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WILL HAVE BIG SCHOOL EXHIBIT Hampton, Phoebus end Elizabeth City County to be Represent? ed at the Exposition. FINAL DETAILS ARE ARRANGED Prof Guy, of the High School; Prof. Bonneville, of the PhoebiiG Graded Schools, and Miss lima von Schill? ing, of the Syms Eaton Academy, Have Conference. The public achuulH t?r Hampton, ?Phoebus and IDItiui bet if City couuiy ? nru tn be moa( erodltubl) repp Routed i?,v an oxhlbll at the James ,.nvn exposition. Prof Guy, principal "i ibo high schools; Prof. .1. Howard limine, lllo principal of the PhoobiiH graded schools, and Miss lliuti von Sc. vice-president of the Synia-Knlon academy, spent yesterjdny in Nor? folk, where thoy were in bpnfeireuee with the dxposltlon authorities re IntlVO to tile exhibit of tllO school.:. The exposition people gave fho Hahtptonlans much oncouriigcninnt'. A site for ibe exhibit w'iih soloetetl and the arrangements llnally eon Bummatod. It is expected thai Hie iunui schools will make one el Hie beut exhibits ui the exposition froni die public schools. Hampton mid Ihu county schools Htand high in Ilia siaje ami with Prdfs, Gtiy, R?nne vlllo nuil Miss von Schilling hack of the movoineni tho kuccobs ot the exhibit is assured. Al.rdlng to the present plan the site for thq exhibit will Include nil tho schools bill euch disiriol will have Us separate and dlslhicl ex? hibit showing the Work liccoinplishod In th<.> various branches. JAMES JOHNSON IS DEAD. Young Man From Whose Brain an Abscess Was Taken Passes Away. James Johnson, the Pox Hilt young man, from whose bruin tho physicians recently removed tin eh mc.-s, died in tiie Dixie llospltti! 11"nTrr-.^it yesterday inoriilag. He ;ind previously stibinlUuil fa I lie l.titfe Ihroo times and his eondill til litis been >.erious lor two weeks. Johnson was just sixteen yours old. He. was tho son of Mrs. Mary Johnson, of Kox Hill lli< mother iitid several sister and brothers p. ??? vivo him, The surviving suie-s and brothers tiro; Messrs. Joseph John? son, T, ,1. Johnson, Andrew Inhhbou, Benjamin Johnson.- Marvin Johnson Mrs. Aggie Wallace Miss Viisiltl Children's Clothing l No rllipr. I ei' r, or more i complete nsHortmenl in the city (hun ours. 'I'lie lust made clothing for hoys In t'.i.o world. Suits from $2.50 to $7.50 Ovetcoals from $3.50 to $10.00 Ciit Suggestions for (Wen; Gifts neitly boxed free. Pri-en the lowest. NECKWEAR HOSIERY FULL DRESS SHIRTS FANCY SHIRTS UMBRELLAS GLOVES SMOKING JACKETS DERBIES ?. SOFT HATS GUSPENL^RS COLLARS AND CUFFS HANDKERCHIEFS SILK MUFFLERS FANCY VESTS FULL DRESS VESTS SCARF PINS CUFF BUTTONS. FRANKEL & EISENMAN, Complete Outfitters, iff WEST -QUEEN STREET. oyenton ? Co Bankers Receive deposits from oue dollar upwards and pay 4 per cent, interest. BO YENT?N & CO., BANKERS Ntxt Masonic Tempi?. ?Phon? 553. Hampton, Va. .lohnten, Miss Vorab Johnson ao?! Miss lMna I ilin -mi. Kiliierdl services will take place from the Pos Ulli Methodist church (his afternoon at 2 o'clock. The remains ot the dead young man were removed to Pox 11111 yos leitlaj i>\- Undertaker R. C. Hall. HOME VISITED BY ROBBERS. Mr. Hownid Reported to Police That Masked Men Took His Cash. Mi. Katun Howard, an aged man who resided In Thome: street, re? ported t" the police officers ycatci ilnv that during ihe eurlj hours 01 the ninrnl'.is i\vi> masked men vl ;? Itvd him and robbed hint ot 87.RC j.Mr. lidwiihl ?tibi ih.ii the men wore I White, but their masks proyentud Hilm from Identifying them. The. ! handled Hie old man rather roughly until the small change was secured Mr, Howard lohl llio oulcers thai ihr intruders eame ti lilnt shortl) after 2 o'eloi k. lie was iiloiko and holpleiis. The police authorities an- milking an Investigation nl the mailer. MUSICAL AND CONCERT. Splendid Music to Dc Heard In Church of Christ Fritlay Evening. An enjoyable musical mi | ontor tclumonl will he given in llio Church of Christ Kriday evening, when the following Interesting program will be Cni't'led oul i Prayer . Rev. C. N. Williams. Piano duett.- . Misses Sarah . mid I'p.rtle Kdwarls. Recitation .bhloMasser, V-aeal solo ....... iiorlle Edwards Churiitjti r sketch . Mr. and . M I'B. I. Hi Wise Piano solo ... Miss Saruli ICdwards, lieclta|lim . Mrs. Wi?r. Dialogue .\util Sumiii Jones. PERSONAL NOTES. The Corning and Going of the Peo? ple You Know. Miss Marie Ihtdke, Mrs. Walter II Budke und little son have relnrncd froni a \IhIi of a lew days lo .Mr. Wilier II. Rinke, in Luosbiirg. Miss Alllo, Kowe. the daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph V. ltowc, who Is tukliig a special course In Prdncli Latin and high mathematics at Cor noil University, has been honored by tlii- oloclloh of president Of her class. There are about 100 no nl bill's of the class and the coin jilt Imoiil Is one that shows the high I regard entertained at. Cornell I ir ihe Hampton young woman, Miss Kalle Snvatic. of the Kast erri Shore, is Ihe guesl of 'Miss Mabel Sclaler. WOODMEN ELECT OFFICERS. Hampton Roads Camp, of Phoebus. Elected Mi. W. E. Bush Consul. Hamilton Roads Camp, No. 12.!I2<>, Woodmen or Amerlen. of Phoebus, has elected officers lor the ensuing year! as follows: ! Consul Mr, \V K. Bush. Advlner?Mr, s. t. Brown. Bunker Mr, .1. T. Boyhum Clerk Mr. C. II. Cooper. Kacorl Mr. .1. W. Crnlg. Si niry -Mr. W. lto\d. Wntchmnii?Mr. T. Smith. Hoard of malingers Messrs. Wj Boyd, .1. Thompson and M. S. (!oopi r i x. ? SEND CHECK FOR $50. Home for Needy Confederate Women Remembered in Hampton. Ai Ihe mooting of the old Dominion Dragoons chapter. Daughters of 11?< C< nfcderacyi a resolution was adopted itttthnrixlitg llio treasurer lo forward a clu . U lur >:.>> to the Home for Nei il f'ohfcdoraio Women In Richmond. The chapter endowed a room in the homo and has snul the sum of Slil't for maintaining II. This chapter is :? Utile less than a year old. Ii was also determined lo hold a d'oll sale for Christmas In the homo Of Mis. Jesse II. peoki Kin? street, on Friday, Decoinher -21. .front 2 lo 10 o'clock p. in. TRANSOM FELL OCT. Mr. Lloyd Crockett Painfully Injured al Old P"int. V*!' Lloyd Crockett, a carp.nW-r. while ai work voslerdav on the Shi r wood inn. Ohl Point, nici wltli strange and painful accident. Mr. Crocket( wi.s Working under n tran-i sein, when the large kIhsh fell from Us mid struck him in the face, a -ash three inches long was cut on tin- right check. Mr. Crockett iJwenl t<> ilw Fori Monroe hospital, hut the physician thorp could not rtri . : his injuries, bill advise ,1 him to have the cut close,1 at oiico. There is enough water In the New York city reservoir to give each Inhabitant of ihe city ninety fly e gallons of water. Retail OrOc'ors enn secure "Wr- t r Flour of ihe .1. w. ROWI5, Com? pany, Hampton, Va., 11-20-tf. NORFOLK SYNDIGATE B?YS BUGKRQE LOTS Company Headed by Sir. Aaron Mathado, Purchases Tract ol 200 Acres. .PAID S17.500 FOB THE UNO Deal Was Negotiated Through Messrs. William E. Lawson and James V. Bickford?New Owners at Once Be? gin the Erection of Cottages and Other Improvements. \ Norfolk syndicate headed by Mr. Aaron Mllliado. the hanker, has just purchased more than BOO lots at Buck roe Besieh from the Chesapeake Land and Improvement company and the Buckroc Beach. Land company. The deal, which was announced yesterday, was negotiated by Messrs. William K LnWSOtl and .lames V. Ith Uford. and the Norfolk syndicate paid $17,500 for the property. There are about 200 acres in the entire I rbpert>. The properly purchased Is all the vacant land surrounding the popul?r summer resort. Ii is understood thai the Norfolk nu n hack of Hie deal oxpocl t<> Imme? diate!) erect quite a number of cot? tages at the heath ami io make many other extensive Improvements there. The fact that there is not a local man in the syndicate is strong evi? dence <>f Hi" value placed on property in and near Hampton arid Phoebus by people who are looking for good In? vestments. Mr. Mllliado Is one of thwe leading bankers of the blty across Hampton Beads, ami it is said that the popular summer resorl here will greatly bene^ fit from the snle. OYSTER SUPPER. The ladies of the Memorial Baptist church will hold r;n oyster stipner In lie' store room of the Pythian Castle. Friday, December II. It. NEWELL & CO. If a nfnld loves n man. that's h?r business. If a man loves a maid that's his bus? iness. If ihcy marry. Hint's their business. II they wish to furnish their house, that's our buslncis. We rdvc yon your money's worth, also easy payments if you have not th? cash, Furniture, House Furnishings, Stoves Heaters, Hanges, Side Hoards, Car Ixiad of Chairs, Ready-Made Cloth? ing for Men, Overcoats, Ladies' Coats. Furs and Muffs, Raincoats. What yon don't see call for The Great Credit House. NEWELL & GO, I No. 53 Test Queen Street. Phono 636. AND MONITOR'S LAST MAN GONE. Eugene J. Leahy. Who Was in Battle with the Mcrrimac. Dies. NKW LONDON. CONN.. Doe II. ISugcne J. Leahy, fireman on the Mou Itor when the famous haitie wus| fought with the Morrlmnc during Un? civil War. ;.s dead home' here. II?- said he was ih<- lasi survivor of ilio Monitor'? crew. Kor Bevorn|| year a ho had been a victim of rheu? matism. The Famous HASBROUCH PIANO Norn- heiter ami few etmnl il In lone, workmanship ami gen <-ral durability, a piano lor the man or woman ol small means or large means. HARRY S. CUNNINGHAM, AGENT. Sample Room?1.10 Locust St. Phono 340. It's a pleasure to show you the instrument. I do general repairing and Tuning of Pianos and Organs and my work is thoroughly guaranteed. i2-t2-im. i Christmas Present Nothing is more ap? preciated than a nleo portrait. One dozen will make twelve friends happy. ("an you think of any? thing more appropriate and Just think of t'.ie small cost. Now don't wait until tin- last week in this mouth and expect to gel them for Christmas. Conic in this week, and Cheyne will do the rest. I have a choice line of beautiful views of the Sapphire country. North Carolina, tinted In water colors. Prices only 05c and Hoc each. Charming Christmas presents. If you want to sell your or borrow money See 3 No. 18 N. KingSt , Hampton, Va. Prescriptions F?led Day or Night. "A Thing of Beauty, and Joy Forever" i iho description that aptiy and justly fits the beautiful display <>t _ ? _il Cui Glass and Japanese Ware TO BR SKilN AT THE Thi Johnson Pharmacy, i '??I o 'Mi ', tempting; and at the same time inexpensive ft look ol Iho choices! Christmas goods ever placed cn exhibition in Hampton than this st?re offers, \\ ?? have everything in the catchy novelty lino. W. F, PHILLIPS, Manager. PI fi(l1 Hampton, Va. Two Registered Pharmacists Here Always. FREE TO CHILDREN ONLY, A pretty little Xiuus book end tied, "A Wonder Hook,"-. 10 pages of reading matter, wicii Illustrated colored pictures, it's BUre to please the Hub- ones, so bring them with you ami they will be given one. GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CHILDREN. PURS TOYS SYYHATERS WOOLEN OOODS TOQUE BEAUTY PINS IU BBER BOOTS KID QLOVES SACQUES K.MBROlDKItY BOX WES DEPARTMENT STORE, HAMPTON, VA. 0 ItJOagil0g0agQU0gagO0PQQQQ0QQQPOP0QgOOOggUgUOOOOP_O0Q0i e FOR SALE. J 5 12 aero farm with good five-room dwelling and out-houses, barns, ? stables, etc., horses, wagon, buggy and farming implements, 150 ? head of poultry and poultry houses, all within a mile and a halt of jo Hamilton. Can he had at an exceptionally low figure. C A practically new. six-room dwelling and lot on Car line near Cj 1 .ordley's crossing, can be bought for $350.00 on terms to suit pur g chaser. U A six room, two-story dwelling and lot excellently located on f? Chapel St., can be bought cheap on terms to suit buyer. FOR RENT. ".."> Marshall St.. II-rooms, modern conveniences . $:i0.fiO 222 fill ton St.. 8-rooms, modern conveniences . $26.00 413 Elm St., 5-rooms, City water . $ 7.r,0 133 Wine St.. 5-roonis, Cistern water . $ 100 Wine St., ('. rooms. City water . $10.00 225 Holt St., Grooms, Cistern water . $11.00 lvey St.. near Lordley's Crossing. 5-rooms . $ 7.00 I?iuderdalo St.. neat Now Car Barns, G-rooms . $12.50 Rear of New Car Barns, G-rooms . $lU.0i.? QEO. W. PHILLIPS 9 and 11 North Kino Street. Hampton, Va. Real Estate, Rentals. Loans, Fire Insurance, Auctioneer and Notary ?3 Public. Phone CO. 9 ?nrwTTYTrroTWTronroTTTcns mm rrimi"in>n>"a"a"8~iririnrB mnnrn- & g NOW ON DISPLAY FOR HI Hand Painted Calendars Christmas Post Cards Fancy Box Papers Fountain Pens Copyrights and Classic Books Burnt Leather and Padden Poems Boys' and Girls' Books Photo, Autograph and Post Card Albums. SCHRAUDTS BOOK STORE, 42 West Queen St. Hampton, Vi iH'i"'P'r'rr'ti"n":<ti ;'' . j mii'.tm'im'" "?"m"i t* HENRY L. 8CHMELZ, FRANK W. DARLING, presicent. Vlce-Presldcnt. OF HAMPTON HAMPTON, VIRGINIA. IS THE OLDE8T AND LARGEST IN EITHER HAMPTON OR NEWPORT NEWS, CAPITAL, - = - - - $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $H 0,000.00 deposits OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The only designated Depository In the Stats of Virginia In Eaotern Virginia. We make leans on Real Ettate--NOT PRO? HIBITED?as are the National Banks. FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON 8AVINQS DEPOSITS. NELSON S. GROOAU?. Cashier. Real Estate for Sale 1 1 acre desirably situated on I .a Snlle Ave,, owner deslreB to y ;|; make a quick sale. Make us an offer. j> Six room dwelling on Victoria Avo. Will sell at less than cost. # % $100 buys a desirable lot at Riverview. . X La Salle Avenue?I am in position to offer several desirable <| ?> lots on the Ave. at a sacrifice price to a quick customer. See me. ^ ! FOR RENT. S 222 Fulton Street, modern conveniences . $25.00 Marshall Sl.ect. 10 rooms, bath, etc., furnace . $30.00 413 Newport News Avenue . $18.00 4 n. King streol . $14.00 I Ehst Hampton . $ 9-00 <*> 15 Locust street, city water. $l0.oo r Car line. Lordley's Crossing . $ 7.00 I 122 Holl Sl.ect. $ 7.00 $ Near La Salle Avenue.% 8.00 |? Hotel Hampton. Queen Street. , t g I STORES. f X ?> Queen street-?possession January 1st. Central <?? f Queen street?possession at once . $10.00 ^ ?;>' King strebt?possession at onoo . $ .70t> 2> I Art. 0. Lackey, Mgr., P. W. Phillips & Co. f V Real Estate Brokers. & I 11 S. KINO STREET. HAMPTON", VA. | DaiKy P*essf JO Cents a Week