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Stale Board of Fisheries Will Be? gin ii's Wort racly Soys r/lp. Malta .*?j_ MATHEWS CQUNTV HAS II "SCRAP* Members of the Board Have Anived in Hampton and Are How Ready For the Fray ?May Elect Captains j and Engineers lor the Oyster Navy ?Headquarteis Opened. Unless there1 it a change in the pro grant, the firs! matter to he I a ken hp by the State Hoard of Fisheries this morning will lie the contested ftglll over the oyster inspector for Warwick county. Hon. McDonald, chairman; Hon. S. Wilkins Mallo w.-, Hceeiiury; Hen. George II Kee/el. State kenatoi from oRcklngham; Hon. IllSind Mat i sie, ol Richmond members oi tile board, reached Hampton last oveUliig I and the hoard expects to gel dowii to work at !' o'clock thi: inorninir. Nil i\ ly furnished rooms have nei n provided for the board In the Masonic Temple. Much Business Before Board. Mr. Mai hews raid last uif.lit that ibe board will likely ho in session two or three days and thai it is the intention of the members to eoiisidoi the \Varwlck case first and then liike tip the election of the othei inspect ors. Mr Mat hews i aid also that (he board may enter Into the election ol captains lor the oyster iitivy. and I'oi the engineers of the vrirloii! boats. There is no telling Just how many candidates will lie tot the positions ol captains, mates ami engineers, n may be that the hoard will defer Hie ? ice tiou of these officials until Ho hiebt ing in .Inly. Many Persons Here From Mathcws. Another spirited onicst will he thai from district 17a. of Mailn-ws county. Many men from Unit county reached here last night charged with iimmunl lion for the buttle. Among I hone a I ready on the ground from MalhoWH are lion. (I. R, T. Liine, meinber of the Mouse of Delegates: Ihm. G. Y. Hundley, former member of the bouse; Mr. .). .1. fturlie, treasurer of the county: Mr. I \V. Minier tin present oyster Inspector and Mr, \V O. Miles who liopes to scalp Mr. Minier on tills occasion. Mr W j<\ Davis Is another politician from Ma thews Tills will In; a stuhborniy fought contest. Mr. Minter is a Coo federate- veteran and Mr. Mllou is a young man whom (ho Minter support ers delates has not a vot-- in Mai hews county. Permanent Headquarters. There is little doubt ol Ihe hoard selecting Hamilton lot permanent headquarters. Mhst oi the members favor Hampton ami as the huslnes: men of the town have offered free rooms it is expected I hut the hoard will decide to hohl all ol Iis meotingsi in .ibis I own . Hon. S. Gordbn Cnminiiig has heen Untiring in his efforts lb secure Ihe headquarters for Hampton and to his work alone will he duo the credit. HAMPTON BOY CARRIES OFF GOLD MEDAL AT UBSITY Mr. Alton W. BettG, Resides Winning the Handsome Trophy, Is Award? ed the Covted "V." Mr. Alton W. Ret Is. soi of Mr and Mrs., C w. India of He Hamp? ton Normal Hehool, won the all I championship gold modal at the an until athletic tourney at tie' University of Virginia on Saturday. S"? m i: i. BettB tlid not decide to enter Ihe con? test until a few minutes hefuro the sports began and he captured the prize by u good margin. Ho receivi'd fc-t 2-3 points on IrapezO. horizontal Qualit}' Clothing At a Substantial Saving v*v'e would like to idtow yon a Swagger Spring Suit a I SI 2.50 that ive honestly I?1 lieve cannot lie duplicated elsewhere at $lf>. (Jonie in and try lliein on. WeMl lei you In- the judge of tin: qual? ity and the value 1 - Frankel & Eisenman, The Hustling Clothiers 30 W. Qu*r?ri Street, HAMPTON, - - VA HAMPTON'S BEST STORE. NfftVV and SMART TRIMMED II ATS AT $5.00 THESE POSSESS A OE GHEE OF STYLE AND CHAR? ACTER HOT ORDINARILY FOUND IN HATS AT THIS PRICE. We hiive produced lints in lierfei i accord with the dictates ol Fashion, yfl decidedly itH'tVri iii! 11 um i lie commonplace saincilcsH of effect that cliiiriic ti l i.'i :. inn t of I In- lllll ? shbWll elsewhere. All uf tin i ? lints are im I ln-:-li ilie wbrk room - many are in uovi I sailor shapes ami iliere Is unite a variety of new dress shapes. bar, s.hlerliorse flying lines, parallel Uns iiiiil liinihlitig. His iiciiiosi com? petitor hail an nvcrngi* ?f Sil I lie! iili ? w Inning tie- gold niedal, liieh is tk<- highest honor awarded in tin- iithletie lonrney, young illso lihd tin- distinction ul l.i im awarded tin- "V." for I?ir- excellent work. The medal won liy Mi. Sells I rained ai f'." and i- ii prl/i.1 inueli eov eled by those successful enough to win it. WILL GIVE AFTERNOON SCF.HSI0N ON S rol. HlitcheHOh to Use the Horizontal Bars in the Parachute Drop on That Ocasimi. Profl'ssor kdward It. Hulcliesoh. Hie noi'on. iiuide Ihe prettiest si's ?cm.ion of ihe week at Ruekroe Reach last nicht. Ascending In a height ol ?j.tinn leei, Ihe aeronaut cut himself louse in tin- iiarachute ami dropped within :iou yards of the spot from which he started. Tiie crowd at Hie beach last nicht was an unusually large otic fur Ihe second night. Professhi Huh beton will make an ascent each evening during ihe week. Saturday at I o'clock tli** aeronaut will give a minim c smcen sllill. It Is hi:, put pice til that lime tu make the parachute drop on ihe liorl/oulal bars. A big Crowd Is expected lo go In the beach tills evening. Married in Phoebus. Mr. Prank Pratt Li e, uf lili'/.iiheth City eoiinty, and Mrs. Item- May Ryans, of Philadelphia, were granted a license in marry by tMerit of the Courts Harry II Holt yesterday, The wedding took place in Phoebus last lilghi. To Attend Assembly. Key. Ahhei C. Hopkins. Jr., will start ihi:' morning for Crbohvllle. S. i'.. where he will attend I he assembly nl' the Southern Presbyterian hilreh. POLICY OF THE LACK A WANN A. Manaoernent is Encouraging Traffic to Make Roan Less Dependent. (Special to the Dully Pres i N'l'.W YORK* May 15.?While the l.ackn wnuiia mad is generally tinder. teed lo own about lUil.tMHMMin I' ll of ii ii in i nt 11 anthracite coal, ii is ndliiil ted ilia: the managenieul Is making great efforts to encourage tile growth of general traffic. This attitude is (tue lo Ihe steady growth in the system's coal huslne which last year amounted to 5,792 '.!('?0 tun-. Should the coal business con liuiie lo '.'.row. as it undoubtedly will, the great reserve supply will 'ioricpl Ibly decrease in the course of ye.ii'S, mi t he I ii! Ut e nf I he rOIUl Uli !. tliilhl ? tleniiiudi a policy enabling it to be come less dependent on this t'lnmi if t business. Kffoils in this direction in i lc by Ithe iiresent inanngeiiienl for ihe ho:I tew .vears have been prodiu l?'e ol nrtsidcrahlo success. Front |S8:1 t'i fltttl tin- annual loilllflgo of the i i.i l I in iigi'iciiltiirnl products bar-. Increased (50 r,77 tute , while animal producta show a gain of !I22.. J7 tons. OUEEN IN AUTOMOBILE CRASH. Mother of the Sovereign of the Neth? erlands is Thrown Out. (Rv Associated Press.) PK IM.IX. CKRMANV. May 15.?The Dowager Queen ICmhia. of the Nether lands, mollier o| Queen Wilhohniiia, was thrown from an automobile al Stelnfiirl. Westphalia, where she was \attemliug ihe silver wedding of Prince iiiiil princess von Sontheim Steliifttrl. Tii.- machine struck' a butcher's Wagon; ejecting Her Majesty and ln< ?? von It. uiheim Steinhii I. The Qdeeii moiber was bruised, but re sinned !?? r ride. On Next Sunday, if yoil want Ice ('renn semi your order lo K Irkman's, 2017 Washington Avenue Roth 'phones 521. Kohlhaag' old stand. my ltj-bt REV. RtVEROY ESIilL D. 0. WILL BE THE SPEAKER Rector of St. John's Chinch to Ad? dress the Confederate Organiza? tions on Memorial Day. It. v. ifevordy i: .nil. I). D., rcctoi of St. John's Kplscopnl church, will deliver Ii..- AI. nun ial Hay add lews he? im, the Confederate organizations on Friday nlteinoon. Dr. I'.still is a I toll hi-d . pi'iilu'i and lie will uu doubt attract a large crowd. I hil l J It. I Imi 'mi will ill) i n duee Rev. Dr. Ks tut and n I? ox|ibel ..I thai 'I .iv. a i'Imi I; William T. West Wood, chairman ul tin- Memorial Day commit lec, will in- master of cere iih Hl ii S . 'lie- i si nl i '. i will lake place in Si. John's ceinetei'j a: I u'eloeh in tile afternoon. The veterans iroin lln county, mouthers of tin- Daughters ol Confederacy ami Sons ol Volerahs (in expected in participate in tin- annual tribute in ilie inoiuoiy of (lib honored d. a.i <?f the CotilVd? lacy. HAMPTOfl FIREMEN CELEURAI L. Crack Fire Department Is Now Tweiv ?y One Yeair, Old. 'I In Hampton Piro Department pule liraied th. twenty first niiuiver.uiry oi it:, oiyani/.aiiou with altrbetlve ex? orcises in ibe engine house last night, l in prog rain, which consisted of mu? sic, and other h-alnil--. Was IllUcil oil joyed. There were piosenl a large numher ol tie' liretiioiij while many ol .Ii.' friends oi On laddies were also liiere. Refreshments were served''. MISS LAKE BRIDE OF MR. HYATT Pretty Home Weddincj Takes Place at tlie Moon- of Bride's Parents. Mi s Fannie l.owelling Lake, second daughii i of M i ami Mrs - .lohn It was niarrieil in Mr. Rudy llynt' in the hon.I her pan tits in King iiii' at f?!!IO o'elocl; yesterday alter noon. Rev. K. Pendlet on Jones, D. |i , pastor of the Baptist (hutch, was the oilh iatinc mini ti-r. Oiily a fluni] party of close friends attended tie ceremony. Follow Ins tiie mat ringe Mr. aiid Mi-, liyatl started mi a wed.line, nip and upon iii.ii reliirii to Hamilton tie y will he ai home to their friends in lln- homo ot Mr. ami Mis. Mlitiiil I i. Ilyitil, Chapel street. WAFFLE TFA, PYTHIAN CASTLF. HALL. Thursday, May 17, G to 11 O'clock, t inier auspices Pnrsniingo Roelelj of tiie First Methodist Church. Supper ami refreshments will In served. The public is invited. Wines and Liquors I belong to the lost tribe thai stray uil away fro in Dublin before Mose: sailed on the Red Sen. I'm a price culler, I'm a money-maker; I'm the ruin dial sells all straight Whiskies; retail nl wholesale prices. The follow lug high grade I tic whiskeys I sell foi "in a drink: Paul Jones. Pure Rye. Sherwood Rye Whiskey, Carroll Springs, pure Maryland Ryu Whiskey. Four X X X X. linker Rye Whiskey Overboil Rye Whiskey, PatkWOOd Rye Whiskey. All of the nhovo iinmed whiskies Is strictly high-grade; match :ny prices if you dare, heat me if you can. Whiskey In bulk at following prices: (?1(1 Nick pure Rye, 1-2 pt. 25c; gal !un.$-1.00 Leonards Favorite 1-2 pt. 20c; gal Ion .$.1.0(1 Hunters Baltimore Rye 1-2 pt. 25c; gallon .$l.liii Maryland Club. 1-2 pt. 25c; gal Ion .S4.?<i Paul Jonen Pure Rye, 1-2 pt. 20c; gallon .$:'.7r> Carroll ?prlngs. gallon .$??' fill X X X X Haker Rye. gallon_$2.S0 Star a Rye. gallon.$2.00 Moss Rose, gallon .$2.00 Lurk wood pure Rye, gallon ...$2.u0 Jefferson pure Rye, gallon_$1.76 Kentucky Rolirbou, gallon ....$1.1" Double Stamp Clin, gallon .$2.00 Smlthficld Apple Brandy, ?! year.-: old. gallon ..$2.00 The following brands of California Wines. Port Sherry Calawba, Claret. Blackberry at. 25c per ql.j per gal 75e. Pride of North Carolina, 4 years old: gallon .$2.00 Klimmelli, per gallon.$2.00 N. Leonard's BARREL aiid BOTTLE HOUSE 10 and 13 MELLEN ST. Phoebus, Va. 'Phone 280. $1.25 MARSEILLES BED SPREADS FOR full noum.c nnn sizf. \Ve'vo jnsl ri.ivod Ihe second shipment of those . 111:11 $1. double-hod side Marseilles Red Spreads, that go on sale ibis 00? ninrniiig at .?JUu Here's the story had a" opportunity to Hose a large (ol at n re ilnceil price, aiirt iliil it. uml when we sell them to you at *.>s<- we are giving you the liest value you ever got in the way of a lieil spread. Heiter come down and see theni, Dept. Store. ST? Hampton, l/a. 9 Desirable Business Properly ON CORNER Qf KING ? LINCOLN S1\S As Aneiloneer for tie owners, 1 will idler fur .-ale at Public Auction in front of the Court House in the town of Hampton, Vir? ginia, mi SATURADAY. MAY 26th, 1006. at IPliO o'clocu P. M.. that ret tain piece or iiareel ol land In the town of lininplou. Virginia, at tin- tinnier of King and Lincoln Streets, said property having a frontage id ifi-l :: l !? ? i mi King Si'reel and a depth, or frontage of 100 feel i.ii Lincoln id reel. Said property now occupied liy the Mump inn Supply Company and the People's Hiiilding und Loan Association. This is your opportunity in secure one of tie- best husluess prop? erties mi King Street. Don't forget tin- date. Sec nie for further particular-;. I will also offer fm sale the same day ten suburban building lots. M. O. LACKKY. MGR., P. W. PHlllipfi & Co., REAL ESTATE, RENTS, LOANS. INSURANCE. 14 ri. King St* Hampton FOR SALI: RKSTAURANT RUSlNESS. fully equipped, large- building, ihor oiigiiiy repaired ami newly painted, located ,,u Asylum street. Phoe? bus, Vn . near tin- gate to the National Soldiers' home, can he bought very cheap for cash and very reasonable terms can be made also. A "16 acre Irlich farm, about | i n mlleii from either Hampton or Newport News, dwelling, barn:;, out bouses, etc.. can be purchased very reasonably. Price (pioted on application. Lots of hit:-' fm- sale on Raleigii ami Dare avenues., and Shell road, near Rlverview. Price tun and $!i5. A five room dwelling ami lot on County street, Phoebus, Ya., can be bourhl at a t.iielllice. 1 have ahylhlng you want in Ihe wav of HEAL ESTATE. R E N T S Pive-roo^n. Iwb-siory dwellings with city water, on Elm street, iT.titt and $7.".n. Three huge dwellings oh North King "t I Randolph sthvlsi with electric lights, baths, etc., eiC.i $20 and $25. 211 Ariiilslead avenue, in rooms, modern conveniences .SIS 224 Hob si reel, 0 rooms . $10 22tl Huh street) :! roonui .$5:'? 430 Holt street, '< roouid.ST.ou REAL ESTATE, RENTALS, LOANS. CKNERAL Al!t-TIONEKR. INSURANCE, and NOTARY PUDLIC. !l and 11 N. King Street, Hampton. Va. 'PHONE 50. 1 1 L'-lii'... .'.-"iM .'.. " i . '? ' " ???"??j> im .nil. .;..i?~tBiyr,-?^caB3r : STAGEY ' S Call in today and see our cheap Hue of HATS.. We are expecting an ?Hier shipment of SAILORS. Call ear ly before they are all picked over. MRS. I. No. 30 East Queen Street, STAGEY Hud(jins Block. Office Phone 168. Residence Phone 340. BOX 189 ELECTRICIANS SMMBIMIfcllMI If ? ?aa ALL sizes S. JL WATSON, JR. THE ELECTRICAL .MAN. g No. 6 KINO ST. HAMPTON. While Goods Sale This week. 2.000 yards Nub Voile .-.5c yard 10 Inch wide Persian Lawns .'..1-lc yard 10 inch wide Orrjandy .10c yard linen-finished Costume Lawn . ...?.'. 19c yard Lingerie Linen Lawn.1f)c yard 10c P. K. this week.v .5.. yartl 8 AND 10 W. QUKENST., HAMPTON, VA For a Quick Cash Buyer I nan sell you 3 1-2 acres in Mench? ville on deep Creek, Warwick coun? ty Cond B room house and outbuild? ings; young orchard and fine Spnug water for $550 A small farm. 40 acres; 2 1-2 mllei from Morrisons; about 15 acres clear? ed; the balance well timbered; nice orchard, and shade; two fine Spring* of water on the place; no buildings; $750 cash. W* E. Lawson I No. 18 N. King St. Hampton, T* I HAVE FOR SALE Country and Jordan's Hams, purs Butter, Canned Vegetables and Fruits, Imported Olive Oil (half pints and 'quirts), Canned Meats. Chicken, Flsu and SoUps, Olives (plain and Cauffed). j Canned Plum Puddings, Cream de ! month, plain and with cberrries, Mar? aschino Cherries; ah brands of Whis? keys, Wines, limns, OIhh, Brandies. Ale, Porter und Beer, for family and ntedlcliinl use. Fresh Harden and Field Seed. Goods Irent to any part of the county at I short 'phone notice., No. 19 Queen St. 'Phone 438. GEO. R. WOOD, R. E. Gatewood Bottler of Carbonated Beveragee. Celery tonic for the nerves, a pure and healthful drink, which tones up the system, crentea appetite and pro | motes digestion. Agent for the famous Saehs-Pruden Company's ginger ale. This ginger nie received the highest [award at Natlonul Wine and Splrif -how. Madtsoh square Harden. Octubet I8-2?. Highest award for quality over worlds' competitors. Agents Reechs-Quelleu Natural Min? eral waters. 'Phone, 177, Phoebus, ' I \i IF YOU ADD one pint of water to Bn't?h pints of niilU. you do noi get one gallon of milk, and the same is true when you adtl adulterations to paint ? you weaken the paint. Avoid all rlulnee of get ting adulterated paint by demanding Davis9 100 per cent, Pure Paint as it carries on every package tin analysis and guarantee that pro? tects you against all torms of adul? teration . FOR 8ALE BY. fe. RANSONE Hardware Company, ! 1 AMPTON, VA. James M? Gumming REAL ESTATE EIRE INSURANCE GENERAL AUCTIONEER Furniture Stored HAMPTON ROADS DRIVING PARK FRIDAY, MAY 18. Four races?First, 4 1-2 furlong* purse $i.oo. O furloiga-?1 2 ;nl\3. . , Heat race, 2 In It. Y Free-for-all trot or pace. 2:30 p. m. _ HU-tu-w-f-tb-. .LxjuaifillSIJ^iSiiS^