Newspaper Page Text
PftlsBurg by a Piece of Luck, Eoes up Another Hotel). HANTS ARE BADLY DEFEATED Chicago Loses to the Brooldynites In ' a Poorly Played Game?Cleveland Boston Game Postponed on Account ' of Rain. .-?,>; rf? National League d - lj HOW THE CLUBS STAND. W. L. PC. Chicago . 00 26 .'098 Pittsburg . 5a 30 .c:ts New York .62 :io .Tl? Philadolphla . 42 44 .4SX Slhcinnatl . 38 18 ?442 ??oklyn. 33 50 .:tPS St. Louis.M r.r. .:t7(. Boston '. 28 50 .333] (i YESTERDAYS CAM ICS. Plttsburg, 8; New York. 6. ' PITTSBURG. PA.. July 21:? Gnht ley's batting wns directly responsible ,fOr tho victory of the Pltlsburga over New York. He batted In Tour runs| and scored two himself. Score: R.H.1S. PltUburg _ o o 4 0 o o :i 1 x- 8 !i New York_o 0 0 1 0 loo 0?2 I! Lynch and Gibson; Taylor. Anns and Bresnehnn. Time. 2:05. I'm pi res O'Dn.v ami Emslle. Brooklyn, 6; Chicago, 3. CHICAGO. ILLS.. July 21.?Brown Jiad Brooklyn helpless for In? nings today, but In Ihn sevenIIi, with tWo out, a fumble, followed by ihr e singles and a steal, nave the visit1 >rs the lend with thrco runs. Score: Rill .E. Chicago.1 0 (11 0 0 0 0 1?.1 9 :< Brooklyn _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 :? 0 II ?0 7 2 '..Brown and Kling; Strlckletl ind| Bergen. Time, 1:66. Umpire. Klein. ? ' St. Louis. 6; Boston. 1. ST. LOUIS. MO.. July 21.? SI. Louis' easily defeated Boston today, r. to 1. Score: R.1I.E. Bt. Louis_ 101 0.0 0 3 0 x -r. 7 1 Boston . 00 1000000?rl I] '.Brown and Qraily; Pfeiffer and O'Nell. Time. 1:56. Umpire. John stone. Cincinnati. 2; Philadelphia. 1. CINCINNATI. OHIO. July 21.? With two men out In the tenth In? ning, Jude, tho loenl's Indian, bit out a single that scored the winning run today for Clnclnnnt I. ' Score: It.U.E. Cincinnati .. 0 n 1 0 nooo 0 1?2 0 oj Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 U 0 I 0 0 0? 1 5 n I Frarslor and Schlei; Spnrks ami Dpoln. Time. 1:45, Umpires, Car-1 neuter and Con way. American League jr.: - t HOW THE CLUBS STAND. ' W. L. Pc. 'Athletics . 50 31 .1117 New York . 48 3.1 .5931 Cflveland. 48 3.1 ;693' Chicago. 45 38 .542 Detroit,. 44 38 .537! St. Louis. 42 rn .51! Washington. .10 51 .ffV" Boston. 20 63 .241 r" . YESTERDAY'S GAMES. Athletics, 3; Chloaao, 2. PHILADELPHIA. PA., July 21. ? Both- twlrlers pitched good ball today, but" Plank's single In the sixth in Bing.- scored the winning run for the locals. 'Score: R u.E. Chicago.20000000 n?2 7 2 Athletics _ 0000 2 1 00 x?3 2 I ?Wblt'e and Sullivan; Plank ami Powers. Time, 1:57. Umpire. Sheri? dan. Detroit, 6; New York. 1. NEW YORK. July 21.?Detroit found Chesbro's pitching easy today and the locals were held safe by Don oh?e. 'Score: R.H.B. Detroit . 1 000 0 2 0 2 1 ? nio 1 New York- 0000 00 1 0 0?1 4 3 Donohue and Warner; Chesbro Clarkson and Thomas. Time. 1:55. Umpire. O'Louglilln. Virginia State League ?*. Portsmouth First Game: Portsmouth. 7: Lvnch burg, 2. Second Game: Portsmouth, tynchburg. 3. No other games on account of rain. Flying Virginia Captures a Good, Event In Fine Style. 0ISHA81LLE TAKES THE HANDICAP Tukalun a Prime Favorite Defeated In Good Race?Time Fast Consld erlng the Dad Condition of the Track?Other Winners. ? (fly Associated Press.) NKW YORK. July 21 ?Dishabille. I played down from 2 lu I to X to won (he Islip Handicap, Olio mile mi l an eighth at lirigiiton Reach today, defeat Ihr Tokalun. winner of the Brooklyn Handicap, with Von Troinp'J third. Considering 'he bml condi? tion of Die I rack the I line, 1:0-1 was good, Plying Virginia, played down from] If. lo I in K to I at the close easily won the Currugh Staken Steeple Chase. Summaries. first Race?Selling, live and n half furlongs, Athens, "> to I. won. Marllbny, GO t<> I, second: 131 Cnpl Ian. 30 i.i I. third. Time. 1, 08 3-5, Smiiiii,) Hnee ? The Curragll Stakes Steeple Chase, about two miles: Inly? ing Virginia, to I, won: Piinn-I torn, .'1 tu 2, second: Pntagonlan, I to r.. third. Time. 1.31 3-5. Thlril Rae??The I.lip Handicap one mile and mi eighth. Dishabille x to 5; won; Tokalun, I to |, sec? ond; Von Trohip, I" lb I. third. Time. IX, I. Kvtirill Race-The Neptune Stakes, six furlongs. Ilnllot, s to G, won; lion Knrhpie. ."i to I. second: Alethous| .". to I. third. Time, 1.15, Fifth Race? Selling, on<> mile'and a sixteenth: Volndny, I to l, won; Lord illadgo, in to I, second; Charl-j ritnil, S to 5, third. Time I : IS 4f Sixth Race six furlongs. Kim Daughter, 11 lo ft, won. Sir Russell, ?lo to I. second; Kirsl Premium, I.'! to 6, Ihlrd. Time. I.I I 3-G. Seventh Race?Selling one mile ami a Klxlueuth. The Clown. In lo| I. won; Hyperion, i to I, second; Mandarin, !? to 5, third. Time. 1.18. The Minks Wins the Handicap. CINCINNATI. ().. .Inly 21.?the Minli.i won the Free I In ml lea p. the feature of the card at Lntonln lodny by a nock from Colonel Jim DOUg In's, with Una Heidorn third. Annual Convention Commercial Law] Le.ii|iie of America, Ashevllle, N. C, July 30?August 4, 1900. On hccbuiil <>f the nbovo occasion. ] the Sunt hern Hallway'will sell round | (rip tickets to Ashevllle N C. at the irate of one fare plus ?twenty live (cents for the round trip on July 38th, 29ih hud iVOlli, with final limit Ang? us! Kth. Final limit tuny he extended to September ::nth. by deposit of tick | et, anil payment of Ice pf fifty cents. Kor additional information and1 I sleeping car reservation call elth"r 'phone No. 112. or address STAN TON CURTIS, Passenger Agent. 95 Qranby Street. Montlcelfo Hotel. 7-:!0-7t Norfolk. Va. SPECIAL NOTICE. VOCAL INSTRUCTIONS! Mft. MAURICE KOBLENGER, re? cently of New York will take a lim? ited number of pupils in voice culture. Call or write. Citizens and Mnrlnc Bidding, Tuesdays and Fridays. Otudio opens Tuesday, July 24. Buckroe Heanii That ere LAST WEEK OF THE MAY HILL MAN COMPANY. MONDAY, THURSDAY. TUESDAY. FRIDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, |Ten Nights In Jesse A Barroom James Attractive und new vaudeville fea? tures. Admission,"15 cents. ON THE DIAMOND . k ' ' ======== . The advance in price has been study and regular for the Ivet ten years,'and will still continue. We hnve some bar? gains that we would like to show you before the next ad? vance. ' Now is the time and Palmer s is t he place to buy at. Prices that absolutely the best possible. -> We guarantee every one. to be just what we state it to be. 1| I. Palmer's Sons, ; THE LEADING JEWELEIW, % 2606 WASHINGTON AVENUE B8T ABI^ISHED 18 9:2 There is a Reason -W H Y Those classified advertisements pay the people who are wise enough to place them In the DAILY PRE88. TblB page In rend from top to bottom Illaonoef tho moat Interesting parts of the pnper. for the slmplo rcaiou that It shows la a meaauro the wants of tho people; shown business Invest inenta that yield much to the ndvnr t liter as well as the render. Have you one today? If not you have missed ' nu opportunity to start the foundation of what might bo your Bttceeas In the business world. ONE CENT A WORD NONE LESS THAN 25c HELP WANTED?MALE. WANTED?A HOY Wl I ITH Oll COl - I orcil tu wash dishes mid 111:1110 himself generally iiKCftil. A pply | DREDGE. No. :t. 7-3S_i?i. M10 N AND HOYS WANTED TO Irani plumbing, plastering mil 1 brick laying. Special orfcr llf>i scholarship $r.ii; caay payments; p<< kIIIon guaranteed; free catalogue. | COYNE I1ROS., Traile Schools. Now York, Chicago, St. Louis. WANTED SPECIAL AGENT TO AP pnlni local canvassers tor "Keyless.I Padlock." New Invention, be niaiiil enormous. Good salary ami expenses payable weekly. Address, | Manufacturer. Chestnut Strool. Philadelphia. Pa. TECHNICAL POSITIONS OPEN Wp need .n nm-r. Architects, ChemUta, Mi.iukIii .men. Superintendents, Civil., Me clwnKiH, Mailncand Minlnn Knrdnceni In nil positions I- iv.UK *|..>. f*..m.i Also many Ksecullve, Clcr ami SalcJIiwn rrwtlonssnd bhikI nppoiiunitir< (or men h.iiinK monrv lit Invest uilti iliclr servtefs Over 1 OrtploVCrS rely on ul lor .ill tlicir IiikIi Bivirlo men Unices in IJ c.iticJ. Ilifili graile ticlusivcly. Write ll- In '1 iv atvl stale position desired. HAPCOODS inc.-. Brain Brokers 1601 Chestnut St., Philadelphia WANTED. WANT BD- LADY OH OIONTLICMAN of fair education to travel for fIrnij of 1250.000 Capital. Salary $1.072 per year, payable weekly. Expenses ailvaneeij. Address OKJO. O. CLOWS Newport News. Vtl. 7-22-11 WANTBDr-rlt?OM WITH ItOAMD'j privat?- family, between West and Washington avenue. Tor inlddldngo lady. Address stating rate. |loom'| ::i7 Hotel Warwick. 7-2i-lt. WANTED A I'M.AT OF FIVE Oil] ni\ rooms, or small house, bet wem) Washington and West nvotiupi from Twenty-seventh to Thirty-third street. Address ''PLAT.'1 caro Daily Prosi. 7-21 :!t WANTED?OCCUPANTS FOR FUR nlshed rooms, with ur without board; also table boarders. |.30| aisl Stiert. 7-221 in. WANTED?TO BUY SMALL PliACEl outside of Phoebus or Hampton; $100 rush; balance same as rent. Musi tie cheap. Address A. n. C.. Daily Press. 7-20-21 I WANTKI) ? FURNISHED FLAT; state lorms. Address T. S. W.. Press Offlco. 7-l9-:it WANTED? CLOTH ICS OF ANY kind or description t'> be cleaned, pressed, scoured, dyed, altered or repaired. Work the best. Prices the lower,!; satisfaction gu?rantec.1. TUB IIIIHU CLEAN. ?- PR B?S. CO.. 211 33rd St. Cit/. 'Phone -.W. J. II. WHEELER. Prop: WANTED BUYERS FOR OLD PA' pora. 10c p?r hundred; apply at Dally Press office. WANTED?CLEAN COTTON RAGS Apply Dally Press Office. 6-30-tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT?FURNISHED OR I X furnished front room. Apply 2012 Wesl Avenue. 7-22-11 F?n RENT?RESIDENCE. NO. .',50 Twenty-ninth Street; all conven? iences; Including clectHc light, p;ns. porcelain bath, *c., attractive lawn. Apply on premises after -I p. m. 7-22-It WANTED ? TABLE HOARDERS. Married couples or gentlemen. . 451-1 Huntington Avenue. 7 17-(!t. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS OF *r,0 to $l.ftOO, C per cent. Merchants Mechanics Savings Association. Al? lan D. Jones, Secretary and Attor? ney. Plrst National Rank ?iiildiiig. 3-7-tf. ?_i -i ? ?'_ ' ' LOST AND FOUND. L08Ti-nUNCil OF KEYS WITH name no It. Pleuse return to .1 W. ROI. LI SON. 210 Twenty-fifth Street. It WANTED! ? to learo elgnr-mnklug NEWPORT NEWS BRANCH, 6-23-lm. 34th Street ft Va. Avenue. for sale. fr?n SALE ? l.i. HOOKS OF CON fessloii uiid Ufo <il A ml row I., Da vcnporl :il Hohlkcu's Nowa Stand 215051 Washington Avenue. 7-22 It KOK SA I.K?TWO NBW TRUCKS (double mill Blliglc) a lot of Huggy Polos, in lialf price. U. o. CAIN; :;i!i Thirty-first Street. 7-22-01 FOR SALE ? EIGHTEEN NEW hone ties :it liatf of cost. Apply 21-1 Twenty-seventh Street, Newport News. 7-22-::j K>R SAI.K A CHOICE TEX ROOM Dwelling between Wt'Rl an.I Wash liigtou Avenues; largo lot; wuthern exposure; busy terms. NtCl.MS, MARYB, BOYRNTON ? CHAP1N. Inc., Insurance, Real Estate and Lohns. 7_'2-::t FOR SALE?HOUSE AND LOT, NO 2ir> 28rd street, between Washing ion ami Huntington avenues, one thousand dollars cash; five hundred Dec. 2Cth. Address, D. H. LEWIS Blsboe, Arizona. 7-:!-lm. WANTED TO SELL? ONE OF VllE choicest rosldeilces in the city; spiltllCl'tl exposure; ten rooms.; hath; heautiful.view; two lu's; above fiftieth Street. NELMS MAR YE BOYRNTON & OHAI'IN*. Inc., Insurance, Real Estate mid Loans. ~,->2-M LOTS FOR S?LH OR LEASE IN ALL parts of the city. Cull ami uc! prices. OLD DOMINION LAND CO., Hotel Warwick building. FOR SALE?A SPLENDIDLY. Lo? cated Poultry Kann, containing'18 acres, two and one-half miles from J ?? 11v. Four-room cottage, in shaded I lawn; outbuildings; Incubators; Rl.eam-heated brooder; farming'im? plements and about rorly iippi.e trees. Will sell chimp or exchange for city nal estate. II. I'. WILDER. I'. O. Hex :!S7. 7-21-lt _speciai^noxice. SPECIAL NOTICE?IRON FENCE IS 1 cheaper than wood; lasts long* and looks better; inn designs OHAS. E; 8T ANTON, Hox 459, | Hampton. Va . 7-20 tf JUST RECEIVED 125 GOLD MOULD od Edison Records. Call early for your selection;;, nnd remember thai you have tho entire list at your command. GEORGE !>. HAMPT.ON IMA NO CO.. 210 Twenty-eighth Street. LADIES! If you want men to fall over themselves lo admire you. try Nicholas' Trench Hair Dresser. ' NICHOLAS' HAIR DRESSING & MANICURING PARLORS. 203 27th St.. Silsby Building. FOR IRON FENCE ? HENDRICKS Ooodman llaw. Co., 240G Jeff. Ave. tf IF YOU WANT A HOME OR ntlSI ness location In any part of the city or suburbs, wo can supply you-r wants. Cash or on easy terms. We also handle farm property. STEW ART & MIDGETTE, 133 25th Street. 7-7-tf OLD DOMINION BAGGAGE TRANS fer; office Ci & O. Station. 'Phone.*: Bell Nos. 401, and 135. Cltz., No. 12. ~~ undertakers. ~ W, E. ROUSE. FOR GOOD SERVICE and fine hacks. 2-'M-2;!0 Twenty fifth street. 'Phonos. Gl. NOTICE! Since the Citizens Rail vay L'ght and Power Co. has decided to give up all electric wiring nnd supply business. July i; 190(1, I shall undertake a llkr business' for myself My molt.o will bo tho Hiimo as It has always been whllo with the com nan.v. fri treat ever person right regardless of position. 1 shall at all times be prepared to take enro of your needs In the electrica: line. I shnll bo temporarily located in tho compay'H basement, Tbirty-flrsi street, and Washing1"!) avenue, unli August J. 10O0. then I will be In im' permanent office nnd store 2017 Wash? ington ayonuo. Ail work will bo appro elated if over so small and I promise tho very best material 'and workman ship that can bo had. T. G. COBURN, (Formerly Chief Electrician C. K. L & I*. Co.) Offlco Reil Phone 148. Residence Bell Phone 148-Y. 7-1-tf Furniture of Quality! That's all we soil, and wo well quantities of it. Come and help swell the sales. There must be a reason. SUMMER COMFORTS "ft Rockers, Chairs and Settees. You will find great com qj fort in one of our Rockers, ji Chairs or Settees?the well made kind (hat stands the hard knocks they are sub? jected to?in red. green and natural wood colors. Price, $1.00 to $3.50. Hammocks. There is nothing nicer than a good Hammock. We have them in all the popular styles?s tyro ng and well made. If yon haven't the shade we can furnish that, too?a wan? ing and supporto to which any hammock can be attacli? d Ham mocks from $1.00 up to $7.00. Bamboo Porch 5hades. Keep the porch shaded and let the breeze through. Si/.e (>\.s feet, $1.50; size 8x8 feet, $2.00. Vudor Porch Shades. Strong and substantial. Sizes 8, 4, 6 and- 8 feet Prices, $1.50. $2.50, $:..50 and $5.00. Dining-Room Furniture VVu carry in stock a large and well selected stock of Dining-Room b'Urniturc, from which the most fastidi? ous should have no trouble in making a selection. Many handsome new styles. Prices are the 'lowest consistent with quality. M. H. LASH. the Pioneer ?Furniture Dealer of Newport News 2803-05-07 Washington Ave., Newport News. TRUSTEES' SALE._ SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtuo of a deed of ti'uat executed by Henry Mlcliaux and Blanche Mlclmux, bis wife, to nie as trustee, and recorded in.tlie Clerk'? office ol the Corporation Court of the City ol Newport News, Virginia, in deed book is, page 20; anil default having been mado In the payment of part of debt thereby secured, at the request of some of the beneficiaries therein named, I shall, on the 26th day nf .Inly Mini;, at Eleven o'clock a. in., on the premises on Hampton Avenue b I ween Warwick Avenue and the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad sell to the highest bidder,? i . All those certain lots, pieces or par eels of ground, situate and being in the city of Newport News. Virginia, known and designated by Lots nttnv hers Sixty-three and sixty-four (No. 63 and No. 61), In block number ton (NO, 10); on n certain Map entitled. "Map of part of the city of Newport News, Virginia." which said map is duly recorded In the Clerk's office of the Corporation Court of the City of Newport News, Virginia, in plat bo-iK one. page three, to which reference is hereby made. Terms: Cash as lo amounts now past due, and cost of snlc. say about S7fi0.00, and the balance on August If*. 100G to meet payment of notes, falling due on that date?to-wlt: $112.80; and if there should be any balance, on sueh terms as may be dl reefed by the said Henry Mlcl.'Mix ami Blanche Michaux, or -should they fail to designate, then on such term? an I shall ntate on day of sale. . C. B. NELMS. Trustee.. This sale continued until Saturday, Tuly 28. lOOf,, at 11 a. m. C. B. NELMS. 7-15-12t Trustee. CAPUDINE ? mrun It ?<??? immriUntolr? CURES::,1;ii.,,"'fi,"-M . INDIGESTION and feSJ?2 AOflMTW """k t" knnwlw nomt. II ? ?><??* AGIDITf iMiAn/ioiinS amo'i./ r?ini>TiiiK Ihe mimo. IK amis. VINEBURG BROS. JEWELERS AND EYE SPECIALISTS, 66 Granby Street, Norfplk, Va. i.LL-!_-L...t.J.l-L. tBgSOSSS_i 1 *" Old Papers for sale?10c hundred. $500.00 i reward! The above reward will be ? paid for stich evidence as will ? lead to the arrest and convic? tion of the party or parlies who maliciously cut or punctured tho cables of the Southern Hell Telephone nnd Telegraph Co. \ of Virginia, at 23rd street' and Jefferson avenue, 27th stceec v and Jefferson avenue. 27th ' Btroot and Warwick a-ntte. 2Ct,h street and West avenue, and 23rd street, between West ave nue and River Road. Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company of Virginia J. EPPES BROWN. Gen'l. Mgr. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER! The best nnd cheapest. See us about connecting your building. Rate, 10c per 1.000 watts, subject to our usual terms pud discounts. PURE ICE MADE OF DISTILLED WATER?COLD STORAGE. Power house and - plant, Twenty fifth Street and Vn. Ave. Office, ^[st and Washington Avo. ? '^r Roth "phonea No. 15,'night 'phone No. 408, Cltfs?nB., . , | rt ? ? 5; - I ' CITIZENS' RAILWAY, LIQRt AH3 POWER COMPART