Market Developes Strength ar.d
Snows Some Expansion.
Extraordinary Prosperity In Coppers
is Reflected by Demand for These
Securities?Ore Deal Group S'ug
giah?Money Continues Easy.
(By Associated Press.)
XE WYORK. N. Y., Oct. 10 - Deal?
ings in stock expanded in some de?
gree, today, and strength in the mar?
ket was heiter distributed and, con?
sequently, had more sympathetic ef?
fect on the general list. The result
was to diminish the spotty appear?
ance of the market.
The ore deal group was sluggish
lihiil late in the day, when a dc-maud
for United States Steel developed,
which earied it to the highest price
on the present movement.
The extraordinary prosperity in the'
coppeV trade was moderately reflect- 1
ed in the movement In Amalgamated
Copper. Mopes of dividend increases ??
were motives for the risi in Penn?
sylvania, and American Smelting, nl- ,
though the latter stock showed i ho |
effect of profit taking In it-; wide mi- .
vanee during the course of the day. '
Money continued to work easier, in
spite of tlte manifest pressure for
remittance to London, which made
sterling exchange strong not only
here, but In Paris and Berlin.
Adams Express .275
Amalgamated Copper .115 12
American Car & Foundry.... 40 t-8 i
American Car & Fdry. pfd.102 1-4
American Cotton Oll . 30 1-2 |
American Cotton Oil pfd . i
American Express .243
American Hide & Leather pfd.. 2S 1 1 I
American Ice . 98 7-8 |
American Linseed Oil . IS i
American Linseed Oil pfd. 39
American Locomotive . 70 1-2 I
American Locomotive pfd .112
American Smelting & Refining. .159 3-s
American Smelt. & Itfg. pfd-11? |
American Sugar IUg.13S I S
American Tobacco, pfd. certlf. .89
Anaconda Mining Co.2S2
Atcblson .104 1-1
Atchison pfd. ioi :;-!
Atlantic Coast Line .110 i i
Baltimore & Ohio .128 1-8
Baltimore & Ohio . f'l
Brooklyn Rapid Transit . 7S
Canadian Pacific .ISO H a
Central of New Jersey.225
Cl.est'i eakc & Ohio . <",2
Chicago & Great Western . 18.* S
Chicago & Northwestern.210 1-1
Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul .177 1-8
ChiC9go Term. & Trans. si
Chicago Term. & Trans, pfd . . 2fi 1-2
C. C. C. & St. Louis . 9S
Colorado Fuel & Iron . 50 3-4
Colorado & Coutborn . 39 7-S
Colorado & Southern 1st pfd . .. 08 3-4
Colorado & Southern 2nd pfd - ? 53 8-4
Consolidated Gas .1381-2
Corn Products . 20 I S
Corn Products pfd . 70
Delaware & Hudson .224
Delaware, Uick & West.550
Denver & Rio Grande. 42 I S
Denver A Hio Or mule . S5 I
Distillers' Securities . 701-S
Erie . 47 6-8
Erie 1st jira . 70 1-2 ,
Erie 2nd pfd. U9 1-4
Oenoral Blectrlc .180
Hocking Valley ofd.138
Illinois Central .17? 8-4
Interuutlonal Paper . 181-2
International Paper pftl .182 1-4
International Pump . I!? 1-2 !
International Pump pf<l . 84 1-2
Iowa Central . :iu 1P4
Iowa Central pfil . 531-2
Kansas City Southern . 29 5-8
Kansas City Southern pfd .... 80.6-8
Louisville & Nashville .14S
Mexlctin Central . 21 7-S
Minneapolis & St. Louis . 72 1-2
.Minn.. St. P. & St. Ste M. ...152
I Minn.. St. P. & St. Ste M. pfd..lC0
Missouri Paclflo. 98
Missouri, Kansas & Texas .... 301-4
Missouri. Kansas & Texas pfd. 71-1-L
National Lent! . 79 1-4
National R. R. of Mexico pfd ... 48 3-4
New Jfork Cen! nil . 140 7-8
New York. Ontario" & Western. IS 1-4
Norftdk & Western . 96*1-4
Norfolk & Western pfd . 90
Norm American . 02 7-s
Pacific Mall . 37
Pennsylvania . 144 4-8
People's (las . 80 1-4
Flushing. C. C. & St. Louis ... si l-:'
Pressed Steel Car ..,. 54 1-2
Pressed Steel Car pftt . 07 1-2
Pullman I'alace Car .200
Reading .152 3:4
Reading 1st pfd . 90
Reading 2nd pfd . 00
Republic Steel. :-s r's
Republic Steel pfd . 98 7-8
Rock Island . 291-2
Rock Island pfd..". 00 3-4
Ruber uGods pfd .105
St. Louis & San Fran. 2nd pfd. . 48 1-2
St. Louis Southwestern . 25 3-4
St. Louis Senthwestern pftl_ 001-2
Southern Pncltic . 95 3-4
Southern Pacific pfd .1181-2
Soul hern Railway._ 34 1-2
Southern Railway pfd . 9G6-8
j Tennessee Colli & Iron .150
Tcxls & Pacific . 38 5-8
Toledo. St. tollls & West.. 30 5-S
I Toledo, St. Louis & West. pfd.. 50 1-2 |
I union Pacific .190
? Union Pacific ofd . 001-4
United Stales ExpreSB .130
United States Realty . sol?
I United states Rubber . 50
United States Rubber pfd ...109 1-2
I l lilted States Steel . 49 3-8
United States Steel pfd .lu7 7-s
Virginia-Carolina chemical ... 40 8-4
Virginia-Carolina Chem. pfd ...loo
Wabash.20 1-4
Wabash pfd . 45 :i-s
Wells Fargo Express.200
Westinghouse Electric .153
Western Union .80 1-2
Wheeling & Lake Erie. IS 1-4
Wisconsin Central . 27
Wisconsin Central pfd . .r>0
? Northern Pacific .21". 3-8
f Central Leather . 37 1-2
Central Leather pfd .103
Sloss-Shef field .7"> 1 S
Great Northern pfd .332 1-2
IInterborough Metropolitan . .. 30 3-s
I Interborough Met. pfd . 70 1-8
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK, Oct. 10.?Close, prime
mercantile paper 0 a 7 per cent.
Sterling exchange, strong with actual
business in hankers h?b-; ?' 484.00 a
484.95 for demand and at 481.15 a
4SI.2-1 for sixty day bills. Posted
lilies 4SI 1-2 ami 485 a 1-2. Commer?
cial hills 480 3-4 n 7-S. Government
pre- b'b a'flo'fl awoinro'onmr^^
? (City and County Depository.)
(saue certificates of Deposit for $50.00 or more, negotiable and pay?
able on demand. Drawing interest at the rate of FOUR PER CENT.
ftJLv SLSUL3. Q-0.PJLQ.B t tttPQyPpvO.o Q..fLOJLg..lLP. JJLQJULflJUt?
ar the Peep ?
Of tha Peoph
h tliii Peop't
W. A. POST. President.
J. A. WILLETT, Cashier.
j. R. SWINERTON. Vice-Pres. ARTHUR LEE, Asst. Cashier.
Capital .$ 100.000.00
Stockholders' Liability . 100.000.00
Surplus and Profits .. 100,000.00
Other Resources Make Total Over ....
_* 1,000,000.00
President. Vice-president.
?JAPITAL, $100,000.
u, s. boverhmeist ?EP?siT??r
Transacts a general banking business. Four per cent. Interest allowed
on savings accounts.
builds, steady. Railroad lioiuls firm.
Money on call firm, 3 1-2 a 1*4 l'er
cent.; closing i?id 3 1-2: offcrod nt
1-1: ruling rate 4. Time loans, easier;
'sixty days 5 1-2 u 0 per cent. Ninety
days 0 ami six months 5 1-2 a tt 1-2
per cent.
Baltimore Produce Market.
BALTIMORE), MD., Oct. 10.?Flour,
quiet, unchanged.
Wheat, firm; spot contract 7."? a 1-4;
?southern by sample 68 a 04.
Corn, firm; spot 03 1-4 n 3-8; South?
ern while corn 54 a 60.
Oats, firm; No. 2 while 3!? a 1:2.
Rye firm; No. 2 western t!0.
Butter, steady and urn hanged; fan?
cy im it ai hm 21 a 22.
I'kk-!- firm: 24 cents.
Cheese, active and unchanged;
in rue 13 |-2; small 14.
Chicago Grain Market.
CHICAG'O, ILL.. Oct. IL?A con
tinned liberal movement In the north?
west was the mailt reason for a weak
market for wheat here today. At the
close wheat for December delivery
was ofr f,-N cent. Corn was down 3-8
rent. Oais showed a loss of 1-8 a
3-S cent. Provisions were a shade
to 1-2 cent higher.
Agejit Start6 for the Continent to Get
Aliens to Settle in Dixie.
Nil? WYORK. N. Y., Oct. 10?Among
the passengers who sailed today
on the Wllltfc Star line steamer Oce?
anic for Liverpool was Ellxor Noll,
special representative of the Southern
states Immigration Committee.
Mr. Nell Is sent to Scotland by Da?
vid Robinson, a commissioner repre?
senting the Southern States, to hegi-i
a campaign of education about 111'.'
South and to assist in diverting llll |
migration lo the mills, farms and i
other industries in the South. Other |
agents will ho sent to various part v
of the continent on similar werk.
Mr. Robinson accompanied by two
other members of the commission,
will go abroad In December to estab?
lish branch offices of the commission,
with authority of the state govern?
ments In the South.
Upwards of 18,000 aliens have. It is
said, been sent South by this organi?
zation since its work began last June.
Distributing of aliens arriving at Ibis
port Is one of the main features of
the bureau hero.
Tlie ProccKKc.s Uy Which I? I* Cnt
mid I'l.iiMttetl.
Designs to he followed by the cutter
are Ilrst drawn on the blank or plal'i
glass with whiting niut wilier and then
traced with red lead lind turpentine.
The llrat cutting is classed as "rough
It:;;" in the glass factory, when the
trlass is cut or'ground mil wherever
there is a red Hue. The Ilrst cutting
or roughing Is with a soft steel disk on
Which there Hows a small stream of
water and very line sand. The disk Is
in a hit lie, mid the glass is held by
(be bauds of the cutter, und on Ids
ability lo firmly hold the glass and
true eyesight to see that linos lire fol?
lowed depends the qtinllty of the arti?
Cut giass in blank or plain form Is
known as load glass or best metal
glass, crushing or collapsing like sand
lastend of shattering or breaking like
window or lime glass.
From the roughing or Ilrst cutting
the article being cut goes to the
smoothing process, the same lines or
cutting heing followed on two stone
disks, one of Cralglclgh or gas stone
Imported from England and the other
of blue stone, the finest cutting being
done with the latter. The polishing Is
done with wooden disks, from which
I he glass goes to an acid hath and
thence back to the polisher, who uses
it chemical compound like putty, and
filially to a felt disk or wheel, then the
brush wheel and finally the wash with
HIm Dcacrl|lttl?n of (ho' Motel (iiir
im-atM on i (tic Thief.
The following udyerlisenieiit is taken
from the Pennsylvania Ouzel 10, No.
532, wherein the reader of Feb.
173S. was Informed Unit the ('ascetic
contained tin- "freshest advices, for?
eign and domestic-!;, printed l>y B.
Franklin, V ist Masior, al the news
printing ofllces, near the Market.
Price, lo shillings a y ear. Where ad?
vertisements ure taken in and Book
Binding is done reasonably In the best
STOLEN oh the IMh Instant, n.v one
.VI 11 lam I .toy (I, out of the lioui.r RenJ,
l-'raril lilt, an halt worn Sugrilhee coat
tiu'd tvMh Kltk. four lino homespun shirts,
i line Heiland shirt milled al tin- llnnd.i
r.ed I' wmi. a pair of black broadcloth
t'.r <-i lira, lev. sen toil und lined with
loa Iber, two pith of good worsted stock
liigfl, one of a dark color, cambilck Dand
kcrchlcf. marked Ivitb na V In red silk, a
l!CW pair of Calf skin ph?cs, a Hoy s now
Castor Hat, and Ftindry oilier thing ?
X. B.?The Hal I Lloyd pretends lo un?
derstand Latin and Greek and Iris hoon
a eclioolhtnstcr; I.'.; it. an Irishman, iiboui
:? yeiirs nt ago, tall ami slim; Had on a
lightish rolom-'d Great Coat, red Jaokel, a
pair of black silk la-i.-ei-hes, an ,,!.! fell
Hat too little for hint and newed en the
side of Uli) crown with wiiltn Thread, ami
an old (i.irl. colour'd wig; hut may per?
haps wear >-'<iac of in,- stolon , loathes
above mentioned. Whoever secure* thVi
said Thief ? <> that lie r.'tny be I roughl to
Justice, si,nil have Thirly ?hlliiligH ro
ward and reasonable char, p:il:l hy
ft. FItAXKI.i.N*.
Human Blood Marks.
A tale of horror was told by marks
of human blood In the home of .1. W.
Williams, a well known merchant of
Rae, Ky. He writes: "Twenty years
ago I had severe hemorrhages of the
lungs, and was near death when l be?
gan taking Dr. King's New Discovery.
It completely cured ino and I have
remained well over since." it cures
Hemorrhages, Chronic Coughs, Settled
Cohls and Bronchitis, and is the only
known cure for Weak Lungs. Every
bottle guaranteed by W. Blair l.ang
hornc, Druggist. ,'iOc and $1.00. Trial
bottle froo. til th sat
Swarms of Humanity Call on Coop?
er In St. Louis.
Mound City Has Become Overwhelm?
ingly Interested in Young Philan
thropist and His Medicines?Evi?
dent He is No Fad.
St. UiuIk, Oct. H>
In vlow of thr enormous sale of
Cooper's preparations now going on
in this city and the intense interest
which Mr. Cooper has st Irre l
u]) since ids arrival, a representative
oT the Globo-Democrat spent this af
tornoou at the young man's heaihpiar
tors, watching the swarm of humanity
come ai d go.
purlin; the afternoon the reporter
interviewed ninny of (he callers ami
obtained statements from all who
cared to give the mass to their experi?
ences with Cooper and his prepara?
The following are selected from
those statements us being typical of
the general expressions of the people
Mr. \V. T. Brny. living at ||20 An?
gelic St., when interviewet, said: "I
had suffered for years with stomach,
liver and kidney trouble, seven yearn.
In faci. I had tried many remedies,
but obtained no help from any modi'
cine I took. I bought one bottle if
the New Discovery medicine and one
of 1 he Quirk llellef. After using them
one weck 1 felt so wonderfully Im?
proved I can hardly believe It possi?
ble. 1 am very grateful to Mr. Cooper.
He has a wonderful medicine."
Another caller was Mrs. Clara Yoho
living ill 1010 Locust St. She said: "1
had suffered with stomach trouble for
several years. I was Ho had the last
year I could not eat anything at all.
I could not digest my food and had
severe pain In my stomach most of1
the lime. 1 did not sleep well and had
severe headaches at times. 1 have
tried many remedies, ami have been
to a number of physicians. I bought
some of this man Cooper's prepara?
tions 1 fool greatly benefited tiny
have gained steadily in flesh since
using the medicines. I have not a
trace of stomach trouble left, and have
Iconic here to thank Mr. Cooper."
Mr. C. A. Taylor, of 122(1 Flnhey ave?
nue, said: "I have been suffering
(with severe stomach trouble for sev?
eral years and owing to the nervous
j conditions caused by this trouble I
: co.i'.j not sleep. The only relief I ob- [
tallied was when up and walking
! around. I tried everything heard of
for stomach trouble, hut nothing gave
j me any relief, l heard so much of
this man Cooper, that 1 decided to try
his medicine. 1 have used several bot
I tlos and noticed a decided Improve
I ntent almost Immediately, l am now
[entirely cured, and feel happier than I
! have for several years."
Mr. .lohn Schenk, of 2111 N. 12th
St., when Questioned, said: "| have
had eight years of suffering and sleep?
less nights on account of stomach
trouble and headaches. 1 have used
one bottle of Cooper's preparation,
and new rest every night. I have not
a trace of stomach trouble left and
have been Immensely benefited every
Mr. S. P. Hltchings, living at 2115
Franklin avenue, made the following
statement: "I have suffered with rheu?
matism for ;io years. I was stiff in all
my joinls so that I could hardly use
them. I have tried Cooper's remedy
und have come h?re to thank him an 1
purchase more, ns I can now han?
dle myself perfectly after using tltO
preparations one week. I feel better
than I have for years."
Amelia Leonard. living at I5:t0 Snls
bury St., said: "1 have suffered Tor
the past, ten yearn with Btomach trou?
ble, headaches, dizziness and kidney
trouble. 1 have been treated by a
number of physicians and have used
all kinds of medicines, nothing did mo
: any good. My appetite was very ir?
regular and my back pained me great?
ly. In fact my life was a misery to
me all the time. I suffered with ner
: vousness and loss of sleep. I have
'used two bottles of the New Discovery
j medicine. This morning an immense
tapeworm passed from my system.
This has undoubtedly been the cause
of all my Bufferings, and I am very
grateful to this man who has relieved
In spite of assertions made by vari?
ous physicians that Cooper Is a fad,
who wdll soon die out, the young man
seems to In- gaining even greater bead
way as his visit draws to a close. It
is estimated that four thousand people
called on him yesterday.
Snow Falls in New Hampshire.
(By Assoc iated Press.)
CONCOIH). N. H., Oct. 10?Nearly
a month later than usual, the. first
snow of the season appeared today
on Mount Washington. The white
cap is plainly visible as far away
.as tin; coast.
A Lucky Postmistress
is Mrs. Alexander, of Cary, Mo., who
has found Dr. King's New Life Pills
to bo the liest, remedy she ever tried
for V;ecping the Stomach. Liver and
Bowels in perfect order. You'll agree
with her If yon ti;y tjioso painless
purifiers that Infuse new life. Guar?
anteed by W. Blair l/mghorne, drug?
gist. Tried 25c. tu th-sat
Norfolk and Newport
News Express.
Leave Shipyard
Nowport Newa
for Pino Bench
nind Norfolk.
?0:30 a. m.
||7:15 n. ni.
8:45 a. ni.
10:15 a. m.
11:45 a. in.
1:15 p. m.
2:45 p. m.
4:15 p. m.
5:46 p. in.
7:15 p. m.
8:45 p. in.
Leave Norfolk
for Pine Beach
and Nowport
7:30 a. m.
9:00 a. tn.
10:30 a. m.
12:00 m.
1:30 p. tn.
3:00 p. m.
4:30 p. in.
0:00 p. in.
7:30 p> m.
j '' 9:00 p. ni.
? Dally except Sunday.
|| Sundays only.
W. W. S. BUTLER, O. M.
Hampton, Va.
OEO. W. HATCH, Supt.
Norfolk. Vn.
Merchants' & Miners'
Transportation Co.
Steamship Lines for Boston, Provi?
dence nnd Baltimore.
Leave Nowport News, via Norfolk,
for Boston every Tuesday, Wednes?
day, Friday ami Sunday'. Leaves for
Providence every Monday, Thursday
and Snturdny. sailing from Norfolk nt
0:00 p. m.
I^eavo Nowport Nowb for Baltlmoro
dally, oxcept Tuesday and Wednesday,
at 0 p. m,. connecting for Washington.
Philadelphia and New York.
Faro to Baltimore, ono way, $3.00;
round trip, $5.00. Including Btatoronm
horth. AccoinmodntloiiB and cuisine
Freight and passengers taken for
all points North and South. Steamora
lenve Baltlmoro, foot of Long Dock,
uiilly, promptly nt C p. m.
Only lino running a Sunday steamer
between Newport News nnd Balti?
more. For further Information apply
to D. R. MCNEILL, Agent.
Nowport News, Va.
W. P. TURNER, O. P. A.
2d V. P. & T. M. Gen'1. Mgr.
Gunoral Otflcos. Baltlmoro. Md.
Norfolk & Washington
Steamboat Co.
The new and powerful Iron Palace
fltoamers. Nowport News, Washington
nnd Norfolk will leave dally as fol?
Leave Portsmouth, foot of
North street . 6:00pm
Leave Norfolk, foot of Wa?
ter street . 6:00pm
Leave Old Point Comfort. 7:00pm
Arrive la Washington _ 7:00 am
Arrive In Philadelphia,
Penn. B. R.**10:50 a m
Arrive In Philadelphia, B.
& O. R. R.??11:10 am
Arrlvo In Now York, Penn.
R. R. ?1:10 am
Arrive in New York, B. &
O. R. R. ?2:00 p m
Lv. New York. Penn. R. R..*12:00pm
Lv. New York, B. & O. R. It. *1:00 it m
Lv. Philadelphia, Pcnn.R.R. 2:55 pm
Lv. Phlla., B. & O. R. R- 2:08 p m
Ar. Washington. Penn. R. R. 0:10 p in
Ar. Wash., B. & O. R. R... .??5:00 p in
Lv. Washington . *0:30pm
Ar. Old Point Comfort_ ?7:00nm
Ar. Norfolk . ?8:00 nm
Ar. Portsmouth . ?8:30 am
?Dally. ??Dally except Sunday.
. The trip down the historic Potomac
River and Chesapeake Bay on the ele?
gant steamers of this company Is un?
surpassed. The steamers arc compar?
atively now, hnvlng been built in 1801.
and are fitted U? In the most luxuriant,
manner, with electric lights, call
hells and steam heat In each room.
The tableB are supplied with every
delicacy of the season from tho mar?
kets of Washington and Norfolk. For
tickets, reservation of staterooms,
nnd further Information, apply to D. J.
CALLAIIAN, Agent, Norfolk. Va.
Old Dominion Line
FOR NEW YORK?From \l vrt
Company's Wharf, Nor- \i.VV..'^Sv.
folk, every week day. at I ^
7:00 p. m. t
FARE?First-class, one way, $8.00,
meals and stateroom, berth Included.
Round trip, limit thirty days. $14.00.
Steerage, without subsistence, $5.
Tickets on sale at C. & O. Railway
Ticket Office.
Steamers Brandon and Berkley
leave Pier "A" 8:30 every evening,
passengers only.
Steamer Hampton will leave Pier
"A" dnlly except Sunday, at 9 a. m.,
going to Norfolk, and at 4:30 p. m.,
going to Smlthfleld. Steamer Acco
mac will leave Pier "A" dally, except
Sunday at 9 a. m., going to Smltbfield
and about 2:30 p. m., going to Nor?
All business between New York and
Newport News transacted at Pier 6.
All business between Nrwport
News, Norfolk, Smlthfleld and locai
points transacted at Pier "A," foot
of Twenty-fifth street.
H. B. WALKR, Agent.
Vlce-Pres. and Traffic Mgr.
Chesapeake &
Ohio Railway
See ?.W. Robinson, Agent C. & O. Ry.
Before Arrnnglng tor your m,.
Through Trains, Vostlbuled, Electrl?
Lighted, Steam Heatod, Dining
, Care a La Carte through the ?
grandest Bcenery East of
tho Rocky Mountains.
For Richmond. Cincinnati, Indianap?
oll?, Nashville. Chicago, Louis?
ville, Nashville. Memphis.
West and Southwest.
10:10 A. M. and 0:26 P. M. dally.
Local for Richmond and James River
7:40 A. M., dally.
Local for Richmond:
6:40 P. M , dally.
Schedule In Effect July 2d, 1000.
Route. | No. 41. No. 33.
Lv. Norfolk .I 0:00 am
(Via Forry)
Lv. Portsmouth
Lv. Suffolk ....
Ar. Lcwlston, N. C.
Lv. Wehlon .
Hondnrson ....
Itulclgh .
Southern Pluos
Hamlet .
Ar. Charlotte
Lv. Hamlet ..
Lv. Columbia
0:26 am
2:54 am
1:00 pm
1:55 am
2:10 pm
4:00 pm1
0:10 pm
7:30 pm
10:46 pm
10:46 pm
12:30 am
3:24 pm
8:60 pm
9:28 pm
11:30 pm
1:49 am
3:26 am
6:38 am
12:46 pm
10:00 am
6:45 am
10:00 am
Ar. AugiiBta .I 1 6:20pm
Ar. Savannah .I 4:45ami 2:20pm
Ar. Jacksonville ,..] 8:15 am] 6:50 pm
Ar. Tampa .
Lv. Hamlet, N. C.
Ar. Athens .
Ar. Atlanta .
Ar. Birmingham
Ar. Mncon .
Ar. Montgomery .
Ar. Mobile .
Ar. Now Orleans.,
Ar. Chnttanooga
Ar. Nashvlllo ..
Ar. MemphlB ..
0:35 pm
10:15 pm
0:0.1 pm
7:40 am
11:10 am
0:25 pm
1:00 pm
0:65 pm
8:45 am
7:86 am
7:20 pm
2:22 pm
3:40 pm
9:26 pm
7:20 am
9:20 pm
2:66 am
7:16 am
9:06 pm
0:40 am
3:46 pm
i Suffolk & Carolina R. R. train en
I intermediate points arrive Portsmouth
10:15 A. M? dally; returning leaves
Portsmouth 4:35 p. m., except Sun?
day. Sunday, 7:00 P. M.
Connections at Jacksonville and
Tampa for all Florida East Coast
Points, Cuba and Porto Rico.
Only Uno out of Norfolk operating
through sleeper to Charlotte, N. 0.
No. 32 arrives at Portsmouth dally
at 8:00 A. M.
No, 38 arrives at Portsmouth dally
at 5:30 P. M.
J. W. BROWN, Jr.
Pasengor Agent, cornor Main and
Oranby Streets, Now Atlantlo Hotel
1 Bldg.. Norfolk, Va.
N. B.?Following figures published
only as information, and are not
Lv. Nowport News
C. & O. R'y.17:40 a m.|6:35 p..'m
Ar. Norfolk _)8:30 a. m.|?:25 p.-m.
Trains From Norfolk.
9:30 a. in. Dally. Local for Suffolk,
Franklin, Emporla, Clarkville, Dan*
villo, Oxford, Durham and interme?
diate stations. Close connections at
Danvlllo with fast through trains to
all points South and West.
7:30 p. m. Dally. Fast express train .
for all points South and West, car?
rying through Puttman Bleeping oar
to Ashevllle.
Trains From Richmond.
7:00 a. m. Dally. Local for Charlotte,
Chaso City, Clarkville and Buffalo
mithin Springs.
12:30 p. m. Dally. Limited Butte?
Pullman to Atlanta and Birming?
ham, New Orleans, Memphis, Chat?
tanooga and all the South. Through
coach for Chase City, Oxford, Dur?
ham and Raleigh.
0:00 p. m. Except Sunday. Keysvllle
11:30 p.m. Dally. Limited. Pullman
ready, 9:30 p. m., for all the South.
York River Line.
4:30 p. m.?Except Sunday. No. 16.?<
Bultlmore Limited.
2:15 p. m.?Except Sunday. No. 16.??
Local to West Point.
4:45 a. m.?Except Sunday. No. 74.??
i-ocal to West Point.
WICK, P. T. M., W. H. TAYLOE, Q.
P. A., Washington, D. C.
Norfolk, Va.
Clyde Steamship Go.
Steamers to Philadelphia
Sailing from Philadelphia, Tuesday.
Thursday and Saturday.
Freight received and delivered dally
at C. & O. Pier No. 6. Office. River
Oen. Southern Agt,
12 Bjiiiv Delaware Avenue, Polladei
f-till, Pa.