Newspaper Page Text
8ig Republics Force .Central .Amerl . cans to 8top Their Fighting. (By ?ssoclntcd Vrees.) WASHINGTON, D. C, July 211 The closing chapter of the' peace ne? gotiations between Honduras, Guate? mala and Salvador was marked by Ibe exchange of congratulations between the participants in tho efforts to terminate the dangerous stale of af? fairs in Central America.. ? The plenipotentiaries, themselves, sent cable messages to President Roosevelt ami to President Diaz, ol Mexico, as well ns to their home governments und President Roosevelt and President Diaz returned graceful acknowledgements or these tributes and then exchanged personal mes? sages of congratulations. The underlying expression wns that the MArblohead peace pact would bo historical In Central Aliicr'es.; ?' as It certainly would go far to prevent any hostile collision between tho small slater -republics for many years to cpnie, constituting, as It does, n warn? ing to each that tho greut northern republics have a very strong and self? ish interest In the maintenance of peace at their doors. The complete agreemeht was very gratifying to the officials here, partic? ularly In view of the happy effect It is likely to have upon the Rio confer? ence, Just beginning. , > UNION MEN STRIKE BACK; Train Dispatcher Arrested For Dis charging Organized Operators. (,By Associated Press.) "LOUISVILLE, KY., July 21.?.1. M. Scott chief, trnin dispatcher of the Louisville and,Nashville railroad, with headquarters In this city, was arrest? ed today by a* deputy United States marshal, charged with violating sec? tion 10 of the act of Juno, 18!)8, enti? tled "an act. concerning carriers en? gaged in Inter-State commerce and their employes." ?The affidavit upon which the war? rant for the arrest wns bused wns made by H. B. Perhatn. president of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers. He states thnt Edwin L. Rowe. a telegrapher! was dismissed by Scott in April, 190/4, because of Rowe's af filiutlon with the Order of Railway Telegraphers. Perhum makes further effldavlt to the effect that In April. 1904. Scott discharged another- telegraph oper? ator. V. Hoynter, of Princeton, Ky., because Hoynter wns a member of the telegraphers'- union. -Scott -was le^ leased on bond of $200 to appear be? fore United States Commissioner Cassln next Saturday for a prelimi? nary hearing. ? . i ?f j.1ANY DIRTY PACKING HOUSES. Rests With Public to Enforce Laws as to Clean Meat. ?(iiy Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C. July 21.? Discussing the new meat Insnei'tion law today Secreti.'ry Wilson sail ihr I there was considerable misapprehen? sion regarding its scope. It does n >t ho said, apply to any but slaughter? ing and meat packing houses doing an inter State business. "If the people of this Country." said the secretary, "want to be asstved that the meat that f-oes Ant > the!' homes from these establishments do? ing a purely State and local business is "clean and Wholesome, they should .enter upon a general crusade for a general cleaning up. I am powerless. myself1 to act. "Recently I wmt through some of these-houses not embraced with! i the federal law and-found them in a nasty, tiltby condition and. In some cases, using diseased animals. It is ray one regret that the federal law doe.t not reach them, bht I earnestly hotv; '.be State and city officials will loon a for them ns rlgorousl yns we propose Ip look after the others." DEFENDS MONROE DOSTRINE. Prof. La Tape Upholds America's Dictum tp, the World. '? ? ? CBv Associated Press.) ' MAJDISON, WIS.. July' 21.?In an address to the University of Wis? consin today Prof. John A, La Tnne of Washington and Lee Unlveralty defended the Monroe Doctrine In re? plying to a recent attack on the Doc? trine by Prof. Wheeler of Yale n "Critics i of the Monroe Doctrine have called it the will-of-the-wisp of American politics but In spite of at? tacks it stands'today Iii the words of President Roosevelt as the cardinal principal of American policy." "We have taken, a hand in the poli? cies of the orient and seem destined to take a hand in Jt-a development but it cannot logically be maintain? ed that this will lead to our inter? ference In the domestic concerns of any? ^ European state, or give ajiy European state any pretext for In? terfering In the domestic concern of any. state of- this continent." CONSTABLE NEEDED WINGS*. Could Not Serve Summons on. Man With Airship, But Did His Best. CHICAGO, July 21.^-Constable Alex Monroe, amled with a summon-, to? day vainly attempted to get personal service on Horace B. Wild, while the latter was sailing his airship over Chicago. ' ? . The officer had a sorry time trying to- do.' bis duty;/and,-though he has had success in serving men escaping on trains^ steamboats, moving vans, etc. the airship beat him. The constable reached the Whit . City Just as Wild's airship ascended, pursued it and caught it as It descend AND SCALP Bothered With Itching for a Long Time ?Found No Relief Until Cuticura Was Used ?Kentucky I Lady Now Completely Well. WISHES SUCCESS TO CUTICURA REMEDIES "After using Cuticura Soap, Oint? ment, and Pills, I mil very glad to say I am entirely relieved of that itching humor- of the, head anil scalp which I was Ixithcrcd with quito a length of time. 1 did not use the Ciilicurn Rem? edies moro than three times before I began to get better, and now I aui com? pletely ?well.- I suffered with that humor on my head, and found no relief until I , took tho Cuticura Rcnu-dics. 1 t hink I used several^cakes of Cuticura Soap, three boxes of (>iul incut, and two vinls of l'ills. 1 am doing all 1 can to publish the Cuticura Remedies, for they have dene me good, and 1 know they will do others the same. With best wishes for your success." ? Mrs. Mnttiti Jackson, June 12, 1005. Mortoitsvillu, Ky. 12.YEARS' SUFFERING Cured Sound and Well By CuU curo Soapand Cuticura Oint? ment at Expense of 75c. "I hnd been suffering for twelve years with a sore on my limb, and had physicians.give me treatment , and nono guvo 1110 uny relief until, 1 got hold of tho Cuticura Soap and Ointment, ami I was cured .sound and well with ono enke of Cuticura Soap and ono Ihjx of Ointment. 1 have confidence in Cuticura und 1 would not take ten tlollurs foroiio box if I knew that I could not get any more." D. M. Robertson, Sept . 29, 1005. Newtou, Miss. Complete External ?nrl Internal Treatment for every OuiiH,r, lium llmplra I? Strolul., Iron) I Marry lo Age, conflating "I Cutliura .soap, 'J*-., Olnlnient, Mk\, Srioi. ??elil,40.-. (In form of Chin <llat? ( o.lit' Till?, -JUr. prr tkl of Ol), may be. hail of all ?IruggliU. .', alogleart ofli iu ilre.. Polier Drillt a Cliem. Corp., Sole Propa:, Ifcialoli, M..a. aVrMallnlTfec, "llow I? Care (or ejalii.Ucalp.auuUalr," ? s-l 11 Uu? to Cut. Torturing Euicint." ed in a marsh, but it went up again and sailed away. When n second descent was iiiUd-3 Constable Monroe came up qui-ikly. but Wild got away in time, leaving the airship In the hands of employed. The summons was In a suit for r. nt. Monroe Is still on tho trail of the aeronaut. AMERICANS PATRIOTIC. Secretary Shaw Highly Gratified at Number of Bids Submitted. (By Associated Proas.) ?WASHINGTON. D. C. July 21.? There is 110 doubt that the prices bid yesterday for the Issue of $;iu, 000,000 Panuma bonds highly satis? factory to tho Treasury, officials und Secretary Shaw in speaking of the mailer today said that he was es? pecially gratified nt the patriotic spirit manifested . by a great many of the bidders. They were willing, he said, to sub? scribe for the bonds even at a high rate, in order to show the apprecia? tion of the government's efforts to build the canal In the shortest pos? sible time. Secretary Shaw said that quite a number of private persons had put in bids for comparltlvely large amounts, and might take several days to ascertain whether all of 1 these parties would be able to pay for the bonds. NEGRO ATTEMPTS ROBBERY Telegraph Operator Attacked and Left for Dead by Tramps. (By Associated Press.) WARRENTON, VA., July 21.? News reached here this morning of 1 murderous attack on W. T. Herrel telegraph operator at Bealeton, by two negroes, about 1 o'clock la?t night. His throat was terribly lacerated and bruised, and be was then thrown Into a neftr-by pond, but he suc? ceeded in getting out and gave the alarm. ! . That robbery was their' purpose, la plainly evident by the fact that every pocket was rilled. The nesjrocs were strangers and arc believed to bo tramps. Padgett Named for Congress. (By' Associated .Pres&V) COLUMBIA, July 21.?Congress Tman Lemul P. Padgett has been not? ified by the Seventh District Dem I ocratic Congressional ? Committee that no opponent having qualified against bim, he has been declared the nominee. One of the Davis Jurors Dies. (By AHHoriuteii Preset RICHMOND, VA.. July 21.?Fred? erick Smith, colored, one of the panel of twenty-four jurors summoned to *.i y Jefferson Davis for alleged high .trea? son against tho United States, dls.l in the city bome hero, today. He was hearing the ninetieth year of his ttz*. "Human Fly" Dies. MADISON, WIS., July Si.?Charles I Bliss, known a generation ago as tho "Human fly," died here today. Ho was 80 years old. Bliss originated the triok ,of walking the '.'ceiling." CHICAGO PAINTERS INTEND TO TIE UP ?II CITY OFFICES Fight For Eight-Hour Day to Be Waged With Renewed Energy. In Windy City. (By Associated Press.) j CHICAGO, July 21.?A complete tlo-up of thu .printing establishments oi members or tho Chicago Tyyolh etuo may follow the action which l.ns been taken by the Allied Printing Trades Council to assist-tbo printers In their right for an olghfhour day. Tho plans aro being kept secret. A committee of one ouch of the five international unions affil? iated wllh Hie council, bus been ap? pointed with full power to act. It is suld tlie stereotyper?, photo-ongruvors and book-binders already have tried in secure the sanellon of their respective mvtloun) officers to go on u strike in (ltd of tho printers on terms proposed by the hitter. Printers have offered to pay the strike benefits of all workmen has out In sympathy with them. The alti? tude of the printing pressmen has kept the other unions from engaging In (he strike up to this time. T"he pressmen are under a five-year agreement with the employers, which does not expire until next May. The agreement wns mnde between the In ternulionnl union und United Typoth etnc of America nnd the local union here was never In sympathy with its terms, although if has lived up tu Its terms up to this lime. The refusal of the United Typjlho tae at its convention tn Rnffulo, which adjourned yesterday, to consider the demands of tbo pressmen for an eight hour day on th? expiration of their contract will, the local officers sny. result In forcing the pressmen *to take sides wllh tho printers. DREYFUS DECORATED, Cross of the Legion of Honor Pinnen On His Coat. (By Associated Press.) PARIS, July 21.?The decoration or Major AHred Dreyfus today 'with the cross of Chevalier of the Legion Of Honor bore the aspect o! a not? able demoustrnllon. His brother officers who were among the spectators ami outside the circle of troops stood Madame Dreyfus and the little son of Drey? fus; Brigadier General ho shared In the court's acquittal of the famous prisoner. Tlie Trumpeteers sounded four calls announcing the ceremony. Ma? jor Dreyfus took up a position at the head of two batteries or artillery by the sldo or Col. Targa. while Gen. Clllaln, stepping Into the center or the circle announced the decoration of Targe as a commander 'nnd Drey? fus as a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. The General first bestowed the . decoration on Targa nnd then turning to Dreyfus the General said: "In the name oi the President or the Republic nnd In virtue of the powers intrusted to me -Major Drey? fus, I hereby name you a Chevalier of the National Order of the Legion of Honor." POISON IN HUSBAND'S BODY. Mother of 17 Children Arrested, With Alleged Male Accomplice. ?MOBILE. ALA., Juiy 21.?MTB Joseph .Mi.-.ell, mother^of seventeen children, was arrested at Wnynes boro, Miss., charged with poisoning her husband. Race Hall, a neighbor, Is charged as an accomplice. The body of Mlzell was exhumed and poison waa found In the digestive organs. WILL PUT UP THE MONEY. Jones and 8ommcrvl|le to Post $100 Each on Coming Match. Bob Sommervllle and Dennis Jones, with their respective backers, will meet at tho Daily Press office, tomorrow night to post $100 a Bide and draw an agreement for a second -wrestling bout. Sommervllle says tha he will ngree to throw Jones twice In an hour, catch-as-cotch-can, strangle-hold barred, for $100 or as much more aa the "Little Giant" wishes to put up. if this match is arranged it will in all probability attract more atten? tion in Newport Newa and vicinity than any sporting event pulled off In years. Bryan Mr. Croker's Guest. (By Associated Press.) DUBLIN, IR BLAND, July 2L? Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bryan have arrived here. They spent Friday with Richard Croker, at Mr. Croker's farm near Dublin. Mr, Croker bad Invited a number of his American and other friends to meet Mr. and i.VJr3. Bryan. Mr. and Mrs. William Helm and llttl son. of Philadelphia, aro the guests of- Mr. Helm's brother. Mr. Cnarles B. Heim, en Thirtieth street. EXCURSION CVERY SUNDAY. VIA C, A O. RV., TO RICHMOND AND RETURN. Special train to leave Fort Monroe 8:80 A. M., PhOebns, 8:33 A. M.. Hampton 8:38 A. M..' Newport Nows 9:00 *A. M.. arriving Richmond J0:4R A. M.; returning leaves Richmond 7:30 P. If. $1.26 r?tiad trip. . Try Hull's Little Liver Fills for bll llousnesa, constipation and torpid liver. 40 doses, 10 cents. A splendid after dinner pill. 6-20-tt THE 8L.IME ON F.SHE8. Coavaon to All, Sweden "ntl Bssentksl to Their Eslstenc*. A fish Just token from tbo water, if handled, la found to be slippery and conteil with slime. All Habe?, 'the meanest and Ute noblest, kllllflsh and ?hark, shad, salmon and trout, wear Ulis nil inn. They could not exist with? out It. The nil mo 1s secreted usually In a continuous Bcrles of duets, with numniv eus openings rirrnnged lu a Hue extend* tng nlong the side of the Qsli. Horn? Qshes hate one line op a side, some have llvo or six. The lines may be plainly visible, and In some cnaoa np pear to bo u inurklug on tho fish. More Often they are not observsbie nt nil. Some fishes store this secretion lu pores, distributed over the whole surface of Uie hotly, tho larger number, however, to pores lu lateral lines. There are also pores for the secretion of mucus, or slime/ lu the flRh'n bead. The slime la exuded through tho di? visions between the scales to the outor part of tho body, over which It spreads, form In? a sort of outer skin, or cover? ing, transparent and bnvlng elasticity and tenacity and often considerable body, it would remarkable for a fair slaed fish, say a tub of two pounds weight, to have a coating of ?lime n thirty-second of an Inch In thickness. Fishes vary greatly In the amount of slime which they soerote. Tbc eel will suggest Itself as ono that H very slimy. \ The fish's slimy coating reduces Its friction, when In motion and helps to Increase Its speed. It nkls In protect, tug the scales from Injury, being of ?hrfDclent substance to serve In sums measure an n cushion. The slimy covering makes tho fish hard to hold aud so enable* It the mom readily- to escape from Its enemies. It Is some? times rppugnnnt to other fishes, which nre repelled by 11.8 odor. It la the si hue from the fishes handled that innkes tho angler "amell fishy," as tho oxprcsulou goes. A most Important function of the' fish's slimy roivUng la to protect It from tho attacks of fungus, a form of plant life found In all waters, salt and fresh, Including tho purost. The sllmo covers tho entire exterior surface Of tho fish, including tiio fins. Fungus does not attach to the slime, but If the fish were to be Injured so that there was upon It some spot uncovered by the sPinc upon that spot somo ndnutu fragment of fungns, no small as to bo scarcely moro thnn visible, would be likely to lodpfe. Once lodged thu fun? gus Is reproduced yory fast. Fish sometimes recover from at? tacks of fungus, but much morn often they do not. The fungus dlsplnces tho skin, Inflammation Ib set up, and the place attacked becomes practically a ?ore. With Its continued growth tho fungus may cover the side of the fish and extend over the gills nnd tin ally kill It. WanMndtnii'i Itntirl. George Washington's hand whs dir ?crlbed as that of a giant. On tho la hi occasion of Genera I Lafayette's visit lo this country be remarked to Mr. Cub Us when referring to a former visit, "You -were holding to a single finger of Uio good general's remarkable hand the greatest feat you could perform at that time." Washington wan the cham? pion Jumper of his dny. in one matelj be covered 21 foet.3 Inches, easily bent Ing nil competitors. \ ' The Pursuit.'of. Happlneas. "What I want." snld tho earnest cltr Isen, "Is to see a stnte of affairs which will give every man n chance to work." "YeB," answered the cheerless person, "but that won't give entire nntffcfnc tlon. What nearly everybody Is look? ing for In a chance to do nothing nnd make everybody else work."?Wash? ington Star. fttmpplna? %\ Honor. "The Idea that n razor needs frequent grinding or boning Is not in keeping with ray experience," snld a man who ?haves himself. "L have a razor that ? got ten years ago which has never been out of my possession, never had any other treatment thnn stropping, and Is today the sharpest nnd best of alx. A razor can only bo kept In this conttlUon Without honing, however, by using a bard strop?that is, one which Is rigid Instead of. flexible, and not the kind that makes nu arc of a circle when you use it This latter sort will sharpen a razor for awhile, but it also makes the edge round until at lost It ceases to cut. Why do I have six razors? Well, that la to use them In. regular turn and give each ono of them a rear. I shave every (Lay, which I find the least troublesome method, and If I use the same blade every day It would soon play out, Tho wlge of a razor, needs rest, Just like livery other machine." Mnvvery In Clrent Britain. Slavery survived lu England much toter thnp Is generally supposed. Tho word "bondage" In Northumberland lilll means n female farm servant. Tfie coolies and salters?1. o., salt miners? of East Lothian were actually slaves till 1775. If they deserted their serv? ice any one harboring them was liable to n penalty of ?G if- be did not restore them In twenty-four hours. The last ?lave in England npjs not freed until 1700, and-in 1842 there was a cooly living -who, as well as bis father and grandfather, had worked as- a fi/AVQ in a pit at Mus8elburg. -_av\-. The Historie Bre. Washington was crossing the Delft, ware. He stood. "Better sit down, air," suggested an aid. f .'tBlt down!" responded lustily the Fa? lber of-.Hfs Country. , "And, pray, what sort-of a picture would that make?" Blushing under Use rebuke, the aid resolved to monkey no more with, arty* Philadelphia, Public Ledger. $2.69 Patrician Sale $2 69 Tties? aro Baving days hero. Hundreds have been benefited by this half-price "Patrician*' aale. Have you? it not, coino ^Monday morning and join in this bargaiu carnival. No goods charged, and none Bout on approval at this price. >: x This sale includes all of our $3.50 "PatrioinnN Summer Low Shoes, such as* vSailor TicH, Pumps^ Gibson Tie8, and Bluehor Oxfords. Leathers?[ Patent kid, patent colt, gun-metal kid and vioi kid. Reiucmbbr, you aro getting a 98,50 Shoe for ^.0V> tlni pair. :?: :?: ;-: . , ' : : ... y iw If Ml ? Ml" frl' I.IW'I'*H' i..ii?. FASHION SHOE ST?RE PINN REMEDIES LIST OF PENN REMEDIES Penn Catarrh Core . i". Price $2.00 Peon Rheumatism Care, Liquid, 1.00 Penn Rheumatism Cure. Tsbleta, .90 I'enn Nerve and Blond Cure . . ,5Q Penn Kidney arid Liver Curo , .50 Penn Dyapepala Cure.50 Penn Pile. Cure. Penn Constipation Cure ... .25 Penn Slrenrtthenln? KltlnevPlaster,.25 Penn Cherry Elixir.25 Penn Liniment.25 SEEK NO FURTHER YOU HAVE IT HEREI l'?nn Rliflumitllrfl'cure hrhlit wlml vnu linvo been looking foi?, An Uric Acid Destroyer. I'r.n fmm es, I.'tili of I'ntaih nr MlicMty. A cencrnu* fioo tninple for w.niUM, Hi Hi: tu PENN DRUG CO., Phllada., Pa. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. a; G>* aoRsucH ?s? co , Wholesale and Retail, 3023 Washington Avenue, Newport News, Virginia. fj. O. CONOnoN & CO., (Inc.) '.Hampton, Va? il. (1. CONG DON.Phoubus, Vn. IlUCKIlOlQ PHARMACY .J. Phoobue, ,Vn, Ask your Druggist for the remedy yuu are in need of; If you cannot obtain it, send amount to us and we will forward it, prepaid. PENN DRUQ CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. I Can Make Y?ur Colored < Tenement Property P?y ? This Is tho age of specializing. I am n Specialist. My specialty < Is the inuuagomcnt of Colored Tenement Property. ' ? During my six yearB of buslneBo in this City, I have made a < careful study of Colorod tenement properties with a view of mak iny them pay the owners more money and I havo also studlod the < people who occupy these houses not only for the purpose of being < able to discrimlnato between good- nnd bad tenants, but to ha j able to select a class of tonants who would take care of the prop- < erty. ' \ Clean, careful, tenants are of Just as much value to the owner J ?s good paying tenants, been use if all the rents go for repairs, the owner Is In nearly as bad a fix as tho' tlie property was va? cant. Being a colored agent, mingling with the tenants dally, I am.In position to make the beet seloutlon?to secure tenants who will pay tholr rent and tho owner Is practically assured of a complete rental return. My method of managing Colored Tenement Prop, erty Is highly endorsed by some of the largest property owners In the City. It you want more rent from your property call on me, 4 am making money for others, will make some for you. B. O. BROWM RENT SPECIALIST, 2123 Madison Avenue, NEWPORT NEWS, VA. Bell 'Phone, 397. ?.JUl?JULSLIUJUUL?^^ THE ETERNAL QUESTION Where Must I Spend My Vacation? AT THE MECKLENI CHASE CITY, VA. WHY SEEK ANY FURTHER, when here In Virginia you can find Health, Pleasure and Comfort combined in one? All go away satisfied; all qo away benefitted; many go away cured. WHAT MAKES THE MECKLEN? BURG FAMOUS? Its Chloride Cal? cium nnd L-lthln Waters, of which com? bination Dr. Geo. Hen .Tohnaon says: "It does not to my knowledge exist nnywhere elsse." WHAT MAKES IT A PLACE OF CURE AND COMPORT AND REST? The splendid Bnruch Bftths, the Scien? tific Apparatus, Sanitarium Equip? ments. .WHAT MAKES IT A PLACE OF PLEA8URE7 Tho Drives. Hunts, the Bowling Alley, Pool, Billiards and other Amusements. DO YOU SUFFER FROM RHEUM ATI8M?. Go to the Mecklenburg. It hag benefitted many liko will benefit you. HAS INDIGESTION BEEN TOR? TURING YOU7 ARE YOU WORN OUT? NERVOU8, RUN DOWN, TIR ED7 DO YOU NEED BRACING. AND TONIG UP? Tho Mecklenburg Is the place for you. ARE YOU A VICTIM TO ECZEMA and ARE HOPELE83 ABOUT YOUR? SELF??Dr. H. H. Levy, of Richmond. Vs., says: "I havo found the Meck? lenburg Chloride of Calcium ? Water, combined with the Lithla Water, espe? cially effective In the cure of JficzemftY* IS YOUR 8Y8TEM , P0I8ONED WITH URIC ACID7?Go to the Meck? lenburg. Dr. J.' AHisou I lodge?,-. ,0$ Richmond, Vn., speaks of its ' recog? nized virtue" In such cases. 'Leading physicians glndly endorse; benefitted guests;voluntarily testify. AU'prattje the Mecklenburg. VIRGINIA'S RICHEST PRIZE? Sond for handsome Illustrated bookl List of dealers handling our Watorn [ Pharmacy. NATURE'8 BOON TO MANKIND. 'x et. Terms moderate. Wrlto nt once. in Newport News, va.-: Academy Daily Pt>ess 10c Pet Weefe, Fall Report of Associated Press.