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READY FOR "CIRCUS" f \ 9 ... i ? W'?ft? Elaborate Program Arranged tor I Unique Entertainment. r* _ STREET PARADE EACH EVENING Knights From All Over Peninsula to Ride In Tournament?Regula? tion "Grand Concert" Will Close Performance. All arrangements have been com? pleted for the "Society Circus," In be held' at the Casino base ball park for five nights, beginning July 30. for the benefit of the Newport Nuws/ General Hospital. A well arranged and 'interesting program ol events bus been planned for the "circus" and it bids fair to he the greatest event of Its kind ever held III Title water Virginia. Among some or the most Interest? ing events to be pulled off while the "circus" is in progress are a tourna? ment, in which fifteen or twenty knights from the Peninsula will par ticipntc. II hose nice between teams from the local fire companies, a fire drill and many fast athletic events. Thc| promoters of (.ho affair have arranged for n street, parade to pre? cede each''night's, performance. The local lire companies, hose running teams, and the performers at the "Circus" will participate in the par? ade which will leave the Casino Park' jut 7:30 o'clock each evening nud pass through the city down West avenue to Twenty-fifth street, ease on Twenty-fifth street, to Wash? ington avenue, up Washington ave? nue to Thirty-fourth street, west on Thirty-fourth street to West avenue and thence, returning to down West avenue! to the Casino park al S ?'clocki The performances In the park jwllt-?begin each night at S o'clock and will be concluded with a "grand" concert, Consisting of iiiu aic, songs, dances and other amuse men Is.' Following is the complete pro? gram for each night's performance: Program for Friday Night. The performance inside the grounds 1h arranged according lo the fol? lowing figures; Parade around the grounds. , (?rand flourish and announcement or the names and titles of contes? tants in the tournament. First series of jousts. Potato race for half bushel of potatoes as first prize. Second series of Jousts_ Fat man's race for blue ribbon. Water melon ns first prize. Third series of Jousts. 100-yard dnsh for u silver cup as first prize. Final series of jousts. Grand presentation of prizes, each winning Knight being presented with his prize by Ills lady. After the main performance there will be a concert In which the fea? tures will be coon songs and dances, recitations, etc. Events on Second Night The second night of the society circus will be marked by exhibition riding ami athletic contests ns the main Teat arcs The street parade will Inclue nil performers and will follow the route of the first night. Program on the grounds will In? clude the following: Announcement of the names of contestants. 'Ladies' exhibition riding contest for a handsome riding csop as llrsl prize. , Unit' mile run for n medal. Hoys' riding contest on ponies; riders not over 11 ftoon years old. Three-legged race. First, half of basket ball game; Norfolk vs. Newport News. Hack squat race. Gentlemen's road horse class and exhibit ion of stallions. Hop, stop and jump. Second half of basket hall game. Presentation of prizes. The clowns will onlertaln the nudl ence and bother the performers at all stages of the performance. Hand? some prizes will ho offered for all contests, and the complete list of these will be announce) Inter, 'ATter the main performance there will be a concert! Third Nights' Program. The main features of the third night will be firemen's races and ox hlhltlon tire drills, in which fom competing companies will lake part with athletic contests In tin: Inter vuls between the lire drills. The We Save You Money INVESTIGATE I nag* To those who want the best values for their money will say that it will pay them to come in and see us. We invite all kinds of legiti? mate customers?mall order, city department, out-of-town, or our competitors' customers. Give us a FAIR CHANCE before buying. If you have anything selected anywhere do not fail to ask us to show you equal value at equal prices. Our stock is the largest In your city (and the only fine stock to be found in Newport News.) We oan get anything in our line. We can buy as l?w as anybody and sei I as low. Do not compare a piece of furniture on our floor at $12.00 to a piece in a mail order catalogue at $8.00, because they say It would sell for $12.00 to $14.00. We are going to make the Sears Roebuck and Montgomery Ward Company catalogue our catalogue. Any piece in their catalogue will be furnisehd by us at the same price and Jn many cases less. That Is saving money." Why? You pay cash in advance; you pay freight; you have to come after the same, and some times the goods are all broken. We deliver free; you have no worry and trouble. We set up and unpack. Just see prices below. Preparatory to going to market, we are going to make some decided cuts to make room for our great fall stock. COUCHES.?In Chase Leather; will last ten years; stel construc? tion; Turkish head, and has the appearance of a $7o.oo genuine leather Couch; for this special sale, $19.95. WILTON RUGS.?9x12?Sears. Roebuck & Co.. $28.60; our price. $27.00; saving of $1.60. and freight, paid and delivered. ODD PARLOR CHAIRS.?A few choice patterns from'$75 to $100 Suites: ? ? $25 Chairs for .$16.50 $18 Chairs for . $12.50 $12.00 Chairs for .$ 8.50 GO-CARTS.?Big reduction every Cart In tho house. MATTINGS.?Largest lino to he found. Sen our choice Japanese Malting fop 25c the yard. COLONIAL BED.?Sears, Roe? buck & Co. price. $6.75; our price. $6.25; saving of 5hc and freight Paid: i WICKER ROCKERS. ? Sears. Roebuck & Co. price. $2.75; bur price. $2.15; saving of HOc. PRINCESS DRESSERS. $15 Bird's I5ye Maple for-$29.00 $65 Bird's-Byo Maple Dr?ssers, $50 O?D WA8HSTANDS. Reduced from $18 to.$12.50 Reduced from $12 to .$ 8.50 Reduced from $10 to .$ 7.50 CHIFFON I ERES.?Odd Chiffon? leres for quick selling; aolld oak. five drawers.. French plate glass mirror, swell top drawer; nicely finished, for $7.50. There are hundreds of other items we make you a handsome saving on. Note the great cut on odd pieces of furniture, that means dollars for you. . / Come and see If we back our statements. We want you as our customer. ChicagoHousefurnishing Co. (INCORPORATED) 270^kiid 2705 Washington Ave. LEADERS OF LOW PRICES street parade will Include all the competing compaulea including tho entire city tire* department, and Ib expected to he the most notablo event of the five days program. The program on the grounds will consist of the following ovoiUb: Parade on the grounds by tho en? tire lire department. Firemen's races In which each company will run one hundred yards with a hose cart, couple tho hoso, and throw a stream of water into the river. The company covering the hundred yards from a standing start, and coupling I'ho hose la thu shortest time will receive n hand? some irumpet engraved with a l?? send signifying the manner In whlcn It was won, 44t?-yard race; open for all. Running broad Jump. Exhibition fire drill, hook and lad dt r scaling exercises. Hoys' race, for boys under four? teen years old. Standing broad jump. Presentation of prizes. After the main performance there will lie a concert. Athletic Contests. The fourth .night, August 2, will he devoted to bllsket hall, athletic games and races, steeple chase, rid li ;, and gentlemen's saddle class Street parade and parade on tho grounds will take place ns usual, with the following program of events: Basket ball game between Hamp? ton V. M. C. A. nnd Newport News V. M. C. A. 'Half mile relay rucu Rutting high Jump. Steeple chase riding contents. Wheel barrow race. [ The dives; for height anil diu tan'.*?. Second hair of the basket bull game Athletic game; guarding the plus. Standing high jump. llciti lemon's saddle cIukh riding Presentation of prizes. Program for Final Night. The llnal night will wind up the basket ball contest with a cham? pionship game between the winners ot the previous games. The teal uro of Uie horse perform? ance will be nn exhibition or hunt era. / There will be the usual street parade, nuu the performance on the grounds will open with a parade ol pairs of horses to hacks; then to continue with the following: Sack race. 220-yard dash. Basket ball championship game. Obstacle rnce. Riding exhibition of hunters. Second hair or basket ball game. Vide vault. fJrnnd finale exhibition of clowns ami vote for the most popular clown, Oood night ascension of five Ital? ians. Mtcr the main performance, the usual concert will take place with special features for the closing night. Entries Open. Entries for the n'nove events will be received at Petzold's drug store, corner Twenty-seventh street; Cam? eron's drug store, corner Forty-fourth street and Huntington avenue; Klor's drug store. corner Twenty-sixth stieot and Washington avenue; the t. M. C. A.. Thirty-second street near Washington avenue; or by any member of the athletic committee. A prize will be given for enn'i event and no entrance fee will ho charged. Lists of the athletic events may be consulted at tho above places and any additional infdrnin GO Tfl THE RESCUE Don't Wait Till It's Too Late?Fol . low the Example of a Newport News Citizen. Rescue the aching back. If It. keeps on aching, trouble comes. Racknche is kidney ache. If you neglect the kidney's warning Look out for urinary trouble?dia? betes. This Newport News citizen will show you how to go to the rescue. W. E. Monier' electrician, of 318 Twenty-ninth street, says: ''Annoy? ed for some time with a dull pain In the small of the back and weakness and lameness across the loins, not. se? vere enough to keep mo from work, but aggravating enough sometimes to give me considerable worry, when Doan's Kidney pills wore brought to my notice. To my surprise and mote to my gratification the remedy absn I lately stopped the trouble." I For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name? Dnan'g?and take* no other. Washington Avenue, at Thirtieth Street The Store Tha^t Saves You Money White Goods Reduced A 1,1, 25c AND 2De MERCERIZED ft.ADRAS WILL GO ON 01 p biiIo Monday at, yard . *. 11? Clearance Sale of Trimmed Hats BUCH BARGAINS HAVE NEVER BEFORE BEEN OFFER- 4M QQ cd by any store. $5.00. $7.on r,n(| up to $10.00 UatH, for ?P I *lO The trimmings alone on some of llieso Hals nro worth dotiblb tho price asked for the finished hat. SOLID COLOR CHAM DRAY Ginghams; the 10c grade 7'*? at. yard. I Z\i YARD WIDE PERCALES LIGHT colors; 10c quality, 7'** yard . I 2w SHIRTING Murinincks, yard . CHECKED APHON (1IN01IAM; good quality, r yard . wG PRINTED LAWNH; PREI'TV Dross styles, r? yard . 3C PRINTS; BEST 5c DOTTED grade, yard ?. SWISSES IS l-2e 9c Pony Coat Suits MADE OK WHITE LINEN CANNON CLOTH TRIMMED with Embroidery Insertion, $0.00 value-, for. CA QO Eton Suits, made of while Cannon I Cloth. ?5.00 value. $2.98 TAILOR-MADE DRESS SKIRTS. In grey plaids. $5.00 4f?) QQ . vpji?O values, at W O M E N'S WHITE LAWN XossoS; $4.08 value, $0 910 for . ip&itU SI.IK WHITE LINGERIE 00*. SOu v.alsts, reduced to ic WHITE LAWN Waists, reduced to 48c Silk Special COLORED CHIFFON TAFFETA silk, 27 Inches wide; regular 75c value; reduced to. ?P?? yard . OUb WHITE AND COLORED MO hairs; 50c value, reduced QQn to, yard . w?lb PRINTED SILK O ROAN DUOS; worth :I7 l-2e; reduced 0Cf? to, yard . too $3.00 BAT1IINO SUITS. NAVY hluo, nicely Iriimncd With braid, reduced tp* Q to . %f 1 id 8 BATHING CAPS: THE Due ones, reduced t>> . i.%JU I LONG LISLE GLOVES, WITH lace tops; reduced to, pair., 79c PRINTED ORGANDIES. BEST qualities; reduced to, yard . IUO SILK MIXED NOVELTY WASH Dress Fabrics; worth 00? line, all go at, yard .... ?.OK* ?10-INCH WHITE INDIA LAWN; 15c grade nt, <4? yard . . llC The Latest Novelty THE LATEST NOVELTY I'uw-dorn Powder Puffs ask to sou Humii. Thu pow? der Is packed In tho puff?only, *| Qq each GOOD BIG TURKISH BATH 13c each EXTRA SIZE AND IIuck Towels; each. QUALITY .13c DRESS LINENS; COME IN all wanted colors; 25c value at. yard 18c A SPECIAL BARGAIN IN Women's Lawn Wrapper*; all of our $1.25 light, colored wrappers reduced to,- QQ a each. .?jOl# LONG LINEN COATS; EM hroldorod, worn M QQ ?5.!>K; reduced to..$3i?j0 WASH SUITS FOll GIRLS; tl to 14 yearn; $1.411 QQ, Suits, for ..... uuG CHILDREN'S GINGHAM Drossns; 59c and 05c /|QA ones, for . TuO Underwear & Hosiery At Reduced Prices I5t: WHITE LISLE THREAD Ribbed Vests: O C each. 10c SLEEVELESS Vests; reduced to. . RIBBED 7c FAST BLACK LACE HOSE, l'.ic value at, pair . 12k; WHITE AND BLACK GAUZE und luce lisle Hose; extra value, pair A SALE OF UNTRIMMMED HATS. ALL COLORED STRAW nhapes that sold at prlcnu up la $2.00; go now at, qk* each . LkJU tIon may bo obtained from Hie nib iolic committee, consisting of tjid rotlcwlng: Leroy Van Pelt. W. It. Lynch and Harry Glldncr. A full list of the prizes will be announced later, and the prizes them eel von will bb exhibited In the show windows of the elty merchants. i Any one rics'Hng to donate any ol the above {-rises, and hnve iholir liniiU'-i appear en the programme. vfYA communicate with Mr. L. Ii. Mnnylllc, treasurer. Thnt Wm All. A yonng girl who Is always trying some new thing was present once when tho /lector apt a neighbor's bro? ken arm. She was sure tlmt she knew exactly how It was done and rather anxious to put her new knowledgo Into practice. Some time later n hen out In the chicken ynrd broke Its leg. Tho girl directly announced (hat she meant lo ?vj It "ami make It as good as neir." Accordingly It was put Into n plaster cast and left for the proper length of time to knit. When the day enme to take off the enst the girl ran out to the henhouse In grent eagerness to see the result. Presently there was n scream that brought evory member of the family to her side. The chicken was jumping miserably over tho ground sldewiso Instead of directly forwnrd. You know a ben's leg has a crook Well, she had crooked It the wrong way, that was nil. Aliens In Old I.nndoa. Here Is a curious report of the allen? In London In the year 11507: "There being a grent Increase of foreigners In the city, her majesty ordered the lord mayor to take the nnme, quality and profession of all strangers residing within the city of London." The- list was headed by the Item, "Scots. 40." Other nations were represented by "French, 42?: Spaniards ami Portu? guese, 45; Italians, 140; Dutch, 2,0.10; Burgundlnns, 44; Danes, 2; Llegools, 1." Shark's Tu II For I.nck. Attached to 11m extreme end of the bowsprit of a sailing vessel there may sometimes be seen a piece of some ma? terial that looks remarkably like leath? er. This seeming piece of leather Is really a shark's tail. It Is placed there because the snllors think that it augurt good luck, believing thnt pleasant voy? ages will be tbelr lot while it remains there. Instead of tho bowsprit the tal! Is st times nailed to the top of one of the masts.- -London King. OFF TO JAMESTOWN JULY 26, WITH PRE8BYTERIAN 8UNDAY 8CH?OL8I 7-22-4t SOMMERVILLE & CO. HAVF AN EXCELLENT INVESTMENT IN REAL ESTATE, PAYING 10 PER CENT. NET, WITH GUARANTEE. Wj?V,?i-. 7-203t CHAS. C EPES & BRO lind SnpplieB, and Printing. IT'S- DAYLIGHT ALL THE WAY BY THE IT fill AIT QVQIPPNI Loading, unloading, deevloping and J\UifAl\ 0101 Ulli printing; all without a dark room. 204 Twenty-eighth Street. Opposite Washington Square. If You Want to Buy If You Want to Sell If You Want to Exchange If You Want anything try a Daily Press Want Ad Old Papers for Sale 10c Per Hundred. HAULING PROMPT LY DONE From A Parcel To An Eng/ne. rUlOBT, BACK1AG1, V?? N1TTJRB AND BATES tJAVHTOU/l AND PROMPTLY MOTJDD, Storage Warehouse 514-520 27fft Sf. REASONABLE RATES Virginia Transportation Company Throw Away Your Soiled Straw Hat and wear a MORRIS 8TRAW HAT, at greatly reduced prices, or perhaps you wish Soft Hats or Derbies.- We have them In very light weights, In all shades and makes. $3.00 and $4.00 qualify; our prices. 91.50 and $2.00. UP-TO-DATE HATTERS. 2706 1-2 Washington Avenue.. - 8TRAW8 CLEANED and BLOCKED.