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n published event morning (Except Monday) at the DAILT PRESS BUILDING, 811 Twenty-fifth Street, by tho DAILY PRESS COMPANY. c. E. Tb nr.tor. . .Editor and Publisher fc. E. Pugh.Advertising Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES. The Dally Press Is delivered by car? riers anywhere in the city limits fur 10 cent? a week. Any Irregularities in delivery sU mid bo Immediately re? ported to the offieo of publication. Or ders for delivery of the Dally Pros? to either residence or places of business may lie made by poHlul card or tele? phone. MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS. (Payable Invariably in Advance.) One Month . * .50 Three Months . 1.25 Six Moutlid . 2.f.q One Year . B.00 TELEPHONE NUMBERS. Editorial Booms. ..Bell 'Phone No. M BusIiicki (L'fiee_Lull 'I'lionc Nu. 1SI No employe of Itio Dally Press Com? pany Ih audio '.zed to contract any ub Ilgatlon In the nnnio or the .-ompany, or to make purchases In the name of the same except upon orders signed ;>>? tho PUBLISHER UK THE DAILY PRESS. Entered at the Newport News, Va., Foatofflco as ??cohd-clnsa maltor. TIIHItSDAY, MAY IT, P.MMi. NAVAL BILL AMD THE LAKH SUBMARINE. Tncsday'.s Wnsliingtcu Pop I has Inleresliug arlicle on Ihe 'fbreakci ahead'' or the naval bill, especially i" connection with the submarine prnvl" rIoii of the measure. After di. < n .. lug Iii? pasi history of siibuiariue legislate n and pointing (hit thai des pile the ileiuaml foi competition no compeliiion has been allowed) and.' that. contracts have been awarded to the Holland people hy the Na\ y !>?, wlth< a' pa} lug any tlon to Ihe I it t?n I or letter of law under which ih" appropriation wni made, ihe post cut I aiti lit ion l*? i In peculiar pliraseologj ol this year bill, saying: "The naval appropriatle,, hi:; 111i year ciJiitulliii an item giving ihel Secretary of she Navy the right In | speiel a million dollars on lie- . ? h li'i c of siihmarine warfare, pr viddd lie can figure oul I lie re<iulremenl!i ill' Ihe bill. The ilehi which the cum mlllcc in erted would piiz/le a s'ngi lo ascertain whether Ihe Secretary of Hie Navy can really purchu; d any submarines or not, It, certainly cannot il he follows explicily tie- or? ders which Ihe I 'l.lilt-"- Will ell deavor to have He- llbuse |?n:?H. "The item prcscrijies a comp' I? ,vc tfsl. hut say it must In- held within six months, ami tietwei.n the boilfts for which bid: liiay he submitte I, In asinuch a:, i liere is only nncsiihmiirinc boat in ib.- country which iloos mil belong to I he n iv v ii hi : i Hie Lit k -. which now lie:, in chick a' Newpoi' New?;), and others eniihr-l posslliiy be completed within six months, no compel it ion can he hel l wltho'll ri storing io Hit; navy lor a lypy lif boat already there, and this lie l.iil does not allow. I! expres 1;. provid? es that the competitive lent ..hall he to determine Ihe comparative efl'icl ency "f the different boats for Which bids may he suhnilltod." in view of lie- fact thai both Hie raval ccmiulttcc aiii|;"l!ie navy de , piirtiueui h ive shown iuidu< bias f u? tile Holland Intal Du ru i certainly ground lor a taint su pldioii lhal tla re was method in I ho pecilllar phraseology of tin- new bill. In ulli er word;, it tie. Ihne lias entile wle-n the llollauil people must give up their inonop l.v ii. .;ti;i is possible lo keep Hie |.al,e p. ople out of lie- na vy another year hy giving Ihe friend" ol ih" Holland boal an opportiihilj Vi "const i ue" a provision which calls for competition whit" making eoinpe. tltion impossible. The navy depar'. men! and the naval conwiiilloc both profess to lie anxious r r compel! lion. Tie- Virginia member of the naval com mil tee is on rc<- rd a.- lc ing unalterably opposed to buying more submarin" ?. without coiiipyli tloh. if Ho Session of Con gres- dors no: proviih for what < v erybody in authority seems so an xlour. for Hie pi ople of the Uiiije State.; will have Rood grounds foi some of the susiiiiilons which are !> ? ginning to crystallize and whicl caused them lo a I.- "Mo a tin- Laid beat he specifically mentioned in ol? der to secure ;, sqilar ? deal?" |r Hi ?an?svf-i i? in tii.- affirmative ii i time t'i turn some of the naval depnv: meiil grafters out Into the cold, cold world. AGE AND LOGIC. In Um- discussion regarding I ho purchase of/hunts lor the navy from private in.111:11.n.riin 1 s, Ueprtisenta. live Gitisvoimr. of Ohio, ilufuiittuil the con teilt i 11 that lliv government, woui" gel btitlor chains for 1?m?iitiy by cutting out the government fuetorit):! and dealing dlioiit with companies which nfaki: .1 specially of maniifae hiring chains. Itcprcsciitalivc Mtv Nary, oi MnHsaehiisotts, who i.-i try ilr.: in keep Hi': govorhiuelit factory ai l.tosl 11 going; called aUcniioii to Mi.- lac! 1ii.1t Admiral Manney ha I testified :|>:il the chains forged by j government itniployos wore ol ku|K:i'-i ioi quality. This provoked th.lH ciiiir* ncleristic n ply from Hie Ohio con gros- uhlan: "Admiral Manney ha - been heard hi'ie repeatedly, and he ha.; giveji j bis views ah .nt chains, lb- Irclont;.; In Ihe liav.v, he is oil the re'iieil Ii. 1. ! ami lie wimiil nut mill: i' an;, cil'euim .1:1111 1 perillil a ship lo hi- btlill nut side nl a navy l( lie could he P it. lb- would 110! pel lull auytliin.u io In- done oil) jido nl a navy yai'it if he (mild lu'lp ?. 'I'liere is no doubt aboil,! thai. I do hol iiii|IU.uli hi: mo" tivi.:. hill he Is as <ilil gentleman, with prejudices in I'ayoj- nt tin- iiriu ? i| Hie ;;? vYTlimehl thai In- has I.j| itt'Ii an nl nalm III In during his long life." I 'Iii;.: puts tin- I'.ostoii Globe mi Iis mettle, atel it t-oiht -i bai-U a' Hie Ohio : Itlll iii.Ill ill tili. 1:1 llioh: "(I'lli | refereiiei; in Hit1 a;y- of Admiral Maiiin y in this itatt'iiu'iit Is curious in view of tin- laid thai this gi.iiiioj man ? nhly tiL" \ ? ar 1 obi, ami thai h" was app?.?lnieil elili'il ol lie- bureau of eiliiipnieiil Iis iet'eiilly at i'.HM. where as t'011 :it\- sinn 11 iSro'sv'i'iitir was hoi 1; II ycUrji eiti'lier than tili; admiral, ami is in Iiis T::.| yi?ar. X w 11' Ad? miral Manney i.^ .111 eld ??? :ilb 111:111. is it rair tn pre.eiiino thai Oohgrcs" llian (ircsvelioti .- ball In- r> gai d'-d as a vi'iy eld ??ehih:iinn?" \\'.- tail 1.'?> how Ihe age of a par? ly in H e rli 1 mi 1 < have liic lain: ( 1 t i 11111 it -111 *? r upon the merits el' Ills' ca >, 'I !n- pro pi - i: ion i. : lull I lie ^ov'ef hineilt can .m a viisl -11111 of money by buy im; it- chains in Ut" '1.'1 n market, 1 Ute- .-?!?< his in hat.1 Iitcl that pllalie nl' tin- sll hat ion Avil h a Kit1.1 factory c.Ntilanation, The (?<? that the Louisiana bis already en;! J p-i.iinn imire Ihi'.li the Col.el leu! is hardly a "boost" far the govern hiclit-huMI liihory, ?-.- pi ?i.illv wlnn ii is e [insiilijred 1l1.1t I hit ship lit mil ye: 1 (miplci.t'd; The ijnestinti ?i| liiiylng chains h,r lbs navy tin an ei tue iiiieal basis In 1 business plnblclll and ha: nothing <? ? In with Hie ago nt' Ihe iulvocali':< or Hi" iippoii'n! j of any special system ni lloillK llhtllht'Ss. II' -aimc of He: 1' .11 in iny wiiieh its coming mil ni 1 hi* legislative in. >sti' gaiiOII a' William bill J., I.-i ll ili-. oilt) nitty well In- parilouetl for manifest big Ulli ii ho surprise at ihe alleg? ed i,m 1 ni a former pall Inj Ihm slii' In- killed in preference! in h in--, 11 I III Ii- 'I tn II:.- ill .1 it lit inn. Tin whole matter should he siftbil In lirt hol 10111 ami if llit re has ii in cither 1 lloglif'.ollct! nr cruelty on the par; nl air. mi - coiiiiei ii I with Hie a. yluiii. I pnijier ati'ps should In- lakt-n in p in lull the guilty ami In 11 im-'ly Hie aba .1 s whi h have grown up linder their ;i 11111111 i tr: 11 it> 11 uf ihe affairs of tili; cstiihll line ni. COM-' E'JSION. I count ? e Ii day . lie'., away ? Aye. ami tho moments as Ihcy pa. s; She wilt'-., froiii Italy In sny Thai Home is mil in CltlcaKo'H cbi:.s. I caiinol Im ai Im ." deeply aigli Wflli fond 1 iiiici in I know 'ti.. Shell? lift au e .I,,, i ?. r-onvliiced that . 1, A slave of habit, smoke to milch. When I remain mil late a! nlglil, "1 11 mil old nil.. ..1 ray far ami free, I tin i' a my . ovendgn right Ami an mil- dan ? in t|iie.stiou ino Ii may in- that siiiiet iuir.: I hold Tun lightly Ihn.,.- tilings hlbti Lihoiilll prize; Hui lere' . a truth that should be ii.hl. I tvn:slv no Miiib ihvotitiiig lie-.. I count each day that wear., away Whit-- ? in- remains aern.. -. ihe sti 1. Ami. as I do i:, sadly say: "One lo.'iit oi freedom loft im- nie." 1 'hirytgo Ri.'ctirtl-llf.u'ahl. l a hionahlc. I Rhrtiiqunki s an- bi-e until'- as fash loiiahin with 1 U11 . a., nppt'htllcitlii I used lo b" wit Ii people1. List your property with its for sale ! of- rent. W, I-:. S. VAI'tMIN & CO.. 2SO0 WftBhinsloii avenue. 5-13-tf GABDiNAL GIBBONS AI OLD POINT COLLEGE Prelate Delivers on Address to! [lie Assembled Students GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS INSPECTED" iryinia a'd North C irolina Ui?;uusccJ j by the Churc'ieinn?Visitors Much Pleased With the liistitutiot. am! the WuiiV That It is Accomplishing in Tidewater V' ?jinj.ii ' <: :.?? ial from ii intjd >u l.ur ? ?u ) ? ilAMPtUN. V \ . Uiiji HI.- > :..'.! il Hibbiius an ! ill ii'V A. \). Villi ? \ >vr. v. lei jj'ro \i.. :n- K-v. jijher \Viii:i)iM ''.ti; .1 a; Ohl I'oS.'iti pee: two llo;ii a' < :.i I'oinl (*.:;1il'ovt ?oil. :?. i lily iit'i riioo i. I he yii l' lit !<? cs>n!ii'.al ami lij.-h p to Ih' roll; ?????? f tijv instItlii'iitii .1 I la- visit ir> ill. in- . . t itiii'o : ? ? ? aeil esCoi te.l theiii i ih. . -ill. a ? i i! iy Hum. Virginia sind Nnrll ( ntollha. mm.ii . 1 die enjoyment ,?;' >\\ youm; hear"-.; Tlie eerdihal i ' ;i-t-.l ihe be.'.iujjiie i f>roi;iji'-i aal bniid-ai's around ilie.i < olic:.|. and i M" ?? . ? I himself as lie ini: phased iviih tin iustltutibii ant nrniav; to Did Polyf. t'ni'diiM. Hibben v.. ut to th ? parUh !i ni ? aiid was i at. rial \K. I by Knthcr Ealtoii, Many persons cali'M ui on the eii 1111<? S during the OVeillllSJ . i (tnriliiuil (?lih?iis tti.-ioirow v.:.: I e shown around II. ? i'ui.i'i 'da a id < \-\ erythi in will he .1 ,;. ? |., mart! |i!k st iv j at ? d I Poilit plea a"i '.'aiilinal (IMihoin -.-i'! tvtiii'ii lo lla! ' toe ere tomorrow i.'rghl. ('.ir-iinal t!i[?In>iis, accompanied hy a number ol' p'Ueilis and 'ft bin!.-; of tlie Jamestown Exposition Company, visited ilit; it. of lie- ler-centeiilii.i! e\po..ii:on today. CiHIPUUILDErtO' UNIFOKM? HERE Miss Nellie Foley Guesses Correct Co|o)'t The N line,I V uhI Maroon, new uniform a wind ?> hii": Mori are now Injin !a,?l..:,ev will I firs.! lime .-,1 i lu y cross bit team a' Hi ? (' liloillll i.ey , \ form i i>n iha M: j; Nellie Her ic.'ir I . (hi in for the ay afternoon win n ,'lill t lie port fllioilt !i , PiU'li. The Ports ii; > w ar new uni :easloii; I. y v.uessed the col . and will receive a t'i's and hloui-.f:) would he gre;: and the st?icl iir.;.'. caps, h'ilt.: and let-i t( r - woiilil he mat 'on. A Year of ntootl. Tlie tear ISIOJ! will long be rcihont he.e.i in ih.- home ijf K. N. T:il l.'-i i?f .? ha nee. Ky. a.: a year of blond, which flowed so ebjiimitdy rrpih y>> < Tucket's Inn's Hril death Kciilue'. very near, lie writes: "Severe ldeo., . inj; fi'i'i lie; bines and a frhthtful |eol|e,|| had l>t*Otl]>!l 1 me at death's dOOf wiie'ui.i liegah (akiug Hr. Kine's New piacoyery ror Clnhntininilniij wit Ii Hi nsiiiulshltig result that aft":' t il in,, tour bottles I wits completely restored land as lime has proven periniineiitly lenred." tluarantced foi Sore l.uiif.s C'oughs and Colds, at W. III?ir l.nng [home's diu,', stote. I'riciw 50c am $1.00, tritt! but tic free. MONEY IS IN HAND. Fund lor Defraying Mozier Child's Expenses Raised. Mr. dome Oldcwurtel has In hand $200, . ' Iii ? icd lo defray the expenses ol Ihi little Mozier hoy, who is being l;'iy< ii treatment at tho Pastuor Insti? tut! ih Richmond. A letter has t.u received rroni tlie father of tlie hoy, Mating that the doctors believe thu little palleltl can he cured. The fund for defraying ihe child's expenses was raised through the efforts of Mr. Ohlewurici. Mr. Joseph Hagau. Hie Knights "i Columbus, lleptasophs. Cjennal Labor Union ami Carpenters' union. New Chairs for St. Paul's. Mr. C. Ayletl Ashby, superintendent of Hie Sunday school of St. Paul's: Kpi , opal church, has ordered 110 new chairs lor the parisli' house and j rj i'c>i- I In primary department. The uii min iii;> of the Sunday school has1 inerea ? I womb rfully. 'I here w ill he ( ;i h 'hire at the parish house on Kri*] dny liiy.hl of next we. K .at "A lludg' o|' Rlumlers." Strikers Arc Indignant. Tlie local Kiel-tribal Workers' Union is iiidigldllit over the allegation that Htere ha- been wholesale eiitOni; ?!' Ihe Soli iiert It'll Ti h-iihoue ee-ii pnnv's hies the union lluonloM went mi a strllie. They -ay ('ley do u'ol holioye the slorics and t'.ev are posiih that no union mau ha.< I"-n n>sp ?! -itdi im- the work. The uni.>u's resolution prohibiting interference wiih lite company's business imposes u fin. ei C.m for violation. Coal for Havana. The |;iitl.-li steamer Roscfield sa tit i i:: totis ??! coal and :',">l tons ???teil Old Poiiii Coihforl collei ;lily pleased with tin institution. I:'n sideiil Raymond, of union col !? ??? says after ihe age id' 23 the human hraiii lo'si Hie power of original thought, It was a tactful i oucession thai a voting man may i iuliitie lo In- a great thinker for a lew years alter lie leave.; college. iltuffiilo KxprCsi. COMPETENT JUDGES. j Homily D?pforM KnilorMc Itcrplclile. Women wh.. make a lin -iii'v.H (.f l.onu. j tifylilg oilier women come prelly n..;ir I Knowing what will bring ;t 1 L the liest icmiHh. Here are tellers fruiu two. eon J wrniiig J lerpicidc: "I can recommend Newhro'n "Hfirpl r de." iih ii slopped my hair frjin falling ?Mit; niiil. as a dressing it has no au-er lor. 4. \ "(Signed.) Hertha ;\. Tmlllngiir. ' "Complexion HpeclnllHt, "-????s Morrison St., Portland, Ore." ' v icr using one l.oiiin ,,f "iierplchle'' my hair lias stopped fallinc mil, and my i ilp Is entirely rroe from clan.trun'. "(Signed.) (trace I lodge, * "Iteauty i loclor, "IX, Sixth' St.. rprtlaiiiljl tire." '??i.I by lending druggists. Send 19c. In '.?s r?r mi in pie tu The llernlcldo Co., Iryit. .Mich. ' iVHliiON'S DHUti STORK, HA NU Kit & U ULI CK, SPIRAL AUKNTS. but only one Buckingham Litlila Wa ler?that is heilig sold to and roeom I n.< tided by our local physicians and dtn.-.gisls?owing (o its great value to Ihoau buffering with bad stomachs, I tdlte ys or impure blood?that many local testimonials bespeak and then it is sold today at 7Ii cents for five gallons. Tliat puts it in reach "? ? every one. i i Newport News Bottling Co. ' OLE AGENTS, j No. 3100 Huntington Avenue. Bell ' 'Plione No. 333. Citizens' No. 433. WATT, DOXEY & WATT j WATT. DOXEY & WATT BABYS' CAPS AND BABYS' Hats Choice assortment of Styles and Shapes 25c, 39c, 50c to $1.4? PATENT WASH HATS A variety of Styles, trimmed in Fancy Embroidery $1.39, $i.75 to $1.98 Ladies1 Home Journal for May, reduced io 12 c Ladies* Home Journal Pafterns, 10 and 15c WATT, DOXEY & WATT, iiilO'J Washington Ave. Newport News, Va 10. QUINCY SMITH. A. L. POWBLU WM. H. KISLLOGQ. President. VIcc-IT?sIiIuhI. Cashier. THL: NEWPORT NEWS NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL. $100.000. ?, S, GOVERNMENT DEPOSITARY Transacts a general blinking business. Four per cent. Interest allowed uii savings accounts. W. A. POST. President. J. A. W1I.LKTT. Cashier. J. Ii. SWINKiCro.N. Vicc-Presldent. L1312, Asst. Cashier. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK U. S. GOVERNMENT DEPOSITORY. ClTY DEPOSITORY, CITIZENS' DEPOSITORY. Capital.'.$100.000.00 - Slocl;holders' Liability . 100.000.00 Surplus and Profils.I. lOO.Oi'O.OO Oilier Resourc?u Mults Tola! Qfftr AOSOLUTELY . URE WHISKEY. ? 1'hyslclaris nnd others desiring nn excellent artielo ro respectfully re ipicstcd to give this Vvniskcy a trial on my guarantee Mellowed by 'age. b. R. GOFER, Sole Agt., 2-itli Street, n Washington Avenue. The above reward, will be paid for such evidence as will lead to the {irrest andj conviction of the party or parties who maliciously cut I lie wires from the poles of the lull line of the Southern Hell Tclophonoand Telegraph Company of Virginia, between Newport News and Uiclnnond, Va. (said wires were located about oho mile north of tin; limits of the City of Newport News), or such evidence as will lead to the arrest and, conviction' of the party or parties who maliciously "out the ("ables of the above com? pany at the corner of Twenty Third street and Washington avenue, Twenty-JCightli street,j between Qrcutt and Roanoke avenues, and Thirty-Third street between Washington and LI tin ting ton avenues. Soulhem Dell Telephone & Tele? graph Co. of Virginia .1. ISpps Mrown. Gen1] Mgr. OLD VIRGINIA MINT JULiiPS AT JOHN MU?LER'S CAFE ELECTRIC FANS THROUGHOUT Prop. ?312 Washington Avenue. Hull 'Phone 67. LET US WIRE Y8UR HOUSE niul IiibIhU tlio best, cheapest and most convenient light In use. Wo will bo glnd to give jou esti? mates on wiring Call at offlco nnd boo us 'Phone messages receive prompt attention. Eleclrlc J lit -ml power rate, 10a per 1.000 watt , subject to our usual terms and discounts. Furo Ice?mado of distilled water., COLD STORAGE. Power llouso aim Plant, Twenty fifth street nnd Virginia avenue. Office. Thirty-first street and Wath liigton avenue. Roth 'phones. No. IG; night 'phone, No. 408 Citizens. CITIZENS' RAILWAY, LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY Branch office, :vo2 Wa&hington Ave. Look at the latest styles In hair work at my Hair Dressing, Manicuring nnd Chiripody Par? lors, made by my Expert French Hair Worker. Call and sec us no charge for looking. H. O. NICHOLAS' Proprietor, flair DreoBino Manicure and Chi? ropody Parlor6, 203 27th 8t., Silsby Building. no Gorman Treatment Is the Snfi t'tiro. r-iPROF.C.F.THEeL.JWI.D. ,R27NORTH SIXTH ST- rwi?"ltlB?h. -o?ij liiatM \ .N flrx-iiioiril Si.rrUll.i l? rlr?. Ilunruiili'r? l<->) MaCdl .-.I,,........ ? I ,...!, <->???. In 4 lo Iii.;?,.,. .??in?'-, itaoa poison. i?i *?n. = h?oi1,N- ,..u>lirl.lIIi,, ImAmrf*A BlrlrMrr, ">???'.??, Cn^f.flni.' ,?,,. M,, i,i,U-? llr,..,,. (I,.-. Sfnrtr.n i?..rn /f.ll?,,,ni?l. W,,,??, n p?> MotI* ?<?t> ll.lmm tri l4?- IIf ft |n.?(flfl.?i?'?* ?i-, FOR MEN Pflratc Oi-(edses Checks in hour ? Cures (he moM <]iHiuult casrs in three <b.<, l*-ed hy hospitals an<l clinics* fyf^ by GORSUCH'S DRUG STORES 3?4 MAIN fi'Ml t, NonroLK, V?. '4021 WASHINGTON AvtNUK, NEWPORT Nrvvm. VA' *l 9*n1 by tirrei. on receipt of ft t *04