Newspaper Page Text
Chicago, New York and Plllsburg Each Win, no mi mm ik st. louis in the American League the Athletics Are Shut Out by the Clevelandltos , In i Good Contest?flatn Stops the ; Game In New York. VJfo <By AxRocluteil Press.) ' National League HOW THE CLUBS STAND. W. L. PC. 23 .tttiii New York.,...4? 26 .(MS Pittsburg.4? 26 r?:i? Philadelphia . 119 116 .MO Clnclnnstl. 30 45 .400 bt. Louis. a? 47 .382 Brooklyn . 2? 44 ..171 Boston. 2U 48 .351 , YESTERDAYS GAMES. ' . Plttsburg, 9; Brooklyn, 0. PITTSR1IRO, PA.. .Inly ?.?Pitts, burp had1 no trouble In Knotting out Brooklyn today. l<oever was strong and only one Brooklyn player reached third baso. j Score: R.H.B. flttsburg_ 10012 5 00 x?9 14 0 Brooklyn _ 0000 00 000?0 4 3 i Leaver and Plielps; Pastorlnns and Ritter. Time. 1:45. Umpires, Ems lie attd Con way. - Chicago. 8; Boston. 4. .-.CHICAGO, ILLS.. July 0.?Clear fielding, good bnso running and long hitting, gave Oh lea nn easy victory today. , Score: R.H.B. Chicago . 1 0 2 0 1 1 1 2 x-8 13 1 Boston . 0 1 00 I I 0 0 1?4 11 ? Pfelster. Reulbach ami Mornu; Linda njan nd Brown. Time, 2:10. Umpire. O'Day. New York. 6: Cincinnati. 3. . CINCINNATI. O., .Inly 0.?New York won today's game, from Cincin? nati ,l>y combining Hi reo lilts, a stolen Ifes? nnd an error In the seventh In? ning. Score: R.ll'.E. Cincinnati ... 100 000 20 0?3. 9 a ftew York ;... o o 1 0 01 30 0?5 7 0 ? Ewlng and Schlei; MeOlnnlty and Bowermnn. Time. 2:00. Umpires. Klein and Carpenter. American League HOW THE CLUBS STAND. W. I* Pc. New York ..*.. 43 27 .014 Cleveland . 43 2? .000 Athletics'. ?:: 2? .000 Chicago.:;') na Detroit. 38 34 .528 St. Louis . 35 :!7 .48(1 Washington.25 40 .352 Boston . 1? 03 .264 . . ; YESTERDAY'H GAMES. Cleveland. 6: Athletics, 0. PHILADELPHIA. PA.. July !>.? Cleveland scored an easy victory over the Athletics today. .'?Score: . R.H.E. Cleveland ... 0 1 1 40 0 00 0?6 14 1 Athletics.. , . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0?0 2 2 "i'Rh?ades and Beinls; Coakley and C?ombs. Time, 1:36. Umpires. Coo nelly and Couners. ?,' Boston, 5; Chicago, 2. ? BOSTON, MASS.. .Inly 0.?The lo *sl team played In its old time form today snd defeated Chicago. 5 to 2. Score: ' R.H.E. Boston. 1101IO1O x?5 9 0 Chicago. 00001001 0?2 (i l . Dineen and Armbruster; Owen and Sullivan. Time. 1:24. Umpires. 6'Louglitin aud Bvans. , Oatrolt. 7; Waehlngton, 4. .WASHINGTON, D. C. .Inly ?.?De? troit w;on from Washington today, 7 to 4. The local team went to pieces in Ute eighth inning and the visitors won out easily. : Score: R.H.E. Washington . . 2 00 00 0 2 0 0?4 9 4 Detroit . 00 2 00 0 0 BO?7 10 1 Patten and Wakefleld; Mullin and Warner. Umpire, Hurst. Time. 1:45. . New York, 2; 8t. Louis, 0. NEW YORK. N. Y.. July ft.?Rain out short the game between the St. Louis and New York teams today, the locals winning by 2 to 0, lu five in? nings. -Score: R.H.E. St Louis . 0 0 0 0 0-0 3 2 New York.0101 0?2 4 1 Pelty and Rickey; Orth and Thom? as. Time, 1:00. Umpire. Sheridan. Virginia State League V'At Danville: Danville. 3: Norfolk. 2. ? At Lynchburg: Lynchburg. 3; Rich? mond. 4. (10 Innings , t At Porsmouth: Roanoke, 6; Ports? mouth, 2. V. ANGLO-GERMAN RELATIONS. Kaiser Furthering Efforts to Bring About Better Underatandlng. BERLIN, GBR.. July 9.?The efforts, ?tficlal and private, made to bring about better relations between Ger? many and Groat Britain have had pro. cpunced success. Emperor William is active, outside of the" regular channels lh impressing Englishmen with tho fact that it is his purpose to leave nothing undone on the German side to restore agreeable relations. '-Jlls majesty met a British naval of 'recently and talked with him for halt an hour on the ncedlessness and harm fulneBa of brlckorlugs between Great Britain and Germany, and the deter? mination on his put t to preBorve not only peace, but to cultivate good will and confidence. The German Journalists who recent? ly visited England havo since their re? turn filled the editorial pages of the most important nuwspapors with their observations, giving many arguments for pcuco and German-British friend? ship, j A committee is about to Invite fifty british editors to mako a return visit to Germany. The committee Includes the 1're.shlent of the Prussian House of l/>nln. Print: von Inn und Knyp hausen, the President of the Lower House of the Prussian Diet, Herr von Krochcr: Prlnco von Donnorsmnrck, Prince von Arcnberg. Uaron von Gem miugon-Guttenberg, chief of the Cabi? net of the King of Wurtcmburg, and eight hundred other prominent per? sons. There Is some expectation that King Edward will como to Germany for the christening of his grand nephew on August 12. white liilisif on an assault charge Manchester Man Accused of Mistreat ing a Seventeen Year Old Girl. (Special to tlic Daily Prosn.) MANCHESTER, VA.. July ??J. E. Hargrove, employed by the Standard Paper Company, and who llvot at 812 Went Seventh street. Is locked up In the Manchester police station charged with assaulting Missouri Barker, the seventeen year old daughter of Mr. J. N. Darker, of H wan shorn. ilurgrave was arrested this morn? ing about 10 o'clock by Officer Wny mank on a warrant uworn out by I lie rather or the girl. Itnrgrnvo seems to boar a good reputation und said that he was In? nocent <>r the charge and lhal h<< wn.i confident that the mutter would bo settled satisfactorily, lie also said that he had been paying at? tention to MIhh Darker for two years and a half and that his relations with her were discontinued abonl five months ago. major cyros oos? passes away su00eniy While Talking to Friends Brave Sol? dier Expires in His Home in Richmond. (Special to tho Dally Preis.) RICHMOND, VA.. July St. ?Major Cyrus BoskIcux, commissary of sub? sistence on General Phillips' start dur? ing (lie war. ami one ot tho best known men in the State, died at his home In this city tonight, while talk? ing with file mis. He was one or I he owners and vice president or the Gallagher Mills Co. and proprietor ot the Pioneer Transfer Co. He entered the military service or the Stnte as a member of tho Rich? mond Grays In 18.14 and was cilltlh uuuHly identified witli the military service for many years. He was Jutiyo udvocuto of the court-nuirtial that tried Franklin Stearnes and the three French officer serving in the Federal army who had entered the Confederate lines. His service to his Stute covered a period of forty-three years. HONORED VIRGINIAN DIES. Decorated by King of Sweden?Served With Admiral Evans Down In Chile. (Special to tlu< Dally Preaa.) WINCHESTER. VA.., July ?.?Pat? rick Henry Wilkinson, of 101 Seatou Place, Northwest, Washington former? ly ot Richmond who recently came to Frederick county for his health, died yesterday of consumption in the home of Charles R. Smlthoy nt Bruce town. Ho was 47 years old. After the funeral In tho church of Advent, Washington, Wednesday, tho body will be buried In Hollywood cem? etery, Richmond. Mr. Wilkinson was chief macfltnlst on the cruiser ?Baltimore whon Erlcc son's body was taken to Sweden, and was presented with a medal by King Oscar. He ulso was with Admiral Evans during the famous rebellion in Chili and- was among a party of Am? erican marines who were attacked by tho insurgents. His widow, Mrs. Eva Wilkinson, a eon and severnl sifters and brothers survive. The late Frank? lin Stearns, Sr., of Richmond, was an uncle. County Assessor Waylold. J. W. Coulter, of Leslie, S. D., Asses? sor of Stanley county, relates the fol? lowing: "I waa waylaid by n compli? cation of throat and lung troubles, bronchitis, asthma and a terrinlo cough, which had affected mo for yenrs, when I wag persuaded to try Dr. King's New Discovery. Relief al? most came immediately and in a short time a permanent cuio resiiP.iid." No other medicine compares with it as a sure and quick cure for coughs; and colds. It. cures after all oth?r Mine store. Price BOc and $1.00. Trial bot dles have, failed. Every botile guar? anteed at W. Blair Langhoruo'p drug tie free. A CARD. We desire to thank our friends for the many acts of kindness and for the other manifestations of sympathy shown during the last Illness and dur? ing the trying time after the death of our beloved daughter, Gcraldlne. We [would undertake to convey individual j thanks, but for fear that we might ? overlook some who have been kind to us. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. WILLIAMS. 300 TO 1 SHOT WINS kite With Only a Few. Players on Comes Nome First. FAVORITE ACTS AS PACE MAKER Closing BM on the Horse 100 to 1 With Few of the Talent in on the "Good Thing"?Flam's Horn Takes Bay Rfdgo Handicap. (Ily Associated fronn.) NI5W YORK, July ?.?The surp-.isc of I he racing ai Shecpshcad liny to day was tho victory of Arclto. a loo jo I shot In (he third race. So Ill He was though) of his chances ?f winning thai he was quoted at one Htne at 300 to I, and a number or small bet.s were made on III in. Me Cartei-, Hu? favorite made pace for live furlongs when Trox lor brought Arclto up and won easily by 2 lengths. Ram's Horn won the Bay Ridge handicap. ? Summaries. First, race, selling. Ore furlohgBU, futurity course?Somntis, 9 to f>, won; CSnllanl Han. loo to I, second; Anna May. I'i to I. third. Time, 1:01. Second race, one mile?Holly Span ker, 1 to 2. won; Old Faithful, 7 to I. second; Rime of Cold, 20 to 1, third. Time, 1:39 4-.V Third nice, live nml half furlongs, futurity course?Arcltc, 100 l? I. won; McCartor, 3 to I. second; Marl thou, lo to I, third. Time. 1:08. Fourth race, the May Ridge handi? cap, one mile and n quarter?Rain's Horn. 7 to 2, won; Von Tromp, 8 lo 1. second; "Bedouin, 30 to l, third. Time. 2:Ofi 8-5. - Fifth race, six ami a half furlongs, main course?Comedienne. IS to I, won; Monet, 13 lo 10, second; Iron? sides. 7 to I, third. Time. 1:18 1-6. Sixth race, selling, five furlongs, futurity course--'I/Amour. 8 to 1, don; Athens. 0 to I, second; Cltronu, IG to I. third. Time, 1:01 I-.'?. Seventh race, selling, one mile and three quarters, on turf?Angler, 8 to B, won; I.elln, 12 to I, Second; Hun tlngton, 7 lo I, third. Time. 3:0 1. BALDNESS EXPLAINED. Dr. Reich Saye It Is Due to Spcr.ial'z atlon. Dr. Knill Reich, the Instructor of so? ciety Indies In the philosophy of Pla? to, told his audience at Cla-idgiK Ho? le) yesterday why It. is that many young men are bnld. "In stifling the Imagination, young men age quickly, and one consequence Is the loss of their hair." he s?iid: "I have bad thousands of stii'ienrs pars through my hands, and Iii" o been as? tonished at the number of bald leads among them. It Is lha result of spec llliznllon." Dr. Reich's lecture was on tho edu? cation of man. especially th ? K'.igltsh man. He condemned the Gorman sys? tem unsparingly, and cittlelzed En? glishmen for hnitntlng It. Ills general plan would be to teach boys nothing but reading until they ore thirteen. From thirteen to eigh? teen they should study the poets*. "There ought to be a law in England to compel youths to read Shakespeare," he said. Some of Iiis other utterances were as follows: "Education In England Is too seri? ous. The foreigner is preferred for situations in the City because he Is animated and looks more promising. "The Englishman, although l>e mnv be more Intellectual. Is stiff, cold. <?clf ronscious and melancholy. "The study of Shelley would do more for a young man thnn the study of all the Greeks. "German solidity Is Oerman stolidi? ty."?London Express. Contemptible. Hardruppe?What, does it mean when your hnnd Itches? Wigwag?That's a sure sign you are going to get money. Hardruppe?Is It? Lend me $5. will you??Philadelphia Inquirer. HEALTHY PLANTS Reaalre the Moat Carefnl Attention mm Well as Good Soil. Did you ever see a rosebush which? despite the most bennflcent environment of soil?of sunshine?And of atmosphere, -seemed never to achieve a. healthy frowth. A ton of manure will not help a plant that has a. canker eating out Its heart. Tou must destroy the cause before you can remove the effect. Tou cannot cure Dandruff ?nc hairi? ness by rubbing on hair lotions \ni rubbing- In vaseline, etc. Tou must look to the caiti* of ths trouble?It's a germ at tho roots of your hair which causes It to fall out. Newbro'a Herplclde destroys the Kerm. and healthy hair la the aura result. Sold by leadlnr dmgglnta. Send toe. In ?tamps for sample to The Herptcld? Co.. Detroit. Mich. ALLEN'S DRUG STORE. HANGER * GULICK. SPECIAL AGENTS. VI NE BURG BROS. 4EWELER3 AND EYE SPECIALISTS. B8 Granby Street, Norfolk, Va. CHEAP ADVERTISING. CASH IN ADVANCE. ONE CENT A WORD. Advertisements under classified held* In this column will rxt Inserted ?t the uniform rat? of one cent a word for each Insertion.. No advertisement, however small, leas than 26 cents for the flrat Insertion. Cash In advance Invariably. Special rates made on long contracts. Orders for discontinuance must be made In writing. LOST AND FOUND. LOST?BLACK LEATHER CARD case, containing checks, and two 25: cent Canadian Bills. Howard If re? turned to the Daily Press Office, tf HELP WANTED-MALE." MRN AND BOYS WANTED TO learn plumbing, plastering and brick laying. Special offer life scholarship $50; easy payments, po? sition guaranteed; free catalogue COYNE BROS., T ratio Schools, New York. Chicago, St. I .on is WANTED. WANTED ? TO PURCHASE A Buggy Horse; weight about t.OOU pounds, Cull af the water office. 7-10-31 WANTED ? OCCUPANTS FOB rooms with hoard, also table board? ers wanted. 1211 32nd Street. 7-8-tII WANTED ? LADIES OF NEWPORT News ami vicinity to have their nalr dressed like ladles of New York and other cities. NICHOLAS' HAIR DRESSING PARLOR, 203 27th Street, Stlaby Building. New? port News, Vn. 7-3 tf WANTED?CLEAN COTTON It ACS Apply Dally Press Office. 0-30-tf. WANTED?BUYERS FOR OLD PA pern. 10c nor hundred; apply at Dal'y Press often. WANTED? CLOTHES OF ANY kind or description to be cleaned, pressed, scoured, dyed, nltercd or repairer!. Work the host. Prices the lowest; satisfaction guaranteed. The I Inli Clean, ft Press. Co.. 211 33rd St. Clta. 'phone 328. J. H. WHEELER, Prop. FOR SALE. FOR SALE?ELECTRIC KAN. USED only three months. In excellent con? dition. For Information, apply 24It! Huntington Avenue. 7-10-3t FOR SALE?EXPOSITION LOTS, near the grounds. $3(10 to $1,000. STEWART fc MIDOETTE, 133 2f?th Street. Branch office at drug store, Pine Beach. 7-S-fit FOR SALE? LARGE SI55E TALK iug machine as good as new, with 3fi ton and twelve-Inch records; only $23.50. OEO. D. HAMPTON PIANO CO.. 210 Twenty-eighth street. 710-tf. FOR SALE?EXCELLENT HOUSE and lot on car line; good residential section, for Just $1,200; $100 cash and $l.">.tiii per month. City water; sanitary arrangements; newly paint? ed. SO.MMERVILLE fc CO. 7-7-31 FOR SALE?HOUSE AND LOT, NO 21fi 23rd Street, between Washing ton and Huntington nvenne*?, one thousand dollars cash; five hundred Dec 20tll. Address D. B. LEWIS. Bislfce, Arizona. 7-3-1 in. FOR SALE ? GOOD HOUSE IN North End, only $1,600; $loo cash balance very long time, six rooms, bath and sewer connections. South? ern exposure. SOMMERILLIO ft CO. 7-7-3t FOR SALE ? CHIGNONS, TOR Kudos. Switches. Puffs, Top Curls, Pin Curls. Wigs and Toupees. I also make switches, etc..' from your own c t hair or combings, or I will buy them. H. O. NICHOLAS. Prop. Nicholas' Hair Dressing. Manicur? ing and Chiropody Parlors. 203 27th Sheet, Silsby Building, Newport News. Vu. 7-3-tf LOTS FOR SALE OR LEASE IN ALL parta of the city. Call and ?rol price*. OLD DOMINION LAND CO- Wotftl Warwick Rnlldlnr. FOR RENT. FOR RENT?ONE OR TWO UNF?R nlshed front rooms. Cull after V, p. ml. 318 Forty-fourth Street. 7-tn-iit FOR RENT?ON HAMPTON AVE line, near river shore. Apply 2101 ? Ouk nvonue. 7-8-3t FOR RENT?FURNISHED HOUSE In best locality in the city. Address E. L. T.. this office. . 7-8-31 FOR RENT?TWO NICE ROOMS, witli board; oouplo ."?r two young men In each. Apply 218 Thirtieth ,St. 7-1 fit. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR without board; also table hoarders. Apply 124 Thirty-fourth Street. 7-8-61 SPECIAL NOTICE. IF YOU WANT A HOME OR Busi? ness location In any part of the city or suburbs, wo can supply your wants. Cnsh or on easy terms. Wo nlso handle farm property;'STEW? ART & MIDOETTE. 133 25th Street. 7-7-tf A BUSINESS OBLIGATION?BUY your tailor-made clothes from T, P. KEATING. 221 Twenty-fifth sl-eot. 6-2-tf. OLD DOMINION BAGGAG? TRAN? far; office C. ft O. Otatlou. 'Phones: Bell Nos. 40.? and 131 j Cits., No. IS. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. AUCTION S A LE ? WEDNESDAY ii Hi liiKt., at noun, of Restaurant and Hotel Furniture und'Fixtures; 17 rooms, lease, good business stand. Apply to REYNOLDS BROS.. 132 Twenty-flfth St. 7-8-3t MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN"?$500 TO $5.000. Yon pay It back $7.50 per month on each $l.ono, at 5 per cent. Interest. STEWART & MUX!ETTE, No. 133 25th Street. 7-8-lWk. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS OF $50 to $1.000, i; per cent. Merchants Mechanics Savings Association. Al? lan D. .loin*s. Secretary and Attor? ney. First National Bank Building. 3-7-tf. SUMMER BOARDERS. WANTED?SUMMER BOARDERS? Address Lock Box 02. Wnyncsboro. Va., for terms and Information. U-2'.l-St. UNDERTAKERS. W. E. ROUSE. FOR OOOD SERVICE and fine hnckn. 231-23$ Twenty fifth afreet. 'Phonoa. 61. I. H. CAFFEH & BON. 83RD 8T and Huntington Ave. Both 'phones No. 1: ro.ileonco. Bell 'ohone. 41. WANTED! WHITE GIRLS to learn cigar making NEWPORT NEW BRANCH, fi-23-lm. 34th Street & Va. Avenue. Buckroe Beach Theatre Where the Breezy Billows Glow. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNES? DAY NIGHT. Mr. George Rosencr Presents Miss May llillman, In a superb production of the high-class comedy, "ZEPPA" Polite vaudeville between tlie acts. ADMISSION .15 CENTS NOTICE! Since the Citizens RnlLvay L'ghi and Power Co. has decided to give up nil electric wiring and supply business, .Inly j, 1900. I shall undertake a like business for myself My motto will be Hie same as it ha? always been, while with the company, to treat every person risjlit regardless of position. 1 shall at all times he prepared to take care of your needs in tho electrical line. I shall be temporarily located in the compay's basement, Thirty-first street, ami Washington avenue, until August 1. lftno, then 1 will be in my permanent office and store 2017 Wash? ington avenue. All work will be appre? ciated If ever so small and I promise the very best material aud workman? ship that can bo had. T. G. COBURN, (Formerly chief Electrician C. R. L. & P. Co.) Office Bell phone 148. Residence Bell Phono 1IS-Y. 7-1-tf An Old Proverb Is "There is never a debt paid so high as wot weather pays for dry." except when you consider that KELLUM SURE CURE FOR INDIGESTION lias paid. Is paying, nnd will pay you in "Jolly flood Health" many timos Its cost. So if you suffer with nerv? ousness, heart-burn, sour stomach, nausea, blues and other symptoms of Indigestion, the great destroyer of health and happiness and tit the same time make a paying Investment, get ti bottle of tills wendet fill preparation; by waiting longer you necessitate more medicine nnd longer to find a complete cure, which we guarantee. 8AMPI.E BOTTLE FREE. ALL DRUG STORES $500.00 REWARD! Tho abovo reward will ho pnld for such evidence as will lead to tho arrest and convic? tion of the parly or parties who maliciously cut. or punctured the cablos of the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Co. of Virginia, at 23rd street nnd Jefferson avonue, 271 h street nnd Jefferson avenue. 27'h street and Warwick avnuo, 23th street and West avenue, and 23rd street, between West ave? nue nnd River Road. Southern Bell Telephoned Telegraph Company of Virginia J. EPPES BROWN.*Ger. l. Mgr. A TRUE SAYING "Never put off until tomorrow*, that which you can do today." Do not neglect your eyes. Have them examined and Hod out the cause. It costs you nOtljlug. Cou sult ? ? -J Dr. Samuel Scientific examination free, 2 to 5 p. m. With Dr. R. J. Hunter, Cor. Wash Ington Avenue and 28th Street. Up? stairs._^ I BANKRU^ ISA STIC It N DISTRICT OK VlllCINlA. COUNTY OF NORFOLK, ss. On Ihis Ulli day of July, A. D. 190). on reading petition of Frank Fried laud. Bankrupt, for discharge, It is ORDERED HY THE COURT, that a hearing he hud upon the same cm tho 18th day of July, A. I). 1906. before said Court, at Norfolk, In said dis? trict at 111 o'eloek noon; ami that no? tice thereof lie published In The Daily Press, a newspaper printed In said dis? trict, and thai all known creditors !?n<l other persons In Interest inny*appear at Hie said lime ?ml place and show cause, if any they have, why the pray I cr of Hie said petitioner should not be granted. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED by the Court I hat the Clerk shall soii'l by mail to all known creditors copjes of said petition and this order, "ad? dressed to them at their places of res? idence as slated. Witness the Honorable EDMUND WADDILI* Jr.. Judge of the said Court, and the seal thereof, at. Nor folK, in said district, on the Olli day or July, A. D. 1900. Attest: . I O. B. BOW DEN, Clerk. By D. A. KELSEY, Deputy Clerk. Raymond M. Hudson. Atty. 7-10&17. TRUSTEES' SALE. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED PROP? ERTY IN ELIZABETH CITY COUNTY. Default having occurred under a deed or trust dated April Jlth, 190L of record in tho Clerk's Office of the County of Elizabeth %Clty. Virginia, in deed of trust book No. 20, page ?4r>, executed by Wolf Levy and wife, to T. J. Christian, Sr., trustee at the request of the party secured, tho un? dersigned T. J. Christian. Jr.. sub? stituted trustee, appointed by the Court of the County of Elizabeth C'H.v, will oTfer for sale, in front of the Court House in Hampton, at 11 o'clock a. in., on MONDAY, JULY 16, 1906, I the following property: f All that certain tract of land con? taining about five acres, more or less, located In \vythe District. Elizabeth City County. Virginia, commonly cnll od "Buzzard Roost." ami hounded on the west by the main county road,, on the east ami south by the Howard land, of which the land hereby con? veyed was formerly a part, and on the north by the Davis land, being tho same land conveyed unto the said H. C. Alexander, one of the parties of tho first part, by deed of J. C. Heath nnd wire, dated April fi. 1898, and duly recorded in the Clerk's Of? fice of the County Court of Elizabeth City County. Virginia, together with the improvements, etc. TERMS: CaSh sufficient to pay the indebtedness secured and unpaid, due A. Roscnbauni, and the expenses of executing the trust, etc., terms'ro be compiled with within five days or premises will be resold at risk of de? faulting purchaser. T. J. CHRISTIAN, JR.. 7-4-to 7-16 Substituted Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, SIT? UATE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF AND KNOWN AS NO. 332 FORTY FIFTH STREET, NEWPORT NEWS, VA. Pursuant to Hie provisions of a cer? tain deed of trust dated June 15th, 1000. recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Corporal ion Court of the City of Newport News. Va.. in Deed Book No. 17. page 172. the Btltd deed being exe? cuted by John Cameron Hebdltch to Benjamin C. Wherry and Conatantlne II. Williamson, Trustees, under the" terms of which deed of trust cither of the Trustees may act. default having been made in the payment of the debt Hierein secured, and at the request of tin. beneficiary named In the said deed, I will offer for sulo on the prem? ises on TUESDAY, JULY 17th, 1906, at 12:15 O'CLOCK P. M., All that certain lot. piece or parcel of ground, with the Improvements there? on, situate and being in the City of Newport News. Virginia, known and designated by the Lot Number Forty four (44), In Block Number Four Hun? dred and Twenty-one. (421), on a cer? tain map entitled. "Map of part of the City of Newport News, Virginia," which said map Is duly recorded la the Clerk's Office of the Corporation Court 'if the City of Newport News, Va., in Pint Bock No. I, page 3. TERMS: Cash us to the sum of $1.254.89, and unpaid taxes, insurance, costs of sale; aud as to balance, to be announced on dav of sale. BENJAMIN C. WHERRY. ' Truste?. For further information apply to BARRETT & WEST. Newport News, Va. 7-7,10,12.14.17