Newspaper Page Text
HAMP MEMORIAL CHURCH TO BUILD NEW MANSE Handtome Residence for the Pa6tor Will Be Erected in Newport. News Avenue. Tho congregation of the Memor? ial Baptist church has purchase two lots In Newport News avenue and Wi.ll within n sWort period erect a handsome residence for its pas? tor, tho Rov. T. lt. Sauford. Plans fpr the dwelling are being arrangod by a well known architect and "bids for the construction of the house will he asked for shortly, it is proposed to build a residence with all modern conveniences, which will cost about $1.000. IN HAMPTON CHURCHES "Teatro going, and Way it's a Sin" I will he Uro? subject discussed by Rev. .1. P. CnthrlOll tonight in Cen? tral Methodist church. This is the i econd sermon In the series on ' 'Some Sins Church Kolk Commit"] On last Sunday night the church was crowded to the doors lo hear Mr. Cuthrloll on "Card Playing" aiidj tlto subject tonight promises to be even more popular. Morning wib Ject: "The Running Christian. Memorial Church. At the Memorial Rapt 1st church tonight the pastor. Rev. T. Rylnnd Sauford \\CII preach the second <>r bis series of sermons on the "Chris? tian (icutlctnau," taking ns his sub? ject will be "A Searching Questfion." The mens Bible class will moot nt 10 o'clock tin? leader. Mr. George, A. Schmelz, dOBiros a full attendance, of the members. St. John's Church. iRev. lleverdy ECfd.Ul. D. D? will conduct the services In St. John's ohurclf loday. Morning subject, "Thanks Offering on tho Three llnn dreth Adversary of the lCngllsii church In America." Afternoon sub? ject, "Christ Tempted." Regular Services. At the First Methodist, the Hamp? ton Bnptlst and the Presbyterian church the regular services will bei conducted by thulr respective pas-! tors. Mr. Williams' Subjects. Uev. C. N. William will preach this evening In tub .Church of Christ on "Looking for tho Church or Would Christ Recognize It If He Canto to'Hampton," mid this morning on "The Four Commissions." Mr. Henkle at Y. M. C. A. ?Rev. D. S. Henkle, of Newport iSows. will be the speaker at the men's mooting In tho Hampton Young Men's Christian Association this afternoon at 3 o'clock MRS. BAINES' FUNERAL. Services Will Occur This Afternoon at 3:30 O'clock. The funeral Of Mrs. M. A. Raines will take place from the Hampton Baptist church this afternoon al 8:30 o'clock. Rev. B. P. Jones, l>. IV. will officiate. Th?> Interment wlli bo made in St. John's cemetery. The hour for the services had been announced for 2 o'clock, but yesterday It was found necessary to change It to 3:30 Suit in Circuit Court. in the circuit court yesterday suit was instituted by Clara Fauntloroy et als against Helen Fauntloroy el ;ils. Mrs. Semple'8 Brother Dead. Major and Mrs. Edward A. Setn ple hue gone to attend t.hV; funeral of Victor Montgomery, (ho brother Of Mrs. Sein pie. They are expected lo return to Hampton tomorrow. There's Plenty of Winter Weather Coming and you had bolter look out and see. that you have plenty of warm ctotlilng. Stiffs and Overcoats FOR MEN AND BOYS AT Tremendous Sacrifice Prices ' Don't delay. Come In tomor? row. Tho sizes are going fast, and are rapidly being broken. FRANKEL & EISENMAN, Complete Outfitters, SB WEST QUEEN STREET. We (Mose at t>::i() P, M. (Except Saturdays). ~1 HAMPTON'S BEST STORE The New Spring Dress Goodsare He ? Voiles the Favorite. Those bountiful rubrics will continue to lead this season as the fashionable Dress Goods. Voiles with their soft ami sheer texture, have won lasting popularity. Our display Includes Voiles In Black and plain solid colors, shadow checks, Thanton stripes and mirage effects. PRICED 50c. 75c, $1.00. $1.25 AND $1.50. NEW PLAID PANAMA CLOTH $1.00. In Invisible plaids anil Mirage Stripes as well as plain colors, 45 Inches wide. Now very fashionable for Shirts and entire suits. MAY MANTON PATTERNS. Yon will find the May Mantou Patterns of the greatest assistance In planning for your warbrobe. both from economic and artistic view? point. The styles are the moHt up-to-dnle und lie- pattern is the simplest produced. No complications to puzzle you when you open one. Another advantage is that we have your size (lie minute you call for it. We curry a complete line in stock. No delay or disappoint? ment waiting for your size. Steiner & Kaufman, 1.". K IT W. QUEEN ST, HAMPTON, VA. 5* A PRAYER (By Mrs. Q. , PART I. Down the inoitntati'i side n rider was slowly wending Iiis wn.V. His horso wearily stumbled along Hie bridle, path but. his uneven gait was unheeded by bis rider, who sat gazing Intently be? fore bim Into the valley below. 'I'be smoke of many furnaces and mining plants dimmed the clear at? mosphere, and told of the ceaseless activity there. 'Dow I wish.'1 he thought sadly.; "that tin- people of Eastern Virginia could boo <hi.~ country in nil Its as pects, as It lbs before nie. Itullnns, SwddCa; Hungarians?Indeed, people of almost every nation, dwelling In this little valley. No church bell, with its sweet, homelike charm call? ing the people to conic and worship the ?Creatbr echoes-over hill and vaP: ley, and Sunday Is only a name." The sluggish creek ran on and down the vallev and fording Its depths, rider ami horse turned into ? he principal street of the settlement Yesterday had been pay day, and tho Sabbath was Tnll of unholy sound:;. I The very air was foul with oaths of i coarsest nature, and the ribald jest, I followed by drunken laughter, was! heard on all sides. The young man unwittingly threw' his hands to his ears, as something > more dreadful yet. a drunken qUar rel, bounded out along the street. Thi> loud defiant language was quick ly followed by an ominous sound, and in an Instant an unnatural quiet reign? ed within. Not the pence of the Sab? bath, but rather the quiet of horror, for a life lay ebbing away on the floor. 'I'be young man lifted his eyes to heaven. "Did Jesus die for these poor sin-ridden people? Does he pity their Ignorance and superstltiom" SWEARSjHE SAW GUNS THAT HAD BEEN USED Lieut. Lawrason Gives Startling Testimony in Brownsville In? vestigation. (By Associated Press). SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. Feb. 23.? I In fie Penroso court martial Lie;.! George W. Ijxwmson, testified today ; under cross examination that when j he Inspected the guns on the morn-1 iag after the "shooting up" of Brownsville, ho found Boven men with guns that hud evidently been in use. "At an order from Mal- Penrose, | who just then came up." said Lieut.' lawrason. "I went off on another duty, leaving those seven men and ?uns to Pohrosc and Captain Lyon! for further inspection. The cross examination which was conducted 'by Colonel Glenn; wasj very minute. Court adjourned with Met. Lawrason still on the stand. Finn nntl nntm. It Is a good plan to wash figs and dates before giving them to children, or, for Hint matter, to any one. Theli j sweetness attracts Insects, nud their stickiness makes them a perfect horns \ for dust and its umlesirublo germs. Yet most people seem never to think j of this at all. Washing will not Im? pair the flavor. On the contrary, It makes them more agreeable to tho sight and touch as well as to the taste. Versatile. "It was as much as I could do to keep from laughing when Miss Gusch cr remarked that her flnnco was 'so versatile.'" "Meaning Duinley? Well, he Is rath? er versatile." "Nonsense! He's a regular Idiot." "Yes, but bo's so many different kinds of an Idiot."? Philadelphia Press. No. 3,600 drew the box of cigars at Hull's Cut Rate Drug Store last night. Kanus tor rent ami sale. See M O. LACKEY, H ANSWERED * \. Schnii'l/..) Startled by ills own thoughts, he groaned, "Oh Lord! forgive mo, I know It Is not Thy will that those should perish. Lord open Thou the eyes and hearts of Thy people." PART II. The penceful Sabbath stillness was over land and sea. and church going Christians thronged the streets of our Capital City. The congregations gradually filled the spacious edifice, and the minis? ter rose to give his text: "And ye shall he witnesses unto me both In Jerusalem, and in all Juden and In Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth." Ho told with burn? ing words how Jesus had commit? ted to us this great trust. Ho spoke of the very valley of which we have been reading; of the thousands of Christ less souls, slowly parsing into eternity. His words settled Into the heart of one listener, probing deeper and deeper, and bringing Up the refrain. "Inasmuch as ye did It unto one of tho least, of those, ye did it unto Me." "God forgive inc." ho pleaded: on my side of the account for last month, an automobile, fine clothes, jewels for my wife and luxuries un? told; on Jesus' side, my usual church dues?hush?conscience money." Rais? ing Iiis hands, he called out broken? ly, "Stop, Pastor. Stop! Do not burn the iron into my very soul, but let me lay upon Cod's altar for State Missions, the salary of one mission? ary to toll these people about Christ.1' A strange hush fell upon the nudi I once, and as the deacons passed the baskets, such a collection pound in as had never been dreamed of. Who shall say that the prayer back on the mountain sido was not an? swered? Have you answered it too? Tin- Difference. Small Ploy?Pa, what is tho difference between n pessimist and an optimist? Pa?Well, lot me see if I can illustrate. To1: know I inn often discournged, and things don't look to me as If they'd ever go rieht. Well, at such times I can be said to be a pessimist. But years ngo, when 1 was a young mnn. everything looked bright and rosy, and I was always hopeful. Then J. was an optimist. Now, my son, cnu you un? derstand the difference between n pes? simist and an optimist? Small Boy Oh. yes; ouo is married nnd the otlicr Isn't ?Harper's Weekly. Canae of Hin Joy. "What are you looking so happy over, old man?" "I am rejoicing over tho birth of twins." "Great Scott! I congratulate you!" "Don't congratulate me. Co nnd con? gratulate Evans, lie's the lucky man. I never did like him."?Philadelphia In? quirer. Stoic 111* Livelihood. Futter?d Timothy ? I hate doctors. Tiepass Thomas? What fur? Tattered' Tim?One of 'em cured me o' tits w'en I wusr. a kid. Cce. I cud work up some sympathetic crowds if I e'd have one right now! -Cleveland Leader. - Khc Wan the Girt. The Widower?I've always said that if I married again I should choose a girl who Is as good as she is beautiful, Miss Willing? Itcnlly. this is very sud? den, (j'eorge, but I accept you, of course.?Pick Me Up. j When money does not talk too much ] It may properly be termed a modes! num.-Nashville Democrat. For Rent. Mos I desirable location. 7-room dwelling, Modern conveniences. M. O. LACKEY. It six per cent nionby lo loan. Sec M. O. LACKEY. it i < PERSONAL NOTES. The Coming and Going of the People You Know IMr?. Thomas Koslon who has been in Washington for tWe past week, is expected to return homo this morning. Sunday Services. Services will he held at Emanuol Episcopal chapel in Phoebus tliis^ evening at 7:45 o'clock and Sunday school at ;i o'clock. Services are conducted each Friday afternoon at 4:80 o'clock. Mr. Herhert Jones has returned from Norfolk wlfore he went to at? tend tho funeral of his. sister. Died at Her Home "Heartsease." Mrs. Hattie M1ot Sugg, brother of Mr. Herhert Jones, of Hampton died hist Wednesday at her home "Heartsease." Tarhoro. N. C. Mrs. Sugg was the wife of William ('as well Sugg and the youngest daughter of the late Rev. Richard II. Jones, of Norfolk. SWe is survived by one sister and three hrothrs??Miss Isa-j bella H. Jones and Messrs. A. M. and B. ill. Jones, of Norfolk, and ?Mr. Herhert Jones of Hampton. The body was brought to Norfolk Thurs? day and funeral services were con? ducted from the residence <>f Mr. A. IMl Jones-. 127 College Place, by Rv. J. W. Morris. 1). I)., of Christ's Kpisoopnl church The body was in? terred at t?lmwonil cemetery, the ?pallbearers being as follows: Hunter Wogers, Edward Rohy. T. D. Sav ago, B. C. Smith. A; C. Annspaiigh, Paul Taylor. R, A. Smith and C. K. Chandler. The floral tributes were numerous and beautiful. Birthday Party. The Misses Lanesky gnvc a very delightful party in compliment to their brother. A. Lanesky, Friday night. It was the birthday anni? versary of the brother. Funeral of Elias Todd. The funeral of the late .Mr. Ellas Todd. the well known old citizen of Little Bethel who died Friday at his home, will take place this after? noon nt 1 o'clock at tho residence. Services v\4!ll be conducted by Rev. W. R. iWebb. of Mulberry Island, assisted by Rev. W. R, Kee-fe. of Rlvervlew. The body will be interred at Big Bethel cemetery. LOST SCHOONER WAS THE THOMAS WINSMORE Report Says That the Vessel Salted From Hampton Roads the Day Before Storm. (By Associated Press.) NORFOLK. VA., Feb. 23.?It was announced here today that it is now practically certain the three masted schooner w.\'ich recently went to pletes off Cape 'Hatteras with ari hands on board, was the Thomas Winsmorc of Philadelphia, Captain Johnson, long overdue and now giv? en up for lost. The Winumore sailed from Phila? delphia, January 22 for Jacksonville, Fla., with hard coal, and put !nto lianipton Roads1 for harbor January 2,ri. She went out later but again returned, arid after putting ashore her male who was ill. started South tho day before theill fated vessel lost off Hatteras struck on Diamond Shoals. Forms and city property. M. ?. LACKEY. H Try Hull's Little Liver Pills tor hF llousness, constipation and torpid liver. 40 doses. 10c. A splendid aftor Sinner pill. 9-9-su-tf "Regular as the Sun"* Is an expression as old as the race No doubt, the rising and sotting of the sun Is the most regular performance j In the universe, unjes? it is the ac? tion of the liver anrj bowels when regulated with Dr. King's New Lifo Pills. Guaranteed by the Ideal Phar? macy. 2V>c. NOTICE. Bids are requested for erecting one I brick building as a pumping station for the Peninsula Pure Water Com? pany. The building to be erected at a place known as Big Bethel; Va. Plans and specifications mav bo had from K. A. Smith, Resident Engineer, P. O. Box 316, Hampton, Va. The Peninsula Pure Water Company re? serves the. right to accept or reject any or all bids. Bids to be forwarded to the office of the Peninsula Pure Water Co., 18 South King Street, not Inter than Friday, March 16, 19d7. Bids to lie marked: "Proposal for erection of pumping station at Big Bethel, Va." All bidders (excepting successful ones) agree to return plans and specifications after bids arc opened. WM. II. BOARDMAN, Civil. Sanitary & Hydraulic Engineer, 42fi Walnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. E. A. SMITH. Resident Engineer, Hampton. Vh. 2-24 61 HAMPTON AND PHOEBUS Bu? reau of Information has been form? ed bv two Iailb-s for convenience of room renters and strangers expect? ed to attend the Jamestown Expo? sition. Anxiously solicit, patronage of those having rooms to rent to list them with us ami save trouble In securing roomers, collecting, meeting boats and trains. For par? ticulars apply to AIRS. J. WILTON. Office 1?3 N- Klug'St. P. O. Box 365. 2-24-irl-sun-4L FOR SALE. FOR SALE CHEAP?ONE ICE BOX, 1-honie wagon and harness. 1 cof? fee mill and luolor and some other store fixtures. RICHARDSON *> BUSH CO., Hamilton Va. 2-19-1 w Rowe's Dep lrttnent Store Hampton, Va. Conic around und have a look at nur assortment of useful and novelty SOUVENIRS. Big lino of trinkets that are not to ho had elsewhere, ?lahiestown Qxno. uiimbors now en display. Tell your friends. Monday Sale Feb. 25th. :ains 19cuo" These are salesman's samples and nee worth many limes the price we have put f>n them for .Monday. RA IN SO IN E BROS. 8 and 10 W. Queen Street, Hampton, Va. JJLSLSLSULSULSLSUL1SLSUL9.SLQ_ZSLSL P. 0. 0 gfl Q 0 Q 000000. QPi'O Q_P Q_P_0_0_q B J> | FOR SALE. A beautiful water-front farm of 26 acres on Hampton River, dwell? ings, etc . $3.700 12-acres farm 1 1-2 miles from Hampton, with dwelling, etc... .$1,000 An excelleut homo on Chapel street, 7-room dwelling, good as new . $1,650 I.Argo lot, -10x250 foot, nnd 6-room dwelling on Newport News Ave ruo..... $1,600 FOR RENT. 014 Washington, 6 rooms. $10.00 Bast End, water front, r rooms . $11.00 Bayley St., 6 rooms . $ 8.00 Ivey St., nenr Lord ley's, 5 rooms . $ 6.00 l^auderdalo St., nenr Car Barns, 6 rooms . $10.00 l^aSaHe Ave, 8 rooms, one acre land . $12.00 STORES. 12 S. King St ..:. $20.00 Now Brick Store, West Queen St . $21.i>u Armlstend Ave. $ 7.00 50 B. Queen St. $15.00 S South King St. $25.00 OEO. W. PHILLIPS REAL ESTATE. RENTALS, LOANS AND FIRE INSURANCE. NOTARY PUBLIC AND AUCTIONEER. 9 AND 11 N. KING ST. Phono 50. HAMPTON, VA. 14 S. King St. ' 42 Acre Farm. desirably located on shell road, convenient to Newport News and Hampton; Groom dwelling and barn. 96 Acre Farm. desirably located on main road, convenient to Hampton and New? port News. Fine dwelling, new bars, etc. Improvements would cost $3,000. Price, $7,000. $3.000 cash, balance long time. Will consider trade for equity for New? port News property. 25 Acres, on main Shell road, near town. Fine truck land and desirable lo? cation. 5 Acres, on water front and near town. I Acre, LaSalle Avenue, bargain. K1* ? P. W. PHILLIPS & CO., REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Hampton, Va. FOR RENT. Stores?Double Store, 183 W. Queen street, possession March 1st . . $25.00 No. 35 E. Queen street, up stairs, possession at once, $40-00 50 10. Queen street, wrtl put in perfect repair . $15.00 Residences?422 Holt street. 5 rooms . $7.00 148 E. Queen St., B rooms, $7.00 15 Locust street, 6-rooms, city water. $10.00 413 Elm street.$6.00 415 Elm street .$6.00 417 Elm street . $5.00 Electric Avenue, 6 rooms . $12.50 Electric Avenue, 5 rooms, city water . $10.00 Hampton Roads, 6 rooms, city water .;. $10.00 La Salle Avenue . $8.00 LaSalle Avenue.$8.00 Waterfront . $16.66 Waterfront . $12.50 FOR RENT. 8 Acres, G room dwelling, on oar line. Price $150 per year. 15 Acres, 6-room dwelling, barns, necessary out-bulldlngs. Qood location. 10 minutes drive or Hampton. Flue lot fruit. Price $150 per year. 80 Acres. 5-room dwelling; $75 per year. Monoy to loan at 8 per cent. WB CAN SUPPLY YOUR WANTS. The Best Imported | Swiss Cheese I As well as everything else good iu butter, eggs and daintieft. Pure Food Store F. H. C0UCJ1, Prop. W. Queen St. ? - - Hampton, Nothing Better in Clothing Can be found In Hampton than the fine stock of ready-to-wear goods at Sumter Fire Chief Dies. fBv Associated Press.) SUMPTKR. S. C, Feb. 23.?W. S. Graham, chief of tho Are department* who was injured yesterday by tho collapsing of the walls in tho fire whicty destroyed Beck Brother's building, died today. Sec M. It Furnished houses for rent, o. LACKEY. 3 The Baltimore, Merchant Taller. We make you u cult for the price asked for a "hand-me down" outfit In most store*. Our fits are guaranteed, i Cor. Queen eV Court Sta., HAMPTON ? ? ? VIRGINIA.