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HAi Wines and Liquors I belong to the lost trlhe that stray? ed away from Dublin before MouoH Balled on the tied Sea. I'm a price cutter, I'm a money-maker; I'm the one that sells? all straight Whiskies; retail at wholesale prices. The follow? ing high.grutlc i?c whiskeys i sell for 5c a drink: Paul .lonos. Pure Uyo. Sherwood Itye Whiskey, Carroll Springs, pure Maryland llyo Whiskey. Four XX XX. linker llyo Whiskey. Overholt Pye Whiskey, Parkwood Hye Whiskey! All of Hie above named whiskies Is strictly high-grade; match my prices if you dare, beat me if you can. Whiskey In bulk at following prices: Old Nick pure Hye. 1-2 pt. 25c; gal Jon .$1.00 Leonards Favorite 1-2 pt. 20c; gal? lon .5".. oo Hunters Baltimore. Uyo 1-2 pt. 25c; gallon .$4.00 Maryland Club. 1-2 pt. 25c; gal lon .$4.00 Paul Jones Pure Hye, 1-2 pt. 20c; gallon . .*.$2.'fri Carroll ?prlngs. gallon .$2.50 X X X X Halter Hye. gallon_$2.00 (i Star a Hye, gallon.$2.00 [' Moss Hose, gallon .$2.0(1 ' Lark wood pure Hye. gallon ...$2.00 Jefferson jnirc Hye. gallon ... .$L7U >? Kentucky Ikhirhon, gallon ....$1.10 Double Stamp Cliii gallon.$2.00 Siiiitlifiehl Apple Brandy. 4 year.; old. gallon ..$2.00 The following hi amis of California Wines, Port Sherry Calawba. Claret. Blackberry at 25c per ?|t.; per gal 75c. Pride of North Carolina, 4 years Old; gallon .$2.00 Kummclli. per gallon.$2.00 N. Leonard's BARREL and BOTTLE HOUSE 1G and 18 MELLEN ST. Phoebus, Va. 'Phone 280. I ,' 'Phone 192. Pure Crushed Fruits Are used In Ilm jco cream manu? factured in our plant. When you or? der fruit cream you do not have to pet the canned fruits here. Six Flavors There Isn't, a day In the week that we do not have at least six different kinds of cream ready for delivery. Sunday Orders Receive our besl attention, the cream being delivered at noon on Sunday. We can supply you with cream any day in the week. P. K. Nicolopoolos Manufacturer of Cream, Candies and Fresh Drinks. 40 W. QUEEN ST., HAMPTON, VA. MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES and STATUARY IN GRANITE AND MARBLE. Beat quality, material and workmanship at the prices coa ristent with the quality of work. LAWSON & NEWTON 1S9 "West Qt-f en Street. THONB, 191. HAMPTON, VA'. ' ? For Weil-Dressed Men arc Turned out Daily by S.I MARBACK, the Merchant ! $ Tailor. I ? We just received a full ( Tj' V ]|ne of ready-to-wear Suits. X f with open vents on side. The very latest things out In sin? gle and double-breasted IS Suits. We do Cleaning and Re f pairing. S. Marback Corner Hope and King 8t*eets, Farmers Take Notice. Lowry builds his Market Wagons from the best of material nnd will save yoy from $5 to $10 on each wagon. Call and cee Hie slock before the paint ami puttv hide the flaws. Yours. LOWRY. The Harness and Vehicle Man. FOR RENT. FOR RENT?STORE IN PYTHIAN Castle. Commodious and conven? ient. Apply to V. P. HOLT, Sec? retary Trustees. my 16-6t Grand Council of the Order 'Meets In Annual Session at the Hotel Chamberlin. 100 DELEGATES ARE PRESENT Visitors Arc Welcomed to the State and Community by C. M. Bickers and S. H. Sayre?Convention Will Last For One Week, as Much Busi? ness Is Before Body. The firainl Council of the Ar ca 111111' of I he Uniiud State, ejjvcned in IIa I wen'y-niniIi nnnual ciivontioii In Hotel Cbainbcriin yesterday after noon. About 1 Oil delcgatca .?.r= in a! tendance, and many of Ibein fir-- n< compatible by ladles. II i* oxreotoI Hint li;-' grand counci| will flnvoi ilf work iiexi Wednesday. W ben the grand council niel a-sli r ''ay nfU'iiooii. .Mr. (i. M. Dicker;-, grand ic&cul of Virginia, made ;bo ;<>'?? die - 01 welcome on behalf "I the Virginia Arcuuiihiilcs. Past Regent H. ll. sayre. of Wytho eonneil ?pbke of lite ideasure the loctl member.? cl 'I.lor fell in having tlib grand body I'- n. and Air. Harry Kemp, grand sentry bl Virginia, was a.10the! to weuxiiiu the visitors. Mr. Howard IC. 'V'iggiiis, the grand reg-nt, fe; sponded. Alte- Ihcso prellmiuarier. Ilm grand |'?<lc;.i invited all but members of Inn lii'.-md , ouncil lo vacate, and i!i ? body ir.'tiii .ua niy took up its worn 1 no I piVfeodiijgs of the convention arc so civil 't he work of organl/.utixi vvas t.!u; main fenturc of the ope tin',; ses sich - ofeii as the appointment of com '?iiiticOs- ami ih" mapping oiit ?>!' ihe program. AI I ? 'Clock the grand cou"e;: look I a.i.iciiriinient until ibis murulut; m : loiiXvk. 't'he ii.osl iinportiiul matter lo l>< Sulteii up by the older is lu-.uraii.v rites. Recently new rates w<i;*v put into effect, which brought otii much bpppaiil Jii and one council objected lo the rules, a*, being unfair :il- ?::;]. The rase i.; now before ilu- LTnitci.' states Ki preme (Vinn, having been taken tin re by a council in Brooklyn N. Y. HONOR LIST OF PUPILS OF WEST END ACADEMY List of the Pupils Winning Distinc tioo for the Month Ending, May 14. The following pupils of the Ha nip Patapsco Flour with a hundred yean; hack of it. having pleased millions of people? dees il appeal to you'.' Small hags. 35c. Smithfield Shoulders Hams are high. Why not subs11 lute one of these? Muh cheaper meat; first, class.15c pound. D. S & Co. Pickles Condiments, etc. A Rood standard article; five different kinds. 12c bottle. THE PURE FOOD STORE. Prompt Delivery. WAFFLE TEA, PYTHIAN CASTLE HALL. Thursday. May 17, 6 to 11 O'clock. Under auspices Parsonage Society of the First Methodist. Church. Supper and refreshments will be served. ? The public is Invited. G. Mater & Bros. Confectionery Fruit, Cakes Etc., Etc. Cigars, Tobacco, Manufacturer or Ice Cream. Soda Water a Special! r. Phone 277. Mellen St.. Phoebus. Cream delivered anywhere. SDH, larRANCO'S i COMPOUND, i.'ipeeilt :a?ul?totj ttceut*. tiriigglnli orrnali, OEBUS AN Ion High School wert; on (ho Holl of Honor for the unit Ii ending May 14.' 11*0)1: I High School?Senior Clasa?SniPhf Anuislead. Mabel Crone, John | Smith, Beryl Taylor, Herbert Tay? lor, Itica Wilson, Urucc Wood. Second Yi nr Class?Alpha tlosney, Susie Stielten. Marion Wilson. First Year Class?Craco Siiff. .Marie l<ong, Julia Arnilstead. Arthur Taylor, Viuton Stahl, Ueiul Snyre. Grammar School -Kir. I Crude?Al hcila Williams. Nornia Sharp. I'uul ine Wat:.on, Alherl White, Second Crude?Ida Sinclair, Kran-, ' <Crosby, Josephine llulifaiit. llil died BulilnnI, I'enrl Powell. Mar? guerite llclsliorscr, Kloise lto:>s. Third tirade?Mllderd Thompson, | Sarah Davis, Sallic Nottinijh tui, Jul* hi Turnlnill. Kmory Amnion,;. Amos ' I Kmm.ltiee, lluglilotl Haouglierly, No6 j Tucker, Alvin Viiughnn. 1 Kourlh Crude A.?Effln Sounders, I'hnmn Nelson. Maude Niielslea. Hindu j Turnhiill, l.inwoud Topping, Morris ^ liurbiiiiks, 11 a;'.e| Patrick, Harry An-' .am. l''ourih tirade 13.? Ih ssic Thomp? son. Kvelyne Cliller, Arlluir Teas-' mau. Minnie Soiidcr, Arthur I5d wards. Harry Hulifani, Helen Cam iiieli. Thomas Whiting, Vance Shield; Filth Crude?Elvln Wood, Ethel Mcgghisun, Mary Crosby. llnzul Mill-.;, Virginia Havis, liar Id Adams, V.ahow Mavis. Sixth (Snide?Olive Brhisnn. Wll bur Carroll. Seventh (Snide?Lewis Havis. Kan-; nie Knhhin ?, Mary Milh r. Kighth Crude? Bessie Wynne, I'M. Out ti n. Dmwj Gun on a Boy. Charles Hawkins, colored, wa ; ar? rested last night mi the charge of MR. OTHO F. HEARS VISIIS THE PENINSULA COUNTIES Candidate Fur CongiCGiional Nomina? tion In First District Making an Aygrcasive Klylit. linn. OHio I". Meura, candidate for congressional Humiliation In Ihn Hi?t district primary, readied Hampton lust < vi inn:; nn | will spend a few days looking al ter his feiieuu In I ho Peninsula eoutil lea . Mr. Waller V. Mnpp. of Aeeomae eounly. who is managing Mr. Mears' campaign, hau been here since Tues? day. Mr. Me.-ir: will upend most of lotlay in Hampton. This afternoon Mr. Meura will go in York county, vi.-it ing Piiiptu "ii district, ami Ibjhbrrow he will take in the other district:*. Kriday Mr Meats will see I he voters of Warwick county. Saturday morn inc. will In; spent in Newport Newii and Saturday afternoon he will be in I Intnpliiii a .siin. Mr. Mi a>' i- making an impressive campaign and his stipp nrlei's express Ihemsilvi - a. being satisfied with 'the outlook. The eltlllii Aeeomae I and Northamplou. wiiich Is Mr. Meura* I home cotiuty. 1.11 sl highl Mr. Mears wai one of 111" guest,'; :\< ihi- reception given In the members of the board of flshor I ies by Mr. Matthew ('. Armstrong. HONOR FORMER "TIGERS." Memorial Day to Be Observed In Prov clcncc Church. York County. In Providence i hin ein ai d. Vih'h eounly. flirre are buried eight mein hers of ili?? ''Louisiana Tigers.' i in of ih" crack organizations in il.e C'nn federal" army Tills nlleruoon tin pi i I-! ? of York nullity will a -emlih ihcre and hold n.emtirial oxurclsi:, af t..? which flowers will he pluvu I or the eight iiuiumh'. Mr. Curtis Attends Meeting. Mr. .lohn A. Curtis. ,?! Richmond former llnmptniiinu. was union.; Ilu out-of-town folks attending the :m el lug of tin State board of fisheries. OTHO Fl WEARS. Mr. Menrs is now In Hampton w hero ho is looking after his political fence.*. 'Many friends of (lie candidate for congress are highly gratified over the showing he i-i making in this territory. drawing a revolver oh a while hoy. lie will answer lo the charge in tin police court this morning. Franklin Ilm (, Prnnklin was particular about th? way of doing business, lie was par? ticular about the way In which he mode his money. When he first start? ed his newspaper In Philadelphia his rival was Bradford, who In addition to publishing n phper was postmaster general of the colonies. Bradford used Iiis authority nr. postumster general to practically exclude Franklin's papers from the mull by forbidding the post riders to carry them. Franklin short? ly after succeeded Bradford as post? master general. Hen? was the oppor? tunity to build n monopoly and crush nls old rival, but the thought never seems to have entered his head that the newspaper business of the colonies belonged to him. lie says of Bradford In his attempt to crush Franklin's newspaper, "I thought so meanly of hi in for it thill when I afterward cnnio Into bis situation I took care never to Imitate him."?American Illustrated Magazine. Had a Close Call. ?'A dangerous surgical operation; lit volvlng the removal of a malignant I ulcer as large as my hand, from my daughter's hip was prevented ny Hi application of Uucklcn'u Art? r Salve." says A. C. Stlckoy. of Mlic In., W. Va. "Persistent use of Hid Salve completely cured it." Cures Cuts Burns and Injuries. 25c at W. Blair Langhoinc, druggist. tu,th.8U, The .T:ip<H!Oiio l.:ui <-.101 cr. The Japanese language ?is some fea? tures which puzzle ijcgliii<<f/8 in its use. In English when one has learned tba name for rice that ends It. Not so In Japan. Begin with cooked rice, mcshi, When eaten by n child it Is called mama. In speaking to another persou ol' eating rice you call it As t merchant sells it, uncooked, it Is koum and c.s It grows in the field It is hie. St a carpenter's foot, or slinku, Is about twelve Inches, but a tailor's Is 11 fteen A kin or pound of beef Is fourteen ounces, of Hour twenty-one, of sugai over thirty. The rl, or mile, varies ill different provinces, and on the Fusi ytima ascent half a rl In marked a rl because It's so much harder work going uphill. IJr. Jobri?oii'n Iiis?. On the eve of leaving London for Canada Mrs. Brooke, who wrote "The History of Emily Montague," the first novel written In Canada, gave a fare? well party. Hannah More, Johnson and Hoswell helng In the company. Dr. Johnson was obliged to leave early and apparently departed after wishing his hostess health and happiness. Shortly after a servant whispered to Mrs. Brooke that a gentleman wns waiting below to nponk to her. Running down etalrs, the fair novelist foulul the von erable lexicographer. "Madam," said be ponderously, "I sent for you ^own stairs that I might kiss you, which i did not choose to do before so tintb company." STRAW HATS and For Men and Boys C. L. Crockett No. 5 E. Queen St, Hampton, Va. Just another demonstra? tion of the WILLIS-SMITH crtALL co.'s purchasing power?Hint's nil. An elegant, large roomy Wicker Rocker; natural color; nleelv finished in shellac. Rockers nave graceful pitch and sweep and are pitched jusi right for taking the kinks oul of. thai IIrod hack. Strong ami serviceable; very similar to Illustration. A regular ji.r.o value. Our special price, $2.C9 mi easy payments if you like. Beautiful Line of Porch Rockers just received. THE HAMPTON STORE THE STORE THAT SELLS WHAT IT ADVERTISES. PRESCRI PTiONS That's Our Business. We compound them carefully and accurately and our drugs are always fresh and of the best, No better place in Hampton if you want a prescription filled. TOILET ART I CUBS We are always ready to supply you with the best toilet articles and soaps. MURRAY'S PHARMACY FORMERLY HOWELL'S DRUG STORE. EAST QUEEN STREET. 'Phone 9. HAMPTON, VA. ~mr& n b o d onnnrc va o a BTtnrsu a u n'li inn rnrtrn HENRY L. SCHMELZ, President. FRANK W. DARLING, Mice-President. THE BANK OF HAMPTON HAMPTON?VIRGINIA. Is the Oldest and Largest in Either Hampton or Newport News. ? CAPITAL, .... $100,000.00 I SURPLUS & PROFITS, $100.000.00 \ DEPOSITS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. e c The only designated Depository in the State of Vir- < giuia in Eastern Virginia. We make loans on Real J Estate?Not Prohibited?as are the National Banks. I FOUR PER CENT, INTEREST PAID ON savings flEPOSIT*. < NELSON S. GROOME, Cashier. \ kppqpPPPPPBOgflggfl^flSBBBBfl SB 0 BfiBflPfiBflfiBBBPBgPP BJlPJULtL Don't miss our, WI5 ADVERTISE lOc The 3, 5 and 1 WM. H. RAPEPORT. Phone 592. Daftly Press, JO Cents a Week