Newspaper Page Text
ON BASEBALL DIAMOND Giants and Pirates are Both Victorious, ATHLETICS WIN BY ONE 111 Beth cf the St. Louis Teams Score Against Their Opponents?Washing? ton Shuts Out the Detroit Players. While Piling up Five Runs. (By Associat - I Picas ) National League How the Clubs Stand. Won. Lust. PC New York . !!? V .730 Chicago . 21 !i .Tun Philadelphia . it! 12 .?71 Flushing . hi 12 .52(1 St. Louis . 13 LI .?"U Boston. ii l'i Cincinnati. 10 10 .?4-1 Brooklyn . 7 2?i i2DSl YESTERDAY'S HAMMS. St. Louis, 5; Boston, 3. ST. LOUIS, May Hi.?Alter a bail ?tun i be lorn is rtliccecdod in ovorcoin lug a lead of three runs and defeated Boston, :> in :i. Not one of the eight runs was eai lied . Scon-: R. IK R, St. Louis _ 0 112t.Ix 5 S I Boston . 3 00 000000?3 l) 5 McParland and (irady; Young and Ntedbam. Time, 1:28. Umpires. Carpenter ami Con way. New York. 4; Cincinnati, 1. CINCINNATI. OHIO. May If.. Willst pitching loi New York struck' out twelve nu n in today's game, sev- i en of them in succession. Pru/.er also, pitched well for CtnciniiatL Score: R. II. IS. I Cincinnati.... 0 0 o 0 00 i o0?-I B l New Yoi k ... a 2 o u 0 o 2 n u?I s :: Fia/er ami Schlei' WiRse and llros-j uahau. Time, 2;mi. Umpires. John? ston e uml O'Day. Chicago, 2; Brooklyn. 1. CHlCAOO. May 15.---The locals won out in I be last inning today In a gume with Brooklyn that was decid? edly a pitchers' battle, v Score: R.H.B. Chicago . 00 0 00 0 00 2?2 4 I Brooklyn .... 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0?1 I :.' Wicker, Bet-he und kling; Bason and Hitler. Time. 2:juj. Umpire. Kill; I le . Pittsburg, 5; Philadelphia, "1. PlTTSBURO, PA.. May 15. ? Pitta burg today won ihe second game hi succession from the Philadelphias. Wagner played a siar all around game ami to bis work in the field and at the but the victory was .hie. Score- R. IT. 13. Plttshurg .... 0 13 0 0 1 0 00?5 n I Philadelphia. I (I DO 1 0 0 2 0?t S it Phillili|ii ami Cllison; Sparks and Dooiu. Time, 1:35. Umpire. Klein. American League How the Clubs Stand. Won. Lost. P C. Athletics. Hi 7 .ti'.iii Detroit . 13 il .5110 St. Louis . II in .5S3 Cleveland . II !i .550 Washington.12 n .521 New Yolk . lu 12 .l.'.l Chicago. 8 13 .:ihu Boston. . ti lit .240 YESTERDAY'S CA MRS. Athletics, 1; Chicago. 0. PHILADELPHIA, P.A.. May 15. Philadelphia defeated Chicago toifay in a battle of pitchers. The only run of ihe game was made by Murphy on his single and Cross' double. Score: R.II.R. Chicago . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0?0 5 I Athletics .... 0 0 0 1 0 00ii x?I 5 I AltlOck ami Sullivan: Plank anil Powers. Time, 1:35. Umpires; Sheridan and Ryans. St. Louis, 9: Boston. 5. BOSTON. MASS.. May 15.- Boston Heard in the Fourth Ward? Thai ihe be f hen in made at Kirk man's was the best ever sold ill tills city. Try it today. Both 'phones. 521. Kohlhaati' old s'f/i t my IC iJi SAVED DOLLARS are more Important than made dollars, because after all. It is i at tier what you save than what yon malte which will de? termine whether or not your fut ore shall he one of imte pendencc ami your old ag.; comfortable. Hollars can be saved best with the aid of a savings ac? count. In this Ilanlc we offer you every facility, and the 4 per cent, interest we pay helps the good work along. - THR ?= Savings Bank OF NEWPORT NEWS S711 WASHINGTON AVENUE. suffered its twelfth successive defeat today. St. Louis winning by a Score Of !!to 5. Score: It.U.K. St. Louis ... n ?-' o I 0 2 t) 2?!i I I i llostou . u 0 o o ?! I n o u - r> in I .lacobso uaiiii Polty; Tannehlll and Armbruster. Time. 1:45. Umpire, Connolly. Washington, !>: Detroit. 0. WASHINGTON. May l".. Kalken berg was a puzzle to the Detroits to? day und -shut them mil. fi to II. Kit hank was hatted out of (he box in the tiltli Inning and Wlggs, wlto relieved him. shut off lurther scoring. Sere: It.U.K. Washington.. U 2 2 0 I ? 0 0 0?-5 II .'? Ui.tioil . Ol) II0 00 00 0?0 4 2 Knlkenhorg and Klltredge; Kubaiik, Wiggn and Schmidt. Time, l::tf>. Um? pire. Coiinor. New York. 5; Cleveland. 'I. NRW YORK, May If.. ?The New York Americans onlbalted Ire Cleve? land team today, getting thirteen hits ! off Iternhardt. while the visitors made 1 six off Newton. Score: R.II.K. Cleveland ... 000001 2 0 I?I I! :! New York.... 0 2 0 0 0 0 It 0 0?fi ill I H. i and Remis:: Newton ami Meflliire. Time, 1:47. Umpire, O'Loughliii. Virginia State League At Norfolk? Danville. X: Norfolk. 0. At Lynchburg?Lynchbiirg, 2; Ports? mouth, ?. At Roauoke?Richmond, 'J; Roa nbke, 2. ENIIELOPESIOHHIHEO GOLO PIECES INSTEAD OF DIMES Costly Mistake Made hy Mr. Frankford irt Changing Money?Ney o Gets in Jail. H?ing lo the nievntor Liquor Coin rany to get change for a $20 bill yes? terday, Charley Thomas a negro em? ployed by the liahney Urokoragc C.uu priny, was given Ion si'.ver dollars, five doibira In nickels iiud a package inaikc,I "Klye dollars in dluuM " la? stend of five dollars iu dimes', (he last package contained $TT, In gold, accord? ing in Mr. Robert Ktankford man ager of the Klevntor Liquor Compun\ The negro la in jail charged with grand larceny, hut ltd trace of (he gol.l has been round. The negro returned ? > his empl ly ?: ami Instead of the env-jlope supposed 1 lo contain dimes, handed in a fid I hill, along wilh the ten silver dollar.; laud the package of nickels. When questioned as to why he ha<' five d-d , lars too much, he could fcli'b no sal . Isfiietory explanation, and win u Mr. Frankford was notified he discovered the mistake which had bee-i made. It seem.-; thai the book-keeper bad pa. the gold in Die unsealed envelope in order to keep it from being jinise in the cash register. Knowing thai he was sunjK'Ctoil. the Kite insurance thai insure:; prelec? tion. W. K. S. VAUOilN & CO.. 2000 Washington avenue. 5-13-lf TUB STANDARD SUPPLY CO J. W. CHANDLER AND J. P. GAYLE, PROPRIETORS, ?Dealers in? Harness, Carriaj/tts? ?n? W?gons FARM IMPLEMENTS, LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS. Harness Repairing a Specialty. 2608 HUNTINGTON AVE. ANTIQUE BRASS and COPPER Ornaments add to every home in which Is found that distinguished feature of beauty and art which Is so highly sought. Call and see our line 61 Candlesticks. Fern Dishes, Jardinieres, Sconces and other useful Ornaments. J. /. Palmers' Sons, THE LEADING JEWELERS, 2606 Washington Avenue. V . ESTABLISHED-1892 Duly Business ol Importance laid on Table. PATRONS WANT BRIDGE REMOVEO Lengthy Petition Presented, Asking That Dangerous Twenty-6ixth Street Viaduct be Abandoned by the Hamp? ton Roads Company. On tin; eve of ihe Democratic pri? mary, tlii- board of aldermen bold a hii>t regular session last night, dis? posed of a few uuitters of imune business and tabled the report of the conference committee mi I lie amend nii-iii in the Hampton Roads railway Irani lii.--.i-. Hie only business of imp'; '. a live on t he i ulchdiir. The hoard met with President .Inn es in the ehair and all lue members PresenI. Want Rridge Removed. The report of the cm inference nitr mini" was read ami with il a lengthy petition, signed by tlboiit so ihxiutycr i ? d the eily and patrons of the Hamp? ton Itools Company, asking thai .he railway he permit led lo abandon setv lee over the Twenty-sixth street bridge mi the ground that the cross? ing i--. a menace to life and property Tie1 recommendation of the confer? ence committee was thai the ?ini-ii I He i ' be ndoiilcd. a tew changes bav lug been made in ihe or,I'm.nice since ii was passed by the common dmnrlL The ordinance as it reads autho-iy.ej the II ii in |. ton Roads Company to tihun don its service tut West avenue an I Twenty-sixth street and lo.reinove 111" Twenty sixth street bridge, in lake up its tracks on Warwick avenue and lo take up one track mi Hnniplon avenue. It also provides that the eomnaii.v shall pay $tn.i<IHI in cash lo the pjiy ai the end of ten years, in lieu of bu'.V lug a new bridge at Twenty-sixth street, and shall grant certain other concessions set forth in the measure. Unanimously Tabled. .Mr. Hurclior moved thai the reporl be laid the table. The motion was unanimously cat t ied without dis? cussion. An oral vole was taken and those who favored taking up the hint ter last nicht saw there was no use volln;.' after the "ayes" hid an s we re 11. The ordinance granting pay to mem? bers of the police ami fire department for absence from iluiv on accoiini of sickness, was again discussed, but no action was taken. The ordinance and police committee submit led letters from clerks of various Cities in the Slate, all of whom staled Hint no iriiinauce of this, character was in ef? fect in their respective cities. nemo bad plenty of time in with I: t'i make away with Ihe .mihi pieces The police department was mil not'f'ed until last night, ami when Acting Da led Ivb Re re, on n I Morrison local-d Thomas in "Dawson City." the neuro bad a quarter ami a penny in ill: I iMieket. lie denied thai be wn? giveii a package of mild ami Inslste 1 Hint j ihe envelope contained a $10 bill. The prisoner will he given a prelim lliiary hearing this morning. Socia^Personal Mr. and Mrs. I.camlcr Williams w/ll leave today for Augusta county, wheie they will spend the summer with Mr. Williams' mother. Mrs. 13. .1. (half has gone lo Haiti more to spend a week with relatives. Masler Clarence Ash by has return' ed home after a visit to Richmond. All Got in. Mrs. l'arvenue?My ancestors came over with the early settlers. Cynieus?I don't doubt it; they didn't deport them then.?Baltimore American. As to Poles. These chilly days indicate thai the May pole must be the North Pole. Albany Journal. Long and Cool drinks at our fountain these days. ICirkhinn's 2017 Washington Avenue. Kohlhiuis' bid slui d. my Hi tit Bargains in real estate. W. 13. R. VAUGHN & CO.. 2?00 Washington avenue. fi 13 tf NOTICE. Delinquent tax payers, take notice: In order to make my settlements as required by law. I will he forced to levy and sell for all taxes and lev] due for the year 1905 mid unpaid on I May 25th. 1000. J. M. CURTIS, my ll-fit City Treasurer. iWaiince and Night MAY KILLMAH STOCK CO, Presenting Matinee?"His Little Lordship." Night?"Nick Carter, Detective. New Vaudeville Act?Craine, Long and the "Toy Comedian." Prices: Matinee. 10, 20c; night 10, 20, 3uc. There is a Reason -IrV H y-? These classified advertisements pay the people who are wise enough to place them in the DAILY PRESS. This page Is read Rom top to bottom It is one of the most interesting parts of the paper, for the simple reason that it shows In a measure the wants of the people; shows business invest? ments I hat yield much to the adver? tiser as well as the reader. Have yo.i one today? If not you have missed an opportunity to start the foundation of what might he your success In tlte business world. ONE CENT A WORD NO AD. LESS THAN 25c fro 9 9 9 90 0 0 9 Si fl iff 9P 9 ? Q O 0 0 b 0 t) 0 Oft B 0 0 Q 0 9 Q 9 0 0 0 P 9 i.9 P0PPB0PBP?! WANTED. WANTED?COOK AND STEWARD ivuiTitnt tit fleers' mess. Apply I' ? S. S. Rhode Island, my lli-2t WANTED- POSITION AS STENOO raj/her mid typewriter. l>> graduate iif Massey Business College; liiodbr ill?! salary. Address MlStj M. A. W.. Daily Pres? Office, my 15-31 WANTED- PjVE Oil SIX HOYS; ago from Hi to 2U years. NOVEl/l'Y m a nu PACT Uli i Nil (Coup. ), ::-.:t Twenty-eight Street; my I ?"? - -1 WANTED?OCCUPANTS FOR TWO furnished mums with hoard, at No. l?'.i Thirty-second street. Also I able ?-1S-KI WANTED?TO SELL A FINK FARM quite near Newport News, splendid? ly equipped, with Browing crops, stock, good buildings and much good woo.l. Fine I rucking place About f.u acres. Would exchange lor city properly. Price Jil.iuin. Very cheap, considering all you get. Reasonable terms. Also oilier farms lor less money. so.MM KRVILLK & co. r. i;: :u WANTED?TO BUY COOD HOME in center of city. Prefer it between Wesl an!1 Washington nwnnos. (live full description, lowest price, and easiest terms. Also spot cash price. ".I," Rox Stiff city. ff-IS-itt WANTED?TO FURNISH YOU CON .crete hulldlng (dock for your bouse or foundation. We make a specialty of laying sidewalks ami fountain work. CASH & VAIIOHN. 21100 Washington Avenue, or Twenty ninth Street and Virginia Avenue up 18-lf I WANTED ? CLOTHES OP ANY kind or description to be cleaned, pressed, scoured, dyed, altered or r?. paired. Work the best. PrlceB tho lowest; satisfaction guaranteed. The Hub Clean. & Press. Co.,211 33rd St. Cltz. 'phone 328. J. II. Wheeler. Pr.op. HELP WANTED?MALE. MEN AND HOYS WANTED' TO learn plumbing,plastering and brick? laying. Special offer life scholar? ship $f>(); easy payments; position ami union enrd guaranteed; free cat? alogue. COYNE PROS.. ' Trade Schools, New York, Chicngo, St. Louis. my iff WE ARE BR?IH BROKERS We are under contract with many employers to inp ply men fur IiIkIi Bra.lo position*, l.ut wo have not eiiuugu right man to DU tin- opportunities now on uur ii .t?. If you aro capable of Itlllnrf au Executive, Cleri? cal, Technical or Salesman position paylux from |l,Ouo toJJ.oou a year wrlto rt.rphuiauti book let tailing now - ,: cau market your aliillty. Offices lu 1 - cities. HAPaOODS (lac). Brain Broken 1501 Chestnut Sheet. Philadelphia, Pa. FOR SALE. for sale?Second-hand boil er. I went v horse; cheiip for cash. .1. w. a:-' t. h. massey. Damp toii, Va. my Iff St I HAVE A PEW LOTS IN FRONT OP entrance to dig Theatre on Maryland Avenue. I Till feel from Exposition grounds, that I can sell In quick buyers ni IGfttl each. Prices on these lot., will lie advanced in ten days. Call quick. A. II. HENLEY, Office, 102nd SIreci ami Midway. my l.V3t FOR SALE?201) SHARKS OAP? zaya Mining Slock, J2.7S per share, if taken in three days. Address CAP?/.AYA. Box fflff. City, ir.-it FOR SALE?BEST LOCATED LOTS on Rnulovaril and several dwellings STEWART & MIDOETTE. 133 Twenty-fifth street. nn 15-31 FOR SALE?$2.700 WILL BUY A !)? room house In North End. Bath, hot and cold water. Range, combination gas and electric fixtures Terms to suit. W. E. S. VAUC.HN & CO.. 2000 Washington avenue. r.-H'.-tf FOR SALE?A FINE DWELLING ON Thirl.vlbird street; also one on Thirtieth street. See ns about these bargains at once. STEWART &. M.IDGETTE, No. 133 Twenty nrth Street. my 5-lff-3t FOR SALE?AT RIVERVIEW. A nice cottage at a bargain; also a number of lots. STEWART ft MIDOETTE, 133 Twenty-fifth Street. my 5-15 3t FOR SALE. KOK BALIS?LOTS AT EXF?SI iion grounds: nicely located. 15x25 --$300. One fourth cash; terms for halauce. ST IS W A BT ft MID HETTE. No. L13 Twenty filth Street. my Hi 31 FOR SALIS?TWO NICE LARGE house:;. In anil 20 rooms; nicely situated for hourdliig or a large family. STEWART & Ml ODETTE. my lli-31 KOK SALIC?WHY PAY 11 IS NT? when a small cash payment and {in mi per month will buy a nice new 7-rbom house with bath, hot ami eold water, gas ami electric lix lures, modern and up-to-date in every respect. W. IS. S. VA?OIIN it CO., 2000 Washington avenue. 5-i:i-tf KOK SA 1.10?AC HE AO 13 PROPERTY near the cliy, $75 to $150.per acre, on easv terms. STEWART ft MID GETTK. Bill Twenty fifth street. my r. :;t KOK SALIS?ONE OKIVINO PIIAE ton; good condition; lent her top oiish ion and hack. Price, $45. MILL? ICH tl LEA SON, Twenty-eighth Street. my 11-lf KOK SALE?BISAUTIF?L HOME IN center of city, near West avenue, only $4.f.un. Including the ground; l-tl cash, balance $;15 monthly; II munis ami bath. A hntgalli. SOM MEKV1LLE ft CO. 5-i:i-:tt KOR SALE?CHEAP. STEAMER Highland ? Length, O? feet; beam. 12 feet. Must lit? sold. Address, P. O. Box 7. Snow Hill, Md. 4-20-tfsu-w-f KOB SALE ? EXCELLENT HEAL Es? tate Investment?$1,000 paying 12 per cent?or $51111 paying IS per cent. 1; room dwelling and ground* nicely papered, newly painted ami pill in good shape, iteming for $120 annually, price $1.000. You can lei the straight 0 per cent, loan $500 now on it run. and invest only $500 of you I own money and $120 will give you IS per cent, on your $.'?110 besides keeping up the inter? est on the loan. SOMMEHVILLH ft CO. 5 i:t ::i ISN POSITION LOTS?WE HAVE A few lots near the grounds at. a bargain. Prices will he advanced In a few days. STEWART ft MIDOETTB. No. 133 Twenty firth Sheet . my 5-15-3?. LOTS KOR S A 1,10 OR LEASE IN ALL parts of the city. Call and got prices. OLD DOMINION LAND CO- Hotel Warwick Building. FOR RENT. FOR RENT?NICELY FURNISHED front room, 2C08 West avenue. 5-13-31 SPECIAL NOTICE. WE HAVE ADD1SD A NEWS STAND to our store for the benefit of East End people, the Boulevard. Sailers' creek. Morriniac and Riverview sections. We will always have 011 sale popular magazines ami peri? odicals; Richmond, Baltimore. Phil? adelphia and New York dally ami Sunday papers. PET'/OLDS EAST END DTI 110 STORE. my Id w r CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN KOK Screens. 2405 Jefferson Avenue. HENDHICKS - GOODMAN HARD? WARE CO. my 15-fit MISS ALYCE WATSON. PIANIST, of Hotel Chamherlln Orchestra. Is prepared to accept a few pupils for iiotii voice and piano. European method. Terms moderate. 511-1111 WILL THE GENTLEMAN WHO WAS accompanied by a blonde lady Monday, 7lh, at 5 p. m., ordered a tailor made Suit of Clothes, call niul get his pocket book, containing a large sum of money. T. P. KEAT? ING. Reliable Tailor. 221 Two-ity mill Street, Newport News, Va. my 10 if FRESH FISH OF ALL KINDS? (Wholesale and retail). Clams ami Oysters. Ar.kew ft Carter, City Market. Bell 'Phono 375y. niyl-lm MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS OF $50 to $1,000, C per cent. Merchants Mechanics Savings Af social Ion. Al? lan D. Jones. Socretury and Attor? ney, FIrBt National Bank Building. ^CANDIDATES' CARPS. Common Council. At solicitation of friends, I hereby announce myself as candidate t->r Common Council, from Fourth Ward, subject to Democratic Primary. IX elected. I shall endeavor to merit the approval of my fellow citizens. Respectfully, L. J. ROLLING: 4-24-12t. Common Council. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for election to the Common Council from the Third Ward, subject to Democratic primary. I respectful? ly request the support of the voters of the ward. C. D. M. BRYAN. Common Council. I beg to announce to my friends und the public that I am a candidate for re-election to the Common Council from the Fourth Ward, subject to the Democratic Primary. Respectfully. 4-27-tf. n. LEU DAVIS., Common Council. I hereby announce myself for re-elec? tion to the Common Council as one of two members to be elected from the Fourth Ward, subject to the Demo? cratic Primary l-27-td. WALTER D. LIVEZET. Common Council. At the solicitation of friends and voters in the Second ward, I hereby announce myself ti candidate for the Common Council, subject lo the Demo? cratic primary. Soliciting the support of the citizens In my ward, I pledge my best talents in their service. Id. J. HARRIS HALES. Common Council. 1 hereby announce myself a candi? date for the Common Council from the First Ward, subject to the Dem? ocratic primary. 1 respectfully solle It the support of the voters, my 4-td E. W. HUFFMAN. Common Council. I hereby announce myself a candi? date for re-election lo the Common Council from the Third Ward, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri? mary. Your support Is solicited. my r.-td W. W. WASIIBUBN. Common Council. 1 hereby nnuo'.tnce myself a candi? date for Common Council from the Fourth Ward, subject to the Democrat? ic primary. 1 respectfully solicit your support. C. F. HUNDLEY. my 8-td Common Council. I hereby announce myself as a can | didate for Common Council from the j First Ward, subject to the rules of the Demoer nie primary, my 2-td J. J. CHE ADLE. Common Council. 1 hereby announce myself for re? election to the Common Council, as Ohe of the two members to be elected from the Second Ward and will ap: predate t tie support of my constit? uents. Respectfully, my Old E. MORGAN. Common Council. At the solicitation of friends. I here? by announce myself a enndidate to*. Common Council; First Ward, .subject jib the Democratic primary. If elected I 1 shall endeavor to merit Hie approval ?f iny fellow-citizens. Respect fully, my 12-td M. W. C.AYLE. BANKRUPTCY NOTICE. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE EAST? ERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA. Sixth Division. In the matter of In Bankruptcy, j Old Dominion Brew lug & Ice Company. Bankrupt. No. (102. To the creditors of Ihe Old Domin? ion Brewing ,t Ice Company, a corpo? ration chartered under ihe laws of the Stale of New Jersey and having its principal place of business near New? port News, in the county of Warwick, and district aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given that, on the 7th day of May. A. I). IflOfi, the said I Obi Dominion Brewing & Ico Company I was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the first meeting of its creditors will be held at Room No. 301. Silsby Building, In Newport News, Virginia. I on (hb 2litb day of May, A*. D. 1908, at 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon, tit I which time the said creditors may attend, prove I heir claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated: Newport News, Va., May 16, 1906. ,INO. B. LOCKE. Referee in Bankruptcy. O.I). Ba I eh clor. Counsel for Petitioning Creditors. R. Mi Lett, Counsel for Bankrupt, my 1?&I0 . LOST AND FOUND. LOST?SMALL SILVER LAP PURSE ?monogram "M. N. M." Kindly return to Daily Press office. It LOST- WATCH FOB. WITH GOLD charm: either on Jefferson avenue or Twenty-sixth street. Reward If returned to Dally Press office. UNDERTAKERS. W. E. ROUSE. FOR GOOD SERVICE and fine hacks. 231-236 Twenty-fifth Htro-it. 'Phones. 51. J. H. GAFFER & SON, 33RD ST . and Huntington Ave. Both-.'phones No. t; residence. Bell 'ohons, 41*-. TRANSFER COMPANIES. OLD DOMINION BAGGAGi. TRANS fer; office C. & O. Station. '-Phonee: Bell Noa. 401 and 135; Cltz., No. 12.