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PHOEBUS SCHOOLS CLOSE ON JUNE 13 Exercises Will Occur in the Theatre at ttie National Soldiers' Home. FINE PROGRAM COMPLETED Prof. Bonneville Has Charge of the Commencement Exercises, But Has Not as Yet Selected the Speaker For the Occasion?Pupils Eager For End of School. The commencement exercises *<?f Phoebus dialled Schools will ho hehl I in the theater ai the National Soldiers' Home mi Wednesday evening, June 13th. For the hud lew days Professor J. II. Liouucvillc, under whose adminis tration the shcbolii have been ro suc? cessful nils soBsiou. has been busily engaged in mapping nut the program for the finals ami that task was com pie ted yettterday. The exercises will open at S u'ciock HPTON, PH and iln- band from Ihe home will fur? nish Ihe music. The program will he as follows: ?'Star Spangled Banner" ? School uml audience. I'l.iv i ?Hev. Mr. Bennett. Address of Welcome?Air. W. P. Clark, chiiirmau of school board. Seluclion?National Soldiers' Home prchi -i in. Presentation of Certificates of Pro? motion?Captain .1. >>". oiuith, score tary of school hoard. Sent;?Pupils of the school. Senior Class Exercises?President's address, Mr. Allison If. Turiiey, presi dent; culling Hid. class roll, Miss T. Vahh n Strange, secretary; class es? say. Miss Machcll Chirk, essayist; se? lection; orchestra; class history. Miss Helen Pnrroll. historian; lass pro? phecy. Miss M innie Mi ll, prophet; se? lection, orchestra; class poem, Miss Ad.lie .lohic.i.Jii, poet; valedictory. Miss Hat tie Marshall, valedictorian. Hone,- Pupils of school. Presentation of Diplomas to Grad? uate-Mr. W. p. Clark chairman oi school hoard. s. lection Orchestra. Addles-: tu Cratidutcs. '?America"?School, audience and orchesti a. lieuedictioii?Itev. Mr. Stalliugs. WILL OPEN THE STREET. Supervisors of Elizabeth City County Met in Special Session." The hoard of supervisors met in special session yesterday afternoon ami dlscuased the Improvement of the sei tic11 from Hiverview to Newport News. The board decided, to imme? diately begin the work of opening the road from Hiverview to the Warwick OEBUS AN county line at (lie intersection of Twenty-sixth si reel. .Messrs. W. it. Tlgnor, Henry Shel Ion lind J. T. Lee were present as members of the board, while Clerk of the Courts Harry II. llolt and Com? monwealth's Attorney It. ,\. Lewis wert? present in their official capacity. Captain J. C. Itoblnson appeared be? fore the hoard as a citizen of the dis? trict under discussion. SCORED A BIG SUCCESS. "Vision of St. John" Drew a Large Crowd to Hampton Baptist Church. ''The Vision of St. John." the sacred cantata, given by the choir of the Hampton Baptist church hist night, scored a decided hit ami proved a rare musical treat. The Baptist church was well filled with an enthusiastic and thoroughly well pleased audience. Society to Hold a "Waffle Tea." The I "arson age Society of the First Methodist church has arranged a unique entertainment for tomorrow evening in tin- shape of a "Wattle Tea." which will he given In the store-room of the Pythian Castle, re? cently occupied by Mr. Begar Whiting. Refreshments and supper will he served from H to II o'clock and an enjoyable occasion i-s looked lor. Negro Assaults Booze. William lleshuian, conned, was lie? fen' Justice Albert Dean yesterday afternoon on the charge <>f assaulting lloo/.e. hot not the kind to which be has I) en accustomed. This time it was me real human Booze?Joseph by name. Ili-slimnn used a beer bottle on Booze's cranium, lie will he Sher? iff Curtis' guest for tiftten days. DURING THE LAST 2 WEEKS, HAVE SOLO? RICHARD HENRY..- 2 ,). \V. MANLKV. 1 \V. II. KKpTItt. 1 IS MM A BOWMAN. 2 (.{. W. HORRY .:. 1 ROUT. BROWN . 2 II. G. JONES ... . 1 ?lata Total .-10 Plats Only 23 Plats Left and Only 2 Weeks More at This LOW P FICE Don't delay now and after? ward regret PHONE 432 22 E. QUEEN ST* Hampton MONUMENTS] HEAD STONES and STATUARY IN QRANITK AND MARBLE. 71.'Hi quality, material and workmanship at Um prices co?? eisteut with Ihn qualify of work. LAWSON & NEWTON 130 West Qneu Htreet, THON?, 191. HAMPTON. VA. For Well-Dressed Men are Turned out Daily by 3. MARBACH, the Merchant Tailor. We just received a full line of ready-to-wear Suitd with open vents on side. The very latest things out in sin? gle and double-breasted Suits. We do Cleaning and Re pairing. S. Mar back Corner Hope and King 8t'eets, 'Phone 192. Pure Crushed Fruits Are. used In the Ice cream manu? factured In our plant. When you or-| dor fruit cream yon do not have to| gel. the canned fruits here. Six Flavors There Isn't n day in the week that we do not have at least six different kinds of cream ready for delivery. Sunday Orders Receive our best attention, the cream being delivered at noon on Sunday. We can supply you with cream any day in the week. . P. K. Nicolopoolos Manufacturer of Cream, Candies and Fresh Drinks. 10 W. QUEEN ST., HAMPTON, VA. CARDINAL GIBBONS TO VISIT FATHER FALUN Prelate of the Catholic Church Ac? companied by Iiis Suite to Step Off at Old Point Cardinal Gibbous, who yesterday at tended the golden jubilee of St. Vln cent's' hospital in Norfolk, will arrive at Old Point at noon today and will le tin- guest uf Rev. Father William Fallon. of St. .Mary's Star of tiie Sea Cahlolie. 'The cardinal will be ac cniupniiled by priests from linltinmr-j and it is also thought that Sight It v. A. M. Van de Vyver. bishop of Vir? ginia, will he Father Fallen's guest. Cardinal Oihhons will remain with with Pa I her Fallon tnmo'inw after noun, when he will return to Haiti innre. It H understood that Cardinal Gibbons will not bold any public s.- v ices i.t old Polin. PERSONALS AND BRIEFS. The Coming and Going of the Pec.pli You Know. Mis. Frank W. Darling, Mrs Harry Wise Hooker, Mis. Mary Wall; er ami .Mrs. Flank Hooker were among the llahiph.n latlliM who at? tended the meell'ig ol Urs Associa lluii tor ihe Preservation if Virginia Aiitiijilithis in Rlciimoild. Miss Pauline Hhitieh-rc. ,d St Louis, is the guest ol M'.-s Ida Law son, in Armistead avenue. Rev. Iii. Pendlet on .hm.... :>. ?.', Mr. Henry Lane Schmelz, Miss Ru'h Schmie/ and Mr. Henry L. Schmelz renn te d yesterday froiii Nttubvllle. where i hey at leaded the DaptUt Gen eral Association. Mlssi k Mary and Kail ? Whiting have returned from a visit to relatives 'in the K?stern Shore;. Miss Mavln .iamiesoh. who has iieeii' the .eilest of Mrs. .1. Wilton Hope, in King street, started lust evening for her home in Hagerstownl aid. Mr. Howar l W. Sattnders spent I yesterday in Mathews county, where lie went in the interest of the Home Fire Insurance Corporation of Hamp? ton. Miss Clara Kaufman, accompanied by Miss lie: sie Meyers, of Newport News, slatted last evening to visit friends in Baltimore. Mrs. Nelson S. Groome, alter a visit to her sister. Mrs. II. II. Kim berly, in Malibry avenue, lias returned to her home In New York city. Mr. W. 13. Goffigan, chairman of the Democratic committee in York county, is visiting Mr. William II. Wood, near Hampton. .fudge Sidney .1. Dudley, who has been in Richmond for a few days, is expected lo return to Hampton this morning. Deatli at the Home. Charles lllancheit, M years hid, Who served with Company II. Fourth Wisconsin Infantry, died in the hos? pital at the National Soldiers' Home yesterday. CHILDREN WELCOME CHANGE TO TILL THE VACANT LOTS Fifty Families Granted Places to Grow Vegetables and There is Yet Room for More. So prompt ami numerous have been the application for ghrdcii plots on ihe old liurke farm; in the llrohx. now a part of the Astor estate, since the an nounceincni was made on behalf of lite estate that plots might be bad by lite poor and unemployed tor cultiva? tion during the summer without charge, that more than fifty families have already been granted places on the farm, and it is expected that be? fore June all the available ground will be taken up. Upon the ground already taken the applicant!!, who comb mostly from the thickly populated sections of tin- city, have begun tu plant various kinds of vetgfttahlen, ami ibelr gardens show a creditable amount of skill. It is esll mated that the balance of Die ground will accommodate at least fifty fami? lies'. The work ol apportionment la being done as rapidly as practicable. Mr. Helton Hall, of !I3 Enal Sixty fit st strei t, who announced on behalf of the Astor est a I e that ihe land would be available for the use of the poor, has been daily in receipt of let t> rs in praise of the scheme, from persons of all conditions. One letter, from a woman, is a fair sample of others. H stated: j '?Having read of your kind and gen? erous plan to aid the poor by giving them a garden plot lo work, and know? ing SO much of your kindness and In? terest in the poor, I venture to appeal to you lor one of the plots, h would be jiisl lite helping baud wo m ed. We buve a large family to support; there are six children and my husband ami myself, anil it is so very hard to gel along in the city, where Hie rent:; are bo high, and a family with children is not wanted anywhere. I have often prayed for just such an opportunity 8S you offer, and 1 hope we shall have a chance to show our gratitude by do? ing everything in our power to make S a success."?New York Hearld. FOR RENT. FOR RENT?STORE IN PYTHIAN Castle. Commodious and con von lent. Apply to V. P. HOLT, Mec retary Trustees. my Itl-?l STRAW HATS und For Men and fioys No. 5 R, Qtieen St, Hampton, Va, Cash oi Easy Payments. Just uuotbet demonstra linn .:t the WILLIS-SMITH c R all co.'S purchasing fmwmaKmmtmmHummmm^mm power that's ait. An elegant, large roomy Wicker Hocker; natural cblor; nicely finished in shellac. Rockers nave graceful pitch ami sweep and ate pitched just right for taking the kinks out of that tired back.. Strung and serviceable; very similar t.i illustration. A regular $4.fiti value. Our special price, $2.Gfl -on easy payments it you like. Beautiful Line of Porch Rockers just received. THE HAMPTON STORE min & - vi e THE STORE THAT SELLS WHAT IT AOVERTISES PRESGR i PTIONS Thai's Our Business. VVh compound then! carefully and accurately and our drugs arc always fresh and of the herd, No better place iu Hampton if you want a prescription filled. IOII J VF AR TIC I Alt* We are- always ready to supply you with the best toilet articles and soaps. MURRAY'S PHARMACY FORMERLY HOWELL'S DRUG 8TORE. EAST QUEEN STREET. 'Phone 0. HAMPTON. VA. (t?Tir"OTnnr(r(rn"if (rn irirrinnfirt vii b>jcifinrnu irimnir, irairTrf trtrbrrTftnr HENRY L, President. TRANK W. DARLING, Vice-President. HAMPTON? VIRGINIA. Is the Oldest and Largest in Either Hampton or Newport News. CAPITAL, - - - - $100,000.00 3 SURPLUS & PROFITS, $100.000.00 DEPOSITS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The only designated Depository iu the State of Vir? ginia in Rastern Virginia. We niake loarid on Real Kathie ? Not Prohibited?aa are tlm National Ran lea. FOUH 'f'S-H CCNTi INTErlftaT PAID ON 3AVING* UEPOSIT9, NELSON S. GR00ME, Cashier. 0 008000000000 tLti.Ji-.38 U.D.B 08 B U 8 fl A 8.8 8 ifi 8 8. 8 fi 8 8 8,8.88 8? Farmers Take Notice. Lowry build:; his Mnrkol Wagomt froih ih? l-i'sl <.l material and will are you from $;"> t<> $10 on each wagon. Call and ?erj the Block before Ilm paint and putty hide Iho flaws, youra, I.OWRY, The Harnes?! and Vehicle Man. ROOM:*. TO I.KT.--ROOMS, SINHLK or eil BiiRe ;or throb or more can ho fiitt'd up for light houi.ekeeplng. Cent It men and couplet without chil? dren desired. Location central; excellent surroundings. llOtfSl? KICISPISR, Uo-x 336. Hainpjon, Va. my l coil tf C. Mater & Bros. Confectionery Friiitj Cakes lite, Cig irs, Tobacco, Manufacturer of Ice Cream. la Water a Specialty, Phone 277. Mellen St., Phoebua. Cream delivered anywhere. If Yon Want to Buy If You Want to Sell If You Want to Exchange If You Want anything iry a Papers for Sale 10c Per Hundred.