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Bp. Mall Says Religion Is Good] Investment, YEILDS THE URGES! PROFUS Three Meetings Addressed by the Evangelist Yesterday? "Sanctifies tjoiV' Interestingly Discussed. .An? nouncements for Today's Services. L. .V' ? ^ (BY REV. D. S. HENKEL.) ..AX 11:45 yesterday morning a' fcoodly number of men assembled at Trinity Methodist church to hear Dr. Munhall talk. Ho described four communities?two where Ihe religion cf Jesus Christ has been festered an I believed und two where ungodliness prevailed. The contrast was wonder-j ful indeed. From a worldly stand? point and nr. a commercial invest- ( ?iem Christianity yields a larger per . cent, of profits than railroads, stocks. Shipyards, bonds or anything else. Dr.j Munhall will answer some questions tomorrow propounded to him at this service. At \\ o'clock in the afternoon there was a decided increase in the. attend-1 ance and the great evangelist was in splendid trim. His subject. "Sancti-, ficatlon." was slated both Scrlplur-. tly and logically. This subject lias been much contro- x verted?largely by those who know ( little of it, either from the Bible or experience, psychology is doing uiuc.h towards a better understanding of this' important subject. Sauctitication is enjoined upon all believers In Christ. Without sujicli ficntioh no olio can be used of Co.I. Wheu God begins to use he begins to sanctify, it means from the power of sins. The doctrine is not by any means peculiar lo the Methodist church?It can be found In | almost all of tho creeds. Setting' apart to a sacred use is the begin? ning of the work. It effects our ju? dicial standing before Odd and our moral standing in the world. Some are waiting for the second blessing, they are entitled to receive a million. In? stead of seeking sinless perfection, ?which is a condition, seek Jesus who Is tiie sanctlfier. The highest at? tainment In holiness, or holy life, j only reached through the Holy One. The rain storm hindered the night meeting, as lo the size of the audience. The song and praise, service began promptly on lime and was much en joyed by all present. Some new and beautiful music was rendered. Prof. Lowe Is well sustained by the splen? did choir. The music is growing . more attractive with each service. Announcements for today were HIDDEN DANGERS. Nature Gives Timely Warninga That no Newport News Citizen Can Afford to Ignore. DANGER SIGNAL NO. 1 comes from the kidney secretions. They will warn you when the kidneys arc sick. Well kidneys excrete a clear, amber fluid.. Sick kidneys send out a thin, pale and foamy, or a thick, red. ill smelling urine, full of sediment and irregular of passage. DANGER SIGNAL NO. 2 comes from the back. Back pains, dull and heavy, or sharp and acute, tell you of sick kidneys and warn you of com? ing dropsy, diabetes and Bright's dis? ease. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys and cure them permanently. Here's Newport News proof: Mrs. A. E. Hemming, wife of A. E. Hemming, the well-known store keep? er, of 52a Thirty-fourth street, says: j "Just when I saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised In Ihe Newport News pa? pers to cure kidney complaint in any form. I wus suffering with a dull ach? ing In the small of my back and loins. I had other attacks In the past, al? ways aggravated on the cpntraction of a cold and the action and condi? tion of the kidney secretions plainly indicated that those organs required attentiOB. In fact. I was about used up when I got a box. The remedy proved to be just what 1 required. Mr. Hemming, convinced that Doan's Kidney Pills could he depended upon from the benefit I received, tried the remedy, and is just as positive as I that it is very valuable." * For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mi Iburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solo agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doau's?and take no other. _ Sunday Excursion to Mathews County by Old Dominion Steamer. The Old Dominion Line st??imer "Hampton Roads" will make a special trip to Mathews county. Sunday next. April 29lh, leaving Old Feint at 8 n. lift;' Fare for the round trip fl 10. If. B. WALKER, JOHN NiCHOL. V. P. and Traffic Mgr. Act. Gen Agt. New York. Newport News. SUNDAY EXCURSION To Richmond, Via C. & O. Ry. $1.25 Round Trip, Commencing Sunday. April 29th, the C- & O. Ry.. will Inaugurate Sunday excursion trains to Richmond. Special train will leave Old Point 8:30 a. m.. Newport News, 9:00 a. in., stops only at Phoebus, Hampton and New? port ..News;, returning leave? Rich? mond. at ?7:30. p. in. Rate, $1.C3 round trip'.' * ap 20 9t made as follows: Men's meeting at Trinity MothodUt chhrch at .11:4 a.! m.; at 3 p. m.-Dr. Miinhall will con? tinue the discussion of the subject? Banctlflentlon?Its results. Children's meeting at 3:30 p. m.. by Prof. Lowe at Trinity Methodist church. Prayer meetings nt .'! p. m. at Grace Methodist, Trinity Methodist and at; the Twenty-fourth Street Church of' Christ, on Sunday. "There is a Green Hill far Away." i was beautifully sung by Prof. Lowe. Dr. M.unhall excused himself from j presenting his ''legal argument" und stated that the subject would be pre? sented tonight. The text used: John VI: 17: "He that, belleveth in me hath everlasting life." One of the most. difficult things to do lij to state a subject as it ought to be stated before a popular audience. How. who. what. How be? lleveth? Whom believe,?what be? lieve. Most persons believe historic? ally the slory of Jesus Christ. This head faith and can't save?only heart faith can save. This kind of faith: turns away from sin. and points to God. Whom believe?Saving faith is not n system of doctrine but In a divine person. Belief in practices and cus? toms nnd methods only Hinders?al? ter all tlmre must be a ? omlng to Christ. Y ju are hot tnnghi. to pray for justltlcnllon or salvation?it doe.-? Dot conic that way?it comes by faith in Jesus?You cannot pray until you come to Him. There is no merit In faith?faith don't save?Jesus Christ Is the Saviour. Faith is the coupling I on to Christ and then Christ moves you on lo heaven. What believe?Believe that you have, no I thai you are to get. hut, have, present tense, everlasting life. Seme persona get the blues and begin lo doubt. But you are saved. If ymi believe, jusi as certainly on a law as a high barometer. Don't let the blues cheat you out of this knowl? edge. ! God has given us Ills word ay an infallible chart and by it we may I know what ihu condition Is?study the chart. Wo are not saved because we feel good, inn We feel good because we ate saved but even then our feeling are not a safe guide. The j word or Cod Infallibly settles this matter. Let your feelings go?hut I lay hold of Christ ?He that belleveth on Him hath everlasting life. SERIES OF SHIPWRECKS. The Stout Singular Clinln of Marine Accident* on Record* The most singular series of ship | wrecks on record began with the loss of (he English merchantman Mermaid, which was driven on the rocks of Tor? res strait in October. IS'-O. The otllccrs and crew clung to the shuttered vessel, which was held fast upon a sunken ledge, until, a few minutes before the doomed ship went lo pieces, n pnsslug frigate picked them up. The Swifisure. as the latter crRft was called, resumed her uortbward course, to be foundered in a territltf gale three days later. Her combined crews were saved b? the warship Governor Keady. cu voy? age to India. Mny 18. IS30. The last named, overtaken by a storm, was stranded on n bnrren coast, her throo crews to n man succeeding In reach? ing the shore. After staying a week on the inhos? pitable island they were taken off by the revenue cutter Comet, which a few days Inter sprang n leak nnd sank in spite of all efforts to save her. Fortunately n rescue ship was again on hand, the four crews being saved by the Jupiter. Even then, however, the chain of dis? asters was not broken, for the Jupiter just ns she was entering the harbor of Port Raffle turned turtle nnd went down with scarcely a moment's warn? ing. Her crews barely escaped with their lives, to be picked up by bont sent to their aid. Thus the crew of the Mermaid was wrecked five times in one voyage, that of the Swlftsure four times, of tho Governor Ready three times and the Comet twice. The rescues had been purely acciden? tal in every case, none of the ships baring been sailing ns a consort or even to the same port. Though the weather had been tem? pestuous nnd the escapes barely made, not a life had been lost. Safe. In ft medlnevnl German tale it says that the parish council of a small vil? lage met one eveulug to discuss cer? tain Improvements In the water sup? ply, tn this debate the town's one watchman entered the room quietly, placed In n corner his lantern and spenr and sat down to listen to tho ar gumeut. Suddenly a councilman turn? ed to him fiercely. "Fritz." he cried, "what are you doing here? Who Is to watch that nothing Is stolen In the village?" Fritz, with an easy smile, answered: "Who Is there to steal anything? We are all here?" * An Odd Hoase. One of the best known houses in Northamptonshire, England, was de? signed to represent the days, weeks and quarters of the year. It has four wings, facing the four quarters of the heavens, to represent the four quarters of the year; 305 windows, one for each day; fifty-two chimneys, one for each week, and seven entrances, to repre? sent the seven days of the week. Pretension. The world Is his who cnu see through Its pretension. What deafness, what stone blind custom, what overgrown error you behold, is there only by your sufferance. See it lo be n l:o. dud you have already dealt It its n:ortr.l b!ow. Emerson. I In England, under the Tudcis, the man who crnre lo n bframr trai fin?d 1 and the raci^.ie^t of Cie sift was nun I Ishsd. Report That Sleamcr. Kanawha Was Afire Denied. WITHOUT FOUNDATION, AGENTS SAY Norfolk & Washington Steamer Washington Leaves Yard After Un? dergoing Overhauling?O. D. Liner Monroe Out of Dock. A report circulated here yesterday afternoon that the Biitish steamer Ivinawha. which sailed from thin port for London with n cargo of ex? ports, on Tuesday, was a lire in her aft hold while leaving Hampton Heads, was denied at the local office of Purness. Withy & Company ?yes? terday afternoon. The agents of the Kanawhn stated thai If stich had uecti the ens *. Cap? tain Maxwell would have reported the matter lo the loral office us soon as I lie vessel had reached Cape Henry and no such report was received here. * The pilot of tho Virginia Pilot's Association who lock the Kanawhn to sea would lia,vc 'also reported such a Uro lo the local ofllcc of the Pilot's association and Captain Partien, the agent here, stated yesterday after? noon tihat no such report was re? ceived. April 26, 1906. Arrived. Steamer Wear side (Br.), Goodwin. New York?to C. II Arnal for coal en rgo. (Steamer Dorchester, Johnson. Bnltl midrc?to Merchants' & Mlnora' Transportation Company with pas? sengers ami merchandise. Steamer Powliatan, Ryan, Provi? dence?to Merchants' &. M'luors' Transportation Company with passen? ger sand merdiandiae. Steadier Juniutu, James, Boston and Norfolk?lo Merchants' &. Min? ers Transportation Computiy witti passengers and .merchandise. Steamier Hamilton. Boa/.. New York and Norfolk?to Old Dominion Steam, ship Company with passengers und inei'cbkndi?c. Steamer George W. Clyde. O'Neii, Philadelphia and Norfolk?to W. P. Clyde &. Company with merchandise; Schooner llarwood Palmer. Croigh ton. Boston?to C. H. Arnal lor coal cargo. Schooner Edward J. Bsrwlnd. Lacfey, New York?to Consolidated Coal Company for coal cargo. Schooner Penohscot, Hutchinson. I New York?to White Oak Coal Com? pany for coal cargo. Tug Concord with barge Darby, j Portsmouth. Cleared. Barges: Kruik Pendleton. Provi? dence: Kennebec, Providence; Ohio. Boston; Emilie, Boston: Thaxter, Boston; Independent. Pall River. Sailed. I (Steamers: Sloterdyk (Dtch.), Metz, Rotterdam and Amsterdam via Nor? folk; Princess Anne, Tapley, Norfolk and New York; Juniatn, James, Balti? more; Powliatan, Ryan, Baltimore; Dorchester, Johnson, Providence and Norfolk. The Old Dominion liner Monroe was floated out of dry dock No. 1, at the shipyard, yesterday afternoon :fter having had her hull cleaned and painted. The Norfolk and Washington Steamboat Company's steamer VVnsh jngton. which has been undergoing her annual overhauling at the local shipyard, left last night for Wash? ington. The 'German chulser Bremen was floated into dry dock No. 1. at the shipyard, yesterday for the purpose of having repairs made to her hull The cruiser In undergoing ho annual overhauling here. ?I f Mikes Bioeaftlee Creem faa 10 sbAbbscs and oosts aboak one eeata plat*. Four kinds t Vta ffi*, Obooolsto Btra'W berry and TJnflaroied. Two packages, 25 eerts at aO grocera. If jronr {rroefrhaentlt, ?ead his nuse txA Sctatuul OvopMtUMEMaad oorUhUUtOd ? redpeboekwClbeoisneidyi?. . The Gtaecce Pert Tatt Co^ It ttcj. !LT. TIRED ALL DAY, EVERY DAYJ! MKS. E. A. CONNOLLY. Thousands of Women Write Dr. Ha tit nan to Complain That They Never Feel Wholly Rested, That They Are Always Tired. MRS/P/TREKKR,' Albion Tin.-.., Nolch Hour), Paler eon, N. .1.. writes: "I suffered fire years with my spine nttrl pnins in my back. "1 consulted you, fortunalely,- nnd Iii fourteen weeks wan cured l>y the use of Peruna nnd follow? ing your advice. "I can now do my own work. I cannot (hunk yoll enough. 1 cannot tell you how happy I am. No family should be I wit hoot I'crunn." Suffered Years 117. It Pain. Mrs. Iila Germain, 531 Mnnhatti.n ' Avc, New York City, writes: '.'Kor many years I suffered with pains In I ho pelvic organs, i wo* unable to llnd relief, as no doctor could help! inc. '?1 rend of vour wonderful Peruna PELVIC CATARRH CAUSES MANY AILMENTS. There are so many women who urn tired nil the lime. They get up iti the morning tired ami drag themselves nrnitiid Wearily nil day. They have pain In the back ami dragging sonf-ntmn? which seem to weigh them down ns though carrying n burden. Many women nre undoubtedly suffering with oystomlo entarth. The proper remedy for them to tnko i< I'crunn. Thcontnrrh hnainvndcd the whole nhtlotnihal nnd pelvic organ*. Through inncplis discharges ihby are losing vitality every moment. The food they nil aim the sleep I hey gut is hnrdly sufficient lb keep up with the Incessant drain on tlicir vitality. Tlio only hope for bet t er men I in their enncs is the complete removal of the cntnrrh. For this Peru 11? is recommended by lir. Ilnrtmnn. It relieve* ralnrrh wherever located in the bumnn body?in the thornx, abdomen or pelvht. "This was caused by Indigestion nnd I I bail been (lpe,(i "I hope every mats nnd woman who "iiffcrs will give I'crunn n trial und tie n< grninful as my husband and my sei f." Doctored a Yestr. "Misa Annn Mc (?Inn, llll Plain St., Providence, K. I., write*; "I wish to let you know of the "nod your medicine has don'* lor nie. I had wlial the doctors cnlltd hcnrl trouble, ring for n year before I female trouble. 1 suffered agonies and Whs afraid lo lie left nbuie. Completely Exhausted. "At time- I was afraid to stand on my feel ami to attempt to do any house? work was out of the question. "Oiii. day I rend an advertisement of Periinn and its wonderful cures ami I decided to try it. nnd decided to give it. a trial. I look it Act* Life and Vigor. for some time and obtained much relief. Strong Again. '?Now I am strong ngnln nnd haven good appetile. PerIIIIS lias relieved me of ft chronic ailment, ami 1 thofefore recommend it to all women." Always Tired and Wenk. Mrs. K. A. Connolly, ;)l,-27 Garner St., Kansas City, Mo., writes: "I have. Buffered for years with stom? ach trouble, so that I couhl ont hnrdly anything. I was tired nnd weak all the time. "My husband brought home one bot? tle and before (bat bottle wm half gone I felt new life and new vigor. "That tired, hopeless feeling left me, I began local and my fond nourished me. I could walk nml do my work without fainting. Peruna's Wonderful U'orfc. "1 took several buttles during the summer nnd fall and cannot praise it enough for the wonderful work it did for inc. "When f feel tired or nervous from nny cause. a few of Pcriilia cure me. tried your Piiriih*. I suffered the most with pain in my bead. A Priemt Advised Peruna. "One day n friend of mine told me of your Perutin, no I got n botllp. Afters, week's use of II I began lo feel better. "At lirsl I could not enl, sleep or work, but I have nl last found Hint the medicine thnl would cure me was your Permi a. A Sew Woman. "My face bus a good color now. I sra a new woman. I t hnuk you very much." hollowed Dr. Hartman's Advice. ! Mrs. Viola Mnr.-hnll, 4VBI West Mason I street, Spri nglield, III., writes: "Two months ngo when 1 sought yonr ndvice, I bad gotten ho wenk that 1 had In lie down most of (he lime. Praising Peruna. '?1 begun Inking your Peruna and now I feel like a now woman. "I shall never cease praising Pernns, nor thanking Dr. Ilnrtmnn for Ins kind advice." Revised Formula?For a number of year requests have, come to mo from a multitude of grateful friends, urging that Pc-rii-ha bo given.a slight laxative quality. I have boon experimenting with a laxative addition for quite a length of time, nnd now feel gratified to announce to tho friends of Po-rii-tia that I have Incorporated such a quality In.the medicine, which, in my opinion, can'only enhance ils well-known beneficial character. "S. lt. HARTMAN, M. D." 5"?nnr5 iroiro"Y7mroT>w I SCHMELZ BROTHERS, Bankers j (City and County Depository.) J I I, I II I WWW ? li.*.? c Issue CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT for $50.00 or more. NEGOTIABLE AND PAYABLE ON DEMAND, DRAWING INTEREST AT THE RATE OF ^njiiuiia FOUR PER CENT. WE KNOW YOUR WANTS AND WANT YOUR BUSINESS. THE STR0N0EST BANK IN THE CITY sj ULgJUULftJULttJ 5JL?JUUL, 8JLG. vJJJLPJ J5 J .OJLSLSJLfi^vJ! Get acquainted with us and our way of doing business? We offer DEPOSITORS every priv? ilege conservative banking will war taut. Your Account Large or Small. We Invite. W. A. POST. President. J. R. SWINBRTON, Vice-Presldent. THE CITIZENS' AND MARINE BMK J. A. W1LLBTT. Casine;. Ain u:; : LBEj Asst. Cashier. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK U. S. GOVERNMENT DEPOSITORY. CITY DEPOSITORY, CITIZEN? DEPOSITORY. Capital.$100.000.00 Stockholders' Liability . l00.6o6.Qf) Surplus find Profits.;. 100.000.00 Other Resources Make Total Ovo - .$1.000.000,00 B. QUINCY SMITH. A. L. POWELL. President. Vice-Pros blent. WM. H. KELLOGG Cashier THE NEWPORT NEWS NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL, $100.000. U, S. (TOVERKMEHT MP?Sri?RY Transacts a general banking business. Four per cent. Interest allowed on savings accounts. Press* 10 C? t?ts a WWIr HERE BY REQUEST ! First Visit to Newport News. MARION TEMPEST The Noted Clair? voyant, Medium k Life Reader The past, present and future to Tempest Is an open book. Tells what worries, annoys, per? plexes you, being a psychic can give names, dates, etc. Tells you how to obtain your heart's desire. If you are going to con? sult a medium always see tha best. Tempest, is not. a medium by choice, but because fato has decreed it. I laving ancestors who were all powerful and re? liable mediums. The old family name is as well known in the occult as the. of Shake apeare is in the realms of litera? ture. Ate you unhappy In love? Do you lo:?n In speculation? Have you a lawsuit? Do you wish this power yourself? If separated from a loved ons; cause of Illness unknown, un cttred. an Invention incom? plete. No mittler what your trouble may bo, the application of this power will help you. Remove evil Influence, disease, spells, reunites the separated and helps all in distress. Come. Hours, 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. $1.00 READING, 50c, for tills week only, full price after tint PARLORS 125 32ND ST, N. B.?Ladies calling will b? assured of absolute privacy. All business confidential. PERFECTION, linn been reached In the equip? ment of our now saloon?up-to date In every respect. Many a time, no doubt you would like to have had a cool glass of beer'or a palatable drink of liquor, bul the environment of the ordinary saloon war, such that (be desire was u d gratified. Here a drink can be enjoyed lo the fullest ex? tent, where sanitation and serv. lea reign supreme. (3, W. Tofio, 813 1 wenty-etghtrt Street.