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THE DAILY PRESS Is the only newspaper In Newport News ithat receives full As aoclated Press report VOL. XL, NO. ?08 GOAL CARRYING ROADS LOSE THEIR MONOPLY Elkins-McLauren Amendment is Adopted Which Divorces Pro? ducers From Companies. CONGRESS DOWN TO ROOT OF EVIL House Spends Most of Day in Discuss? ing Advisability of Buying Naval Supplies in Open Market, Where Prices Are Lower Than Cost to Manufacture. it (Ry Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C. May 8.? The Senate spent the greater part of the day again Iti the consideration of the question of divorcing the produc? tion or con) and oilier commodities from the transportation companies and cloned M hut branch of its work) by adopting a modified provision formally adopted by Senator F.lklns. hut originally suggested by Senator Mcliahrlh. The voto on lite ICIktns amendment stood 07 to li?the six negative votes being cast by Messrs. Ankeny. Bulko ley, Clark (Wyo.l, Pottus and War? ren. The provision Is In the language of the original McLaurin substitute and is as follows: ' Hard Blow to Coal Trust. ?'From and alter May 1. 1908; it shall be unlawful for any common currier to transport from any State. Territory or district or the United Slntes to any other State. Territory or district of the United States or to any foreign country, any article or commodity manufactured, mined or produced by it. or under its authority, or which it. may own in whole or In 'part, or in which it may have any in? terest, direct or indirect, except such articles or commodities as may be ne? cessary or used in the conduct of its business as a dilution carrier.'; TO BUY IN OPEN MARKET. House Advocates Cutting Down Use? less Waste of Money. WASHINGTON, " C. May S.? Nearly the entire time of the House today was taken up by two proposi? tions?first, whether the navy depart? ment should go into the open market and purchase anchors, chains and cordage or continue to manufacture these articles in the government navy yards as is now done, and second, whether (he cost or transporting coal from Atlantic ami Gulf ports to the Philippine Islands in American bot? toms should be limited to $5 or $(! a ton. On the first proposition one of the prettiest legislative combats of the session occurred, the debate extend? ing over the mnjor portion of the session. Would Save Money. Representative Loud (Mich.) in? sisted that there could be ^ saving of $350,000 a year to the government if the Navy Department was permit? ted to go into the free markets anil purchase anchors, chains and cordage under regulations of the department. General Grosvenor (Ohio) and mem? bers from the Michigan and Pennsyl? vania delegations aided Mr. Loud In his fight, the opposition being repre? sented by Mr. Roberts (Mass.), Mr. Ft7<gernld (N. Y.). Mr. McCleary. (Mass.) and Mr. Rixey (Va.). Means Economy. . Mr. Grosvenor offered a substitute for Mr. Loud's amendment, giving the Socretary of the Navy the right to purchnse the articles above referred to in free markets, should it be de? monstrated tlint, they could bo had from manufacturers cheaper than they i could be made at government navy ynrds. This substitute was adopted ?85 to 7?. As to the second proposition, limit? ing the cost or transportation or coal to $5 or $t; a ton. the efforts put forth .by Mr. Slay don (Tex.) and Mr. Fitz? gerald (N. Y.), wore of no avail, al though voles were had an both amend? ments, limiting the cost. WAR ON "DRUG TRUST." Attorney General Moody Trains His Guns on Patent Medicine. WASHINGTON. D. C, May 8.? The federal government today filed suit against the drug trust of the United States. In an ofHclal state? ment Attorney General Moody says: "The government has todny riled In the Circuit Court of tho United States for the District of 'Indiana, a petition for nu injunction against, certain associations, coroprations .and individuals comprising what is com? monly known as tho 'drug trust' of the United States. The parties defendant specifically named In the bill have ap? parently combined together to control the prices at which proprietary medi? cines and'drugs shall be sold to the NEW consiumcr through tTie retail drug? gists In violnliun of the Sherman untl trust laws. ' | "The parties to the combination In? clude: I. The Proprietary Association of America. 2. Tbc National Whole I sale Druggists' Association. ::. The National Association of Retail Drug-1 gists." $900,000 FOR CALIFORNIA. Part of Public Land Sales to Accrue' to the State. WASHINGTON, D. C. May S.~ In order 1.0 render assistance lo strichen California the boiise commit? tee on public lands today authorized a favorable report on the hill lo pay to California, as has been paid to most of the Western Stales, 5 per cent, on iho cash sales of public lauds. In the case of California M?s would amount to about $900.1, I. In the case 'of Western Slates which have already been paid this 5 per cent, provision was made iu the enabling acts. Cal? ifornia came into tho Union with? out an enabling act. SENATOR GORAN ILL. It Is Now Believed That His Death Is Near. WASHINGTON. D. C. May S.? Senator Arthur Pue Gorman of Mary laud, is critically ill at his home in this city. He has not been in bis scat iu the Senate cliamber for many months. Within the last few days be hail a severe sinking spell and his life wus despaired of. SPAIN TO TAX TYPEWRITERS. American Machines May Have to Pay, Big Duty. WASHINGTON, D. C. Mrfy S. ?1 Spain is about to break up, the foreign] elgn trade of American typewriter manufacturers. It is (be custom of our manufacturers to sell typewriting machines in this country at $10<i. The same machine, if shipped to Klimpe, is sold for from $45 to $50. thanks to our protective tariff. lint a wealthy concern is about to begin the manufacture of typewriters at Bnrcelon, Spain, and to foster the Industry the Spanish government has fixed a duty of $15 on every type? writer imported into the country. The Department of Commerce nnd Labor has been notified of the tariff change and the American manufac? turers are protesting, but to date no? thing has been effected. The general tendency of European countries of late years has been lo retaliate upon us for our protective tariff which keeps their goods out of the United Stales. NEGROES DIE RAPIDLY Death Rate Nearly Double of That of Ihe White Race. ' . MANY SMALLPOX CASES IN STATE In Three Counties There are 49 Per? sons Afflicted With the Plf.gue? General Health Conditions Held to be Bad in Four Counties. (Speclnl to the Daily Press.) RICHMOND, VA., May 9? The March Bulletin of the Virginia Board of Health, for March, showing th general condition of the State by counties and towns, give reports on subjects of popular Interest. Principals among the statistics is the death rate by races of the city of Richmond, which shows the sur? prising rapidity with which the ne' gioes are dying out. Of the total population of 100,000, about (12.250 are while and ;I7,750 negroes. The total deaths among the whites dur? ing the month of March was 71; that, of the negroes. 74. To make thii rale, equal Micro should have been only forty-threv deaths among the negroes, but the table shows that there were thirty one deaths over the rate. The reports from tho counties show seventy-one cases of smallpox, Dln wlddle, Norfolk and" Princess Anne ccuntles leading w'ilh 18, 16 and 15 cases, respectively. In many of the counties reporting smallpox the gen? eral conditions were' good. In the following counties the sanS tary conditions were reported as un? satisfactory: Buckannn. field,'Floyd, Norfolk and the town of Greenville, TORT NEWS, VA., Tr POSTOFFICE ROBBER IS FATALLY WOUNDED Virginian Who Turns Burglar Is Shot While Trying lo Es? cape With His Loot. $125,000 LOST III BUCKETSHOPS Phlladelphian Admits That He Stole From His Employer to Become a Broker on a Small Stale?Thefts Throw Firm in the Hands of a Fed? eral Receiver. (By Associated Press.) ROANOKE, VA.. May ft.?James F. Breeding was fatally wounded last nigh) while robbing Ute postofflco, and store at Dellen, Pulaskl county, Va. Dr. Bruce (.'lark discovered -the burglar and summoned "General" IJrysbii lo help catch Utc thief. Dry son armed with a shot gun, stationed himself outside to shoot whoever ran from the building. When Clark opened Hie door Breeding- jumped from a window. , Rryspn fired on him. the contents of '?Iiis gun taking effect in Breeding's breast, neck ami face. Breeding had secured postage .-tamps ami merchandise. Breed? ing's homo is near Dcllon. GAMBLED IN BUTCHERSHOP. Quaker City Clerk Gets Away With $125,000. PHILADELPHIA, Mny D.?Charg? ed with having embezzled upwards or $100.0(10. rrom his employers. En win S. Greenfield, head clerk of the hanking ami brokerage firm of Har? rison. Snyder nud Son, of this city, was arrested today. Following the announcement of the embezzlement creditors filled a petition in bankruptcy against the firm and Judge McPhcrsnn appoint? ed C. N. Vollutn as receiver. Greenfield is about lit) years of age. and has a wife ami two children. Ho lost most of the money speculating in hucketshops. I.Mr. Snyder and the accountants believe the amount of money em? bezzled will be considerable over $125,000 and may reach $175.000. CHINESE PAY INDEMNITY. Presbyterians Get $60,000 for Their Destroyed Mission. (By Associated Press.7 HONG KONG, May 8.?The vice? roy of Canton has paid to the Ameri? can consul at Canton $lilt,U0U as in? demnity for ttie mission buildings, the personal property of the mission? aries and the claims of converts, as a result of the destruction of proper? ty during the rioting at Llenchow. The money will be transferred to the Presbyterian mission settlement at Llenchow. MOTHER TRUST COMPANY FORCED TO CLOSE DOORS Pittsburg Firm Put Out of Business ? by the State Commissioner of Banking. . (Bv Associated Press.) PITTSBURG, PA., May ll?The Co? lumbia Savings and Trust Company cloaed its doers tit 210 Foutrh Ave? nue this morning. The Commission? er of Banking ordered the hank to be ciosdtU The announcement came as a great surprise, as the Institution was well known nnd had an nusttally I strong directorate at the head, of which was ex-Mayor William .I. Dlehl. I The company was one of the new? est In Pittsburg financial district. I having been organized Agust 11. 1901. I The capital stock of the concern was 'only $200.000, according to the iv J cords of local banks compiled In 1905 The New York 'correspondent is the I Hanover National Bank. i URS DAY, MAY 10, 1 PICKED TROOPS GUARD THE RUSSIAN EMPEROR It Is Said All Danger of Anar? chists Succeeding in 'Killing Czar Has Bean Removed. TERRORISTS THOUGH ARE FEARED Count Wittc's Name is Left Out of the List of Those Persons Appoint? ed to Office by the Autocrat?Not Much Will Be Accomplished by tile Douma. (Rv Associated Press.) ST. PBTliRSBUR?. May ?.?The dread that nu unfortunate event might occur to mar the solemnity of the ?rent day of Russia's new birth was largely removed toniplii wnen tncinliers of Hie radical revolutionary parlies of St. Petersburg Issued an niiniHtnccmeul disclaiming any Inten? tion of-attempting demonstrations to? morrow and calling upon their fel? lows lo refrain from displaying red flu git or sinking the "Marselllnis" and to avoid all conduct I lint ivnuld tend to bring about a conflict witli the police. Terrorists Mre Feared. A terrorist ie at tempt Is the only thins that is now lo he feared. Hut the police measures have been so well taken Hint such a crime is con? sidered 10 hi' impossible. The participants and accessories lo the ceremony of (lie opening of the first roprosoiiiatIvo assembly of Rus? sia have gathered in St. Petersburg and only limperor Nicholas and tho. imperial family are awiiiiiCd. They are expected lo nrvJye In the innre-. ing at I'eteihol'. to wKlc.h place they] started from Tsarkoe Solo today. Circassians Guard the Czar. A personal escort of picked Circas? sian Cossacks arrived by a special i train, Other trains brought a mixed battalion composed of detachments from all the guard regiments who are to keep watch over the ICmpcr or's npartnienls and those of th la? dies and gentlemen and court tbne tioiuirics who are in lake part in the reception tomorrow. The most sensational news of the day was contained in I he announce mcnl in the nppiiutive members of Hie council of Hie empire in which list Count W'iite is conspicuously ab? sent", showing I hill there is a com? plete break in the relations bei ween the monarch and the servitor whose monument is the national parliament. Hie laws for the erection of which were elaborated under bis supervi? sion. Not Much Will Be Done. According |.o the expectations of the constitutional Democratic leaders the first session of the parliament will accomplish nothing beyond the election of officers which under Rus? sian proceeduro will he u long drawn out affair. .\f. Muroms(-/.cff is the unanimous choice of the pai'ty^fpr president and Peter Dolgoroukoff will he one of the vice presidents hut it has not been declared tonight whether the oilier vlco-presidency will he given to Vla? dimir Dinllrlvlch Naboiikoff or to rep? resentatives of one of the allied par? ties. UNION MEN WON'T VOTE WITH LABELLESS BALLOT Richmond Democrats Get an. Ulti? matum From Organized Labor About Cominy Election. fBv Associated Press.) RICHMOND. VA.. May 0.?The union labor vote of the city will dc dine to go to the polls in the ap? proaching primary unless the ballots bear the union label. The central trades and labor council has notified tiie chairman of the Df/th> ocrntlc parly iu the cily to this ef? fect. It is claimed that the last ballots used came from a printing house that that had refused lo sign the ex? isting agreement for an eight hour workday. JOURNALISTIC ?SE" AT VIRGINIA COLLEGE New Department to Be Started at Hampden-Sklney and $3,D00 Is on Hand to Pay Expenses. (By Associated Press.) RICHMOND, VA.. May P.?At a spe? cial meeting here today the trustees of Hamrlen-Sl'lnpv Colles" accented a proposition made by Judge Joseph T. McAllister, pf Hot Springs, Va.. to guarantee $3.500 a year toward the 000. I expenses nf n special department for taiilning wiltors h?r newspapers nud mngn/.lucs anil of hooka. The new department will lie put In ?I tin: opening id" IHti next session In the nutuiiiu nf this year, ami will inurh a ilcpailuro in college work liml he an expci'lineni likely lo ho oh nerved with interest hy lliu whole world. Mr. McAllister in his formal propo? sition says the suggest Ion citnii! (o him fiuni Waller II. Page, of Now York, who will ho asked lo he one of tiie managing committee. Snow Storm in PcmiGylvania. (Hv Associated Press.) FitANK1.IN, PA.. May !).?Snow fell here for several hours this Uioril* iug wltieli hrettks all local records during I he recent years. Portrait of Lcc For Home Town. (Hy Associated Press.) RICHMOND. VA. May U.?Captain Robert 15. bee will present it full length portrait of his illustrious grandfather, General R. 13. Dec. lo the county of Westmoreland. Die birth? place of the g reu I Confederate lead? er. The portrait will be hung in Hit! county courthouse. FREEDOM FOR DEFAULTER. Norfolk Convict to bo Released o.t Parole From Prison. (By Associated Press.) NORFOLK, May ?.?Charles P. Cole, former society man and cash? ier of Hie Southern Hell Telephon" Company, convicted of misappropri? ating rtinds of that company and seh tciiccil lo one year in the penitenti? ary, will be released on it ticket of leave. Cole having served half his som leiico, and Iiis application far pardon belli;', endorsed by Stale's Attorney Tillen and others ? ho coiistdcrcr the ?.?ate had extenuating circutusiaticos. GALE ON LAKE- ERIE. One Boat Goes to Bottom?Another Is in a Sinking Condition. (By Associated Press.) CLEVELAND, O.. May !).?Of the large flcei of b als anchored outside the breakwaters awaiting a settle? ment of the longshoremen's strike, one has gone to Hie bottom and an? other is sinking, Life stivers have g"uu to the rescue of lite crew of the boats. A heavy gale Is blowing in hliore o;f the lake, dashing the waves over the breakwater. PLOT TO MURDER KAISER Police Arrest Five All?god Anar? chists as Being Implicated. ?YNANIITE FOOND NEAR CASILE Senna Hoy, One of the Noted Lead? ers of tho Reds, Captured In Zur? ich and is Wanted in Russia and Germany for Trial. (By Associated Press.) BERLIN, May 9.?A dangerous an? archist conspiracy to murder the Gorman Emperor hna been discover? ed and frustrated ut Urvllle, near Met/,, where tho Emperor has a cas lle. Kaiser William is st hcduled to ar? rive at his Urvil.o cast I" on Friday for a visit. This morning the police (Uncovered a large quantity of dyna? mite on the premises sufficient to demolish the whole palace. Investigations were begun, and as a result f|vu foreigners were placed un? der arrest. They have been identi? fied as anarchist ts. Documents round in their possession prove that they had an elaborate plan for the murder of the Kulsc r. Daring Anarchist Captured. Z?RICH. SWITZERLAND. May 9. ? Senna Hoy, one of the most dan? gerous, anarchists in tho world, ban b^en arrested here. Hoy was at. the head of the German anarchists. He went ta Runsia, where he Joined the Inner circle of anarchists. The Rus? sian police offered n reward of $2,500 for hi3 capture, but. nfter uumerous balrbreatji escapes, Hoy made hi way to Switzerland, where he wa? just apprehended. THE WEATHER Fair and warmer Thursday and Friday: light to fresh west PRICE TWO CENTS RHODE ISLAND INpRT 13 ORDERED HELD HERE Captain Garst Admits That the Grounding Was Cause by an Error of Judgement. 10 REAL EXCUSE IS OFFERED Commanding Officer Says That the Buoy Was Visible and That Thers Was no Fog at the Time of th? Accident?No Wireless on the Ship to be Used to Summon Aid. (Hy Associated Press.) ?WASHINGTON. May The re? port of Captain Pony, of the battleship Ithodo island on the grounding of that vessel oil York Spit, recently has boon received at thu navy department. II shows that. I he cause id" the accident was an er? ror of judgment and Captain Carat has suggested a court of inquiry, which has 'been ordered. The details for the court of Inquiry m if, p.s follows: Rear Admiral Francis W. Dicking, president; Captain Albert lb t'oude'n. Cdptain liilward 111 Tausslng, mout? hers and Lieutenant Com ma tide r Thomas Snowdcn. judge advccale. Acting Secretary Nowlierry direct? ed that the heard convene on board the Rhode Island ul Newport New,!, Va.. at noon Monday. May 14. in his rep'rt to the department I Captain (tarsi said he regret od to re port the grounding ?l the Rhode is? land near York Spit buoy iinfnifbr ?. ? The morning was clear, he. said and i Ihe York Spit light und buoy at tho I ciiintnct! to York river wcrevtlslhlsi. 'Captain (tatst staled that Ihn dis? tance from the hiioy wna misjudged ' ami the -hip went aground. The rea? son he did not report earlier was be? cause his ship was not equipped nrllii wireless. T|jo Minneapolis observed the Rhode Island and reputed the an oidciit hy thu use of her wireless. Back From 'Frisco. Mr. .lohn Magic, who lived in this oily for /any years before going to San Francisco to make his homo re cenlly is in the city, with many lit leresting si cries of the Pacific coast' disaster. Mr. Magee says that. Just before (he earthquake he gave a ho tel proprietor ?.>(> to keep fur.him and thai he has not teen hotel man or money since. turks h?u up a german merchant ship without cause It Wa3 Charged That. Vessel Carried Dynamite ?Kaiser's Ambassa? dor Acts Quickly. fRv Associated Press.) CONSTANTINOPLE, May 9.?-Th* arbitrary detention <-f the Herman sailing ship Odysseus by the Turkish authorities recently threatened fric? tion between Turkey and another European power, but the enersetlo act lop of ihe Herman ambassador Ha run V u Bieberstein, quickly solv? ed the difficulty.' The Odysseus was discharging her cargo at Chlbuklti when she was boar tied by the authorities and re? moved to Kavak, whore she was an? chored beneath the butteries, the T?rks falsciy claiming that the ves? sel had explosive* on hoard. The ambassador protested urgent? ly but unnvnllingly. whereupon hs look a few sailors from the German gu.irdship ii'c'ro, the boroioy,' boarded tho Odysseus, hoisted Hin diplomatics flag and to'Jk the ship from und?)' the guns of Kavak to her dock at Chlbuklti, where a watch was kept over her while she completed the dis? charge of her cargo. On returning to the embassy t.li9 nmbnssailor found :' gtnte councillor awaiting him with apologies and ex? planations. The records available do not refer to a German sailing shin naniPit Odysseus, but there Is a Gar man steamer of that name and sh* was in the Mediterranean recently.