Newspaper Page Text
JURY MAKES MONEY FOR GUY AND STATE Taxes Will be Collected Upon $25, OOQ In Property and Incomes Heretofore Unlaxad. AFTER ONE HI PMIICULML Citizen Known to be Wealthy is Said to Pay Only Three Dollars in Taxes and the Grand Jury is After Him? Adjourned Over Until Next Tues? day. As a insult of Hie work of Hie grand jury in Hm Corporation Conti this week, the city and Stalo will this year collect taxes oh about $25,000 in per? sonal properly and Incomes heretofore! imtnxod. A largo number of Hie mosl prominent business and profession:1! men in the city, well known shipyard Officials and others have been liefere the jury?and in nearly every case re? vised tax lists have booh taken to the commissioner of revenue. No indict? ments have been returned, each per? son in whose list errors or omissions were found being permitted to innkuj proper corrections, and the work of the jury lias been conducted ill thoj quietest possible fashion. Yesterday afternoon the jury ad? journed over until Tuo.'iday, when an-! other "hatch" of lax-payers will lie ex-! nmihed. It is said that one man in, particular, who is now out of the city,' is wanted by the jury. He was ver? bally summoned hy the sorgen III sev? eral days ago, hut failed to put in 111? appearance. Tills man is understood tu lie one of the wealthiest business men in the city and. according to one of the grand jurors, no pays only about. in taxes. He will go before the jury Tuesday if Sergeant Mllstcad j can find him by thut time. Because hardly anyone has been paying the income tax, especial atten? tion to this matter hits been paid by the jury. The list of citizens lias' been carefully gone over and every man who would naturally be supposed to have an income of more than $'!')n per year and who pays no Income tax, is ?being summoned to appear for examination. CLEVELAND A6ERNATHY GETS THIRTY BAYS FAR LARCENY Youngster Charged With Stealing Watch Failed to Appear, but Was Tried and Later Jailed. Cleveland Ahernnthy. a white man, who failed to answer a summons to! appear in the Corporation Conn yes- | terday morning to answer the charge i of larceny, ami who was tried ami convicted in his absence and scntenc;! ed to thirty days in jail, was'arrest-I etl at the corner of eighteenth street and the River Road yesterday after-] noon by Officer Charles .1. Padgett.] Abernalhy was arrested f?r stealing a watcli several months ago and was sentenced to Co days in jail by Jus-' ttco Brown in the police court. His attorney. .Justice B. B. Semnie?, not? ed an appeal to the Corporation Court and the ease was set by Judge Barham for trial yesterday morning. Abernathy failed to put in bis ap? pearance at t!u? court, but the case wtts -tried in his absence. Exhibition Rare Old Engravings At M. H. Lash's, Washington avenue, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Col? lection could not lie duplicated. 10-16-w-thu-fri-sat. _ rmnit jwyvnf"' ^?""?^r ?1 *?1 BUY CLOTHES RIGHT. HAVE YOU SEES OUR NEW MODEL Fall Overcoats ? They are worth seeing? worth buying and wearing; There are conservative and and exheme styles in a magnificent assortment and every garment backed with our personal guarantee. $8 to $25 Wertheimer & Company 26th St. and Washington Avenue. m ??mum minimum 1 jjMWgggj*j**j*jp WASEO IS HERE. WHAT IS WASEO? SEE PAGE SIX. COS!!! HOUSE FORGE MAY BE MATERIALLY INCREASED Commissioner Lyman, of the Pointing, Division, Spent Yesterday In the City. According in a well founded rumor ? mi ulHciul eon Urination of which could he obtained last night the treasury department Is contemplat lug Increasing the force el customs In? spectors in this city in the Immediate future- Tlie pro3ont force of In spec tors, it Is said, is deemed la l?- hiadu tjuato to meet duiminds of Ihn ox peeled increase in the export and Im P? i trade a| this port during Itte nexi few nioiitlis and a.; many aildl tl'iial inspectors a; the port- limi? ne-s requires ate in he pui on by the treasiirv depaitnieiit during Ihul lint. Commissioner Lyman, heal of the pointing division of tin- treasury de? partment, arrived In this city from Washington yesterday morning ami spent the day at the custom house and on Lie piers with the inspectors, lie was in conference with Deputy Collector Charles Spencer, Chief In sn-.c ir E 11 (jo Morccock and one i>r two of the Inspectors, from whom, i' is understood, he obtained consider-; aide datn about tin- export and Im? port business at this port. While nothing definite could i" learned lost night about the purpose id' Air. Lyinan's visit t i Uiis city, it is supposed that ii had lb do wit!; ilie proposed Increase in tin- force of iiispei tors. It is pointed not that if tlie misti? ness at lids port du.<iiig the coming ] winter centals that of lust winter the present force of Inspectors tv'.ll not I he able t> c?po with I ho situation at I lie piers. On several occasions last winter clerks in me custom house had t" l>e pressed Into service on the piers, as there were not enough regular inspectors to take care of the freight loaded and dis? charged by s.iip.v Lew's Arnos Resort From Dan? gerous PfPuicsmeiil. HALF mm AB? EXHAUSTED Starting for Home From Hotel, Young Carpenter Fell Overboard and Was Clinging to Pile When Located by Mr. Sproul. Half frozen by Cue zvy water anil I well nigh exhausted, Lewis H. Amos, a carpenter employed by the Chesa? peake <fc Ohio railroad, was found clinging to a pile beneath the depot passenger pier about 1:45 o'clock this morning by Mr. B. I). Sproul, a fore man at the Old Dominion steamship pier. At that lime Mr. Sproul was on his way to his home, :I2!? Forty-ninth street from work, a d when passing the pier he heard feeble cries tot help apparently Issuing from under the pier. Upon lnve3ilgnt'.on he lo? cated you'.g Amos in the y.dtrr. and utter som? ittle difi'eulty st-cc Jc*. in getting him up on the pier. ' After he had revived sufficiently lo walk Mr. Sproul took the half fro? zen man to the police station, where he was given dry clothes and medical nttention, I When seen at the station house by a Daily Press reporter this morning | Amos was unable to tell how he hap? pened to be in tlie predicament in which he was found and stated that the last remembered before being hauled out of the river he was at (lie Coferton Hotel on Twenty-eighth street. He lives in On "Passenger Hill." near the depot, and as ho had been drinking, it is supposed that as he was returning home from the hotel he wandered down on the pier and tumbled ovorboarl. It Is not known ! just how long i. > ha.I been In the wu j tor, but judging from condition when ? he reached the station house; he must j have fallen overboard several hours ' before rescued. I When asked by the reporter where ho spent yesterday. Amos said that he had been visiting his wife and child at his home" near Oordonsville ! for several days, but left for homo yesterday morning and boarded a Chesapeake & Ohio train for this city. 'arriving here' at 7:20 o'clock last j night. He said he met a man on Ihc train who was going to Norfolk and with him went to the Coferton hole! After that his mind was blank. He could not recall tho name of his I friend. FACTORY TO BE REBUILT. Clark Overall and Pants Company to Replace Burned Plant. It is announced that the Clark Ov? erall and Pants Factory, which was considerably damaged by fire Wednes? day morning, will be rebuilt, and put in operation again as soon as possi? ble. Mr. George E. Clark, president of the company, stales that the loss as the result of the flro was much great? er than the newspapers have staled. He places his losses as follow:- ? Building and hardware stock, loss $10; 000; insurance $4.(100: overall and pants factorv, loss $17,000; insurance $0,500. Glor ana Cleared. The Rrltlsh steamer Gloxinia clear? ed yesterday for Mexican porta with a full cargo of coal loaded here. Approved Report. Judge Waddlll. In the Federal Dis? trict court at Norfolk has approved (he report of Referee in Bankrupted .T. R. Lock in the case of Moss & Dale, contractors of this city. MAX FELSTEIN UNDER ARREST IN NEW YOfiK Former Iccal Saloon Keeper Charged With Defraudi g Wholesale Dealers. ?MANY FIRMS RfVE COMPLAISIS Prisoner is AllcijccJ to Have Secured Ten Thousand Dollars Worth of Goods, Half of Which He Shipped Away Before Filing Bankruptcy Petition. Max Fnlstoln, known lioro us a Daw son City saloon keeper and clothier I with a reputation none loo savory. Is linder arrest in Now York as a sus? picious character and probably will be ivied < n a grand hircony charge. I Kelsiciii I t ;ii a saloon on Iho rlvei i below this city until I he decree of the : Circuit Court of Warwick county ' made him close his doors. It is snh! thai IVIslein only closed Iiis front door, hut the police made It so hot for hint that lie gave up the liquor traffic and opened clothing store. I Sometime ago Foist ein left the city and was not hoard from again here until yesterday, when a special tlis ' patch from New York announced Ills arrest. I The following Associated Press dis? patch from Baltimore thrown some i light on tho ease: I "Twenty seven Baltimore firms al? lege thai they have been defrauded to 'an aggregate or $8.000 by one Mux ; Feist ein now uiidor arrest in New j York- city as a suspicious person, i pendln;: an Investigation of how ho I came Into possession of a ipuiutity of : merchandise, which ho was endeavor ling to dispose of to jobbers. Twentv otlli r firms over the country arc said to hove claims against him for small amounts aggregating $2,000. Said He Was in Business Here. "The goods for which Felstoln owes the local firms were purchased during the nio'itha of April. May and June of this year. He represented himself [as beinv in husinesh ni Newport News. Vn. Not paying his hills the creditors j took combined action. Meanwhile jFelstetn filed a voluntary bankruptcy plea, it is alleged that when an In? ventory was taken, it was discovered I thai goods valued at $6,000 wore miss I Ing. I "It is claimed here that this is the merchandise found in New York. "The father of the two Folsteins' lived at 262 North Exeter Strebt, this city, up to two weeks ago, going un? der tlie names of Pols nriil Felstoln. SEWER NOT A SUCCESS. East End Pumping Station Cannot be Abandoned by City. City Engineer Marye said soon af? ter entering upon the duties of his of? fice that lie was convinced tlint the new storm water and sanitary sewer in East iLli.1 would never operate ill) it was intended it should and that Iho city wotilj tr.av? to continue to main-1 tain the pumping station. Yesterday a statement irprii the engineer to thlr effect was made public. The sewer will do a, great deal of i good, however, and Mr. Marye thinks' that it will not lie necessary to oper-1 ate the pumping station more than tin 1 f the time. To maintain the sta? tion lias heretofore cost, in the neigh? borhood of $4,000 and it will mean Something to cut this amount in half; Mr. Marye. thinks that the new sower has not sufficient "drop" and the pipes are too small. ?f Where Quality is Uppermost. 6 iSfotm Shoes g For Men. j i i a Made of extra quality, w.>vr a proof calf, with vlscnlized soles, gj S Nothing in leather could be more waterproof, low medium JJ? and extra high cut. 5? $5.00, $5.5", $6.00 $6.50, $9.00 INDISPENSABLE TO MEN OUTDOORS. I SHOE PfttACE, I jg Twenty-sixth Street and 5J ^ Washington Aye. ^ WASEO IS HERE. WHAT IS WA5EO? SEE PAGE S'X, WIWMIMItf ?BBS BATTLESHIPS ORDERED IQ SEA FOR ACCEPTANCE TESTS Virginia, Louisiana and New Jersey Go From Roads' For Runs of Forty-eiglit Hour-b. Tue United Stales battleships Vir? ginia. Louisiana and New Jersey, which arrived In Hampton Roads ? !.:n Havana, Cuba', Wcilnesda> morn1 lug with Secretary Tafi mid his party have been ordered by l.lie navy do pari in ei i i coal and ninUe such re? pairs as aie necessary und Uten proi '?? I to icil for their f.i: ly-oluhi hoar endurance and speed teas, which i . accessary hefnre ihe vessels eau bi' accepted by the navy department. The l. mls'nitu and Virginia nr<j pi (duels of the local idiipynrd. The . riimr Is rei|ulre,l to inn lie is knots mi hii.n aai the latter i'-1 knots. Itoth vessels exceeded their contract rotpilroiiicilts mi their ojUclnl trials of/ i ie cria'3t of .Maine lust year Mid thero Is no doubt bill that Hiey will ntnlto a ??.at:, fa:-', iry showing 011 i . lorly.-etgiit hour ru i, The New .ii . 'iy wa.i b'i'lt at tho l ore River '? ' .'cii lit-.-Company and ' \ a .vs. Ii r dilti to t'.i? Virginia. .lip w'.H p i I i Sen frbill I 'I II ho ( iKS; as when i. p 1 teal ii>' ? mid i.i com . L Tl if H fY FE BT. W. I". Hoffman Iniured VVhilb Wo k lirl r.n New Cftl Pier Yesterday, die :?; w :< v ?1 ;? lay rn Hie Chi Hp tiiVe A Ohio . ;ver.| i nf pli r N??. 10. \V, r li iffnmn.l mi'Ider. ti II l r n the lop I of t'.id f.ev.tie it ihn ground, a dUt aii ??? of I feel r.u I imsttiiliOd ?erl in, : l > igh n ! fat il iiijnrlo t. He waa taken !? the Rtfiieral hospital where oviscv ;? islblo aiod e il nt leritldli was given hini. I. was t'c pruned nl the hofspHai this morning thai the in.i i.ed man w:n doing an well ?? cmid Ik' pxppi it I. Franklin P. Kirl bond. Fi'.i'iltllii .'. Kirk dli I M.unlay In New York from tho effects of a |ii >?;;.,;.- of pafalyrtn Hr.. Kdrk fdr: h:->ily lived litre t'.n.l wr.i well I known all over lue Po.i'nS"la. CONFERENCE IS CALLED. Joint Committees to Disc.icc Ctc Quar? antine Quosticn. I A mooting <>!' noihiliittcos of tho lo? cal Chamber >f Commorco und the Norfolk Hoard ol Trddn and Ruslueis Men's Association will he held in Nor foll; tomorrow tor the pnrpoao nf ill* jeiHsIng the :iunraiillne question. This p-t and Norfolk have the samo complaint to make against Iho Federal qH')ranilne regulations ami ilolnl hppcnl to the gnvorumCnt proba? bly will he recommended by the com? mittees. This Store is Tilled i io Ovr rfli?\> iiijg With Preliy Things of sensible, practical use. Price marks are noticeably |jwcr than other stores .i6k. Eve:/ Itom ycu look over repreccnts a handsome saving. Owing to our large buying power we can offer you inducements that no other store can cquol. COCKERS. Hundreds of the newest de? signs?Colonial. hand-polished solid quartered oak, most com? fortable Hocker made. Special . $4.50 STOVES AND RANGES. The world famed "Favorite" has no equal. Cut your coal bill in two. Do yon think It Is cheap? er to buy a makeshift of a stove that gives you half the heat with a double coal bill to pay? Our Stoves are guaranteed to give an even temperature with half the care. See them before purchasing. $ii?.00 Of Cf\ down to . y ! idv 46 styles to select from Lace Curta'ns, Newest effects. .1 ist anfcjva?. $37.50 the pair lowu Q'"'* to Chln.i Clo!-.Lt3. Great bargains in thla special line. Solid, ban-end glass ni l front; mirror top; extra large size; quartered oak; hand' polished. Special . $18.75 Wood Stoves. Sheet Iron, double draft, .lust the tiling to heat up a good sized room. Q4 A Q Specinl .$ I ilo Blankets and Comforts. Full size, SV'.W down to . $1.00 Chamber Suites, One hundred stylos. Most varied line south of New York. $t;t)0 down to . ?16.50 Chicago House Furnishing Co.!2L 2703 and 2705 Wash. Ave. Headquarters for Young Mar rled People?Special Induce? ments to New Bcginnerc. (6 FOR KIDNEY TROUBLE AND A WEAK BACK. 99 si Pe-ru-na Has No Equal. I? An Emphatic Endorsement. WHIP MR. M. BRODERICK. Mr. Mv Brbdorlcls,'?133 -lOili St., l-'luauclul Secretary Kmblo Employes U...on, No. ion, Chicago, ni.; writes: ' 1 have been suffering from a weak back and kirlnoy trouble for some time and have beon ablo to ?nd relief only through the u?o of Pcruna. ?'During IhoSvluloi' season 1 nautili y kocpn bottle- Of your modlciuo in tbo it.usd and i.y talcing adoso at night, I am fooling line the next morning. i "Some of my friends assure mo thai lYrunu la equally as good tor tbolr various atfmohts as it\? for my complaint) t.ui, 1 do know tbut for kidney trouble and Buffering from n weak back It na* no equal." I ixldncy Trouble Is Not Always Recog? nized as Catarrh?Pc-ru-na Re? lieves Kidney Disease tie - cause It Is a Remedy for All Phases ol Catarrh. TWF.NTYF1 VB year* Dr. Hartman hogan distributing Iii? pnuipblots, hooks and newspaper articles. Dflght's in ?a .? of tbo kid? neys wis rogordotl as a dUOiteo wholly distinct i rum catarrh. Now, Bright'S Disease Is thought by many the world over to be a phase of catarrhnl liitlaminatlon. To relieve Itrlght'H Disoaso something; ihusii lie used tbut has tbo power to re? lieve ....inrrh. Ahj modlclno that Is n remedy foi entat rli Of Otic organ i* obviously n med? icine for catarrh 01 any other organ, Pcruna Is an internal, systemic .a tarrh remedy. Like catarrh, It pervades tbo wbolo system, and counteracts tbo cftoctH of the dlsctiHc. A ?reut many people boliovo that they have t.ccn cured of chronlu Bright'! ' DlHoaso by llio use of l'crunn. // is certainly true that In the earlier stauen ol lirlght's Disease, Pcruna Is an effective remedy. Numerous testimonials on thin point establish the (act hcyoud ail doubt. Mr. otto a. Flolssncr, American opt CUronnj formerly Chef to Col, \V. .1. Cody, 111^ Hixtli Ave., Hostile, Wash,, writes: "1 suffered with kidney and bladdor trouble until lite did not seem worth living, I had tried many medicines, but did not get any relief until I took P?rpua. It was really wonderful bow much hotter I was after 1 usod this medicine only u week. At tbo end of Blx months I found to my relief that it had rid my systom of all poisons and I was cured to stay cured." -?* SjtvMT arts Q>Y2teQ\\% OLD DOMINION LAND CO., Htm WARWICK BUILDING. V/M. H. KELT ?00, Cashlor. B. QUINCY SMITH, A. L. POWELL, President. Vlcc-Prcsldcm. THE NEWPORT NEWS NATIONAL SANK , CAPITAL, $100,000. ?. S. 8?VEKHBEHT ?SP?SiTOW Transacts a genoral banking business. Four por cent, iuterest allowed on Bavin*,*, accounts. j Material construction of any nature | can be had by seeing me. I have the only real electrical supply store ever altempted In Newport News. See my stock of fixtures and you will innko home beautiful. T. G. COBURN, ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLIES. 2917 Washlnpon Avenue. Doth 'tJionea, 118?Residence, Bell, 148y. Citizens' 418. From A Parcel To ?rt Engine. ? - ?>?'?? flip FREIGHT. BAGGAGE, FUR? NITURE AND SAFES CAREFULLU AND PROMPTLY MOVED. Old Virginia Mahogany!Storage Warehouse Furniture j 514-520 27th St. In order to immediately close out j the business I will sell everything at cost. Fine chance fur lovers of an-1 tlque furniture to get bargain::. I Vincent De Mavino, Normal School Corner. Hampton, Va. ' Citll from 10 a. m, to 1 p. m., and ' from 3 tu C p. in. i REASONABLE RATES Virginia Transportation Company