Newspaper Page Text
Pamphlet on the Davenport Case Issued for Attorney, CONTAINS NO NEW INFORMATION Substance of All Matter in the Publication Has Appeared in News? papers and MucW of it is Copied From Papers. A pamphlet purporting to contain a story of the life and I he confes? sions of Andrew Lt. Davenport, the negro murderer whu wa.i hanged in the jail yard here on Friday raorn-| lug. July IU, was issued yesterday from a local printing plant for Mr. E.. S. Robinson, junior counsel for | the defense In the Davenport case. The pamphlet contains practically | nothing that has nut been published in the newspapers and much of the | matter has been copied from ths papers. If there was any object In the publication, other than the cash] which,.may he derived from It3 sale, ii apparently was to cast insinua? tion!; against the police authorities and court officers, ~ The following letter from J. T. Newsomc, the negro attorney whu assisted Commonwealth's Attorney C. W. Robinson In the prosecution of Davenport, explains itself: i ?i i "Editor Daily Press: "In reading the ' confessions (for there are two) of Andrew Lord Dav? enport, as given in a litle booklet just published by Mr^ E. S. Robinson. ? < ne thing stands out clear ami dls tlnct?Davenport was a murderer of the most calculating and cold l looded kipd and was, at the samel time, an unscrupulous^-. vindictive liar a3 well. In one confession he . charges complicity In the crime, naming Mittle Sanford und Willie MICHAELSON'S SECOND WEEK OF OUR 20 PER GENT. DISCOUNT SALE. Many have taken advan? tage of our semi-annual dis ? i ......... count sale?a sale designed to rid our store of every gar merit in the season for which it wa? made, an established policy which prevents us from carrying over clothes from one season to another. "Vye are enabled to perfect this. clearance solely on ac? count of the fact that we of? fer a liberal reduction on sea? sonable "stuff"---Ckthes madoj up especially for us of the very best materials and by the leading clothing makers of this country.N This reduc? tion applies on every Suit of Clothes in the house, and not on a lot t f odds and ends, or shop worn goods, as is often the case in other stores. Included in this sale is hun-l dreds of suits suitable for all theyear-wear, and those whoj anticipate needs will find this, iale of wonderful money-sav-j ing helpfulness. Each garment bears its orig? inal ticket and price. Deduct '20 per cent, and you have the cost to you. 7r<Arr\ Clothiers, Tailors, Furnishers, 2 6 0 7 Washington Avenue Wimbuah as his confederates, later, as if his conscience was seeking onse through a revelation of the truth, ho writes auother confession In which, he quotes Scripture about bearing] false wltitess and comes out boldly nu.i says that Thuuins was shot by him, (Davenport) at the spot where his body was found, and that Willie Wti.ibush was not even present, and then the same old Davenport that has shown such remarkable venom throughout this sad case, says that WlihUusb knew all about It, though he was not to share In the proceeds of tie (iisurance policy. How any anno man can put credence In the| Ktntc-Mients of such a character as Davenport was Is beyond cotupro h?nsl?i.".j ' especially when he impll rate) a hard 'working, Intelligent Co' man like Wlmbush, who not u:iy I at lived In tlit^ vl'lill'.ty for l<! y.ais, but who could h'vt> had no 'litcreal In Die <ienth of Wllllo Thomas since he was not to share In life heuellts coming from his death. I Tor one, think the ofllclala of this city deserving of the highest) praise for not arresting Wlmbush upon the unsupported statement of a self-confessed murderer, and Wlm? bush ought to feel happy that it remains for such a criminal as Dav? enport proves to be to be the first lo accuse him of a crime. ' "Very truly. "J. THOMAS NEWSOMIC." AFTER A STEEL PLANT. Negotiationo in Progress Looking Toward Landing Big Industry. '?Representative of u big New Yor>\ 'concern hare been in this city and Norfolk recently looking Into the ad? visability of locating a steel plant in this vicinity. It la said that this city Is favored and the Old Domin? ion Land Company bus offered a free site. If the industry should be located here it would employ In the neigh? borhood of 2,500 men in a short, lime. Mrs. Mary Leo Dead. Mrs. IMary Leef, of this city, who went to Baltimore two weeks .ago to visit her daughter. Mrs. Charles C. Collins, died yesterday morning at her daubhtcr's home after a brief Illness from typhoid fever." She was f>n years or age and had lived In this city for a number of years. She came to this country from Wales, where she was raised, but was a na? tive of Irclanp. She Is survived by., two sisters, three sons ami three daughters. The body will be brought bore Ulla morning fur interment. Funeral services will he conducted from St. Vincent's catholic church, of which the deceased was a mem? ber. ?'auuLiDMrjifliiiuin iiui rcniiuiirc nil mmitnire IS Social-Personal I! Mr. .1. C. Hebdltch left yesterday for Annrium, Buckingham County, whether he was called on account of the illness of his father, Mr. J. W. Hebdltch, who was stricken vAth apoplexy last Thursday. Mrs. J. C. Hebditch, who under, went a slight operation last week Is Improving and her speedy recovery is ex-pected. Mrs. Mary Thurston has returned to Gloucester after a visit to her! daughter, 'Mrs. W. B. Barton in this city. 1 |?1 - TT* - | IMessrs. Charles Moss and Frank McMillan will leave . today for a week's cruise up James river in an Indian canoe. * Miss Mary Field, , of Petersburg, will arrlver here today to. spend a week with her cousin. Mrs. C. C. Moss, on West avenue. Mrs. R. G. Bain, who was operated upon at the St James Hospital yes? terday morning Is reported as get? ting along very nicely. Mr. John A. Upshur has returned to his home In Richmond after a.vl? it to his brother, Mr. W. S. Upshur, I here. Mr. and Mrs. Firth and Miss Alley, of this city, have been called tD Richmond on account of the death | of Mrs. Firth's sister, Mrs. M. W. ! Alley. (Miss Fannie Richardson, of Rich? mond, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. E.? Nponan, In this city. < 'Miss Annie Robertson has return? ed front a visit to Washington. Mrs. J. H. Hales has returned home after visiting her parents in Utica, N. Y. Miss Mollie Fentress, of Norfolk, is the gueat of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Goddln, 637 Twenty-eighth street. Mr. Claude Goodman and his bride will return home from their honey? moon this week. WATT, D?X?Y & WATT LADIES' MANNI8H '.WAISTS. made of liuro linen. Just night fur bunting or tennis. sizes 34-to.'4%, regular $3,6.0 and $1.00 tfO QO values. Sale price.... ^fciOO MOSQUITO CANOPIES, full size. $1.25 and $1.75. H?sTT^E "TjT^'lTORE Ir proving a great success. Seasonable, new, attractive and wanted merchandise offered to you at prices consid? erably lower than thes? goodB arc usually nold. THE, MONTHLY STYLE BOOK, Illustrating Trio .Ladles' ..Home Journal Patterno Is furnlshod free tu all our atore frleudr,'. it I? an excellent fashion periodical, la!It. will bo found the latest styles and many helpful suggestions for tho home dressmaker. Black Dress Qoods--Specially Priced CHIFFON PANAMA, rich .black, tine sheer finish, neat open mesh weave, firmly woven, 5- ipubgs wide. BOr Sale price. U*ll# BLAOK PANAMA, with jjh id ow plaid effect. 10 Inches wide. Sale price . BLACK AND WHITE VOILE, a ?;li.eer open weave fabric, black ground with a neat white, pin stripe, strictly all wool, 412 Qua Inches. Sale price . w?? 59 c MOHAIR SICILIAN, brilliant, lustre finish, fast black,'width fl? inches. Sale price . BLACK DANI8H CLOTH, dun hie width', this 'material is hull' wool und makes nice cool'.skirls for .summer wear. Sale price . YARD-WIDE TAFFETA, rich deep black. beautiful rustling finish examine It carefully and you will pronounce It matchless value. 49c 225c si. oo ' Table Linens and White Qoods TABLE DAMASK?72 Inches wide, fuli bleached, silver bleach? ed and unbleached, wide assort? ment of pretty patterns? 00? Sale price . ?|UU BLEACHED DAMASK ? 72 Inches wide/rosc pat- RT'f* terns. Sale price . U I 2? MERCERIZED DAMASK, fine even weuve. 00 Inches wide, laun? ders well and looks like real linen; a number of chol?e de? signs. A*) Sale price.*t?0 ENGLISH LONGCLOTH, Bnft finish, IL' yards to.It <P 1 CO piece. A piece . ipitUd INFANTS' LONGCLOTH, soft nainsook finish especially adapt? ed for Infant's wear. It!) Inches wide. $1.98 a piece (ten yards). 22c a yard. CHECK NAINSOOK, 27 Inches wide, flno even weave, neat oliec.k designs. 10c, lie. 12 l-'ie ami. 30-INCH PERSIAN beautiful clear finish . . 15c LAWN, 22c Coolest Waists and Wash Skirts MULL WAISTS Hnihroldotod fronts, trimmed In Val. lace and Inserting. Long or Short sleeves. Sale price . $1.39 CHINA SILK WAISTS, made of good grade of white wash >\llk trimmed In tucks and Vulrnciou $2 98 Value, Sale price r-l WHITE WASH SKIRTS?Wo have had it tremendous sale of j these skirls; assortments ate n?w limited. We may Just have your size. OSc and LADIES' BLACK RAIN COATS, very light weight, most desirable for Uieae heavy rain storms; they are strictly waterproof, and look dressy; sale <M fj $1.50 price and $14.50 Thomson's Qlove-Fitting Corsets For tho average iiguro, habit hip?supporters at- ?Q? titohed?regular 75e value: sale price . OvV LADIES' RIBBED VESTS, all sl/.os; sale -j -j RIBBED price . LADIES' tra size. Salo price, LADIES' lace ruffle. Sale price MISSES' White, light blue, ami black. Sale price INFANT'S LIGHT shirts, long sleeves. Sale price 2 for ?...-.. c VESTS,-'ex 2 ftir . 25C KNIT PANTS. Wido .25c LACE HOSE, 'pink, 23c WEIGHT 25c INFANTS' PART- WOOL VESTS. low neck und short sIouvoh, light weight ..;. H. & W. SKELETON WAI8T8 for buys and girls, strongly made and neatly finished .Sale price . NOTION SPECIALS. LIGHT WEIGHT DRESS SHIELDS, sizes 2 and 11.IQo Size four. 12 1-2o "OMO" DRESS SHIELDS are odorless mid contain no rubber, 17c and 22o. 23i AI8T nmti 25c WATT. DOXEY 2909 Washington Avenue ia< WATT Newport News, Ya.,j lUiiiiimimmiimiHuumuur MARINE NOTES Saturday, July 21, 1906. Arrived. Steamer Mae, Mason, Baltimore? to Cheusapoake & Ohio Coal Ageuey Company for hunker coal Steamer Powha.tan, Kyan. Balti? more?to Merchants & Miners''Trans? portation company with passengers and' merchandise Steamer Howard. Chase, Provi? dence, nml Norfolk?to Merchants & Miners Transportation Cumpauy with passengers and merchandise. | Steamer Princess Anne. Tnpley, New York ami Norfolk?to Old Do passengers and merchandise. Steame'ra Yemnssee, Simmons, Philadelphia nnd Norfolk?to Clyde Steamship' Company with ihercban dise. , | Sailed. I Steamer Hamilton, Boat; Norfolk, and New York; Howard. Chase, Bal? timore; Powhatan, Ryan, Norfolk and iProyldence. Schooner Dorothy Palmer. Harding Boston. | Calendar for This Day. Sun rises .e. 5:01 a. m. Sun sets. 7:20 p. ni. High water . 10:18 a. m.. 1040 p. m. ? Low water .. 4:22 a. in., 4:22 p. m. Calnedar for Monday Sun rises . 5:02 a. m. Sun sets. . 7:2t> p. m. High water . 11:00 a. m., 11:26 p. m. Low water .. 6:02 a. m., 5:03 p, ni. MARINE- NOTES. . The barge Ohio cleared yesterday for Portland and the barge Sunbury cleared for Allyns Point. The cereal exports from this port during the week ending yesterday were below the average, ottly 6,50 ? barrels.of flour being shipped during the week. NEGRO DEVELOPMENT CO. Representative Given Hearing at Washington Yestreday. A committee, headed by Glie3 B. Jackson, the negro attorney of Ricn mond, representing the Negro devel? opment Company organized in con? nection with the Jamestown Expo sltloni was given a heariug In Wash? ington yesterday by Secretary^J. H. Edwards, of the government hoar.l for the exposition. Plans--for expending the $100,000 apropriated ? by Congress for a negro exhibit were dlsouajed. The commit? tee asked that none but negroes be permitted to participate in the de? sign and construction of the building and exhibit. (' SOMMRVILLE & CO. HAVE THE LEADING REAL - ESTATE BAR GAINS AND ARE' DOING THE SELLING. "? 7-20-3t SABBATH DAY SERVICES , IN THE CITY'S CHURCHES Subjects for Sermons Announcod by Various Pastors?Visiting Ministers. / "? . ? . .- > First Presbyterian. Rev. . K. T. Wellford, pastor of the First. Presbyterian church, will oc? cupy bis pulpll this montlUK at 11 o'clock and this afternoon at 5 o'clock. His subjects will bo as fol? lows: morning. "The Fruits of the Harvest"; afternoon, "The Joy of the Lord." Tbl.? week Mr. Wei I Tord will leave on bis annual vacation. ?Next Sunday bo will preach at II12 Northmlustcr I'resbylerlan church, of Baltimore, and on August -Ii he will preach at the Sinti; street church, Albany, N. Y.- The lallur part of August Mr. and Mr*. Well ford will spend In the Berkshire hills. Next Sunday morning -Rev. W. B. Beauchamp will preach at the First Presbyterian church and in the af? ternoon Rev. A. A. Butler will oc? cupy the pulpit. On August fi Rev, Dr. Bishop, of . William and Mucy College, will preach morning und atternoon and on. August 13 Rev. George F. Mason will prench at both hours. Rev. J. N. H. Somniervllle, of Ghent church, Norfolk, will preach On August IP. l Trinity Methodist. Rev. W. B. Beauchamp. pastor of the Trinity Methodist church, will preach today on the following sub Jocts: morning, "The Authority of Jesus"; evening, "The Soul PoUe of I Jesus." St. . Vincent's Catholic. . Services will be held at St. Vin? cent's Catholic church today ns fol? lows: First mass at 7 o'clock; sec-, ond mass at 10:30 o'clock. Sunday school at 3 o'clock; vespers and ben ' edict ion at 7:30 o'clock. 1 1 _____ Thirtieth Street Christian. At Thirtieth Street Christian church today services will, be held at the usual hours. At. 11 o'clock the pnstor, Rev. w'. R. Jlnnett will preach on the subject, "The Power ' of Truth to Emancipate." This ev? ening the subject will be "Tha. Sin of Anxiety." Second Presbyterian. ' Rev. W. M. Hunter, pastor of the Second" Presbyterian church, will preach this morning at 11 o'clock and this evening at 8 o'clock. CHestnut -Avenue Methodist. Services will b held at tha Chest? nut avenue Methodist church this evening from .7 to 8 o'clock instead .of at the usual hours. Regular ser? vices will be held this mroping at 11 o'clock, preaching by the pastor, I Rev. J. T. Green, i . ?? ?-.;?. I >.'.;,.'w *v. V.rj.u t Newport News Baptist, t Regular services will be hald at ' the Casino building thu morning EDUCATIONAL. . .?.; State Normal I Twenty-second Session begins 8E Information concerning State Scholar Excellent Preparatory Work. Newport News Academy will pay especial aUerillon In Ihia department. (Children'of :ird. lib and 6lh tirades, I can get hesi personal attention In Hmall classes. Session opeuu H?pt. Mtli. For catalogue, address E S. LIGON. 7-J5-S2M. Box UMIVERSITY OF VtRQlHIA Hond of stale Public Bclicol Byalem Letter?, Science, Law. Medicine, ting I neer I ng HO COVI3P8 ALL COSTS to Virginia i ml i'iii?ni men mid tuition In rlllier' of Iii? annduralo do|>arliiitintii: lmvcut ulmrgaal In the South. Next ?.emlon hugltii Hoptembor. . 13. Hund Tor catalogue. lieu.Win Wl.saTON, Kcsldrnr, ] I'tw fuSt Ci nrlotle-vlile. Vs. . and evening by the congregation of I the Newport News Baptist chinch. Trinity Lutheran. Rev. K. A. Shcnk, pastor of the Trinity Lutheran church, w|l| preach tlila morning on the subject, "Scrip? ture Its Own Beat Commentntrtr." Rev. w. Tj. Seabrook, pastor of the church of the Redeemer, Newburv S. C, will preach this evlnlng at 8 o'clock. Massachusetts .Sits. The Massachusetts commissioners to the .Jumeetown. exposition are ex? pected to arrive at the exposition grounds tomorrow to select a site for their State building. A delegation of North Carolina newspaper men visited the exponi ition grounds yesterday. co?* i ton to Catffljrfev . < There are some Interesting anecdote* of the lending British literary lights of the middle nineteenth century In "Mr>. Ryookfield. nud Her Circle." On occasion there-.was greet embarrass* ment ot one of their gatherings. The majority of the party were anxious t? hear Tennyson rend "Maud," the first copy of which bad Just reached blra, but It was Known that-Carlyle could not. endure t> bear nuy ouu reading aloud. What ^yas to be. done? A plot was laid to have the rending during the time of Cnrlyle's morning wnlk,.bui ,for this be alwari demanded an appre? ciative companion.Mrs. Btookfleid ?Aya: "Chairs bad been arranged In a quiet,sitting room- /.The .visitors, flffffa taking their, places. Alfred '.was ready, So wa* Oai'lvlo-in the hal}. waiting : for a companion in his walk and /evi? dently determined not to stir without one. It was quite an anxious moment At length Mr. Goldwin Smith generous? ly stepped ' forward aud joined the pbl< losopher, anil then Mr. Brookfleid Joby ; ,ed them both,' while the rest of us re 1 mained to listen with enthralled atten? tion to the unw words of the peel" . Old Papers for sale^-lOc hundred. EDUCATIONAL. v. ? - , 11 remale School PTEMBER BTH. For cntnloguu and ships, Iwrlto to J. L. JAlt.MAX, Prosldont, ,> Fnrmvlllo, Va. 1 Hampton College Classical School for Girls and .; Young Ladles. Tenth annual session begins Tlltiraday, September 27. 1D0?. Unusual ndvnnlngos In Art and M iislc. For porannul Interview, ii|>ply at the college. For cata? logue or further particulars ad dress MI88 FITCHETT, V-l8-2in Hatuntou, Va. ' UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE ?TU* nT McQUIRt. M. O., PnCSIOtNT. Thli Gotten conform* to tho Standard? fixed by lnw for Mtrilcnl KducMtlon. Send for Bulletin No. It, which talln ? I?. 7/ireo free c*iMtogu?a-StMitty Department, meoicini -DENTISTRY PHARMACY KELLDM'S PILLS Cures these ills .by cleansing tha stomach and regulating the .bow? els?then they contain no calomal or blue-mass \a endanger y?ur life. Physicians aro looking for a substitute for theBO dangerous drugs, and you should, too. ? Wh*n the bowels refuse tc move regu? larly, the system becomes full-of poisonous and decayed matter. Hruptlona ana pimples spring up; there Is a had taste in tho mouth, foul breath, coated tongue, tired feeling, dull sensation about tha eyes, drowsiness and languor. lb?? of appettto und goneral debility.-. If you want to rid yoursel&uaf 'those troubles, cot n box of these wonder-work eis, only. . >10? 'O^JWKi In the preparation of those pills' the most scrupulous care la taken and the Ingredients form the most successful purely vegetable COBV binstion over discovered, Ask your druggist about them, \n and CURE LU FOR I -OU0H8 ?a*. . ? B?cfcSt Surest and Ctuiokest 0 THROAT and IiTJNG" TKOT/au LES, or MONEY PAOS. . _____ ~aa_B