Newspaper Page Text
FLEET TO RENDEZVOUS' IN HAMPTON ROADS Greatest Squadron Ever Assembled, ?Commanded by Rear Ad? miral Evans. CONNECTICUT FOR THE FLAGSHIP Fifteen Flrat Class Battleships, Two .Atrnor'ed Cruisers, , Several Pro? tected Crulser? and a Torpedo Flotilla Will Gather for Winter Cruise In Southern Waters. The' Atlantic Hoot. Rear Admiral Robluy D. KvaiiH commander, will rendezvous in trampton Roads on or about December i!7 preparatory tu the commencement of the fleet's an? nual winter cruise- In the Caribbean sea. }vii\n squadron will be the largest and most powerful ever assembled in the Roads and will consist ofi tiru'cn first-class battleships, two first-class armored cruisers, several protected cruisers, a licet of torpedo boat.' destroyers and a number of auxiliary vessels. Connecticut for Flagship. The " battleship Connecticut, a pro? duct, of the New York navy yam and slsterahlp to the local bnlli Louisiana, will be Ilagship of the fleet. .The other battleships In the squadron will be the Louisiana, Vir? ginia . New Jersey, Rhode Ialnnil, Ohio, Maine, Missouri, Kearsagu Kentucky, Illinois, Alabama, Iowa dhd Indiana. The armored cruisers Washington nnd Tennessee, which rollvoyed the Louisiana lo Panama, and which are now receiving tlielr tlhlshlng touches at the Leugne Is? land ' navy yard, Philadelphia, will comprise the armored Cruiser dlvl.r lojl." ^ The protected cruisers will oonslat of several of the most, mod t>ni cruisers of the navy which have recently been commissioned. ' Vessels Scattered Now. ?/The vesselH of this mammoth licet nre^pow scattered along the Atlantic Coast from Maine to Louisiana, hut they have been ordered to Hampton Roads und soon all of them will be hound, this way. The Connect lent, (forhow receiving her finishing louch at the. New York navy yard she vyljl! put. to sea either Saturday or Monday on her trial trip. During the rondevous in Hnmpttm 'rUioude. tho fleet very probably will he reviewed by Secretury of tho I Navy Charles J. Bonaparto, Assls rWtent I -B**M'Btl"'v Newborry and Ad? miral Georgo Dowey, senior admiral of thO American navy, ' The grout squadron, will got un? derway from Old Point, curly in January and proceed down the At? lantic coast to tho Caribbean sen where f it will go throgh the usum .winter manooiivers. Including long cruises and target practice. The . fleet will return early in the Spring jkj , participate In the naval review . nt the Jamestown exposition. SUMMER IN FROM HAVANA. Transport Brings Passengers and - Eighteen Prisoners. A^The1 United States army transport Softener arrlvod in port yesterday from: Havana with 92 passengers iii cluding 18 prisoners. The prisoners v?ere\ convicted of minor offences In ?' Cubit, ?.Thp. ? transport Kllpatrlck. which has' docked at pier, No. 4. soon after .heriarrival here rrom Manila Monday, was towod out into the harbor yes? terday afternoon and the Stunner was ? afterwards docked In tho berth she <i?cuplcd. i .''..Let us have your order for the hoi Idays. You will find our goods ns represented. The best qualities in Wines, und Liquors. NEWPORT NfTyVS WINE & LIQUOR CO.. Corner Twenty-fifth street and Washington avenue. Both phones. 12-12-1 hi j BOY CLOTHES RIGHT. '-f-'ii ?>ylYiY ir'ii_- - Do not waif until the last moment to buy y?iir Chrisimas Presents, Buy Now , 26th anil Wash ngton Avenue. aftitZ?fj Jefferson Av.uue. Home of Powell Trust Company. Pays 4 Per Gent, on Deposits 2711 Washington Ave. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Buoys AdYlft and Missing?Wreck Marked by Spar. The lighthouse hoard has Issued the following notices: CHt?hnYST?NB INI.KT TO- CAPO CHARLES (MTV. VA. Channel Buoy, No. :i. a spar, was reported liilsiilng December I, and will lib re-; placed as noun as practicable. HAMPTON UOAJPS. VA.-Hampton Bar Kar.i End Ituov, a K&llllS id class ciut, reported ridrlfl November 21, was replaced December 4, l3L(/tAUETH RIVER, VA.-.lohn R. Zimmerman Wreck Buoy, a H&BHS spar, wie; established, December 4, In SB feil of water, lo mark tho wreck uf a sunken barge loaded with hrlck: Old Polni Cp'.iirort Light house, NE hy N. Cuter end of Sewall Point Pier. S 11 E, Newport News Middle (hound Lighthouse, NSW 1-2 W. westerly. Buoy Is SW 1-2 JT, hhoilt 5(1 feet from the wreck, over which there Is 12 foot or water. Channel Buoy. No. S, n spar, and Channel Buoy, No. 18, u spar, were reported missing December Ii und will bo replaced us soon as practicable. APPOMATTOX RIVER. VA.?Buoy No. 12, n spar, reported out" of posi? tion November 14, was found. No? vember 29, In Its correct position. roinrrbTTWT?Tro-b immmrwrirs *? THEATRICAL * ChnuncOy Oleotl. who has been before the public as a star In Irish dramas for thirteen years, has round his best vehicle. It Is said. In his now play, "Eileen Asthorq," which will be presented at tho Academy tonight. The play has n romantic theme and does not deal with political machinations, a fault from which so ninny Irish plays suffer. Tho story Is a simple one of a young chap who has begun life lugloriously by a over-indulgence In wine and cards and when at the point of bankruptcy Is for making n run of It to escape the consequences when n chance meeting with a pret? ty woman completely changes his plans and sets about a reformation with the avowed object of winning j her for a wire. The scones are laid In and around Dublin dining the (early years of the last century, when the Robert Ennnett revolt was at its height and Napoleon was ter? rorizing the continent of Europe With his wars. To the delight of ftis admirers, too, Mr. Olcolt sings four new songs, written and composed by him es? pecially lor this production. MEDICAL SOCIETY MEETS. Resolutions Adopted Expressing Sym? pathy for Dr. Sims. The Newport News Medical society held a meeting lnst night and it was presided over by Dr. C. P. Jones, the vice-president. A c.ommltteo was ap? pointed to draft suitable resolutions of sympathy for the president of tho Society^ Dr. T. J. Sims, because of the death of his mother. The society will as nlso send a floral tribute. The paper of the evening was read by Dr. Jpffray, who found an interest? ing thonie In "Chloroform in Labor.'" The discussion was led by Dr. Sims nnd was indulged in by most of the members present The next meeting of the society will be held on the sec? ond Tuesday in January; If you nre goim.- to buy Wines nnd I.liiuors for the holidays why not buy the best for voiir money. Our motto, "Honest roods and bonnet measure." VIEWPORT NEWS WINF1 & LI? QUOR CO.. Corner Twont v-fifth street nnd Washington avenue. Both phones. 12 12-lm. Ladies, let us show you our hand romr- Painted China. A piece of !t w?nld make a most acceptable gift. ARRITT & CO. It Our store will he open evenings from now until Christmas. BUXTON O PARKER. it. For a sweet, wholesome hlstctilt. roll or loaf of bread, use "Wr.Beo" Flour. , .- . , 11-20-tf. ALDERMAN MU6LER RESIGNS HIS SEAT Member of Board From First Ward Has Moved Residence to Hampton. ElECIIOH OF SUCCESSOR DELAYED Mr. Burchcr Insists Upon Giving Citi? zens "Chance to Express Them? selves"?Paving Bond Issue Elec? tion Ordinances Adopted?Regular Business Quickly Disposed Of. Alderman p. .1. Mu'glor, or the First ward, tendered a surprise to the heard last night by Bending In ilia resignation, with the request that it ho accepted at once It was known that .Mr. Muglcr had moved liito his now homo at Hampton und it was supposed that he Intended to resign front the heard, hut no one suspected Hint the resignation would bo received last night. The resignation was accepted. Mr. RohlUKon, the other m em bor from the First, ward, slated that his colleague had not Informed hint' or Iiis Intention to resign, but that he had for some time expected It and had been looking over the ward with the view of nomi? nating a man lo nil a probable vacan? cy, lie moved that the board go Into the election ot Mr. Mugler's successor; Mr. Horcher, or Ine Third ward, ob Jeoted to nn Immediate clertioti. saying that tin' pboplo ot (lie ward should i he glvcm an opportunity to express themselves. Mr. Robinson nominated Mr. Clar? ence Cl. Nohns to rill ilic vacancy. Mr. Burchcr moved that the election lie postponed until the next regular meeting. Mr. Bnrchcr's motion was carried, i Mosern. Davis, Woston. (lurcher nnd Walker voting "aye" ami Mr. Robin I sea and Presldbnl Jones voting "day." Drlef Regular Scrslon. The hoard held a brief regular meeting last night, disposing of (he business on Its calendar with dis? patch. ah eveept one of the ordinances nnd r< snlul ions adopted \yy (hd comnioii council nl Iis lnsl meeting wore con? curred In. The one resolution n which the hoard did not concur au? thorized the payment of a bill for $5. the premium upon the bond of the chief of police At (he request or Mr. Burcher. this matter was referred to (he finance committee for n report up? on the questions or whether or not (he city has the right to pay the prem? iums upon the bonds of Itfy'officers and. In case II can be done legally, is it good policy Tor the city to pay such premiums. Bond Igsuc Election. Among tin; measures boeurrod In wore the ordinances adopting the freehold list recently propiircd by the clerk nnd providing for nn election to dotermine whether or not the city shall Issue bonds for $100,000 lor per? manent street Improvements. If the mayor signs (hose ordinances the election will he held on February 'JS, the polls opening at sunrise and clos? ing nt S o'clock p. in. A resolution offered by Mr. Burch? er. appropriating $fi()0 to cover an in? crease in the wages of the laborers employed by the highways and sew? ers department was adopted. A petition, signed by 170 individuals ami firms, asking.that the; ordinance requiring saloons to close al 11:30 o'clock ho repealed, was referred to the committee on ordinance and po? lice. I Permission to Build. Under a suspension of the rules n resolution was adopted granting Mr. M. W. Dalhy. agent for the Standard Oil Company, 10 construct a storage house on thp bench near the foot of Twenty-third street was adopted. An ordinance offered by President Jones, prohibiting the discharge of black or gray .smoke by engines be? neath the bridges over the Chesapeake K. Ohio railway (racks, was referred to the ordinance and police commit tee. .' I W Social-Personal H$ Miss Texte G. Meanly, daughter of Mr. and IMrs. W. S. Menu ley mid Mr. Rupert Coles, formerly of i Ills city, but -now of New York city, WJ!I be married at the home fal bride's pnroiits, 125 Thirty-fifth street on December 2t>. at r>::'.$ p, m. The marriage will bo a very quiet ar fair. Mi-s Mean ley is n graduate of the local High ochQol In the class or 190-1 und has been leaching in the j city public schools for the - paar I elghtcon months. She Is nh ultra? j tlyo young lady, und is popuituj I among a wide l?rcb- of friend:;. .Mr'1' j ('<.le..; was fotJprerly qjiiployed ah tho shipyard/ but sevdral inof?lfl I ago lie acue|tted a itcmltioii In My*.v York eity/K/heie he and hisfmndi t will mnka/Jcnctr lismp after m ehorl -w%Jj m J j Miss ?dcJAor^uckfon] v?io fin*' Svill Neu psii'-f Now* :1ftir; ft*! hi Oii \ isit IngWu No . itbe pasf sixteen monfflis, I tnrnod to itfr home In KnoVvDh j Toun. During her stay Min lpfls Sty I MI.-.S Jackson nmnyA friends. While here Miss Jackson was the guesl of Mrs. and Airs. Puarcli. A Colt fedora to Ball will he given at I Harnes hull tomorrow night by the I .lohn W. Daniel Chapter, Daughters 1 or the Confederacy, for the benefit of I the Home for Needy Confederates. SICK SAILOR LEFT HERE. Member of Steamer Llncluden's Crew In Hospital. Morgan .tones, ii native of Georgia,! who belonged to the crew or IKo Brit? ish steamship Lfncluden, Is in the hcspltnj depnrtmenl of the city Jail in a pittablo condition. The man was discharged Monday ,hy the luden, just before tho ves? sel sailed, because he was unfit for set duty. Ho was taken to the police station, but us ho is not a native of the Stall? ho could not be sent to the nlmshouso. Justice Brown committed him to the Jail hospital temporarily. Jones is 111, without menus and un? able to make bis living. PERFECT ?a- IK Cleanses and beautifies tno teeth and purifies the breath. Used by people of refinement tor over a quarter of a century. Convenient for tourists. PREPARED BY Ir. "Metz in the A!p3." SPRAGU E'S THE CHRISTMAS STORL For years this store has been known as the Peninsula Headquarters for rich and artis? tic Merchandise. This season we are especially well stocked with Diamonds, and can offer exceptional value*. Here are some samples: 1 Ladiei.' Soltaire, fine white stone, over i i carats...$23 5 1 Ladies' Soltaire, just short of 2 carats...$300 1 Ladies' Soltaire, nearly i carat .$100 1 Ladies' Soltaire, 1 carat.#145 1 Gentleman's Soltaire, 1 carat.$150 Smaller sizes in gie^t numbers, ranging: in price from.#10 to $100 Several especially fine Ladies' 5oltaire, assorted settings, at.$50 each ,The standing; of this stor^ is a warrant of honorable deali vg. y J. R. SPRAGUE, Manufacturing Jeweller. What More Sl i'.ab'e X-SAAS PRESENT Tr an a KODAK Kodaks, from $5 to $20 Brownies, from M to $5 Let us Show Them to You Cn a **i O. E P B S ?& B R O., ! 28th street?first door from washington avenue. DO YOU WANT A GOOD WATER? Newport News Va. MR. JOHN W. READ, Agent ruinier Springs Llthla Water, New? port News, Va. Dear Sir:?For several years I have personally used the Palmer Springs Llthla Water and have prescribed it In my practice with a groat deal ot satisfaction and pleasure. In stom? ach Usordera It Is especially good and as a healthy table water I do not know of any better. Yours very truly, B. ROSCOE GARY, M. D. Mr. L. H. Read. Palmer Springs, Va. 1 have used your Llthla Water for sciatica (rheumatism) and have never failed to got relief from its use. It Is the best remedy I have ever seen. I cheerfully recommend it to any one suffering from tills trouble. W. M. COOPER. 310-1 West Ave., Newport News, Vn. Palmer Springs Llthla Water Co., j Newport News, Va. I This is to certify that I have used I Palimr Springs Llthla Water for; i chills and fever and it made a speedy cure. C. 10. JACKSON, Warrenton, N. (j. NEWPORT NEWS BOTTLING CO., I Agents. Bell Phone. No. 333. 11 21-SU-W. STUDENT FOR DECEMBER. High School Monthly Makes its Ap? pearance. The December issue of the High School Student, the monthly magazine published by the High school literary society, has just been issued. The lit tie booklet Is morq attractive (his; month than heretofore. Several clover ?'isays, shont stories and poems, a niimbor of jolio's. n well i arranged exchange and lilnnin) col-. ? imin and bits ef Interesting Informa? tion on tho Worli in the Bchdols dur? ing the pasl month go to make up tho Student. RAN SHORT OF COAL. Steamer Bonr.ombc Puts Into Port in Di?5tr;s3. The British steamer Boacombo; en route from yjsMignvatam for Baltl-1 more with rnrgo. p?l intii t'iia port : yenterdqy afternoon, in distress. The vpssel < ncouiitj rod Koynro w6nthcr on he" journey to the Canost and Slip ran short of coal S!'" loaded sever;'.! liu'ndr'd tons or fito] ? las! night and will sail for Baltimore .'t daybreak this morning. Senbcard Medical Society. Doctors Clarence Porter Jones and .lohn R. Rngby leave thin morning for Wilson. N. C.i where they will attend the annual convention of the Sea- j hoard Medical Society. Dr. .Tones! will read a naper on the subject, ! 'Treatment of the Running Ear." Dr. Bnpby Is secretary of the society. We have gifts to h' 't all purses, but trash at any price. AR.RITT & CO. Jt. Unlil further notice the N. . N. ft ?. P. Ry. & Electric Co will receive freight for Pino Beach, via Ivy Ave., Newport News, at their Freight Depart? ment, Hampton; also, at their freight office, Newport News, Vn., beginning at once. Nov. 20, 100?. THORNTON F. JONES, Agt. l-2C lf. Hampton, Va. Twenty-sixth Street a?d Washington Avanue i Offer special prices until Jan-" nary 1. 1007. Cold Crowns . $4.00 Cold Fillings. $1.00 up. Sets of teeth without plates, $0.00. Nothing In roof of |fl mouth to Interfere with tongue is or Ins to, und wjli not drop while H eating, laughing or talking. BSESSSSSSESSt Everybody. Ihoao days thinks Uots about Chrlatmns Gifts. YoU Easily cu.t cut this worry, a tiP Comes In handy right now. StoP Thinking about it., and I -will Readily remove your doubts. i Invlto you to visit my sto'rE Come hero and buy your gifts. For Christmas. T. G. COBURN. ELECTRICAL CONTRUCTIOM, ? " AND SUPPLIES. Beth 'Phones 148?Residence BeH ?143-Y; Citizens 4.18. 2S17 Washington Avanue, /f