Newspaper Page Text
Only One Came Is Played In the National League. GIANTS WIN FROM PHILADELPHIA Contest Only Seven Innings Long, But I tho New Yorkers Succeed In Piling | .Up 13 Runs to the Quakers' 2?Chi oago Defeats the Athletics. (By Associated Press.) National League HOW THE CLUB8 8TAND. Won. I/>st. P.O. Chicago .105 :12 .7<;t; New York . 87 48 .015 Plttsburg . 83 51 .0201 Philadelphia . (i:t 72 .407 Cincinnati . 5!? 7S .431 Brooklyn . 55 7? .1111 St. LOUIS . IS K!? .350 I Doston .-12 9-1 .309 Yesterday's Games. New York, 13; Philadelphia, 2. NKW YORK, Sept. 17.?The Plilln delphlann today tried a new pitcher nnmed Moser, who proved wild und In? effective. The New Yorks won with? out t rou hie. Score: R.H.B. Philadelphia ..1001000 0? 2 7 II New York .4 0 2 001 3 3?13 15 I Batteries?Moser ami Dooln; ?Mo thewHon; Ferguson, Bre.-mahau and Fitzgerald. Time, 1:46. Umpire, O'Day. American League HOW THE CLUBS STAND. Won. Lost. P.O. Chicago . S2 61 New York . St 52 Athletics . 71 58 Clevelnnd . 7.'t 58 St. Louis . GO <!7 Detroit . (10 72 Washington . 52 82 Boston . 44 92 Yesterday's Games. Boston, 7; Detroit, 2. DETROIT. MICH., Sept. 17.?Boston won a very sleepy name from Detroit by bunching her hits hotter. Score: R.H.B. Detroit .(10 1)0 10(10 1?2 9 2 ?Boston .2 1 000 1 20 1?7 11 1 Batteries?Donovan and Payne; Tunnohlll and Xrmbr lister. Time, 1:3C. Umpire, O'Loughlln. Washington, 4; Cleveland, 2. CLEVELAND, 0? Sept. 17.?Wash? ington bunched two doubles and two triples In the second and seventh In? nings today, defeating Cloveland, 4 to 2. . j .? , W Score: R.H.B. v Cleveland _0 1 0 00 00 1 0?2 9 2 Washington ..020000200?4 8 0 Battorlos?Rhondes and Clark; Flakonburg and Warner. Time, 1:30. Umpires, Evans arid Hurst. Chicago, 5; Athletics, 4. CHICAGO, Sept. 17.?Oldrlng's er? ror, with tlie nhl of Dohohue's sacrifice and a single by McFnrland, gave Chi? cago today's game with Philadelphia In tho eleventh Inning. Score; R. H. B. Chicngo ...1 0300000 00 1?5 8 0 Athlet ten .. 0 0 0 ll 0 0 0 1 0 0 0?1 11 ?? Batteries?Walsh and Both; Wad doll, Shreck and Byrnes. Time, 2:50. Umpire, Sheridan. New York, 4; St. Louis, 3. ST. LOUIS. MO., Sept. 17.?New York defeated St. Louis in the open? ing game today by a score of 4 to 11. Pelty weakened badly In the last two Innings. Score: R.H.B. New York ...0 0 0 0 00 0 2 2?4 12 1 St Louis .0 0 0 1 00 0 2 0?3 8 1 Batteries?Pelty and O'Connor; Chesbro and Klelnow. Tithe, 2:05. Umpire, Connolly. YACHT PICKED UP. British Ship Towed the Little Vessel Into Port. (By AsHoclnted rrem.i NORFOLK, VA.. Sept. 17.?The Bri? tish ship Louvaine, Captain Daniel, arrived In port, towing the sailing yacht Palatine, owned by Charles P. Ledlter, said to be a millionaire, of St. Louis. The Louvaine rescued the Palatine near False capes Sunday night. The yacht, had lost her rudder and was In a helpless condition at tho mercy of a howling northeast gale and danger? ously near the treacherous shoals of .YOUR HAT Hay Be a Stylish One, Dnt It Make? Trouble. A man usually buys a hat that's "In style," but the modern hat for men has lots to answer lor. Bald heads are growing moro numer? ous every day. Hats make excellent breeding* places for the parasitic germs -which sap the lifo from the roots of the hair. When your hair begins to fall out and your scalp is full of Dandruff It Is n eure sign that these countless germs aro busily at work. There Is but one way to overcome the trouble and kill the germs?that way Is to apply Newbrp's Herptcldo to the acalp?It will kill tho germs and* healthy hair Is sure to result. Hold by leading druggists. Sond 10c. In ?tamps for sample to The Horplctde Co, Detroit. Mich. ALLEN'S DRUG STORE. HANGER 4 QULICK, SPECIAL AGENTS hWMitWBWWaraM Fnlso capo, whon Blghtcd by the Lou vnlno. On board tbo yncbt at tbo tinio of the roBCuo, besides the crew, were Mr. nnd Mrs. Cbnrles II. Leidller und sou. Johu S. Ledller. REPUBLICAN 8EE3 FINISH. Nominee for Governor Refuses to Run For the Office. (Uy AsHoelnted Press.) DRNVIOR, COL., Sept- 17.?The Post In an extra edition tonight announces thai inilip It. Stewart, of Colorado Springs, Uepuhllcun nominee for the governorship of Colorado, has with? drawn from tlit* ticket. The Post ttlso says: "Ostensibly Mr. Stewart has with? drawn because oT the condition of Ills health, having just rallied from an at? tack of uppcndicltls, but In reality he has refused to malte tho race with Chlof Justice Gabbert on the ticket." VICTIMIZED ENGLISHMAN. Swindler Claims to be a Son of Pier pont Morgan. (Hy Associated Press.1 LONDON, PING LAND, Sept. 17 ? Gorald Morgan, representing himself to be u member of the Harvard Row? ing club, and n nephew of .1. Piorpout Morgan, has been roninnj-d for trial at the Greenwich police court on the charge of obtaining fraudulently a sninll amount of money from Dr Dickey, of the Miller hospital. Morgan signed orders ou an Ameri? can express company, directing the payment of $l>,(>00 to the hospital, promising an annual payment of $12"> to the Institution. Ho declared tho first, amount to he a donation from his uncle, .). Piorpout Morgan, and the second from himself. .Morgan told Dr. Dlckoy he hud lost his purse and obtained from him a small sum of money. Morgan probably Is lite same man who victimized West Hml tradesmen out of several hundred pounds ster? ling lust month by posing as a mem? ber of the Harvard crew. JEWS TO BE SACRIFICED. Red Handed Russians to "Legally" Murder 200 Hebrews. (Ry Associated Press.) LONDON, ENGLAND, Sept. 17.?On receipt of n telegram to the effect that iioo Jews, arrested at linpluissard during the recent massacre at Sold Ice, aro being tried by Held court-martial, their judge being the same officers who participated in the disorders and therefore likely to condemn them in order to Justify the massacre, the com? mittee of British Jews today Issued a strong appeal lb civilized nations "to prevent such a crime against civiliza? tion." BALTIMORE CANDIDATES NAMED. Democrats Use Primary Methods While G. O. P. to Hold Convention. Uly Associated Preua.) BALTIMORE!, MD.. Sept. 17.?Dem? ocratic and Republican primaries were held in tills city today, the Democrats voting directly for nominees for Con gross in the Third nnd Fourth Dis? tricts ami for an additional judge of the Supreme Court of Baltimore city and the Republicans for delegates to conventions which will select nomi? nees for those offices. The Democrats nominated Harry It. Wolf, for member of Congress from the Third District and Representative John Gill. Jr.. to succeed himself rrom the Fourth District. William A. [Whcatloy was nominated by tin. Democrats for judge of the Supreme Court. DIFFERENT SOLUTIONS. rroKi'CNNivc <'onuii<lruiu That Coald lie WorUi-il Out Two Warn. "Miss Grade," he said, with au en? gaging smile, "did you ever try your hand at one of these progressive conun? drums'/" , "Wliat are progressive conundrums, Mr. SpoonamoreY" Inquired the young lady. "Haven't you heard of them? Here is one: Why Is n ball of yarn like the letter T'? Because a ball of yarn is circular, n circular is a sheet, a sheet is a Hat, a tint is $fiO a month, $50 a month Is dear, a deer is swift, a swift U n swallow, a swallow Is a taste, a /?ste is uu inclination, an inclination M an angle, an angle Is n point, n point is au object aimed at, au object aimed at la a target, a target is a mark, a mark Is hn Impression, an Impression Is n stamp, n stamp Is n thing stuck ou, a tiling stuck on is n young man In love, nnd n young man In love Is like the letter 'f because lie stands before 'u,' Miss Oracle." "I don't think you have the answer quite right," said the young lady. 1 "A ball of yarn is round, a round Is a steak, a stake is a woodcii thing, a wooden thing Is a young man In love, and a young man In love is like the letter 't' because. Mr. Spoonnmore? and she spoke clearly and distinctly? "because bo Is often crossed." The young man understood. He took his hat nnd bis progressive conundrums and vanished from Miss Grade Gnr llnghouse's alphabet forever.?Pear? son's. A Cnntloan Damsel. "Dearest, with you by my side, I | would willingly give up nil I possess? i wealth, position, parents?everything." i "I know, George, but in that case what would there be left for me."? Milwaukee Sentinel. It's a (pieer fact that the higher a man rises the less chance he has of bei tag above suspicion.?Puck, . CLYDE LIBER OVERDUE Severe Storm Sweeps Down (he Coast of North Carolina. COTTAGERS CUT OFF BY THE SEX Surf Boats Used to Take Them to Mainland?Railroad Trestle Wash? ed Away?Damage to Property Will Amount to Many Thousands. (Hy AHMnclnted Preaa.> ?WILMINGTON. N. C. Sept. 17.? Collage, hotel ami railrond property was damaged to the extent of eight to ten thousand dollars and for six or eight hours upwards of 200 men, women and children wero cut off from (lie mainland, in imminent peril, hy it fierce northeast storm which swept Wrlghtsvlllo beach 0 indes east of Wilmington. Hundreds of cottagers at the bench received their first intimation of dan? ger upon awakening this morning to find breakers sweeping clear across the beach to the sound nnd rolling high up on the mainland. 2 miles be? yond. A trolley car kept nt the "bench In case of an emergency took about 2-r? early risers acrosa the sound on- the trestle by which it is reached and four other cars responded from tho city over the trestle. The structure gave way Immediately after the last car reached the The storm Increased In fury until noon when the rescue work was be? gun by anxious persons who sent sur.' boats across the channel at great risk bringing first the women and chil? dren and later the nren, the last be? ing brought over at 5 o'clock tills af ternoon. At Old Brunswick, between Wil? mington and Southporti the steamer Atlantic of tin; fisheries company. Qf New Yoi k, was Tdown broadside ashore on the bank, but i., not dam? aged to any great extent. The Clyde liner Nnvaho. due here at four o'clock this morning, has not yet arrived. She probably encount? ered the gale off tills const and put to sea. Tonight the storm lias abated and no further damage is expected. Wire communication with Southport has been cut off since morning. ALONG THE WATERFRONT (Continued from page 3.) Now York?To White Oak Coal Com? pany in ballast. Schooner Alice M. Colbnru. Mo Lcod, New York (Unnsslgncd ) Sailed. Steamers Yeinnssoe, Simmons, Nor? folk ami Philadelphia; Jiinlatn. James Norfolk and Boston; Glouces? ter, Dizcr. Baltimore. IMnoday, September 17 1906. Arrived. Steamer Powhatan (Br.). llallarR London?To Furucss. Withy & Com? pany with merchandise. Steamer lleighlngton (Br.). Pcderson Philadelphia?To Berwlnd. White Coix Company in ballast. Steamer Hathor (Br.), Dehrlam. New York?To Berwlnd, White Coal Company In ballast. Steamer Phonlx, (Nor.). Larson. New York?To Berwlnd. White Coal Company in ballast. Steamer Scgura (Br.). Morrison, New Orleans?To Chesapeake and Ohio Coal Agency Company for bun? ker coal. Steamer America (Gor.), Havana? To Berwlnd White Coal Company for bunker coal. Steamer l>orchester, Johnson, Prov? idence and Norfolk?To Merchants and Minors Transportation Company with passengers and merchandise. Steamer Howard. Chase. Baltimore ?To Merchants and Miners Trans? portation Company with passengers and merchandise. Steamer Ontario. March, Boston and Norfolk?To Merchants nnd Min? ers Transportation Company with passengers nnd merchandise. Steamer Jamestown, Hiller. New York und Norfolk?To Old Dominion Stoani3hip company with merchan? dise. ir;*f*nasiapn ? Steamer Mohican. Rich, Philadel? phia and Norfolk?To Clyde Steam? ship Company with merchandise. Sailed. Steamers Scgura (Br.). Morrison. New Castle nnd Hull; America (Br.), McMath, Bremen; Princess Anno. Tnplcy. Norfolk and New York; How-1 ard, Chaso, Norfolk and Providence, Ontario. March, Hal Union;; Dorches? ter. Johnson, Baltimore. , Schooner Prescoll Palmer Carlisle, Boston. MARINE NOTES. The nritish steamer Powhatan, of the Chesapeake & Ohio fleet arrived| in port yesterday morning from Lou don with about 801) tons of Import| cargo, which she will discharge here. 4 ? Three foreign steamers?the ington, ilnthor and Phon I x?arrived] In port yosterduy to load full cargoos| or coal here for ports around the West Indies. The schooner .William P. Hood ar? rived in port Sunday from New Bed? ford after being at sea just 18 hours. The vessel has established a sailing! record between these two ports which probably will taot he equalled soon. a fleet or five schooners arrived in port firohi New England ports Sun? day. All of them, except the Alle M. Colbiirn, will load coal cargoes hero at once. That vessel has nor yet been chartered. Calendar for This Day. Sun rises . 5: 19 a. m. Sun sets _. (1:08 p. m. High water ...9:2(5 n. in.. 9:fit p. m. Low water_2:25 a. m., 3: 12 p. in. ^TiOTrrinrwinnnnnnnnf^^ : 1 i Social?Personal. I ? c ? c ^gJLqjLgJULg.O-P-O-O -S-BJULO C aJlJUULv.' Card.; were received here yester? day containing a formal announce mont by Mr. Hoheit Seiden Ellyson of the marriage of his daughter, *,tiss Mary Berkeley, to Dr. Elbert Wel-( lingtcii Blakeslee; on Friday, Septem? ber 7. In New York city. 'Mrs. Arthur Chase, of this city, is the guest of Mrs. George Llbby, in Richmond. Miss Sndle Wood, of Richmond. I-. the guest of friends and relatives in this city. iMiss Tadloeke, who has been the guest of friends In this city for the past week, has returned to her home in Washington D. C. Mr. John Hamilton left last night for Blncksburg. where he will attend the Virginia Polytechnic Institute this session. Mr. -Pfands Strlbling Ballard left yesterday evening for the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, where he will tnko a course In electrical engineer? ing. Miss Mary Greene, who has been the guest of the Misses Stewart for the past six weeks, returned to her home In Richmond Sunday. Prof. John Carroll Hudgins left yesterday for Boston to resume h'.s duties as Instructor in chemistry at the Boston school of Technology. Widow's Death a Mystery. GREENWICH, CONN., Sept. 17. H. C. White, prosecuting attorney, said today that he would have gren; difficulty in finding the murderer of ^fl?s. Michael Marsch who was shot In her dooryard at nine o'clock yej terday morning. Torture by Savages. "Speaking of the torture to which some of the savage tribes In tho Phil? ippines subject their captives, reminds mo of the intense suffering I endured for threo months from inflammation of the Kidneys." says W. M. Sherman, of C shing. Me. "Nothing helped me until I tried Electric Bitters, three bot? tles of which completely cured me." Cures Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, blood disorders and Malaria; and re? stores tho weak and nervous to robust health. Guaranteed by W. Blair Lang horne, druggist. Price SOc. Dancing AT BUCKROE Every TUESDAY aud FRIDAY NIGHTS 8 p. m. to 11:30 p. m. Band Coacert every Sunday 2:30 p. m. to 5:30 p. in. Through cars on both lines Don't forget tho dancing nights. This will bo continued indefinitely, weather permitting. Prof. Von Smldt's Orchestra will I furnish the music. WANTED! White Girls to learn clgar-maklag. NEWPORT NEWS BRANCH, 18-18-lm 34th St. and Virginia Ave. Why these classified advertise? ments pay the people who are wise enough to place them In THE DAILY PRESS. This page Is read from top to bottom. It is one of the most interesting parts of the paper, for the simple reason that it shows In a measure the wants of the people; shows business investments that yield much to the advertiser as well as the reader. Have you one today? If not you have missed an opportunity to start the foundation of what might be your success in the business world. 3lotte Xcss^ltnn^tuciit?-^iuif Cents. WANTED. WANTED-WHITE HOY, FOR MI2SS boy. Apply at oncd. JUDKINS' GROCERY STORE. S-18-3t WANTED?TO BUY A CHEAP driving horse. Address, P. O. Box 2S7. 9-16-tC WANTED?BOARDERS AND ROOM ers. 105 Twenty-seventh street. 9 lG-3t WANTED?-CARPENTERS AT .IAS. O. WILSON'S MFG. CO., South Norfolk:. 9-15-1U WANTED?$5,000 AT 5 PER CENT, interest, for nn unlimited time. Gilt-edgo security. Address Box 188, city. 9-15 tC WANTED?ALL THOSE LOOKING for biirgains in Real Estate, city und surburhnn property, or farm litnds, see STEWART & MIDGETTE, No. 133 25th Street. 9-13-Gt. WANTED? CLOTHES OF ANY kind or description to be cleaned, pressed, scoured, dyed, altered or repaired. Work the best. Pr'~es the lowest; satisfaction guarante?. 1. THE HUBB CLEAN, ft PREiS CO.. 211 33rd SL Cltz. 'Phone 328. J. H. WHEELER "rop. WANTED?BRIGHT, STRONG BOY, to make himself generally useful around printing office. Apply Dally Press office, Monduy, 4:30 p. in. FOR SALE. FOR SALE ? SCHOONER: GOOD condition; carrying 1,000 bushels of oysters. Apply to CAPT. LINNI M MAN, or T. F. LWELLING, 253 ? Newport News, avenue, Hampton, Va. 18-3t-eod FOR SALE?PIANO AND OTHER household furniture; good as new. 1214 Twenty-eighth street. 9-18-Gt FOR SALE?GOOD MILCH COW. Apply 133 18th St. LIPSITZ BROS. 9-16-Ct I FOR SALE?SECOND-HAND UP rlght Piano; Ebony case, only .?.?..25. GEO. D. HAMPTON PIANO CO., 210 28th Street. 9-12-tf. [ LOTS FOR SALE OR LEASE IN ALL parts of the city. Call and get prices. OLD DOMINION LAND CO., Hotel Warwick building. ?"OR SALE?ESTABLISHED GRO 'cery and feed business. Apply I 240G Jefferson avenue. 9-15-3L I FOR SALE?STEEL WIND MILL and large tank In good condition. Address box 22G city, or call on H. P. TAYLOR, near Norfolk ferry pier. 9-14-Gt. FOR RENT. I FOR RENT*""?*~FLAT OF FOUR rooms. Apply 338 Forty-eighth street. 9-18-Gt I FOR RENT?ONE LARGE FRONT room. 3200 West nventic. 9-18-Gt LOST AND FOUND. I LOST OR STOLEN?YAWL BOAT, painted her; about 18 feet long; mashed on side aft; very dirty with grease, etc. Reward for return or Information. CAPT. JOS. BELL, Box 541, Newport News, Va. 9-18-3t SPECIAL NOTICE. I CANARY BIRDS?FINE SINGING Hartz Mountain; just arrived from Germany. Chineso and Japaneso Gldfish globes, cages nnd fresh seed of all kinds, natural flsh food, etc. G. ALBERT LENZ. 2502 Jefferson avenue, next to Jefferson bank. 9-18-tf 'SOME CRANKS I MET IN EUROPE" ?A humorous lecture by Rev. R. H Bennett, D. D., of Randolph-Macon College, at Grace Methodist church, Forty-fifth street, Tu sday, Septem her 18, at 8 o'clock Admission 25 cents. 9-lG-2t I BLUE PRINTING AND TRACING? Guy P. Murray, 829 28th St. City 7-28-6m FOR IRON FENCE ? rfBNDRICKS Goodman Hdw. Co., 2405 3o)tt. Ave. tf SPECIAL NOTICE. LADIES?BE UP TO DATE AND PA tronizo tho only up-to-dnte Hair Dressing, Shnmpoolng and Massag? ing Parlor, where none but best artists uro employed. Don't forget the place. NICHOLAS' Hair Dress? ing Parlor, 203 Twonty-Beevnth St, SUsby Building. MONEY TO LOAN. MONET TO LOAN IN SUMS OF $50 to $1.000, 6 per cent. Merchants Mechanics Savings Association. Al? lan D. Jones, Secretary and Attor? ney. First National Bank Building. s-7-tf. UNDERTAKERS. W. E. ROUSE, FOR GOOD BERVICE and fine hacks. t34 236 Twenty fifth street. "Pb/in<2e, 61 TRANSFER COMPANIES. OLD DOMINION BAGGAGE TRANS fer; offico C. & O. Station. *I hones: hell Nos 401. and tSK. Citz.. Ml. 12. SALE OF STOCK OF GOODS OF MAX FELSTEIN, BANKRUPT. TAKE NOTICE, that in pursuance of decree entered September 7th, 1901?. in tho matter of Max Fclsteln, bank? rupt, the undersigned calls for sealed bids for the stock of merchandise of said bankrupt, located In premises No. 3112 Washington avenue, the stock of groceries of said bankrupt, located In premises No. 227 Thirty-first street, and such of the fixtures of said bank? rupt us have not been claimed by Homestead deed filed In the Clerk's Office of the Corporation Court for the City of Newport Newa^ Virginia, arid recorded in Deed Book 31, Page 39. bids must be filed on or before Sep? tember 21st, 1900. Right reserved to reject any and all bids. A private sale, if made, to be subject to confirmation by Referee. S. O. BLAND, Receiver-Trustee. ?. 9-ll-eodr>t. Notice. In effect September 10, 190G. To the consumers of milk In the city of Newport News, Va.: Owing to the advancement in the price of feed of all kinds, caused by the ex? treme wet weather during the months of July and August, it became neces? sary on the part of tho dairymen of of Newport News to advance the price of milk from 8 to 10 cents per quart, and 30 cents per gallon. Thin ad? vance in milk is a source of much re? gret to the dairymen, but circum? stances over which they hnvc no con? trol make it necessary for their own Protection. Customers must set empty bottles out daily or there will be no milk left. All broken bottles must be paid for. (Signed) DAIRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION, A. L. Parker, Sec. FOR POPULAR PRICES, QUICK SERVICE, EXCELLENT CUISINE. ?TRY THE? BU8INESS MEN'S LUNCH FROM 12 TO 2 O'CLOCK. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO REGULAR BOARDERS. Flrst-class Bar attached, stock? ed with all leading brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. VIHEBURG BROS. JEWELERS AMD EYE SPECIALIST*. It Orauby Street, Norfolk, X?.