, finest wicker made. "Every baby should have a Bloch" and no fond mother Should neglect to see them before purchasing, one hundred lo select from, the only large stork to I"' found; remember, our large purchasing saves yon 2t| per cent., or Olie-flfth; We pass tl to you See our folding (Jo-Carls with wicker sides; reclining hack, cushion <j) ? f tires; for . ODD DRESSERS. i Mad^ of solid oak. French bevel plate glass; exactly liki ?ni in ep <POi I ALWIN GO-CARTS?the only per feet, folding Go-Carl thai you can take oil Iii?' street car or nil I road Iralm without objection from the conductor or passengers. Save the einharrass ment by purchasing an "Alwin" re? clining, nlokio-plitlod etish- 07 7K i hi lire: only .?{M il O BEDROOM SUITES. In Hits lin" there are some re iiiaikabiv designs, not, onlv In the low priced fuiullioo. but In the lull matched sillies that have been bought low, nud hero is a .-ample mad" in :;olld quar? tered oak of the. best workman? ship, full massive loll bed. z<xV\ im-li plate mirror in dresser; serpentine front, four chairs of neat design, massive quartered otik table, large arm rocker, one towel rack, one mnttrc.'.S, made of American fibre with felt top and bottom, one folding spring, made of I he finest steel, ?gulnr $100 value. <^7 K lor ?pidi "ALASKA" ANO "OPELATE" REFRIGERATORS. Alaska, the |?>ist known mnkei The oldest house in existence. The per of all. Ask the "ice Man" which lakes less Ice. The answer will he "The Alaska." Pure dry air circulation'. Abso? lutely perfect. Sold under a guarantee:- satisfaction or mot: e>- refunded. Your Ice furnish? ed one month free on all pur? chases made for Alaska Refrig? erators within the next days. Nice family size for . $12.50 w 2703-3 Washington Ave., I)/ Leaders of Furniture Fashions. ?* 1 A*.? Inc. I Ne^'pott News, Va. W is 5"i5T J r 5~tnrtnrg t ttf?t^ti^ttc" ass &&trtrtrtrir<i Vf? innrir?"?'??vv 1906 Wap.!ii?efcor.? Avc DELAY GRANTED HAMMOND Case Continued in Order that Mur- J dsrtr May Secure Counsel. Ths ease of Edwin Curtis Ilam mond W-H3 riilled in .the police court E fl^HPLIGll our millinery department lias been 'r A (u it* utmost during the past few weeks, vo tased your or- 3 r der will receive prompt attention. f) Our Showing of .Ready-to-wear Hats is an e.-cep- t) r tionally string r.n?. and you should have no trouble in 5 P making your selection from the display. i m HAVE MST RECEIVED A FULL LIME OF ^ C in all the latest styles and shapss. iucltidirig Lace Caps, from 25c up tl <~r to $3.50. g E NEW IDEA PATTERNS?10c?No higher; none better. ll jjc- p. N. CORSETS?the corset that improves the figure. 50n to $3.50. f f^rt Jk C%C% Oell Phone 271 y | J)%J\J %**%J* Citieus' Phone 179. 5 I R (lJ3jDJLOJLJL!L!iiL5LSJlJLSL^J^ 0 ".LQJ!LiLSLJL2_v1_2JL5 SlSJLS 0 0 0 0 0 ft'jj MONDAY SPECIAL Sc. Pickel dish i> L-f?c. each 3c. Ice Cream saucers i.e. each. MONDAY, APRIL 23RD 3204 Washington Ave, ? '*<?,? (HAHN'S OLD STAND.) counsel, Tlie negro ha3 applied to Attorney R. M. Lett to represent him . Since being brought here from 1 ewishing Friday night, Hammond yesterday nvrnlnE ami. nt'the rennest | has tayked freely and calmly about of the prisoner, was continued until ' his case. Admitting that he killed tomorrow. Han nond s;tii| that he ' bis wife, apparently only hope3 to wanted tune In which to secure \ save himself from the gallows. "WHERE QUA? STV 15 UPPERMOST Look to Us For New Tilings In Snitu t, Stylish Footwear,.. Conspicuous among the many new things v?e,are show? ing just how is a representative gathering of the. lashion ?ble new pumps for ladies. We present two of the most popular models; today, in the accompanying illustrations, "i'hcpe are made in patent colt , gun metal calf and tan ooze: hand turned and welted soles: all sizes and widths, at $3.SO EISENMAN'5 SHOE PALACE Washington Avenue and 26th Sheet.