Newspaper Page Text
6 l ull" Eitti^KSH % WEVersb R?hl Remarkable Values in Splendid Spring Merchandise BUTTERICK PATTERNS lo, 15 and 2oc Fashion Sheets Free 'HIS page tells of many phenomenal values that have made this store famous and are causing it to grow greater and greater. Useful, Serviceable and up-to-date merchandise is marked at the lowest prices possi? ble. Our immense stock?the greatest ever offered in this store?the perfect service, the low prices arc all well worthy of your consideration. We are doing the largest business in our history and it is growing greater every day. Cime tomorrow and get your share of these good values. ?ET THE MAY DELINEATOR All the Late Fashions 15c the Copy Lovely Seaside Serges at 75c and $l.oo. We liave just received a fresh shipment of those delightful Seaside Serges in a rich shade of cream white. They are strictly pure wool with a fine twill? ed surface, and will make up Into the daintiest and prettiest of spring frocks?the 46 inch width piece is 75c and the 50-inch rme is $1.00 the yard. $1.00 White Habutai Silk 59c Lovely cieam white Habutai Silk, fine even weave soft and lustrous, the most delightful material ever made tor waists; washes beautifully; full yard wide; regular retail price always $1.00 the yard. An unus? ual trade incident brings these our way RQr and yours at .??.UvM Cream White Habutai Silk, same as above, but In the 24-inch width, the self same sort you are ac? customed to paying 39c and 50c for? 22^C very special at SILK CHIFFON CHECKS, a finely wovon silken fabric with dainty raised self-colored checks?shown In all the favorite shades?27 inches wide?at 50c the yard LOVELY SPRING TAFFETAS, soft chtffou fin? ish, in light blue, crenm. navy blue. red. green, white, lavender and Alice blue, lit Inches wide, tlte regular 7fic quality, at 59c Hit! yard, Semi-Made Shirt Waists Ladles' semi- made Shirt Waists, au odd lot. of less Iben a very dainty and effective de? signs ? made of lawn, linens, etc.;. and trimmed willi dainty Vul. laces. Insertlngs. and applique and medallions; nil that is necessary to do to tin in Is lo fit them and put them together?at half former prices as follows: 'Che $2.08 ones for $1.49; Hie H '.iX ones. $1.00; lite $1.50 ones. 75c. FOR MONDAY, WE ANNOUNCE A SPECIAL SHOWING OF Women's Smart Wash Suits for Spring ( ?risp. fresh and charming are these delightful wash suits, which we. Have just unboxed and are now displaying in the ready-to-wear section On the second floor. It is the largest variety we have ever been able to show so early in the season ?a variety that includes a clever collection of smart Styles, prominent among which are. the nobby Ktoii and Swagger Tony suits, together, with a liberal representation of the ever popu? lar shirt-waist suit. The materials are chiefly white.and colored linens except in the shirtwaist suits which tire made of fine, sheer lawns and batistes. Some are made, very simply and daintily trimmed with lace and narrow braids, but most of them are elaborately ornamented with heavy cut out embroidery and fancy braid designs. Every garment is beautifully tailored and perfect fitting, expressing the foremost style thoughts of the. season. The prices? .lust as remarkably low as the gathering is fine. They begin at $5.00 and by easy steps up as high as Twenty. (sKCobrb i uoor.) Timely Spring Needfuls in Meyers' Basement. hOMBINATfON BOOKCASES. lIui Garden Hose, wire bfl,,R "' 5?" stand the highest proiM'?' ' very best matlo; a fifty worth $li.'.?8; complete ling and improved sprat nozzle, for., . . J uarden Hose ? Fifty feet of the best Garden Hose on a strong re? volving reel, complete with couplings, nozzle and hose mender; very special, lor ... $3,38 Moth Bags for packing up suits Jackets and furs; two sizes: spe? cially priced, at 40c Kfl" and .?/U" Mal Laces, $1.00 Dozen German Valenciennes edgings and IhscrtlhgS. in a wide variety of dainty patterns for trimming ladles' ami children's wash dresses, worth $1,25 and $1.51? the dozen, nur special price $1.00 the dozen. (Sold by I he dozen only. I Boys' 30c Waists, 25c Boys' Waists ami Dlmises, splendidly made or the best madrases, percales, cheviots biiiI other desirable materials; cut gen erottsly full and put together to slay?sizes 5 lo 14 years, at 25c instead of SMc. Screen oors ? Wire !,reen I Jours. 1 l/.u 32x80 ''dies; heavy ?ur inch '.line ; fancy ilndle center, jvered with ?'(eavy black close woven wire screen cloth, special, with fixtures, each 98c Old Mill Laundry Soap, the best for laundry and general }fj" three big cakes for Wash Boilers, heavy copper hut torn, hotly made of block tin. sel iu litl. strong handles. good large size, worth (10c; spe? cial, at CARPET SWEEPERS. The celebrated "BisselI'? make ?the Grand Rapids Cyco-bearing model, tlie best for general house? hold use; worth $2.118; AQ special nt .?fffei-TtJ When you buy a trunk, you not only want one that is strong and durable, but you filso want a good looking trunk. Our trunks possess Civery quality that goes in the making of good trunks.. Our trunks are made under careful supervision; every nail, rivet, clamp, hinge and lock is attached with the exactness and skill of thorough workmen. These are the rea? sons why our trunks are good trunks and . are the best that can be made at the very lowest possible prices, ranging.from $1.50 to $25.00. (2D FLOOR?) Third Floor Specials 24-inch SUIT CASES, made uf heavy canvas, with leather corners autl brass trimmings, strongly matlo. very special at $1.25, PILLOW SHAMS AND SCARFS, made of fine whito muslin, plain and embroidered, full size, the regular quarter tines for 19c. FANCY DOILIES, made of linen damask, round, snare ami oblong, tleep fringe, open-work, very spe? cial at 5c each. D. M. C. COTTON, for shadow and eyelet em? broidery, all sizes, regular price 12 l-2c, our special price, 4 for 5c. BEAUTIFUL SILKOLINES. in a wide range of light ami dark patterns, full yard wide, the regular 12 l-2c. quality, very special at 6 1-2c the yard. Checked Cannon Cloth 12 l-2c Linen-finished cannon cloth, firmly and evenly wovou, white grounds upon which Is printed neat little checks?a material I hat is specially adapted to the making of ladies' shirt waist stills, boys' blouses and children's frocks; 3(1 Inches wide 12 1-2c the yard. 2 12 c Embroidery Cloth loc Linen finished embroidery cloth, louks. washes and wears like real linen, for making ladles' suits, children's wear, full bleached, yard wide; regular price 12 I-2c; special fo- Monday. 10c the yard. 18c Organdies, 10c Versailles Organdies, fine sheer quality grounds, printed In large rose am) bouquet designs; also small rose buds and moss rose patterns, new littiti effects, act? ually worth ISc and ISc the yard, for 10c. Huck Towels, $1.00 Dozen Union linen Huck Towels, hem? med cutis and striped borders, size 17x35 inches, specially adapted to hoarding house and hotel use. Spe eial for Monday, at $100 I he doz? en, worth $1.5U. (Sold by the dozen only. > HHc Table Damask, 25c Tim genuine German dice table. Damask, pure white bleached and silver bleached, in a half-a-dozen very choice designs, full (id inches wide, worth tic. our special price for Monday. 25c the yard. $1.50 Beauty Pins, 39c Solid gold beauty pins, in plain gold finish and Roman gold, daint? ily engraved, some have blank disc upon Which may he negraved the initials or monogram. Guar? anteed absolutely solid gold, the same sort that sell in jewelry stores at $1.50; our special price per set of two, 39c. Toilet Goods Specials Benzoin and Almond Lotion, nn ideal preparation for the complex? ion .25c Violet Toilet Water, a go"d large bottle for .25c Violet Witch Hazfl .25c Violet Ammonia .15c Eastman's Verona Violet and Crushed Rose Talcum Powder. large glass jar with perforated metal top.12 1-2c a: o fx. o CUT OUT THIS COUPON Ami bring II to our Domestic Department Monday between the hours of Id and IIa tu., or 3 and 4 p. m., and we will sell you 10 Yards of /Indroscogg/n or Hill Muslin Worth 9c a yard, for 78c Sale limited ten yards to a customer. None sold without coupon. 18c Knicker Voile 5c A soft, rough, crepey material In all the correct spring shades, makes up into Ute most delightful waslt dresses for both ladies and children?27 inches wide; a special purchase brings us several hun? dred yards at 'way less than the cost, of production; we pass it to you the same way?at 5c the yard instead of 18c. 10c Bleached Cotton 8 3--)c As an extra special for Monday, we will sell the ramous Frull-of the-Loem Bleached Cotton for 8 3-4c the yard. Full yard wide and sold the world over at 10c the yard. No limit to quantity?lake its much as you want. Ladies' 50c Hose, 35c Ladies, Hose, the fine thin gauze lisle thread, pure stainless black, spliced heel and toe, garter tops, the regular 50c ones at 35c the pair, or three pairs for $1.00. $1.75 Long Cloth 81.50 lOnglish Long Cloth, fine smooth weave, very soft finish, a splendid quality for making ladies' and children's underwear. regular price $1.75. special for Monday. $1.50 for a 12-yard piece. JOc White Lawn, 8c Fine white lawn, very thin ami sheer, just the sort for making shirt waists and children's dresses. 40 indies wide, worth i<)c, our special price, 8c the yard. Ladies' $1.50 Skirts $1.00 Made of tha liest pure bleach Cannon Cloth, six beautiful styles, new circular models, finished with pleats, tucks, folds, straps, fancy stitching, etc., actual value $1.50. very special at $1.00. Sc India Linon, 5c While India Linon, smooUt. even weave; this quality is spe? cially suited for linings ami child-, reh's wear; 32 Inches wide, the regular 8c sort?at 5c the yard.. frames Made fo Order. I? all the newest designs from the best mould? ings at the lowest prices. (tripi) floor.) Victor Talking Machines Sold On Easy Payments of $1,00 Down and $IM a Week Daily Recitals in the Basement. THEATRICAL (Continued from page 0.) prlelors and managers <rf "The Plains man." and have secured a very ibb cast to support Orrln John.on Hit elar, which is as follows: Mr. Hoi bicoii Ullnn, Miss Anne Sutherland, Miss Irma La Pierre, M.-. Edward ?^/aekay. Miss Florence L/tVer, Mr. Claries ?jw?er. Mr. Harden hivkland, Mr. Escamilio Fernandez. Mr. Josepli Oreen and others. Little Chip and Mary Marble. The re appearance of the Wells. D?nne Harlan Musical Comedy Com? pany at the Academy of Music, mati? nee and night next. Saturday, is a theatrical event of more than passing Interest. Most of the old favorites will the such together again In an entirely new vehicle, "Glorlaua," a sparkling comedy of complications re? plete with musical numbers and en? semble, in which the. musical maid? ens and the "Hljou Beauty Chorus'' will be very much In evidence. "Glorluna" Is an English comedy, and as now presented might be term? ed a musical comedy of errors. It was first produced in New York ten years ago with an excellent cast which Included among others, Hen? rietta Grossman and OH:; Harlan. Famous War Correspondent. Mr. lid win Emmerson, line famous war corespondent, will deliver what promises to he an exceptionally inter? esting and instructive lecture at the Academy of Music Tuesday night. 'Mr. Emmerson was oh hand during many of the notable incidents of the Russo-Japanese war and his lecture lelts of some of his exciting ex? periences. He was a prisoner in the 'hands of the Japanese at one limn and at another was held in custody 'by (lie Russians. ?Reproductions of photographs taken by Mr. Emmerson himself and other enterprising artists will be used in illustrating the lecture. j Social-Persona! j Owing to the death ot her mother, Mrs. William C. Dimniock, lias re? called the invitations to the wedding of her daughter, Miss Elizabeth, and the reception which was 'to have, fol? lowed. Miss Dimniock and 'Mayor S. R. Huston will be very quietly mar? ried Thursday at "Sherwood," Glou? cester county, the bride's home. Thursday. Only members of the im? mediate families will be present. Mr. C; H. Westbrook, of Winston Salein, N. O, is visiting relatives in this city. iMrs. John T. 'Newton entertained at. dinner yesterday evening at her bonie on the Boulevard in honor of Mrs. R. 10. Palmer, of England. 'Mrs. Palmer is the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. B. Uahey. in this city. Mr. (Jeorge R. Ahbil.t. who has been ill at Dr. Knight's sanitarium, has been removed to his home on Twenty-seventh street. Misses Lillian and Irene Shepherd l?ft lasi night for Baltimore to visit friends and relatives. . Attorney l-oo Wertlieimer, of New York, is spending a few days wilh his parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Wert? lieimer, on West avenue. Attention, Confederate Veterans! Norfolk to New Orleans and Return, $22.10, via Southern Railway. Oates of sales for tickets Issued ac? count. United Confederate Veterans' Reunion, are April 22nd, 23rd and 24th, with final limit April 30th. 190G. Rate $22.10. By deposit of ticket and paymunt of 50 cents you can te? nure extension of limit until May 21st, 100G. For detailed informal Ion, call either 'phone No. 112. STANTON CURTIS, Passenger Agent, 05 Cranhy Street, Monticello Hotel, Norfolk, Va. ap 11-eodto ap22