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Vit* Baily Press* PUBLISHED EVERY MORNINQ (Except Monday) at the DAILY PRESS BUILDING. 211 Twenty-fifth Street, by the DAILY PRESS COMPANY. C. E. Thaclcer. .Editor and Publisher. L. E. Pugh.Advertising Mnnnger. The tidily Fioii U deilvored by carrier* any where In tbo city llrolti for 10 ceuti it week. Any lrtegulatltlei lu dollvoty ihould be Imme dlatoly repotted to tbo ofllce of publication. Ordere fot dollvory of tbo Dally Troll to oll her mlfledoc ot placet ofbmltiuii may he raado by poital card or lolepbono. MAIL SUDSCRIPTIONS. (Tayablo Invariably In advance.) One Month. I .60 Tbtte Months. |l.a> Btx Montbi. fiM One Year. tA.oo TELEPHONE NUMBERS. Editorial Roomi.Dell Thorn- No. U Hutluom Office.Boll Thouc No. 1BI No employee or tho Dally I'reei company I? ?nthorliod to contraot any obligation In tbo name of tbe oompany, ut to uiako putclmici In tho name of the um? oxcopl npou ordor ilx'iod by the PUBLISHER OFT1IK DAILY i'RKHd. Cntetod at the Newport Nowa, v?.. roitotflce ai lecoud-olait mallur THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1000. TIME FOR INVESTIGATION. For a year or more Warwick coun? ty and Its center of activity, Blood' field, hnvu been allowed to go their TVay without criticism from the pub? lic or the newspapers. Conditions always have been far from Ideal lu tho "Old Free State," but n wave of something akin to reform came along when Judge Tyler, of tho'Circuit Court, assumed supervision of the county's affairs, nud since Hint tlmu the au? thorities have been doing things In n more or less .regular manner._ Now, however, it seems that anoth? er general shaklng-up under tho di? rection of Judge Tyler Is In order. Various things might bo mentioned, but nn It would he unjust to the of? ficial)* as well as' Indiscreet upon our part to mention matters concerning which wo are not informed first hand, we will merely clto two in- ' stances which, In themselves, go a long way toward Illustrating Ihe loose' manner in which public business Is handled In Blootlfleld. A few weeks ago a negro stabbed and nearly killed another on the beach' above this o'.ty. When the doctors finally said Ihe wounded man would recover, the erlmlnnl surren? dered , himself and was released on a bond of $200. Lator two while oystormen from Accomnc county qunrrollod near the mouth of Warwick river and one. struck the other over tho head with a splko. ' The injured ninn waa brought to tho hospital hero with bis skull fractured. Afterward be was ! removed to his home in Accoinsc county, against the protest of a well known doctor of'this city, who says that tbe man is liable to die from convulsions at uny time. The oyster man who used tho spike and against whom tho chargo of murder may ho placed,' was arrested lu Hampton, brought to Bloodfleld and there sot at .liberty ufler he had furnished a bond of $250. ?When a man who may be a mur? derer, can go at large with only a paltry bond of $250 to insure his ap? pearance for trial, we are of tho opinion that It is time for some in? vestigating. THE ANTI-TRUST LAW CRIM? INAL PROVISION. In one of his recent campaign speeches, Hon. Leslie M. Shaw, secre? tary' of tho treasury and a candidate for the Republican presidential nom? ination in 1008, declared that In his "humble judgment, the criminal pro? visions of the anti-trust laws do quite as much barm by affording a shield behind which the parties man? aging and controlling trusts lake refuge tinder tbe pretext that an an? swer to tho questions might Incrimi? nate them as it docs good by way of intimidation. I incline to the opinion that if tbo criminal provisions wer? repealed so I hat every book nnd ev? ery paper and every act could he brought into court, nud every con? versation inquired into, tho existing jufitMllction of the courts lo enjoin further operations and to annul exist? ing charters would result In an amount of good fully compensating tho surrondor of tbe right lo indict, and try. convict and - aentenec. I doubl if 1 am extravagant lu saying that the whole difficulty, the sole difficulty, In the wuy of the enforce? ment of the antitrust laws is in the direction of securing evidence and I know or no such harrier to the so curonient of evidence, no such effec? tive excuse for refusing lo give evi? dence, as the claim that the right of the citizen to refuse to give evidence that will subject him lo criminal prosecution is being infringed." Whatever may be the theoretical advantage of the law hlcwh carries with it the possibility of a prison sentence, It must be admitted that up to date every few of the trust magnates have been turned over to the Jailors of the country. It Is a fact, however, that some of them have escaped all responsibility for deeds believed to have been Illegal, by pleading the sclf-lurrlmimttlng bar to their own testimony. Since the criminal provisions of the law have proved their Im potency. 11 may bo that Secretary Shaw Is right. So far as we can see no harm would he done by trying his suggestion. The law does not now reach the trust magnate. The new system certainly could not be more Inefficient. Of course the payment of those cahipnjgn nssesBinenls In an entirely voluntary action on the part of the government employees. There Is no law In the laud by which they could he forced to pony up. At the some time, it Is recognized that those who refuse to he held up will receive a black mark front those who are In? terested In raising the fund and who have It In their power to make It I warm for any of the recalcitrants." A Baltimore preacher claims to have discovered a cute for the habit of swearing. While we have seen none of the specifications of the now remedy, we venture the asser? tion that If It Is expected to prove efficacious In some cases it would have to include a surgical operation involving the removal of the patient's I tongue. In view of the fact!, made perfect? ly plain In the official secret corres? pondence just made public, it must be admitted that Palma and his ad? visors hat! collossal nervo to chare,; the President ami the United States with bad faith and double dealing. The Czar bad no trouble getting away from home, but 11 Is by no means Improbable that the Terror? ists will endeavor to make thlng.i lively for hint when he attempts to return. A poodle dog, that, has a nurso, a dentist ami a physician, is believed to be the cause of Senator Plait's trouble with his wife. Its a "dog? gone shame" that such little tilings should break up a happy home. Tho cOurtuiartlal'B action in ac? quitting Captain s. p. Comly of ne? glect of duty In connection with the collision between the Alabama and Illinois, meets wllh the approval o! most naval officers. An invasion of the South by Rug Hall capitalists who are interested In cotton culture tuny make things pleasant for planters of that staple who wish to sell their farms. Wholesale druggi.-ls have ob? jected to the present pure food law as being inadequate. Per? haps it is because they can no longer sell adulterated stuff. The Hampton justice who fines wife boaters heavily might stop tho practice more effectually if he could decree that tho culprits should he ' lashed for their sins. The rallrOAdd seem to bo i:: n fair way to make an entirely new high I record in Its killing department for the year. Playing baseball in snow storms must he n new sensation to the Chi? cago pennant winners. Whitecaps have appeared in New Hampshire. The mountains are cov? ered with snow. There Is a pressing demand for stoves these mornings. The odor of camphor and moth balls Is In the air. Croker Sues London Magazine. DUBLIN, IRKLANH. Oct. 10.? Richard Croker today began n libel suit which will bring to a definite is? sue the question whether he used his position as chief of Tammany Hall, for purposes of financial profit. Tho suit Is against a London magazine. Nut Boy Wins Cup in Snow Storm. 1 KXINCTON, ivY.. Oct. I?.?Dnr ling .i snow storm at tho Kentucky Trotting Horse Breeders Nut Boy, the champion aged trotter of the year, won tho famous Walnut Parin Cup today. Miss Lotta Crabtrec his owner, whs present to receive tho cup. lie is much pleased to have Uncle Sam's Soldier Boys in our midst, and extends to them a cordial welcome, with an invitation to pur? chase their Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Furnishings. We offer only the best at moderate prices. 2115 Washington Ave. Bell 'Phone, 256; Oit. 6. OLD SPELLING FOR YALE. President Hadley Opposes Simplified . Method in Classroom. NilOW HAVEN. CONN.. Oct. 10.? Yah1 University will not adopt the simplified method of spoiling, accord? ing to a statement made by President Arthur t. Hadloy this afternoon. "I do not Intend to make use of the new system and am not an advocate." said he. When asked why he did not favor the Roosevelt reform. Mr. Hadloy re? plied: "I think the burden of proof lies with the advocates of the move? ment? not with those who refuse to he drawn Into the reform ranks." Again he said: "I gee a3 yet no reason to adopt It." CALLS "OSLER" THEORY FAD. Professor of Theology Says Demand Will be for Old Men. BLUE ISLAND, ILL., Oct. 10.? "The demand for young men in all callings is a mere fad." Prof. II. II. Scott, of the Chicago Theological Seminary, told the convention of the Chicago Congregatlonalists today. "The call for older add more ex? perienced men is sure to return soon with greater force than ever before in tlte history of mankind. "Moses was eighty years old before he began to preach, hut no one will deny that he accomplishes grand re? sults." JOY OF HOU?E DO AT IMG. ~?,iii|ilctc tVceOoiii In \it t u i-i-'m Itn ma title Iti-lrenl.*. II? who would live tin- simple nomad? ic life hi complete freedom and inde Insidoneo In ihn very heart of nature's most rou'.aulio retreats nmst live in n nouso : aat. I mean, of course, a r (piny rritfl thill |? ???sesses Its own Motive p'ov.'O.', Hint will go wherever !h? will iii' \:< owper direct-;, that will lie sllltlil enough pud sutUcleiitly light or draft to explore the secret passages, the Inmost lagoons of the w.ttery wilderness, where nature m ist royuHy entertains her gue-is. \i h.l| en idle, In'.y, luxurious, roman? tic life this k in be suroiN It is Im? possible t > enthuse ten stron&ly mi (ho merits of such tin unfettered existence. a tramping launch big enough to nc eonipiotlate one's family and a man ?ef .ill work, a combination of guide, cook ami pilot. i< the ideal craft and . crew for the majority. It provides a I comfortable habitation, a tight roof I and a dry be I in all weathers und car? ries u!| the supplies needed for an ex? tended journey in the wilds. There tire those who prefer the Joys of tramping through woods and over mountains, carrying their tents, canoes mal supplies on their backs, but their labors arc very much greater than (hose wiip are luxuriously carried about In llioir flouting camp. Us very rest fulness Is the sedative required by the man of strenuous life. Itcvllnlug in deck ohn|r or hammock, he sails among the most beautiful vistas of shimmer? ing water and woodland scenery, changing his surroundings every hour if heed be.- Outdoors, i ? - ~?,- -??^JMVxww.^Altf**???)' i TO KILL THE DANDRUFF GERM. la the Only Poaalhle Way of HOTlna; An Effective Cure. If you see a woman or a man with lux? uriant glossy hair, you may bo sure nei? ther has dandruff to amount to anything In nearly every case where women and men have thin brittle hair, they owe it ? to datulru!!. There aro hundreds of prep I aratlons that "clnlm" to cure dandruff, but not one but Nowbro s Herplelde toll? you that dandruff Is the rotmlt of a germ burrowing Into the scalp, and that per? manent cure of dandruff and Its conse? quent falling and baldness, can only be had by killing the gorm; and thorn Is no other preparation that will destroy that gorin but Nowbro'a Ucrplelflc. "riestroy the cnuso. and you rcmo"e the effect." 8old by loading druggists, tend 10c. Ir. Klomps for sample to The llcrplctde Co.. Detroit. Mioh. ALLEN'S DRI'G STORE. HANGER ? Gl!LICK, SPECIAL AGENTS. Court Decides Iis Is Kol Entitled to Release Under Ball. LAWYER MUST NOW SERVE TERM I . - ! Application for Certificate of Reason? able Doubt Does Not Confer Right to Freedom?Decision is Final? Notorious Case Reviewed. ALBANY, N. V.. Oct. 10.?The Court of Appeals has decided that Abraham Hummel was not entitled to be out on bail ponding decision on his application for a certificate of reasonable doubt in the ease of his IConviction on a charge of subornation of perjury In connection with the I Dodge-Morse marital tangle. Hum? mel was convicted on December 20 I and sentenced to serve on year In Sing Sing. lie was lodged In Ihn Tombs, but was released Ibe same night, having 1 been admitted to ball by Justice : Woodward. Subsequently, on De? cember 2ti. Hummel was rcarreslcd I on a warrant Issued by District At? torney Jerome and nga'.n was set t free on ti writ of habeas corpus ob? tained by John It. Stanchfield. A certificate of reasonable doiibt ; was granted to Hummel last January : by Justice John Woodward, of the I Appellate Division in Urooklyn. J HUmmel had been convicted and sen I fenced to one year's Imprisonment and a fine of $r>un several weeks he tore that. He was admitted to bull when Justice Woodward granted him tt stay of execution. 'MMldltlg the ar? gument for the certificate of reason? able doubt. The certificate was granted on two grounds?because of the lack of certain corroborative evidence sworn to by Dodge, und on account of the. manner In which the trial Judge' charged the jury. Justice Woodward held that Justice Rogers had erroil In his charge as to corrohoration of evidence, earning "dangerously near" usurping the prerogative of the jury to decide as lo the facts In Hie case. SPELLING REFORM. TIjp Phnrictlc Phenomena of the Word ?'Pheulx." They went talking about spelling re? form and this Idiosyncrasies of Knglisu ^polling In t'oucrn). "There'", that very word 'phonetic,"* Bald one of the men. "That's a sample Di Rnglbh spelling. The reformers enII their syst -m the ?phonetic system,' and yet they I, lo spell 'phonetic' with a pho' In order to let people know what (hey mean. The very word that means 'spelled ns pronnuuec-d' is as far from :t as possible." '?.Now. now!' drawled his friend. "You're loo hard on the good old Eng? lish speller. You Olfghl to be proud of ?phonetic.' Why. thai word Is so trim? med down sawed oft and cut short that 1 wouldn't know it was Kngllsb If 1 met it alone on a blank page. Yon ought to tlmnk the language for that word. It is a beautiful word. That ?pho' might have been spelled like ?dough* ami lb;* ?net' like 'otto* in 'ro? sette' und the 'ie' like '||q' in 'liquor.' That would tie a good old style Hnglisb wortl?phoughucttciq. Hut It is coin in^! Phonetic spelling Is coining! Look nt the word 'phcnlx.' It Is spelled '*,)!!?> nix' everywhere now. and l remember it always used lo lie ?phoenix.' Thill 'o' lias gone. That shows"? "Nothing!" said the objector. "What does II show'.' That the phcnlx Is a bird. Isn't the phcnlx a bird? Yes*. Well, that round tiling you say was an 'o' was an egg. That's all. 'Twos just an evrg, ami the phcnlx laid the egg. That's till."?Success .Mngiixliic. fiat it UnrlMT Slll>|t. A Connecticut clergyman, says a wilier in Lippincoit'S, while visiting friends once tucked his napkin into his collar to protect his clothing from tin* juice of He* grape fruit at breakfast. He laughed us he did it and Niiltl It re? minded him of a man he once knew who rushed into a restaurant and. so i* lug himself ai a tutile, proceeded te tuck his napkin under Iiis chill. lie Ilten called a waiter and said, "Can I get luncheon here7" "Ves\" responded the waiter in n'tilgt nillcd manner, "bill not n shampoo." Monte I.litte Rxcnae. "What Have yon to say as to thl.t charge Hin.' >*OU kissed this girl':" "I admil H. but there were extenuat? ing clrcuitisVa net's." "What were they 7" "She sat ftp my lap and threw lier arms around,' my neck."?New York Press. \ > Terse. First Ward Lender Do yon have any trouble keeping; your voters in line? Second Ward Lender - < Hi, no; n word lo the g-.iys Is stlfllclcnt,?Philadelphia Record. \ The nrchiteets of jmost air castles ijc rupy garret apart m'outs.--New Orleans Picayune. \ Devil's Island Torture is no worse than the tornJblc case of Piles that afflicted nie 10 years. Then 1 was advised to apply II n's Ar? nica Salve, and less than a* box per? manently cured me, writes I.,. U. Na? pier, of Rugles, Ky. Heals alll wounds. Hums and Sores like magic, t, 25c al W. Blair Lnnghoi-no, druggist.V tu-tb-sat THANKSGIVING DELINEATOR CONTAINS ALL THE FASHIONS STORIES BY IHK AUtllOII OF '?E'iz'ibeth and Her German Garden" The Williamsons Violet Corn Barry Pain Harriett Freseott Spofford BUTTERICK PATTERNS For November. Ton Cents and Fifteen Cents NQ'tf ON SALE FIFTEEN Cf NTS ? ?PURE 3 I Whiskies, Wines ] i & Liquors. In bulk for Family use or on tap. Always carries in sleek the best the market affords. John 2312 WASHINGTON AVENUE. 3 Bell -Phone, 67. ? ft! ,n The best and cheapest. Sec us about connecting your building. Rale, 10c per 1.000 waits, subject to our usual terms and discounts. PURE ICE MADE Or DISTILLEC WATER?COLD STORAGE. Power bouse and plant. Twenty fifth Street and Virginia Avenue. Of? fice, Thirty-first and Washington Ave. Roth 'phones, No. 15. Night 'phone, No. 40S, Citizens. ?3IT1ZENS' RAILWAY, LIGHT AMD POWER CQKPANY GuMs(p YOVR' Eyesight ( Prevention Is bettor than cure it is cheaper. It is possible when cure Is impossible. Kye trou? ble may be avoided by the timely use of glasses, averting discom? fort, Buffering and permanent im? pairment of sight. We are proper? ly equipped to adjust glasses and guarantee satisfaction; HULL & HULL OPTICIANS. 121 2Gth St.. Opp. Post Office. Newport NewB, Va. ELECTRICA \j-,-_ Material construction of any naturo can be bad by seeing <mo. I have the only real electrical supply store ever attempted In Newport News. See my slock of fixtures and you will make homo beautiful. T. G. COBURN. ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLIES, 2917 Wa3hingon Avenue. Both 'j bones, 118?Ttesidenco, Bell, 14Sy, Citizens' 118. ABSOLUTELY PURE WHISKEY. Physicians and others desiring an excellent article are respectively re? quested to give this whiskey a trial on my guarantee. Mellowed by age. B. R. COFER, Sole Agent. 24tti Street, near Washington Avenue. TO ENJOY LONG LIFE AND OODD HEALTH. EAT "JENNI^GV Butter Bread" It's the stnff and lifo. WHY?. Be cause It is made out of the best ma? terial that can be bought. We hava thousands of testimonials. Why not try a loaf and be convinced. Look for the tag. We are not ashamed of our goods. HEALTH FOG? BAKERY & CCmFESTiOBEBY CO. Washington Ay. and 31st St forken Privat? Ii.? d$es I Cures tlic most difficult < ..-i-s in (luce <l> ?. 1 -ed b? | bospltal? and clinic* Sold by GORfi1' Crl'S DRUG STORE 3 ao. main OT^rcr, Neuro?... V.. jaaa ?>?i'iM,o? ??t?u, Mcwpoar Niwe. ?#? > fc?n; bv ?x.rer. c ji?coi;in''-ico??oi> Old paper?, for sale at. 10 cents a hundred'. Apply at D?lly Press of flco.