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Vf<* Statin fr r ess. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING (Except Monday) at the DJ.ILY PRESS BUILDING. 211 Twenty-flfth Street, by tbe DAILY PRESS COMPANY. C. E. Thacker. .Editor and Publisher. | Ta B. Pugh.Advertising Manager. Th? Dally Preu ladeilverod by carriers auy Kheto In Ine oily limit! for 10 oouta a week. J Any lrregularltlei In delivery ilioold bo tnimu dl?i?!y reported to tho offlco of publication. Orden tor delivery of tbo Daily I'reia to cither j Mitdenoe or placet of bualuvii may be made by | potlal card or telepboue. MAIL SUDSCRIPTIONS. (Payable IriTarlably In advance.) Ose Month. I M T?re? Moutbi. 11.98 Bis Month*. t?.MI One Year. V>.w TELEPHONE NUMBERS. BdJtorlal Roorai.Uoll 'Phone No. H 1 Builneia orucu.Ileil 'Phoue No. 1H11 No employee of tbo Dally Preei Couipauy l< anthorlxod to contract auy oblljjetlou In iin" name or tbe comprtuy, or to make purchases In the name ofthoiame excopt npon order ilKtied by the FUBL1B1IKR OP TUE DAILY PKKSS. Bnlore? at tbo Newport Nevri, Va., foitotncc ai lecond-cliin matter FRIDAY OCTOBER 1!). 1006. MR. FARRAR'S PREFACE. A feature of tho Hill Dlroctory Company's 1?07 directory for Now port News. Hampton, Phoebus and Old Point, which was Issued yester? day, is a preface written by Mr. T. L. Farrar, secretary or the Chamber of Commerce. This preface Is a brief, but comprehensive "write-up" of Nowport News. The first para? graph is devoted to the Ideal location of the city and Its remarkable growth ?, during the ten years or Its existence, "the Bccoud to climatic conditions , ami the peculiar adaptability of the soil In Tidewater to truck fanning. The remainder of the nrtlcle tells of the city's manufacturing enterprises, banks, schools, hotels, postofllce ser? vice and business houses, of tho Ohosapeake & Ohio terminals and wnterfront activity, nnd closes with a mention of some of tho new indus? tries the city .might support and n statement to the effect that tho Chamber of Commorce stands ready at all times to furnish Information and to co-operate with Individuals or companies desiring to locate en? terprises. Although the directory ns a whole is larger und bolter than ever before, to us It seems that the addition of <he preface is the greatest Improve? ment tho Hill company has made In Hb volume. City directories aro pretty well circulated throughout tho country and Mr. Fnrrar's write-up furnishes just the kind of advertising ^e want to get before the public at this time. While the preface was written primarily .for boosting purposes, it is a .statement of facts and not simp? ly a bombastic. circus-poBter-like af? fair. Wo congratulate Mr. Farrar upon his good taste in preparing such an article, and the dlroctory company should have the gratitude of the city for publishing it. MORE POLICEMEN NEEDED. Up in Richmond a movement look? ing toward n material Increase in I the strength of the police department has been Inaugurated by the council finance committee, and seems likely to meet with the favor of tho c'.ty fathers. This Information In the Rich mond papers reminds us of the fact ? that a similar movement, on a small scale, was started here somo time ago. The old council passed nn ordi? nance requiring tho lioard of police commissioners to work patrolmen not over eight hours per day. It is ad ! .mitted that In order to put the eight j hour 8Mft Byatem into effect, and at the same time give the city anything I like the necessary protection, at least two extra patrolmen must bo furniBhod. The council recognizes t, tfcie fact and ft has been understood for several months that the appro Spoliation for two policemen would be ; made. Now that the question of rules r hap been settled and the committees I ??'are getting down to work, ono of the |V?r?tt matters to receive consideration <? .should be this appropriation. A reso? lution making" the appropriation, of f\ fered by Councilman Christio, bat C. Leen referred to the ordinance and police committee. The ordinance und pollen commit? tee failed to meet on Its regular meeting night, but we hope tbut a special meeting will be bulled before Hie next session of the council so thai Mr. t'luistie'H resolution und other matters thai may liavu been referred to the committed may be re? ported upon without tl/lay, Crokor's Biiecesa in winning his libel suit against the English publl-j cation ninv result in action against i various Now York papers Ihn I have, asked -Where did he get it?" Josh Hillings died just twenty, yearn too soon to'see his slylo of spelling receive the endorsement of a presblent, as well as the average small boy. LoFollctto ttnd Spoouer on the Klump In Wisconsin will he living] examples of lite old and the new ex? ponents of pollilcal Ideas. Secretary Toft lias come home just in time to go to Wyoming and settle the Indian uprising In that Slate. (Continued from page 1.) work and Influence of Colonel Hob l.owrey. of Atlanta, (in., Ooorge Rub-I sell. Walker Hill and l.ogau Murray, If yon want to deprive these men, and the other twelve ex-presldents of thin association of the honor that Is due them. 1 appeal to you. not to do it In St. Hauls. Co some where else to do tills odious, ungenerous and un-American net. I am here as a St. I.oulslan to protest against this slap in the face for the old ox presidents." Opposition Explains Stand. 10. F. Swiuuey, of Kansas City, a former president of the association, wlio fathered the amendment, said that while he had great respect for Colonel l.owrey and the Other ox prosldcnts he did not see any neces? sity for retaining them for life on th<> executive council. Until four, years ago, when the convention met in New Orleans, the said cx-pres'.dehts were not accorded that privilege. A motion to reconsider the vote on the amendment was defeated by a rising vote of H2 to 135. Reports of the Mi! of lading com? mittee nnd the clearing house confer? ence committee were received and adopted; The convention was addressed by Charles J. linden, of Atlanta. Ca. on the topic "A Ploa for the Cotton Field," and Ylojlro Ono, superintend? ent of agencies, Hank of Japan, on "Some Of the Financial Shoots of the Lato War." Ho expressed the opinion that the recent war came at Hie right time. OIL JURY STILL OUT. Mistrial Feared in the Suit Against the Standard. (P?y Associated Press.) FI NHL AY, O., Oct. 18.?The jury charged with declaring the Standard Oil Company of Ohio, guilty or not guilty of conspiracy against trade entered upon Its second night's vigil With no indications of a verdict. Should the jury finally disagree, it is stated by the prosecution, that either another trial of the same suit or proceedings against one of the alleged subsidiary companies will ?lie begun, without delay and proba? bly be brought to trial by the mid? dle of November. The Jury was locked up at 8:HO o'clock Wednesday night. At 2 o'clock this afternoon, they nsked an audience with the conti. It was granted. "Have you agreed upon a verdict?' "Your Honor: We have not." "Have you any requests to make?' "None." "I do not feel Hint you have given the caso the length of time neces? sary and 1 will therefore ask you to return to the jury room." This was the public record of the jury today: The men went hack. There are indications Hint .lud:; Danker would consider forty-eight hours not too long n time for de? liberation, after which if no agree? ment is reached, the Jury will likely be discharged. TO DEDICATE MONUMENT. Bull Run Battlefield to Be Visited by New Yorkers. (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK. N. Y.. Oct. 18? Ar? rangements have been completed in Brooklyn for the dedication, next Sat? urday, of the monument recently erected by the Slate of New York on the battlefield of Ball Run. Va.. commemorative of the services and the dead of the Fifth New York Vol? unteers (Uuryee Zouaves) the Tenth New York Volunteers (National Zou aves), ami the Fourteenth Brooklyn. Union and Confederate veterans generally will participate in tlie cere? monies. Bird S. Color, president of the borough of Brooklyn, will pre? side at a meeting to bo held in the grove adjoining the battlefield after the dedicatory ceremonies. Rev. J. Wesley Hill, of Brooklyn, will be the orator of the day. SUBMARINE LUTIN LOCATED. I All Hope of Saving the Crew of Ves? sels Abandoned. j PARIS. FRANCE, Oct. 18?In spite of the fact that it was announced from I Bizerta this morning that the spot I where the submarine boat Lilt in sank, I on Tuesday had been definitely ascer I talned, hope of rescuing her crew has been practically abandoned at the Ministry r ? Marine. THE CURFEW HAS RUNG On Those Summer Clolhes of Yours. He therefore urges you to come at once and see his stock, which i.s complete with the choicest goods of the season in CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS ,& FURNISHINGS. All good values, at moder? ate prices. 2715 Washington Ave. Boll 'Phoue, 256; (Jit. 0. WEATHER MODERATES HERE BUT ANOTHER STORM IS COMING Steamer Bay State Expected to Re? turn Today With the Bnrgo Berkshire. Although the severity of the storm that broke over this Section Monday ovcnlng moderated considerably nera yesterday there was no Improve? ment in the condition id' the weather along the coast and Judging from tho warning sent mil by tin- weather bu? reau at Washington yesterday morn? ing n second storm will strike these parts before the one now existing has passed. All incoming steamers reported having encountered extremely rough weather oil the Capes und many of the regular liners were delayed sev? eral hours, while one, the Oeorgo W. Clyde, of tho Clyde line, did not Ret Into port at all. She was reported as passing la the Capes last night some eight hours overdue antl she will get here Ulis morning. Bay State Still Out. The whnlcbaek steamer Bay State which put to sea early yesterday morning in search of the barge Berk? shire, which was reported Wednesday at anchor off the Capes, had not re? turned to this port at a late hour inst night, but it Is expected that she will come In early this1 morning with the missing barge. Owing to the unusu? ally high seas running off the Cape.-, all day yesterday it is probable that the Hay State made no attempt to get. the Berkshire In tow, but anchor? ed within hailing distance to render assistance if necessary. Steamer in D stress. The British steamer Aleria, en route from New York for British Honduras in ballast, put Into this port in distress at 4 o'clock yester? day afternoon. The vessel encounter? ed very rough weather during her vOyage down the coast and had her stearinp gear damaged and her pumps disabled. Her master cabled his own-] ers for orders Immediately after his arrival here. He recommended tho owners that the steamer repair at the local shipyard and proceed. Little Activity on Waterfront. There was very little activity alone the waterfront here yesterday as very few vessels came Into port ami only tine, the steamer Trojan, sailed. The Hoot of coal laden schooners and bar ges anchored In Hampton Roads awaiting clear weather at sea. Id daily Increasing and sonic twenty or more of the vessels are now anchor? ed between tills port and Old Point. Tho rough weather along Iho const has compelled nearly all schooners hound lo Newport News to seek :<hel ler in ports along tho coast, lint when ihe weather clears a largo licet will get Into port. Hurricane Warning/ At II o'clock yesterday morning Hi,- local weather bureau received the following warning from the bureau-' at Washington: t "Hurricane warning for Miami.! Jupiter, Jacksonville, Savannah and Charleston. Severe storm moving north, northwesi ward from Florida channel, dangerous for vessels oil Bouthcnslurji coasts in next forty eight hours." Tlie lirillsh steamer Sirocco which! came Into port for hunker coal from Savannah yesterday, reports having encountered ettromely rough weather during the entire trip up the coast.! hut sustained no material Damage. I GRAIN LADEN CAD PLUNGES THROUGH [80 OF ELEVATOR ?J? I Failure of Brakes t:> Work Caused Remarkable Accident?No One Injured. While a train of grain laden cars | was hoiug shoved into Chesapeake At Ohio gruiu elevator A by a shifting I engine yesterday morning, the brakes! on the cars refused to work and tho train smashed into the bumper nt (lie etui of the truck, tearing it down. One of tiie cars plunged through the end of the elevator, landing in I lie River Road. Considerable damage was dune, hut no one was injured. A force of men was put to work soon alter tin- accident occurred and tiie car was hoisted had; on thi) track. The damage to the elevator will he repaired at once. None of the machinery in the building was damaged ami tiie accident will in no way interfere with the handling of grain. | ANOTHER RAILROAD COMING. Cartcrsville Correspondent Says C. A. O. is to B? Paralleled. CARTERS VrLLE, VA., Oct. IS.? Two 'civil engineers are in town. They arc making a survey of an in depeudeui route from the coal fields of Weal Virginia to deep water. From what could be learned, the proposed railroad will run parallel with the Chesapeake & Ohio railway along the south side of the James river. . Thursday. October 18, 1906. Arrived. Steamer Sirocco (Hr..) Owen. Sa?! vnnnah?to C. H. Arnal for bunker coal. .?steamer Salmnnca '(tier.,I Rorden, Hamburg and New York?to Unite;! States Shipping Company with mer? chandise. Steamer Alenn (Br.,) New York (in distress.) Steamer Bay Part, Jensen, Boston ?to White Oak Coal Company in! ballast. Steamer Junlnta, .lame.; Boston,] and Norfolk?to Merchants & .Miners | Transportation Company with passeh-1 gers and merchandise. Steamer Dorchester, Johnson. Haiti-: more?to Merchants & Miners Trans- \ portatlon Company with passengers and merchandise. Steamer Powhatan. Ryan, Provi? dence and Norfolk?to Merchants & Miners Transportation Company with passengers and merchandise. Steamer Jefferson. Hole, New York and Norfolk?to Old Dominion Steam? ship Company with passengers and merchandise. Cleared. Steamers Trojan (Hr..) Barber. Ha? vana; Qloxiana (Br.,) Elliott. Tarn pico. ? Sailed. Steamers Trojan (Br..) Barber. Ha? vana (not previously as reported); Hay State, Pcdersoii, Boston; Junl? nta, James. Baltimore; Powhatan; Ryan, Baltimore; Dorchester John? son; Norfolk and Providence; Mon? roe. Hulphers, Norfolk and New York. Calendar For This Day. San Rises .t?:lli a. m. Sun Sets :.">:2? p. m. High water..10:30 a. in.; Hi:5t; p. m. Low water....'4:22 n. m.; -1:50 p. m. Exhibition Rare Old Engravings At M. H. I^asli s, Washington avenue. Thursday. Friday and Saturday. Col? lection could not be duplicated. 10 ?lG-w-thu-fri-sot. THE "DODGING PERIOD" of a woman's lifo, is tho name often given to the "change of life." Your menses come at long Intervals, and grow scantier until they stop. Some women stop suddenly. The entire change lasts three or four years, and it is the cause of much pain and discomfort, which can, however, be cured, by taking WINE C? Woman's Relief It quickly relieve* tho pain, nervousness, Irritability, mlserable ness, fcrgetfulness, fainting, dizziness, hot and ??old flashes, weak? ness, tired feeling, etc. Cardul will bring you s.ifely through this "dodging period," and build up your strength for the rest of your Ufa. At all druggists in $ 1.00 bottles. Try It. " EVERYTHING BUT DEATH I suffered," writes Virginia Robson, of Laston, Md., "until I took Cardul, v. Inch cured mo so quickly It surprised my doctor, who didn't know I was taking it." WRITE US A LETTER freely and .frankly, telling us all your troubles. We will send Free Advice (in plain, sealed envelope). AdJiess: La? dies' Advisory Dept.,The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tcnn, Do You Drink You have uo excuse. CUT THIS OUTINO SIGN GOOD FOR A BOTTLE OF KQGO NOU Wherever Sold. NEWPORT HS B0IRI160. solu AGknts. applicant. We Stand Fur Clean Linen. MAY WE CALL FOR Your Laundry OR family wash? HOTEL LAUNDRY Phone 10. Cor. West Ave. &. <.4th St, STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Co. The new and powerful Iron Palace I steamers. Newport News, Washington and Norfolk will leave dally as fol? lows: NORTHBOUND. Leave Portsmouth, foot of North street . 6:00pm Leave Norfolk, foot of Wa? ter street . 6:00pm Leave Old Point Comfort. 7:00 pm Arrive In Washington .... 7:00am Arrive in Philadelphia, Penn. R. R.**10:50nm Arrivo in Philadelphia, B. & O. R. R.Mll:lflam Arrive in New York, Penn. R. R. ?1:10 am Arrive in New York, B. & O. R. R. ?2:00 pm SOUTH BOUND. Lv. New York. Penn. R. R..?12:00pm Lv. New York. B. & O. R. R. ?1:00 p m Lv. Philadelphia, Penn.R.R. 2:55 pm Lv. Phlla., B. & O. R. R.... 2:08pm Ar. Washington. Penn. R. R. 6:10 p m Ar. Wash., B. & O. R. R... .**5:00 p m Lv. Washington. ?6:30 pm Ar. Old Point Comfort_*7:00am Ar. Norfolk . ?8:00 am Ar. Portsmouth..*8:3uam ?Daily. ??Daily except Sunday. The trip down tho historic Potomao I River and Chesapeake Bay on the ele-1 gant steamers of this company is un? surpassed. The steamers are compar? atively new, having been built in 1891. and are fitted up In the most luxuriant j manner, with electric lights, call bells and steam heat in each room. The tables are supplied with every ] delicacy of the season from the mar? kets of Washington and Norfolk. For tickets, reservation of staterooms, and further information, apply to D. J. CALLAHAN, Agent, Norfolk. Va. Old Dominion Line DAILY 3ERVICE. FOR NEW YORK?From 1^%. Company's Wharf, Nor- 'j&NS^^. foJk, every week day. at J > 7:00 p. m. j FARE? First-class, one way, $8.00, meals and stateroom, berth Included. Round trip, limit thirty days. $14.00. Steerage, without subsistence, $5. Tickets on sale at c. & O. Railway Ticket Office. NIGHT LINE BETWEEN NEWPORT NEWS AND RICHMOND. Steamers Brandon and Berkley leave Pier "A" 8:30 every evening, passengers only. Steamer Hampton will leave Pier "A" dally except Sunday, at 9 a. m., going to Norfolk, nnd at 4:30 p. m., going to Smlthfleld. Steamer Acco mac will leave Pier "A" dally, except Sunday at 9 a. m., going to Smlthfleld and about 2; 30 p. m., going to Nor? folk. All business between New York and Newport News transacted at Pier 6. All business between Newport News, Norfolk, Smlthfleld and local points transacted at Pier "A." foot of Twenty-fifth street. W. H. LANDON. H. B. WALKR, Agent Vlc?*-Pros. and Traffic MKT. Old papers for sale at 10 cents a hundred. Apply at Daily Press of? fice. TRANSPORTATION GUIDE. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway HOURS THE QUICKEST LINE See F.W. Robinson, Agent C. & O. Ry. Beroro Arranging tor your tr?r. Through Trains, Vestlbuled, Electric Lighted, Steam > Heated, Dining Curs a La Carte through the grandest Bccnery East ot the Rocky Mountains. For Richmond. Cincinnati, Indianap? olis, Nashville. Chicago, Louis? ville, Nashville. Memphis. West and Southwest. 10:10 A. M. and 5:25 P. M. daily. Local for Richmond and James Rive* Points: 7:40 A. M-, dally. Local for Richmond: 5:40 P. M., daily. EFFECTIVE MONDAY, tEPT. 17, ?OB. Norfolk and Newport News Express. Leave Shipyard I Leave Norfolk Newport News j for Pine Beach for Pino Beach and Newport and Norfolk. ! News. ?C:30 a. m. ||7:15 a. m. 8:45 a. m. 10:15 a. m. 11:45 a. m. 1:15 p. m. 2:46 p 4:15 p 6:45 p 7:15 p, 8:45 p m. m. m. m. m. 7:30 a. m. 9:00 a. m. 10:30 a. in. 12:00 m. 1:30 p. m. 3:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m. 6:00 p. m. 7:30 p. m. 9:00 p. m. ? Daily except Sunday. || Sundays only. W. W. S. BUTLER, O. M. Hampton, Va. GEO. W. HATCH, Supt, Norfolk, Va, SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE TO ALL POINT9 ^OUTH AND WEST. N. B.?Following figures published only as information, and are not guaranteed: Lv. Newport Newo C. & O. R'y.17:40 a m.|6:36p. m Ar. Norfolk ... .18:30 a. m.|6:25 p. nx Trains From Norfolk., 9:30 a. m. Dally. Local for Suffolk, Franklin, Emporla, Clarkviile, Dan? ville, Oxford, Durham and interme? diate stations. Close connections at Danville with fast through trains to all points South and West. 7:30 p. m. Daily. Fast express train for all points South and West, car? rying through Puiiman sleeping car to Ashovllle. Trains From Richmond, 7:00 a. m. Dnlly. Local for Charlotte, Chase City. Clarkviile and Buffalo within Springs. 12:30 p. m. Dally. Limited Buffet Pullman to Atlanta and Dinning, ham, Now Orleans, Memphis, Chat? tanooga and all the South. Through coach for Chase City, Oxford, Dur? ham and Raleigh. 0:00 p. m. Except Sunday. KeysvlllQ local. 11:30 p.m. Daily. Limited. Pullman i eauy, 9:30 p. in., for all the South. York River Line. 4:30 p. m.?Except Sunday. No. 16,-? Baltimore Limited. 2:i6 p. m?Except Sunday. No. 16,? Local to West Point. 4:45 a. m.?Except Sunday. No. 74.? i^ocal to West Point. IL B. SPENCER, O. M., S. H. HARD. WICK, P. T. M., W. H. TAYLOB, <h P. A., Washington, D. C. STANTON CURTIS, P. A., i Norfolk, Va. < STEAMSHIP COMPANIES;. ?sws^^^i%s>iw^isajw>a^ Merchants' & Minors Transportation Co, Steamship Lines for Boston, Provi? dence and Baltimore. Leave Newport News, via Norfolk, for Boston every Tuesday, Wednes? day, Friday and Sunday. leaves for Providence every Monday, Thursday and Saturday, sailing from Norfolk at ??00 p. in. ?^eave Newport News for Baltimore daily, except Tuesday and Wednesday, at 6 p. m.. connecting for Washington. Philadelphia and New York. Fare to Baltimore, one way, $3.00; round trip, $5.00. including stateroom berth. Accommodations and cuisine unequalled. Freight and passengers taken 'for, all points North and South. Steamers leave Baltimore, foot of Long Dock, uaily, promptly at 6 p. m. Only line running a Sunday steamer between Newport News and Balti? more. For further information apply, to D. R. McNEILL, Agent, : Newport News, Va. W. P. TURNER, O. P. A. J. C. WHITNEY, A. D. STEBB1NS 2d V. P. & T. M. OenT. Mgr.. < General Otfices. Baltimore. Md. ?> i , t --*? STEAMSHIP COMPANIBjSi Clyde Steamship Co. Steamers to Philadelphia /rJSa MONDAY, THUR8DAY and.V. Vl SATURDAY. '>%H, Sailing from Philadelphia, Tues'djtjft' Thursday and Saturday. Freight received and delivered suMy at C. & O. Pier No. 6. Office. w" Road. JAS. McaARRIOlfr,-fc.:v Gen. Southern ASfrV CLYDE STEAMSHIP CO.^)% 12 Efrjuti Delaware Avenue; Patladel. ?hfl?, Pa. ;V(-v - -. . ? . .. ~.rr.~3iJx**4*i