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SEVERAL SURPRISES IN YESTERDAY'S PRIMARY Councllmen Balientine and livezey Fall lo Get lor Re-Election. LIGHT VOTE POLLEO US FXPECTEO Hundley Defeated in Fourth Ward by Boiling. A:,kr. for and is Grant? ed Recount?Diffeience of Five I Votes In Standing of Three Candi? dates. DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY RESULTS Total Vole In City 862. FIRST WARD. Total vote Casi .2>!?1 Number i brown oir .. .ri Board or Atde>rhe.rt. E. W. Robinson .27<> Common Council. E. I. Kord .I SI ,f. .1. Chciidlu .I2S .1 T; Halloiilliic . '."i Mi VVt Oiiylo . Si E. \v. 11 unman . '.2 SECOND WARD. Toial vote ens! .171 Number thrown out . fj Board of Aldermen. 11. R. Walker .IM Dr. R. Lee Robinson . is Common Council. K. .1. Morgan .10? Ernest C. Cox . 7?S I M. S. Llewellyn . 72 Dr, .1. ll. littles . 02 THIRD WARD. Total vole raid .101 Number thrown mit . s Board of Aldermen. A. B. Hun iier .180 Common Council. "W W. Washburn .1(10 j. C. Wallace.Iii C. Ii; M. Bryan . OS FOURTH WARD. Total vote en; .2 Number Ibrovti (.ni . Board of Aldermen. J. Willst oil If ad .207 Common Council. R. Lee Davis .120 L. .1. Boll In- .io:i C. P. liiliullev .iOJ W. II Llve/.cv . tiH Lively fights betwrei the Ii.;,'.runts for Hit roinmnu council ia all four of the winds nrou.-."d geuSi i lie - c.d In yesterday's Deeieer tti.i in spite of the laid |b it Lie .ainpaigu had been Hi" ?! ill ? i mi 'it hLlbty lit the city. In tie' V'! i'lh ward. e*pn cially. lb" cbutcs! ?jy rlbsJ mil. In ward the finish, exciting. As everyOn?' expected, the vote was light. Ii was predicted thai nlionl Sail voters would turn mil ami the total vole of all four wards was Jiisl S02. As there me bnly about I,:>00 voters qualified to pariicipiitc in Ilm genonil election, liiere will be very few voles left for lb" Republicans IT all lluue who went into the primary yesterday support Hie ticket. Returns in Early. 'I nc polls opened in the morning lit -I o'clcck ami closed at X o'clock i c.l nip lt. 'Iii" voting progressed . 1 aw ly! steadily throughout Hie alle!' rib ill and early evening. Befo>'< !' o'clock Hie count in all the wnrd-t had ber-n completed and the relurin we're at the city ball when the committee met ,it I" o'clock. The coteiiiltlec men present were: Chairman L. C. Pi'illin- Messrs. Perkins. Alexander, W II. X. Holt, R. I'. Hell, Hi i -'ti Boiling. Edwards, It Lei j Powell: Norsworihy ami ilawkbis. j Mr. Hundley's Letter. \\ iic-n the ti i'ii ns had been mi Quite the Rage In mii Piinipr- Saliloi and Chti?t.v Ii'-.-, yoii wmii'i havi any trouble making CO fld h seiet nun.?p&ibu W e a! o have quite a s- b ? tibi of Colored Can via le hatch! Ladies' Wnite Canvas Oxrm-i... Cibfion Tieo. latg- byc'.iiS; ,-lde $,.50 ). H. BURCHtR, Mgr. 2907 Wash. Av. t'..'i .v.:to! ?euncrdj the secretary read ihe fel? low iuig letter: "Secretary City Democratic Commit? tee : "Gentlemen: -I hereby ash you fo'' a recount of Ihu vide In the Fourth Ward, as I believe that there was a a error or errors made in holh (tie count ami in tin* votes I brown out. I would like to have this recount ai your earliest convenience, ami I would also like to have a represeuta live present when the vote Is rii counted. "Yours respectfully; *'C. K. Ill'NDl.KY. "Candhlale for Common Council in the Kmirih Ward. ' Newport. News. Va.. May 'f. ID08." Recount Granted. Mr. Powell moved that a recount be gm tiled, 'the n-otion was -:-jotul el bv Mr. R. I'. 11<>I1 and iinaeiiu mis ly r.'nr: led . Upon a mo! i m by Mi Pet kin's, it was decided lo meet r.exi Me'i lay iiiglll to conduct tic iccotttii. 'i'ii conduct the recount lb? f.uio.v iiig eonimlltee was name d: Mr. Ii. I!. Wiilker, mimed by Mr. Itolliu:.. Mr. S. S. Archibald, nominated |-.y Mr. Hundley and Mr. ('. I.. Sililoy. mim? ed to leprosen I the city eoiiimitiee. 'I'lie ret um, were placed i i t he hands of the treasurer. Mr. Rowed, to l?e held mil il Monday night. Some Surprises. The greatest surprises of th prj ? mary arc found in the defeat of Mr. I.ivc/.ey in ihe Koiirth ward and Mr. I I Rnllenilno in tin- Kirs i ward, holh of j whom offered lor re-election lifter j heing active members of the common I council lor two years. It is said that Mr. Hundley, thinking thai Mr. Rolling would lie tin- ?low" mar. i:d vised his friends to vote lor "Hund ley ami Holling." and this proaiih.y I caused Mr. Livc-/.oy's defeat. 'I ii i ] Ho amendment to the primary plan-! I adopted by Ihe eiiinmitlee ,M ihilay I nigh I. reipiirlng every person'.,! vote for two i'ii ml Ida t es for Ute common II oiin. il. pn vented Mi . Ilundh y I.i j winning easily there is little r. sen for i .doubt. Union labor opposition i.. sun posed lo have defeated Mr. Hi'.cn tine. Dr. R, Robinson's poo.- inn for. the hoard ol , S^ini, u in Hie Se.-omi ward caused miii Ii surprise, as did he light vol.- received by Mr. C. Ii. M . Itryitn i n- common council, in Hie Third ward. May Go Higher. Unless the result of the lecouiii on Monday lliglll is salisfactoiy lo Mi? ll.I ley il is possible thai an appeal may he made lo the Stale comiuil te \ Ii Is claimed by many ihn I Ihe action of the committee in changing the idan llfler the candidates had tiled their notices was illegal'. Steamer America Clears. Tim Uritlsli stciuucr America, j Which arrived lu re Monday from I London ami Helfant Willi boiler plates and oilier boiler material for the American liner SI. Ptitil. cleared ycslorVlay for llaltiiuore. for which port she bus a quantity of rice, clay plpo and sulphur. Tim vessel has completed discharging her boiler ma? terial at the shipyard and Is expeclod to sail for Ihiitlniore this morning. (ir>i>ritr. iii. mill Uni' l-'lilR. F.lkannh Watson of f'hlladelpllln, a distinguished [nitriot, visited Hnglnnd soon after the dose of the Revolution. Having won money on n wiigor, iio de? cided to use the sum for n picture of ( himself to be painted by Copley. In the course of time the picture -was fin? ished, with the exception of a back- ! ground, wblcli the painter had reserv? ed for a picture of a ship representing the hearing to America of the news of the recognition of the United Slates of America. The ship was finished, and nothing remained but to paint a (lag tit her mast. Watson dined with Cop? ley on Dee. .1, 1TS2, and lifter listening to the speech of the king recognizing the new nation Copley went directly home and painted in the flag while the words of acknowledgment were still wann from the lips of the king. Ho bad refrained from doing so beforo be cause his studio was the resort of ro-r ?Ity and nobility. This painted flag ?? inhl to have been the lirst American flag soon by Heorgo TIL. who vlsirerl Copley's studio soon after the plctuta 1 was completed. niliHl AI?-*'? Wonderful Memory. Rlind Alex, who IIveil in Stirling, Scotland, from ISRO to about J810, lin? ?.ho most wonderful memory of which jury account has ever been recorded. He was familiarly known as "The Com? plete Concordance" on account of the fact that he knew the entire Old an'l New Testaments "by heart." lie wns tested a half dozen or more different times before the Scottish Society of Ad? vanced Teaming and always succeeded In convincing the professors Ibat ho wns nil that had been claimed for him. If any sentence in the entire Dlblc wa9 repealed to him be would instantly name chapter and verse, or If the book, chapter and verso were nnmed he could Clve the exacl words of the quotation. "Pollftliril Illce." The rice I hat e.mie-t on the American table looks mushy; the grains r.eem fill mashed together instead of being dis? tinct and large. The trouble (some tlmes due to the cooking) Is usually explained by (be statement that our rle<? Is of inferior quality, though there is no better rice in the world than our Loui?inmt and Texas article; the grains nre largo, firm and nutty. The fact ',h, our public won't buy any rice unless the grains shine and gllstou. Cons* qnenlly the first thing the m'.ler does Is io put his rice crop through n course of polishing by which the covering of be kernel, mid lit H e mine lime th# Wish You Wer? a Giraffe? ami < ould la. to them longer the So In Water at Kirkman's L'tllV Washington Av>-. Kohlhaas' old stand. my ifi-tit Money to loan al t! per cent. W. 13. fi. VAUGHN K- CO., 2900 Washington avenue. 5-13-tf Jamestown Exposition to Close Gates on Sunday. ACTION OF BOARD OF GOVERNORS Resolution Unanimously Adopted Ask? ing Directors to Heed Suggestions of Governor and Other Prominent Personages. A resolution has been unanimously adopted hy lliu hoard Ol governors of the Jamestown Kxixisitibn request inj; tlie directors Of I he eompiuiy not ii> open the ex|H>sltioii on Sundays. The uelion of the governors Is Ihc result of a great deal of talk among prominent preachers ami other reib gioiis workers lliroiighonl the country ahoiil I lie prospeel of having Ihc ox position open on Sunday. Ill reply In a letter from Rev. Mr. Spooner, of itlchnioml, litivurhor Swaiison expressed himself as helng in favor ol having the fair closed on tin Sabbath tiny. At the ne\t regular meeting of the directors the request uf the governors will he considered. II is expected that there will he mile opposition to the granting of the request. THEATRICAL ' Nick Cailcr. hi lective" will he i < pouted at the Academy tonight by the May llilhnan Stork Com? pany. This popular obi melodrama was presented to a well pleased ami leiten la d night. The hill at a well attended matinee yesterday allertu. was '?The Little Duchess." There will he specialties between each act as usual ibis evening. RECORD IS COMPLETE Davenport's Attorneys Go to Rich, mond in Few Days. All of the records in ihc Daven? port murder case were, completed by Attorney K. S Robinson yesterday afternoon, ami be and Attorney Fay s. Collier, of Hampton, senior coun? sel for Davenport, will go up lo Richmond in a row days to present the appeal lo Judge I'aid well, of (he Supreme Court. Davenport is seii lenced to bang on dune 1. Funeral of Cuy Bryan. The fun-nil of Pin lie I ft Cuy Bryan, who died Tuesday uioriiliig al lib residence' III 17 Twenty - scventh sitcci, will lake place from St. Vin? cent's Catholic church at Hi o'clock llti.; morning. The pastor. Rev. Father Frioli. will perform the hi it sad riles ami Interment will be made Iii (ireenlawn. 'I he following young men. whom close fiiemlsof the deceased, will act as pali bearers: Messrs. A. M. Ham? ilton. ICliward Laud. Wesley II Brewer, Bod ford Hackett. .Cliarlc.i Loliinauu', Jr. and Charles K. At? kins of Ricliiiiond. Will Load at Baltimore. The British steamer Marina, which arrived in port yesterday from Liver? pool with ??">" inns of import cargo, will sail for Baltimore as .soon as she finishes discharging her cargo. The steamer is under charter in load a cargo of export a al Biiitinioib lor transportation to foreign pots. COAL RATES ARE FAIR. (By Associated Press.) Interstate Commerce Commission An? nounces Decision in N. & W. Case. WASHINGTON. I). C.. May 1? - The liitcrstalb Coinmcice Cninn lsslon today, in an opinion by Clui:, Knapp, nnnounceed its decision in 'he case of J. J. Mnrley & Son. ?<{ Al';x andiiu, Ind.. against the Norfolk k Western railway, the Hocking Valley railway ami the Lake Uric and Wt ' em railroad, involving rates oa the transportation of coal. The decision was adverse lo Hie complainants and holds that He rate of $l.!in a ton on shiptheiilB of coal over Hie latter iiiatl from Hie Thicker disirii l. in West Virginia, to Abvxju dria. Ind., is not shown lo have |j?en unreasonable, and thai, in vlaw ci their published tariff I be carriers i:i Hie through lino over which the tea" was hauled could not lawfully app!.' the lower rale of (1.65 in effect over competing lines. Music Every Evening at Kirkmon's Ice Cream Parlor. 2017 Washington Avenue. Kohlhnas' old stand. my Ifi-fit . At the Right Time we deliver a', your ieuiip the Ice [Creoni ordered of un. Kirkmnn. 2017 Washington Avenue. Both 'phones 521. I . Kohlhaas' old stand. my l?-?t of the most nutritious of flour foods?Uneeda Biscuit?the only perfect soda cracker. Then you will be able to because a well-nourished body has greater productive capacity. Thus you will also be able to because for value received there h no food so economical as Uneeda Biscuit In a dust tight, moisture proof package, NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY M 212 28th Street THE EDELWEISS REFRIGERATOR.?Case made of Ash, rais? ed panels of quarter-sawed Oak, Golden Oak fititsh. Mineral Wool filled. Provision chamber is lined with genuine porcelain on heavy i slice! stiel. 'Pin. porcelain is burned inilo the steel at a tempera lure ol 25110 degrees Fahrenheit, and in such a way that ll??- ,.o ieeia'a heconies a part of tin -.tool itself. Therefore, ii will not t\;vriidb. and is impervious to ?;??<?.'. o or acids. Porcelain sliding a.ijur.tahlo shelves; trimmings soitl ens' brass, niekh: |ilaleil. Kiglit wall, of insulation. Ice chamber luted with heavy galviiui/.cd iro'i. THE CHAMPION AND HOUSEHOLD REFRIGERATORS, simi? lar lo He.' EDELWEISS, hm owing to their construction, with less expensive trimmings and insulation, are sold at. lower price-; Wo have sold the CHAMPION REFRIGERATOR for seven vet's and have yet to hear a complaint against liiem. MONARCH REFRIGERATORS have removable enameled lro?. tanks. The cold ice water, which can be used for drinkfrg pur? pose's if desired (as h does .ltd come in contact with the contents), is drawn off through a nickel-plated faucet, livery portion of the Ue j frigcrator is eleiiuahl s. THE QUAKER CITY REFRIGERATOR, similar to th? MON |,ARCH, made of solid Oak. The ice receptacle is a new and im? proved stylo, with metal lack and double lid, ami reduces the ice coiisiimpl Ion. Als- QUAKER ClTV Ice Chests with porcelain ice lank.:. Refrigerators Start t.$9.75 Tue Chests' Start at. $3.90 lust received a mixed car of Bedroom Suits. Dressers. Side? boards and Chiffoniers. Great in? ducements offered to those start? ing to keep house or to those wish? ing to add new pieces. BUXTON & PARKER Headquarters for GO-CARTS. HAMMOCKS. PORCH SEATS SUM MER RUGS, GASOLINE and OIL COOK STOVES. .OR LEASE In All Parts of the City. OLD DOMINION LAND CO., Hotel Warwick Building. . PHONOGRAPHS The entire list iof Edison records and al] new is? sues to date, including the 15 uiitiumij and Grand Opera selections from the foreign catalog. FACTORY PRICES?EASY TERMS Geo. D. Hampton Piano Co., (210 28TH. STREET. Bell 'Phone 325. f5F~ Frese MwWmg Cures Dull Trade To enjoy long life und good health "JENNINGS' Butter Bread" It's the staff of life. WHY? Be? cause it is made out of the best ma? terial that cau be bought. We have thousands A testimoutalB Why not try a loaf and bo convluccd. Look for (bo tag. .Wo are not ashamed of our goods. HEALTH FOOD BAKERY 6 CON? FECTIONERY CO Washinqton Ave. and 31 sl Street TO CONTRACTORS Proposals arc Invited for the History and Histor? ic Art Uui Id in ks on Ex? position Grounds FOR Sealed proposal;; fur the above structures will be received up to :::'.n \k in. Saturday. May 20th. 1000, in accordance with tlie plans and tipiicl fictitious prepared lor the same hj Hi ? \ ti.tciated Archil net ti ami Kiigiiieet ? t>f lite .lame, town Kxpositioh Coin puny. lira wings ami specifications may I"* obtained oh application to the Akni'i einled Architects and Knginocrs. liilid flour. New Century Building, Nniioll; Va . alter IJ M. Saturday, May 12 I Mull j Kuril applicant lor tin- plan., ami specifications is to deposit fifteen dbl bus (Sli'i.tiO) in cash fur each set up plied lor. If tlie drawings and speci fictitious are returned within five < >i days, tin' deposit will be relumed when Hie drawings and specifications are returned. If the drawings and specifications are Itepl over five t?i days, then there will be a charge of ten dollars ((10.00) for each sei kept ami this charge will he deducted froni the original deposit, when the draw? ings ami specifications are returned. A certified check f ir Iwq, thousand dollars ($2.00b.n0), payable in the Jamestown Kx position Company, must .um'impatty each bid. Send bid and check to I lib secretary of Hie James town (exposition Com pit hv Bonds as set forth in detail hi this specifications must be furnished by the Hiieceasfiil bidder. The right lo reject any and all bids is reserved. NORFOLK, VA. my 15to2(! Panama. Flat Braids' Belgian Splits. Lcnits and a host of other straw braids fashioned in all the very latest styles and shapes for the prevailing season. IRMELSTEM TtiL PROGRESSIVE CLOTHIER/ Notice ! All persons prosecuting any busi? ness or profession for which a llcenso is required, uro hereby notified that same is vow due. The Cily Council has passed an or? dinance Imposing n jioiially on all per? son:, who lib not pay before May 110th. V'lua:,e call at tho Commissioner's oil ice and renew your llcenso at once. 'I'his notice, applies to Hog Tags ah so. y May 2' 1900. B. W. CRUMP. 5-'3 lm ComralsEtonsr of Revocue.