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ft I if I Ri Poof Showing Made fiy Stilpbulld ers gainst Collegians. O'Brien Pitched Fins Cime and Was Given Faultless Support?Storm Stopped Performance After Five Visitors Crossed Home Plate. When Jupiter Pluvlus stepped lu and put an end to tha performance oetween the Shipbuilders and Ihe Norfolk Collegians at the Casino Park yesterday afternoon lu the op. entng of the eighth session, the lo? cals had nothing to show for their stick work except an unlnterupted line ? of goose eggs, the .. first. iWltli which they have been presented this sea sou. Had the piling up of nnug'hts beeu the locals ohly ifalllug Tuaybo the four hundred lunatic* In attend? ance would have overlooked It. but was not, for they presented Norfolk | With five tallies. - "Junnlo" Davis... twirled for, the home team and had he had control tho tale "might have been different., but as It was "Juuuie" ? was exceed, Ingly wild, parsing eight men to first, and forcing a run by a free transportation when the. .buses . wore full. In the few sessions that be did have control.the Collegians could not . hit Davis effectively nnd tbey got only five bits, two of which were scratches. yFitzpatrlck.^for the Collegians, was In great form yesterday and during the entire game he allowed only one hit and gave but one man free trans? portation. The locals could not] couple with hla twisters at any stage.} of the game nnd up to (he sixth, when the Collegian pitcher gave ' a base on balls, not a local man had reached first base. Fllzpntrlek wa.i given faultless support by the team behind him nnd a prettier exhibition than Mint which the Collegians put; up has not been aeen here before Ihls season, l^iwler ran easily, the slnr, tanking several remarkable setups'of hot' grounders' and robbing the locals of at lenst. three hits. Tho tabulated score: Newport News. A. 11. It. H. P.O. A. B O'Haru, c:.:i o i in l tx Maloney, If. :: 0 0 2 0 0 Curtis, lb. It 0 0 C O 0 Buchanan. lb.It 0 0 0 1 1 Troxcl. rf. 2 V 0 0 0 1 Hughes, 3b. 2 0 0 2 2 1 De Fargo, ct. 2 0 0 t) 0 1 Fane, 2b. 1 0 0 0 0 0 Duvls, p. ..'. 2 0 0 1 4 0 Totals . 21 0 1 21 8 4 Norfolk. A.t). It. H. P%0. A. B Lawler, as. ....... 3 1 0 0 -4 Q White, lb. . ? 1 Oil 1 0 Owens, 2b.2 I 1 2 Z Q| Walters, 3b. 2 0 0 0 3 0 Jones, it. . 3 1 .1 1 0 0 Shafer. of. 3 0 I 0 0 0 Atklnflou. If. 4 0 2 0 0 0 Churn, c. 3 0 0" 7- 0 0 Fitzpatrick, p.2 1 0 0 I 0 Totals. 25 5 5 21 11 0 Score by Innings: Newport News _ 0 0 0 a 0 0 0?0 Norfolk ...q o .duo 1-^5. . Summary: Two-base hit?-Atkinson. Struck out?by Davis, ft; by .FltzpaU I Hai always been a special? ty of tliis bimvess. People say we do better Engraving than any other firm in the state. Many families leave their silver with us when going away for the summer ahi have it ^engraved with monogram or cred. We do this work very reasonably during the quiet summer month*. Manufacturing Jeweller, 2$thand Washington Ave. 'ftftk. ?. Base, on balis-j-pff Davis, 8; ,o&..^t*pnttl?'k> 1. Left on. bases? Newport News. 1; Norfoll?, 8. First buBc on errors?Norfolk, U. stolon bases?Owen, Atkinson and FltV.pat rick. Wild pltcbes?puvls, 1; FIV--| Patrick. 1. Hit by pitched ball? Bhafer. Umpire?Mr. Charles Ray field. Time of game?lh.15m. MRS. HOPKINS HAS PNEUMONIA,! Bride of - Pew Weeks Dangerously] III at St. James Hospital. Mrs. A. L. Hopkins, wife of MrJ A. b. Hopkins, . assistant general] manager of (ho shipyard, la dtuiger ously 111 at the St James hospital I from pneumonia, There was a sllgh' improvement in her conditio? yester? day. "Dr. William It. Aylett, of this city I and Dr. Walton, of Chase City, have been attending Mrs. Hopkins, l-'rl ilay Dr. George, Ben Johnston and Dr. Bright., of, Richmond, were call ed Into consultation. - Mrs. Hopkins was Miss May Dar? ios, of Chase City, and her wedding| to 'Mr. Hopkins last month was ope of the social uvuuls of the summer | In ? Virginia. LAST WEEK OF STOCK COMPANY ] Miss May , Hillrnan, Closes Engage? ment at Buckroe Saturday Night This week-.will be the last week) of I be May Hill man Stock Company In i hi; Buckroe Beach casino. For the closing attractions Mau ager George. Koscner has announced] "Teu Nlgl)ts in the Barroom" and] "JesOe James." The first play will be. the openingI bill of the week, while "Jesse' James" t will be presented on Thurs? day, Friday and Saturday evenings. 'Miss Htllroau and her company are now preparing for u fall tour. Next, weck Manager Charles W. Rex will offer a strong vaudeville show at the ea'slno. DIVORCE FOR MR8. WILLARD. Decree Granted by Juduo Barham on Ground of, Cruelty. Judge.'Barham. In the Corporation| Court, has granted n divorce to Mrs. Male Eugenic Spencer Wlllard froml her husband, Dr. Barle S. Wlllardj on the ground Of extreme cruelty. The decree restores the plaintiff's I maiden name. Attorney C. Aylott [ Ashhy represented -Mrs. Wlllard. The plaintiff Is daughter of Prof. Ii. P. spencer, of Newark, N. ,1., originator of the Spencerlan style of] writing, z < ? Dr. Wljlard I? a sou'of Dr. Wlllard of Norfolk, .the Norfolk osteopathlst. He and his wife lived here for a. short tlmo about a year ago. GOVERNOR SWIM DEMITS ' Of OHE HOUR IN JULI Official Notice of Lieutenant Garth right's Dismissal From Service, Adjutant General Charles J. Ander? son has Issued official notice <jt thn| dismissal of. First Lieutenant New? ton H. Garthrlght, of Company S, | from the service of the .Slate. Tho court martial which tried Lieutenant Garthrlght sentenced him to serve j one hour In Hie jail at this city, hut. Governor r,Swnnson remitted thai] part of the 'sentence. The resignation of Second Lieuten? ant G.. R. Butler, of Company O, has] 1 been accepted and the adjutant gen oral has ordered Captain..It. E. Wil klnB, of Company 0, to assume com? mand of company G for the present. I Committee amed. President AV. . B. Llvezey, of the| j Chamber of Commerce, has appoint? ed..Messrs. A. \j. Powell.and J- A: iWUlett to' compose' the special'com? mittee to take .steps toward securing I tabor for the Ipcal branch of the] American Tobacco Factory Mr. Live-, zey also asked Mr. R. H. Harvey, ofl the Merchants' Association, to act] with the commit teu. Reynolds Goes to Farmvllle. ?Mr. Thomas Reynolds, tlie well. kjiown local pitcher, Ahas been en-] gaged by the rnrmvllle nine to pitch -a series of games for that team dur? ing August.? . The. Farmvllle nln?J wlH play' the Richmond J3rowntes-| and the Empprla nine and other fast' amateur teams. WlH Test Muullmj. Lawo ?Mr. T. J.. Christian announced yes* ?.terday\ that he, proposed to te3t thr\ ' validity of the city's dog ordinance by. suing to recover.$5 wlil^ch he paid; to set passes 31 on. of his dog after It bad been taken-np by the pollco de? partment. .. . ' Now With M. H. Lash. . . Mt. V. ; B. .Barclay, until recently genert-l' manager cf the Newport News Gas Companyj- has accepted :a, PQsltlpn with Mr. M. H.* will enter upon his; duties'In''his new position Monday moTnmg; 00 TO JAMESTOWN NEXT THURSDAY, ON THE FINK EXCUR? SION BOAT,. "HAMPTON R0A08." LEAVES PIER A 8:30. 7-2*1-4* THE BIG STORE WERTHEIMER k C?MP?NY THE BIO STORE m PLEASE TAKE NOTICE! 20 Per Cent* Discount Sale IS NOW ON, with unparalleled bargain offerings. It is an event of exceptional interest, as it involves every model of the most reputable maker* in the Clothing world, such as Mart, 5 chaff net & Marx, of Chicago, The Washington Co., of New York, L. Adler, Bros. & Co., of Rochester. Our stock is the most complete of any in the city and embraces all the latest shades and fabrics and stylishly cut Clothing that is to be had. A Full Line of Staple Black Thibets, Unfinished Worsteds and Fine Blue Serges Are Included in This Great Twenty Per Cent. Discount Sale. We have reserved nothing! But have put our entire lot i/f d_OTHfrNCi on sale. i. 'One Hundred Seasonable Two-Piece Suits in this Sale At One-Half of the Original Price. DON'T PUT IT OFF, But COME IflflEDIATELY for one of these swell Two-Piece Suits.a* FIFTY Per Cent, on the Dollar. You'll not have ah opportunity like this for years to come. Straw and Panama Hats at Half Price! OUR BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT is the most complete in the city, and is In? cluded in this Sweeping Reduction of TWENTY PER CENT. All Qoods Marked In Plain Figures, So Figure Your Own Discount. \ $10.00 Suits now.$ 8.00 12.00 Suits now. ?.60 . 15.00 Suits now. 12.00 10.00 Suits now. 12.80 18.00 Suits uow. 14.40 20.00 Suits now.I. 10.00 22.00 Suits now..,. 17.60 25.00 Suits now. 20.00 *2.00 Pants now.$1.60 2.50 Pants now. 2.00 3.00 Pants now. 2^40 3.50 Pants now.,.*. 2.80 4.00 Pants now.V;..i. 3.20 5.00 Pants now. 4.00 6.00 Pants now.... 4.80 6.50 Pants now.'.. 5.20 7.00 Pants now.t. 5.60 & CO THE BIO STORE Washington Avenue and Twenty-sixth Street WERTiiElMER & COMPANY I THE BIG STORE THE BIG STORE 'Some can eat And have no meat, And some have meat And cannot eat/' but of these, we would choose the ?former, as what Is life to a person, [bound In Indigestion's fetters; weak, nervous and. languid, nnd n physical [wreck? The answer .to |hls question !is well known to thousands over this I broad fand, that have never grasped j the opportunity of using the famous fceLLDM's sure cure for indi ! gest ion, that hns cured so many people and made, them "live" again! [alter; .their life had become a burden rto them.' This preparation contains [nothing harm fill to an infant; or Is ^perfectly harmless, and also perfectly costless it it doe* not eyre your Indi? gestion. Sample bottles free. Fifty, cents ami one. dollar at. all druggists. ? [ take one dav W>UbAVV?t?? ho.w and go on the nice' ex? cursion to old jamestown, next thursday, ONLY 75c round trip. ^ excellent re? freshments on boat.;.moder? ate PRICE8. fine place. for picnic, 7-22-4t -WHEN A HOME INDUSTRY produces a product as good as can be secured elsewhere, you should give it your patronage*. The Shoes made ill Newport Nevis are the eqdal of any at the Drkes, $5.50. $^.00 and $$J)Q the pair, , Gf V E THEM! ? TRI A L MHMMnM??IIIINII?IWIIir ???? ' Manufacturing Company NEWPORT NEW8, VA jjT SCHMELZ BROTHERS! BANKERS I (City and County Depository.) cj Usue certificates of. Deposit for,$50.00 or more, negotiable and pay- 5 '* able on demand. Drav/lnj interest at the rate' of FOUR PER CENT. ?? WE KNOW YO'JR WANT9 AND WANT YOUR BUSINESS. 3 THE STRONGEST BANK IN THE CITY 1 ^JUUloJUULpjLoju^^ Get Aca.iMiutad ?Ith us and our way, of doing business? We offer DEPOSITORS every prir liege conservative banking will vrat rant. . , . ? . Q Your Account Larga or Smalts "1 Wa Invlta. JJ) The citiZENS' And Daily Pf ess J? Cents a Week