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W$ Ti FREIGHT" Iber. Advance in Pric? of Meat Goes Into Effect ' Next Month. LAW GIVEN IS REASON ackers Say Requirements of Federal Inspection Statute Makes Operation of Their Planta More Expensive, Hence the Increase in Selling Price of Meats. In spite of tho fact that there has been an advancement In the price <u meat In this city during the past WOOlc, a prominent local dealer stale 1 yesterday that after the new meaL Inspection law goes Into effect Oo toher 1; there will ho another In cronso In tho price of all munts. es-1 peclally oh t canned goods. Tho recent Increase In tho prlco of meat hero, especially on hum. pork nnd bacon, resulted. If Is said, from tho present strike of packers In lhr| lialtimoro pncklng houses which fur? nish most of the hams, pork and ha con used In the local markot. Changes In Plant. In order to meet the provisions of | tho new meat-inspection law thcpnck ers must make many ohnnge.i In then plants and In I he procnsa of killing dressing ami preparing meat for mar | hot. which will entail considerable ex pense. It Is asserted that In ordoi to cover this expense the packor:; will raise their prices. The most do elded change In the methods of pre pat lug meat for market will he In the procure 'of canning and hence the greatest. Increase of prices on canned goods. Tho first cause for the Increaso In prices if in said, will he the ollntimi tion from tho market of undergrade^ or meat not strictly first-class, which it In said, dealers have been selling at somewhat reduced prices. Ah nil inontH or meat-food products, after! October 1, must he of tho best quality It is argued that, tin prices nio hound to show an an.a over former quotations. Still More Reasons. Another reason for the Increase I will be that of tho Increased cost to| the dealer for preparing his food pro ducts for the market. The law onlla for the provision by proprietors ol | establishments of office room in eluding light and heat, rent free, to tho inspector and other employes 01 tho government on duty at each es tnbllshment. In ordor to meet the provisions of tho law the packers will also have to establish laundries at their plants. an tho law* provides that tho outoi clothing worn by Ihc men who han? dle tho prepared meal, bo washed ouch day. Still other clauses provide for tlv drilly cleansing of all trucks trays and other receptacles, and for the stor'.l IrntlOn of all knives nnd ot,hftr tools utensils land machinery used in hand ? ling, chopping mixing, or other pro? cesses nil of which will have the of foot of advancing the cost of meat products. Meat thnt hns been Inspected an passed will be marked "U. S. In I in the Market For WRAPPING, BUILDING, ROOFING, 8HEATH.NQ, TISSUE, TOILET, WAXED PAPERS, ?or? PAPER BAGS, BUTTER TFfAYS, CORDAGE, Etc., Etc., Write us. ? Patronize Southern industry and Enterprise. For more particulars, write "Everything in Paper." RICHMOND, VA. . (2) spooled mill passed." All meat con? demned by ibe Inspector will be marked. "U. S. Inspected and con? demned." Funeral at St. Vincent's. The funeral of Mrs. Thomas Me iOvllly, who illed al it o'clock Sunday morning nl her residence. 840 Twenty third street, will he held the St. Vin? cent's Catholic church at .1 o'clock this afternoon. The services will be .ondueled by ttev. Father Frlola sin.l Interment will be made at Croon lawn Mrs. iMclOVIIIy is survived by a bus hand and five children. HEUSER SMlAiin IS LIBELLED FOR DAMAGES Owners of Barge Hampton Want $t0, 0C0 On Account of Collision In Delaware Bay. The sleatner Santa Maria, recently ?onveiled Into an oil carrier at the Ideal shipyard; hn'a been libeled by ibe owners of the barge Hampton, al Wilmington, Dob, for $10.0(10. The libel grows out of a recent colllslo liotwcon the steamer and the barge it Delaware bay. Tin.1 Hamiiloii was considerably damaged and it is said, had to be run ashore In order to pre? vent lior from sinking. The accident occurred some time ago while the Santa Maria was hound up the Delaware from Baltimore lo Wilmington, whore she is now load? ing a cargo of nitro glycerine and dy? namite, which she will tnke lo San Francisco. Tin; Union Oil Company, of San Francisco, owners of the slonincr i have given bond for her release. Tho case will be tried In Ibe Federal Court, at Wilmington, in the near future. The Hampton Is now undergoing repairs at Shooter's Island. The Santa Maria loft this port sev? eral weeks ago and went to Haiti more, where she loaded a part earge of Iron pipe. She will leave w mluglnn for San Francisco In a few days. She Is lo bo employed in Hi; oil trade on the Pacific coast. It is understood Hint I Ik* steamer sustain? ed no damage In the collision, 1 THEATRICAL \ o o "Sergeant Kitty," one of lite most I sprightly and delightful of modern light operas, paid its third visit to this city last night, pleasing n largo audlenco at the Academy. Miss Helen Byron, wfnaonio and graceful as cv- | or is si 111 singing the title part and she is supported by a company call? able enough, though not so .strong a; those of previous seasons. Miss Byron seemed to be suffering from a severe cold last night; but managed to gel through with her part of the score very nicely. She has Improved In hor acting since her last visit. Carrlck Major, the General Dtibnls lias the bos! bass voice beard In the part. Charles Fulton, the Luden, has a sweet tenor. James McElhern, the Cnplaln; .Tack J. Clark, the Lieuten? ant Hnnri; Miss Virginia Alnsworth. the Louise and others In the cast give satisfaction. Last, but not least Tom Hadaway, the Celestln. Is still creating all soils of laughs with his peculiar variety of comedy. The male chortiB this year is unus? ually strong and the girls can sing, eyen If most of thorn are not particu? larly good to look at. As far as costumes, scenery, etc.. this season's production I3 complete. The opera itself is so well known here that a review is unnecessary. The innofui score is by A. Baldwin Sloan and It. 4L Burnsldo is responsi? ble for tho c lever book and lyrics. SPECIAL MEETING TONIGHT. Chamber of Commerce to Decide Up? on Banquet Question. There will he n special meeting of (lie Chamber of Commerce tonight I for tile purpose of receiving the ro I port of the entertainment committee upon th banquet which It Is proposed I to give on,the night of October ,r> In honor of lite visitors who will he her? to attend the Virginia League of Mu? nicipalities. Other matters of interest will be t acted upon nt thi3 meeting and a lnrge attendance la expected. Rescue of a Merchant. I A prominent merchant of Shongo. N. Y., J. A. Johnson, says: "Sovernl years j ago I contracted a cough which grow I worso and worso until I was hardly able to move around. I coughed con? stantly and nothing relieved my terri? ble suffering until I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. Before I had taken half a bottle my cough was much bet? ter, nrid in a short time I was entirely cured. I surely bellovo it saved my life. It will always bo my family remedy for colds." Fully guaranteed; r,0c and $100, nt W. Blair Langhorne's. druggist. Trial bottle freo. Physician Arrives Just In lime to Save Miss Ruth Sher? man's Life. CAUSE FOR RASH ACT KEPT SECRET Statement Made to Mrs. Sherman and the Doctors as Well as Contents of Letters Kept Secret?Danger is Not Past, But Recovery in Ex? pected. Mints Ruth Sherman, who liven with heir widowed mother nl inn corner or RonuoKo avenue and Twenty-sev? enth street, n Horn plod to commit sulchto by drinking aboill an ounce of laudanum in her room about l:8fl o'clock yesterday afternoon. After drinking I ho ludnuum Iho young lady threw horsolf upon this lied where she was found about an hour Intor. She was then In n stupor, hut still conscious and able to tell those in the house what she bad dene. Upon learning that her daughter had taken the poison, Mrs. Sherman hastily summoned Doctors Protlow and Knight, The physicians used the Stomach pump and then applied re? storatives. Late in the afternoon Miss Sherman was able to walk annum the house and while she is not entire? ly past danger from tho effects of the poison as H was in her system abottl an hour, it is believed (bat she will fully recover. Although the girl gave the reasons lor her rash act In the presence of the physicians nnd her mother, neith? er of (he doctors nor Airs. Sherman will have anything to say on the subject. The contents of letters writ? ten by Miss Sherman to her mother ami a rrlOhd just, before she drank tho poison are also kept secret. '.Miss Sherman Is about 17 yeara old and has resided in this city with her mother for several years. She has been employed at tho Putney I Shoe factory for some time. 0L0 DOMINION LINER HAMILTON HERE FOR EXTENSIVE REPAIRS Since Vessel Was Lengthened She Has Been Slow and New Pro? peller Will be Tried. The Old Dominion liner Hamilton which arrived in port trom New York nnd Norfolk Saturday evening, is now undergoing extensive repairs at the Shipyard, The vessel proceeded to the yard Sunday morning and was floated into dry dock No. 2 a short while later. A new propeller Is now being put on the vessel in place of the old nh< It Is understood that since she ban lengthened she has been mak? ing slow lime nnd it larger whool Is being put on her in or to increase her speed. Besides that work new doors are being placed on her furnaces and her engines are undergoing a general overhauling. .Before the vessel leaves the basin her hull will be cleaned and painted. It Is expected that she will remain at the shipyard for several days. SUPERINTENDENT LEAVES. Miss Siding Goes to Dr. Kelly's San? itarium in Baltimore. Miss Annie Sieling, who has been superintendent of the Newport News General Hospital for several months, tendered her resignation yesterday morning and left tho institution at once. Miss Sieling states that she will he detained hero for a short tinu on business hut will soon go to Bal? timore to enter Dr. Kelly's sanitar? ium. No successor to IM'33 Sieling has been secured as yet. Although the subject Is not being discussed at the hospital at this time it Is understood that the superintend? ent left upon the demand of the nurses PRINCE THREATENED. It is Believed That an Attempt Was Made to Kill Him. (Hy Ajmnclated l"en?.) LONDON. ENGLAND, Sept. IS.?Ac? cording to a dispatch from Budapest to tho Dally "Mall, an attempt was made September 1? on the life of Duke Krauels Ferdinand, the heir pre Isumntlve to the throne of Austria I Hungary. As the prlnco was travelling I through Salgo-Tarjan to Vienna on a special railway train, enromotis stones were hurled through the windows of his .carriage. The. prince was unin? jured and the assailants escaped. NO SALOONS NORTH OF FORTIETH STREET1 Judge Harham Declines to Grant ] Liquor license In E. J Magllly. CITIZENS VERY HUGH INTERESTED Contest of Parties Defendant Was IMadc Upon Ground That Place Was Not a Proper One?Lengthy Peti? tion Supported Testimony of Wit? nesses. Judge Harham, in the Corporation Court, yesterday refused to grant E. J. Magllley license to conduct a sa? loon at -1211 Huntington avenue, thereby settling a question in which a majority of the people living nortii| of Fortloth street were very much interested. By declining to grant this license, the judge practically reiter? ates Ida decision of several yours ago that Huntington avenue north of For? tieth street 1.5 not a proper place for n snlnoit, No objection was made to Mr. Ma? gllley as a man to conduct a saloon Hit: tight being conducted solely up? on tin- ground that the place was unsuitable and the residents did not wjint a saloon in the neighborhood. judge Harham took up this case Saturday afternoon and heard man;' witnesses. Ol her testimony and the argument of counsel was heard yes? terday morning. Mr. J. J, Watson and i.Hier citizens had themselves I made parties defendant In the case and were represented by Colonel ] iMnryus Jones. To support the tes? timony of their witnesses the partlos I defendant had a petition signed by ,683 residents of North End. Mr. T. J. Christian was counsel for Hie applicant. Defaulter to Face Trial, (ny Associated l'reau.) PITTSBURG. Sept. 17.?Thomas W. Alexander, who was arrested in Pitts burg last night a.-, a fugitive from Justice from Augusta, Gn. where it is alleged he is charged with default? ing to the amount of $200.000; stated I lodny that lie would return voluntar? ily to Augusta willi the officer now on Iiis way here. ISHOES 1 FROM I MAKER to WEARER In order to Introduce our Sshoes to the people of Newport news and vicin y ity, for the next sixty tdays we are offering our regular $3.50 and $5.00 lines at $2.50 and $3.00 tper pair. CALL EARLY BEFORE THE SIZES ARE ft BROKEN. $ Putney Shoe * Manufacturing 4 Company Store, No. 3202 Washington Mji Kvenue. |3rT WE STAND FOR CLEAN LINEN. MAY WE CALL FOR Your Laundry OR FAMILY WA8HT HOTEL WARWICK LAUNDRY Phone 10. Cor. West /?ve. 4 24th St. I Every woman knows that a polished table collects so much dust in a day that she can write her name on it. The same thing happens to a soda cracker exposed to the air ?sufficient reason for buying U need a Biscuit the only soda cracker. Perfectly pro? tected in a dust tight, moisture proof package. 5? national biscuit company Mi'i"""iiiint?Miir irade That will match the rest of Chamber Sot in ap? pearance, and at the same time have all the sanitary qualities of the metal bed. (See sample in our east window.) A large variety of other Heds Iron and Brass?to select from. "rices $3.00 calls for many changes, and wc are ready for the changes and additions you may wish to make in FIJ R N IT UK 10, HTiOOR COVERINGS and STOVES. A large part of our !<\tll Stock has arrived. It ib our con? stant aim to improve in our line, to sell better goods, to give better values for the money, and wc have exer? cised the greatest care in buying. The Prices in Every Department of Our House-Fur? nishing Store are Guaranteed the Lowest. Our Terms Are Liberal. Iu support of that statement we have only to refer to our many customers who have been dealing with us on credit continuously for ten years (six years with .1 A. Riixtpn & Co. and four years with the present firm). A list of them furnished upon request by any one in terested. ?XT0N KER FURNISHERS FOR EVERY ROOM IN THE HOUSE. ? jnunimmnrmn rTr.TTr..:T7irTmr7iTtaT.-r OLD DOMINION LAND CO., HOTEL WARWICK BUILDING. : W. A. POST, President. .1. A. willi5tt, Cashier. i .1. It. SWINHRTON, Vice-Pros. ARTHUR LEB, Asst. Cashtor. ? STHE FIRST NATIONAL BHNKI \ U. S. GOVERNMENT DEPOSITORY, CITY DEPOSITORY, CITI- ; ZENS' DEPOSITORY. Capital.$ 100 000.00 i ? Stockholders" Liability . 100,000.00 : Surplus and Profits . 100,000.00 : Other Resources Make Total Over-..-....$1,000,000.00 I