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10 INSTALL OFFICERS / - r -! Live Oak Camp, Woodmen of World, to Hear State Manager. III GREBLE KALI TOMORROW Excellent Program Has Been Arrang? ed for the Occasion. Which Includes Addresses, Music, Recitations and Other Features?C. A. Schmelz New Councillor. Live Oak Can)]). No. 21, Woodmen of the World, has arranged a splendid program for the public Installation of officers In Oroide Hall tomorrow ?o\ citing. The feature of (he Occusl >r will ho an address 1>.\ the slate man? ager. Mr. S. B. Ijithiun. who win have charge of the Installation ceremonies Mohsi'h. George A. Schriijpl'/., who Is the Incoming councillor, \\'.-s. Crook ett, R. II. Clarke, ?eorgo W. Phillip-. Moss Rlgglns, I,. 10. Tignor and .1. \V Wntklns, have charge of the arrunge monts. After the literary r?n tu res of the program anil the installation coro monies, refreshments will in- Borvod, The camp has issued a number of f Invitations to their friends to he pros out on this occasion. The program In full follow.-,: Song?America, Prayer?Rev. T. Ryland Sanford. Address of welcome?8. Clordoii Gumming. Quartet?.1. \V. Cunningham, .1. O. Hicks, W. M. Welson and II. P. John Bon. .Violin solo?Prof. II. 13. Dodd. Solo?Miss .losle Topping. Rocllallon?P. 11. Richie. Duet?,1. W. KdwnrdH and William Edwards. Installation of officers. Whistling solo?Robert West brook. Address?S. B. Latham, state man nger. Solo?Miss Luoottti Cunningham. Quartet?Colonial Quartet. ^.Trombone solo Vincent UoMnrlno. Solo?William Ponton. Plnno solo?Prof. A. I?. Blukemoro. Bessie Mathewa in Jail. Bessie Mathcws, colored, who halls from Washington, registered nl Hotel ' do Curtis yesterday with a lice mcnl ticket good lor six months Bessie was sent up from Phoehus hy Mayor L. P. Purness in default of a good behavior bond of $50. The Charming Woman is not necessarily one of perfect form and features. Many a plain woman who could never serve ns an artist's model, poscBson those rare qualities that all the world .admires: neatness, clear eyes, clean smooth skin und that sprightllncss of step and action that accompany good health, A physically weak woman Is never attractive, not even to hois,-If. Electric Bitters re storo weak women, give strong .nerves, brlrht eyes, smooth, velvety akin, beautiful complexion. Quaran teed nt the Ideal Pharmacy 50c. OM 3 / Suits & Overcoats Special Big Bargiirs in Boys' Suits and Boys' Ov>rcoats Don't miss it? Come Early, before they are picked over. FRANKEL & EISENMAN, Complete Outfitters, 36 WEST QUEEN STREET. Is exceedingly coir And there's a feel in lion when the acooui Start the New Year Boyenton & Next Masonic Temple. DELAY OF HUNTERS CAUSES NO ALARM| County Treasurer Johnson and a Party of Friends Probably Hav? ing a Good Time Hunting. Although they worn expected to. return to I lietr homes last Sunday friends oi County Treasurer David Johnson, Windy Wyntt, Edgar John? son and J. P. Johnson, who are <>u n hunting (rip in the neighborhood of Cape Carles, do inn fear for tholr mifely. I, is said thai the young mo i, ;..l of whom arc good water men, probably tuinained over a few days i i hum duckt;, as this is considered iplcndld weather for duck hunting. II Is thought likely thnl the parly will nun n today or tomorrow, or ihrty possibly remain pv'or until early ntix'l week. 'IIk' hunters made Ihn trip in a special boat, arranged by County isurcr Johnson, tor the occasion. Wihch they left they said unless gnnio whs mil plentiful they would return on last Sunday. Dr. .). S. Wyatt, tln> brother or Mr. Wlhdj Wyatt, and Dr. Frank w. Sh'.e'.dK, the iif:-. itanl county ii usurer, both expressed ilie opinion yesterday that the hunters are Hav? ing a line time and simply decided lu remain over a few days longer, KEROSENE EXPLOSION CAUSED SMALL FIRE The Saloon of Miss M. E. Haverty, in Phoebus, Narrowly Escaped To? tal Destruction. Piro due to the explosion of a kero? sene oil slovo in the saloon of Miss M. E. Haverty, corner Curry and Mellen streets, Phoebus, did about $200 tlnhiages and caused considera? ble oxcltemenl in "that section lasl night. The explosion occurred short? ly alter s o'clock> and the flames spread to tlio culling iflcst rapidly. The alarm was hurriedly turned i:i and the Phoebus firemen responded with their usual promptness. One stream of water was soon playing on the flames: which were extinguished aHer about twenty minutes fighting by the firemen. The loss is covered by Insurance. SERGEANT HAYNES RELIEVED. Capt. Jones is Acting Quartermaster Sergeant at National Soldiers' Home. Quartermaster Sergeant Benjamin Heynes has been relieved from duly at the National Soldiers' Home and bis position is being filled by Capt, Jones. The appointment ol a successor to Sergeant 1 Inynes will he made as scon as Colonel Knox returns. The governor was expected back a few days ago, but so tar he has no! returned. i TO PLAY NEWPORT NEWS. birst Basketball Contest Will Take Place Next Week. Arrangements have been perfected for a basketball same between the NeW| ?rl .News Young Men's Christian Association team ami the Hampton association ph Friday evening of next wee';, it is expected that the contest will be pulled off In armory hall and a warm battle is looked for. COMMITTEE MEETS TONIGHT. Expcted That Definite Plans for Ex? ploiting Hampton Will be Made. The Jamestown exposition advertis? ing committee will meet this evening to take up the best methods of plae i v Hampton advantages before the thousands of visitors to the exposi? tion. f I li is expected that most of the sub committees will be ready to make a I final report. Simon Forsythe Dead. Simon Forsythe, who was taken' to the nixi,. hospital on Monday] suffering with? appendicitis, diedj there yesterday mprnng. The body; Wa? turned over to County Under- j Inker lt. c. ilall lor burial In tlie* j p i(ter's field. Account iforting in times of need, g of security raiid satisfac it is kept at this bank, right. Co. Bankers, 'Phone 553. TI1MII III III ?III ? 11 II I III II1 MR.'KIMBERLY DENIES SHERWOOD INN RUMOR Says He Has No Knowledge of Any Movement to Tearing Down His Hotel. According to n message received ai Old Point yesterday from Mr. .lohn B. Klmberly, who Is In Wash Ingloii, he Knows nothing of the report lo Iho effect that the Sher? wood Inn will probably he ordered torn down by the War Depart? ment. Mr. KlmbOrly talked with those around old Point over the long dls tnncc t> lephone and is reported as saying that there is absolutely noth? ing to the rumor so far as he is aware, lie lias boon in Washington slnco last week, bul according to those near to him his visit to the Cap Ill City ha.- been another purpose and has absolutely nothing to do with anything in connection with touring down the Sherwood Inn. It is expected that Mr. Klmberly will reach Old Point this morning from Washington. P0STMAS1ER BOYENTON BACKFROM WASHINGTON He Has Nothing to Say Concerning His Fight for Reappointment, But Looks Cheerful. Postmaster William 11. Boyenton returned yesterday morning from Washington, where he spent several liuys in connection with bib' fight for reappointment as postmaster oi 1 lampion. Mr. Boyenton declined to discuss Hie situation and absolutely refused to say a word for publication. IK is apparently satisllcd with the out loo!., although he had nothing to say concerning the appointment. 'Mr. Boyenton said that In- has not the slightest idea when Hie appointment will he announced. Former Congressman Harry Ltbby, who is oposlng Mr. Boyenton, is still in Washington. PASSED HIS EXAMINATION. Allen Kimberley of Old Point, Will Be Commissioned in Artillery Corps. Word was received at Old Point yesterday that Mr. Allen Klmberly had successfully passed his examina? tion for a commission in too United States army and tha: he will bo assigned lo the artillery corps, with the rank of second lieutenant. Mr. Klmberly, a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute, is the son of Post? master .loan B. Klmberly, and Is deservedly popular around Fort Monroe. The official announcement of the success of Mr. Klmberly hits not been made, but there Is no ques? tion about his having passed both iho physical and menial examina? tion required by the artillery regu? lations. Robert Bolin's Will. The last will of Hoheit Bolin, colored, was admitted to probate before Clerk, of the Courts Harry 'I. Holl yesterday. The property was 'oft to the widow of the dead man. The Checker Tournament. Tho second game of the checker tr imminent between players from the Hampton and Newport News Young Men's Christian Associations will take place in tie- Hampton association to? nn trow evening. Manager "Win" Clark, of Roanoke, w ill make many changes In that club is. only a few of the old players wl'i he retained. Clark Is living hi Nor? folk and is looking for youngsters who run, throw and hat. Coroner Brings In Sweeping Ver? dict on Terra Cotta Disaster. OPERATORS UND CREW ILL GUILTY Superintendent Galloway of the B. & O. Expresses* Surprise at the Laxncss in Their Duties Shown by Mie Employees of the R-jttd. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 9?The coroner's inquest on the Terra C?t ta wreck of Sunday ninlit. Decem? ber 30, tonight held for the action of the grand jury Harry H. Hilde brand, engineer of the "dead" train 3120; Frank T. Hoffniclr, conductor of the train; P. F. Dent, night train dispatcher at Baltimore; William E. Mcdnuley, division operator of Cue Baltimore and Ohio railroad; ? B. I,. Vermllllon, engineer of the lo? cal train into which 2120 crashed; George W. Nagle, conductor of train lb;-. J. W. Kelley. Jr.. trainmaster Of the Baltimore and Ohio; and Wil? liam M. Dutrow, the telegraph op? erator a; Silver Spring. All the men except Dent, MoCauley and 1 Kelley wore in the building where the inqueb't was held and were at once placed under arrest. Just boTorc the jury retired today Charles W. Galloway, superinten? dent of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, was "hsked by the coroner if he had heard all (he testimony and he replied that he had. lie was asked if he could point out any rule which had been violated by any witness in the case, Mr. Galloway replied: "They have all been violated; ' al! the rules relating to the move? ment of train?." Mr, Galloway says that in his opinion the engineer and conductor of 2120, the "dead" train were equally responsible. He was nskoU it he was surprised at the disclosure apparently showing laxity among the operators regard \ ing the rules governing their posi? tions. He said: "1 am surprised at their : disregard of their trust. 1 can only say that in operating a rail? road you must depend upon the fi? delity ami trust of its employees. They are lacking in that, 1 know If they am?.lacking in that, I know nothing that will compensate for it." The verdict of tho jury was that i the deaths were caused "by the Im? pact due to the act of Operator William Dutrow in displaying an Improper signal to the crew of train 2120" and directs that Dutrow he held tor the action of the grand The jury also held for tho grand jury the other men responsible ln( a lesser degree. The jury arraigned the block system on the Baltimore & Onlo in not Affording satisfactory precau? tions to the lives and property of Its patrons; arraigned the system on the wagsc paid the operators and signal men lipon tho road, ana said that all block signal stations should be kept open twenty-four hours a day and nu additional duties be given the operators aside from work? ing the signals and attending to their telegraphic duties. In Adjourned Session. In an adjourned session this even? ing the Phoebus town council will' lake up the question of the material to be used In paving Mellen and Mai lory streets, it is. expected that tho Hassan concrete paving will receive the attention of the council. LOST OR STRAYED. LOST OR St RAYED? PERFECTLY mnrked Gordon pointer dog. An? swers to name of Jones. Liberal reward if returned to the HULL CUT RATE DRUG STORE. 1-S St. A BOOK OF INFORMATION The Mew York World's Almanac Belter than ever?Just received at Schraudt's Book Store Abo the Warrock-Richnrdson Almanac, you know lt. Bettor eome earl yand get them. RAST QUEEN STREBT. HAMPTON, VIRGINIA. Pho'ne 17. ft New Percales for Spring "RAMONY MILLS" BRAND. i I DEPARTMENT STORE, HAMPTON, VA. INVENTORY SALE Bargains All Over the House. We are Busy Taking Inventory. Now is the Time for Bargains. Don't Wait, But Come Before the Rush. RAN SON B BROS. 8 and 10 W. Queen Street, Hampton, Va. l?CS Easy Terms Two Story Dwelling with large Lot, de= sirabiy located. Terms $200 Cash, bal< ance $50 Every Six Months. $700.00 TO LO VN AT 6 PER CENT M. 0. LACKEY, Manager, P, % PHILLIPS & e' Real Estate, p HAMPTON. 5 VIRGINIA. The Very Best in Clothes Can be Found at ER'S Then, there is also irsner's New Bee Hive Store ?iiiiTOwiim iiiiiiiifflnTWtfiiW7iTin<nrftmT'i ti1 I FOR RBINT X r>01 Marshall street, 9 rooms, electric lights and cistern. $15.00 f> .'{20 Center street, 11 rooms, modern conveniences . 18.00 t3r.O Center street, 6 rooms, electric lights . 10.00 318 Center street, 0 rooms -. i"00 ?> 458 Holt street, 5 rooms, cistern water . 7 00 k> Chapel sheet, r, rooms. 10.00 UiSnllo avenue, 8 large rooms, desirable . 12.00 i> Lauderdalo street, near Car Barns, 7 rooms, desirable.. 12.50 1> Rear of Car Harns, G rooms, desirable location . 10.00 FOR SALE A desirable homo on Chapel street can bo bought, for a reason? able figure on trrms to suit purchaser. I Two lots in the Old Point Development Company's laud near tho % Boulevard. Will sell cheap. Make an otfer. One acre desirably lo'.-ated on LaSalle avenue, near the Boule ? vard. Will sell cheap to quick Dtiyer. ! GEO W. PHILLIPS /> 3? Real Estate, Rentals, Loans & Fire. Inourance, Notary Public. 9 & 11 N. King St. Hampton, Va. jP Phone 50.