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LIGHT VOTE EXPECTED Democratic Primary Today Attracts No Especial Interest. COMMENT UPON CHANGE IN PLAN Scene Think City Committee Exceeded Its Authority and Appeal to Head quarters May he Made?List of Pros? pective Aldermen and Councllmen. ! The Democratic pilmury for Iho elect tun id lout candidates lor the heard or aldermen ami eight for tin' common council begins this morning 11 o'clock. It i- expected that there will he less than 'mo vote- rast, -o tli-it- will he tin danger of crowding at the poil The polls will close at X o'clock (ouig)ii and rotUriis I'roin all of the wards should ho in when the com mi < Is a; I" o'clock at the city lik* 111 There was a great deal of comment yesterday upon the action of the clly committee Monday night in amending! section In ol tie- primary plan so as lo compel all persons participating in the1 I litnary to vol.- for two candidates for the council. Some .say that the com inltlee e\<.led its authority in adopt? ing such an aim-mlmeot anil it eerlaiu candidates lose today it is probable thai the Stall- committee will he called upon to settle an appeal. Following is a list of tin- i undid ate* whose names appear on the ticket. First ward. Hoard of iildei men K W. Kohiu sim: common council I T. Hallen nne. K. I. Ford. 10. W. Iluffinan. M. W. (ia\ le and .1. -I. ('In adle. Second Ward. Hoard of aldermen II. It. Walker Hr. It. Lee Hiihinson; common council - 13. Morgan, M. s. Llewellyn. Kniest C. fox and -I. II. Hales Third Ward. Hoard of aldermen A. K. Hurchcr; common council?W. w. Washhiiru, .1. C. Wallace and C. It M. Hi van. Fourth Ward. Hoard ol aldermen .1. Winston Head; common council?It. Lee Davis. W. II. I.lvezey, C F. Hundley and I. .1. Holling. Judjjcs and Clerks. 'I he judges and clerks lor the pri? mary are: First ward A. X. Ilram-h ami W. it. Colon nn, bulge--; Charles Slhley. clerk. Sei oud ward .lohn Hi-pass and W D. Strailinali. judges; lt. II. Harris, clerk. Third wind?A. V. .Nibbelt and .1. .1. Robert K, Judges; X. 1. Havliehl. Clerk. " Fourih ward-IL F. Plummer and ('. A. Ashhy. judges; K. K. Hudson, clerk. Polling Places. First ward?L'L'ti Twenty-fifth sheet. Second ward?Corner Tweiity-iiliith street ami Lleffersnn avenue. Third ward Dr. .1. It. linghy's of? fice, 27ill Chestnut avenue. Fourth ward I'.! 11! Illlllllngtou ave? nue. , Chairman Phillips' Statement. In conned ion with the talk ahout the auiendnieul lo tin- (dan. Chairman Phillips, ol the committee, yesterday gave the following statement to the Daily Press: "I have been advised that the no? tion last niglit of the city democratic committee, in providing I hat no ballot should la- counted for any man for the Common Council, unless it con* tallied the names ol two persons for that office, has caused sumo feeling. "While I did hol offer lie- resolu? tion, and did not know, before I weiil to the luvet I il g, that the matter would he brougbi up- ye: l must say that 1 helb vi- t he s her second though! ol He- level headed Demo A Diamond Bargain We have in slock a \\ pair of fine, almost i| blue virile, perfectly > '/natched diamonds ; weighing nearly a carat each, which we i| can veil for $ ;?,().()(). We picked these up at a bar<jain and ccn sider them worth fully $300 00. !; These ctones would :j make a beautiful twin '< nelliug ring or pair \ o f ear rings. 1. R. SPRAGUE, i'tli ami Watii. Ave. Mfg. Jeweller cihUc volerj ot the city wil/, on due consideration, approve what lias bee" done. "In (be first place lei me say thai while perhaps oik- oi tun members ul the committee may have had in mind some parlietllar candidates, in voting fui i in- i v-ciliitinn. yet a large majority of the committee had noth? ing in view bill the rood of Hie p.ii t v I think 1 < an say w itlidiil fear nl contradiction, thai the pres-l -hi committee has ,-tilven in every way t.i serve tin- In i interests of the Democratic party ami of the c ity, wit bent regard to personal or fao t ional differ) "I think 'bat such feeling as is in evitii in .- is die- d, the idea that the < 1111111111 ti e i' trying to dictate bow people 'all vote; but this Is u mis? apprehension ami the committee has im such idea "The committee ilo':- feel, howev? er, it i : Hie duty of every Dem? ocrat tu say which I wo of lite can didiites fur the Council are the lu st two. to he pitied against the cum moil enemy in the general election In i ther words two nl the Democrat? ic candidates for the Council in each ; ward will run against the llepuhlb j <? r?11.- in that respective ward-: and the (' tiimittee is n| the opinion thai it 1' the duty of every Democrat to say which are the two strongest men tu enter the general election. "According in pri .; und other re? ports, the |{i publicans of the ell}1 will make strenuous efforts in some nl the wards of the city, ami it Is" j highly desirable, therefore, that the I two men who can command the larg? est following should he nominated; .-mil tin' c mmiitce feels that this result can he best accomplished by the action taken. Inasmuch as two nu n must tie nominated Hie Commit lee sees mi reason why any Democrat should hesitate lo express his opin? ion as to which are the best men: ami we believe that any argument against the resolution will be found, upon closje scrutiny, to be an argu? ment in the Interest if some partic? ular candidate; ami the Committee; did nut 1.. 1 that it ronbl consider I particular candidates when this nc-l lion was for the good of the parly iisl a whole. "Wo feel sine Dial if those Demo? crat k, who are disposed in criticise the committee, will put aside, in con? sidering ibis i|tiestiou, tln it' Indivblii al references in individual caiidl dales, and will, as the committee was hound in do, look at the mailer from the standpoint of what is for the best Interests of the party, they will i i..hesitatingly arrive at Hie concilia ?ion that the committee \yns fully .instilled in passing tin. resolution, "The idea entertained by some, thai the amendment to the plan adopted by the ciuii.nil lee nil Matulay night reunites the vnter lo vole for one alderman and two counclluicu, under penalty ill having his ballot en? tirely thrown out is erroneous. "If I he ballot be properly prepared as to aldermen .'.ml Improp? erly prepared as lo coiincilllien, that it will only he disregarded as lo councillliei., ami ice versa. In oilier word--, if all o| Hie nhlcrmcn were scratched, while the names of two cnuncilmcii were left uuscralched. Ibe ballot will be counted f r Hie roiincilnien; while if (be name of one alderman be left ami the names uf more or less (ban two coiinCiluien be unscralcbed the ballot will be counted fnr the alderman." Mrs. M. II. vVcymoulh and Mr. Andrew II. Iloverly, hotII of (his city, ven nulctly married last Sunday by Rev \V. (5, Siatr. I). 11. They re? turned In this city aller the cere, teeny, hut made no announcei.ieul nl the wedding at once. Mr. Itever ly i.-- :. .imtr . I i he Hi m of Itever ly .V- Allen, grocers; ami Mrs. Wey i'Miuth is mother-in-law to Police Of? ficer C. .1. Padgett. Address to Electrical Workers ? Mr Dale Smith, of the district Council of electrical workers al At? lanta, Ca . will deller an nddres. to electrical wci-kers at a pubiiie meet lug to be bed at the Central Labor I'l.imi ball tomorrow evening. Mr. Smith Is here in connection with the strike of the ti lephoho lineman. Work Benins Friday. The work of rebuilding the old church at .laiiiesluwii island will he started Friday. The Society fur the Preseivntloii of Virginia AntinhlthM has arranged to have the church real red. The Religious Herald, the lending Baptist publication of the State, opposes ? the biilbling of the church because it is to be consecrat? ed by a lie.hop. Wish You Were a Giraffe? iinii could fv? etilem loneer?the Sods I Water at kirk man's "'.17 Washington I Ave. Kohlhaas' old stand. my Hi (it Mnnev t<> loan nt.i; nor cenl. W. R, |S. VilTOHN & CO., 2900 Washington avenue. ' G-13-tf Married in Norfolk. Last Penny of Appropriation for New Battleiiip Has Al? ready Been Used. GIVES LOCAL YARD ADVANTAGE Louisiana Will be Delivered Saturday, j While Government Yard Must Wait i Another Month at Least Before i Completing Its Vessel ? Negroes Re I place Jap Servants. I I Advices have, I.n received from ?Now York lo ilio effeel that tin? navy | | depart in. nt has aliened ihe lasi penny ] Iavailable for work <n the hull or the I battleship Connecticut, the slstershtp tu the Louisiana, now nearing com pic-1 lion at tin' New York navy yard. It is now practically iciiain that wink! on the vessel's hull will have to be (Iis I continued iiulll alter tin- naval bill.; pending before tie Senate, has been I passed and .-in.I by ['resident Roos'o j Veil, which will not be done until the first hi .Iiiin?, Only about $i0.i)ou i-chuii.1 of the original appropriation when Construc? tor llaxter. superintending ihe blilid ine, of the Connecticut, made out his I requisitions tor the mouth of April. It was lei'.iiilv stated that the balance would hardly hist longer than .May ja. Instructions have i.u sein to the New York yard lo taper off the force on the I'ounei'tlcul io conform to the Shrinking approprial Ion. The lack of available funds for com plellng the Connecticut will cause a! delay of from fifteen to thirty days in her destruction and means that Ihe Louisiana, building at the local ship? yard, will he completed at least a month in advance of her. The Louisi? ana was VI per cent, completed on May 1 and she will lie delivered to the navy department at the .Norfolk navy yard Sal unlay. The vessel will be commissioned aboni two weeks after she reaches the Norfolk navy yard. The ConnectIciu has already cost nnmcthiiig like $|iio.oimi more than Ihe Louisiana, so i be local ship yard will win the race against the government yard iu ciist of construc? tion and lime of completing work. Hi it I) the Louisiana ami Connecticut will join ilie Atlantic fleet the latter part of June- and the government built ship will be made the flagship of Ihe licet. No aliens will be employed on IIk- two ships as stewards and ward room servants. Those jobs have been held by Japanese |p roiofore, but iu the future tiny will In- filled by ne? groes. WORK OF INCENDIARY. Lighted Gas in Closed of Vacant i Store Room. | Some miscreant turned on and I lighted the gas where a meter had been removed in a closet underneath a stairwav in an unoccupied frame building on Warwick avenue m ar Twenty fifth street* about !? o'clock lasl nicht. Tb" burning gas made a brilliant light, attracting the atten? tion of people on the sllTt'1 ill time to proven a serious blaze. The ICast End engine company re. sponded lo an alarm ami an extin? guisher WB3 Used lo subdue the I flame until the gas could be tunic ! I of. Views Changed. '?It sounds very strange to he:tr you talking thai wiiy." said Chnmlev. ? When we were at roll'?go you didn't believe iu a place of eternal piiui h incut at all." ?;i know," replied Ri'-ter, "hut 1 didn't have any enemies then."? Phil adelphia Press. Favors Closing on Sundays. Governor Swansea has atldn ssed a biter lo Rev. George II. Spooner of Richmond, slaling that he favors having Ihe grounds of the Jamestown Exposition Company closed on Sun Mr. Bryan's Willingness. He would be a rude man who would ask what are the growing Illings which the peerless orator and always receptive candidate has been rlghllm for. As a mailer of facl. have not the things he has fought for been al? ways the things thai looked as though tin -v might bind him in office and lei? he not always been satisfied that Ihej were urowbig? lb- was thoroughly salis.fied with free silver in I SOU. ami was only a little less sal isfied ' with it in I {MW. I Ion ht less the ahamlouiueul of the Philippines to their own lab or some other Issue looks as satlsfac I lory to him now . If ii isn't one I bin: j that he is fighting for it's another He was a radical Itarkis six ami ten yearn ago. Some kind of Democrat thinks that be is a conservative Mar Ids now. He is and always, was a will lug iinikis, however.- New York Eveii Ing Sun. Music Every Evening ai Kirk titan's Ice Cream Parlor. 2617 Washington Avenue. fc Knhlhaas' old stand. my IG-ljt At the Right Time we deliver at vour homo the In Cream ordered of us. Klrkmnn, in;i, Wt?9hiiigti n Avenue Roth 'phones f?21 Ivohllia?e' ol l stand. my Hi tit Woman's Kidney Troubles Lydia E. PinKham's Vegetable Compound is Espe? cially Successful in Curing This Fatal Disease. of nil the diseases known, with which women are afflicted, chronic kidney disease is the most fatal. In fact, unless early niid correct treatment is applied, the weary patient seldom survives. I'.eing fully awnro of this, Lydia K. I'inkhntn. early in her eareer. jrave cxhnusive study to the subject, und in producing her great retne?ly for woman's ills?I.yd hi K. PtuUhnni's Vegetable Compound?was careful to see that it contained the correct combi? nation <>f herbs which was sure to con? trol that fatal disease, woman's kidney troubles. Lydia K. l'inkhnm's Vege? table Compound is the only one espe? cially prepared for women, und thou? sands have been cured of serious kidney derangements by it. Derangements of the feminine organs quickly affect the kidneys, nml when sl woman has such symptoms as pain or weight in the loins, backache, hearing--down pains. Scalding or burning sensations or de? posits in the urine, unusual thirst. Dwelling of bands and feet, swelling under tho eyes or sharp pains in the hack, running through the groin, she may infer that her kidneys are affected ami should lose no time in combating tho disease with Lydia IS. Piiilchnm's Vegetable Compound, the woman's remedy for woman's ills. The following letters show hew mnrvclously successful it is. Mrs. Samuel Krake, of Prospect Plains, N. .1., writes: Dear Mrs. IMiikkaiu:? I cannot thank you unough for what Lydia P.. l'inkhnm's Vegetable Compound for mo. When I Hrst wrote to you I bad suf? fered for years with what the doctor called v trouble mid congest ion of the feiuulu organ's. My buck uchiM dreadfully till tin-time, mid 1 suffered >?> with that hearing d<>? u feel? ing I could hardly walk ncio>s the ronni. Mid notgcl. any decided tostoiMlnetoring with my physician and take Lvdln I-:. Piitk bniu's Vegcjiible Cniiipnitml atal I mil thank? ful to say it has entirely cured mi- I do all my own' work, have nit more backache and al l t lie bad symptoms have disappeared. I cannot praise your nieiliciui) enough, ami would in!viso all women ButlVrhig m Ith kidney trouble to trv it. .Mrs. .1. \V. Lung, of O'.'u Third Ave? nue, New York, writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkhum:? 1 have liefen a great sufferer with kidney trouble. My hack ached all tho time and "f was discouraged. 1 beartl that Lydia K, Piiikliiiin's Vegetable ('oui|>oiinil would cure kidney iliscutic, nml I liegiui to lake is: and it liuii i-iired in?' ? heu everything else had failed. I have recommended It* to Iota of people and they all praiw it very highly, ' Mrs. Pinkhnni's Standing lit? vitntion. Women suffering" from kidney j trouble, or any form of female weak? ness, arc invited to prompt ly communi? cate with Mrs. Pinkhum, tit Lynn, I Mass. Tho present Mrs. Pinkhum is flic daughtci'-iii-lnw of Lydin 1-], Plnlt ham, her assistant before her decease, I and for twenty-live years'since her ndvicc lias been freely given to side j women. On! of the great volume of ex i perionec which she has to draw from, j it is more than likely she has the very knowledge that will help your case. ' Her advice is free and always helpful. Lydia E. Pinhlmm's Vegetable Compound; u Woman's Remedy for Woman's His. In All Parts of the City. 'Hit! entire list (of Kdison records and all new is? sues to date, including the und Grand Opera selections from the foreign catalog. FACTORY PRICES?EASY TERMS Geo. B. Hampton Piano Co., 210 28T11. STREET. Bell 'Phono 325. WE live In n meat eating city us well as age and lliniisnnda liavo uric acid in their systems, (hat Is liable any lime lo bring rheumatism, lumhngo or neuralgia. So be wlso and <lrliik lleanfont Llthla Water, that flusbe.t the kidneys and noulrnlizes this acid and removes thus a menace to your health. Newport News Bot. Co, ?gent No. 3100 Huntington Avenue. Bell 'Phone, 333 Citizens' No. 433. .'0 .?;<v-v,-'.o>'-.r:^ Press Advertising: Cores To enjoy long life B..d good health eat "JENNINGS' Butter Bread" H'n the Htaff of life. WHY? Be i cause It la made out <"-f the liest ma lerlal that ran he bought. We have, thousand*: ,i testimonials Why not try a loaf and he convinced. Look for the tag. Wo are not ashamed of our goods. ' HEiUTH FOOD BAKERY 0 CON? FECTIONERY CO. Washinqion Ave. and 31 sf Street TO CONTRACTORS Proposals are Invited for the History and Histor? ic Art Buildings on lix position Grounds FOR Sealed proposals; fur the above structures will he received up to ;t:ptl p. in. Saturday, May LMlih. itHitl, in accordance with ihn plans and speci? fication!! iirepare?I for the same by the A aaciated Architects and Engineers Of the Jamestown l-'xposRIon Com? pany, Diawing-; am) specifications may he obtained on appllealioii to the As'ko elated An liitects and Engineers, third floor. New Ci'httiry lluildltig, Norfolk. \ a , ati. i I:' M. Saturday, May 12. I!?<>?;. Kaeh applleniii for tin- plana and specified! Ions is to deposit fifteen ? i.>t llirs (fifi.Ob) in wish lor each sol ap pied tor. if the drawings ami specl liealiihs ni-e returned within five t r. i day . llie deposit will lib returned when the drawings and specif lent Ions ate returned. II I he drawings and specifications are kept over five (?i days, Hu n there will be a charge of ten dollar i ($10.00) for each sot kept, and this- charge will he deducted from Ha- original <l< po.-ii. when the draw-j in-'; and specifications are returned", A cer.ltfh-il ?heck for l.wij, thousand dollar.! (:flf,t>06.(>0>. payable to Iii? Jamestown Exposition Couipapv. mitiil neeonipany each bid. Semi bid and Cheek in tie- secretary of the Janies lown Expo ill ion Company . Ronds as sei forth in detail in the specifications mil. t. be ftiruiuhnd by I ib.- successful bidder. The right to p jo. t any and all bid: ! is i. - crved . NORFOLK. VA. Big Sale of '3 ! SI,(H? grades We have secured a few more of Ibe well known "LION" Brand Negligee Shirts?lamed lor i lie splendid dualities used, lie- lit and general appearance. The e ubirl i were made to re? tail at $ and mighty good values at thai. Pretty light and dark eli. ct .. Choice S9c IRMEISTI im fHOORESSIVE CLOTHJF-Rj Not IG/? ? All persons prosecuting any busi? ness or profession for which a license is required, are hereby notified that same is .vow due. Tlie City Council has passed an or? dinance imposing a penally on nil per? son i v/ho d-> not pay before May 30th. l'hase call al Hie Conuui..sinner's Off bio and renew your license al once. This i-.oticu applies to Doff Tags, al May !fH'.fi. B. W. CRUMB, Commissioner of Revenue.