Rev. (I. J. Frisloe, D 0. of Nor?
folk Will Assist ttic Rev.
T. Ryland Sanford.
Men's Diblc Clnss.Tt Memorial Dap
list Church Will Meet at 10'
O'clock?Rev. Stiff Who Has Dec 1
In Richmond Will Fill His Own j
RcviViil services will begin at
the We. ; Hud Mi neu:.u Hiiplikl
church this evehing ami tomorrow
evening Hex A. .1. Frisjiio H. i.i.j ol
the Park Avenue Ith pi i I < hureh.
Norfolk; will ((Ulli id II iinlV? >:> I 'i
a .. i. i lt< v. Y Itylaud Saiildrd
Mr. Haiifoiil returned yosti rday
frfliii Buckingham inuiily, where hi ,
a11<-11<I< ,i ,i meeting of liie hoard of
trustees ol fork I'uien Academy. \
Mr. Sanfonl will lake ?. hi. subjeel
thi:; indriiiug, "A VViUiess;' aiul In
night, "Forgotten Vow." The nu n' '
Bible class will nieel al I" d'i loi k'
thi:, morning
At Hampton Baptist.
At Hie Hampton llaptlsl church
this evening i Im pa ilor. Ii v K. I'i a
illolon .lone;. Ii H.; will liegin ill*
first ol a :?< rl< ot scrmouii on I he
"Cbaraeter of (Jod." hr. Jones will I
preach also t hi. neu ning.
Mr. Moore at Central.
Rev. \V. 10 Moore will HU I lie pii'- j
pit of Central M< ilioili. i eliuri h Ill's
niorhlng ami evening in the ab "in"|
of the pastor, Hid Rev. Asii Hri.eoK,
who is to preach a special sernion I
to the Odd fellow.; ol York conhly
First Methodist.
Rev j. \V. Bliir, who ha i biii n in
Richmond receiving irentihenl for his
i y< a, reiu.rie il to Hampton ye. '? ;
day ami will till hi. pulpit in tic
first Methodist church thi.. morning
and evening.
Service;-, will be held iu the Church
of Christ this morning ami evening,
hut there will hu iio preaching.
In St. John':. Cpi. copal church lo
day the usual morning and afterntion
Services Will lie conducted |,y Re-.
Reverily Ksiil), I?. H. ihe rector
Phbcbuo Qualified as Administrator.
Mr. S S Phoebus yesterday i|iiiill
fled Ik lore Ch i k of the Court . Holl
its the nilmiiiisirrt'tor of Hie estaie of
Mrs. Catherine Phoebus ami also as
guardian of Ihe two daughters, Mis ?.
Catherine and Mary l.ouisii I'liixdiiis,
I, I' Purnoss, William Ryland and
John Woyninuth were named a ihe
appraisers of 'he estate'
Will Preach \" New Kent.
Rev. R. P. Hopkins tailed yester?
day for New Ki hi county, where he
will preach to ihe congregation of
the Liberty Baptist church this morn'
lug and evening.
The latest yacht shapes in
straw hats at $2.00 and $2.50
?others ask $3.00 and $3.50
YouTl ~Be WelT
Dressed at Lit?
tle Expense
If you buy 'dp- ol our "Amer?
ican" Trtfc Blue Serqe Suits at
$10.00, $12.50 or $15.00. Or
OHC of 1 llOSC llRllflsOIIIC new
i wo or \ lircc-piccc long <;iil
Back .-ui!.- in pearl grays ni\t\
cheeked flltMi.; al $10.00 to
$20.00. Why pay the tailor
double these price.-* lor i jolli
ing thai doi'sji'l begin lohave
lIn' style, character, and tpial
it v of our g.'iriiirnl.-;
Frankel &
The Hustling Clothiers
'M W. Qipjeii Sheet,
Elbow Length White Gloves f ?^ (g
ifiuUiijf lisle thread?a limited, ijuunlili/ here to- \)
'morrow? oiilji early callers can ix\m'l l<> f>c served.
rm: BUST SHOWING <>/??
leautiful Trimmed Hals?$5.00
Mil I .I?1 hi
?I iijyh i; ami lari
f.: hap.. mil
?hoi., n:-, ? a >.
<\ (hat '.vi show Iii?' ehoicr.-t array
ui |'i an .1 ,i I anil livromum hats al
vcrv taste aiul r< tniiifnu'iil make
s mm Lisle
.1 Pairs for $!.<)()
Iliimlri il . Who harnl ihr harj
lini- I'm- ijinrv or w ill s< ml iheir t'
aiigle, hiin Ii I.m i nli.iv..,. tail la.
illiovo, and plain iila< I; ???fco Iis
(Hi '.O Utt
?iff "an fl I
I'.hu- Ulli
If lll'ij ? ?uliiph '<
III da'. ,1
;. 0 ? :i.. t!.
Clio ' like ly to Iii
?hui.??? hI.n k lar
a!r lr. whlly lar
iticrca |. ihr popularity
Women's rii.I...I
lair v 11 iin in rii, : ill. !
mil the
. 7c.
r whin, cotton: lihnly kititkil; plain or
I; ami aim hole .12 l-2c
..a ovi r Hi.
waists. ITc
Dr. Flank W. Shcild Names Tho
Who Will RcctiiVc the Congress
man When He Visite Here.
In- I'ianl. W. Sic iiii, chairman or
the committee on arraiigi tin ni. In
prepare lor Ilm ii;i; pi' < onvii : . niai
William a. Jonl . Id IIniiipthii on
Woilnoadn.v i ??. ? ? 11iti--. .Inno li, has an
ntliiccd i In- ..hi! ion ni i ho rccepl ion
committee. This l oniaii!:.??? Will
im iji Mr .Ion. ,; ni.I i a ori iiim lo
ilio Anvtisi i hotel, wjiiird Iiii will lie'
t|liarl<reij ? I u i i 11 - - his .lay in llatnjl
It. K. Curtis, (1. ti. (iillolto, S. S.
Howard, W. 10. lohn oil, I. \|. V i
Schilling, .los. s. Wi i>i? i1, .!. v.
Itickfnrll. It; I.. Tennis. Wall..i
Wan-, ii. A Powell, Dr. .1. Wiiipn
Hope, '1 hoimn, limes, I'. W. I'm i.
.1. M. Willi :. \V. 'I' Holste a, M.
A. Cooker. T .1. IIa. kin -. II. S.
(.'oilier, iti I. Ma.on. I!. ('. <'.
I,. CntCkett; .1. W. Roue. Ii M. M r
ihr. S. R. riii.-niau. SV. II. |v.u,on.
.lohn VVe.vinnuiii. .1. S. Wyail. (1. 10
Ciioyne, Stanley. Hrinklcy, V. I..
(I >;ii >uin - r t >', Cir.u I Chambers, Scott
: ('. Wood, Dr. ::. W. McAllister, .1.
IS. Wyaitj .lt.. K. W. lindi ins. 10.
S. .1. A. 'I'. Una,one. W. II.
Tigiior, ('. M Willhiii.i, Mr. U w.
faliell. W. K. Wal'or. W. S. Crock'
clt. ii. A. War hen. W. II. Ith hard
son, Cecil \\" Sinclair.
Son ol Mr. end Mrs, T. -A. CoOk
Will Gri"'u.itu at Medical College.
Mr Thoma i Clan tijio C<jjd<e, lie
son of Mr aid Mrs. T. A, Cnoke
will receive his deiii'ee ol niediiiine
doctor a: IIii .lenVrsnu Ail dicil Col?
lege, Philadelphia, at the cniutiicitcc
ii,. iit I .., iei .-? on Monday', iltin ? I
Uji llulay PostnI Surprise.
Mash r Willi" V. Moll.s w is glv
liiniida\ postal surprise on Prida
irda, r> ine
e in Iii.
Faroe lo. Sale,
'let my li t. M. <i LACK MY t!.
Mon i tail In In ,n I iollv Ito myu'i
military hand wi h Ihe (jri iwoi I Ten
eiight: in ,i Car Room Co It
i; |.. r c ill, Money. That'* Iii . \|
0 iIackIov. ii
Visit Russell's
1 Cul Priri c.i li Cioceiv. :;, 10 Qu? I i
-in et, ami comp ire prji i ii. .". ::VU!
The Rig fl ti Nlghi in a Car Rem
' i carries one of ihtJ hfest liiiiPl jin'i
iicle.stills <m the road. It
Various Grand Army of the Republic
Hosts Will Hold Memorial Ex?
ercises at the Home.
In Wavi! Memorial Hall nl Hie Na?
tional Soldiers' Home tli|s alleniobn,
at o'eloei; the meiiibi r* of the
v.;r '?-Ii fiiaml Army of lie- Republic
?< l. will aH etnhlo bir lie- purpose,
of jiuying a tribute of love ui Lliuir
ih' ui by hoi ling memoria) exercise!
Mi|mber.s of Riihcrl K. U'ii Caiup|
Confederate Veterans, of llampioa.
will lie He invited guests of Hu- o ?
I'll in. Tlii- program arranged is
on ? of in in Ii in' real i'> 'he nteiie
lien of ihe order ami a large crowd
is tixpeeted to iitteiiij the exercises.
Arrivals at Duckroc Hotel.
? 'apt. Trinick, Mrs. Triiiiek and
Miss May Trinick. of Kngland: John
W. Willn rs|.i. of Liverpool, and
<'? oi gi 11 Hitritige. of Winston, X
11 . are ? | . -.;i: !. red al Hie hol ' I al
lluekioe Beach.
Mr:.. Schmelz to Sincj.
Mr . Ileiiry Lane Schmelz will
ving a solo al old SI. John's, ICpiscd
pal eliiireii during the services this
I nfieriioou.
No Where
I Can you get a long cool ?trink h ?. r
I than i- seryeil at Kirkinan's, 2**VT
j Washington Avenue; Kohlh'iss' oi l
stand. * t 2'J-Gt
You'll Never Gay ' Skidob."
To inn ol (he hams lle.isl > .v 11.e h
iiivt offering a' 11 cents p-? pound. I'
simply means thai if yntt buy one you
[will never he without the "ouiitry
I lunu" in your home. A large ship
, uieiii received yesterday! I'hone is.
The Best Ever.
Thai is what Ihe people sny t I
Kirkman's Ice Cream. Koiilin . old
stand, licitli I'hones. tax'. ;.::n
Rents Collected and Remittances
Promptly Made. '
That's oui' icputailuu; We wa
.nr. lue im s. M. 6. LACKKY, Mi
CiisWold's Teh Niglils in a Car
Roijin Company is ib.. only company
(.raveling thai makes a specialty uf
iln.. grand old Iciiiperaiiee play, and
, has co ciiii iii -i-i ion with any id her tit
: I rat lions 11
i Did Yon s.iy Promptness?
If you did jusl send your order for
?-"..(eres lo Hetisloy \- Rush. Never
heitet prepared, than now lo fill your
order on Hie moment. Jusl try lite
ysl em" by 'phoning I s.
No.hing chca|) m|1 I I'd. V'u,,;' with
tile Ten Nights in a Riir Room; Co.
I Admissidlii 'iti eeiil:: lor ndults, and
ITi cents lor children, Copie ami
I billig tili w hoh family. H
Guarnhlc id
frhal Ice Cream orderet ... Klrlcni.iii's
v ill be fhsl cias; and ile'iveve,! wn. u
yott want it. Ph "i'j your order, ih.tb
I PholK'S, a-1. ? lit
William Turner Shot His Father in
Self-Defense Says the Jury by
Its Verdict.
In the Circuit Court yesterday af
terncOii a jury returned :i virdlel of
"not guilty" against William Tnr-|
nor, the colored boy. who shot and
Kill' ! hl.-; fallier m ar Slablowii about
I wii months ago. Tin- boy says he
shol in Self-defense and Iii? jury lie-1
II \' I llilll. Mr. Cay S. Collirr rep- ]
resented the accused boy ami Com?
monwealth's Attorney llurdctic A.
Lewis pinseculod him.
'i'ln irial consumed most of Hie
day, Hie jury reaching its verdict
shortly after I o'clock.
Piol. Tcssman is Chosen the Leader.
Other Olficers Elected.
A- "lie regular practice of Hie Y.
M. t A. orchestra held Friday even
ling, 'he following ollieers were
I II I le,|;
I ?ruf Win M. O. Tessiuan, eon
I)a\bl lliel.-. secretary,
I; Waber Lynch, manager and
111 a ilier.
The present arrangements of tin
pai'tS are as lollows:
-lohn It. Robert.-. Ii nil cornet,
c i: Clioyhej Hute,
s s. Cunningham, clarionet. ,
I lav-id Hicks, II is I violin.
.1 Marshall Hall, piano.
K Walter Lynch, horn.
Philip Liudchiierger, bnss viol;
Hr Charles Carey. Prof. Howard
ilntihcville and other musicians havi
espn '1 Iheir inteutioii of beroinin:
|Gcorr|c J. Davis Purchases the Prop,
crty of the Hampton Supply Co.
Tili.' property of the Hampton Sup?
ply Company, corner King ami Lin?
ola streets, was .add at public auc?
tion at noon yesterday by Auel ioneer |
M 11 Lackey. The sale attracted
uiaiiv real eMato men. and the prop?
erly was purchased by George J. Da
vi at $l!,700. It is understood that
sis colored men are Hie fohl pnr
I chasers t?f the property. Ii ?was llrsl
put mi in lots, but Hie lllinp bid
proved i be most desirable.
Mr. Lackey also sold Tor S. Cor?
don Cuiuiniiig, trustee, a bouse ami
lot in Phoebus, Mr. C. K Trice be-1
oiiiihg ih" purchaser at ?!',l?0.
A Year of Blood.
The year 190S will long be rcineih
bored in the home of F. N. Tacket of|
liance, Ky.. as a year of blood,
I which flowed ; o copiously from M> .
Taeket's lungs that death seeniel
very mar. lie writes: "Severe hlob.'i-l
lug frin the lungs and a fright fill
cough had brought tue at death's door.
When I began taking Dr. King's New i
Discovery for Consumption, with the
! astonishing result thai tiller taking
four hollies 1 was completely resloreil
and as linn- has proven permanently
cured." Hun ran Iced Tor Sore Lungs.
Coughs and Colds, at W. P.lair Lang
homo's drug stoie. Price 50c and
j$i.0u. Trial bottle free.
Farm: Foi Sale,
(let my list. M. O. LACKKY. It.
Wines and Liquors
I belong to the lost, tribe that stray?
ed away from Dublin before Moses
sailed on the Red Sea. I'm a price
cutter, I'm a money-maker; I'm the
one that sells all straight Whiskies,
retail at. wholesale prices. The follow?
ing high grado 10e whiskeys I sell for
f?c a drink: Paul Jones. Pure Rye.
Sherwood P?ye Whiskey, Carroll
Springs, pure Maryland Rye Whiskey.
Pour X X X X, linker Rye Whiskey.
O verholt Rye Whiskey, Park wood Rye
Whiskey. AH of the above named
whiskies is strictly high-grade; match
my prices if you dare, beat me if you
Whiskey In bulk at following
Old Nick pure Rye, 1-2 pt. 25c; gal?
lon .$4.00
Leonards Favorito 1-2 pt. 20c; gal?
lon .$:t.uo
Hunters Ualtluioro Rye 1-2 pt. 25c;
j gallon .$1.00
Maryland Club. 1-2 pt. 25c; gal?
lon .$4.00
' Paul Jones Puro Hyo, 1-2 pt. 20c;
gallon .$2.75
Carroll springs, gallon .$'J.50
X X X X Raker Rye. gallon_$2.50
Star a Rye. gallon.$2.00
Moss Rose, gallon .$2.00
Larkwood pure Rye, gallon ...$2.1)0
Jefferson pure Rye, gallon ....$1.75
Kentucky Itourbon. gallon ....$1.10
Double Stamp din. gallon.$2.00
Smithficld Applo Hrandy, -1 years
old. gallon .$2.00
The following hif.nds of California
Wines. Port Sherry Cnlawba, Claret.
Hiackborry at 25c perqt.; per gal 75c.
Pritle of North Carolina, 4 years
old;- gallon.$2.00
Ktiiuinclli, per gallon.$2.00
N: Leonard's
1G and 18 MELLEN ST.
Phoebus, Va. 'Phone 280.
a tempting array of
inaiiy pretty and ex?
tremely stylish el"
feels arc iii?\v on dis
play in both long ami
short sleeves. Surely
a pleasing variety
awaits your criticism.
made id' nice quality sheer while In?
dia Linon, beautifully made witii fancy
lucked, oi- Val. lace yokes, other
styles with embroidery let In front,
a pleasing assort men I of those do
slruble summer waists. $2.00 to $5.00.
Depl. Store. :: Hampton, l/a.
* ffiB39B9BSS8BClnsra
We carry a full line
of Enamclwnrc, Tin?
ware, Crockery, Glass?
ware and Cutlery, in all
colon, and sizes.
Queen St
We cater for this class
of goods only. Wc do not
handle any other goods
but Household Goods of
every description.
Don't Hiss Our Monday's Sale
RcgulHr 25c Enamel Dish Pans to be Sold
Six-Piece Glass Butter Set
Consistingof one butter dish and seive, one
sugar dish antl coven out- spoon holder,
one creamer; the f4Cl.for 19 Cents
0/ie set to each customer
18 and 20 W. Queen St ,
Hampton, Yu?
an properly in the County of Eliza?
beth City County on which taxcj for
the year 1905 have not been paid by
JUNE 10, 1905, will be advertised and
sold for taxes.
5-27-121. County Treasurer.
'Phone 102.
Buff, npeett* irptilat'ir: 95 cent*. Driigalritl or mftll.
H-.iuidetrr*-.. :>'J I.aKH*X(X'. Pblla-leli !i e,l"i.
lias that superior flavor and quail
ly thai must count with flrspclass
goods. When you order create here;
you get pure crushed prints and pure
milk?nothing hui Iii i best leaves our
The Nlcolopoolos' Coca-Cola is the
nest - if you doubt il u-k those wlio
pal roni/.e our fountain.
The In si and laiost drinks at o'tr
fountain always.
P. K. Nicolopoolos