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PRONOUNCED GASE OF RABIES, SAYS OR. HOEN Examination Proves That Ihe Dog; Which Bit Little Anthony Mo zier Was Wad. CHILD BEING GIVEN TREATMENT Parents Arc Without Means and Subsriptlons Aic Needed to De? fray Boy's, Expense at Pasteur In? stitute?Wire Basket Muzzle May Be Adopted by City. A |t?l? grain .1. M../ii r. wl by Mr. <iiloi (Ity m i. nlai rccciycd from Mr. A i i now in Richmond. ? ? i lldi'Wiirlcl in fills all'i noon, stated Unit the doe which lot i. year Ihony Ah /ii r. hi lbe res Ideiii' I areiiii . I I'h:i i> lifth sin old An ? of hi.: I. Moll dny had a very pronouiic nil tin i- of nihil s. A:; was mated m Hie Dally press, tin canine Wils killed soon ii.fier he h? tin i'111111 and ilie lead was sein to tin Pa h i.i i|i |iai <iii> iii of Die i'lil versity College of Medicine in Rich niund. Dr. lb the head and case oi rabies linh' son \> cnl in.oh' an examination of J I discovered a marked Sir. Slozier and his Kicliiiioiiil Tuesday inoriiiut; iho lad is now being given i he I 'a: leur i reitlint nl. Mr i leorgii i Hid '.'. hi n l slated lasi nh-ln Dial Mr Mozier 'lid not have Ihe money necessary lo pay lor lie Pasteur treatment for his son. und Bald Dial ho would today start a sub? scription fund io defray Hie expenses, which will uiiinuiii to ahoiil $2110. Subscriptions may be I' ll at the store ol illdewiiilel .V- Itcgan, coiner ol Washington avenue ami Thirtieth street or at il|e business office Pri .: . All I.Is h it the Daily tills office will h< turned over io \li .Newport Ni-ws Knigllis o| < 'ol ii in Du er Conclave. No. 2 at acknowledged ami < lldewurlel. i 'nunoll, No. fill, ami .lames Riv , Improved Or dl>r I Icptllsbphs. will each colli riliutc to ilio fund ai their next regular meetings. The animal which hit ihe Hille boy had a leather muzzle on ai ihe time he hit Hie child, lint the mu/ did not prevent the biting. iL has heen pointcif but thai the leather muzzle dor:, no prevent a dog fruin Idling and. ai Ihe same lime prevents his in.nun from having Hie freedom ii should have in hoi weather. A wire basket muzzle for dogs is now being advocated and ii is pri)bu? hl? i ha i lie' cilv councils will be ask cd to so amend the muzzling ordl n.nice as jo reipiire wire liaskel muz ?los i?> In- worn by canines instead of the leal her muzzle. 'lie- basket muzzle -allows Ihe doc. plenty of froedoin to pain as dogs must in slimmer and also allows ii to drink win er whenever ii so desires. That kind of muzzle is used in Ihe city of Philadelphia, where Hie ''muz? zling" law was Iii si pnl into effect many years, ago. Merchants' Association. The Merchants' Association will meet tonight in regular session. Sev? eral mailers ol Importance are to he talten up, among Hum Mr Alex. Meyers' pla*n by which he thinks the cilv may help tin- shipyard secure contracts. TELEPHONE WIRES CUT. Bel Company Offers Reward of $500 For Arrest of Vandals. The Knill hern Hell Telephone Com? pany has offen d a leward of $".no for the arrest and conviction of the per >"li: who . 'ii ihe long distance wires between Ibis cily and Richmond. The win-., were em in lour places just I S1AHI5MC0 id'. SWELL NliCKWIiAR A Fifty Cent Four* In-Hand 25c That'., .pi t w hat ivi II give yon while He y la ,'i l.atesi shades In ? very pad ru thai can be foiind in any fifty-cent Hip. in town. SPIXIAL 25c fSLL WINDOW DISPLAY.) Thirty-third St. and Washington Ave. above this city last omlay night and the credit for the work is given 10' sympathizers of Hie striking iiubml linemen. 'Iii.- company has a st a ml ins offer of $5" reward for Hie attest and con viel ion of anyone tampering with the! wiles. Iowa to Dc Overhauled. Tlit United Stales battleship Iowa I has been ortlcred to leave the At? lantic licet at New York Sunday ami procede tu I ho Norfolk navy yard for lu r annual summer overhauling. The vessel, will arrive in Hampton Heads Monday. FIRST HORSE RACES. Meet Scheduled for May IC at River view Park. The fn-t racing nn-ei of I In: sea <<u will In- held at Hie Hampton lto;uls driving park, at Riverview. 611 May is. Two harness and two run? ning races have boon booked for the nieol anil gooil sport is looked f/or. Mos| of the horses which will race at Die Hampton Roads park will par licipate in Ihi! Norfolk Horse Show 111 vi-1 mi May Tit HEEKETOLKER. Local Man Weds Young Lady in the Capital City. Miss Rosn K Heek.-, iif Richmond, and Mr. AI Ii Tnlkur, of this eil.v. win- inairieil ai SI. Mary's Calholic church, in Richmond. yesterday morning ai o'clock. Rev. Father lOdwaril officialitiK The church was hi a 111 ifnlly decorated and was filled lo its capacity with the friends of the couple. Alter tin- ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Tolkei' I' ll llichniouil for a wedding lour Ihrough the uortli. They dill visit Wasiiiiiglou, Halllniore, Philadel? phia. New S'ork and Huston. In-fore returning in this oily to make their hoine. Mr, Tolker is the; proprietor of the New poll News Wine mid Lhptor Coinpiiuy and Is well known in this I city. Mi s Hi el,e Is the daughter of Mi ami Mrs. M. LO. Heeke of Rich? mond Tie- pn . cuts were numerous and handsome. LOCAL ELKS TO ATTEND. Funeral of Alhcrt Moscly at Soldiers' Home F vi day. Rev. A. O. Sykes. I). 11.. rector of St. Caul's episcopal church, and chaplain of Newport News lodge, No. IHTi, It. P. (1 Klks. will lisslsl in con dueling the funeral of Albert Moscley, which will lake place at the Nation al Soldiers' Homo chapel this after? noon at 'Z o'clock. A largo number of the mem hers id (he local lodge will attend I ho ser? vices. Mr. Moscley was well known in this city and all over llio Peninsula, lie was a mein tier of Ha nipt on Lodge. No. lira; It. p. o. Klks and was promi? nent in the circles of Hint lodge all over the Stale. Sermon to Students. Rev. K. T. VVellfnrd has been in vi led to deliver the huccnlnurcnale sermon to lite graduating class of the Newport News High School this year. The .sermon will he preached on Sunday evening, .Inno lo. ;il the l-"ir..t Presbyterian chinch. Books From .Government. Principal .Linie-.! 10. Allen, of Ihn local llinli sChtol, has written to Hon. William A. .limes, representa? tive of this illstriel in Congress ask? ing that an effort he made lo have (he High school library made a de pOsitiiry for government publications. Mr. .lottos has taken the mailer up with the government printing office. Delinquents Must Pay. City Treasurer .1. M. Curl is has an nounced H?tt all delinquent tax-pay era wlin do tint pay-up on or liefere May will have.their properly nd veiii.ed and sold In accordance to law. NEW DETECTIVE SERGEANT. Will be Selected by Board of Police Commissioners Tonighit. A sueces er to former bolocllvc Sergeant II .1. O'llara will be olios en by I he hoard of police commis? sioners at the regular meeting to iiigiit. Officers Morrison, Wbodwarii, Brid? ges, Padgel ami Slielton arc aspir lints for Hie < ffiee anil it is very like? ly Hint one of 1 hem will be appointed. Another Barn Destroyed. A barn en Hie farm of Mr. Theo? dore Hi.ii'e. near Morrison, was dc ntrryed by f}fb Tuesday night. A Ifitgfi supply of (din and numerous h igoii ,ind binning lni|ileinent:i w'ero burned and .1 librae was badly injured. There was 111 in..111 mice Suit for Divorce. Sun for divorce was entered here .v< slenlay by R, p. Holland agaiiihi hi wit's heue Mavis Holland. Hampton Roads Ordinance. The highways and sewers commit i"e (d the council will meet tonight in transact rejiilar business and lo cbnshler the Ordinance authorizing Hu- Hampton traction Company In abandon ihe u.,e or the Twenty-sixth 1 red in ide.e and Like up certain of its tracks. 'Mr. Allen U. .lone;, repre? senting a uiimiici of citizens, will ap I/pear before ihe commltte in oppose the ordinance. REPORT IS DENIED NOW Southern Congressmen Not Oppos? ing Ebposition Bill. GARDINER GONGEOES HIS DEFEAT Sjys Mcasue Will Pazs in Spite of His Fight Ag.iinst it?Virginians Insulted by Speaker Cannon When They Called. It Is learned here with thai Hie report Io the effect thai .1 majority of the Democratic members ? if Congress wine opposed to the Jamestown lixp silion bill is Incol net ami il i.-. very probable that most of tie: Democrats will support Ihe hill wlen it is taken up. Repre? sentative John Lamb is iptoled by a Washington correspondent as savin;; thai nine-tenths of at! the Democratic representatives will vole fur ihe hill. II11 1 he w hole prospects for I lie pill" ? age nf ihe ex pi 1.-it inn hill are ex? ceedingly bright, line of Hie most favorable expression.; heard of Hit * li'iiii s 11 in representative Hurdincr, chairman of the House ciinimil tee on iiidustini ails and expositions an I leader of the opposition to Hie bill, who says 1 hat he Is convinced thai Hie measure will go through in spite nl Speaker Cannon and any others wlio may oppose it. None of tin- members nf Hie Vir? ginia delegation attended a reception given at Arlington last Monday night in celebration nf Hie seventieth mini, versary nf Speaker Cannon's birth. Ii was supposed that it "just happen? ed'' that none of the members at li tided; Im: a story has now leaked mil whil Ii explains. I: seems that live or six of the Virginia representa? tives called upon Hie speaker several days ago to confer with him in re? gard in the exposition bill, When Mr. Cannon found out (be object of the call he became enraged and, it Ij said, used objectionable and violent tornis inward his guests, applying names that were, to say the least, unfit, for print. LOUISIANA NOT DELIVERED TO GOVERNMENT YESTERDAY Delay in Arrival of Material Will Keep Battleship at Yard for Awlii Ic. It was officially announced yester? day thai as yet the navy department has not set an date fur the accept? ance of the new battleship Louisi? ana, linder eoiistructi'-'n at Ihe loiral shipyard. It was though! that the vessel would he lowed to the Norfolk navv yard today and there turned over to Hie navy department this nf tern son. but she will remain at Hie local yard until, the navy department sec. li' to accept her. Kxcrpl for some work, which has been delayed because of Hie failure of the government to furnish the ma? terial, the Louisiana is completed and il is expected that she will he taken Io Norfolk sometime this iinntlt. SCHOOL TRUSTEES, Regular Meeting to Be Held Tonight ?Commencement Plans. The board of school trustees, will meet in regular session in Ihea sscni idy hall of the High school building tonight. Mr. Iliidglns, the ncwlv elected member of Ihe hoard, will take his seat loiiight. Tin; final arrangements for the an? nual commencement exercises of (lie High school will be made at Ihe meeting and oilier important hush 1.ess will he disposed of by lb.' board. MR. MONROE TRANSFERRED. Goes .to Washington With Construc? tion and Repair Bureau. Mr. ICdward Monroe, who has been stationed in the drafting division of the department of the bureau of con? struction and repair of the navy de partmcnf at the plant of Ihe Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Cbmpnny. since 1808, yesterday morn? ing received orders Io report Io Ihe bureau of construction and repair at Washington as soon as (iraclicabio. Mr. Monroe will leave" 111 a few days days and will make bis future home in Washington. Since he has been in Newport Nows the young man lias made a host nf frieiuK who have beard of his transfer with regret. Special value, between West and Washington avenues, largo 11 room dwelling, modern improvements, only w 500. Reasonable terms. NCLMS. ma RYE, RdYlONT?N & CTIAPiN. In., Real Kstiite. Insurance, Loans. Rents and Investment Roads, ? 9-2t The turnpike, road to peoples' hearts, I find, Lies through their mouths, or I mis take mankind.? Tetrr Tindir. ?And the turnpike guide post Ts the trade mark of the National Biscuit Company. It points the way to the food of quality?biscuit and crackers so'perfectly baked and properly protected; so cleanly packed and freshly kept, that they never fail to please in their mission to the appetite and heart. This trade mark always appears in red and white. It is placed on each end of a dust and moisture proof package that keeps the contents in their original condition. National Biscuit Company products arc thus distinguished and warranted?you are thus protected and guided, in buying the most perfect of bakery products. Ar, an examnlc try a package of GRAHAM CRACKERS. You will instantly recognize their superiority oicr any oniinaiy Graham cracker! you ever tasted. They contain all tho good of the best Graham flour enhanced by perfect lukiDg. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY ?Mini wmmnimmamaammmmmmMmmmmmBsammm ess, Washington Avc at 30th Street. THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY Jill wool 30 inches wide in every wanted color, fin ideal I'm I trie for Summer Dresses a 1 yai'd 5?Ct A SAI.K OK PLAIN AND NCR Voiles, worth 75c. tit; C?? viinl .??b MOHAIRS IN NOVKLT.Y weaves and cream Ofl,, while, at yard .<J?l" ALL Wool, Git ICY SUITINGS, a sph itilltl line of thciic t< m> lllar goods, at. KOr. yard.Ulfu A SPIOCIAL BARGAIN IN Printed llallsto and Organ? dies: remarkably handsome styles; and they are Hie reg tiiar 15c grade, at i f| 0 yard .~. IUI? A Splendidly Appointed LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S 40:1 NCI I WHITK LAWNS? fine : lie. r grade; Ihey come in short lengths, >'< to 2U yardH to the piece.. Thorn is tiver I.soil yards in tile lot; noiu worth loss than I Tu? and s Of I Item hris worth more; choice id all. 1 1 yard .I I b ??Mi??Wag3i?BS^^ III IIIIIBMIIIlllimiWI.UIIlJU.JIiMliU.^ . The entire list [of Edison records and all new is? sues to date, including the BRITISH, GERMAN, SPANISH and Grand Opera selections from the foreign catalog. F ACTORY PRICES?EASY TERMS Open from UjBO A. M. to 1 '2 o'clock P. M. L'i'cry/iiiMg in Season Efficient Service 210 2STH. STREET. Bell 'Phone 325. ffKe'; ? To enjoy long life and good health eat "JENNINGS' Butter Bread CURED QUICKLY and PERMANENTLY By Using It's tho staff of life. WHY? Be cattBO It i^, made out of the best ma I ferial thai, can be bought. We bava thousands of testimonials Why not try tt loaf and he convinced. Look for tho tag. We aro uot ashamed of our goods. HEALTH FOOD BAKERY & CON? FECTIONERY CO. Washington Ave. and 51st Street AND TO SET YOUR LIVER WORKING RIGHT is absolutely imperative if you are fo get any comfort from lifo or nourishment from food. A torpid liver can bo n vory dangerous con? dition anil should not lie neglected. Few mnclicinciiact. as thoroughly promptly and safely as R&G Pills. They tiro vigorous but in lid! and cause no inconvenience or nausea, ' THEY CLARIFY THE SKIN, PURIFY THE BLOOD, AND REGULATE THE BOWELS By Cleansing all Disorders from tho System Tbev are a suro and posit ?ive cure for nil Diseases of tho Stomach Liver. Kidneys mid Bowels, Constipation, Biliousness, Headache In? digestion, Nervousness, Pimples, Blotches und nil Skin. Impurities. TWO SIZES, 10c. and 25c. a BOX.. Also 11. *. O. Sciatic Plasters and *R. & G. Derma Lotion. Kor sale at Congdon's P liar unto leu, Newport News, Hampton Phoebvj ami The Standard Supply Company, Inc. No. 2608 Huntington Avenu?. J. Whlto Chamilor, H. H. Brushwood, P.e3ideut. Secretary. J. P. Gayle, Treasurer. Don't forget ?he place where you can buy 8tudebaker Wagons of every style. We carry a full lino or Runabouts, Surreys, Top Buggies, Grocery Wag? ons, and many other spring vehlclo3. Harneuu and Horse Furnishings. Har ncss Repairing a special feature good work assured. Farm Implements, Including Ihe fol? lowing well-known makes: Oliver Chill Plows, Dccring & McCormlck Mowers and Rakes, Disc Harrows, Diso Culju valors, Farmer's Friend Corn Plant, eru, Planter Juniors, and many others. Agents for Austin-Western. Road Machinery, Armour's Fertilizers?bot? tom prices for CASH. Tho biggest lino ever offered in our city. Call and look it over before I buying. We want your business. Dai/y Press, 10 Cents a Week Foil Report of Associated Press, PARKER'8 HAIR BALSAM 1 CI'aniM ?ii l twi'iilfiet Cm hiir. I'rnmntri ft /tlxiulant glowth. Vrver Falln lo Bontoro Qr?y Ilnlr In Us youthful Coin-. C'uici inlp ilMMMt K U Kqjc . f0c,"njastft;in DruffffuU -