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HAU "The Refrigerator Problem Solved" . THE VERDICT OF HUNDREDS OF CUS MERS NOW USING "NORTH STAR." Why its (his! ..? it. is because lliey nre scientific in construction and for that reason uro perfect fund preservers. They have packing nf granulated cork ( best; n o u ? c o n duct <<r known I. I 1-2 inches thick around entire case, tiiat protects Iho h-u. They have handsomely finished cases. They always please. If you are going to get - a refrigerator, why not have the liest! "North Slurs" cost no more, than many?loss than some?best at any price. Hfi different stylos and sizes in refrigerators and ico boxes from which to solect.?$8 up. Cash or easy payments, THE HAMPTON STORE wilus-smith null QQ? Inc. Hampton's Largest Home Furnishers. m pring uits r,r JUST THE KIND ! THAT PIT WELLi LOOK WELL, and '? WEAR WELL. f_j_ Are Made by S. Marback [ The Baltimore Merchant Tailor. Corner Hope and King St'tets, Hampton, Va. Have the much llked Blue Serges, Cheviots and Blacks?from which you can make a selection. Full line of READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING always ou hand. MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES and STATUARY IN GRANITE AND MARBLE. Best quality, material and workmanship at the prices con elstent with the quality of work. LAWSON & NEWTON 139 West Queen Btreet, t'J?EONB, 191. HAMPTON, VL, Notice to the Public and fly.Pfltrons: Please-take notice that we are going out of the Pawnbroklng Business by the 1st of April. All those that have pledges in our place will pleasb re? deem same until above date. Unredeemed pledges or all kind* tor sale chea/>. R. Shliikow.Hz, BO W. QUEEN STREET, * HAMPTON. VIRGINIA. /iPTON, PH jRQTERS REUNITED AFTER THIRTY YEAR lohn Boardmati finis His Long Los! Brother in the Sold? iers' Home Hospital. INE IN NAVY; OTHER IN ARMY Had Beert Inmates of the Home Here for More Than Three Months Without Knowing of Eaclt Others Presence?They Are From Massa? chusetts. After a separation of thirty rears, luring which time neither had heard i*rom the other, John and James Uonrdman, brothers, have been re? united at the National Soldiers' Home. A peculiar feature in connection with the meeting of the brothers Is that they have boon inmates of the National Soldiers' Homo lieru for more than three months without the knowledge of each others presence, it was only by tin accident that they recognized each other. A few years ago .lames Boardmati. who served In the United State? :inuy, runie to the Home. About -ix months ago lie was given a fur lough. During ? his absence, John Uonrdman, his brother, who served with the navy, was admitted to the Home. WUien .fames returned to thii branch three months ago he. litlk thought that his loug missing brother .vas hero. James Uon.rdman now wears a lonn while beard, which sliows the weight if seventy years, ?ild for this reason lohn Boardman, who is probably ten vears his junior, failed to recognize the- brother. James Boardman is Hi in the Home hospital, while his long-lost brother is a daily vlstor to Ills sick rooml and is consoling him In his declining days. Recently John Boardman was in :he canteen, when he mentioned the Tact that his name was Boardman to i comrade. "Why." declared the astonished ?omrade, "are yen a brother of James Boardman. who is a member of my Company? You say you are from Massachussetts and James tells me he Is from the Bay State?" John Boardman could hardly be leve his comrade, but he determined " make an investigation, and dis? covered that the mlan givlpg his name as James Boardman was ill in tho hospital. He visited the sick man and a pathetic scene followed. The brothers embraced each other ind soon in their joy forgot every hlng while discussing the various things that have happened to them since they parted thirty years ago. The Boardman brothers are from Boston and a letter has been for? warded to relatives in that city in forming them of the happy event that culmSnated in their reunion. Death at the Home. Charles Higgins, rj5 years old. who served with Company A, first Dela? ware calvary, died in the National Soldiers' hospital yesterday. Home from Baltimore. 'Mrs. C F. Burgess returned yes? terday from a visit to Baltimore, ac? companied by Miss Willis, who Is to become tho milliner for the Bur? gess' Millinery Store. Major Hess* Sister Dead. Majcr George Hess, keeper of the National Cemetery, has received no? tice of the death of his sister, which occurred in Philadelphia. Officers are Elected. The K'ast Hampton Development Company has elected officers for the coming year as follows: President. Mr. Jacob Heffelflnger;, vice-presi? dent, Mr. A. T. Ransome; treasurer, Mr. H. R. Booker; secretary, Mr. Marshal von Schilling. Lewis Will Go to Richmond. Commonwealth's Attorney, B. A. Lewis will go to Richmond this morning to appear before the court of appeals in connection with the case against the Hampton Nonnal ?School. Your Phone Order. Will receive the promptest atten? tion et Rensley and Bush's. Prompt delivery Is our guiding star and we have many satisfied customers on that account. Phone If. 2t. .?, ? - \ . - ?. .. QEBUS AN; BOARG 01 MANAGF.RS ! Iii AT THE HOI Only Six Members ol the Body Attend the Session Held on the Reservation. MURPHY SUCCEEDS GEN. | MAHON It is Said That Colonel Knox Has Full Approval of Board In the Changes That He Has Made and .That the Members Were Satisfied With Present Conditions. Only six members were present at the annual visit of the board of managers at I be Hampton branch of the National Soldiers' Home yes lerday. Congressman Walter Brown low, who I? having trouble of his iwn down in Tennessee about these limes, n|j!i mil wild the board. The managers came down to Old Point on the early steamer and Im? mediately repaired to the Home, where they were received by Gov? ernor Thuinas T. Knox. After lau ''outside" inspection the hoard took ip Hie usual routine business. II was given out that nothing was done hern worthy of special notice. The board hold Its annu'.il meeting in Now York idly oh Tuesday, A! this meeting former Governoi Franklin Murphy, who is the local manager of the ?Southern Branch, was alei ted lu till the unexpirsd term ol Oenvrul 'Martin Ti McMalion, the president cf the hoard. Governoi Murphy presided over the delibera? tions of the board here. It is s ild thai the manager.! were .mich pleased with the condition of .he llunili in general, and expressed their satisfaction of the work. Colonel Knox. the governor. Is do? ing. The board started last bight for Johnson City. Tenn., to visit th" homo there. The members here were Governor {franklin Murphy. General Thomas S. Hendeson, GenetUl Anderson, CapL Palmer and and Mr. Holly. LEWIS?WYATT. Pretty Marriage in Fox Hill Method ist Church. ?Mr. George Rlley Lewis and M'iss Claude V. Wyatt were married in the '.Methodist church, at Fox Hill, at 8 o'clock last evening, the Rev. Thomas 13. Johnson officiating. 'Miss Mary Wyatt attended 'her sis? ter as maid of honor and Mr. Ros? ier was the best man. The ushers were Messrs. Ray Copeland. Luthe* Lewis, Windy Wyatt, Marion Bloxoni and the bridesmaids were 'Misses Mittle Jester. Lena Hclston, Mamie Coles and IMIss Patrick. Miss Wyatt is the daughter of Mr. :ind Mrs. W. F. Wyatt and Mr. Lewis Is a weyy known young man of Fox Hill. They will make their home in Fox Hill. Mr. Cumming In Richmond. Hon. Samuel Gordon Gumming left here last evening for Richmond. WILL CHAPLAIN REMAIN? Rumor Has It That Board of Man? agers Requested His Resignation. I Considerable interest is manifested in the action of the board of man D OLD POII agfrs at the National Soldiers' Home In regard to the resignation of Rev. J. H. Bradley, the chaplain No ofTicial statement was made, but liiere ?las a runilir to the effect that the beard has determined to again request Mr. Bradley's resignation. The rumor cculd not be confirmed. More Money Coming in. The San Francisco hind was creased by nearly $50 yesterday. The Treasurer. H. L. Schmelz announced that subscriptions will be received by him until next Monday. If You Drink Coffee. Why, of course you want the best. Beaslcy and Bush will sell yen the lippt coffee over put on the market at 25 cents per pound. We have It cheaper, if you want It Phone IS. 2t BANKRUPT SALE Having purchased the entire 6tock of Katz' Un? derselling tunre ill As? signee and Sheriff's sale. I will dispose of the pa mo regardless id' cost. Re? member EVERYTHING MUST CO E. LEVIN Prop Formerly Kaiz' Underselling Store 45 E. Queen street. Hampton, - Virginia STORE OPEN UN? TIL 9 O'CLOCK P. M. JUST ARRIVED AT Wire doors and window screens, all sizes and styles; also hammocks, Ice cream freezers, croquet sets, Fruit jars, water coolers and stone water fitters. Oet our prices before buying. Our doors and screens are made better this season than ever before. What we advertise we sell, and what we sell advertises us. THE CORNER STORE, Hudglns block. Phone 261 DISPLAYED IN WINDOW pedal 10c Sale NEW BBE HIVE STORE FOR FRIDAY ONLY 3 Pint Glass Water Pitcher.10c Covered Butter Dishes.'..10c Large Glass Berry Bowl.10c None worth loss than 20c. I. KIRSNBR, Prop. 18 and 20 W. Queen St.. Hampton, Va. 5FJC THF, WINDOW ST?Continued CHILDREN'S WHITE SHOE In Button?made of Linen 1 >uek. Sizes. 3 to 4 1-2. Sizes 5 to 8 Sizes 8 12 to 11 Sizes 11 1-2 to 2 . 95c $1.15 $1.35 $1.75 C. L Crockett & Co, 5 Queen Street, HAMPTON, VIRGINIA New York, April 21, 1906. H. THOMPSON Hampton, Va. "The Glens Falls Insurance Company advises loss at Ran Francisco will not exceed one million dollars. 'We will have a net surplus of a million find a half, after paying Sail Francisco claims. Many other companies will likely fail. Advise your customers to insure in a strong company like the "old and tried" Glens Falls. W. SWEENEY, "Special Agent. ?I The buildings recently occupied by the firm of J. T. Howard & Co., as their saw and planing mills ou Armlstead Avenue in Hamp? ton. One double store room situate fronting on the Avenue. One large Lumber Storage Building including bouse for Boiler and engine. Boiler and engine. ,T:j!|jj' Also stock of Doors, Windows. Blinds. Newels, etc. / f J\ I will be glad to show the pruperty at anytime. M. O. LACKEY. MGR., P? We Phillips REAL ESTATE, RENTS, LOANS, 14 8. King St ' r 9 INSURANCE." Hampton Of the Entire Stock of Groceries Of D, W. Hoger & Son At No, 152 E. Queen St , Beginning on FRIDAY, APRIL 27th, 1906 Beginning at 8 P. M. prompt and Continuing until Entire Stock and Fixtures are sold, AUCTIONEER Special Thursday and Friday PERSIAN LAWNS?40-INCH .14c LONSDALE CAMBRIC .10c LINGERIE LAWN .19c UNBLEACHED COTTON.4e 8 AND 10 W. QUEEN ST., HAMPTON, VA.