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I VOL. XL, NO. 94 REFUGEES DRENCHED TO SKIN BY GOLD RAIN Iii QUBanil Are Without Proper Shel? ter FromJwera Wealh er dial Prevails. S UFFfRINB IS ?051 INTENSE It Is Mow Feared That There Will be ah Epidemic of Pneumonia?Rifles Are Used to Open Inhospitable Doors So Women and Children Ccuid Have Descent Protection. ANOTHER SHARP SHOCK San FRANCISCO, April 23. ?A sharp earthquake shock was felt here at 10:29 o'clock tonight. it lasted about three sec? onds and was fron East to West. No damage has been reported. {Rv Associated Press.! RAN FRANCISCO. April 23.?A /rendiing rain feil lipon Sah Francis? co last night. Prom midnight until :i o'clock it poured ami drizzled ar in? tervals wiille it high wind added a melancholy nccoiniianymenl whist ling and sighing about the ruins of the buildings in the hurried district. Five days ago when the lire catastroplie was In its; Infiiiicy tills downpour would have been regarded as u mercy anil a Cod send. This morning it could be regarded In no oilier light than as an additional calamity . Rain Adds to the Agony. It meant indescribable suffering to the ions of thousands of people camped upon ihn naked hills and in the parke and open Places of the city. Few of these were provided with water proof covering. For the m'csl pint their only protection from the wot was a thin covering of slieet llig tacked upon improvised tent poles. 'I'llrough this Hie water poured as through a sieve, wetting the bed? ding ami soaking ihe ground upon which they lay. When it is understood thai Iiibit fluids of delicately nntured women and infants in arms and old nnd fee hi- people were in this plight, noth? ing need he added to describe the misery of iheir condition. Epidemic of Pneumonia Feared. Tin- downpour has uggreguied the already unsanitary condition of the camps and will doubtless add great numbers of piipumoulu cases to I ho already over crowded regular and temporary hospitals of the city. What could be done was done by the guards in charge of Hie camps to re? lieve the distress. Whenever covering could bo had for the women und children it was taken advantage of. They were housed In chill ami cheerless church? es, in garages and in barns and those who hod saved their homes were coll? ed upon to take care of (he unfor? tunates exposed to ihe storm. Rifles Open Locked Doors. With n few exceptions those who had homes responded readily to the new call made upon iheth and where they did not, the hull ends of rifles quickly forced a way through inlms pitnhlc doors. While the storm bus added to ihe difficulties of the core of the sick, the sanitation of the city jiil tile housing of the homeless. || lip'f ['pen m spur lo even greater ?f fo'ris io bring order onl of the chaos prevailing. Regular army tents will be, provided ns well as cots standing orf the ground. It is realized that these provision--, are Imperative ns much so as the providing of food. Rains All Day. After a few hours of door went her there was another precipitation, again at '.i o'clock Ihe fall won re .-?plied and continued ni intervals throughout the day. Of individual Instances of suffering the number Is legion, hut one will tell the story of them all. All Tell the Same Tale. About 4 o'clock when the rain hod been falling heavily for n hour, a middle aged man, white faced in his distress, and fatigue, appeared at the headquarters of the general commit? tee. Ho bud walked two milfiH front bis camping place in the park to make an appeal for his suffering wife and llltle ones. Cries for His Loved Ones. As he told of their distress tents coursed down Ills cheeks. His w|fp nnd children, were he said without covering other than a sheeting over bend and were laying on the naked ground and Iheir* bod? ies protected only by a quilt and blanket which of bis house? hold bedding were all he hod manag? ed lo save. Those had ttqlckly been sonkod and while unwilling lo complain of his own account lie could not bear to lis? ten to the wails of his loved ones, and NEW! he had tramped all the way from Iiis camping plane to th>> committee tieadtpiarters In the fropu thai there he might Hud some ineaus of getting his family tinder shelter. DUKE TRIAL NOW ON. Tobacco Man Would Divorce His Gay Wife. (By Associated Press.) NEWARK. N. .1.. April '-'It.?The trial of the divorce suit of .lames B. Duke, president or the American Tobacco Company, against his wife, Lillian N. Duke, was hegnn here to? day. The tirsl evhience was given by a defective who I est I lied Ihiil lie fol? lowed Mrs. Duke and saw her meet Prank lliininoh many times In Cen? tral Park and at Coney Island, ami thai they inok automobile rides rides tngnthei'. He ulfti testitied that linn tndn visited Mrs. Diilte at her house. Ambassador to Japan Starts. (By Associated Press.) MEMPHIS. TENN., April 23.. General I tike E. Wright, Ilrai United Siatr.i ambassador to Japan, left Memphis today for Seattle, Wash., accompanied by bis wife ami daugh? ter. General Wrlghl will sail from Seattle April 20. Lumber Plant Burned. '(By AsRoelnted Press) NORFOLK. VA.. April 23.?The Hell Haven I.umher Company's Mills :ii Bell Haven, N. c together wiih an immense tinantliy of lumber has hern desiroyed by lire. The loss is Jinn,nun Norfolk ood Western and tea peak? and Olilo in Harmany. BUSINESS ARRANGEMENTS MADE i Inter State Commerce Commission Stick the Probe Deeply Into the Big Freight Carrying Railrcads? Truth Coming Out. (Bv Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, April 23.?The In ter-Siaie commerce commission today resinned here the hearing's recently Inauguraltd under the Tllliiian-Gli lesple r.'solution requiring the com , mission to imiuire into ami report j If railroads have any interest in j coal and oil transported over their linf-.4, as common carriers. Testimony already has been taken in Philadelphia and Baltimore. To? day thj llrsi witness called was T. D. Il.'il::trt, conl ami coke freight ngeilt, for ilie Norfolk and Western railroad. William A. Glasgow, Jr., of Phila? delphia, and iE. li. Whitney, of New V?rie, who were retained by the com mission In the Inquiry, conducted fnr the commission the examination of witnesses. Probe Sinks Deep. Mr. lb.ban was qiiRHtlopned as |o rates on coal Into Norfolk, Rich? mond, and other points over their road, also as to rales on the Chesa? peake and Ohio. According In the figures given by the wittif.s. the Norfolk and Western rale into Norfolk- was 25 cents higher1 per ion than the Chesapeake find Ohio rate, and the rate of the Chesa? peake and Ohio into Richmond 25 cents higher per Ion than the Nor? folk ami WcsifMi rate to that point up to April I last, since which time they have been the same. Asked why I he Norfolk and Wei? lern rale was higher into Norfolk titan the Chesapeake and Ohio and the Chesapeake and Ohio rate into Richmond than the Norfolk and Weal em the witness said that the Norfolk and Werdern had no direct line Into Richmond while Norfolk was a locnl point on the Chesapeake mid Ohio, lie thought the Norfolk and West em was entitled to the business into Norfolk and the Chesapeake and Ohio Into Richmond. Undestanding Exists. Asked if there hail been any under standing between the two roads that, one would cargo a higher rate Into Norfolk ami the other Into Rich? mond, ihn witness said there had been some conversation between of? ficials, and did not deny that an ar? rangement had been made to that effect. 'ORT NEWS, VA., TU BOY SOLDIERS SHOOT DOWN BELIEF WOHKERS Just Because Man la Auto Old Not Stop Quickly They Halt Him Willi leal RED GROSS HAG IN 1HE CAR Member of the Governor's Staff Meets Death While on His Way Back to Aid in Succoring the Pop ulace?Accused Men Do Not Belong to the Regular Army. (Rv Associated Press.) SAN FRANCISCO. April 23.?H. C. Tilden. nn<? nf the members nf the aoneral relief coin in liter- was shot ami killed In his automobile this morning while returning from Menlo Park. Ho was shot by men supposed to be members nf the citizens patrol. Hugo A111schul, a coachman who was in I he automobile, was cut In the face by a bullet and another hall pierced ilie sent and struck in tb? hack of It. G. Seaman, acting Hentern am of the second company of the Signal Corps. Seaman suffered in injury. Member of Governor's Staff. Tilden was a commission merchant, a member <if Governor Pardee's st^'.f ami was one of the foremost workers In lite general relief. He bad taken his three children and a nurse from ill? Fourteen Mile House, where they bad beeil since the earthquake lo Menlo Park'. where be (ins a summer cottage. His automobile had been used as nii ambulance In conveying sick and wounded to" tlic hospitals and the Red Cross flag was displayed on his cat. Resides this ho had the Red Cross insignia on ills right arm. Six Men Implicated. According to Seaman. six men sir.od In tue middle of ibe road at ?2nd, ami Guerrero streets, separat? ing when the car approached Ihetu. When the car was within in feet of the guards, Seaman claims the guards begun shooting without warn? ing or challenge and kepi up firing! afi 'i' the car bad passed them. Car Suddenly Stops. "The machine had passed the | guards." said Seaman "when the curl sudden|y slopped Tilden, who was op? erating the car fell saying 'well, ibey| goi me- they killed me', lie tlisn j dropped hack In the r:eai anil rolled our of the car. "I sprang up and fir.-d five shots in quick succession ai those who were hi ill shooting behind us. Thej doctor came running from a house I nearby and after exnmirig Tilden said] he was dead. Many policemen came running up and arrested three of the men who did the shooting/ They Were turned over in General Fun stnn." Men Try to Explain. The three men under arrest are K. S. Berneion. a telephone inspector :n III? employ of the Pacific Stains Tele? phone Company, George W. S. Situ-1 inoiis and Macnhu Vane.'. They are1 till young men mid members of the citizens patrol. Rerhotoii declares ihat he did not se<> the Red Cross ling on Tiliten's car and when the latter did not stop when challenged, he fired. The coachman In the car then began shooting and Simmons and Vance replied. The killing or Tilden has created the greatest indignation. I HUM SWEETHEART citARGES VUUM? MAN WITH LARCENY _ Russell McCormick Says Mary Car- ' mine Wore His Ring and Then Had Him Arrested. Charged by Mary 13. Carmine, his one lime sweetheart, with having stolen one of her ring.-;. Russe) Mc? Cormick, a young white man, was arrested at Iiis home, coner Hunt? ington avenue nur) Twenty-fifth street Inst night by Ohirer Pnilgeil. The boy was bailed by .lustIce Smith in the sum of $100, his mother. Mrs. N*. if. McCormick being accepted as bondsman. According to the siory told by young McCoimick, ho and Miss bar mine exchanged rings last February, she continued lo wear his ring until today, wli.'-n she relumed it In two pioeos.Thp young lady I lion had a warrant sworn out against the lioy charging him with Inking her ring, which she says Is valued ut $7.f.n. The case is set for trial in the police court this morning. ES DAY, A Vit 11, SM, 1! HOUSE ANO SENATE GIVE $1,500,000 Congress Generously Comes to Aid, ot Suffering Californlans in lime uf Need. SIMS OBJECTS TO WORD COLORED Mcmbt-r from Tennessee Would Have tlic Word Negro Used in Speaking or That Race?Amendment is -Lost ?Elke' Insignia Protected by Act From De6eqration. (By Associated Press.) WASIliN'fiTDN, April 2?.?Without debate Hie House today concurred in ilic Senate hincmlhieiils on the Jnlnl approprlililiiB |i.??0"y linn for Hi.- relief of Hie San Franelson sufiV rers, The House had ithil.'-r consideration tie- hill. Itul did not complete In? creasing the salaries of school teach? er.* in Ho- District of Columbia ami rp-organi/.lpg 'he hoard of education. Tin- hill provided for a hoard of edu? cation of nine mem hers, three of whom "shall lie of Hie colored race" Negro Not Colored the Word. Mr. Slnis tTenn.i. said it was lime to ;? : a'iiv from mis.'.'.llln;' ibe ncfiro race. He -.i:>l the word "eqlored" included the >?? 11 ? i\\. brown anil red people as well n.'Rroes lie said ?' ? .word "ntggor" was a cor riipiion of ? ii-i." mill wholy lucoiTeci in iln- dr.->cii|>tion of th' ? oi pen ipia provldtd for In the hill. * 11 * silfj ' fit t'V'.litry Tali i'blio ol Ihr* able.-, and Kivfi'Psi iit"h of his time," In ?his r.ccni liddve?.- Tiiskejrpe ln.-ti lute had used ihe words "in -ro add Negn i;m ? .'* iv.. -: 11 v II vi? tines an.I " d r.ici " Inn tour i'mes. Thi.i fart. Mr. Sims thr.iiphi, wa InniJrriii i of a i .Ml '<i ?iii ! ?>-.; :imiliir r.f the iio'iieiM Uli in i oi i So- i h i' Sirhs Amendment, j Mr. Sims' amen 111) in In i In; hill Islilkiitf: .en the \\i u\ "c ilnrr-d," and Inserting ''heprn" wlw r -ver it .unir. j was Hefeifed. The hill wii'i amende I j so that (lie hoard of education - hall Consist ot iilh.*' prrsnri-i without re? gard tn 11-lor. A hill to prevent the unauthorized wearing or use .-if hadges, name, titles of officers. Insignia, ritual ov cereinnnies of tlie B. P. O. 15., rif ilie liiiitpd States of America wa i passi-.l. i1'500,000 More for Sufferers. WSAH1NGTON. April 23.?-Th.> Senate today Increased to $l.f>ofi,(Wiii ihe second appropriation of funds in hehair of the suit* rers from the Cali? fornia earthquake tind this legisla? tion like nil of the -sanie character thai Int-s preceded it was enact eil wit hnui comment of any kind. The day marked the. conclusion! of ?Mr. LaFollohe's speech on the nill road rate. :lle occupied the greater part of the time n. lay as he had done on Saturday, rendering it ohe of ih^ longest in recent years in tin; Si-na;e. The hill for the organization of a dental corps In the army was panned and the Indian appropriation hill wa-j considered late in the ,iay. Free Postage for Newspapers, WASHINGTON'. April 23.? Repiv seniative Thomas, of North Carol inn, introduced a. hill today providing that actual subscribers shall receive otic co[>y of a newspaper through the malls free r,f postage. The provision is not to apply to cities having free delivery. CUSTOMS DUTY REMOVED. It is Proposed to Let Free Trade Ruli for California. WASHINGTON. April 23.- Repre? sentatives Gain es (Tonn.), Introduced a hill today admitting free of duty all goods, wares, or iiierehandls > which may he imported into tho United States as grntiiltlouH eonfri 1/iiiions for relief of ihe cimhqiinke sufferers in California and conslgne ? to the governor of that State tiie mayor of Han Francisco the secretary of war or the secretary of commerce and labor. The bill further waives duty on u.irllii? iv. ? rijli imported into the Hu! ? i I" ai w!vn satisfactory proof i . .- I..'hi i ? i.i ine -ccrctary of .: ! .: !i building mn terkils have tu-.mi actually and p.-r mauentiy nserl in rebuilding Ran Pr? nclseo. Titel aoort'lary ?d tlio treasury is authorized to allow a drawback of the duty on ilie mat.'rial used mid aller ibe duly has been paid he is authorized tu refund the saiue any? thing In law to the contrary notwith? standing. Blackburn Welcomed Back. WASHINGTON, April 23.~?epy? f.enfatlve Spencer Itlackburn, ot North Carolina, who was recently ???nullted <>n a charge nf receiving lees for legal practice before the government department was enihus Insiilcnlly welcotncd by memhprs of the House on bis return today. Speaker Cannon ;\<< a special marl' of distinction place.l Mr. Blackburn in the chair to preside over; lite House during ibe consideration of Disirlci of Columbia legislation. Hear Charges Tonight. Chairman (tend has called a special meeting of the fire department and water cohiniiitep of the council for tonight. The object of the meeting is lo examine Into the charges pre? ferred by Driver Cray agnlhsi Kngl iteer T. F. Stennett, of the Fast Knd engine company. A: the last meeting the com mit ice beard the charges tiled against Cray by Slcnneti and a decis? ion In both cases will Ue given ai the same time. No Ivo; Ae IM bui till Shock is Qislincl. HSIES fAll fM CUPBOARBi Tnref Tcwns Report on the Occur k.u r.--.Vibrations Lasted lor Msny jbeconris?Grant's P?33 inhabitants I IK*aid f'.urr.'clings. Uly Associated Press.) POfl't 1 AND, OflF... April 23.--iBe-I liwe ii I .mil 1:15 o'clock tIiis morning ? rti.-:tinci fcirlinnuikc shock was fell ; . ? . r?ugh ? parts of Oregon. ' 'I in f linch \\',t'. so Severn at Olori- i dalr. acrordlng 10 a dispatch received friini ihr re that homes rocked and ' ihiua in in was broken. In .;o/ne instances iiirnlliire ibppied and . iV-li. The dlsiuriiahre wj . fill I hero ' ; 1 I : 1". o'clock. 1 Shrilly afifr I o'clock ihn earth be > :;n 1.. quiver ;in.l shnj;e viol. . No I.. ? ot Iii - or p'o,:ny damage ha; hoi'il ivporte.l, nnr.islnf ss is tell nit llie earthquakes have ex? t.iidcd this up tin- Pieltic coast. A disyiteli rr.nti Clan 's Pass, ore.. i::t>?t Il.ll at twelve minutes past on;- i Iii , mot nine an r.irf iuiitalu' six ok Wan t it. iccoiupaiile.l by a rumbling rtolsi , wliii h w:i i p! .inly audible. Willy every 011. i.i town was awakened. Furniture, was'moved in the houses and sr-vera/i windows \vpi*o cr.icked, but no serious damage wns done. The shock lasted for fifteen or twenty sfennds and Its course apparently was from east to west. BELGIAN WING SHIP FOUNDERS Off ENGLAND Captain and Thirty-Three Members of the Crew are Lost With the Vessel. ? fBv Associated Press.) I OVRTi'; RXO. April 23.?The Height n iraningship, Count Do Srnot. Do Naeyer founded 01Y Hrawle Point today. Her captain and ihirly-th'ree of those who wore 011 board were drowned. , The romnlnded of the crow of the iralnlngship were picked by 0 French bark and inken 'to Dunkirk. Judge Sits Friday. Judge Harham has announced I ha i hp will sit in the Corporation Court Friday to receive applications for Honor Hcpusfis for the coming year. It it; understood that there are 10 he some lively contesrs over the applica? tions. THE WEATHER Fair and Warmer Tuesday and Wednes? day; fresh north winds shifting to southwest. PRICE TWO CENTS Business Men Have Already Tak? en Steps to Begin Oper? ations at Once. GOURTS RESUME SESSIONS TOO Homeless Thousands are Being Well Cared For and Everything Possible is Being Done to Alleviate Suffer? ing?Millions of Dallars Raised for Relief Work. . A i; (By Associated Press. 1 SAN FRANCISCO. April 23 ?The new San Francisco ihat will raise from the ashes oft he old today was in Its first singes of rebuilding. Af? ter live days of confusion and almost superhuman effort on the part of of California's metropolis In* Rreat taslt of sheltering, feeding and otherwise caring for the homeless thousands, complete order has been established and attention turned to j the future. The heavy rains of last night and today did not weaken the walls left {standing In the burned area, accord; Big t.i I lie building cninir.::" I"uer j Menacing wall- are dynamited a< I'ost la,! i or slide and danger from falling j walls Is d'-eri asiug . very hour. I.i-i'.nl husiiiesc will he resumed in Ran FraHelsen tomorrow. All tlr* IjitiigVs will open their twelve dopart .rneuis in Ihe r.Iwish synagogue. All trial.- that were progressing at the 11line, of the catastrophe will lie re cniiiiiionecd. (it n ral A. W. Creely look rnm ihanil ni ihe ideral troops at this pnVt. siipercedins General Frederick Pun. ion. who will act under. Gres l.\W. orders. Honolulu Feels Shock. SAN FRANCISCO. April -?'! ?A "3 l.le from Honolulu states that the eai'lligiinke oi Wednesday was reeirri I'ed In Honolulu by u seismograph. The disturbance, however, was hard? ly felt. MsUa Wo Distinctions as to Relief. WASHINGTON. April 23.-~-h Is the de-ire r f Pr ?Ideni. Itnor.evi It Iba ) work of the Red Cross in alleviating ihe distress in San Frnnelscn i,Iid11 he done wholly without regard to the person ami Jusi as much tor the Chi ar-se as ior Americans. Rations No Longer Needed. WASHINGTON". April 21!.?Com nilf-ary General Slinrpe tonight re Ci Ived a dispatch from Major Uraut li.iii. at .-Ian Francisco, reporting that i.- hap conferred with the relief com lit I tie's today and that It is their riplnl n as well a- his Hint further ra? tion-, fn in Ihe government will not he required. Gold for the Banks. WASHINGTON. April 2."..?Secre iiirv Shnw has given instructions that t':j nun nun hi public money he dlstrl l.iM'.'d among the national hnnks of San Francisco ami imnieillate vlcin lly. :, Oil miFonIMWroe UNDERGOING REPAIRS AT YARD" Cracked Cylinder on Main Engine Will be Replaced and Vessel Will be Overhauled. The Old Dominion liner, Monroe, which arrived in port from New York Sunday morning is at the local shipyard undergoing repairs. While no official information regarding the nature of the repairs being made on the vessel was obtainable at the local office of the Old Dominion line yes? terday, it has been learned from the authentic pource that a new cylinder is being Installed on ihe ship's main engine to replace a cracked one now there. j While ni the yard the Monroe will j undergo a general overhauling. Ii was rejiorfed here yesterday that ihe .Monroe was at Hie yard for the purpose of being lengthened, hut ihat report was not line. Ii Is very prob? able that Die Monroe will nut he lengthened iis she is considered long enough. - p) Heavy Sea in Harbor. Owing to the heavy sea running in the harbor late yesterday afternoon several schooner captains and their wives who were ashore yesterday were unable to get out to their ves? sels last night and had to spend the night ashore. .