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HAI Wines and Liquors 1 belong to the (oat tribe that stray? ed away from Imidin before Moses sailed oil the Hod Sea. I'm a price cutter, I'm a money-maker; I'm the one that sells all straight Whiskies; retail al wholesale prices. The follow-, lug high grade 10c wiiiakoj'B 1 sell lor1 fx: a drink: I'aul .lottos, i'liro Itye. Sherwood Rye Whiskey. Carroll Springs, pure Maryland Itye Whiskey. Four XX,XX. Maker Itye Whiskey. Overholl itye Whiskey. I'ark wood Itye Whiskey. All of the above named ?whiskies is strictly high-grade; match :ny prices It you dare, heat mo if you ctm. Whiskey in bulk al following prices: Old Nick pure Itye. 1" pt. 25c; gal Ion .$1.00 Leonards Favorite 1-2 pt. 20c: gal? lon .$3.00 Hunters Pallium:? Itye 1-2 pt- 25c: gallon .*l.fl" Maryland t'luh. 1 " pi. 2.'>o; gal Ion .$1.00 Paul Jones Pure Itye. 1-2 pt. 20c; Rai Ion .$2.75 Carroll springs, gallon .$2.50 X X X X Hake,- Hyo. gallon_$2.00 Star a Itye, gallon*.$2.00 Moss Itoso. gallon .$2.00 L-nrkwood pure Itye.-gallon . ;,$i!.0Q .Jefferson piuu< Itye. gallon ... .$1.75 Kentucky Bourbon, gallon ....$1.1" Double Stamp Gin, gallon .$2.00 Sinltlifield Apple Brandy. ?! yenw old. gallon .$J.0(i The following brands of California Wines. Port Sherry Cat aw ha. Claret. Blackberry at 25c per qi.: per gal 7:,.-. Prblo of North Carolina. 1 years old: gallon.?.$2.00 Kummelll, per gallon.$L'.0() N. Leonard's BARREL and BOTTLE HOUSE 10 and 18 MELLEN ST. Phoebus, Va. 'Phone 280. Just as well (Jet You From P. K. Nicolopoolos Orders received any day in lite ?week. I'm- Sunday we receive orders until 12 o'clock Saturday nicht and deliver the creiini in time for your Sunday dinner. Brick Ice Cre^m To Order At AH Times We serve wedding | arlios and fest? ivals on the shortest notice. P. K. Nicolopoolos 40 W. QUEEN ST.. HAMPTON, VA. .. . 'Phone 102. Ice Creani Delivered to Any Point on tho Peninsula. For Well-Dressed Men are ? Turned out Dally by S. MARBACK, the Merchant Tailor. Wo Just received a full line of ready-to-wear Suits, with open vents on side. The very latest things out In sin? gle and double-breast'.-si Suits. Wc do Cleaning and Re pairing. S. Marbach. Corner Hope and King St-'eets. MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES and STATUARY IN GRAN I I"L AND MARBLE. BeBt quality, material and Tforkmanship at tho prices coa eistent with tho quality of work. LAWS0N & NEWTON 139 WeBt Qfion Rlreot, TIIONB. 19L HAMPTON. 7*. I HAVE FOR SALE Country and Jordan's Hams, pure Butter, Canned Vegetables and Fruits, imported Olive OH (half pints and qii'irts), Cnnned Meats, Chicken, Fish ' and Soups, Olives (plain and duffed). Canned Plum Puddings, Cream de menth, plain and with cherrriea. Mar? aschino Cherries; ali brands of Whiu-i keys, Wines, KuniS, Gins, Brandies.1 Ale, Porter and Boor, for family aud medicinal use. Fresh Garden and Field Seed. Goods sent to any part of the county at Bhort 'phono notice. No. 19 Quetn St. 'Phone 486. GEO. R. WOOD, WANTED._ WANTED?FIRST CLASS COOK, womnn .preferred. Good wages to right person. Apply to HUB RKS ' TAURANT, C8 West Queen street. . Hampton. 5-6-Ct PAVING AGREEMENT REACHED IN PHOEBUS Street Railway Company and the Town Council Get Together on Improvement Question. HARMONIOUS MEETING 15 HELD Body Meets in Special Session and Mcctc the Head of the Corporation ?Company Intends to Double Track Read In Certain Streets?Better Service Assured. After a conference between Mr William .(. Payne, president of the Newport New:; and Old Point Rail? way and i3leetrtc Company, and the Phoebus town council announcement wa.; made y< .-h rday ufierno n Ihn I an agreement bad been reached be-< tweeil Hie town ami rail way company n laMvc In 1 he street paving. The council me! in special session to hear Mr. Payne ami the confer? ence v\a ; harmonious. Mr. Payne was lb meet the council and Hie council in turn expressed Iis will* iiiKiies^ to meet the railway company en a satisfactory basis. After discussing the proposition for an hour an agreement was reached and thi:. agree men I will be submit? ted i (he Council by Mr. Payne in wit'tiug withiii'ii few day -. It is understood that the cotnpnn.v will ib uble track Mellen . licet, do it - .-hare of Hie paving, run the car both going ami coming from old r through Mellen street, and de iKcrilo if> the town the strip of binds along Water ami Mallory street;;. in turn the company is granted i u um lief of privileges ami will he al? lowed if it so desires to do away with a portion of the franchises of tin: II a nipt oil Roads Traction C in puny. Ity the arrangement Phobbua will not. only gel paved streets, hut will have better car -service and have all ears inn through the bu.- im . s section. Mr. Payne's proposllbin was ciiiif.''.dered by the coiiucliiii'.n as an absolutely fair one. Immediately after appearing before tic council Mr. Payne took the train for Iii.; In me in Richmond. PAlLIClElOlOR THE GRAND JURY (Continued from page, six.) she did not think so. Julian Pavlinie had told, her on different occassions that his father ran a drug giere. Up to this time Pavlinie has ex? pressed no regret for billing his'wife. Mrs. .Schott said that she thought thai. Pavlinie had kept a promise made lo Mrs. Pavlinie and that she is, of the opinion the mail did the right thing. Man Not Insane Says Doctor. Hr. George K. Vauders'lcc spout sometime in Pavltnlo's roll yester? day. Alter having the jail. Dr. Van dcrsiicc said up lo this (line ho is of the opinion thai Pavlinie is a sane man. Arrangements have been made to have all the physicians visit the man a' intervals and It is probable that an expert will be asked lo examine Pavlinie and ascertained as to his mental condition. Commons wealth's Attorney Lewis favors this proposition. LODGE OF SORROW. Pretty Tribute io Paid to tbe Memo? ry of Albert Moseley. The Hampton Lodgo of Elks held n lodge of "sorrow" last night when the death of Mr. Albert Mojcley was announced lo the members. Mr. Moseloy was an 131k. Speeches touch lug upon the character rf the dbad man were made by ICxalted Ruler H. Had a Close Call, ?'A dangerous surgical operation, In? volving tiie removal of a maiighs'nt ulcer as huge as my hand, from my daughter's hip was prevented by the hppllcnUon of Ruck leu's' Arr'on, Salve," says A. ('. Stickey, of Miie Iiis, W. Va. "Persistent use of the Salve completely cured It." Cures Cuts RHfiis and Injuries. 25c at W. Hlalr Langhorne, druggist., iQEBUS AN lt. Houston, .mil brothers Frances, SpraguO and Skinner. Tlic li'lk.s will attend tin/ funeral this afternoon in a body. Tin' lodg.' members will leave Die ball al i: 1,5 o'clock in erdor tu reaeli thu Homo in lime for the cervices. Itov. A. (). Syke.;. 1). IX, of the ICpi?topal clliirch in Newport Ncwi, is expected Iii assisl in conducting llic funeral services. SANITY OF YQUK6 5HEE1Z IS DOUBTED BY HIS FATAER Man Accused of Setting Fire to Cross Roads Stoic Believed to be Insane. Mr. Leonard Slice)/, jr.. applied to Sheriff Curtis yesterday Id appoint a commission to ituptire into the sun Ity i I his son Leonard Sheet/., Jr.;, who is charged with earning lite lire ill tin- Cross Koads a few month.; tlfcO. I'ro.-eeiiilug Altorney 11. A. Lewis. Informed the sheriff that he can mil take Hie prlsetier before a commis? sion at Hie present time as young Sheet/, is now in the custody of the circuit coiirl which hioet.i May 22. U i; . aid the ea.-.e will collie up for trial at puce and that I lie man'.; plea will he Insanity. ' CONGRESSMAN WADSWORTH New Yorker Succeeds General Mc M.ihon on Home Board of Managers. News has been received til Hie Na' ttonal Soldier.' Home <>f Hie appoint' men! of Congressman Wad .worth, of New York, a-1 Hie successor of (Ion era! ?Marlin T. Mc.Mahoil on the Hoard id Managers. Former Hovcrnor Franklin Murphy, id' New .Icraey. Senator Warren, of lilln is and Citiicral Anderson have; .ill been renamed as members of the hoard. . Mr. Ross Insane. A commission of lunacy cituip cd of His. !',. W. McAllister, Harry II. Howe, and Magistrate Albert He a tic has declared Mr. .1. II Ross, an old man living in I.aSalle a venue, insane. He wl'l lie roininittod to the asylum in Wllllnnubiirg. Death at the Home. Joseph Dunn, .'>!? years old, com1 paiiy A. Pennsylvania infantry. To Arrange for Memorial Day. The j .jut remind toes from the two chapters of Daughters bl this Cdnfcd OLD POS entry will meet a committee froinl Ih? 1>. I-,', ('amp or Confederate vet? eran in the Voting Men's Chriailau Assoi hittoii Ihltt iirtcritoou at t o'clock Arrnugcnieula I'm tin- 6u sfivatice -I menu-rial day will he perfect oil, Funeral of Mr. Mosley. Tin- funeral of Mr. Albert Muaeicy will In held from Ihe. Soldiers' Home chapel at J O'clock this afternoon. Hampton Lodge of F.lka, t>f which Hi" deceased was a ini'inIM-r. wlil attend tl.\ li . , leaving the icik.i. Hall at I :.o o'clock. Ilurlal will he in the National ? emclory. SPFOl?L ...FOR... Thursday Only I.a?lie;-' lOf' \'r?ls for Taps NeoU and Ann. 1 lt> to a ensionibi' Toilet Soaps I I Until all ate r.olth our line of lue and l?c Snaps go at Oc for one cake? a real bargain. Vegetables A fresh line of native and Florida in ti'is morning. Berries j Wo lind two orates of nnlivep in ! yesterday; expect them tight along now. Tea Try our 40c article for Iced Tea i! is a surprise in quality. I III THE PURE FOOD STORE. Prompt Delivery. Established. WIM. Hi RAPEPORT. 1897. We have jiisl received a shipment of Glassware, which wo offer. Lead blown thin table tumblers, plain and dec' orated; 5Cc dozen. Same glass, with heavy bottom, 70c dozen, sizes. Whiskey Glasses, dozen. All sl/.cs snapes Reer Glnssci reduced prices. All 35c ami al. i Vt West Queen St Phone 592 Every ihing ware that is ing. in all In Knamel worth hav colors ami sizes. No rust. im lia? bility of being poisoned by acids or dj'lningod goods; as we handle no? thing bill first quality of this class of goods. 6 QUART GRAY ENAMEL MILK PANS S T A C E Y ' 5 Call in today and see our cheap'line of HATS,. We are expecting an? other shipment of SAILORS. Call car jy before they are all picked over. MRS. I. M. STACEY No. 39 East Queen Street. Hudgins Block. ~^atB8SBlKW3BICW^ Office Phone 166. Residence Phone 340. BOX 189 S. J. WATSON, JR. ELECTRIC & GflS FIXTURES No. 6 KING 8T. HAMPTON. NT-Continued. Men's high-grade Tan Ox fords?"TH E TURNER." SPECIAL. SALE THIS WEEK. Sellin)? agonls for Boydeii Shoes. $0.00. , , 1 ; Heywood Shoes. $3.50 and $0.00. t C. L. Crockett ? Co. No. 5 IE. Queen St, Hampton, Va, "North Star" Refrigerators There hi no greater nntlv fact ion than knowing you have a refrigerator that will preserve I lie food perfectly. Is easily cleaned, and re? quires hut a small amount of ice. The "NorIii Star'' Is a refrigerator thai will she I ho desired satisfaction. It. Is ihn poor of all cloanable refrigerators and Is so per poolly milde that it will en ilnre years of service. lOvety part Is accessible, every part clean able and the patent air trap and'filling tire the secrets of Its eco? nomy. No charcoal or mineral wool fllllncs In tho "North Siar;" nothing hut GRANULATED CORK, 1 1-1! inches thick, the best, non-conductor known. Seven walls keep the heat out and tho cold In. Cent no tunic Hi tin many less than some bosl al any price. Refrigerator-, and Ice Boxen $8 up. Beautiful assortment from which to select. On easy payments if you like. THE HAMPTON STORK (INCORPORATED) HAMPTON'S LARGEST HOME FURNISHERS m oTnronj~?"ff oTToinn! m~a 5 jnrun tro 055 irtm o tnnrtnrirB'o o tnnnnren tsv? HENRY L SCHMELZ, Presided. FRANK W. DARLING, Vice-President. THE BANK OF HAMPTON HAMPTON?VIRGINIA. Is the Oldest and Largest in Either Hampton or Newport News. 3 CAPITAL, - - - - SURPLUS & PROFITS, $100.000.00 DEPOSITS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Tho only designated Depository in the State of Vir? ginia in Eastern Virginia. We make loans on Real Estate?Not Prohibited?as are the National Banks. FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS. * ? c. t NELSON S. GR00ME, Cashkr. * % -ULflJLBJLfl BASLASiSUUUL^AJLSLSLSLSULZlJLI^ 9.2 ILILPJL9JLiliLILILBJl^ltAfiJUL? M. O. LACKEY. MGR., Po W. Phillips St Co., REAL E8TAf%, 14 8. King 8t' RENTS, LOANS, INSURANCE. Hampton WILLOW SPRING ST. Nice cottage and lot ; will sell cheap. HOLT STREET LOT. Well located, near Armlstead avenue. Deslrl quick sale. LOCUS TSTREET HOME. Well located six-room dwell i ing, city water and sewer con? nections, erms $004 cash, bal? ance easy. CHAPEL STREET HOME. Desirably located and a bar? gain al M.400. STORES. HOTEL HAMPTON. Well located on Queen street. Chapel street. 7 rooms ..$15.00 Armlstead avenue modern conveniences . $is.oo Chapel street, fi rooms ...$10.00 Cottage, Lord ley's Cross/ ing . $7.50 King street. 5 rooms.$15.00 Near La Salle avenue ....?S50 STORES. Queen street. $15.00 Queen street . $20.00 King street and flat_$20.00 King street . $8.00 King street . $$.00 King street . $7.60 MONEY TO LOAN. 6 Per Cent. Long Time. PRESCRIPTIONS That's Our Business. We compound them carefully and accurately and our drugs are always fresh and of tlie best, No better place in Hampton if you want a prescription filled. Tou^rrr articlbs We are always ready to supply yon with the best toilet articles and soaps. MURRAY'S PHARMACY FORMERLY HOWELL'S DRUG STORE. EAST QUEEN STREET. 'Phone 9. HAMPTON. VA. IHBSIIfMHMBiSM Press Advertising Cures Dull Trade