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11 ?mnoioliw Blldden Maps Out a Trip to Oiaz's Country. START TO BE MADE IN NEW YORK Tourist to Travel Over the Old Na? tional Pike Part of thc Way?Wifj to Accompany Him into the Wilds of the Southwest. WASHINGTON, Oct, l8.^Churlos ?T. (Hidden, famous as a motor tour? ist, was in Hi la city today looking over the roads in the vicinity and mapping out mis uoctlon for a lour from lJoston to Mexico City. Air. Gliddon hud at first arranged to go from Huston to Chicago, and thenco to Mexico City, hut he now proposes to come by way of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, thence lo Chicago and down to Mexico City, tlo explained that tho change was made for the reason I hat lie had never before In? cluded Washington In any of his tours. h<> lie took this opportunity to gtittlfy his wish to tlo so. It Is his Intention to g.i over the old National Pike through Maryland, making side trips to Pltisburg and other cities. The tour will not be one of speed, or an endurance con? test, but entirely as a pleasure jaunt. Mr. Gllddcn will he accompanied by IiIb wife, and, of course. Iiis machinist, Tin: start will bo mndd troth Bos ton on November 1. and as Mr. Gild den expressed It, hw expects to pat Christmas dinner 111 Mexico City. Tbnt portion of the drive between Chicago and Mexico's capital city will be made on the railroad track, the road routo not being a very good one. Mr. Gliddon tuld some Interesting stotles of his many and varied ex? periences In motoring in thirty-five different countries und over a dis? tance of 33,600 miles. NOVELIST VI8ITS ACADEMY. Winston Churchill. Graduate of An? napolis, Spends' Day There. \ ANNAPOLIS, Ml)., Oct. IS.?Win in Churchill, novelist, ?reformer in &1cs and graduate or the Naval .Ydotny. class of I Sil I, is on a visit Wff Annapolis for the tlrsl lime since imXw, when be was here gathering yHRta for his famous novel. "Richard .?jjgflCarvol," in which this city figures :'!$Br prominently.' yigf Ho visited the academy yesterday, / whore lie was warmly greeted by W Lieutenants Reeves. Stone, .iaiiios and W Moody, all classmates of tiIn. now ' usalgnod to duty here, anil he saw part of the Navy-St. John's football game. Mr. Churchill was preatly impressed witli the clianges that have taken place, tho new buildings ntitl other Improvements. 'Mr. Churchill is ac? companied by Mrs. Churchill and left here today fur Hot Springs, Vn. WEAVERS START FOR SOUTH. Party of 250 Skilled Flemish Work? men Start For Dixie. (By Associated Press.) BRUSSELS, Oct. 18.?Two hundred and fifty-eight skilled Flemish weav? ers, with their families, left. Chen; for Bremon today, from whence they will sail en a steamer of the North German Lloyd line direct for Charles? ton, S. C. They ftvn the first Instalment of a considerable immigration movement arranged under the ausplcoa of the ?government of Belgium and the au? thorities of South Carolina. Fresh Hyacinths, Etc. 3ust received a fresh supply of hya? cinth, tulip, narcissus, jonquil * and OhlneBe lily bulbs. GEOROH R. .WOOD. Phone, 486. 9-2o-tf MPTON, PH WHAT HE HAD LEARNED. Chinaman Who Picked Up German Instead of English. His name might have been Ah Sin, for ho was "clilldilkti ami bland," but ho was H shrewd business man also, and in his residence of 15 years in San Francisco ho bail earned by in? dustry an,| 111 1*1 fl a liille fortune. I A San Francisco Chinatown f.>r I tune becomes a much greater one when li has boon transferred to China. This the prosperous China? man recognized when he made up his mind to return to his home beyond the Pac|l\c. Then ho would spend bis duyt: in the enjoyment of his Aiiiorl* caii niade fortune and save his fam? ily the expense of transporting his bonus when his time on earth hail usi Ired. itni lie was ambitious to shine among his Idas people, ami to that ?fiul determined to learn something of the KngllMh language and to see ?something of the country before bo j returned lo his home. And so he came, hag and baggage, to New Voil;. Me avoided the Chin? ese quarter and rented a room in the lower part id' the city, over a little grocbry store, lie paid his rent for Several months in advance, made himself agreeable a bolt I the place ami Chnlly helped in tin- store, lie picked no enough of the language to wait i-n customers and. as he. made no charge for his services, he was en? couraged by the |lttle merchant. Ills vocabulary grew larger from day to day, and alter a six months' training I he felt ilia: he had conquered enough of ilie language to make a good Im? pression and he prepared lo return home. ! lie had never visited the New York Chinese quarter hut when all pi optic? al i.ins for hi:; departure had been completed lie dressed hi nisi If ill hi." besl cu llies and, escorted by one of Ids friends, went to Chinatown. Hin flrsi visit was to a store where ho was told there were several of his countrymen who spoke English flu? ently, lie addressed them and re? ceived answers in Chinese. Then be spoke again, using one of I lit- longest sentences that he could farni. hut his friends seemed not lo understand hhll. This went on for some minutes and then he asked, in Iiis native tongue. If no one there spoke ISnglldth. and was nirprised t > hear that they all did and was near? ly prostrated, when, : . ir Investiga? tion, he learned that he had for six months lived In the German quarter 'of New York and had learned the German language by mistake.?New York Tribune. I NEW FLY CASTING RECORD. John Enright Sends Salmon Fly 148 Feet G Inches in Central Park. A large crowd of persons Inter? ested In scientific angling on the shore of the Harlem wore In Central Park yesterday, to watch the co?tlnu: j alien of the Anglers" Club tourna [jnont. Interest was greatest In the two-handed salmon IIy casting for .'distance, in which Reuben C. Leon? ard and B. .1. Mills were beaten by .lohn Enright, or Cnsllo-cohnoll, Ire? land. i In Ibis contest Mr. Enright beat the world's record for lly easting , with jin is-l'oot rod. The record ; was 147 feet, but the ehamlpon yes , torday sent the fly on one cast 148 feet and G Inches from the float. Mr. Leonard was the winner in the open-to-nll trout lly casting for distance, sending the lly 105 fee:. ?New Yorl; Tribune. MONTAGUE TO TAKE STUMP. Former Governor of Virginia Will Aid Bruce Against Slenip. RICHMOND. VA.. Oct. 18.--?Former Governor Montague will make two or more speeches In the Ninth district liefere the close of the campaign. It is likely the Democrats will throw their best speakers in the Ninth dis? trict for a whirlwind finish to aid Robert P. Bruce In his effort lo de? feat Congressman Slenip. j More thai! twenty years ago. two Ohio farmers attached a dated metal tag to a young crow's leg and ?releas? ed It. I.tist week the bird was shot. It Is a hit remarkable that some politician didn't have to eat hint long ago on a bet.?Buffalo Express. 10EBUS AN NO EVIDENCE AGAINST WAITER MAX FREEH? Colored Man Acquainted of the Ser? ious Charge of Setting Fire to the Augu6ta Hotel. Mux Freeman, the whiter at tin Augusta Hold, was completed exon? erated of the charge of Belting flio to the hotel in the police court yes? terday morning. There wasn't the slightest hit of fungible evidence pre? sented against, the man and bo prov? ed It) bo of a good reputation. Man lager Hundley unit! Hint Freeman had hot iiuoii dlHcbergod, hut was simply laid olf on account of laclc of work. There was no motive Hint could be ascribed to prompt I bo ninii to fire the building. Mr. F. S. Collier re presented Free? man and Hon. s. Gordon Gumming and Common wen II h's Attorney B. A. Lewis were present to prosecute the case. So fnr the police are unable to se? cure a clue to Hie identity of the fire hug. DOG OPERATED UPON. Little Mongrel Has Been Mascot at Hospital For Fourteen Years. Hunt, a hlnch and yellow middle sized mongrel dog, for fourteen years a pel of Flower hospital, hav? ing had an ear nearly torn off in a fight with another dog yesterday, ran home, made for the emergency ward climbed onlo an operation table and barked loudly for surgical as? sistance and Iiis old friend "Dan." the orderly. Daniel Fnlvey, orderly, and Dr. Day. both ran Into the emergency ward Dr. Day said: "None of us were greatly surprised by the dog's run nlng in, after being unit, and jump lug up on the operation table of ill i own accord. Hum lin.i been hero four Icon years and has spent most of ids time around the emergency ward [ with his friend Dan. who first discov? ered him ;;:ii! brought him to the hospital. The dog has seen so many persons placed in the table, fixed up and sent away comparatively hap? py, that when It came Iiis turn ho sriomed to know just what lb do. Ho hardly let a whine out of hlni n i was taking the stitchoa in Ids bead and ear." "Dan," the orderly, is proud of hi-: clever don. Ho said, "Why, Hint Hum could go Into n dog hospital and be a trained nurse?lie's thai wise about doctoring." I Bum had been Hie playmate of a (diild that died fourteen years ago. An ambulance was called to take the baby to the hospital. "Dan" was in the ambulance. When it arrived at the tenement tin' little one was dead and Hie dog was curled up in the crib beside the small, cold body. No? body wanted the dog, now that the child was dead, and "Dan" took it in the ambulance to the hospital.? New York Herald. sapping pain without thought of its origin. Tlie cause is never sought by the major of sufferers?they endure and wonder. Eighty Per Cent, of all headaches are caused by defective eyes?with proper glasses all distressing pains would vanish. We examine your eyes thoroughly, Bcarchingly, scientifically, and fit glasses to all defects, and guarantee satisfaction absolutely. HULL & HULL, Opticians HEADACHE la ono of tho greatest' enemies of mankind. 1 low many endure, day aftor d a y, this log, Ktrongth nerve rack 121 Twenty-sixth St., Op. P, 0., Newport News, Va. OLD POINT -Continued. Need Not Wear Her Out The drudgery of house work seems never ending to tired-out, dispirited women who suffer from female complaints or irregularities. In? flammation and ulceration cause fearful bearing-down pains which are aggravated by much standing on the feet, and lifting necessary in house work. But let no woman despair of relief from this torture. That famous tonic reconstructor of diseased or disordered female organism, has cured more than one million American Women, and it will cure you. When troubled with painful irregularities, when back? aches and headaches drive out all ambition, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will bring back health, strength, and happiness. It Ga^ve Me New Life a.nd Vigor Dear Mrs. Pinkham:? Last spring, while we were moving, 1 did considerable more work than my strength permitted, and. having mental trouble at the samo time, my health broke down completely and 1 found myself unable to rest or eat. My nerv? ous system became shattered and I was pale and emaciated and had to tako to my bed. My sister advised me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and, although I had no faith in patent medicines, I was so miserable that I would take any? thing for relief, 1 found that it made a complete change for the better, Inducing appe? tite and restful sleep and imparting new life and vigor to my entire system. I gained nearly fourteen pounds, my complexion looked fresh and clear, and my v . best friends wero surprised and pleased at the chango and could hardly credit the fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had accomplished it. Houora Lillian Henry, 1118 31st Ave., South, Seattle, Wash. Director Seattle Dramatic Club. Do not let disease make headway. Write at once to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and will contain information of great value to you. Mrs. Pinkham is daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, and for twenty-five years under her direction ? and since her decease, she has been advising sick women free of charge. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Cures Where Others Fail UNION DENTAL ROOMS ?wenty?8ixth Street ano Washington Avenue, Dentistry In all Its branches at reasonable prices. Goid Crowns and Bridge Work a Specialty. TEETH EXTRACTED WITH GAS. I "WASEO" JS THE NAME OF A FLOUR, Though n NEWCOMER, to the Peninsula Section of Virginia, that hau been on the Market for nearly Fif.y yen?. "WASEO" is made by LYON et GREKNLEAF, of Wauseon, Ohio, and Ligonicr, Ind., whose hiiad miller is regarded the best in the world barring none. In its manufacture, nothing but SOFT WIsTBR WHEAT is used and to assure absolute uniformity, the mills are installed with a Miller Baking Equipment where scientific bakings are made of each day's run. "WASEO" makes Light Rolls, Superb Bread and Delicious Pastry. Those who have used it declare that "WASEO" FLO I'll Makes Sweeter Bread and Sweeter Rolls and Sweeter Buiscnit Than Any Other. "A Proof of the Pudding is the Eating of It" and that is all that is asked of "WASKO" FLOUR to convince the mo.-t skeptical of its superiority. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR "WASEO" FLOUR. The I. W. Rowe Company, Disiributing Agents. Hampton, Virginia. fc..-?.? - QJLffJLPJLiLSLSLPJ^ ajUJLSLPJLSLPJLSUL^^ HOME SEEKERS' OPPORTUNITY. An excellent, six-room, two-story dwelling, practically new, built of the very best material; and lot in Rlvervlew. Trice, $1,000. A well arranged, new, five-room cottage and four largo lota, on I.a Salle avenue. A good investment for $1,650. A Rye-room, two-story dwelling, new, on lrvin street, on car line. Easy terms. Price $1,000. Ah up-to-date trucking farm, about 1 1-2 miles from either Hampton or Newport News. Dwelling and necessary outhouses. About half open, balance In woodland. Price $2,250. DWELLINGS FOR RENT. A nicely located 4-room collage in East Hampton, on car line..$ 7.00 A C-room dwelling on corner of Mallory and Washington Sts... 10.00 -111 and 4L! Elm Ave., 4-r??m each, city water, each . 7.50 111 .Mallory Avo., seven rooms. 10.00 :i2'J Center St., 11 rooms, modeln improvements. 18.00 222 Fulton St., 8 rooms, modern improvements . 25.00 ? 101) Wine St., C rooms, city water. 10.00 o STORES FOR RENT. % ir,2 Enst Queen St....$15.00 c 201 West Queen St..,11.00 c 13 1-2 Armlstead Ave. 7.oo t OHO? W. PHILJUIPS \ Real Estate, Rentals, Fire Insurance. \ Notary Public and Auctioneer. c Money to Loan. ? I 9 and 11 N. King St. Phone, 50. Hampton, Va. \ If you want to sell yoar or borrow money See No. 18N. KitiKSt , Hampton, Va. Prof. G.F.THEtL, 527 j?,?tla,T: I'hlb.lrMill.l'.l. "I I" I?. Iil-rlipr Ar.U" Unll lil-r. ii,H ,.uii,i,u, r. man ?nr.iall.t Iii jUirrl?. Cii:ir?iilrr. fj mrr >lwt ,I,JT mull IVI.alr r:?? ??< I'.trr-W. Aoli.l-., link 1 nr?i-slllo."l IV.., n.(ulli. r- ran'1, Im? Ih-Mlltj, I ...I MnnJ?tHHl,<*inerr.Yarlrr?frlr A- Slrlrlnri', in?rullUt). I n. ,:.,.|..??. ?I..V Hhrnnlrn Ore?n.,llrlalil'. Il|..n.r?i: Ulan. li?, l^rt.t-Olraln.. 1 <M , . ,v pmrllr.1 A (I jrnr-' liu-pltht M|trr Irnrr In llrnMMf. Krn,1 tor "Honk." I-II- ?II, nnmliur rirry t>i?,H, il.F.,1 rl.Mrlf.l fr.,,,1.. S,rr,.l Ki,.rwnl,^il In .11, Old papers for sale at 10 cents a hundred. Apply at Dally Press of? fice. . ?... We Can Deliver ihe Goods. Newell & Co. for Comforts and Blankets. Newell & Co. for Ladles' Coats. Newell & Go. for Furniture. Neweli & Go. for Stoves and Ranges. Newell & G'j. for Men's Clothing. Cheapest and Best in Hampton. 53 West Queen Street. Your Credit is Good. HICKS' CAPUDINE CURES ALL ACHES And Nervousness IrUlboitlelOc At drug etores Old papers for sale al 10 cents a hundred. Apply at Dally Press of