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SHIP NEW AMSTERDAM A PALATIAL STEAMER j * ?-i i Holland-America Liner is Luxurious and is Fitted Out in the Most Modern Manner j --ft?G/ii for Nearly 4,000 Passengers. The Holland-American Line's new? est steamship, "New Amsterdam," sailed from Rotterdam April 7, on her maiden transatlantic voyage, an<| which arrived in New York on April jtith. This new steamship is of Mie "leviathan'' class. with moderate speed, giear steadiness, and the maximum or comrarl for her passen? gers?a type of ship that Is becoming increasingly popular \vit,h ocean-going travelers. The "New A mater da in" was built by Messrs Harbin! & Wolf, Ltd.. at Belfast, Ireland, and was launched on September -;<. 1905. she left Bel? fast ii i Rotterdam on February 22, 1906. The "New Amsti .nkilii's" di mensions are: Length. I!hi feet: beam, l|8 1-2 feet; depth, -IS feet. Her registered tonnage Is 17,250 ami her dispiaceineni is 30.200 tons. She is propelled by twin screws, and these are driven by two separate sets ol quadruple expansion engines of 10,um? lic.i'so power, each set work? ing independent of the other, The hull is constructed entire4y of steel and a double bottom extends the whole 1 -nv.i 1? "I the ship. Twelve transverse bulkheads reaching to tlu upper deck divide the ship into thir? teen watertight compartments. In ad? dition to which there is a watertight 'bulkhead separating Hie two sot's of boilers. The ship is lighted through out by eiectricKy. which is also utilized for heating purposes in sever? al of rhe piil.lie rooms. Four large dynamos aie installed for this work. Ki\v decks lire -.<-: ?pari for the a comodatiou ? .: passe.ngeis. 'I he main (U'ioons are cenlrally located, high above I tie uojier,, and}' cenhs: 'a i \yith l.'ae c.. lUr tocial halls, ti.e tisu'r -.ins iin.1 >'?:;- pi iuiensd? ct^'rs. 'i Htsr i. .i itjvi. in ilir- in.iiu resemble . .? arrangement:: nf other recent si:;;>, lint in the '.'New Ams? terdam" seVei-al /pnysldcs jnd im -prove me. nfs i'.iaye. he.-n Introduces which i'U'il.i 3d.I much to (he; x'c.u an.l pleasure of rne naasangev* T'ne matter of promenade Epsce i:- j one r.f ihfc n|nsf ttolii d.l ? c these.| features. 'Vthe promeiiP>la i|e;'k af? fords'a walking spa -e tf 8,2?fl eihari j feet, promenade alongside riio 1 deck h.Tifof the bridge deck a si ac | of 4,440 square Nef, and the uccls (constructed nhove (.lie prome nade deckt a of 5,01)0 grjiisr feet, making over 17,000 siriarif f = r cf piomenade deck, a larger total than is found on older ships or ever, greater tonnage. A central trftt c, or-lnormafion hu reau, is located >'ii Hie bridge d?ck which will prove :i gr-ai convenience for passengers, a safe deposit van I' for valuables is another attractive feature, and this-is s.i arrsnged ihai pas?tiiCfis may retain ilie keys to their own lockers. The decorative treat pieni of the in terior uf liiir. new steamship i.-. at? tractive ami beautiful. The style is Dutcii in most liisiunces, though the-i'e are some derart urea from it, Hie contrasts being sharply but pleas? ingly drawn The. first . lass mloon is decorated in "Austrian Oak" fram? ing, with Kthmprd inetiil panels in "an novntn" .--i>?].?. Overhead is graceful dome hearing an plaeqnes representing the si-asons and with cartouches'carrying relief represent:! , I ions of state ami municipal arms ? Among llieso latter are shown the amis of Holland, the city of Airister I dam. the city of 'Rotterdam, the state of New York, tlie city of New York ami others. A distinct novelty in gfenhiNhlp equipment ami 'furnished is the Japa? nese Tea Room, located in the center of t he promenade dock. 'I his room, which connects directly with the promenade deck and the first class j smoking room. is decorated wlili 1 Japanese art panels especially made I for this purpose. The room is pan eled in modern Japanese style, in ! polished satin wood, with black in? laid lacquer work specially imported from .Inpani The ceiling Is decorated Wii'h paintings on linen. The size and tonnage of the "New Amsterdam" gives her great cargo ca? pacity. Her passenger accommoda? tions are also exceptionally roomy and her complement?exclusive of the crew?-tr.n first class, L'f.n econd class, It.OOO third class; making a 10 ml ??! ii.7?n. T'Jie first cnhlrt stall roprhs arc situated mi the upper deck, an loon deck and bridge deck. These rooms ait' remarkably spacious; are excellently ventilated and accommo? date two or thre(. passengers. In the nfrnugr-mcnl i?r these staterooms a new feature has liten Introduced, tu obviate the disadvantage of ??inside" rooms, (in the upper deck lias been placed a considerable nunvher of "inn d> in cabins." which arc a novelty on liansatlanilc steamships. Numerous, hat In--nie in convenient Im it tons, tire in he found all over the Khlji. The stateroom; on the bridee deck are exceptionally large On i) - - deck suits or "cabins <!e luxe" uv ?' iiecii provided 'Ihv.s? pan-''?1 -if , drawing rt-nhi. hedi >im (v' britss bedsisad) and private l; I ri'Ae sf.-o'hd r--i'-.ih f a:eic. ,?).;. a lO Itcd lilc llpfirr l:: 'l>". f :i ' f iHe i fit i rtihin a ? ??nr.ii; ;ni :ua. P finished in similar bui slight'iy i< a?; ornr-?e r'.yile. The ?. rn-i r'a.'sa u iii} zalloh i- tin the Btlonn de-?k ..'i, i- .i. el- ti,<- inl! \vi.\t-: .-.( ' - . -id is tnnds nn d.;n:e nriir.iie-iit ??.i ttiih <. '.ni -M ghlffi . f : ;i: I cabin ladies' room and ? c smoking rrinni are situated on rha ' 3-hoVa in* dining i:.t.i in.:; ir-s are ? ; v/e finil'f in? ot,;..i.i TXwy srs Hitched in light ;!p1r?rfd har<1 Wr.U. U\\ inki.i dec rat inns 1 p pi imenile facilities provided inr i'ie eeccn.1 cabin r.iss.'iig:-rs aie ample, insuHng net only ?f?ce lor walking h'.u aisn affording nn'-ntnnltes ?for deck games and recreations. Aii pie* protection ni?a'.?i-i tire is ptovideii r.n hoard the New Amster? dam by installation of electric sig , nals with morn than filly stations in vnrir.iis pails of the '.hip. arid by the adopMi n of the most modern ami ef? ficient systems for preventing tires at sen; The "New Amsterdam," like ail the ether vessels or the llnlland-Amerii i Line fleet. Is equipped with a d -nMe Marconi wire!ens leiegraph atiivivk, With this double equipment (for Iwilh short and long distance rise I it i.-. possible to keep in Irnich with pass? ing vessels (of ihis or other lirieiii during the voyage, and also lo niili.'l tain communication with the A wer I is Where You Save Monty, BnNE Corner 2Stl. St., on V/jsIi tilgten Ave. olh 'Phones :||, rio. 475. ,ts , No. 139 aroRAGE ?PACE. il l l{efrigeralors. Iii Buying For Our Two 5to its e Save Many Dollars?e Hand This to You. 8 She liuruey Read H!?SPECIAL OFFER?Restl It! Prices range from $-15.00 to $7.SO. Ol hers say I heirs are as good as the Gurnoy. There is evidence that the Carney leads In quality. Sne our line and you will lie convinced. CUT Tlllf> OUT. DRING IT TO US ANO RECEIVE $1.00 CREDIT ON A CASH PURCHASE OF $26.00 ill! OVTIf. Oll WE V/II L AL? LOW $1.50 ON A TIME PURCHASE FOR NfW CUSTOMERS ONLY. WE NEED NOT KNOW YOU HAVE THE COUPON UNTIL PURCHASE IS MADE. "NUFF SED." IN ADDITION. V/E WILL GIVL YOU A BEAUTIFUL Alt T CALENDAR. I-LOOH COVERINGS. I) r Jiggels IN EVERY DUALITY. SMYRNA. BRUSSELS, AXMINSTER, PRO BRUSSELS, ANO INGRAINS. Mill i iovs CHINA, JAPANESE. LARGE FANCY PATTERNS. CRE.X CARPET, For rooms, Lallr, and stairs. Riigs In all the- above qualities. SB I rhamnSlr V/e sold eevcral bills in Ha nipt on last weeu, showing that the Hamilton people have caught on. too. ?cia.l Attention to Customers WhoPattonUed Sptfake* B*os* Before They Left the City S WE CAN FURNISH YOUR HOUSE FROM KITCHEN TO PARLOR. DON'T F?R3L7 THE PLACE ?DON'T FORGET THE NAME. can mainland through Hie Marronl I Minions a: S.-.i (late, I.. I.. Si.nscou-I m i. \ .i.. Sable Island and Cape | j It.i . ,? N'ova Scotia, n,? to a thousand 1 i Hilles from ? hnre. TOCK All. WORTH H AViHO. i I iilsn Gst.ght in Gotham Alleged to n?-,e i i wicci ivl!i-.ine?i'.oli: Heute, j , . H.v A^SlM'lltt cd I'lVUi. ( 1 '-. '.\V i'Oiik, ?;: t' -1 V.'i.i'.e a.1 sn'j j*- carelaUer, I'hniiihs I \ w.iigftl ti alleged to hiwe looted the hqhie r.l br Hifholas i Mn:ntlt in ; ii ??!;>.;"tit., i.liicl; le'.l in his anv.-.t in ii.;? . it. i His alh-ged stEalings in this cht: >.?'? e>y anjonnted to nvnv ?iimimhi, alid fite police 11' i.i.- city and i\!in neajioiis credit with other Kim crimes lie njt: captured near j Rrr.r.'dwav His intriti and l lizsigi I weiie ai"ttt.ty in the rah, aa.l in '???> j minutes more tin- iitr,i.-iivfis would j have loii him. He wis caught after :i chase of thiee we?lts. .1 l'ih?nli litre j :i man who <;:ive his njTnr as Timm is I VVaiii'wriftlit as caretaker for his Minnea|>ol!s , in nit i:.*r( winter. -The man said that lie was a lawyer ir.u had not vet he giin in practice Iiis credentials >:'were sjlttfacrory and he reeelvi I Tthe place T !..->,i the f'inauli fuinlly y.eni i-.;i.iili, congratulating ihetn t-lv* as having obtained so good j caretaker. j in February f}t flhanlt'ti banker; ashed why he wanted in certain spc/iiiUici. The phyfciclan did hoi Want in sell I hem, an.I, moreover, had lt-ti them locked eeciirely in j !?.;./. deposit vault. Aull, they ueiv ..:i .sal.', .111.1 the physician hurried home i , invesii.;r.te. He f.iiin.1 I hat Wuliiwi |.;lii an.I everything of vlan in hi:-; liu.iit had disappeared. Loose gems, Kilver, antUiiies, furs, laces and t First Cabin Music Room. S. S. NEW AMSTERDAM. i lot lies ?.':.? ?II gone. H? lurorinc?. tii. local police mill Piwitts tun (je'lh'p agency of Iiis- Jos... Minie i>! the Kiiilf was ie?nv^red from Minne? apolis, llosinn iiiiil Nevy Void ptiWii .shops. Aiiit rtriji Uiy. Ilm I'iliaitll !.i? i!.vol.Mi.-.. slioW'i lliai \V:?Iiiwrltilit loigi-.l Mi? i?li.v:'.i< kni'si minie i.o an lirirjur r.n ihn mi ? deposit i:n:itp:iny. and, liT.Hh'ai.-iiiis i:i. ii.Ii.'i'li- ??'?? i men -, i:,:iuli*il mi a i.'ir.iiivly iriji In Ww V.ii u .hi .\...ii'ii v. |{) ntcuiiii i. r los trunks iVfkliiWright w':is i rac? ed in li.i-.Jim a nil then Id Ifiis city, ii. ua one hoarding hon .? to another I,, in- caught jiisl as In- was chang? ing Iiis residence again. ? SOI.I) HIS COAL. STOCK. Vice-President Thayer of P. R. R. Anticipated Coal Investigation. (?Special to ihe Hall Press.) IIAI/riMORK. MIL. April 21.? Tin- Interslnle Commerce Commis? sion continued loday its tuvestiga llons into alleged coinninnily of in? terests between Hie railroads and the. cool mines. The principal witness wasi Fourth VIee-Presldeni Thayer of the Peiiu syIrani.! Railroad, who appeared at his own requeat. He ma do a state? ment of his relations with various coal com pan lea along Hie line of Ilm Pennsylvania Rot I road, lie testified thai he 'bought cerialu coal slock after giving up his first place with the Pennsylvania Railroad in IS'.i'.r When he returned to the Railroad in I?02 he resigned his places with the coal companies, but retained his stock unljl the Investigation now go? ing on came up. On the advice of a frieiul lie sold all his stock, bill hOnds and stock in the lleluionl Coal Company, an Ohio company, on the Wabcsh and the Baltimore and Ohio Mr. Thayer wanted to explain the relationship of the Pennsylvania Rail First Ca I; in S man" lo rorlalii 'traffic organizations. Inn Iii? Coihhiissioh ruled that it was not rolovniii at Ihl? Unit?. HEAR I OUTSIDE BODY. Newaik Infant. Born With Strang? Defect. Lives a Day. fliv Associated Presn.i N.jiAV YOHK, Ajuil Iii. -A case phyr.h Ian- say Is wlihoul a parallel in medical annals wna revealed in No win It yciderday by i 1 ? ? * death (if a male child which was liorii last Sun? day u ill) Iis hearl outside Hie rhlldN body, hin so allached thai its fii. lions wer? regularly performed^ lijxci pi foi the heart, Hie infant wits normally healthy. The heart, pulsating .it tie' rat. of twenty heats n minute, sihooii tin- liny iioily. It had grown In a large size before death, tine, physicians iliink, because It had mil been confined in the body. The 'mother ami child wore removed in a privnie hospital on Monday, Hie docirjr having decided thai :fu oper? ation would he necessary. it was honed that the nrgriti could I..' placed in Its proper position, hut the efforts of Hie physicians were niokiny Room unavailing. Physicians from New Yiirk, Philadelphia, Boston niid ,mniiy filllPI*. chips llflVO visilOll jllO hospital. FATHER GAPON MISSIMG. Russian Labor Leader's V/ife Sus? pects Foul Play. i Special lo the I Inilv I'i ess I ST. IM0TI3RS1?IRO; April 21.? Fiitlicr fla pun, I bo labor loader, my? steriously disappeared nbonl a week ligo, and bis wife is greatly alarmed, fearing foul play on the purl of his enemies, at'. Ilm police Insist tltat he has nut been arrested, ami add that they know nothing or his where? abouts. It Is considered possilde 11 in I Ration has been kidnapped by his enemies, as was the ease a fortnight ago with Ornsoff, one of I he workmen's dele? gates. Who. belli)!, suspected of being In alliance by the Modal Democrats und conveyed to I lolsingfors, Finland, Where he was subjected to torture. Imperial council Mystic Shrlnera, Los Angeles, Cal., May 7th to lOth. I.ow ruins via ? '. & <>. iiiid acentc Trans-Continental Routes. Personally' Conducted Pilgrimage, Accn Temple of Virginia l-'or full information address E. W. ROBINSON, C. & O. RY., New? port News. Va. iu)i 13-su6t