Newspaper Page Text
ON BASEBALL DIAMOND Only One Game Is Played In the National League. ST. LOUIS OEFtATEO By CHICAGO Rain Prevents Two of the Contests In the American League?The Win? ners Are the Athletics and the St. Louis Players. National League How the Clubs Stand. Won. Lost. P.C. New Volk. IC Ii .727 Chicago . I? 7 .708 'Philadelphia . LI Hi .filiii Pittsburg . II HI ..V2I Boston . Hi 12 .-Infi St. Louis. X 12 .400 Cincinnati . '.? Hi .:!'.'? Brooklyn . i. 17 .2?! YESTERDAY'S GAMES. I - \f Chicago. 2; St. Louis. 1. ST. LOUIS. MO., May ?.?Chicago won today's game In the thirteenth Inning. 2 to l. after Si. Ixnils had lind the score in the last half of the ninth on Berkley's triple and McRldo's sin? gle. Score: II.II .13. Chicago on(ino. I 0(l000 I 2 !l I St. L. . . 0 0 U 0 0 (HI 0 i 0 <l III)?1 7 I Druhid and Raub; Pflcster and Mo ran., Time. 2t4fi. Umpires. Carpen? ter and Johnstone. American League How the Clubs Stand. Won. Lost. P.C. Athletics . LI 7 iGfili Washington . II S .r.7!i Detroit. Iii X .Rfiti SI . Lotllii . Ill 10 . r.tio Cleveland. x K .TiOO New York. !? 10 .474 Chicago. X I" 414 Brooklyn . ti 11 1300 YESTERDAY'S CAM P.S. Atheltics, 0; Boston. 6. BOSTON. MASS., May 11.?Both tfcams bunched their hits In today's game hut Philadelphia's were more productive of runs. Score: R. U. IS. Boston . I 00002 21 0?G 12 :: Athletics _ I 0 0 0.4 0 4 00?? 11 Young and Graham; Plank and Powers. Time. 1:51?. Umpire, Sher? idan. St. Louis. 6; Chicago, 2. CHICAGO. ILLS.. May !L? St. Louis defeated Chicago today?11 to 2. The locals were unable to lilt Jacob Ben and played poorly behind Alt rock. Scorn: R. H. IS. Chicago _ 11(10 100 110 1 ? 2 4 I St. Louis .. 2 00 004 0 0 0?fi !l 2 Altrock and Sullivan; Jacobson and Spencer. Time. Itiifi. Umpires. Con? nor and O'Loughlln. All other game:; were postponed on account of rain or wet grounds. Virginia State League At Danville?Danville. 6; Rich? mond. 6 (called end tenth Inning on account of darkness). At Roanoko?Ronnoke, I!; Ports? mouth. 12. Other Games. At Ithaca. N V.- Cornell. 5; Ober lln, 0. At Cambridge, Mass. ? Harvard, 2; Williams, fi. At New Haven. Conn. ? Rrown.. 1; Yale, 0. At Chapel Hill?University of North Carolina. ('?: Gullford College. ?> (called at the end of the fifteenth Inning on account of darkness). I. O. O. F. OFFICERS NAMED. R.' E. Char.e of Clintwood iB Elected Grand Master. (By Associated Press.) RICHMOND. VA.. May 0?The grand lodge of Odd K(dlows of the Hate of Virginia in annual session here today elected the following of? ficers: 'Deputy grand master, C. C. Vniigh an, of Franklin. Grand secretary. T. Wiley, Davis, of Richmond. Grand treasurer, W. F. Ferguson, of Richmond. Grand warden, .1. ('. Noel, of Lee county. JAMAICA RACES. Tleling Wins the Sulfolk Races in Fine Manner. 1 (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, May 9?The races at Jamaica today were run on a muddy track and only one favorite won. Tleling 5 to I, captured Suffolk Hakes, the feature of the event of the closing day. First, five furlongs?Royal Breeze. 2 to 1. and 4 to f?, won; George S. Davis, 7 to I and 5 to 2, second: Dumfound. 20 to I and X to I, third. Time 1 ;?.<.?. Second, filing, one mile and six? teenth?Samuel S. Harris. 8 to 1 and Z to i, won; King Cole, 10 to 1 and Small Farm We offer lo n quick purchaser a farm of 13 acres on main county road four miles from city. A new dwell in:-, and barn and outbuildings make il a very attractive home. The land Is mostly cleared and fine for truck' ing. Price, $2,100. Realty Loan and In? surance Trust Co. IRWIN TUCKER, Pres. 2711 WASH. AVE. I to 1. second; Mary Morris. 3 lo 1 and oven third, 'rime 1:51 3-5. Third, inilo and a slxtuoiiih?Mas anlello, 5 lo I and X In .~>, won; Good Luck, II to 5 and '.? lo I, second; Chimney Sweep. 3 to I ami even, third. Time, 1:19 3-5. Foil rib, The Suffolk stakes, selling five furlongs?Tiding 5 to 1 and -.' lo I, won; Acrobat 15 to I and 0 I, second: Prank Lord, II lo 5 and I to 5, tiilrd. Time 1:<>2 15. ?Fifth, selling six furlongs?Fustian 3 lo I and even won; Sue Smith, 0 to 5 and I to 5 second; Hocus Pocus. S to 1 and 3 (o I, third, time, 1:15 15. Sixth, 5 1-2 furlongs?Brush up, ?'? to I and X to 5. won; Aronaui, even und 2 to 5. second; Sterling, 15 to I and 5 to 1, third. Time 1:0? 1-5. SARAH BERNHARDT PLAYS IH SEAT1LE BEER HALL Actreta Defiant of Theatre Trust Acts in a Summer Concert House. SEATTLE, WASH.. May ?.- Sarah Bernhardt played before 1,500 people In lh<> l.cschl pttviyion, a beer and concert dance hall In Loschl park, three miles out of the city, last nighl. She will give two more performance? in Sea I lie. Tlio flrsl ten rows of seals were chairs and the remainder camp stools. GERMAN WAR SECREIsIdLB ID AN AMERICAN MINISTER Submarine Plans Disclosed for Gold by Traitors?.Disclosures Pro. duce a Sensation. (By Associated Press.) BERLIN, May ?.? Thai Herman naval secrets wen? sold to America has been revealed In the I rial of three German.; named Soiiftohenk, Litcke and Tokournd In the Supreme Court of the Empire at Lelpsio. Toknnrad, who was an engineer cmph ycd on the Government dock yards, communicated certain In forma? tion to Sohftlehenk and Luckc, who sold it to foreign powers. Witnesses testified that Senftle henk sohl Information in regard to the s-crei construction of a special submarine mine to the American Minister at Brussels. Further evidence was offered show? ing thill Soft lebenk and Lin ke sold other naval secrets In other agents of the American Government. The revelations made at the trial have produced a great sensation. METHODISTS TO COMBINE. Plan Submitted for a Federation of the Churches. (Bv ABsnf;ia*orl Press.) 'IJimriNGHAM. ALA., May 0.-, At today's session of Hid general conference of the Methodist Episco? pal church. South, n plan of fedora Uni was introduced in a resolution offered by James A. Anderson and others. Il proposes that the Southern Coir foroUcu appoint commissioners with a view lo forming a federal council, to he composed of like commission? ers from the Methodist Episcopal church, the purpose of which coun? cil shall be to prepare and submit lo the ensuing general conferences of the two churches, respectively, such a plan of federation as shall divido all American Episcopal Methodism into not less than three administra? tive bodies. The resolution was re? ferred. Famour, Strike Breakers. The moat famous strike breakers In the land aro Dr. King'.-, New Life Pills. When liver and bowels go on st.rlko, they quickly settle the irouhl". and the purifying work goes right on. Best cure for constipation, headache and dizziness. 25c at W. Blair I>ahg ihorne, druggist. Railroad Employes Are Workt d Overtime by Companies. SHIFTS ARE THIRTY HOURS LONG Engineers and Trainmen are Killed ,as a Result of Going Asleep After Being on Duty as Much as Forty Hours at One Time. (My Associated Press) \ V A SI II N <IT ON, l>. C, May 9.? ' Tho secretary of the Inlorsliitu Com? merce Commission has soul to Sena- j lor Tliliuau a sliilenionl showing the causrs of railroad incidents in a | largo numher id' cases, together with : I he numher <>f It rrs the train crews] hail heeii on duty al the time of the various accidents. The statement Is very striking. Out of eighteen cases of personal injuries to em.ployi s, including eight deaths, Hie hours the injured or kill? ed employe had hoeil on duty at the time of the accident were not los; than Id hi any case. In one ease the flagman had iieon working '?'<- hours, "OUr1 Bagging, went to sleep and was hi ruck by engine." i* the laconic statement of Hie ciuue cf an accident. "Sal on track; went to sleep; struck by tr.iin," is tin- entry following si 'run lit of injury to one employe who had been working -I hours. In one wreck the statement is made that Hie cause was "crew Tall? inn asleep." mill no wonder, seeing that the men It .id been on duty 27 hours, following a rest of hut four In another casu lie.' collision wais gliiCiimn wdio had been on duty 2'J hoiirs caused an accident which cost I be company $500 and cost him his lire. In one case - f ;? wreck tho engine man had been on duly II 1-2 hours, lie was killed in the accident, ihe stockholders of the OpteniusOola duo to the fact that the crew of one of tho trains hud not slept in two days. NO DAMAGES FOR HUGGING. South' Carolina Supreme Court Re? verses Court Which Awarded $25,000 ?Br Associated Press.) COLUMBUS, S. C. May 11.?In an opinion filed last night, the supreme court decides the famous Franklin hugging suit against the Southern railway in favor of the road. Chief Justice I'ope, however, files an Inter est int? dissenting opinion. The de? cision of the lower court is reversed. Miss Siiilit L. Franklin, was a pas? senger on the Southern's train when she was hugged by a hold had nihil who appeared to have some whiskey In him. She appealed to the conduc? tor, but that official did not pity much attention to her, telling her in effect to forgel it. She brought suit al Greenville for $25,000 and the jury was very liberal towards her?award? ing her the full amount. SHIP CLYDE FLOATED. Boat is Now Enroute to Norfolk for Repairs. (By Associated Proas.) NORFOLK. VA.. May 9? The full rigged British sailing ship Clyde, which has been ashore near Cape Hut terns for about six weeks, was floated tonight by the Mcrritl ami Chapman wrecking lug itescue. The big ship is now enroute to Nor? folk in tow of Hie Rescue, and will probably reach this city tomorrow. The Clyde was hound from St. Thomas to New York in ballast when sin: stranded during a storm. Virginia Postmasters Named. (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON. May 9.?The fol? lowing appointments of fourth-class postmasters were announced today: Virginia?Jefferson, I.India M. Hell? ing; Pilkinfon, Eddie A. Phaup. Nicaraguan Minister Assassinated. (By Associated ProsH.) WASHINGTON. I). C. May 9.?Mr. ('orea. Hie Nicaraguan minister here, today received a cablegram staling that Adoifo Altntnlrano, tho Nicara? guan minister for foreign affairs, has been assassinated. TIte On* Thing lie Dreaded. Mrs. Bonhnm?Are you afraid to diet Bonham?I wouldn't be If I felt sure thr.t I wouldn't meet your mother.? New Yor|r Press. Bondholders* Meeting. There will he a meeting of tho bond holders of tho American Reserve Bond Company at my office, 290P V. nidiington Avenue Saturday, May I the 12th, al S o'clock, instead of Mny iOth. You are requested to bo present if It Is desired that, every one inter esled have a voice In the questions to he discussed. W. E. S. VAUOHM. I . .my 10*12 There is a Reason These classified advcrllsements pay the people who arc wise enough lo place lliem In the DAILY PRESS. This page is read from top to bottom It Is one of the most Interesting parts or the paper, for the simple reason that It shows in a measure the wants of the people; shows business Invest? ments that yield much lo the adver ?tlser as well as the reader. Have you one today? If not you have missed an opportunity to start. I he foundat ion of -viiat might lie your success In the business world. ONE CENT A WORD NO AD. LESS THAN 25c WANTED. WA NT KD ?i BOOKKEEPER AND Stenographer who has had expe? rience in office work. References required. Address "ROOKS." Daily Press Ofhee; my ?fit WANTED?TWO ASSISTANT Sit. peri ill elldcills and four agents, i't once. Apply between X a. in. and ?I p. in. O. It. IjfBKKIIART, Su? perintendent, llooins, 403-'t)l Silsliy Htillding. my !l-2t WANTED?MESS BOY. APPLY AT .liulkins' Grocery Store. 213 Twenty fifth SI reel. my 8-Gt WANTED?OCCUPANTS FOR TWO fnrnislind rooms with hoard, nt No. 12!) Thirty-second street. 5-ti-Gt WANTED?TO FURNISH YOU CON crcte huihling hlock for your house or foundation. Wo make a specially of laying sidewalks nnd fountain work. CASH ft VAUGHN. 2?00 Washington Avenue, or Twenty ninth Street and Virgiuia Avenue ap lS-tf WANTED ? CLOTHES OF ANY kind or description to he cleaned, pressed, scoured, dyed, altered or ro paired. Work the best. Prices tho lowest; satisfaction guaranteed. The Hub Clean. & Press. Co.. 211 33rd St. Cltz. 'phono 328. J. H. Wheeler, Prop. HELP WANTED?MALE. SOBER AND INDUSTRIOUS ALL round man wanted to do slate and tin roofing; good wages will be paid. Apply at 108 Pike Street. Clarksburg. W. Va. my*4-0t 100,000 PLUMPERS. PLASTERERS, bricklayers wanted for Sun Francis? co; we prepare you in few weeks; Union card guaranteed. Free cata? logue. COYNE BROS. Trade Schools. New York. Chicago. St. Louis. '4-28-tf FOR SALE. FOR SALE?BEST LOCATED LOTS on Boulevard and several dwelling-;. STEWART ft Ml DUETT 10. 133 Twonty-flftr street. r> G-3t FOR SALE?AT RIVERVIEW. A nice cottage at a bargain; also a number of lots. STEWART .t MIDGETTE, 133 Twenty-filth street. C-li-31 FOR SALE?TWO NICK LARGE , houses, 15 anil 20 rooms; nicely situated for boarding or a largo family. STEWART & MIDGETTE. 5-G-3t FOR SALE?ACREAGE PROPERTY near the city, $75 to $150 per acre, oil easy terms. STEWART & MID? GETTE, 133 Twenly-flfth street. r>-G-3t FOR SALE?BEAUTIFUL li-ROOM house and lot. best, sections, near West avenue, only $4,500; $750 cash, balance $35 monthly. Just what, it Is now renting for. Splen? did pluce for boarders. SOMMER VILLE ft CO. First National Hank building. B-G-iH Sale of Valuable Restaurant Default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness secured 'by a certain deed of trust executed by David ,F. Daw son to tho undersign? ed on .February 0. 1900. and at the re? nnest of the beneficiaries thereunder, I shall proceed on WEDNESDAY, MAY 16. 1006, AT 12 O'CLOCK. NOON, 'in the premises, to sell nil tho per -ional property used in the conduct of that certain Restaurant and Hotel mown as the PENINSULA RESTAU? RANT, located in the building, desig? nated as No. 2503 Washington Ave? nue. Newport News Va., and con listing of parlor, bud-room, dinlng ?ooni and kitchen furniture abd utensils, chlnnwarc, carpets, mirrors, etc. TERMS: CASH. .1. WINSTON READ, my 10-61 Trustee. HICK& CAPUDINE IMMEDIATELY CURES HEADACHES Breaks up COLDS IN S TO 13 HOURS$ TrUi fcmbife AtOtvifl? FOR SALE. LOTS FOR SAIJ3 Oll LEASE IN ALL parts of the city. Call and gel prices. OLD DOMINION LAN I CO.. Hotel Warwick Rulldlng. I FOR SALE ? TWO DESIRAULP1 lots. In tho heart of Rlvorview. on electric, car line. Price $:150 cash. Thcso lots arc Nos. 5 nnd 6, In hlock ?No. SI, as shown on map of River view, made by O. W. Filchett. civil engineer. They have a frontage of 30 feet each on F.lcotrlo avenue nnd run hack 120 feet. Address "RIVER VIEW." caro Dally PreBS. tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT?NICE FLAT. SIX rooms; lud and cold water; gj.* ar.d electric light; over hardware store. C. L. GOODMAN. ' my 8-0t SPECIAL NOTICE. WILL tllH GENTLEMAN WHO WAS accompanied by a blonde lady Monday, 7th, at 5 p. ill;, ordered a -tailor made Suit of Clothes, call ami get bis blicket hook, containing n large sum of money. T. P. KHAT? ING." Reliable Tailor. 221 Twenty fifth Street. Newport News, Ya. my lU-lf we have Added a news stand to our store for the benefit of Hast Etui people, the Boulovard. Sailers' creek. Morrlmac and Rlvorview sections. We will always have on sale popular magazines and peri? odicals; Richmond, Baltimore. Phil? adelphia anil Now York daily and Suiidny papers. put/OLD'S H-VST END DRUG STORE. ntr lO-'lt FRESH FISH OF ALL KINDS? (Wholesale and retail), Clams and Oysters. Askew & f'artor, fity Market. Hell 'Phone :>7f>y. my Mm NOTICE TO FARMERS?THE WELL bred Slnllion. "twelfth Night," will make this season, through Warwick. York and Elizabeth City Counties. For particulars and pedigree address Dick Richardson, 158 W. Queen. St., Hampton, Ya. ap 13-lin YOU HAVE FOUND 11 TRUE! MUGLER'S Cafe and Family Liquor Store. is tho' best place to buy a PURt stimulaut or a beverage, if you mual havo it. My loading brands of bulk good* are ??iingwood nnd Mount Vornoa. Wo also carry a full stock of other brands of fine Whiskies. Duffy's Malt, for mod'olnal purposes 85c quart; Virginia Claret and Call fornia Wines. 25c quart. JNO. E. MUGLER. 2312 Washington Avanu*. B?ll 'Phono 67. The above reward will be paid for such information as will lead to (ho arresl. and conviction of the parly or parlies who maliciously cut the wires l'roni the poles of the toll line of the Southern Hell Telephone and Telegraph Company of Virginia, between Newport Newsand Richmond, Va., Said wires were located about one mile North of the limits of the City of Newport News. Southern Bell Telephone & Tele? graph Co. of Virginia J. Epps Brown, Gen'l Mgr. Announcement I beg to announce to ttio public of the Virginia Peninsula that I have opened nn up-to-date Confectionery and Ice Cream Parlor at 2617 Wash? ington Avenue (Kohlhans' old stand), and urn manufacturing a fine line of CANDIES and ICE CREAM. I will he pleased to bnvc you call and inspect my store nnd factory. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. YOUR PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED. GEORGE W. KIRKMAN, Both 'phones, 521. CANDIDATES' CARDS. Common Council. * At solicitation of friends. 1 hereby annouueo myself us candidate fir Common Council, front Fourth Ward, subject to Democratic Primary. It elected. I shall endeavor to merit tbe approval of my fellow citi/.cus. Respectfully, L. J. DOLLING. 4-24-12t. Common Council. I hereby announce myself as a can dldale for election to the Common Council from the Third Ward, subject to Democratic primary. 1 respectful? ly request, the support of tho voters of the ward. C. D. M. BRYAN. \ f Common Council. I beg to announce to my friends and the public that I ani n candidate for re-election to the Common Council from the Fourth Ward, subject to tho Democratic Primary. Respectfully. , l-27-tf. R. LilSE DAVIS. jV Common Council. ' hereby announce myself for re-elec? tion to tho Common Council as one of two members to ho elected from the Fourth Ward, subject to tho Demo? cratic. Primary 4-27-ld. WALTER B. LIVEZEY. Common Council. At. the solicitation of friends nnd voters in the Second ward, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Common Council, subject to tliu Demo? cratic primary. Soliciting the support of tho citizens in my ward, I pledge my best talents in their service, td. .1. HARRIS HALES. Common Council. I hereby announce myself as a can? didate for Common Council from the First Ward, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. my 2-td j. J. CHEADLE. Common Council. I hereby announce myself a candi? date for Hie Common Council from the First Ward, subject to the Dem? ocratic primary. 1 respectfully solic? it tho support of the voters, my l td 13. W. HUFFMAN. Common Council. I hereby announce thyself n candi? date for re-election to the Common Council from tho Third Ward, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri? mary. Your support. Is solicited. my 5-td W. W. WASH BURN. Common Council. 1 hereby announce myself a candi? date for Common Council from the Fourth Ward, subject to the Democrat? ic primary. I respectfully solicit your support. C. F. HUNDLEY. my 8-1 tl Common Council. 1 hereby announce myself for re? election lo the Common Council, ns one of the two members to be elected from the Second Ward and will ap: predate tho support of my constit? uents. Respectfully. my 9-td E. MORGAN: LOST AND FOUND. LOST- WATCH FOB. WITH COLO charm; cither on .fefferson avenue or Twenty-sixth street. Reward it returned to Daily Press office." UNDERTAKERS. W. E. ROUSE. FOR GOOD SERVICE and fine hacks. 231-236 Twenty-fifth sire.jt. 'Phones. 51. J. H. CAFFEB & SON, 33RD ST and Huntington Avo. Both 'phones No. 1; residence. Boll 'phone, 41. TRANSFER COMPANIES. OLD DOMINION BAGOAGL TRANS for; office C. & O. Station. 'Phones: Doll Nos. 401 and 135; Cltz., No. 12. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS OF $50 lo $1,000, 0 pur cent. Merchants Mechanics Savings Association. Al? lan D. Jones, Secretary and Attor? ney. First National Bank Building. AMUSEMENTS. May Hillman Stock Co. Tho Three Act Farce Comedy "The Circus Gill" New Specialties. Prices: 10, 20 and 30c,