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MINNESOTA GIVEN FINAL DOCK TRIAL Propelling Machinery of the Big Battleship Thoroughly Tested by Yard Officials. STARTS FOB RQCKLAND TOMORRQW Men Who Will Man the Vessel Are Betting That She Will Exceed Con. tract Speed of Eighteen Knots by Wide Margin?Usual "Pool" Being Formed. The now United Staus hatlleahlp Minnesota, which will leave this )k>|*I tomorrow morning for Hochland Mo., to undergo her olllclal speed tests Wednesday and Thursday, was given her second, and final, .lock trial at her moorings on the north side of pier No. ,1. at the shipyard, yester? day morning. The trial was held in order that the yard officials might mfikc sure that every part of tin' pro . polling machinery was in perfect order tor the olllclal tests next week.! Moth of the vessel's niainnioth en? gines were tested for HCVuml hums.j the number of revolutions turned up' by each, per minute, varying from, 20 to so. The result of the test was entirely r.atlHfactnry. every pail of the tnachllt-1 orv Wbrklng smoothly, ami It is the IfelleC of the men Who ((inducted the tests thai the big warship will exceed tier contract speed require? ments of IK knots tin hour by an even greater margin than did the battle ship Louisiana, which made knots on her olllclal trial. | As Is the usual custom when war? ships go out fur their trials, the members, of the Minnesota's crew are I now making up a !'|>ooi" on Hi ? prob ' able spied of tin1 vessel ami accord lug to information received last nlgll| most of the moil who will he in charge of the ship's engines during the trial have hot thin site will develop a speed of about 18.00 knots. Tlie Minnesota will leave the yard about to o'clock tomorrow morning und will start on her journey to Hochland an hour later. SALAMANCA ARRIVES. ' New Hamburg-American Liner on Her Maiden Voyage. The new Hamburg-jAnioricnn liner Salritnucn, Captain Rot-den. arrived nt this port yesterday afternoon from ..Hamburg, via New York on her mahl? en voyage. The vessel lias aboard several hundred tons of import cargo; which she will disCharge here. Sim will then load a cargo of m'.tccllit neous exports for Hamburg. The Srilmhncri Is of ?.872 nol ton? nage und is one of the largest freight? ers plying out of Hampton Roads. FREIGHT LINERS COMING. Three Big Ships Due Within a Week. Three large trans-Atlantic freight era are ttow on route to this port with import cargoes. The Slolerdyk of the Holland-America line, is due tomorrow from Rotterdam and Am? sterdam with about J,2(io tona of gTnnroTToTroTnrro^ o Beautiful \ Cut Glass I Bowls, 8 inches in diameter. This week at Each. Suitable for Wed? ding Gifts. JJ.Sprague, Manufacturing Jeweller, WASEO IS HERE. WHAT IS WASEO ? SEK PAGE SIX cargo mill (lie British BloAiner Hostln is expected Saturday from Glasgow via St. Johns ami Norfolk with sev? eral hundred inns of I hi port s. 1'he British steamer Athlana. of the Chesapeake & Ohio Meet, is sohcd tiled in arrive next Thursday from Liverpool with several thousand tolm hi cargo. All of these vessels will load ujiporls at this port. NEW METHODIST CHURCH. Chestnut Avenue Edifice to Be Dedi? cated November -1. The te w CllCstllttl Avelino Mollto ilist Church, corner Twcniy-if I h Ktrcoi ami Chestnut avenue, will ho tludlcatcd ai it o'clock Sunday morn lug, November I. ROv. W. V. Tudor 11. I)., of ItlchlUOUd, will preach the h-dilatory sermon and he will he ii't.d.-icii in ihe exorcises by the pas? tor. Rev, .1. T. Green. The new ndlflco is the flucsl in East Und. It Is built of brick and net in I he neighborhood of f10,000. CAPTAIN CROWLEY HERE. New Skipper Takes Charge of the Lnwson. Captain Arthur Crowloy has arrived In this eiiv to take command of the uovcu-mnslcd schooner Thomas W. LawKon, being lilted out as an oil car? rier at the shipyard. He will lake the I'ossel to New York some lime next week and will remain in charge of her liter she is placed in tile oil trade lintwooh thill port and Texas. It is understood that Captain Dab Ill?, who hits been the l.awsou's skip |>er since she has been al. the ship? yard will assume command of the dx nmsieil schooner Oeofge W. W?lls VAUGHN-PRICE. Newly Wedded Ycontj Couple Will Live in Philadelphia. Miss Pearl E. Vaughn, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Leon C. and Mr. .lohn A. Price wore quietly mar? ried al the bride's home. 11211 Forty fifth street tu 4:80 o'clock yesterday if lor noon, Itev. L. ('. Shearer, pastor if the Grace Methodist church per formed the ceremony in the presence if a few of tile relatives and friends if the young couple, Iminedlatelv lit? er the coremonv Mr. and Mis. Price eft for Philadelphia where they will nake their homo. Miss Vaughn has lived in Ibis city 'or a number of years and is popular i 111 oh g a wide circle of friends. Mr. Price Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Price, or Ulli Porty-riftU? Sti.I ami ins been employed at the shipyard 'or Severn] years. MASS MEETING NEXT FRIDAY. Somtniltec Sets Date ror Launching the Exploitation Movement. Next Friday night, October 20, baa lioen agreed upon by the committcos if the Merchants' Association and rjlmmbor of Commerce as the tlato for the inns-; meeting :<; which an effort will he made to IntcVOBt the public In the plan tor advertising Newport News. Several prominent speakers will make addresses und n band will he secured for the occasion. The meet? ing will be held at Rosonbaum's hall. NEGRO DWELLINGS BURNED. Fire Destroyed Three Frame House. Before It Was Under Control. Three frame dwellings, 769, Till and 703 T.wenty-thlrd street, all occupied by negroes, were destroyed by lire yesterday morning. The blaze started in "til about I" o'clock ami 763 had caught and was burning fiercely when the East End engine company responded to an alarm. The Central company was called out. hut before the laddies could get the flro under control the third house ha.I caught and all three were practically de? stroyed: 10. C, Brown owned two of llio houses and the other belonged to Rev. s. a. Howell. The entire loss is placed at $a\00n. , ^"^roTOTToToYYu^^"o"oo7r (Too- To" Social-Personal 1LSLSLSULSLSLSIJL.ISLSLSLSUI .QJLBJLgJLPJLgJLs Mr. Frederick Potneroy Palctl, ol thla city, and Miss Linn Livingston Mayo, of Richmond, were quietly mar? ried yesterday morning at. 11 o'clock at the home of the /bride's mother, 203 West Grace street. Rev. 11. II. Harbour, rector of Trinity Protestant Episcopal church, of Fredoricksbufg, performed the ceremony with only a few relatives of the/bride and groom present. The bride was [attired in n hand some traveling stilt of green cloth and wore a green hilt. She carried or iliids. / \ Mr. and Mrs. Rtiejt left Richmond for a North |rh topr OJ several weeks after which lhe\j viil return to this city lo make their Lome. Mr. Paten Is JtssislaW. chief engl neor for the Newport N<Vs Shipbuild? ing and Dry Dock} Company. His brick Is the daughter of MrsAXiocirge W. Mayo and a left/tier In Richmond so clety circles. Miss Susie Jones, or Lunonlnirg county. Is th(*--4uiesr'of her brother. Dr. Clarence Portaf--,Ioncs, 118 Thir? ty-second street./ ?> Mr. J. .1. O'Donni !i was ealldd t > Richmond yesterday by news of the critical illness of his daughter, Mrs. David O'Ncll. Mr. Ernest L. Cunningham is at? tending the Supreme Lodge. Knights or Pythias, now in session at Now Orleans. Mr. Cunningham is one of (he Virginia supreme representatives. Mrs. J. B. Joynes, who has been 111 for a month at her home on Forty second street, Is slowly improving. Mr. J. M. Crowe, wl^ has henn ill for the past tlfi*t*ari^-**t?ckR, Is lmprov We are now Selling the Celebrated if #i Bsii it caea rs In Immense Quantities. We claim thSt the sale of them in Newport News is larger than any other prop ietory medicine ever introduced in this city. We are receiving wonderful endorsements of these preparations daily from people who have purchased irom us. Wc unhesitatingly say that we have 3 et to see a case where they have not given complete satisfaction. To all who suffer from stomach trouble and rheumatism who will c.ill on us we wi'l take pleasure in explaining the nature and remarkable effect of these new medicinal formulae. \\ E SELL THE AS FOLLOWS: Cooper's New Discovery, $ 1.00 per bottle, six for $5 00. Cooper's Quick Relief, 50c per bottle. := : : ? ? ? Corner Washington Avenue and Thirty-third Street. I THEATRICAL . 5iJLSUL<)JL?SJLSJ2 0jlojlpjul5jl<ljl^a j John ic. CouLts, general advance agent, with two assistants; is in ihn city nrranging tor the appearance of Qebrgo Primrose's big minstrel company tor next Thursday ni;;hi, Oct. 25, at the Academy of Musi Tills company mis just linlslujd a inn in Washington mid BaltWnoro, where the phpqr>i-gnYe II a big "send oh*." Mrs. Carter Coming. Manager C. 11. A. ItooKorXntnianc: Cd l/sl high! dial the date of the ap? pearance of Mrs. Leslie C'srter at I hoi Academy of Music h I Changed from October 2il i ^"?trt-N?trro-^Ia i led. j Charged with stealing two pounds oi loose grain coffee from Cliesap ake Onto pier. N^. ij, Ehigone Mori in, a ."it! year old negro, wu> an..; ,1 a, ''. o'clock yesterday evening by Special Officer Pnrrlsh and lodged in When taken into custody lite mail had the coffee in a bucket. He will he given a hearing by Justice Brown in ihe police conn this morning. h;jd been ley Novem JA c.'^uTide rvvlJocf'- -Lea ves. Mr. .\/ y. UiideYwoduS who has hefm employed in tbo gpyornmont /flailing department at tin' shipyard for a number of years, \yill lenve today for New York, where in- will make his borne in the future. Louisiana in Pott. ?XThe United Slates bjaVTlcshlp Li I un^r^irrlved at tbJ^K^pbrt from i Point e.Trry?yrsfeYday morning j is now anchored in the harhn Chesapeake & Ohio pier. No. s. I is replenishing her bunkers with Old and The coal Net such a hard nut to crack if you can try them all on. Soft Hats, telescope and conventional models in brown, pearl, ami all tans, and derbies in black. You are very welcome to try them all here and make up your mind when you're good and ready. Moderally Priced. ...H?TTERS,.. 27)0 12 Wash. Ave. If/tS CLEANED AND BLOCKED. % In order io Introduce our \i* shoes to the people of <& Newport neyjs and vfc/n- *$ ilYi lor the next sixty $ $i days we are oiterir.q our I :": regul?r and $5.00 t< 1 Mies af $2.50 and $3.00 . per pa/r. *V ? caa tmy before iy & ~rtiE SUES ARE m BROKEN. w Putney Shoe |j Manufacturing $ Company Store, No. 3202 Wr.shjr.yton \?j Kvsnue. <??. I j*>. .-.?-./:-. ^r.^-f. . fei'* TC ENJOY LONG LIFE AND GODC HEALTH. EAT "JENNIKGV Butter Bread" It's the staff and life. WHY?. Be? cause It is made out of the beat ma? terial that can be bought- We hav2 thousand* of testimonials. Why not try a loaf and be convinced. Looit foi the tag. Wo are not ashamed of goods. HEALTH FfiOfi B/MBY 6 GORFEitflOKERY CO. Washin&Un fiv. and VnA %\ WASEO is HERE. WHAT IS WASEO? SEE PAGE SIX. Old paper* for saX at tho Daily I'roCfj office, 10 cents per hundred. I I ?WASHINGTON AVENUE AT 30TH STREETZ The Store That Saves You Mouey. us! opened a is s IN ALL Tin: NEWEST COLORINGS?THESES GOODS ARE VERY desirable for women's separate skins, or for children's dresses. They arc regular 25c g n ds; price today is, 1 Q/% yard . lnJU is ? ? I 1 1 1 fc! A BARGAIN IN WOMEN'S Underwear; regular G.Oc rib bed vests and pants at, OV-s each . U?Jl? WOMEN'S FINE RIBBED Vests and Pants. The kind that sei!;; at :! for $1.00, arc n sale today at, 25 " each WOMEN'S AND MISSES' wohl sweaters; worth QQ n $1.48, are . dOb WOMEN'S DARK STRIPED Flannelette Skirt Pat? terns, for . 25c W O M E N ' S fast black pair 25c, pair . EXTRA GOOD cotton Hose; 2 1* Ob ROM AN STRIPE AND PLAID SILK BELTS?FINEST GRADE. 50c; some very pretty ones as *)Cn low as. 4vb FINANCIAL. FINANCIAL. i i^inraTnnnfTs~s\rtnreirb nnnnr<nni ffTt'rTrcnrrtnmrr^ ! * SCHMELZ BRC* ZZZ BANKERS (City and County Depository.) Issue certificaic? of Deposit for $50.00 or more, negotiable and pay? able on dcrruand. Drawing Interest at the rate of FOUR PER CENT. WE KNOW YOUR WANTS AND WANT YOUR BUSINESS. I The strongest hank in the city J.Jt.?L2JLPJLaJLiLS?UL* t :; JULP..0 J^iLILPJLOJ>JLtLO-P.<l.fl-i).n..O a-Q-P.x W. A. POST, President. J. R. SWIN ER'i'ON, Vice Pres. J. A. WILLETT, Cashier. ARTHUR LEE, Asst. Cashier. THE FIRST NATIONAL BHNK U. S. GOVERNMENT DEPOSITORY, CITY DEPOSITORY, CITI? ZENS' DEPOSITORY. Capital .$ 100,000.00 Stockholders' Liability . 100.000.00 Surplus and Profits . 100,000.00 Other Resources Make Total Over . .?1.000,000.00