MANIPULATION OF IHE DIVIDENDS How Karrlman Made Southern Pacific Announcement Felt on the Stock Fxctianga. ROCKEFELLER DIKED UP III DEALS After Deciding to Declare a Dlvldena Harrlman wit held the Announce? ment Two Days?Commission Will ' Meet In Chicago Next Tuesday ' When Testimony Will Be Taken. (By Associated Press.) NIDW YORK, Jan. 5.?The Inter-1 state Commerce 'Commission con? cluded the preliminary portion of Its Inquiry Into the Union Pad lie aim Southern Pacllle railroads and allied Hnrrlman lines In this city today and adjourned to meet Again next Tuesday morning at Chicago. The testimony taken today tended further to show the great scope or the power In tho hands of Mr. Harrlman, President of the Union Pacific. All tho faotb' relative to tho divi? dends last AiiKiisi by the Union and Southern Pad lies wore brougilt out by tho Commission. .Tho dividends woro declared oh August -511? am: 'Wore not announced until two days later, just before the Stock Ex? change opened for huslnoss, It was at Monday night?"Our New Minister.' Wednesday night?Tim Murphy Ii "A Corner In Coffee." Tim Murphy. Mr. Tim Murphy, supported by Mies Dorothy Sherrod and an excellent company will appear at the Acad? emy of Music next Wednesday night In "A Corner In Coffee," Owen Davis' dramatization of Cyrus Townsend Brady's story of tho same name. Mr. Murphy's visits aro always I looked forward to with ploa?uro by | local .playgoers. He is good In any? thing ho attempts and usually carries | u cnpltal company and production. "A Cornor In Coffee" has been well received everywhere It has been pre Heated and is regarded by many as | the bestj vehicle the popular come dlnn bus had in years. The advance sale begins tomorrow Prices will bo from 25 cents to $1.50. j "Our New Minister." "Our New Minister," a rurul coined; drnmn by I ten in an Thon i pHon and MIbb Mamie Now Minister." Dicker son, "Our George W. Uyer, will be the attrac tton at the Academy tomorrow night Tho play tells the story of a vigorous healthy young pastor, who believes I winning souls over the cheerful road und bis experiences nmong the Hard scmbhlo folk. The piny lias been favorably com meutod upon und the production am ciiBt is siild to be all that enn be de? sired. While the piece Is after the order of "The Old Homosteud," It I: said to have more action and not tr depend so entirely upon the work ol one mah. The advance sale began yesterda> with tho prices at 25, GO and 75 cents and $1.00. _ bombIhrower kills 2 and wrecks bank (Continued from First Page.) the messenger, was terribly injured, j Roth hiB eyes were blown out, hlr scalp torn off and his face so miiug led that he was unroopgnlzable. -He wus taken .to the Pennsylvania pitai. . \. i ? v. | ' m Lived In Lynchb'urg at One Time:{ . CHiCAGO.vILLS., -bin.. .w-T.Ue f?Vi 11 v ofyRolla, Steele, lives at ;i770iN? Ashland avenue.', . B Mrji. Irenc'^St'eell.the! widpw^tqnlghi received a'teljOgram from ,Piillud.'elphijD saying that her husband vyas 'serious? ly Injured. ? It lsiriojt known-who seiijt the telegram and Mrs. Stode. does/tj^l j yet know that her husbandI' Is' dead.fl Steele came to Chicago; five ypafs ago from Garner, Iowa, with his /Wiff and (three young children. .In Chic ' he was employed by various flrm#ja> forenVan of- stcel-construotlbn.. j Aljppt ii'ynar ago: .he procured: emp.l^yni*n.i in .a similar capacity with the. jBejl Construction" company of. wasljiflSg ton,.* p.'C. ,:For some time pi^t he/had bcen\ a't.';W?rk in Lynchburg. 'jVa. whence hedeparted two days ago. On leavlnc Lynchburg. Steele' Informed his wife by letter that he was going to Philadelphia to work for the Bell company. In the lettor he said that everything was well with him. There was nothing In tho communi? cation to ahow that Steele was in any? thing but. his usual state of mind. Steele's mother, who lives at 745 Ra? cine avenue, with her son Royal, a| teamster, received a letter similar ln| purport. Something About Steele. DESMOINES, IOWA, Jan. 5.?Rob ort Steele, who bore a name identical to that found upon the name plate of the 1'liiladeiphiu bomb thrower, left Garner six years ago. At that time ho was smooth shaven, about six feet tali, dark complexion, with brown eyes and weighed about two hundred pounds. He was the son of an old soldier. Upon his removing to Gar? ner ton years ago he was engaged in drilling wells. Ixiter he established a machine ahop and incidentally, sold patent medicines going about over the country in an open wagon. He was elected to the town council of Garner in 1898. Tho following year he married. Three children were born. Steele failed in 1899 and re moved with his family to Chicago and later went east, supposedly to Phila? delphia. He was 30 years old when ho loft Garner. Lot us have your order for the hoi Idays. You will find our goods as represented. The bos*- nualltles In Wlnea and Liquors. NEWPORT NEWS WINE & LIQUOR CO.. Cornet Twenty-fifth street and Washington avenue. Both phones. 11-15 Im TO SEND NEGRO TROOPS TO THE PHILIPPINES Department Hopee By Getting Them Out of Country to Dispose of Agitation for Discharge. . WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. .6.? The War Department has solved the colored troop problem. All colored regiments in the service of the Unl teu 'StateB army are to be "ban? ished" to the Philippines. orders Were issued today by the Secretory of War that during 1907 th,e three. regiment a of colorea troops now in this country,- the Twenty-fifth Infantry and the Nlntn and Tenth- Cavalry, shall ,proo;en to stations in the Philippines. The Only other colored regiment,, the I'wenty-fourtb Infantry, is already there. There is no doubt whatever iut that this action is the -direct result' of the Brownsville affair, arid,-the resentment of any co ntinlty in tne united States, against having ? colored' troops stationed In ts vicinity. The usual tour of duty of regi? ments in the Philippines' Is two years, so .Tor that time at least he possibility of a recurrence of "uqh troubles as have been agitating Sohgress and the country at large recently will be eliminated. When the Bighth Cavalry ' returns *<">n< \*r. islands, it will be stationed at Fort Robinson, Nebraska, and .?ort U. A. Kussel, Wyoming. This conlpany will be relieved by one of the colored .regiments. Fatal Friendly Slap.' FORT DODGES. IOWA, Jan. r>.? Startled by a friend who suddenly ?'aimed him on the back, A. R. Hayden, of Gllmore city, Slipped In an icy pavement tonight and Ten lUStainlhg Injuries- that caused his leath an hour later. If you need a good stove of arty kind, you now have an opportunity o Becure them at. a gr'eHt saving at the closing out sale of the Chicago Housefurnlsning Co. 1-C-Gt. BRICK CLAY FOR SALE Finest plastic red clay, covering ^50 ncres. 3C feet deep, with red sand inderlying, on royalty. Nothing like t In Eastern Virginia for stiff mud 'irick or hollow-ware. Banks Blxty eet, front deep water, half mile. W. L. JONES, Lock Box 6, Williamsburg, Va. 12-30-71. MALE HELP WANTED. COMPETENT BOOKKEEPERS. ItrlRlit young huidneiu college graduatra nro In groat dnnaml. Some of Uio 'JO.0UO employer* wo Horrc nrn calling on tis dally formich men at snJarUn of $800 $1500 with Rplcndld prospect* fnrailrancetncnt. Aim opening* for high grado Offled Manager*. Auditor* and Accountant* at f'.OOO-aUQt) aud for men having money to lnvo?twiin// "or Write uk tottnu Mn/^J' r,r ' HAP?OOD?J' y*t. ?f & hi fclr^fokera. yef W. B. ROUSK, FOR d*.,.fcJ 8EJRV1CR and fine hacks, 234-2bt Twenty-flftli street. 'Phon* 61. ST KAM YACHT FOR SALE. State police yacht "Rappahannock" vill be sold by private sale. Also Ittle steamer "James River;" latter ;ood for towing in rivers. Communi? cate with W. MCDONALD LEE. Ir .'iugton, Va. 1-C-lt. AMUSEMENTS. ^ .. ^y-^.J g , ? : : . ,. I VC A DIE |M Y,;J A N' U A'J* Y - 9 I ,M/?. TIM MURPHY.. In His Greatest Come'rJy>VS.lVc^'ess,. ' :. '^Prices:'125c''to $1!50.l-.-V ! \, i-4-st. i- i ? ??? '* x *?/:* ? ? A C A D. e. M :-' THOMAS NEWMAN:: . Trustee. Dated Newport News, Va., Decem? ber 30th, 1906. 12-30-1?IV STOCKHOLDERS' MEETIl "TO THE HOLDERS OF COM&t?fc STOCK OF THE JAMESTQWN EXPOSITION COMPANY: "The annual meeting of the stock? holders, for the purpose of electing directors and performance of Jump other duties as may properly ccmejbe fore the meeting, is called to be HftUl at the Atlantic Hotel, Norfolk, VI* ginia, January 15th, 1907, at 4?00 o'clock P. M. "C. T. SHEPPERf),, l-4-10t. "Secretary" LOST AND FOUND. -y^Mwiitt LOST?JANUARY 4. 1907 ELK'S charm, with Elk's tooth; wad a present to me and will give liberal reward if returned to my store. 2917 Washington Avenue, or resi? dence, 1145 Twenty-fifth Street. T. G. COBURN. 1-6-d.tV - ."?<-. ">)&