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THE DAILY PRESS U the only newspaper In Newport News that receives full Asso elated Press report. fM$4 <J-^.^5?ft<S^^4 <$> ?VOL. XII. NO. 7 WORD LIAR CAUSES ROW IN CONGRESS Representatives Gate and Ma hon Wanted to Fight But Were Prevented. HOUSE IN UPROAR AT ONE TIME Men Were Kept Apart and After Gl.u my at Each Other for a Time ..and Excanging a Few Compli? ments, They Shook Hands and are Friends Again. (By Associated Press). WASHINGTON. D, C, Jail. lO.? The House late today look on the appearance of the closing day of the 55th Congress, commonly known us tho "Will' Congress," when al? terations between members were frequent. Mr. Gaines or Tennessee and Mahon of yjuinsylvania, wore only prevented from meeting in a personal encounter by the inter? vention of other members. Mr. (laines was muking a speech on hl sc bill to "dock" members' pay for absence from the House and was being twitted by both sides of tho chamber, to his evident embarrass? ment, when he charged Mr. Mahon with being absent from the House 95 per cent of the time. When Mr. Galnes had concluded, Mr. Mahon started to make a speech but when he called Gaines a liar, the man from Tennessee j wanted to light, but was 'prevented j from doing so. When order had | been restored, iMr. Mahon again rose. Having been cautioned by the chair that it was 'against the rules tot address a member in the second person ho measured his words say-'. lug he would speak in the "fourth i person." , He -said: "The charge of the gen? tleman from Tennessee that I am away from this House 95 per cent of my time is a deliberate false? hood." With a rush Mr. Galnes reached tffo center of the chamber, making directly toward the gentleman from Pennsylvania, Insisting as he went that no man can call him a liar without personal chastisement. . The House was in an uproar by this time, the chair adding to the noise of the confusion by pounding the desk with his gavel. His efforts finally caused the head of the gavel to fly and it bounded into the body of the House, almost striking on the members. The rush of Mr. Gaines upon his adversary brought a dozen members before the Speaker's desk. Messrs. Ollie James of Kentucy, Taylor of Alabama, Bell of Georgia, -Williams of Mississippi, | the minority leader, and Stafford of> Wisconsin, grabbed Mr. Gaines who resisting vlrogously was borne back' to his seat. Mr. Mahon, standing' in the first aislo on the Republican' sine, seemed to wait for the j impact which never came. Mr.! Gaines back In his seat, the Penn ' sylvnninn continued his speech of! explanation as to how he came to be connected with the invoking of an old statute compelling members to foi-relt pay for time absent from the House. He said that the charge that he was away from the House 95 per cent of the tlm- was a lie on Its face and that he was there 95 per cent of the time as every who .cared to# inquire'or ascertain. The men afterwards shook hands. SENA'lOR PETTUS' EAR TRUMPET MAKES A NOISE Strange Buzzing Sound Annoys Oc? cupants of Senate Chamber But Mystery is Solved. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan 10.? Much annoyance was caused in the United States Senate yesterday by a buzzing sound which kept the engineer at the capltol on a still hunt. Several nervous Senators pro . tested against the noise which be camo stronger and continued throughout last night, defying elec triclans and plumbers who examlnen wires and pipes for the mysterious buzzing, which seemed' to come from NEW! ovory whore hut from no particular SJIOt. This- morning the noiso still con? tinued ami sharp eared pages na? ttily decided that it was emerging from Senator Pottus' desk. ? search showed that a new device which the Alabama Senator lias to enable him to hear the proceedings of tin Senate was the cause. The Sena? tor's arrangement resembles the headgear worn by telephone glrl.t and is connected with a small stor? age baltory which fastens und r the coat. In laying the apparatus {away in his desk Senator Pettus placed the ear piece and the bat 1 t?: ry In connection and the result wat; Hie buzzing sound. RAILROAD MEN GET OUT ON BAIL BONDS Men Who are Charged With Caus? ing the Wreck at Terra Cotta Before Criminal Court. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, 1>. C, Jan. 10.? All of the Baltimore and Ohio rail? road employees held by the coroner's jury to be jointly responsible for the disastrous wreck at Terra Cotta, ecepl Harry Hlldebrnhd, the engi? neer of the extra, which caused the wreck and Krank Huffmelr, conduc? tor of the extra, both of whom were released on bond late last night, were brought before Justice Barnard in Criminal Court today and their ball was fixed as follows: T. F. Dent; assistant train dispatcher, Baltimore, $1,000; W. H. Dutrow, operator at Silver Springs, $2,000; J. W. Kelly, division operator at Baltimore, B. L. Vormillion, engineer of train No. lit! and Ceo. Neagle, conductor of train 66, were released on their personal bonds. Dent and Dutrow furnished bail and were released. Peach Trees Blooming in Virginia. LYNCHBURG, VA.. Jan. (0,?The unprccendenlcdly warm weather is beginning to make the peacJ trees in sheltered locations bloom. BURNED TO NOTHING Pitlsburg Furnace Disaster Worse Than Firsi Expected. ? FORTY MEN ENVELOPED IN METAL Molten Matter Flowed to a Depth of six Feet and No Trace of Many of the Victims Will Ever Be Found. (By Associated Press.) PITTSB?RO; PA., Jan. 10.?Partial investigation to ascertain the num? ber of totalities that occurred at the Liza furnace of the Jones and Laughlin Steel company, limited, last night when an acciimalallon of gas exploded, bursting the base of the large furnaces and showering tons of molten metal over about for? ty men, was completed tonight and shows that the bodies of 12 men, horribly mutilated, have been re? covered and from fifteen to twenty are missing, it being generally 'be? lieved that their bodies were con? sumed by the hot metal and" the ten men In the hospital arc terribly burned, four of them expected to die. It is doubtful whether the num? ber of men killed will ever be known. From present indications over fourteen men were caught like rats in a trap by the fiery metal which (lowed over their bodies to a depth of six feet. No trace of them, It is said will ever be found. Of the dead bodies now in the morgue several arc minus arms, logs and heads', while the others arc burned and twisted beyond recog? nition. The condition of the In? jured is pitiful. A number of men have their eyes burned out and others were so badly injured that amputation of arms and legs was necessary. A gruesome story is told tonight by Deputy Cor? oner l^aidlav/, who says' one of the foreigners apparently a youth be? came crazed by his injury and before he could' be prevented leaped into a pot of molten metal ami was Inciner? ated. The cause of the explosion has not been determined. ' PORT NEWS, VA., Eg I JUDGE W?NTS TR0?PS| TO PROTECT COURT ?r _ < Hargis Murder Trial in Jackson, Ky., Arousing an Intensely j Bitter Feeling. COURT ROOM MORE LIKE ARMORY Attorneys in the Case Do Not Dare; to Venture Out In the Streets Alone?People Want the Case Taken as Far Away From Jackson as Possible. (By Associated Press). FRANKFORT, KY., Jan. JO?At? torney Ii. II. Jouett, counsel for the prosecution In the Ifargls case in. Jackson, reached here Ulis after? noon for Um purpose <?i* securing from I ho Courl of Appeals a writ of prohibition to restrain Special Judge Came from proceeding furth? er with the trial. illc Bays that a dozen men now at Ja< ksoh are hi danger of being shot down unless iho Stnlo troops can he gotten there and Hint blood will certainly How If the trial is proceed? ed with. His request was granted by the court because of the condi? tions at Jackson and Judge Carito has bven Instructed to slop the trial. Special Judge Carne is trying .lames Harris, Edward Cnllahnn, John Smith and John Aimer for the assassination of Dr. B. D. Cox, at Jackson, four years ago. Late hist night he wired Governor Beckham asking that fifty soldiers be troht to guard him against assassination. Judge Carne says his life Is In danger, civil authorities being power? less to protect him. Jackson Is tilled with armed men. Governor Beckham has sent Adjutant Gener? al Lawrence and State Inspector nines to Jackson to Investigate the Bituatlnn there before ordering out the milltin. Want Trial Taken From County. LEXINGTON. KY., Jan. 10.?A special from Jackson, says: Judge Carne held a session of court for Hi minutes this afternoon. He said he would hold a short session to? morrow. ' He also said that he bad asked for troops 'to protect, himself and attorneys in the case. Neither Har? gis or his attorneys, W. A. Young or J. J. C. Bach, appeared in court. The cause of the trouble is the same that has brought about, all previous trouble?the feud between the Har? gis factions and their opponents? the incidents of last night and to? day revolving about the trial of former County Judge James Har? gis and former Sheriff Edward Calla han on the charge of murdering Dr. Cox four years ago. The jury in the case has not been selected as yef. as it has been found impose hie to secure twelve men from Breathitt county, wno are not afraid to pass judgement, upon their fellow townsman and most powerful cltl 7.01.. . The people of Jackson want the trial removed from Jackson as far ns possible. ? Jackson is filled with mountain men fully armed. Attorney W. A. Young who Is conducting the de? fense, is greatly alarmed. He will not venture on the' street. During yesterday's setsion of the court twen? ty men armed with revolvers were lined up on each side of the court room. Army Appropriation Bill Passed. fBv Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. 10.? The House today passed the Army Appropriation bill and bogan the consideration of the Fortifications bill. Several amendments were made to the army bill. The fortifi? cations bill was taken up but no progress was made. Seven Day Adventist Convicted. SPARTANBHRG, S, C, Jan. 10.? Rev. R. I/. Nash, Seven Day Ad? vent ists who was indicted last Nov? ember on the charge of working on Sunday was convicted in the crimi? nal court of this county today. A lino of one dollar was Imposed. MI)AY. JANUARY II, y ?> ,- ? ______________ iNffljD RAILROAD EN" ILL SKIP COUNTRY interstete Commerce Commission Going to Take Steps to Pre? vent Them From Doing so. i ft EXIT WARRANTS AGAINST THEM Harriman and Frick Say They Have No Intention of Leaving the Coun i try But the Commission Apparently is Not Going to Take Any Chances ?Testimony Taken in Chicago. (71 v Associated Press.) CHICAGO, 11,1.s., Jan. to.? Atter uoys for the government who are 'conducting tho Investigation Into ?Hie manag) men) of the Hnrrlman I lines, announced today that I hoy had [determined to stalte steps to prevent K. II. Hurrhnari, llonry C, Frtck and II. H. Rogers from having the Jurisdiction of the Commission. In 'order to proven! this steps were tak? en to cause the Issuance of writs ne exit directed against the men named and llioy will be compelled to remain in the jurisdiction of Iho flour I until they have testified before the hoard. * At today's hearing before the In tprstate Comniorce Commission tno witnci.'scs culled were Julius Kr?ll? schnitt, director of maintenance and operation of the Union Pacilfc, Southorn Paclilc system, T. H, Jud s'on, general I rattle manager of the Illinois Central. Tim testimony today, as on yes l.nlay, was to the effect that in i.ll ?:?</.)< tiiiis. . tho freight condtlona between the Urilbri Pacific and" the Southern Pacific have not been al? tered by the consolidation of the two linos. Competitive conditions between the Soul hern and Union Pad lie, they asserted, existed before the consolidation and still exjsts. Tlte hearing of the ease was ad? journed until January 21 a; Seal tie. Harrlman and Frlck Deny. NEW YORK, oJn. lO'.^?nUed Stales District Attorney Stlmsbn, who will have direction of tho pro erodings taken here In the behalf of the Interstate Commerce Com? mission, would not say toddy wheth? er or not the writs or warrants he exit to prevent E. II. Hnrrlman, Henry C. Frlck, II. H. Rogers and, possibly William Rockefeller from leaving the country, have been Is? sued. ?That fact cannot be officially an Pounced," he said, "until the war? rants are served and become a matter of public, record." Writs no exit may be TsstiPd by, olther a Judge of the United States Dlftrlct Court or a United States Commissioner. The person against whom the writs are Issued must appear either in court or before the Commission and give such hail as may be llxed by the judicial of? fice taking Jurisdiction. Jarnos Still man, wl\<" had been mentioned dur? ing the Interstate Commerce Com? mission's sessions in this city and who was expected lo be a witness, sailed for Europe on Tuesday on account of ill health. Messrs. Har? rlman and Frick were shown tho dispatch from Chicago. They each In turn asserted tat they had not thought of leaving to United States at Ulla lime even for a short period. WILL COURT MARTIAL KNOWLES AT ONCE Only Way Accused Would Be Slayer of Captain Mocklin Can 3e Punished, If Guilty. ' fBy Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 10.? Secretary Taft has telegraphed Bri? gadier General McCarthy, command? ing the Department of Texas, with headquarters at San Antonio, to try at once by mWilary court martial Corporal Knowles, company A, Twenty-fifth Infantry, colored, who is now under arrest at El Reno on a charge of having murderously as-. Sflulted ('apt;,in Maeklln of that reg? iment. This action was taken by the Secretary on representations of 11)07. I General McCarthy, that owing to a jdefoct in territorial law no provlft I ions in made for )l)o orliiio of at? tempted murder that I ho only way [Ol punishing Knowlcs, It' ho is guilty of the net, Is I ho court martial. Arcblshop Monloomery Dead. (By Associated Press.) BAN FRANCISCO, OAL., Jan. 10 - Archbishop Montgomery died this af? ternoon, The Archbishop was op oratoil on for appcitdloltls a fow (IttJ'S ago. Ho rallied after llio operation and was believed to bo recovering when a rolupHO ocourrotl, lie wits I? a Klate of coma for tiomo Um?' bof?ru iloath. Oiler IvlectK Fearful Death. (By Associated Proas.) BILLINGS MONT., Jan. 10.- BO win IC. Jack, an oiler at a sugar I factory w,os Killed in a horrible manner today. Jack was wearing his overall blouse unbuttoned and the garment caugbl in a rapidly re? volving shaft. The man was whirl? ed around the shaft nt a tcrrlllc rale, tearing his body to pieces. Revolutionists Have to Flee. I By Associated Prelis.) SAN SALVADOR, REPUBLIC OF SAVADOR, Jan. in.?The llomlurnu revolutionists have been defeated at [151 Cntcygai by General Ciirlnlo, who cujitured th'olr positions and eompoll >!(l Ihi'in to lice t4> Nicaraugunn tor rltory. Postmaster Sentenced to Prison. (By Associated Press.) A LB AN AY. Ga., Jan. 10.?.T. F. Wilson, postmaster at Poitlau, Ga., was sentenced today to one year's Imprisonment ami to pay a duo of $250. He pleaded guilty to a shor? tage In his Office accounts. Jap Warships Not Coming. (By Associated Proua.) TOKIO. Jan. in.?Japanese gov? ernment hat; decided that on account of the anti-Japanese feeling on the IPnclflc Coast, the .InpnneHo squadron will not. visit the Pacltle coast and wJl] only go as far tts Honolulu. TO F?flf$S,000)0?0 Pennsulvanla Road to Issue Im* mense Amount of Stock. SHAREHOLDERS ASKED TO RATIFY Stated That the Road is Not Going to Begin Any New Improvements With the Money?Will be Voted on March 12. (By Associated Press.) I NEW YORK. Jan. 10?Stockholders or the Pennsylvania railroad will be I asked by the management of that company to endorse the issue of one hundred million to the capital slock and one hundred million in bonds. The question will come before the stockholders at their annual meeting on March 12. according to ah an? nouncement made by the management today, It was stated that the com? pany Ik not planning any large im? provements beyond those already an? nounced. In the formal announcement which will be made the stockholders of that road will be informed that while it I may not lie necessary to Issue the pre? ferred new Block or bonda during the current year, the company desires to have the authority from Its share? holders to make such an Issue if cir-j cumstancoB require ii. The notion is taken, the announcement will say. In' view of the fact that the amount of] capital slock already Issued, with that reserved for the conversion of the outstanding convertible bonds, very; j nearly approaches the full sum now I authorized. No Raise for Cabinet Officers. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 10. As reported to the Senate today the executive and judicial appropriation hill dons not contain appropriation for an Increase of the salaries of the Vice President the Speaker find Members of the Cabinet.^ The House Incieasod the salaries to $12,000 a year but 'he Senate committee on Appropriations ha;-, dominated the proposition. THE WEATHER. Friday and Saturday partly cloudy and warmer Friday. 8af tirday fair, fresh to southwest winds. <5 ?^<t,<^$^$^44^'<} *-M>i PRICE TWO CENTS MADDENED BY LOVE HE KILLS COUSIN [Wallace G. Mays of Roanoke Then Turns Revolver on Himself With Fatal Result. 1S1STER WITNESSED THE AWFUL ACT Husband of the Dead Woman was Asleep Up Stairs?Both Man and Woman Died Instantly From Bull? et Wounds In the Head?Leave* Five Children. (Special to lHit Dally Press). KOANOKE, VA., Jan. in.?Williams C. Mays, aged twenty-flvo and un? married, today shot ami killed Mrs. fClla Murray, wife of Frank Mur? ray, ami I lion blow -out his own brains, dying at. the feet of Jlto woman he hnd murdered. The tragedy was onnetod In Ilm Murray home In Ronnoke. while 'tho ? husband, who works in tho Norfolk ami Wintern Railway shops at night, was asleep upstairs. The tragedy was witnessed by Miss Loilli Wilt, sister or Mrs. Mur? ray ,oild Ihn throe year old (IttUghtor of the latter. Mays was madly In [love with Mrs. Murray, who wan lib; Oral cousin. Mays entered tho In.use through the rear door, found the woman in the Kitchen, pm a bullet through her bead and ten one I Into his own. Both died Instantly. Mis. Murray leaves (Ivo smnll cull I (Iron, MAKE RAID ON COAL TRAIN. Inhabitants of North Yaklma, Wash.,'" 0?!? Twenty . P^rloatlE. NORTH ICAK1MA, WASH., JamlO. ' ?A I rain loaded with eoal was raid? ed at the stailou here by citizens without lutd and almost twenty car? loads were eorrlod off. The englno drier started to pull mil, when Ihn levers holding the false bottoms of the coal cars wore pulled and coal lit down on the tracks. Hundreds' have boon without fuel for days with r.bro weather prevailing-. Clt ?zens have organized to bold up any conj train that attempts to pass here without leaving fuel. I STATE LIBRARIAN ON THE WITNESS STAND Says That He Never Acted In Col? lusion With Putng/n or Any Other Coneern. (Special lo The Dally Press.) RICHMOND, VA.. Jan. 10.?Sup irlntendonl of Public Instruction loBoph D. Egg'es ton was- a witness before Iho. school book legislative Investigating committee today, lio 'aid that he favored the slnglu list I of school hooks, and read a lengthy statement In which lie quoted edu? cators of other Stales nt length. State Librarian Kennedy was I placed on the .stand late this after? noon In refutation of the Chargen I made against him on yesterday, by witnesses who hinted at a possible I collusion between him and Putnam I and Company, publishers of Now York In the purchase of tho books for the traveling State libraries'. The testimony of the witness was in (he nature of a sparring match between himself and Iho chairman. He denied In toto the accusuatlon of collusion, saying that he had nev lor received an offer to write a his? tory of Virginia from Putnam arid' I Company. He admits, however, that ho had received such an offer but leclliiod to give the name of tho tlrm making the offer. Ho said that everything he had done* ha.d been"' m the interest of the Stare. Laing Willing to Wed Miss Merchant. 1-TJONT ROYAL, VA., Jan. 10.? Wilbur H. Lalng, who has been ac? quitted of the charge preferred against him by Gussle E. Merchant; 14 year old. created a sensation im? mediately after his- trial when he Instructed Captain H. H. Downing, >( tho firm of Downing & Weaver, 'lis attorneys, to slate to the court that he was, and always bad been, willing to marry the girl if tho parents of the girl would consent.